Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 09, 1910, Image 1

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    ° r/c * > 8oci etr
\ XXIXXugtet ( CDountiP IRepubltcan
. , , , , , . ,
Olives \Veudall Holmes , Bales Girdley ,
credited with having eyes in the back of
his head , b'ecnuse he saw things behind
ns well as in front. This was all due tote
to his extremely large , old fashioned ,
round spectacle lenses , in which objects
behind him were plainly reflected. Prop
er glasses on defective eyes of the pres
ent day would enable their possessors to
see many things with perfect ease that
now seem dim and indistinct. Those
who hiue never availed themselves of
glass aid call spectacles "nuisances"
others who accept the aid in a timely
manner call them "blessings. "
Call them what ; you please
My glasses give j ou ease.
The Administration Candidates Generally
The reports from the primary
election in Iowa held Tuesday
indicate that the administration
candidates v/ere generally suc
cessful by safe majorites.
The most pronounced was the
splendid-majority of Gov. Carrel
who won over his rival by twelve
thousand or more majority and
the two thousand or more ma
jority .withjv ich JU'Jge Walter-
J. Smith was re-nominated in the
ninth district over Attorney
General Byers. It was Gov.
Carroll and Judge Walter J.
Smith of Council Bluffs that
benator Cum tilings made his
special fight against.
The nomination of Frank
Prouty over Congressman Hull
does not have so much political
significance. While Hull stood
with the administration in con
gress he only won out by 40 votes
over Prouty two years ago.
Prouty was then and is yet
a Cummings man and not only
popular in the district but one
of the great orators of state and
a self made man. Proutys
success from a personal view is a
pleasure to the editor of the RE-
runuCAN as while we were not
class mates we were in college
together. His great success in
his native state has been watched
by us with pride.
W. J. Rice , of Merna was in
the city Monday.
I The Business of Ihr. U S. Land Office
for May.
The business of the U. S. laud
office the past month would indi
cate that there will be no occa
sion to discontinue the office for
some time yet to conic. The
amcunt of goveinaicnt lardjret to
open homestead entry of 640 acres
is approximately 700,000 acres
which distributed as follows :
Blainc 16040
Brown 43400
Cherry 224220
Grant 100370
Hooker 92040
Logan 34760
McPersou 105350
Thomas 108680
The office issued during the
mouth of May 120 Final Certifi
cate of which five were on sale of
isolated tracts , one commutation
and one hundred fourteen on
final proof.
There were 80 homestead
applications of which 67 were
allowed. In addition to those
were the usual number of contests
and the usual correspondents ,
plats to make etc. , which keeps
from four to five persons con
stantly employed.
Get your Go-cart's of Konkel
and get a Comfort thrown in.
Governor and State Chairman Among
Those at Session Heldat
Broken Bow.
The following is a synopsis of
the much heralded' democratic-
populist rally given Monday and
which was attended by about 100
Governor Shalleuberger was
the guest of honor and delivered
- 'three speeches "during * the' ( Hf
end at the opening of the Junior
Normal in the forenoon , another
at the opera house in the after
noon before a democratic audi
ence and the third at the close of
the banquet.
Other out of town celebrites of
the democratic party attending
were W. B. Price of Lincoln ,
State Chairman , J. Byrnes , Sen
ator Ollis , Leo Matthews.
Ex-Governor Silas A. Ilolcomb
acted as toastmaster. W. J.
Taylor started the ball rolling by
telling what insurgency was.
Judge Dean followed with a re
sponse on "The Next Congress. '
G. L.Shuraway could not attend
and his address on "The Last
Chord , Sincerity , " was read by
H. M. Davis.
W. B. Price enlightened his
hearers on the "Payne-Aldrich
Bill" and Chairman Byrnes told
about "Organisation"
Governor Shallenberger made
the last response of the evening
and gave a lengthy talk on "Ne
braska Democracy. "
ITI inL WW fees
With Our
The Best On the Market.
We also have
Fresh Strawberries Ripe Tomatoes
Green Vegetables of all kinds
We have a fine line of Garden Plants that
"Kan't Be Beat"
Phone 161 THE GROCER Phone 180
* I Agent for De Laval Separators Cream Station
Committees Appointed and All Arrange-
mcnfs Well in Hand.
Broken Bow has crawled out ofj
its old shell , that would admit of
a -Ith of July celebration once in
every four or five years and will
give the people of Custer county
a big entertainment.
This is not with the spirit of
runnirg in competition with any
other locality that want to cele
brate. It is due to the people of
the county who prefer to come to
Broken Bow that the business
men and citizens of Broken Bow
will arrange this entertainment.
One locality or town cannot
accomodate the whole people of
the county nor can any one
locality put on entertainment
that will meet the wishes of
every one even were they conven
iently located. It is an open
field and where ever a locality
has the desire let appropriate
programs for the occasion be
arranged and Old Glory unfolded
to the breezes in commemoration
of the achievements of our fore
fathers July 4 , 1776.
The following is a list of the
committees who have be n ap
pointed to make the arrange
Executive Committee. J. S.
