Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 16, 1910, Image 1

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\ County IRqpublican
M. B A. Team \\cni 1o Mcnia.
The M. B. A. degree team of
Broken Bow went to Merna Tues.
night to assist in initiating a
class of candidates into the M.
B. A. lodge. Deputy Johnson
has written 30 application in the
the past thirty days and has a
number more prospects.
The meeting- was held in the
Masonic hall which is nicely fur
nished and a pleasant place to
meet. After the work was over
refreshments were served and a
splendid time was enjoyed. The
members of the team all
speak very highly ot the treat
ment received by the members at
Merna. .
Epworth League
You are cordially invited to
attend the devotional services of
the Epworth League Sunday
evening , June 19 the subject is
'The Christian Secret" . The
leader for the evening is Herbert
E. Dorris.
Pearl Holcomb of Milbu rn
came down Saturday to attend
Junior Normal.
I IHbi IMffff Jt E3IP ?
With .Our
The Best On the Market.
We also have
Fresn Strawberries Ripe Tomatoes
Green Vegetables of all tinds
We have a fine line of Garden Plants that
"Kan't Be Beat"
Phone 161 THE GROCER Phone 180
Agent for De Laval Separators Cream Station
to n rcuiarknblc de
gree is the showing
we make of jewel
ed lint pins , fancy
combs , barettcs ,
dress pins and
other trinkets.
are not their only
good points , how
ever. They nrc
made for wenr ns
well ns for nppear-
nnce and nrc exclu
sive as well as at
tractive in design.
They in .heir way
fully sustain the
character of this
store for jewelry
and ornaments of
the better class.
K. P. Memorial Services
At the Christian church on
Sunday morning , June 1'JIQ , at
11 o'clock. The Rights of Gen
eral Custer Lodge No. 23 , K , P.
at their Castle Hall at 10:30 : and
march in a body to the church.
All members and visiting Knights
are cordially invited to be pres
ent at this memorial service.
L. D. George , C. C.
W. G. Purcell , K. of R. S.
J ,
Next Week
Mrs. Marietta S. Young of
Omaha was in the city Monday
and made a homestead filing on
Sec. 22 , T. 22 , R. 36.
Chas. K Basset editor and
publisher of the Hyannis Tribune
was in the city Monday. Mr.
fassett carries the largest list of
inal proof notices in the Tribune
of any publisher in this district ,
Jas. T. Moore of Beatrice made
a homestead entry on Sec. 34 , T.
22 , R 22 , land formerly owned
by Louis G. Moore.
Adam Roederof LitchGeld was
n the city Monday and filed
homestead papers on Sec. 6 , T.
26 , R. 26.
Charles W. Howard and John
f. Steward of Mullen each made
applications for homesteads in
the vicinity of Mullen Monday.
Lewis E. Baker of Bee , Ne-
) raska was in the city Thursday
on a contest against the home
stead entry of Clyde Broadstone
of Thedford. There were several
witusses in the case.
Mrs. Belle bteele who has a
lomestead near Thedford was in
town Saturday looking after
government land. Her son-in
aw was with her with the view
of taking back several head of
cows she bought while here.
William Loftus and William
Davis of Jamesville , Kansas ,
were in the city Saturday. They
each filed on a homestead.
Prospects for the New Rail Road Projects
With the viewof 'ascertaining
the amount of freight business
that is waiting for the proposed
rail road from Loup City to Brok
en How the promoters made
special inquiry. As a ressult
the following has been care-
fuljv compiled. In every case we
jiave avoided anythihg that
might look like inflation. Our
purpose being to make an honest
Dresentation of the products of
; he country , and no one is here
reported who will not , under
normal conditions , be a patron ot
the proposed railroad , should it
ae built.
The whole number of acres report
ed Is , 181301
Number of acres In pasture 55204
Number of acres In cultivation In
yearlOO } 89259
lumber of acres not In cultivation
but susclpttble of cultivation. . 30838
dumber of acres ol earn In 1009. 53192
r > umber of acres of wheat In 1909 11218
Dumber of acres of oats In 1909. . 10703
lumber of acres miscellaneous 73 *
Production In bu. rarm value
Corn 1080939 8434W 50
Wheat 2.W9GO SOOOOO 00
Oats SM13OT W55I 80
Miscellaneous : a7fl 19T85 00
Afalfahay 3000.1 tons isooon oo
Prairie hay 11393 tons 095500
Total value of one year's crop If
sold on farm $ 1280374 00
Cattle , horses , hogs and sheep with their
value on the farm.
No. of head value
Cattle 2U5U ! $ 410 > 000
Hogs 3T999 80000000
Horses 0796 679COO 00
Sheep 81J 400001
Total value 118039000
Total number of farmers 07
Value of grain and hay per capita $ 1300 oo
Value of stock per capita 4 200000
Misses Gladys Holcomb and
Mary Eastham spent Sunday at
Walter Wallace's near Berwyn.
Mrs.'Wm. Edmunds of Merna
was in the city Tuesday visiting
her daughters Sarah and Esther.
Samuel VanBuskirk of Lincoln ,
was in the city the first week
looking after his business inter
ests in this county.
Next Sunday evening at the
Presbyterian church an illustrat
ed sermon story will be given.
The choir will sing the songs to
illustrate the subject. Other
services as usual.
