THE CUSO R COUNTY REPUBLICAN The welcome to Roosevelt at his home coming on the ISth will be most fittitg. The bay of New York harbor will be crowded Vi with boats bearing his host of friends , while his greeting on land will be hearty and unpre cedented. It will be a nonpartisan - . tisan welcome as it should be and yet all will liavc in mind that it was as a republican governor , vice-president and president that . he gained his fame. He will continue to a loyal republican and give his unqualified endorse ment to the present administra tion. The so-called unpopularity of President Taft seems to be con- SUPPLEMENT to the Custer County Republican D.M. AMSBERRY. Editor & Publisher. LOCAL NEWS Join the silent procession ride in an Oakland or a White Auto. Ream Bros. 1 Leave orders for that fence at Greats big store 26 inches high. The best fence at 21 cents per rid. Remember the Junior B. Y. P. U. social at the home of Mrs. D. M. Amsberry tomorrow night. Price IS cents. FOR SALK. A fine resident block one block south of ball ground. Will sell by quarters if preferred. B. W. Blair. 42-tf Since returning from my post graduate work in Europe , I limit my practice to Eye , Ear , Nose and Throat. Dr. Christen- "son 52 3 , j- Ice cream and cake social will be given Friday evening at the home of Mrs. D. M. Amsberry under the auspices of the Junior B. Y. P. U. The public is in vited. Price 15 cents. H. M. Sullivan and E. E Squires went to Mullen the first of the week to attend the Hamil ton Murder trial. They are for tbe defence. J. A. O. Thomas has in a ce ment foundation for a new laun dry building which will be 24x70 feet. Thirty feet of it will be two stories * The REPUBLICAN acknowledges the receipt of a copy of "The Magnet , " a magazine of the Northwest published by a com pany at Centralia , Washington of which C. E. Gandy formerly of Broken Bow is vice-pesident. The subscription price of The Magnet is $1.50 orderedthrough he REPUBLICAN we can make the rite $1.25. The Magnet gives the general news of the North west , fine moral tone and well printed. NEWS OF THE COUNTY Eureka News. James Hickey and Asmus Jessen marketed hogs in Anselmo Fiiday. Mrs. Henry Michele and child ren of Dale , Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Koran of the Table , Mrs. Ira James , Mr. and Mrs. Tom Foran , Frank McGown and Clem Snyder wire the guests of Asmus Jessen candidates of the party. The work of the two sessions of the present Congress will be phenom enal , and the legislation and administration under President Taft will compare favorably with any' in our history. There will be no reason for any man to give his heartiest and most enthusiastic support. There is much yet to be accom plished during the next session of the Sixty-first Congress and the two sessions of the Congress following. For that reason the House of Representatives of the Sixty-second Congress should have a substantial republican m a i o r i t v to work w i t h th e scn a ter Sunday. Chas. Hickey and wife , Susan Deacon and Mrs. Foran were Sun day at Jerry Hickeys. Dr. Robinson of Arnold was called Monday to see Tilda Mortenson who is suffering with inflamatorj rheumatism. Mike Leonard of Anselmo was driving1 an insurance agent around the valley Monday , John Teahou of Ortello was in this vicinity Sunday. Miss Johanna Mortensen of Dannebrog has come to take care of her sister Tilda. A heavy rain visited this vicinity on Tuesday and washed out a great deal of corn. A great many farmers around here are plantnig corn over on account of cut worms. John Maroney and Lloyd Reed are sporting new too buggies. Thzt looks rather suspicious for those two young bachelors. Real Estate Transfers Martha S. Porter to carl Si Evelyn An derson lots 6-7 block 46 R R add to Broken Uow . * $ 600 Lincoln Li"d Co to John T Arthur lota 3-5 In block 5 In Corastock 250 Oeo w Past to A L Zutcvern I3CO acres in 3-1MO-3-2-U-1S&7-20-23-84 5378 Lincoln Land Co to Lester F Uly lot lettered "A" 3d add Comstock 60 Wm Purhell te J H Decker parcel In 10- 1523 0 C B Freeman to A J Roath lots 17-18 In block 6 Sargent 400 J D Uolllngworth to C H Schukor lots lo-n-12 in blocks ? add callaway 1300 Wm O Mills to C U Mills 160 acres In 0- 17-25 1600 T. GADD'S ANNOUNCEMENT FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY. Having tiled with the proper officer. I now announce myself a candidate for tbe office of county Attorney subject to the ap proval of .he republican party at the Primary election to t > c held Angust 16th , 1910. It Is perhaps needless for me to say ; I