CHINA IS MAKING PROGRESS Part Played by America In Cotintry'i Advancement Acknowledged With Gratitude , i HlD Imperial highness , Prlnco Tsnl Tao 01 China , In the course of c peoch he delivered nt the twelfth nn eual dinner of the Ameilcnti Afllntlc Association at Dolmoulco'a In Now York , 0aid : "It la an encouraging sign of the times that Americano nro taking n much greater Interest In what Is go Ing on In China thnn they did a little while ago. The free Interchange ol views on questions of public Interest cannot but bo advantageous to botli countries On the other hand , wo nlsc wish to know inoro about other conn tries. Our officials and merchants arc beginning to travel more and more to foreign lands In search of Informal Ion and opportunities. This thlrnt for for elgn ideas IB having Its effect upon the whole country. China Is now passing through n great crisis In hoi history. The old order of things IB fust giving plnco to the now. What wo need most now Is men mon able to do the work that has to bo done. "Though wb have established schools nud colleges In all parts ol the empire as fast as wo can , It will be some decades yet before wo can hope to have such schools and coL leges as you have in this country. Qtill , wo have made n beginning. In the meantime we intend to send n steady etroam of students to your country. Thanks to the generosity of the American government , In remit ting n portion of the Uoxcr Indemnity , China is able now to send 100 students to this country each year for the llrst four yoaro and 50 thereafter. There will soon bo 40 government students ( n this country. These students on their return to their own countcy can not but giro R good account of them- elves. "It la my sincere hope that they will do their part In guiding the af fairs of tholr country In the path ol progress and reform and In binding China and the United States together with a strong tie of friendship and coed feeling. " BABY'S SCALP CRUSTED "Our little daughter , when three months old , began to break out on the head and wo had the best doctors to treat her , but they did not do her-any good. They said she had eczema. Her ncalp was a solid scnlo all over. The burning and Itching waa so severe that nhe could not rest , day or night Wo Lad about given up all hopes when wo road of the Cuttcura Remedies. Wo at once got a cnko of Cutlcura Soap , a box of Cutlcurft Ointment nnd ono bottle tle of Cutlcura Resolvent , nnd fol lowed directions carefully. After the first dose of the Cutlcura Resolvent , , we used the Cutlcura Soap freely and applied the Cutlcura Ointment. Then ihtf began to Improve rapidly nud In two weeks the scale came off her head and new hair began to grow. In a very short tlmo she was well. She is now sixteen years of ago and n pic ture of health. Wo used the Cut- ! cura Remedies about five weeks , reg ularly , nuil then wo could not tell she bad been affected by the disease. Wo used no other treatments after wo found out what the Cutlcurn Remedies would do for her. J. Pish and Ella M. Fleb , Mt. Vernon , Ky. , Oct. 12 , 1909. " "Show Me Another. " Boon after twins had arrived nt the homo of a prominent dry goods mer chant recently the proud father led his son Richard , aged four , Into the room to see the little strangers. The father first pulled down the covers and showed one of the babies to his oon. He then walked to the other side of the bed nnd exhibited the other twin. Richard gazed nt the twofer for a moment with a noncommittal look on his fnco , nnd then demanded : "Show mo another , papa. " LEWIS' "SINGLE DINDER. " A. hand-made cigar fresh from tha table , trrappod In foil , thus keeping fresh until smoked. A fro ah cigar made of good tobacco la the Ideal smoke. The old , well cured tobaccos used are BO rich In quality that many who formerly smoked lOc cigars now amoke Lewis' Single Binder Straight 6c. Lewis' Single Binder costs the denier Home more than ether 5c cigars , but the higher price enables this fac * tory to uuo extra quality tobacco. There are many Imitations ; don't bo fooled. There la no substitute ! Toll the dealer you want a Lowls "Single Binder. " Not Exactly What She Meant. She We've bin very busy at the ' * ' for the mothers' meetln gottlu' ready aalo of work. He Oh ! I 'opes It will bo a auccess. She Yes , I think so ; yer BOO the vicar Is gain' to take most of our clothes off of us. Tntler. Desire for Information , "Mrs , Oaddlngton wants to know nil about everybody's business. " "Yes , " replied Miss Cayenne. "She regards matrimony as a failure be cause she didn't marry a census taker. " ItedV > nk , Weary. Water ? Eye . Relieved By Aturlne Uye Uumedy. Try ilurlne For Your Eye Troubles. You Will Like Murlne. It Soothes. GOc at Your Drugglita. Write For Eye Dooks. Free , ilurlna Ky Remedy Co. , Chicago. Hearsay Evidence. Mrs. Frost How's your husband ? Mrs. Snow The members of his club say ho is looking splendid. Life. BUCCK8S roil hKVKNTV VEAHS > It iba record of 1'iH'ikillir I'll TV H ivtt'l. A ret t > la tor diarrhea , all remedy djtenlury and bowel iuplAlm * . 