Baisch , chairman , J. S. Molyneux
Secy-Trcas. Frank Kern E. A.
Lucke , J. Downs , A. E. Ander
son , Sam Miller.
Fire works. J. S , Baisch , L.
E. Cole , W. R. Bruce.
/iuto Parade. R. B. Mullins ,
John McGraw Fred Ream , Art
Conrad , N. E. Armstrong.
Comic Parade. W. B. Shaefer
A. R , Humphrey , Kem Anderson
James Leonard.
Sport& . Dr. t Buckley , Ed
Myers , Sam Miller , L. E. Cole ,
Mr. Swan.
Concessions. Sam Miller , J.
S. Baisch , J. Downs , E. A. Lucke
J. S. Molyneux.
Bank Music. J. K. Hermon ,
H. Palmer , Frank Taylor.
Speaking and Vocal Music.
Rev. Aubrey , D. R. Rockwell , N.
T. Gadd.
Advertising. A. Anderson , C.
W. Beal , D. M. Amsberry , E. R.
Decorations. I. A. Reneau , J.
Downs , Chal England.
Base Ball. Frank Kern , Sam
Miller , C. Brittan , Fred Hayes ,
J. G. Haeberle , J. Downs , A. II.
Souders , Sam Lee.
The Country Thoroughly Soaked.
The rains that visited this
locality Monday and Tuesday
nights were general throughout
the state as far as we have been
able to learn ; the precipitation
varying from two to four inches.
The ground was in fine con
dition to receive it & the crops in
fine shape generally to absorb it.
It will ( prove a great uplift to
the small grain , alfalfa and vege
tables and will give the corn a
fine start. Those who arc
breaking prairie will especially
appreciate it.
John R. North and Edward
Trass of Reed were in the city
last Friday to file on Kmkaid
Edward Swiggart of Lena
made a Kinkaid homestead filing
last Friday.
Frank Sweet of Fremont filed
on a Kinkaid homestead Friday
of last week.
Chas. G. Jewett of Lena was
in the city Saturday to make
make proof on his homestead.
Key Kennisoc of Mullen was in
the city Saturday to file on a
Kinkaid homestead.
Archie Wells of Walworth was
in the city Monday looking after
'government land.
J. M. McMillan of Thedford
was in the city Monday as a
witness on a contest.
\V. A. Yatcs of Whitman , was
in the city Monday as witness on
u contest case.
Miss Etta Brooks of Dunning
whs in the city Monday making
llnal , proof on her homestead.
John II. Hamilton was in the
city Tuesday making proof on
his homestead.
Sep Hanna of Dunning was in
the city Monday miking proof
on his homestead.
Mrs. Lottie Auftergarden of
Lena , McPerson county was in
the city Monday to buy isolated
land in T. 19 , R. 37 which she
had caused to be advertised for
sale. She bought 480 acres for
which she paid $1.25.
Miss Matilda Pluuier of Ilyannis
was in the city Monday attending
public land sale on which she
bought 480 acres at $1.25 an
acre. Her father Dr. Pluuier
accompained her. The Dr. has
made his fortune in the past
twenty two years in the stock
business in the sand hills and
daughter is starting in the same
business for herself. The Dr.
sold his ranch last fall and moved
to Lincoln.
Frank Sweet of Burlington Ills. ,
was in the city Friday on a con
test against Lew M. Gay for land
in Sec. 2 , T. 25 , R. 33. A
number of witnesses were present
but the case was settled out of
court. Gay relinquished-
Sweet filed on the land.
There will be communion and
preaching services at the Chris
tian church next Sunday at 11
a. m. "Is there a God ? " will be
the evening subject. Bible
school meets at 10 a. m. and the
Endeavors at 7 p. m. Special
song services and sermon 8 p.m.
Custcr County One of the Leaders in
Summer School Work.
Last Monday Junior Normal
opened with over 150 present.
The different towns and districts
sending large delegations. Dur
ing the chapel period in the
morning Gov , Shallenberger and
Hon. J. J. Tooley of Anselmo
gave short talks to the teachers.
In the Institute are enrolled
Ansley 6 Anselmo. . . . 3
Broken Bow. . 34 "Berwyn 1
Burr Oak. . . . 1 Comstock. . . 3
Callaway 6 Etna 1
Gates 2 Gothenburg 1
Lillian 2 Loyal 1
Mason City. . . 8 Merna 6
McKinley . . . . 1 New Helena 1
Oconto 1 Sargent. . . . 6
Round Valley. 1 Walworth. . 1
From other counties are
Thomas 9 Elaine 7
Dawson 1 Sherman. . . 1
Those enrolled for the Junior
Normal are from
Anselmo 4 Ansley 4
Arnold 1 Broken Bow 52
Comstock 2 Etna 2
Gates 1 Lillian 1
McKinley. . . . 2 Merna 3
Mafion City. . . 5 Oconto 2
Somerford. . . 1 Weissert. . . 1
The different counties repre
sented in the enrollment are
Buffalo 1 Elaine 8
Dawson ,1 Gage 1
Hooker 4 Loup 3
Thomas 1
Total enrollment 213 ; enroll
ment from Custer county 186 ; en
rollment for outside counties 37.
