Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 16, 1910, Image 7

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The welcome to Roosevelt at
his home coming on the 13th will
be most fittitg. The bay of New
York ti arbor will be crowded
with boats bearing his host of
friends , while his greeting on
land will be hearty and unpre
cedented. It will be a nonpartisan
tisan welcome as it should be
and yet all will have in mind that
it was as a republican governor ,
vice-president and president that
he gained his fame. He will
continue to a loyal republican
and give his unqualified endorse
ment to the present administra
The so-called unpopularity of
President Taft seems to be con
fined to the muckraking maga
zines and those disgruntled news
papers which did not succeed in
intimidating Cougrss to give
them free print paper. The
people * are with the president ,
and are fast finding out his
worth. They are learning to
love him for his sincerity , his
rugged honesty and his devotion
to the beat interests of all. Rare
ly in public life do we find a
more unselfish , less unostenta
tious official.
He is doing much for his
countrymen , and in return , they
should do much for him. They
should resent imputations against
his motives and actions , and
rally to his support. They
should sec to it that in the
coming primaries and conven
tions only loyal republicans are
\ nominated for Congress and
State Legislatures , and then
they should devote their test
energies to the election on No
vember 8th of those nominees.
The elections this ye'ar are im
portant in the extreme. See to
it that no good republican is
There will not be a single issue
where republicans cannot rally
to the support of the policies and
candidates of the party. The
work of the two sessions of the
present Congress will be phenom.
cnal , and the legislation and
administration under President
Taft will compare favorably
with any in our history. There
will be no reason for any man to
give his heartiest and most
enthusiastic support.
There is much yet to be accom
plished during the next session
of the Sixty-first Congress and
the two sessions of the Congress
following. For that reason the
House of Representatives of the
Sixty-second Congress should
have a substantial republican
majority to work with the senate
and president in rounding out an
administration that will redeem
every republican pledge. A
democratic house means a do-
nothing Congress. A republi
can house means a continuation
of the splendid work so well
Rarely , if ever before in the
history of our government , has
so much been accomplished in a
single day for the good of the
people as was attained by Presi'
dent Taft on the 6th of June.
On that day he persuaded the
representatives of praqtically all
the western railroads , which was
acquiesed in the next day by the
eastern roads to withdraw their
recent increase in rates filed to
become effective on or after June
1st , 1910 , and to file no rate in
crease until after the passage of
the railroad bill.
In return for this concession ,
the Government abandoned the
injunction suit against the West-
Trunk Line Association. By
this m itual action , a great com
munity of shippers will gain im
mediate relief for months , if not
altogether from a threat , of tre
mendous increases in transporta
tion charges.
( Continued cm Supplement. )
Annual appropriation ordinance of the
city o [ Broken How for the fiscal year lUlU
specifying the object ami purpose tor which
the appropriations are made and Using the
number nt mills levied as tax upon the dollar
He U ordained by the mayor anil council
of the city of Broken now Nebraska.
Section l : That there Is hereby appropri
ated from the monejs raised by taxation on
; lie assessable property ot the city ot llroken
How for the purpose theretofore set out In
the estimate of expenses duly published , the
sum as follows to-wlt ;
estimate of the expenses for the city of
Broken How for the tlscal year 1010.
Ue U resolved that the following estimate
of expenses be made by the Mayor and city
Council lor the city of llrokcu How , Nebraska
for the tlscal year of 1PIO.
Kor streets and alleys and bridges J 3000
For lighting purpose 1500
For officers salerles > . . 1900
For water-works expenses 150CO
Vc' general purposes Including ex
pense of litigation 1800
For payment on city property. . . . > . . . . 800
For liulldlnc purposes 1KKKI
l.'or eletrlc lighting SOOO
Uutorsccn expenses , rents , repairIng -
Ing and such , other expense that
of necessity may bo and should
butneurrcd 500
Tor Improvements of public parks . . . . 1200
Tor purchase of property both Pur-
bonaland real lOPe
Section U ; That for the purpose of raising
the sums set out In the estimate of expenses
or so much thereof as may be necessary to
defray the running expenses of the city for
ilscalyearol liMO i > fBinning May 1910 there
Is hereby levied on tvu h dollar of taxable
property In s.ild city ol Jiroteii How Nebras
ka the following number of mills :
General fund 3 Mills
Street and bridge turn ! : t Mills
Olllcersfund 4 Mills
Interest on bonds 5 Mills
Electric fund ! > Mills
Judgment fund 3 Mills
That there IB the sum of 3 mills levied In
addition to the above levy as a park Im
provement fund.
