Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 09, 1910, Image 4

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$1.00 For Yonr.
All subscribers arc considered permanent
nitd If they wish to discontinue arc expected
to pay all arrearages and notify publisher
Entered at 11 token How , Nebraska , for trauv
mission lu tlio United States in a I In
at second class rates.
D. M. AMSBERRY , Editor and Publisher
Where matter It set on wood base electrotype
a flat prlcoof twenty cents per Incli.Rliiitlucol-
nmiu'for each Insertion , two or more Insertions
IS cents per Inch. Special posltloni slnirlo hi ,
Rortlon 20 cents per inch , Metal base , electros-
two or more time * ) , IS cents per Inch. I'atmeut
first of each month.
Local advertising five cents per line cacti In
Notlco of clinrch church fairs , sociables and
entertainments where money Is charueil , one
half rates.
Death notices free , halt price for publishing
Card of Thauks , 10 centrf.
Legal notices at rates provided statutes of
Society notices and resolutions , one-hall rates
Wedding notices free , half price for list of
Llr. Bryan seems to be playing
a no-hit game this year. St.
Louis Globe-Democrat ,
Col. Bryan's statement that he
will never again be a presidential
candidate should be accompanied
by an affidavit. Boston Record ,
The great bluster that the
democrats have made against the
rail road bill in congress for so
long appaicntly had not much
significance as all but twelve of
them in the senate joined with
the republicans last week in pas
sing the bill.
The democratic newspapers
claim that the republican party
is getting scared. The times
when the republicans have been
scared in the past have general
ly been the times when they
have won on election day. Ro
chester Times.
If Mr. Taft had accomplished
nothing else as president , the
wise judgment he has shown in
the appointments he has made
to the supreme court would suf
ficiently entitle him to the grati
tude and confidence of the coun
try , Philadelphia Ledger.
Just where Senators Dolliver
and Cummins stand politically is
a conundrum. They certainly
"are not republicans. They in
sist that the are not democrats ,
despite the fact that they are de
livering stump speeches attack
ing the administration with all
the force at their command.
Rochester Democrat and Chron-
In this issue of the RISPUHIJCAN
appears the announcement of Ras
Anderson for supervisor of Brok
en Bow township , which is made
subject to the republican vote at
the primaries. Mr. Anderson is
a man well capable of filling the
position. > He is a man of public
spirit and should he be the choice
of the primaries we predict his
election easy.
Senator Burkett is the first
senatorial candidate to announce
his willingness to abide by the law
passed by the last session of the
Nebraska legislature ( democratic )
which provides for the election
of the candidate to the United
States Senate that receives the
highest vote , without regard to
the political complexion of the
legislature. Are1 the democratic
candidates willing to take , their
own medicine ?
With factional difference iron
ed out the outlook for a fairly
good sessional record is btcoming
brighter. If the republicans can
succeed in passing a substantial
part of their program the two
houses they will be in a vastly
better position to enter the cam
paign this fall than if nothing
had been accomplished , and the
threatening clouds of a few
weeks ago will disappear before
November. Detroit Free Press
Taft's strength is rapidly
becoming more appreciated.
His high purpose ; his courage to
battle for the right , are becoming
more understood , and not so very
many months will elapse before
the American people will realize
the truth of this prediction priv-
fttelymade by President Roosevelt
two mouths before Mr. Taft's
nomination : "Before his first
term shall have expired , Judge
Taft will be the most popular
and beloved President tnis coun
try has had since the Civil War. "
Ohio Republican LcagUc.
President Taft shows by every
act and every utterance that he
is a broad-minded statesman and
not a narrow-minded politician.
