Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 09, 1910, Image 8

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Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters
Karl Cooper returned home
from St , Paul Monday.
W. II , Danielson of Ansclmo
was a city visitor Monday.
Ben Kcllcnbarger of Mcrna
was : a tova Tuesday on business.
T. T. Varncy of Anslcy was
among the city visitors Monday ,
J , B , Dunn of Callaway is in
town this week attending court ,
Ford Automobiles Light ,
Powerful and Classy , Ream
Bros ,
Guy Kobinsou of Anselrno was
attending court in the city Mon
day ,
Ben Ilutt left Monday morn
ing for a few days visit in Vir
Tun PAIK IDKAI , . Oakland
and White steam Automobiles ,
Keaui Bros.
Miss Wilda Ilurlesa went to
Loyal Friday evening to visit
N , Dwight Ford of Ausley was
among the visitors in Broken
Bow Nonday ,
Donald Tooley and Lewis Wil
liams of Ansclmo were in the city
I have money to loan on well
improved farms at 6 per cent ,
E. C. House 51 t-f
Oakland and White steam
Automobiles at $1000 , $1250 ,
$1700 , $2000 , $4000 Ream Bros.
Among the democrats in the
city Monday was'M. C , Warring-
ton of the Mason city Trans
Grover Cameron went to
Ansley Sunday evening where lie
has a position with a lumber
Cecyl Cameron left Saturday
morning for her home inBingham.
She has been attending Custer
Arabelle Peart of Superior ar
rived in the city last Friday
evening to spend a few days with
R. E. Brega of Callaway was
among the democrats in the city
Monday attending the democrat
Dr , lleadrick will visit Broken
Bow Thursday , June 16th ,
Chronic diseases a specialty.
Consultation free.
J. M. Fodge was a passenger
on 42 Tuesday morning going to
Beatrice to attend the Sunday
School convention ,
I'ou SAUt A fine residcnl
block one block south of ball
ground. Will sell by quarters
if preferred B. W. Blair. 42-tf
Since returning from my post
graduite work in Europe , I
limit my practice to Eye , Ear ,
Nose and Throat , Dr. Christen
son. 52 3
'Jesse Triplett and Flavious
McRae started lor La Combe
Alberta , Canada , going by way
of Grand Island and Denver
Tuesday morning. *
Jesse Triplett and Flavious
McRae were entertained by a
farewell party at the home of the
former's sister , Mrs. L. D , Mar
quis , Monday evening.
Wm Franklin , one of the early
settlers of Elk creek , died at the
home of his son-in-law , Chas
Harrison in Mason city Wedncs
day night of last week.
Miss Eva Cadwell was elected
last Tuesday by the board o
Trustees , as one of the instruct
era of the musical department o
the Grand Island Baptist College
I want to buy your cream and sell
you your flour and feed of all
kinds , everything guaranteed ,
W. H. O'Rorke's Feed Store
Phone 409.
Miss Gertie Schafcr who is
working in the bank at Ausley.
and who has been taking a course
in Custer College attended the
graduating exercises of last
Sunday afternoon Fred Burns
ittle boy was kicked by a horse
nllicting a very severe wound of
he face. Dr. Talbot and Bar-
holomew administered to his
Gov. Shallenbarger made a fine
address at the opening of the
eachcrs institute Monday morn-
ng in the Presbyterian church ,
as did also Hon. J. J , Tooley of
Mrs F. M. Currie and'daught-
r Lilas returned from Long
3each , California , Monday cven-
ng | Claude Currie wont to Long
3each last week to accompany
hern home ,
Edith Fodge and Avis Armour
went to Beatrice as delegates
rorn the Baptist Sunday School
Monday evening to attend the
interdenominational Sunday
School Convention.
The ladies of the Methodist
church will serve a chicken pie
dinner and supper in the Flick
building on the cast side of the
square Saturday June 11. A
bazar will be held in connection.
District court convened in the
city Monday with Judge Hostct-
er presiding to dispose of a few
equity cases. There were only
; wo jury cases that were to be
tried and they were postponed
.mtil next term.