That there Is the sum of 5 mills levied In
addition to the above levy as hydrant rental
This ordinance shall be In full force and
effect from and after Its approval , passage
and pucllcatlon according to law.
1'assed approved andordcrcdpubUshcdthln
llth day of June 1910.
K. D. I'lckctt
Clerk. John S. Squires
Acting Mayor and President of council.
An ordinance calling for a special election
In the city of Broken How , Ouster county ,
Nebraska , upon the proposition to Issue
bondsln thesuin of $8is)0.00 ) for the purpose
of extending the water mains In the streets
and alleys ot said city , and providing for a
notice of such election and the levy of a tax
for the purpose ot paying the Interest on
said bonds and principal when the same be
came due.
He It ordained by the Mayor and city
Council of the city of Urokcn How , Ne
braska :
Section 1. It is hereby ordered that a
special election be held in the city of llrokcu
How , Custer county , Nebraska , on Tuesday
the 12th day of July. 1910 at the usual voting
In each of the four wards of said city , and
the vote shall be upon the following propo
sition , that Is to say :
"Snail the city of Hrokcn How , In the coun
ty of Custer and state of Nebraska , Issue
bonds In the amount of awooo.oo with interest
coupons thereto attached payable to the
bearer twenty years from date and redeem
able at the. option of said city at any time
after live years from date of said bond and
drawing interest at the rate of live per cent
perannum payablyannually from the date
of the delivery of said bond , said bonds to be
dated on the aay of their delivery and Inter
est and principal to be payable as they be
come due at the fiscal agency of the state ol
Nebraska , in the city oi New York , state ot
New York , for the extension of the water
works system , that Is to say : the extension
of the water mains in the streets and alleys
of the city ol Broken How ; and shall the city
oriliokennow levy a tax on the taxable
properly of said city In addition to ail other
taxes sufficient to pay the Interest upon said
bonds as the. patne become due and pay
able. "
S. P. Great & Co. have just received a very
large car load of Furniture. We will give such
good values as will secure cpiiek sales. Don't fail
to see this elegant lot of Furniture.
Our prices are in plain figures. They will
make you sit up and take noticeWe are deter. ,
mined to get the trade.
In about a week we shall have 8000 rods
of the "best Hog Fencing made in America. This
heavy fence 26 inches high we will sell at 21
cents per rod. You had "better leave your order
for all the fence you will need this year as you
cannot duplicate this offer.
S. P. Great & Co
I want to buy your cream ami sell
you your flour and feed ol all
kinds , everything guaranteed ,
W. H. O'Rorke's Feed Store
Phone 409.
Good Crcnm on hand at
South Side of the Square.
W. W. Itisnop will take notice that on the
2 < ni ) day of April. 1910 , the county court of
Cusitor county , Nebraska , Issued an ordi'r of
attachment tor the sum of 1411.92 In an action
pending before It wherein C. J. iiurkc&Son ,
a partnership linn composed of Charles J.
Hurkc and Milton iturke , are plaintiffs and
\ V.V. . Hlshop Is defendant. That personal
property of iicfcndant.conststlng of tanks ,
well and windmill supplies , tubing and other
personal property , had been attached under
said order. The object and prayer of the
plaintiffs In said cause are to recover Judg
ment In the sum of fllt.W together with In
terest thereon at eight per cent , pel annum
from the 2 th day ot April , 1910 , tne same be
ing due on a promissory note executed and
delivered to the plaintiffs by the defendant
on the ilrst day of March , l')10 and due on the
: iOth day of April , 1010. Said cause has been
continued to the ilrst day of August , 1910 and
you are required to appear and answer said
petition on or before the 1st day of August
Dated this 7th day of June , 1910.