am unalterably against ( he Liquor Inter ests , I am for county option , lor state and nation wide prohibition. I am a republican , but am most emphat ically for the revision of theTarlff downward and for the removal of tariff upon things essentially necessary to the comfort , health , happiness and prosperity of the citizen. My present term of onice docs not expire untllJanuary 1911 , my time and ability there fore Is the property of the citizens of the county , of all political complexion ; that be. Ing true I WILL NOT MAKE A CANVASS. I havenol been absent from any meeting of the board of supervisors have been on hand at all times -uhcn called upon by county omcers from the least to the highest , includ ing Township ana School district officers ; Wiien needed by the private citizen , either over the Phone , or In person I have been on hand by day or night , and this I will have to say at the end of my term of office regardless of the results of the primary election ; if you need the county attorney , you will find him ot his office , not out In campaign , using your time to further his personal interests. If will be because of business , and in that event , there will be a competent lawyer in chaige of the office. I am human , and no doubt have made mistakes during my term of onice , but I have no excuses to offer neither any appologies to make ; I have sought to discharge duty to the best of my ability from mv view point , this I will continue to do ; I will thank you for your consideration and will appreciate your support. Respectfully Yours , N. T. GADD. ANDERSON FOR SUPERVISOR. Having tiled as a candidate for Supervisor ot the third supervisor district subject to the will of the republican primary. I will ap preciate your support. If nominated and elected I will use my best efforts for the ad vancement of the best Interests of the dis trict and the county In general. RA8 AN1JEKSON. MYERS FOR COUNTY ATTORNtY. I am a candidate for conuty attorney sub ject to the aprroval of the republican prl marles. EDWIN F. MTKHS. OUDINANCK NO. 73. Annual appropriation ordinance of the city or Urokun lto\v for the year 1VIO specifying the object anil purpose for which the appropriations are made and llxlne the number of mills levied as tax upon the dollar \aluntlon. lie it ordained by the mayor and council of the city of llroken How Nebraska. Section h That there Is hereby appropri ated from the monejs raised by taxation on the assessable property ot the city ot llrokcn Uow for the purpose theretofore set out In the estimate of expenses duly published , the sum as follous to-wlt : ESTIMATE OF CITY EXPENSES Estimate of the expenses for the city of Urokcn How for the ilscal year 1010. Ue it resolved that the following estimate of expenses be made uy the Mayor and city Council lor the city of Uroken Uow , Nebraska for the ilscal year of 1010. For streets and alleys and bridges t 3000 For lighting purpose 1500 For olilqcrs salerlcs . 1900 For water-works expenses 16010 yc * general purposes Including ex pense of litigation 1600 Forp.iyment on city property SOO For bulldliiR purposes IWOU roreletrlc lighting i'OOO Unlorscvn expenses , rents , repairIng - Ing and such other expense that of necessity may be and should bu Incurred 500 Tor improvements of public parks . . . . 1200 Tor purchase of property both Pur- real . . . . . . lOCo ' RE Potts to ED currier 80 acree In 6- ls-21 1200 A M Cannon M V Hawk lots 3 in ( block Oorrlglnal townof Ansley I2o0 W Sttnman to D E Stlnutan 80 acres in 24-15-J3 1000 James O Leonard to wm Sopcr lot 3 In block 24 J P Oandy add llrokcn Uow. . 2000 A U Cornel Newman the Investors Se curity Co OOo acres In 5-8-9.11-15-17 25000 B J Rogers to The Investcrs Secujlty CoMOacresin29-3o-16-17 23600 Lincoln Land Co to W. II Comstock lots 2 3 block lcttcJcd"E" Comstock 1ZOO G II Kalltn to D A Vansant parcel in 32- 16-18 75 W E warren to M Laughran 320 acres ln2324-20-ZI 5500 O W Morrow to O Read lot 3 In block 15 RE Aliens add to Arnold 2500 J parr to WPKcllenbarger lotl in block 7 2d add to Merna 1500 FII Wood toK Taylor lot 10 in block 3o InOconto 100 M uartolomew & huib to F W Park lots 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-9-10 in block U Uroken Bow 2800 M Cederberg to J P Anderson 160 acres In 26-13-25 2623 U A Watts to R Anderson 160 acres lot 4 sK 3 in block 10 J p OanUy add Brok en Uow 2200 R Wood & husb to E Taylor lots 7-8-0 In block 30 in Oconto 1200 O Ouyle to O A Drake parcel in block 31 llrokcn Bow 1000 TIME TABLE OF C. B. & Q. R. R. Broken Bow Nebraska * East