THE COUNTY about the new tariff law , take \ the reports of these malcontents for granted , and in many cases arc beating time to the anvil chorus of the free traders , The Opinion is going to place before you an object lesson of free trade and its workings from "Aierry Old England , " written by an Englishman who makes a study of the conditions of the people and the causes. Mr. C. P. Stewart is one of the fearless writers and presents some facts that every American should study. London , April 30. England is getting as much exercised over the "cost of living question" as America is. England is not the only Euro pean country in in which the "cost of living question' ' is being asked. Prices are rising every where. But nowhere else are conditions so serius as in Great Britain. For , elsewhere wages as well as price of food , shelter and clothing are showing , though in a less degree than other things , an upward tendency , while ia Great Britain , as the cost of living has been going up wages have been going dowel 1 Result , 5,000,000 people out of a total population of 14.000,000 are down and out paupers , and another ten million are just bal anced on the line separating the sufficientlv fed from the semi- starving. There are in the city of Lon don approximately 7,000,000 in habitants. Of these the latest official statistics set down 2,200- 000 as living in poverty. When an English statistican speaks of "poverty" he means a degree of destitution which an American can hardly understand. Conservatives blame free trade. Liberals say it is thefault , of the House ot Lords. Prohibi tionists attribute in to drink. Socialists point the accusing finger at private ownersnip. Currei cy experts , here as in the United States , find the source of the evil in over production of gold. Whatever the cause or causes may be the fact remains that bacon , the national breakfast dish , has risen in price from 18 to 28 cents a pound , and that rump steak which used to cost 20 cents a pound now costs 25 ; that pork and veal are 21 cents a pound ; eggs 30 cents a dozen Vegetables , imported from Bel gium and Holland , fluctuate but are always higher than in Amer ica. Thus it will be seen that it is costing as much to live in Eng land as in this country. But how about the wager and employment conditions ? Is there a single American who will trade his job for asimilar one in England ? If so , the English will be glad to swap. Take the advice of Andrew Carnegie , "stop howling ; this country is all right. " Colorado Springs Public Qpinion. That Sound Again It is very easy to fall out of patience with the republican ( N party. For of all thick-skinned , self-satisfied , ponderous , imruov V able animals , it is undoubtedly the worst. Some poet it surely was , with an ituagir ation that saw into the essential heart of things , who dubbed it the ele phant. When once it has taken its stand you can jab all day without budging it. Building a fire underneath is about the best way of obtaining progress. Now just why the American people prefer to deal with such an irresponsive brute is often hard to comprehend. The big point in his favor , of course , is his intelligence. When he does move , he moves in the right direction ; for he happens to pos sess the ablest intellectuals in the business. But a little less intelligence and a somewhat inroe obliging spirit would surely do as well by the country and every one would be in a much more amiable frame of mind. So why the elephant , The answer is unfortunately all too plain. It was given only the other day , for example , in an iuconspicinous observation of the Hon. Champ Clark , democratic leader in the house representa tives. Said he of the republican proposition to give plenary pow ers of investigation to the tariff board : The bouse democrats ate nuitcd in their opposition to it. Think of it ! Here at last is a chance for the country to obtain the information which everyone wants the facts whereupon a proper revision of the tariff by anv party can alone be made. And the democrats will unan imously oppose it for fear , of course , that it may help the re publicans get togetherl Of course , the facts would ultimate ly , if the democratic dogma is correct , annihilate the republican party. But never mind that. Hang the principle of the thing or even its far-sighted expend- iency. Let's be as pettily parti san as we can , say the Champ Clark democrats. Is it aty wonder that with such a bray resounding in the air the American people turn back peevishly to the stubborn old elephant ? From the New York Evening Sun , Ind't. The possibility that Col. Roosevelt velt may return from abroad as sound a republican xas ever is significantly distressing to the democratic newspapers. Pitts- burg Ga-zette-Times. The republican party points to fifty years of administration , to fifty years of control , and up on the Accord of those fifty in every department of human life in America the republican party is willing to stand , but it wants a right to insist that the people be given all the facts. Elmira Advertiser. Real Estate Transfers M Hope Clark to Oscar Gunnerson , 160 ' 20CO acres