C. J. Uuiiuit SON.
Hy Sullivan & squires ,
1-1 Their Attorney ,
Section 2. As soon as practicable after the
Issuance of said bonds Is authorized , th
mayor and city clerk shall offer for sale said
bonds by giving such a reasonble notice there
of as to them may seem best forthclntcrcsts
of said city , and sell the same for cash to the
highest responsible bidder thereof , said
Viayor and city council rcsrvlng ihe right to
rcect | any and all bids. Said bonds shall In
no case be sold for less than par value.
Section 3 The proceeds of the snlo ol
ld bonds immediately upon the ro-
culpt thereof shall bo piud to the city
treasurer of suld city ana by him placed
to the credit of the water fund And Hald
bonds ahull bo denominated "Water
JJonci" and the money obtained therefor
Hluill be uacd for the purpose hereinbe
fore specified and the necessary expense
connected therewith and for no other
Section 4-lt shall be the duty of the
mnvor and clerk of mild city when order
ed by the city council of Bald city to mew
and attest said bonds and afllx thereto
t' ' o Real of said city.
Section D There nhnll bo throe huliros
and two clerks of election in each ward
of said city appointed by the mayor and
city council to act at such election and
said JudceR and clorko nhall perform the
duties ut such election which dovolvoH
upon judges and clerks ol election and
returns of said election shall be made by
said iudgCR and clerks to the mayor and
city council of the city of Urokon How.
Who shall canvahH the vote and declare
the result thereof at the Ilrst regular
meeting ueld alter said election , or so
soon thoreattor as is practicable.
Section 7 That notice of said election
shall bo published in some newspaper
published in said citr lor two weeks
prior to the date of election.
Section 7-Theballotn to b used at
said election shall have printed thereon
or partly written and partly printed the
following :
"Shall the city ol Hroken Bow. in the
County ol Ouster and state ol Nebraska ,
issue bonds in the amount with
Interest coupons thereto attached pay
able to the bearer twenty years froin date
redeemable at the option of said city at
any time after ( Ivo years from date of
said bond , and drawing interest at the
rate of live per cent per annum , payable
annually from the dute ol the delivery ol
said hond , said bonds to bo dated on the
day ol their delivery and interest and
principal to bo payable as they become
due at the fiscal agency of the state ol
Nebraska , in the city of Now Yolk , state
ol Now York , for the extension ol the
waterworks system , that is to sny : the
extension ol the water mains in the
street ? und alleys ol the city ol Urokon
How ; and shall the city ol Hroken Uow
levy a tax on the texablo property of
uald city in addition to all other taxes
sUHlciont to pay the Interest upon HI id
bonds as the same become due and pay
For bond and levy ( )
Against bond ana levy ( )
Section 8 The polls of said election
shall be open at 8 o'clock in the forenoon
i nd close at 7 o'clock in the afternoon ol
said day.
Section 9 TI.IH ordinance shall take
effect and be in lorce from and after its
passage , approval and publication ac
cording to law.
Passed , approved and ordered publish
ed this Hth day of June , 1010.
H. D Picket. Clerk.
John S. Squlros , acting Mayor and Presi
de1 ht of Council.
An ordinance to authorize the city of
Broken Uow to issue its bonds in pursu
ance of the Instructions of the legal votes
of the city of Hrokon Uow , as expressed
it the general election hold Auril 6 , 1910 ,
in which the said city was instructed to
vote bonds upon the city in the sum
of for the purpose of erecting a.
city hall and Jail and to furnish and equip
the same for the use of the city and lire
lie it ordained by the Mayor and City
Council of the city ol Urokon Uow , Ne
braska :
Section 1 That ttio city of Urokon
liow. Nebraska , be and is hereby author
ized to issue coupon bonds in the sum of
llfteen thousand dollars ( S15.000.00) an
liorcinalter provided. Fifteen (15) ( ) of said
bonds shall DO ol the denomination ol
one thousand dollars ( ) each and
shall do numbered consecutively from
ono to lllteen inclusive. Said bonds shall
liu dated at time ol sale and shall become
duo and payable twenty years alter date ,
but payable at any time after ten years
from date , at the option of said city.