W. J. Rice left last Friday
morning on a visit to Sterling ,
Colorado where his daughter
Mrs. Maupin resides. His grand
son who has been visiting him
several months accompained him
At the home of the bride's par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Talbot
Lincoln , Nebraska , Thursday
evening June 2 , 1910 , Samuel
Arthur Porter and Miss Minnie
Merle Talbot.
We are not personally acquaint
ed with the bride , but do not
doubt that the groom exercised
lis usual good judgment and if
ic did she is a lady worthy of the
esteem of the best citizens of the
capital city.
The groom is a young man
who grew up in Custer county
on a farm and is a graduate of the
Broken Bow Business College.
Ic is a young man of good
udgment strict integrity and
enjoys the esteem of a large
circle ot friends in this vicinity ,
tfe is at present employed by a
promoting company at Lincoln ,
Mr. and Mrs. Purter arrived in
Broken Bow the day following
their marriage with a view of
spending sonic time on their
farm six miles southeast of the
city and visiting relatives. After
July 1st , 1910 , they will be at
home to their friends.
The REPUBLICAN joins their
many friends in extending con
The Knghts of Pythias will
meet in a body at the Christian
church next Sunday morning.
There will be memorial services
at 11 a. in At 8 p. m. the sub
ject will be "Did the Bidle Come
from God" . Special music. The
bible school meets at 1C a. m.
Among the graduates of the
Grand Island college last week
were Claude KeHbnbarger of
Meina ar d'Miss Evjji Ca'dwelll
Broken Bow. The latter was a
graduate of the musical depart
ment of the school.
W. C. Elliott of Mason was in
Brokin How Monday looking
after school matters. He attend-
the chapel services of the Teach
ers Institute and delivered an
impromptu address. Mr.
Elliott was among the pioneer
teachers of the county and his
interest along educational line s
is still pronounced. '
Evening entertainments at the
Nebraska State Fair have come
to stay. Arrangements have
been completed for a Stupendous
Fireworks Spectacle , which , to
gether with music , vaudeville
and racing acts , will furnish the
spectator with an evening of en
tertainment only possible where
such large gathering can be had.
James Delmcr the seven weeks * $
old son of Mr. and Mrs Charley
Hickey was taken suddenly ill < ,
Wednesday with cholera inf antum *
ind died at 12:30 : Saturday
morning Drs. Robinson and of
Aronold and Wills of Anseltno
were called but could do vcrv
ittlc to relieve the little sufferer.
He was laid to rest in the Dale
The pall bearers were Georgie ,
and Lawrence Michclc , Frank j
Leonard and Frank McGown.
Mr. and Mrs. Hickey have the
sympathy of the entire community
in their sad bcrcvetnenf.
The county board is in session
this week as a board of cqualiaa-
tion. _ ,
AL E. Church. R. II. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 a. m ;
morning sermon 11:00 a. in ; Jun
ior league 2:30 : p. m } Epworth.
league 6:30 : p. m ; evening sermon ,
7:30 : p. m ; E. L. Mission Study
Class , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. m.
Coue aud worship with us you
w.'M Ito ft. utrs.nger in the church
but once.
Baptist Lliurcli. A. T. Norwood , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
preaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior
union 3:00 : p. m ; B. Y. P. U. 7:00 :
p. m ; preaching 8:00 : p. m ;
teachers' meeting Monday 7:30 :
p. m ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 :
p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday
8:00 : p. m ; Amotna class first and
third Tuesday of each month
7:30 : p ( ! ra. , , ,
-4"J' ' * * ( toi Vv
Christian-Church Z. " rT rard , Pastor
At the Christian church next
Sunday. Communion and preach
ing services at 11:00 a. m ; spec
ial song service and sermon 8:00 :
p. m. ; Special music by the choir
and others. There will several
selections at both services.
Bible school 10:00 : a. m. { Christ
ian Endeavor 7 p. m.
U. B. Church S. M. Zike. Pastor
Sunday school 10:00 a. m
preaching 111:00 a. m ; Junior C.
E. 3 p. m ; Senior C. E. 7. p. m.
Episcopal Church W. J Dunville Rector.
Sunday School 10:00 a. m ;
morning prayer and sermon 11:00
a. m ; evening prayer and address
at 8:00. : The Ladies Guild will
meet at the home of Mrs. James
mAim ffll nn fl m'tt m"J , , n'JN..1 , , , . . . tl .it f .jl ,
, ,
The Celebrated Golden Orangeade made from the
well known Paul Neyron Navel Oranges. We
< will be pleased to furnish this well known sum
mer drink for socials or parties by the gallon.
Per gallon - 36o Per glass - 5c
Ice Cold Orangeade will be found on sale every
day at our store.
Angelus Marsh mallows. A fine confection. 30
< pieces in a box. Per box only - - lOc
< Jergin's Violet Glycerine Toilet Soap. . Nothing
like it at the price. 3 cakes for - - 25c
Olive Oil , the Ge9rge M. Curtis brand , made from
the California Olive. Guaranteed Pure
I In bottles - - 35c and - - 60c
f Spanish Red Peppers in cans. Nothing hotter.
< Per can - - . . . . . 20c
All goods sold by us are Pure and protected
by the National and State Pure Food Laws.
I lxoiao JKTo.