While he is a strong party man
Because he is convinced that his
> arty is right in its prindiples
and in the main , his appoint
ments of the members of the jud-
ciary provqs that he has had
the great good of the whole
country at heart , The stand
which he has taken in favor of
admitting Arizon and New Mexi
co to statehood is another proof
of broad-mindedness. Bristol
Tenn. ) News ,
Nowhere else in the world is
here the buying power of the
American wage-earner , the gen
eral consumer who earns his
iving and he makes up virtual-
y the whole of our race. A days
work for the man who is earning
his living in the United States
under our tariff system will get
litn more of the food clothes and
uxuries he seeks , will give him
> etter housing , will provide him
nore amusements ani will enable
lim to lay up larger savings than
are to be hadjout of a day's work ,
on the average , anywhere else on
earth , New York Press.
Sonic More Good Timber For Governor.
The Quiz is pleased with the
suggestion of nominating A. E ) .
Cady of St. Paul for governor.
He is a man of wide experience ,
abreast with the p.rogressive
uen ot the republican party ,
ihoroughly posted on all public
matters , a man of backbone who
will not be swayed by undue in-
lucnces and a fine speaker. With
him at the head of the ticket the
republicans could go to the polls
with the assurance that the
present outrageous democratic
administration of affairs would
come to an end. Ord Quiz.
The Beacon's "
"political adver
tising department" makes rich
picking while the feudists , Dean
and Taylor'continue to do battle
tor the congressional nomination.
Doubtless the Judge and Billy
Eastham can now get together
and make common cause against
their innate foes , The demo
crats who are opposing the lead
ership of these self-sacrificing
democratic patriots , are commen
cing to exhibit their teeth in this
county. If the Beacon will in
spire a few more feudists , it may
make its "political advertising
department" more profitable than
the county printing. Ansley
When it comes to a choice be
tween the republican and demo
cratic parties , no republican , no
matter how dissatisfied with the
course of events in his own party
can find a solitary good reason
for going over to the democrats.
The democratic party is as badly
divided as the republican party
and has not the record , nor unity
of purpose behind it that the re
publican party has. Its record
when in power has always been
bad and its incoinpetency ap
parent , while all the progressive
legislation of the past fifty years
is attributable to the republican
party. The best prospect of true
reform lies in working within
party lines for what is right ,
and not against it. It is easier
to reform the republican party
than the democratic party.
Madison Chronicle ,
A Good Spirit Manifest.
At the meeting of the Nebras
ka Association held at Lincoln
last week Mr. A , B , Wood of the
Gering Courier was elected presi
dent of the Association for the
coming year. Mr. Wood has
been"editor and proprietor of the
Courier for the past twenty-three
years , and during all of that
time there is perhaps no other
This is Ihe season when th'ngs
taste good and this is the place
to get them.
I'rcsh Strawberries , red
ripe mid Tine at mar
ket prices -
Lettuce , rmli.shescnrrots
beets , tomatoesonions
etc. , just like home
grown ones -
I'iue dried pears , a new
lot , 2 Ibs for - .
I Second Hand
The Eagle Grocery Store.
The Square Deal Store Phone 58
newspaper man in the state who
has attended the Association
tieetiugs more regularly than he.
Ie came to this country when
this was apart of Cheyenne coun
ty and since the organization of
this county has had a great deal
o do with its management.
There was a time when he and
this editor did not track very well
together , but as he has shown a
lisposition to treat us fairly , we
are on better terms. Neverthe-
ess the selection of Mr. Wood
as president of the Association
was a good one and he deserves
every honor the position brings
him. When it is remembered
that Nebraska has over four
hundred editors and that Scotts
Bluff county is m the extreme
western part of the state , it is
with considerable pleasure we
chronicle the event of his elec
tion. Scotts Bluff Republican.
Washington Letter.
You've noticed that lots of
) aseball clubs win the pennant
in February and March just
Before the season opens. Let's
see , for the last fifty years hasn't
the democratic party been
winning most of its elections in
May and June ?
The general point of democratic
attack is the tariff , and yet we
cannot find in a single speech and
reference to the only democratic
tariff law of the past half century.
