Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 16, 1910, Image 6

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$1.00 For Yor. .
All subscribers arc considered permanent
nixl If tliuy wish tu discontinue are uxiicctcd
all arrearages anil notify publisher.
Entered at Broken Ilnw , Ncbrank.i , for tranic
mission hi Uio United Htatcs inaiU
at second claRH rates ,
I ) . M. AAlSBtRRY , Editor and Publisher
Whern mntlcr It net on wood base electrotype
n lint prlco of twenty con IN iicr Inch , Bin ile col
umn , for racli Inxurtloti. two orimno ItiBurtloim
15 crnlN tier hull. Special position , Hindu In ,
hrrttun 20 LCIII * jicrliich. Metal bnsot electron *
two or nion : tlnu'M , 15 centH per Inch , I'ayuicnt
first of each inontli.
l < ocAl uiUcrtlRintr flvoceuls pur line cacblu
set lion ,
Notlco of clmtrb cbnrcli ( aim. socl.iblr-fi and
entr.rtalnmenlBlicrc money IH charged , one
Jialf rates.
Death notices free , half crlce for inibllnliluir
Card of 'IMiankH , 0 cent * .
I < cCal nutlcca at rates provided ntatuten of
Society notlccnand rpsolulloiiB.oae-liaJlr.ues
notices free , half price fur Unt of
It now looks as if congress will
adjourn not later than the 25th
of this month.
Democrats are always hopeful
over the outlook , even if they
usually are disappointed with
the look-in. St. 1'aul Pioneer
Missouri republicans are wisely
nominating full tickets in the
strongest democratic counties.
One of the political certainties ,
in this state is the decadence of
Bourbonism. St. Louis Globe-
To those who are fond of mak
ing the statement that Congress
man Lougworth is simply a son-
in-law of a certain prominent
person , a careful perusal of his
latest speech in congress is sug
gested. Cincinnati Commercial
Tribune ,
' On election day the Payne law
will have had over a year of trial.
Its friends reply to criticisms by
performances. Revenue is com
ing in , and business is brisk ,
They quote the old saw with as
surance. The proof of the pud
ding is in the eating. Washing
ton Star.
In passing of the railroad bill
and the Postal Saving bank bill
the republican members of con-
'gress have jagain proven to the
public that'the ' interest of the
public is-safe in their hands.
Both bills were supported' by a
' number of democrats in their
passage. ;
The future of the republican
party is assured if it is controlled
and led by loyal , patriotic men ,
'who stand for progress and hu
manity. It will live'and nourish
if it manifests its ability and
willingness to serve the common
welfare. All it has to do is to
keep in the middle of the road
under noble leadership to an
abiding place in the affections of
the people. Manchester Mirror.
Governor Harmon may not be
, i presidential size , but at least he
is too big a man to be spanked in
public by Mr. Bryan. The "titu
lar leader" of the democratic
party appeals to possessed with
the idea that a man wear his
. brand in order to be eligible to
' the democratic nomination for
president. The delusion docs
' not tend to promote party har-
, mony. Rochester Democrat and
. Chronicle.
That Comet's a Democrat.
The 40,000,000-mile tail of
Ilalley's comet could be rolled up
and put into an ordinary suitcase
so little solidity has it. It seems
to be very similar to the demo
cratic party very thin , very
light , very long drawn out , very
unsubstantial , and coming from
anywhere or nowhere and bound
for anywhere , everywhere and no
where. It is bulk and bluff and
babble and blubber and blather.
It threatens destruction and dis
sipates into obscurity. Piqua
Daily Call.
Were it a matter of carrying
the presidential election in 1912
and of nothing more , the republi
cans could afford to let the demo
crats obtain control of the next
house. A democratic house next
year would insure republican
success the year following. But
there are legimatc problems to
solve. The country docs not
want a deadlock upon congres
sional action. Its interests lie
in the republican success at the
polls next November. Hence ,
the prospect of a democratic
victory will grow fainter as elec
tion day draws near. The people
ple will not throw away the
opportunity to rccurc from the
next congress the legislation
they need. They will not let the
democrats get control of the
house. Denver Republican.
Kinkaid voted for Joe Cannon
for speaker of the house and voted
lor tlic fayne-/
He gave the po
sand claim and
for himself. B
Yes Congn
voted for Can c
after he was
nominee. Anj
can would hai
The only thing
was to vote for (
ocrat. lie was
the democrat pi
voted against hi
would have
Yes he voted > ,
Aldrich bill as a
the best that c
and a measure ii
than anything \
democratic congt
He gave the i
acres of the bi
land inNebraska [
was passed. l |
many a poor man
pered in the pasi
claim which they
ence to a coal cl
Any man has a ri
coal claim in Alas
else if he is icady
the requirmeuta
Glavis in his j
Congressman Ki
no requirements
filing on a coal cl
time Ballingcr wa
of the interior aa
to act as agent fo
cared to employ m
Free Trade andt
Heavy emigrai
United Kingdom U
meat against free i
one that is being u
by students of (
government. The
has grown treraenj
the protective tari
present time free
slogal that no poli
in this country , a :
long ago saw the |
For years labor in |
been in a wretch
and things are goin
worse. There may !
work other than fre
count for it , but yet
no doubt but thatf
ance of free trade
cause of the alarm !
emigration from the
Workmen are seeki
where employment
them. Where dojD
Investigate and youjj
they are going toj
as are unfriendly Jltp
and that accounts'fo
ands that come t
shores. Staudard'ol
British newspaper ,
"present indications
pint ? offices and othi
show that the totalffi
is likely to be over S
Gilbert Parker , a ivu .
t. IV
nritish Parliament , , '
this subject , saidI/V
pression in every &le
our industrial lifet
u \
the dust of England p
and say , 'Thank GoU !
TA tf
because they got/t\t / \ (
where there is work
permanent work ! to
where they can inc
standard of living and claim "a
higher wage ; where the work
man and the manufacturer com
bine to defeat the unfair competi
tion of foreign nations. ' No
workman in any of our colonies
or in the United States wants to
This is the season when appetis
VI ing Breakfasts are made a special
ity. Try the following1 :
VVhent 1'ood , a new ccrcnl , to be
cooked 2ipkg. for 750
Quaker Puffed Wheat very popular
per package loc
Grnpc Nut always the same in
price aud quality , 2 pkg for. .250
Shredded Wheat Biscuit per
pkg i2'/2c
K-0 Corn Flakes , a new supply
3 pkg for 250
Quaker Oatmeal large si/e 300
Luxor Oats a small pkg for
150 Lard Pails Wanted.
_ , r . v.
Even such a black republican
as Jules Haumont approved of
this statement though it came
from a democratic governor , he ap
proved it. We know he did be
cause we saw him nod his head
in pleasing ascent. We could
Din passed , became a law through
the good offices of a republican
house and senate and a tepubli-
can governor. In due time the
debt was all wiptd out and the
felicitous conditions which you
described in your own inimicable
style were the result , Of course
Send Your Abstract Orders to 1/4
I * jW\
J. GL Leonard , Bonded Atstracter I 7T
Office in Security State Bank Building
Screens Keep 'Em out
We Sell Screens
Good Ones Too
Phone 79
G. L. Turner Lbr. Co.
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which , for if'pr ' more
has given a atten-
tion to thes ,6 one , of
the most TI ad most
instructive i 'history '
ol our Gove
Not a sit )
voted agains
speeches not particularly con
ductive to republican harmony.
In fact , he was engaged in an
effort to defeat one of the strong
est and ablest republican members
of Congress. Had he been
present , he would have voted for
the bill , but his absence on such
an errand at such a time , is
signified. \ -