'Oe tbo geuuloo. tto. &e inO i Mo. A smile Unit won't come off soon bo- cornea monotonous. N December 15 , 1000. the waters of the Pa- clllc ocean , for the first time In all his tory , mingled with the waters of the At lantic across the Isth mus of Panama. It was not , however , through the great cmml that this oc curred , but through the oil pipe line of the Union Oil com pany of California , which was being tested with sea wa ter , under a pressureof 800 pounds , before being put In service. The Installation of the only pipe line connecting the two oceans has excited considerable Interest every where , not only because It was the only largo pipe line in the tropics nt the time , but because It opened the eastern market for the first tlmo to California oil. The Union Oil company of Califor nia was founded In 1890 by Pennsyl vania oil men who had been estab lished In the business In California since 1882. Its headquarters were at Los Angeles until 1908 and Us direc tors nro Los Angeles business men of the highest character for probity and conservative business energy. The president , Mr. Lyman Stewart , Is well known as a philanthropist as well aa a far-sighted business man and to him Is duo the entire credit for holding the company together and bringing It safely through the rocks and shoals of the early days of the oil business In California and the great panic of 1893. I ho company has been doing a largo business on the east const In high-grado standardised nsphaltijm for many years nnd as It was necessary to ship the products of their Call- I fornia refineries ncrosn the continent or around i the Horn In order to got them to the market , they decided to lay a pipe line across the Isthmus nnd send the crude oil down the roast from California In tholr steamers and then up the Atlantic coast to Now York or Philadelphia , where it could bo refined. The laying of the line and construction of the pump stations was Intrusted to Mr. R. W. Fonn , A. 3. C. E. , who had not only been with the company - pany for many years , but hnd also lived In a num ber of the South American republics and was ac customed to the health conditions and to handling native nnd Jamaican labor. Six months' tlmo waa given the company under their concession from the United States government , dating from January 10. 1UOG. Mr. Penn was given about CO mlnutoa to got rondy for the trip nnd renchcd Now York In tlmo to tnko the boat calling Febru ary 2 , 190G , for Colon , without men or plans , but with plouty of money. On April 1C the pipe laying wns commenced and the line was completed on October 1C six months to a day but the tlmo had been extended by the government in order to nllow for prelimi nary nrrnngemonts. Mr. S. T. McElfresh of Pitts- burg , Pa. , wns in immedlnto charge of the plpo- laying gangs. The progress of the work was watched with great Interest by all who saw It. So much complaint had been mndo by everybody nbout the worthlcssness of Jamalcnn laborers that the laying of this plpo line was nn object lesson on the subject. The gnngs nontnlned , each , nbout 70 mon nnd were divided Into sections. First cnmo the "brushors , " cutting all the grass nnd brush , followed by the "stringers. " who Inld the plpo In line , end to end. The next division re moved the thread protectors nnd painted the threads with n preparation of oil nnd graphite. The plpo-laylng gang proper consisted of the mon who handled Iho lifting Jacks , Jack boards nnd chain tonga , five men on each of four.pairs of extra heavy long-hnndled lay tongs. Another sec- tlon lifted the next Joint with pick-ups nnd the plpo steeror lined it up so thnt the thread would enter properly , while the Joint wns twirled by the friction of a length of rope passed around it sev eral times nnd drnwn bnck nnd forth until the plpo would enter no further in the collar without the aid of the tongs. The foreman then sat natrldo the collar nnd boat tlmo with hla hnmmer , while the tongsmen "broke out" two tonga up nnd two down , with the precision of a mllltnry drill. After the Joint was in plnco the pnlnters did their work nnd put on the second coat of pnlnt , the first having been applied when the plpo left the shops , to prevent rust forming while in transit. An important fenturo of the gnng orgnnlzatlon wns the employment of a confidential mnn. who spent nil his tlmo going from ono gnng to another nnd watching to see thnt the orders covering the treatment of the blacks were properly cnrrled out by the foremen. As the Jnmnlcnns nro simply great , overgrown children , they nro easily discouraged by hazing or Injustice nnd quite ns cnsily cncournged by Jollying. Ono may swear nt thorn all he wants provided ho has their confidence nnd , on the ether hand , a big , well-trained gnng cnn bo scattered In two days by a foreman who hag a mean streak In him and lets It crop out. It Is also necessary to mnko each mnn repent every order before sending him to do anything , in older to