Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 16, 1910, Image 10

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Local News of the Week
Perry Dady of Mason was In
the city yesterday looking after
Ole Johnson made a visit to
Round Valley Sunday returning
home Monday.
I have money to loan on well
improved farms at 6 per cent.
E. C. House 51 t-f
Don't forget the 8000 rods of
Hog fencing at Groat's big store.
The best ever.
Tun PAIK IDUAT , . Oakland
and White steam Automobiles.
Ream Bros.
The best fence made in Ameri
ca 26 inches high 21 cents per
S. P. Great & Co.
Ford Automobiles Light ,
Powerful and ( ilassy. Kearn
Mrs. Payzaut of Ord is visit-
iup1 for a few days with her
father S. P. Great and family.
Oakland and White steam
Automobiles at $10UO , $1250 ,
$1700 , $2000 , $4000 Ream Bros.
.Mr. Sands of Indiana ishere
visiting his sister , Mrs. J. B.
Holcornb , and brother , B. B.
Sands ,
Lewis Kimberling , assessor of
Arnold township , and Mr. Hughes
of that locality were city visitors
IT. M. Currie went to Omaha
Monday night to attend a meet
ing of his Mexico Mining Com
The public is invited to an ice
cream social Friday evening at
the home ofsMrs. D. M. Amsberry.
Price 15 cents.
Sam Green add daughters left
Saturday .evening on their way
to Wisconsin , where they expect
to spend the summer.
The Juniors of the Baptist
church will give an ice cream
social at the home of Mrs. D. M.
Amsberry Friday evening , The
public is invited. Price 15 cents.
Miss Etta Brooks , county sup
erintendent of Biaine county is
in the city this week attending
the teachers institute. A num
ber of her teachers are also here.
Upon invitatian from the
Knights of Pythias , the members
of Lady Custer Temple No. 23 ,
Pythian Sisterhood , are urged to
meet at their hall on Sunday
morning , June 19 and go in a
body to the Christian church and
attend memorial services for the
Knights , at 11 o'clock. All
members" and visiting sisters are
asked to be present.
Mrs. Fannie Purcell M. E. C ,
Mrs , Ida Porter M , of R. and C.
Prizes for Nebraska Flyers.
The Aero Club of Nebraska
announces an amateur aviation
contest in connection with the
Mid-West Aviation meet to be
held on a site near Omaha July
9 to 14 ,
There are a good many people
in Nebraska interested in avi
ation but it was not known any
one pretended to fly until the
Aero club announced enough
amateur had be n found in Ne
braska and western Iowa to have
an amateur meet in connection
with a big demonstration , Nine
applications are now in for entries
to this contest.
Professionals who will compete
include Glenn M. Curtiss , who
recently made the record break
ing llight from Albany to New
York City. Chas. K. Willard
and 0. J. Mars , both profession
als in the heavier than air ma
chines are under contract to
The Nebraska Aero club has
put up $15,000 to secure these
men and they will give a five day
demonstration on some site to be
selected by Mr. Mars within a
few days. Both Florence a'rd
Benson are bidders for the meet
and it will be held some place
about Omaha * Clarke Powell of
Omaha is secretary of the Ne
braska club ,
New York Store Stock
at Public Auction.
In order to make a clean sweep of every dollar's worth of merchandise now on
hand , we have decided to let the people of Broken Bow and vicinity have an * oppor
tunity to buy goods at their own price. COME ! ! Come , and make your own bid !
BEGIH3OTG , Saturday Afternoon , JunelSth at 2:30 : and continuing every
afternoon at 2:30 : and every evening at 7:30 : until every article in our store is sold out.
This Auction Sale consists of Ladies' and Gent's Suits , Ladies' and Gent's Furnish
ings , Lace Curtains , Bed Spreads , Portiers , Couch Covers arid hundreds of other ar
ticles which will be sold to the higaest bidder for whatever they will bring.
Presents ! Presents ! Free ! Free !
Six beautiful and valuable presents will be given away at each auction sale , absolutely FREE ! FREE ! !
Reserved seats for the Ladies. Come to the First Sale and we assure you that you will be with us every day until the
entire stock is sold.
Time. Place. Date.
Afternoon , 2:30 North East Corner Saturday ,
Evening , 7:30 of the Square. JUNE 18th.