E. E. Wimmer and family of
the Comstock News passed
through the city Sunday on their
way to his father's J. M. Wim-
mcr southwest of town on a few
days visit. They came as far as
Broken Bow Saturday night.
The Mason City Transcript
says that II , E. Hall who has
been rural carrier on rural route
SIo. 1 since it has been establish
ed has tendered his resignations.
With the view of taking up
another class of postal work at
J. S. Kirkpatrick of Kansas
City is in Broken Bow this week
looking after interests of his
Client the Dierks Lumber and
Coal Co. Judge Kirkoatrick is
an old tinier in Broken Bow and
lias a host of friends that are
always pleased to meet him.
The district meeting of Rc-
bckahs was held at Mason city
last Friday. Those attending
from Broken Bow report an in
teresting session. The president
of the district was not able to be
present being in quarautecn.
Mrs , Jos. Pigman was elected
president protein.
The Epworth League wil
have charge of the services Sun
day evening June 12th , render
ing a program and the delegates
who were at the Epworth League
convention at Ravenna and make
their report. You are cordially
invited to attend and will receive
a hearty welcome.
Dr. Storkcs of Omaha was in
town Sunday to operate on Jimmy
Francis. Dr. Bartholomew assist
ed him. The boy is getting
along nicely at this time. In the
afternoon he went with Dr
Talbot to see Chas. Richardson
lie could not offer much en
couragement for him , ,
A number of delegates from
the Broken Bow Sunday schools
went to Beatrice Tuesday to
attend the State Sunday Schoo
Convention. Among the nutnbe
were J. M. Fodge of the U , B
church and Mrs. Cadwell , Gaius
Cadwell , Avis Armour an
Edythe Fodge of the Baptis
school ,
Both the M , B , A , and the
M. W. A , lodges held tnemoria
services Sunday afternoon in the
cityt The M , B. A. services
was in the Baptist church and
vl. W. A , in the Chistian > church ,
The pastors of the respective
churches delivered the addresses.
After the services were conclud
ed they repaired to the cemctry
where the graves tf the departed
nembcra were remembered.
"Editor , speaker , missionary
enthusiast and authority , Inter-
lauonal Intermediate Supcrin-
ctideut and a regular encyclo
pedia of information on meth
ods" is what sonic one has called
Guy M. Withers of Kansas City
ind Everywhere. He will be at
he Christian Endeavor conven
tion at Grand Island June 29 and
30 and you can't afford to miss
seeing and hearing him.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Woods and
ittle son , Mrs. C. A. Chapin and
son , Miss Wills and two brothers ,
all of Broken Bow , drove over to
Comslock last Saturday afternoon
and visited ye editor and family
until Sunday noon. They were
well pleased with Comstock and
surrounding country. Mrs. Cha
pin and Mrs Woods are relatives
of Mrs. E. E. Wimuicr and the
young folks , formerly from Vir
ginia , accotnpained them to view
this part of Custer. Comstock
News ,
Prof O. II. Venuer of Grand
Island College who is conducting
the work in English this week is
a man of rare ability. One
prominent school man declared
after listening to his address
that no other institute in the
state was favored with such
ability. Mr. Vcnner delivered
an evening lecture at the Presby
terian church Wednesday on the
subject "A Study of Edgar Allen
Poc , " in which he showed Poe
as the pioneer of American
Habeas Corpus.
In the habeas corpus case in
which Henry W Burdick of Ans
ley sued Mr. and Mrs. Bert Keilen
of Ansley for possession of a
child Mildred Burdick , the court
awarded the father the keeping
of the child. The court has not
issued an order yet. It is expect
ed that the defendants Mr. and
Mrs. Keilen will appeal the
The case was tried in the Cad
well building as the county
judges office was not large enough
to hold the witnesses.
Episcopal Church W. J Duiivilic Rector.
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
morning prayer and sermon 11:00 :
a. m ; evening prayer and address
at 8:00. : The Ladies Guild will
meet at the home of Mrs. James
New Helena Scribe.
Miss Emma Vinedge spent the
past ten weeks visiting friends
at Taylor ,
David Simnis of Arnold visited
relatives in this neighborhood
last week.