bo sure ho understands , ns their Intel lect Is not well developed nnd they nro so nnxlouo to please that they will always answer , "Yea , sab , " and start off without knowing what they nro going to do. It Is hntd to renllzo nil of the difficulties which presented themselves during the work. The Pa nama railroad wns In the net of double trncklng Its line and canal construction wna going on ov- orywhoro. Stenm shovels were nt work In varloua places on both sides of the railway and tracks wore being shifted and plans being constantly changed all along the lino. There wns no wagon road Derosa the UUunua and It was necessary to dodge the heavy dirt- trnln trnlllc continual ly , first when distribu ting the plpo , nnd later when moving ma terial. Besides this the work commenced with the beginning of the rainy season nnd wns com pleted before It ended. In ono plnce the men worked through the pouring rnln for thrco weeks up to their wnists In wnter in a Bwntnp , part of the time on n floating plat form or rnft of boards , Of nnd laid the line in ono place on a floating raft of logs a mile long , as there was no bottom. The following ndditlonal description of the line Is quoted from the Canal Record , the official organ of the canal commission , with a few slight corrections of errors in connection with mechan ical features : By the first of January , 190D , practically nil of the stationary boilers in the service of the Isthmian Canal commission will be using crude oil as fuel. It Is estimated that the actual saving to the commission by substituting oil for coal will he nt least 05 per cent. Coal la now delivered on the Isthmus by the Panama Railroad company for $6.35 a ton. On a commercial basis n barrel of the oil delivered to the commission will gen erate na much stenm as n qunrter ton of coal nnd ns the oil costs 90 cents n barrel , the saving from a fuel point nlono will be DC per cent. In addition to this the fixed expenses , such as wages of firemen , etc. , nro considerably less. Oil Is delivered on the Isthmus by the Union Oil company of California , under n concession granted January 10. 190G. for the construction nnd operation of a plpo line from the Pacific to the Atlantic side of the Isthmus over land owned by the United States nnd the Pnnnma Rnllrond company. This company had previously ob tained , under dnto of October 30 , 1905 , n slmllnr concession from the government of Pannmn for the construction nnd maintenance of a pipe line ncross the Isthmus for the purpose of conveying crude oil nnd for the erection of pumplnc stntlona nnd storage tnnks In the cities of Pannma and Colon. The license granted by the sccretnry of wnr Is rovocnblo nt the will of the government of the United States nnd Is conditioned upon the payment of $500 United States currency n month , beginning August 1. 1906 , Into the Canal Zone trensury , the fund thus created to bo set aside for the support of the public schools of the Cnnal Zono. It la further stipulated In" the grant that , if desired , the Isthmian Canal commission or the Panama Railroad company may purchase crude oil from the Union Oil company of California at 90 cents United States currency n barrel. In ad dition to the monthly payment of $500 to the treasury of the Canal Zone , the Union Oil com pany also pays $250 to the government of Pannma nnd ( s subject to the usual Cnnal Zone taxes. The oil delivered on the isthmus comes from Santa Bnrbnrn county , Cnl. Its consistency la about the same as water nnd It can be transported In n pipe line ns readily. It la piped from the Hold to Port Harford , where It la pumped Into the Union Oil company's tank Btonmers , which nro serving points In Oregon , Washington , Hawnll , Chile nnd Guatemala , as well ns Pannnm. There are seven storage tanks In the Canal Zone , four at La Doca , at the Pacific entrance and three nt Mt Hope , nenr Colon. Ench tnnk uns o capncity of 37,500 barrels. An eighth tank of like capncity , formerly located nt Mt Hope , was destroyed by lightning on May 13.1908. The plpo line through which the oil is pumped to the Atlantic side of the isthmus follows the line of the Panama railroad and Is about 48 miles longv It Is made of open-hearth steel pipe , eight inches In diameter , with gate valves at one-mile Intervals and without expansion joints. The plpo holds 15,000 barrels of oil. From eon level to the summit near Culebra the totnl lift te nhout 225 feet. At the summit the line runs nlong the edge of the Rio Grande reservoir and nt this point is encased in concrete , so that if the pipe nhoulcl break the water would not be affected. It is tested to 800 pounds to the square inch , but a pressure of over 300 pounds Is seldom used. A Dow compound pump , driven by steam from boilers in which crude oil Is used , furnishes the pressure to pump the oil across the Isthmus nnd nbout 30 hours nro consumed In the journey. The oil Is EO Inelastic that It cnn bo nscertnlned by the pulsntion in the plant nt La Boca at what moment the valve of the tnnk at