There is no allusion whatever to
the conditions of business , of
labor , or capita ] , under the oper
ation of the Wilson-Gorman law.
Of course , when it comes to
this point , the republicans have
a far better argument ; in short
the democrots have no argument
at all , because no one can con
ceive how present industrial and
financial condidtions could be
bettered under any revision that
could be brought about by the
democratic party.
While the democrats have
been making pleas on these lines ,
such republican leaders as Payne ,
Fordney. Boutell , Hill , Long-
worth , McKinlav , Hamilton.
Townsend , Reeder , Campbell.
Young and many others haT/e
been contending that the present
tariff law is the best that * we
ever had or at least the best that
we could get , and that under its
operation both from a revenue
and industrial standpoint , the
country is reaping such benefits
as we have never before enjoyed.
Champ Clark , Underwood ,
Sulzer , Byrd , Borland and two-
new accidental Members , Havena
and Poss , made long and studied
attempts to condemn the present
tariff law , but all sang much thfc
same song. All these protective
tariff haters hadn't a good word
to say for the tariff of 1846 and
1857 , which brought such dis
aster to American industry.
None of them , however , had a
Pineapple , the most lus
cious fruit giown
at o 111 y - - 2oc
Cocoauut , the children
like them , each - loc
A fi u e assortment o f
Cookies , call and sec
our line - -
Fancy M u e r Peaches
p e r 1 b - -
2 Delivery
Custer County
Land Man
If you have a snap in a
farm , or ranch for sale list
with-me. If you want to
buy a snap in a farm or
ranch , come and see me.
Phones , office 42 , resi
dence 129.
kind word to say for the Wilson-
Gorman tariff , but all they
would revise the present law so
iar downward that consumer
would be able to buy anything he
wanted from any' part of the
earth as long as he had any
thing to buy it with.
It is believed now * that the
session will be prolonged untr
after July 1st , but that the result
will mean the passage of several
very important bills and the en
actment of most beneficent
legislation. There seems no
doubt whatever but that the
Railroad bill will be passed and
receive the endorsement of
almost the republican vote in
both Houses as well as the
approval of the President. It
seems , too , quite likely that a
Postal Savings Bank law will be
enacted. As to the rest of the
.legislation pending , it is too
early to predict , but alreay it is
safe to assume that the work of
the first Congress under the Ad
.ministration of President Taft in
: its special and first session will
ibe equal to , if not exceed , that of
any previous Congress for many
The democratic tariff talker
does not seem to realize that
when , we open our ports to the
importations of cheap foreign
made goods , that an equivalent
amount of American made goods
must always be displaced , and
that the result must be a closing
of our factories and millions of
idle men. Some of the democrat
ic orators , if not all , would in
crease our free list so as to in
clude lumber , wool and woolens ,
cotton goods agricultural im
plements , boots and shoes , and
hundreds of other "products which
could not be made in this country
without adequate protection.
This would soon mean putting
American labor on the same level
with that of the poorest paid
countries abroad. It would
mean that we would have to
compete not only with conti
nental Europe , but with Japan
and others Astatic countries.
It is interesting to compare
these democratic and republican
speeches. The democratic
speeches are of course entirely
negative , expecting where as
sertions axe made as to what the
party would do if it had the
chance , but there is no mention
- ' - " -f-
Send Your Abstract Orders to 1 J
J. GL Leonard , Bonded Abstractor | /
Office in Security State Bank Building
For Screens.
If you don't get the Screens
now , the Mies will you.
We have what you want.
Phone 79 Z
G. L. Turner Lbr. Co.
Burlington's New Main Line
Through Central Wyoming
the richest undeveloped country in the west. Farmers here have no fenr of
drouth , wind storms or hail storms.
is now so well started on its great wealth producing era that it not only ap
peals to farmers looking for new land upon which to establish new hctnes
under most favorable conditions , but appeals as well to the investor , who
wants to turn his money quickly , and to the
Business Man , Professional Man ,
Mine Operator and Manufacturer
in towns that are springing np like magic and where raw material in plenty
can be handled at a profit.