Section 2 Said bonds shall bear inter
est at the rate ol live per cent per annum
from tiieir date payable annually , ant
the several installments , pi interest slml
be evidenced by coupons attached tp salt
bonds , and above principal and interest
shall bo nayabfo au they , become duo at
the fiscal agency of the state of Nebras
ka in the ojty oj New York , state of Now
Section 3 Said bonds and cqunopu
shall be signed by the Mayor and shall bo
countersigned by the Clerk ol said city
and the bonds Hhall have alllxed thereto
the seal ol the said city.
Section 4 The Mayor and Clerk of salii
city are hereby authorised and directed
as HOOD as practical to prepare and exe
cute uaid bonds and coupons thoreir
plodu'inir the ( iredltu and revonueu anil a |
the real and personal property ot sak
city ( or the prompt payment thereat am
the proceeds of the name when they nhal _
bo disposed ol according to law shall be
applied to the payment lor the erection
ot said city hall and Jail and furnishing ol
the same , and for fire equipments lor said
city under the direction ol the mayor
and city council authorized by resolu
tion and ordinances ol said city and for
no other purpose ,
suction 6 There shall bo levied ar\d \
collected annually taxes on all Ute taxa
ble property a ! aad ( oily In addition to all
other taxes sufficient ; to pay the accrued
Interest and to apply at maturity bn the
principal of Bald bonds , which taxon
shall be payable in money only and as
expressly provided by law , and no ? Y\qV\i \ \
eyu BO obtained Hh.aU bfil od lor any
other purpodo tlt n the payment pi the ,
Interest or ( or tno , naynipnt ol which they
shall have been rauoil.
Section G This ordinance shall ho in
force and effect from lul.1' alter its PHB >
ago , approval an publication UCCO.rd.iutf
to law ,
i'qaecd nml approved this llth day of
June , I'Jlo , and ordered published.
K. U. 1'lckott. Clerk.
John 8. Squires , acting Mayor and I'resi
dent o ! Council , to
No Dirt. No Cllnkera-All
Cofxl--The Good Kind.
For Sale. Doth Wholesale
and Retail. Highest Market
Price for All Kinds of Grain
West Elevator
P. J. BAIIR , Prop. Plionc 62
U , S. Land unicc at Hrokcn How , Nebraska
Mav 21 , 1910
Notice Is hereby given that 1'ctcr W. lool-
cy , of Hrokcn io\v ) , Nebraska , who , on April
2v , IPOS , made Homestead Kntry No. M7W
serial No. 05400 , ( orscVf of nwu of section 32 ,
township 18 n , range 30 w , Cth I' . M. . has tiled
notice of Intention to make Final live year
proof , to establish claim to the land above
described , before Register and Receiver U ,
S. L > and oillcc , at Urokcn Uow , Nebraska , on
thclisth day of July , 1PIO.
'Claimant names as witnesses- : Thomas
ROMS , Frank Mohat , Itlchard Mohat , Gus
Arthur , all of Urokon How , Nebraska
51-6 Register ,
To George Wilson , cfendant- !
You will take notice that on the 10th day
of May , 1010 , Harry Durham , plaintiff herein
tiled his petition In the district court of
Custer County , Nebraska , against said de
fendant , the object and prayer of which are
to quiet the title In plaintiff to the north half
of the south east quarter of section six , and
the north half of the south west quarter ot
section live all In township eighteen north of
range seventeen west of tne 01' . M. In Custer
county , Nebraska , from a cloud arising by
reason of the record of a certain Jiortgage
on said land , said mortgauc having been
made by Alexander Durham and wife to the
said Ucorgc Wilson , for the sum of $10000
dated May , 15 , 1888 , and being recorded In
mortgage record 23 at page 278 of the records
In the oillcc of the county clerk of said Custer
county and not released of record.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday , the 4th day ot Julyl910
Dated this IDth day of May. loin.
51-3 Jiy T. T. Bell , his Ally.