West 40-8:49 a m 39-6:25 : p m 42 7:27 : am 41-ll:2Spm | 44-7:15 p m 43-6:55 : a m 39 and 40 local between Seneca and Lincoln. J. B. SCHROCK , D.O.M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office in Dierks block. Calls answered at all hours in city or country bheppard & Burk Say they have the FINEST L9T o f Fruits and Vegetables i n Broken Bow. All they ask , to prove it , is an order and you will be convinced. Below is a partial list of their great variety. Frniti. Apples Peaches Bannauas Cantaloupe Pineapples Sunkist Oranges and Black Oregon Cherries Vegetables. Onions Lettuce Cabbage Radishes Tomatoes Cucumbers New Potatoes Sheppard & Burk Phone 125 South Side Square I S. P. Great & Co , \ r ' * I want to buy your crcnni niul sell you your flour and feed of Ml khuls , everything gunrnutccd , W. H. O'Rorke's Feed Store Phone 409. ALWAYS Good Crcntu 011 hand at WILLIS & SON South Side of the Square. NOTICH TO DKF13NDANT. \V. W. llisiiop will take notice that on tin- 2 < Hh day of April. 1'jio , the county court of Custor county , Nebraska. Issued an order of attachment tor the sum of Mll.9Jtnan action pending before it wherein C. J. iturkc&Son , principal" * ! ) } "BnicT'&oljd ? , " \vliich "taxes , shall be ayablo in jpaoney onjynnd aa oxproHsly provided by law , and nqnq V eyii HO obtained shall bo U"i > d lor any olhor purpodo tli n the p ynient o ( the rrilpVptif t > r"lor the naympnfp'lvKfoJVtfioy shall Invvo bpon rnued. Hoctiaii C This ordlnunco shall bo in force and oifent from nnd nltor its PUSH- ' " " auq. approval an to law , PasBcd nnd approved tlila llth day of Junu , 1910 , and ordered publiohed. K.U.l'lckott , Clerk. John 8. Squires , acting Mayor and Presi dent ot Council. to COAL M No Dirt. No Clinker * All Conl--The Good Kind. FlED For Sale. Both Wholesale nnd Retail. Highest Market Price for All Kinds of Grain \ West Elevator P. J. BAHR , Prop. Phone 62 looooaoaoocoGocxxxy NOTICE OF PUIILICATION. U. S. Land onice at llrokcn How , Nebraska May si. 1910 A * . TBE CUSTER COUNTY REPUBLICAN Wm H Richards to J T Huffman 160 in MOO 23-24-20-21 The Union Land Co to wm J Heltnuth lots 13-H-15 In block 31 In Ocouto 250 WmOSopertoj W Robinson 5 3-lOOactea block 3-4 in Hutton add Uroken uow parcel in 5-18-20 . . . . : 32H ) P Uerknmicr to M B Munk lots 10-17 in block DORR add Broken How 300 J Vodehual to A Vodchual 120 acres in 25-20-17 fXXK ) A E nruner to R wood pierce 160 acres In 18-18-17 S900 It also insures tranquilitj in the business world for months to come , and in eventual amicable readjustment of rates. It also understood that the threat of the railroads to curtail projected con struction and increase of facili ties will not be carried out , but will go on as intended. STATE or OHIO cnr or TOLEDO , I LUCAS COUNTY. f * * FRAKX J. CIIENEY makra oath that he to wntor partner of the firm ot F. J. CiiKNtr A Co. . dolnff biulneu In the City of Toledo , County and tjtat afomaid , and that nald arm will pay tbe mm of ONE HUNDRED DOM , A 118 for tach and every COM ot CATARIUI that cannot be cured by the UM ot HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J , CHENEY. Sworn to before me and * ub crlbrd in my presence. this < th day ot December , A. I ) . . I86 . A' Wt WtNOTARY NOTARY PUDIIC. Hall'i Catarrh Cure bj taken Internally and art * directly upon the blood and mucous surface * ot th ryittm. Send for testimonials , free. F. J. CIIENEV & CO. . Toledo. O. Bold by all Druggists. 76c. Take Hall's Family 1'llls for constipation. See me before you buy that bill of flour or feed. I want to buy your cream for cash. W. H. O'Rorke's Feed Store Phone 409. The City Bakery Lights the \vay with good baking. Our goods are alway fresh and in the lead , lighting the way and easing the burdens of the housewife. Send us that Special order for prompt attention. Why not use an OLDS GASO LINE ENGINES When ( be wind don't blow. : REAM BROS , v I IYUII biitii i uhvi > i AJuu - W , Nebraska , who , on April Homestead Kntry No. M7W orscvf of nwx of section ! K , nge 20 w , Oth 1' . M , . lias illcil n to make Final live year i claim to the land above Register and Receiver U. IJrokcn How , Nebraska , on iiy , 1010. cs as witnesses- : Thomas ihat , Richard Mohat , Ous bken How , Nebraska JOHN RliliSn , Register. 