Mt. Hope ha ? been closed. As the plpo is laid on the surface of the ground it follows rather a serpentine course and the many curves help to overcome the expansion due to changes In temperature. The company wnn ghen 180 days In which to lay Us pipe. This was at n time when the work Involved not only engineering fentures , but also those of providing subsistence nnd quarters for the men engaged. The laying of the plpo wna begun In several places slmultnneously nnd n largo force of men was kept constantly nt work , so that the company wns ready to deliver oil October 16 , 1906. although the line was not used throughout Us entire length until November 14 , 1907. ' On account of changes In the line of the Pa nnmn Railroad company nnd in that of the cnnnl Itself the pipes hnvo been shifted nt mnny plncos nnd , nccording to the contract , nil this work is done nt the expense of the Union Oil compnny. WOMAN'S ERA IN AUSTRJA. In ten thousands of Austrlnn families girls and young women that formerly prepared for n cnreer with the needle , thereby often digging for them selves nn early grave , nro now getting rendy to embrnco the bettor paid professions , formerly monopolized by man. Since training schools are open to women , the Vienna correspondent of the Boston Post writes , masses of them decided to engage In electricity , architecture , engineering nnd similar pursuits. A number of Vienna girls hnvo declared that they will go jn for bridge building , others want to build machinery nnd If the enthusiasm keeps up tnllorcRses and shirtwaist nnd lingerie factories will soon be hnrd up for hnnds. It Is remarked on nil sides that the opening of the training schools to girls came none too soon , for the sedentnry hnblts to which Austrlnn women wcro condemned resulted in n less prepossessing grace. Now thnt Austrlnn girls , llko Amorlcnn girls , cnn make the best of their opportunities it la expected thnt our womanhood will bo stronger and raoro beautiful than ever. WHY HE OBSERVED. It wns In the last cm of the through Pullman train. "Mamma , " said little Archibald , "that man has on a wig. " ' "Sh ! " cautioned his mother In a whisper. "Didn't I tell you not to bo so observing ? " "Why not , mnmina ? Isn't this an observation car ? " At the Funeral. "Ho has been not only a mlnlitery bJt nn editor. " "You don't imy ! Then hli chance * of getting to heaven are oven. " "No , his chances of getting to heaven are not quite so good. Ho wa nn editor only n short tlmo not enough to make It an even thing. " Life All Tired Out. t > o yen feel dull , occasionally out at eorts ? Headaches and Dizziness ? Th fault In either with your stomach or your liver. The aufe. sure nnd easy way to Rot ' rlil of either trouble It to take NATUUC'S REMEDY. Take an NR Tablet to night- It will sweeten the Rtonmcli and regulat * the liver , kldneva nnd bowola. Easy-nur to act. Get a 25c Ilox. Tha A. II. JLevrU Medicine Co. , St. Louis , Mo. His Reason , "How did you come to leave your wife In Paris ? " "Sho couldn't decide whether sh wanted three ynrds nnd n half or four yards , and I got tired of waiting. " Such a Difference ! "Your dnughtcr plnys very sweotlr on the plnno. " "That's my wlfo playing. " "I know It" Birmingham Agw Herald Constipation caiiBcsnnrt ncgrnratos mnny dl-uasps It Is tlioroiijMr curnl liy Ur. Plcro 'i 1'kasiiul i'cllcts. 'Iho f. v rt.i lumlly luiallru. The mnn who bets on the wrong horse Is apt to hnvo a race prejudice. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN , AOrtitnrtoHefforKoverlnlines * , Conntlputlnn , Ilonilncho. HioumcU TroubloB'Toothing - . t.WnrmH. . nn C/olil * TmdaMiirk. In 24 hours. Atall Druirplets. SSou. Dun't accept hample milled KUKIt. Addresi , anvsubstitute. A. 8. OLMSTED. Lo Roy , N.Y STOCKERS & FEEDERS Choice quality ; reds nnd roans , bought on orders. Tens of Thou sand * to Hclcct from S.itlHfactlon Guaranteed. Correspondence Invl * ted. Coruo and t > oe for yourself. National Live Stock Com. Co. At either KansaaCity.Mo. St.JosephMo. S.Omahi.Nek. Libby's Evaporated Milk Contains double the nu triment and none of the impurities so often found in so-called fresh or raw milk. The use of litVa In sures pure , rich , whole some , healthful milk that is superior in flavor and economical in cost. s Evaporated Milk is the purest , freshest high grade milk , obtained from selected , carefully fed cows. It is pasteur ized and then evaporat ed ( the water taken out ) , filled into bright , new tins , sterilized and sealed air tightuntilyou need it. Use Libby's and tell your friends how good it is. McNcill &Libby Chicago Sticky Sweating Palms after taking salts or oathartta waters did you over notice that weary all gone feeling Uio pnlma of your handa sweat and rotten taste in your mouth Cathartics only move by sweating y our bowels Do a lot of hurt Try a GASCA- RET and BOO how much easier the job la done. how inuuh bettor you fcol. o CASCARIVT3 ioc box for a ttc.i"Mcnt , iilt tlrncxl u nlpgrst FCI ej la Ihe world. Million boxu ft uguUfc VI <