Holds Short Term QuicMv Disposes of
Loriff List of liquity and
CMI Cases.
The district court convened
Monday with Judge Bruno O.
Hostetlcr on the bench. The
cases were quickly disposed of
and the court adjourned Wednes
day morning. The docket was
pretty well filled with divorce
The cases arc in brief as fol
lows :
A. E. Brigham vs S. A. Robin
son et al were held for the filing
of briefs with thexourt.
P. F. Campbell vs Custer county
held for filing briefs with the
Olivene M. Auisberry vs Ella
Anderson continued for service of
notice upon minors.
Rebecca Perkins vs A. C. Shal
leuberger dismissed pending
Frank Anderson vs Fred L.
McKec. dismissed at plaintiff's
Elviry Bccls vs Grant A Dar-
rah , case dismissed.
Clara Wolf ct al vs Wm. Ferris
passed for this teim on account
of sickness of '
plaaintiff's attor
In the matter of the petition of
T. T. Varney administrator of
the- real estate of Leland' A.
Jewell. Real estate had been
sold and sale confirmed by the
court and deed ordered.
Application to sell real estate
of John B. Mohatt insane , court
license to sell.
Mary Dickson vs Win. M. Dick-
son for divorce , set aside as it
improperly entered on docket.
Robert Stone ys Ralph II. De-
wolf et al was given 40 days to
prepare and present bill of ex
J. R. Blair vs Lilly Myers ct
el for tax judgment of $83.95
with attorney's fees $8.39 and
7 per cent interest was charged
against plaintiff and a decree of
foreclosure sale ordered by the
Lora B. Sandagger vs Fredrick
Sandagger for divorce. Divorce
Security State Bank vs Elbert
II. Gaines et al for $290 and costs
with 10 per cent interest was
awarded the plaintiff.
Isaac II. Russell vs Lillian B.
Russell for divorce was dismissed
and costs to be paid by plaintiff.
Wm. Cochran vs Nellie Coch
ran for divorce. Case dismissed.
In the matter of the estate of
Mary E. Woodley deceased. Li-
cense was granted to sell real
estate. *
In fie matter of the estate of
Wilbur II. Bangs deceased , li- fl
cense granted to sell real estate. \
Minnie E. Patterson vs Wm. E.
Patterson for divorce. Divorce
granted and Wm. E. Patterson
given custody of sou Wm. E.
Patterson Jr. *
In the matter of the estate of
Thomas Chcever deceased , li
cense grrnted to sell real estate.
Alpha Morgan vs John L.
Shockcy held pending service of
publication. '
David E. Young vs Matilda J.
Young for divorce. Divorce
Governor Shallenbargcr care
fully evaded the questions of
county option in his political
speech delivered in the city Mon
day afternoon. His intimation
that temperance legislation was
not needed in advance of public
sentiment was his only reference
to the question of county option.
AL E. Church. R. 11. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 a. m ; i
morning sermon 11:00 a. m ; Jun J
ior league 2:30 : p. m ; Epworth
league 6:30 : p. m ; evening sermon
7:30 : p. in ; E. L. Mission Study
Class , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. m.
Coite a j } worship with us you
wj'l i" : btrsngcr in the church
but once.
Baptist Umrcli. A. T. Norwood , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
preaching 1100. ; a m JTunior "
union 37oO prmTB. Y."P. U. 7:00"
p. m ; preaching 8:00 : p. m ;
teachers' meeting Monday 7:30 :
p. in ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 'd
p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday \ *
8:00 : p. in ; Atuotna class first and I ' '
third Tuesday of each month J >
7:30 : p. m.
Christian Church Z. 0. Doward , Pastor
At the Christian church next
Sunday. Communiori and preach
ing services at 11:00 : a. m ; spec
ial song service and sermon 8:00 : '
p. m. ; Special music by the choir v >
and others. There will several <
selections at both services.
Bible school 10:00 : a. m. ; Christ
ian Endeavor 7 p. m. ( > * '
U. 15. Church-S. M. Zike. Pastor
Sunday school 10-00 a. m
preaching ' ,11:00 , : a. m ; Junior C.
E. 3 p. m ; Senior C. E. 7. p. m. . a
\ The Celebrated Golden Orangeade made from the
< well known Paul Neyron Navel Oranges. We
will be pleased to furnish this well known sum
mer drink for socials or parties by the gallon.
Per gallon - 35c Per glass - 5c
Ice Cold Orangeade will be found on sale every t
day at our store.
Angelus Marshmallows. A fine confection. 30
pieces in a box. Per box only - - 10c
Jergin's Violet Glycerine Toilet Soap. Nothing
like it at the price. 3 cakes for - - 25c
Olive Oil , the Ge9rge M. Curtis brand , made from i
the California Olive. Guaranteed Pure
. 35c and 60c
In bottles - - - - i
Spanish Red Peppers in cans. Nothing hotter. /
Per can 20c
! >
All goods sold by us are Pure and protected
by the National and State Pure Food Laws.