1QAI. in , cfcnuant : * lotlce that on the tilth day fry Durham , plaintiff herein n In the district court of Nebraska , against nald tie- t-ct and prayer of \ \ hlch are In plalntlfT to the north half qu.irterof section six , and ( the south west quarter of i township eighteen north of Iwcst of the u 1' . M. In Ouster ft , from a cloud arising by Jord of a certain mortgage ltd mortgage having been dcr Durham and wife to the ion , [ or the sum of 10000 88 , and being recorded In ( V22 at page 27H of the records 1 c county clerk of said Ouster cleaned of record. , , 'cdto answer said petition iday , the 4th day ot July.WU lay of May. ism. URY DURHAM , 1'lalntlff a liy T. T. Ucll , Uls Atty. : LPING HAND tided by a Broken Bow ' ! Citizen. ' , ny enthusiastic citizens in rcparcd to tell their cx- epublicgood. Testimony u'rse is the best of evidence ยง n "helpin hand" to ers. Read the following Jy , of Broken How , Ncbr. , ' is no other kidney remedy iiul ns highly us Dorm's fin July 1907 , I gave a nt in their favor and at , ttully confirm it. I had Ihtough my back aud it times sharp twinges font my body. Kvery sud- ed an attack of pain and I ' me and sore that it was blc for me to straighten. 1 : cretions were unnatural " "in passage and if allowed cisitcd sediment , I had tjrestlcss and was unable ipcr rest. Doan's Kidney at Haeberle's Drug Store a7 the time I began them Use entirely relieved me. t1 three years I have taken * Pills , whenever I have Fiu kidney medicine and I ienefit. I am in eightieth much of my present good seof this remedy. " .11 dealers Price 50 cents i&Co. , Buffalo , New York , the United States. the name Doan's and NKLES DISAPPEAR. i Vanishes in a Night by Jvciy Beautiful Bust. aders should write at ( Wizard beauty treat- bsolutcly free Quickly inkles , and develops low to instantly re- rlluous hair , black- ( "pies , freckles. How sunken cheeks and the face and body , $ your address to the % Churubusco , Ind. , end any money. No cines or harmful nos- I anybody. Integrity iword. it you free full partic- ws our instructtions commend us to your e send treatments in arked package pre- ; ' complexion can be clear as any child ; a turned into a beauti- 'well developed form ; 'ml superfluous hair night without pain , ce or harmful effects , treasonable does it ? rite for proof , to the Churubusco , lud. ier County Abstract boks andbusiness for .s Cadwell 46-tf dentist , old location , 's drug store. 1000 acres of land , e vicinity of Anselmo Willia Qadwell , Broken Bow , Nebr , 47-tf An intelligent person can earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. No canvassing , Send for particulars , Press Syndicate , B4683 , Lockport , N , Y. 45-tf FEW FEOBLE THINK f'i A Great Many Thirty Think And A Very Great Many Only Think Tbey Tblnk They Think. : Most people that trade with us really think , That's why we ell so much Great Western Dip for lice nnd niitcn on poultry , it will absolutely keep your I hen house aud poultry free from Insects. It is put up in gallons , half gallons lens and quarts. Try a quart nnd hecouvinccd. ] We also hand- le.spray pumps. S. R. LEE. The Busy Druggist. A New Clean Stack of- LUMBER Fresh IOLA. Portland Cement. Frcah Car of ACMA Plaster. A Splendid Line of Fence Posts , If you contemplate using any of the above this Sprimtf or if you need a nice load of COAL ' CALI/W SEE H. T. Bruce Co. Broken Bow , Ncbr. Phone 234. FRANK KELSEY ALL KINDS OF WELLS Consult Him If You Want Water , llrokcn I3o\r , Nebraska. N. T. GADD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Onicc over Uolcomb's book store. Onice phone 208 Residence Uroken Uow , Nebraska. J. A. ARMOUR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practices In all the courts. Convayanetag and notorlal work , onice up stairs over State uauk of nrokcn Uow. Uroken How , Nebraska. BANGS' STUDIO WE MAKE GOOD PHOTOS East Side of Square Urokou Uovr , Nebraska. HARRY KIMBALL UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ( Licensed ) Uuslncss phone , 301 Residence 801U Uroken Uovr , Nebraska. L. E. COLE EMBALMER & FUNER'L DIRECTOR ( Licensed ) Uuloa Ulock Busluesa phone 85 , Residence 329 lirokeu Uow , Nebraska. DR. G. F. BARTHOLOMEW PHYSICIAN AND OCULIST Glasses Fitted. All calls promptly attended day or night. Phone 01. MRS. W. T. JONES . DRESSMAKING Mrs.V. . T. Jones has had 17 yeare exper ience in lU-easmaklnir. It la useless to look further , work guaranteed. Room 7 , Dlerka Ulock. J. L. FERGUSON NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estate , Insurance , Ranches and Farraa for Rent , Legal Papers Drawn , Sur veying and Platting , Uroken uow , KcbraskaT. Anyone , anywhere , can start a mail order business at home. No canvassing. Be your own boss. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Heacock , A4582 ; Lockport , N , Y. 45-U