Miss Jessie Jacobs held a
picnic sale at her store June 2nd
one feature of the sale was ,
those buying four dollars worth
of goods were to receive a free
dish ice cream ,
SVill Doman and John Bell
shelled corn this week ,
Miss May Jacobs left for Port
land , Ore. last Wednesday.
Will Doman took hogs to
Merna one day last week and
left Sunday for Wyoming to look
for a location *
II. George of Broken Bow was
in the neighborhood Friday in
his auto ,
Robert Ross started for Ala
bama Monday to look for a
Bert Gates passed through here
in his new auto Thursday.
Miss Jencie Simms went to
Broken Bow Sunday to attend
the Junior Normal ,
This neighborhood has been
Having fllcil with the proper oniccr. I
low announce myself a candldrtc for the
onicu of county Attorney subject to the ap
proval of the republican pany at the 1'rlmary
election to t > e held August loth , 191p.
H Is perhaps needless for me to navs I
Am unaltor.-xhly attains ! tlio Liquor Inter-
om-s. lam for county option , lor state anil
nation wide prnlilliltloii.
I am a republican , but am most emphat
ically for the revMnn of theTarlff downward
imi for the removal of tariff upon things
sscntlaliy iiereis.iry to the comfort , health.
Happiness and prosperity of the citizen ,
My present term of olllce does not expire
until January 1911 , my time and ability there
fore Is the property of the citizens of the
county , of all political complexion , that he.
I have not been absent from any meeting of
the board of supervisors have been on hand
it ah times when railed upon by county
oiilcers from the least to the highest , Incluif-
ng Township ana Hchool district oillcern :
When needed by the private cltUen , either
over the I'honc , or In person I have been on
hand by day or night , and this I will bave to
say at the end of my term of onice rcgurdless
of the results of the primary election ; If you
need the county attorney , you will and film
ot his olllce , not out In campaign , using your
time to further his personal Interests. If
tbsent , It will be because of business , and In
: hat event , there will be a competent lawyer
n chatgc of the olllce.
I am human , and no doubt have made
mistakes during my term of olllce. but I have
no excuses to offer neither any appologles to
maUej I have nought to discharge duty to
Die best of my ability from mv view point ,
this I will continue to do ; I will thank vou
for your consideration and will appreciate
your support.
Respectfully Yours ,
Having died as a candidate for Supervisor
ot the third supervisor district subject to the
will of the republican primary , I will ap
preciate your support. If nominated and
elected I will use my best efforts for the ad
vancement of the best Interests of the dis
trict and the county In general.
Some are accusing me of being a young
man. Thalia a crime which I shall neither
attempt to palliate nor deny.
The position of county attorney Is one gen
erally neld by the younger members of the
bar. Nineteen men who were In the State
University with me are now finishing suc
cessful terms as county attorneys In the
state of Nebraska , while one of my Harvard
classmates Is earning * 7,50'i.OO ' a year as a
prosecuting attorney In New York city and
another man of a later class Is doing nearly
as well In a similar position In Boston , Mass.
If the people of Custer County should
choose to nominate and elect me I will do
my best to make them a good county attorn
Marriage Licenses.
Issued since June 1st.
Francis Rltchcy , Callaway 20
Ethel Clluc , Callaway 10
Try tint White Satin flour at
W. H. O'Rorke's Feed Store
There is uone better.
Phone 409.
visited by some fine showers the
past week.
Miss Ruth Roberts is attending
the Junior Normal at Broken
Among the young people from
here who attended the picnic at
Doris Sunday were the Missses
Elsie Ross , Rnth Roberts , Cennic
Christen and Ray Ross , Charles
Higgins and George Roberts.
Hev. Dodson will preaah at the
school house next Sunday.
A series of camp meeting will
begin in Mathews grove July
Most of the farmers are having
to replant their corn.
Prairie Center.
Mr. and Mrs Bennie Williams
of New Helena visited at Mr ,
Rhoades Sunday.
Willia Christen ot New Helena
spent Sunday and Monday at
Mr. Rains.
Mr. and Mrs. RIcdd Glemni
spent Saturday evening at Walter
Snyders on Ash creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Oxford visit
ed at Mr. Hhoades Monday.