Is Gladly Extended by a Broken Bow
There arc many enthusiastic citizens in
.llroken Bow prepared to tell their ex
perience for the public good. Testimony
from such a sourse is the best of evidence
and will prove n "helpin hand" to
scores of readers. Read the following
statement :
J. N. Kennedy , of Broken liow , Ncbr. ,
says : "There is no other kidney remedy
I can recommend ns highly as Doan's
Kidney Pills. In July 1907 , I gave n
public statement in their favor and at
this time I gladly con firm it. I had
acute pains thtough my back aud
kidneys and nt times sharp twinges
darted throughout my body. Every sud
den move caused an attack of pain aud I
was often so lumc aud sore that it was
almost impossible for me to straighten.
The kidney secretions were unnatural
and distressing in passage and if allowed
to stand , deposited sediment , I had
hcadaschcs , 7clt restless and was unable
to get my proper rest. Doan's Kidney
Pills procured at Haeberle's Drug Store
helped me from the time I began them
and continued use entirely relieved me.
During the past three years I have taken
Doaujs Kidney Pills , whenever I have
bten in need of a kidney medicine and 1
have received benefit. I am in eightieth
year and I owe much of my present good
health to the use of this remedy. "
For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents
Koster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , New York ,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Superfluous Hair Vanishes in a Night by
a New Discoveiy Beautiful Bust.
All our readers should write at
once for the Wizard beauty treat
ment sent absolutely free Quickly
removes wrinkles , and develops
the bust. How to instantly re
move superfluous hair , black
heads , pimples , freckles. How
to build up sunken cheeks and
add flesh to the face and body.
Just send your address to the
Wizard Co' , Churubusco , Ind. ,
and don't send any money. No
patent medicines or harmful nos
trums to sell anybody. Integrity
is our watchword.
Let us sent you free full partic
ulars , follows our instructions
and then recommend us to your
friends. We send treatments in
plain unrrarkcd package pre
paid. Your complexion can be
as fair and clear as any child ; a
poor figure turned into a beauti
ful bust and well developed form ;
wrinkles and superfluous hair
vanish in a night without pain ,
inconvenience or harmful effects !
Sounds unreasonable does it ?
Skeptics , write for proof , to the
Wixard Co , , Churubusco , lud.
The Custer County Abstract
Company books andbusiness for
sale. Willis Cadwell 46-tf
Dr. Bass , dentist , old location ,
over §'s drug store.
WANTED 1000 acres of land ,
broke , in the vicinity of Anselmo
Willia Qadwell , Broken Bow ,
Nebr , 47-tf
An intelligent person can earn
$100 monthly corresponding for
newspapers. No canvassing ,
Send for particulars. Press
Syndicate , B4683 , Lockport ,
N , Y. 45-tf
# s *
A Great Many Think They think"
And A Very Great Many Only Tfilik
They Think They Think , :
Most people that trade with us
really think , That's why we sell
So much Great Western Dip for
lice and mites on poultry , it will
absolutely keep your Ihcti house
and poultry free from insects.
It is put up iti gallons , half gallons
lens and quarts. Try a quart
and bcjcouvinccd. We also hand-
lesprny pumps.
S. R. LEE.
The Busy Druggist.
A New Clean Stack
Frcsli IOLA Portland Cement.
Fresh Car of ACMA Plaater.
A Splendid Line of Fence Posts ,
If you contemplate using any of
the above tKia Sprimrj or if
you need a nice load of
H. T. Bruce
< a Co.
Broken Bow , Ncbr. Phoa 234.
Consult Him If You Want Water.
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
Onicc over Holcomb's book stora.
Onice phone 203 Residence SO
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
Practices In all the courts. Convayancfng
and uotorial work. Onlcc up stairs over
State uauk of Broken Uow.
Uroken Bow , Nebraska.
East Side of Square
Brokou Uow , Nebraska.
( Licensed )
Business phone , 301 Residence 80JB
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
( Licensed )
Union Block Business phone 85 , Residence 323
llroken Bow , Nebraska.
Glasses pitted.
All calls promptly attended day or nleht.
Phone 01.
Mrs. W. T. Jones has had 17 years exper
ience in rtreasmaklnir. It In useless to look
further , work guaranteed. Room 7 , Olerks
Real Estate , Insurance. Ranches and
llroken BOW , fjebraska .
Anyone , anywhere , can start
a mail order business at home.
No canvassing. Be your own
boss. Send for free booklet.
Tells how. Heacock , A4582 ,
Lockport , N. Y. 45-tf