The new line will reach Thermopolis about July I ,
connecting the outside world with one of the greatest
health resorts in America.
CIIEA1 ? EXCURSION" TICKETS first an Third Tues
days. Send right away for our new booklet just off the press , then go with
me on one of our personally conducted excursions.
D. CLEM DEAVER , General Agt.
Land Seekers Information Bureau
1004 Farnum St. , Omaha Nebr.
How to Get Rid of The Flies !
If you will call upon us in Broken Bow
we will show you how this is done.
We have the largest stock of SCREEN
in Broken Bow. ,
We can furnish you in any standard
size screen door or screen window.
Phone 23. J. S. Molyneux , Manager ,
Have You Deeds
Insurance Policies , or otner valuable papers ?
It so you need a Safe Place to keep them.
One of our
is an Ideal
place for such , and cost is only nominal.
Come in and let us show them to you.
( Strictly a Homo Institution )
W. A. GEORGE , president JULES HAUMONT , "Vice President
L. II. JEWETT , Cashier U. D. PICKET1 , iAsst. Cashier
made of what it did when
it did have the chance. On the
other hand the republican
speeches are filled with tables of
figures , with the records of
commerce , with the amounts of
those employed , and the increased
wages which have come under
our new law. The democratic
orator claims that prices have
been raised because of the tariff ;
the republican orator tells us in
reply that the tariff was reduced
on every article upon which the
price has been raised. These
speeches which were made while
the Sundry Civil Appropriation
bill was under debate prove that
the tariff is lo be one of the
campaign , or rather not the
tariff question so much as the
discussion of the results of the
operation of the law under which
we are now living- .
Real Estate Transfers
John D Knapp to J ssle P Knapp 100
acres In 3J-1S-18 $ 2000
Uen Young to uen U Ervln 160 acres In
29-13-10 1535
S. E. nanford to coarley Grcesley 500
acres In4&9-l0-l9. . . . 17500
E p savage to Lizzie E Morris und M
Int In lot 1 block 5 4th add to Sargent 100
Lincoln Land co to Lizzie E Morris und
H Int Int In lot 1 block 5 4th add to Sar
gent 100
Ezra P Savage to Horatio N Morris und
H int In lot 2 block 5 Sasgent SO
Chas w oreesley to S E Uanford 153
acres In 11-19-18 loooo
Lincoln Land Co to II N Morris lot 2
block 5 In Sargent 50
James \v LunUy to .M Hope Clark 320
acrces In 1-IS. 13-20-18 5000
Jacob 11 Kluinp to Pet r w Mullen all of
block 32 In Broken jjow 1000
Kasuius Anderson to chas W uowman
1UO acres In 28-18 20. . . 3COO
Jacob Oelser to Sam W Pinuston 100
acres in 24-17-25 < nee
Etl r Myers to Amanda Mvers se 4 U-20 2
David T Adams to Krod Cram parcel In S.
ne ! < of nw ; < 1M9-18 500 N
Lincoln Land Co to M'm Glasfordlot2 X
block2 In llerwyn 50
Lots , Anderson to Jamus H Decker lot 12
block 49 In callaway 4100
CO EmpUeld to j j Kulder lot 10 block
loin Anselnio 375
Dorr Hunicman the to 0 G EmpUeld lot
10 block 10 In Anselnio 350
The Nebraska Law and Trust Co to
I'hll P Campbell 16 acres In 15-14-20. . . . 500
Joseph A Kellenbarger to W E Warren
ifW acres In 8-1U-2I 1300
Charles K Tolle to waiter J Harris lots
5 OijT block 1U in Hrokcn Uow SOU
1'annle Itunkey and husb to Grace M
Uyerson lot 5 block a In A W Gandy's
audtoliroken IJOWM , , iw