Grace Beal visited at Schurrs
Friday ,
Mr. and Mrs. Medd Gletnrn
took dinner with E. E. IToga-
booni Friday ,
Ortello News ,
Edith Kentrall spent Saturday
Have Your
Natural Complexion
Nnlurc intended everyone to have a
perfect complexion.
Palmolivc is Nature's own aid to the skin.
The soothing , healing palm and olive
oils of which it is composed bring back
delicacy , softness , beauty to face and hands.
Baby , mother , fathci every member
of the family will appreciate it.
It's the one perfect soap for all the
uses of the toilet. VAt
A single cake will prove it to you
At the Eagle Grocery Store.
night with May Hyatt.
Pearl and Gail Waters spent
Saturday night and Sunday at
Bert Waters was a Sunday
visitor at James Milligans.
G. W. Wildea was in the valley
the first of the week.
A. T. Hillman is breaking sod
for G. O. Joyner this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ingram
spent Sunday at M. Hills.
Children's day exercises were
well attended at the Ortello
chapel last Sunday. *
The Sunshine Sunday school
will give a Childrens Day pro
gram in Dick Hempstead's grove
Sunday June 12 every one is in
vited ts come.
Misses Ida Ingram and Blanche
Milligan went to Broken Bow to
attend the Normal.
Last Saturday evening a
number of friends and neighbors
pleasnantly surprised Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. Edwards ; a good time
was had by all.
Broken Bow Nebraska.
East West .
40-8:49 : a m 39-6:25 : p m
42-7:27 : am 41-ll:25pm : !
44-7:15 : put 43-6:55 : am
39 and 40 local between Seneca
and Lincoln.
Sheppard & Burk
Say they have the FINEST LOT
o f Fruits n n (1 Vegetables i n
Broken Bow. All they ask , to
prove it , is an order and you will
be convinced.
Below is a partial list of their
great variety.
Sunkist Oranges and
Black Oregon Cherries
* " *
New Potatoes
Sheppard & Burfc
Phone 125 Soutk Side Square
Onice In Dierks block.
Calls answered at all hours In city or country
U. S. kand Ofllcc at Broken Uow , Nebraska
May 21 , 1910
Notice is hereby given that Peter W. Dool-
ey. of uroken now , Nebraska , who , on April
'i , l 05. made Homestead Entry No. 6470
erlal No. 05400 , for seK of nwji of section aj ,
ownshlp 18 n , range 20 w , Oth P. M. . has Hied
notice ot intention to make Final five year
proof , to establish claim to the land above
( escribed , before Register and Receiver U.
S. Land olllce , at Broken Bow , Nebraska , on
he 16th day of July , 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses- Thomas
ROSS , Frank Mohat , Richard Mount , Gus
Arthur , all of Broken Bow , Nebraska
51-5 Register.
W. W. BISHOP will take notice that on the
29th day of April. 1910 , the county court of
Custer county , Nebraska , Issued an order of
attachment tor the sum of S4ll.92lnan action
pending before it wherein C. J. nurke&Son ,
a partnership linn composed of Charles J.
Burke and Milton Burke , are plaintiffs and
W. W. Hishop is defendant. That personal
property of detendant , consisting of tanks ,
well and windmill supplies , tubing and other
personal property , has been attached under
said order. The object and prayer of the
platntifis in said cause are to recover judg
ment In the sum of $111.02 together witn in
terest thereon at eight per cent , pel annum
from the 29th day ot April , 1010 , tne same be
ing due on a promissory note executedand ,
delivered to the plaintiffs by the defendant
on the lirst day of March , 1910 and due on the
Joth day of April , 1010. Said cause has been
continued to the lirst day of August , 1910 ana
you are required to appear and answer said
petition on or before the-Ust day of August
Dated this 7th day of June , 1910.
C. J , UmiKE * SON.
By Sullivan & squires ,
1-1 Their Attorney.
Old papers for sale at this
See me before you buy that bill of
flour or feed. I want to buy
your cream for cash.
W. H. O'Rorke's Feed Store i
Phone 409.
The City Bakery
Lights the way with good
Our goods are alway fresh
and in the lead , lighting the
way and easing the burdens
of the housewife.
Send us that Special order
for prompt attention.
- : -