In'J1-20-3U Clara A Gibson to James M Lundy , 320 acres In 15-30-18 -1000 Ole Oleson to Louis Haumont , 320 acres 5000 in3-18-l Mary G Moiling to j H Thompson , lots 5-6 In block 10 J P Oainlys add Ilroiiow 550 Kearney Land Co to Arthur Hatch , pare In30-l3-.i3 1 j II Thompson to Charles Itrittan , lots S & bVii In blk 10 J 1' Gandys add uro Uow 500 Kearney Land co to Henry Longhurst ICOacresln 27-13-22 2800 Willard Hammond to w H Eastham lot 2 In blk 11 Jcwett & Llllyt add to Hrokeniiow 123 Win Eilwards Smentgce to S A Roblson b 15 acres In ne'j se in 3-1321 15 John o Taylor to A E Slckmann , 80 acres in 8-10-19 4000 J n Dunn to Paul syerson , lot 11 , block Callaway 300 W T Keys to J 13 Dunn , parcel In lot bik 41) ) R II add Callaway H5 C P Graves et al to J Ii Uunu parcel in ' - 000 ue'i-beM In 3-15-23 A H IJowen to Caroline Appelt 80 acres , 0500 ln-t-0-17 D K Plymale to J W I'lymale parcel in 15-19-fw 900 Alpha Morgan to Custer National Bank , parcel in lot 1 blk 11 UroUow original town 333 Lincoln Land Co to Martha E Shaffer , lot 3-4 in blk J 2nd add to Comstock . . . 150 Gee uowell to Louis Anderson , lots 13 14 in block Silt K add Callaway 315 j H Thompson to w L McCandlers , lots 3-4 in block 2 jewetts add uroken now 2WO Lydia Clark to chas Oathout , lots 4-5 In block 17 in Westervllle 10 II W 1'urcell to R W Lohr y. Interest Inlets lots 1-2 blk 1 Arnold 1100 A F Euyart to L W Chiles 1200 acres in iu.o.iii.oi. ' > S l 18000 A W Drauc to B la Uuke. lotsl-2-3-4-5'0-7 blk ( ill Hadd Broken llow 1BOO E la Duke to A W Drake , lot 5 in blk 78 1C U add to Broken Uow 1500 W'Doyle to JV Swope , 100 acres sec 13 11-21 tpl6rS2 2500 RCKltchie to K Emery 203 acersin2 J-18- 21 . , 5100 E f Savage to D T Adams W Int in 11-19- 19 1400 GOw'eii o M Nordeu lots 7 v& 8 In 4 in Anilcy 300o IIM Sullivan to j E Netli parcels In8 - 17IC-22 7fioO 0 E Owen to A M Coou 4&8 810052023. : . . . 2900 S A Robinson to c A johiuon s 15 aceres luneue 3-13-21 75 S Steinman ft husb t E M Young lots 7 & H In 4 Stevens & Wood add Ansley . . . . 000 W H comhtock to J N Corastock lot 1 in blkJZdadd Comstsck W G 0 Drake to M V.itiAntwerp parcel in blk 10 Jewetts add to Ilroken How 350 1 Lelbcrt to E U IJecker 40 acers in Sfi- 550 20-18 ; JKlUtchte to JII Sloggett 80 acres In fl.lg.-K ) & 00 The Grand Dry Goods Co to C W Wlen- gord & C W uallard parcel In 31-15-17. . 23050 Union pacillc U U to S Nclbon M ) acres In7 13-25 240 M H Shlrely . husb to Win A Pierce 20 acresin3-19-19 . . . . . 190i Lincoln Land Co to A R Downing lot 2 In blk 3-4th add to Merna 10 Experiment Station Bulletin No. 111. The Nebraska Experiment Station has just issued Bulletin No. 124 , on Storing Moisture in the Soil. This Bulletin is a re port of work done at the Experi mental Substation located at North Platte. The bulletin takes up the ne cessity of storing water in the soil during periods of wet weath er to be used during periods of drouth. A short description is given of the type of soil found on the Substation farm , the man ner of sampling , and the depth of sampling. Sotrc samples were taken to a depth of 15 feet in order to reach a point below which the crops could not obtain water. A map is given showing the division of the farm into fields and also one showing the soil areas of the state. A brief dis cussion of the movements of the water found in the soil is also given. The charts show that water is conserved in the soil through cultivation and that it is neces sary to keep the surface ot the soil loose and in a respective con dition to get the water into the soil. Almobi as much water is gotten into the soil during the early part o f the season where a cultivated crop is being grown as is conversed by summer tillage. This is due to the fact that the surface soil is kept loose enough to hold the water that falls until it can get down into the soil , and the loose soil on the surface prevent evap oration ; it is also due to the fact that comparatively few plants are being grown in a culti vated field and these do not ilraw very heavily on the wa'ter ' supply during the early part of their growth. In a small grain field more plants are grown , with the result that the water is used more rap. idly and less water is gotten into the soil. In fields growing al falfa or brome grass where the number of growing plants are large and the surface of the soil is smooth and hard , it is seldom that enough water gets into the soil to moisten the soil below two or thres feet. By the method of summer tilling practiced , from 40 to CO per cent of the season's rainfall has been stored for the use of the subsequent crop. On this type of soil the water in the upper six feet of the soil is avail able for the crop. Several charts and tables are given in the bulletin , to show the amount of precipitation at North Platte. One table given shows the precipitation during the period that the work was being done. Charts showing- the an nual average precipitation by months are also given , This bulletin may be had free of cost upon application to the Nebraska Agricultural Experi ment Station , Lincoln , Nebraska. E. A. Burnett , Director. NEWS OF THE COUNTY Eureka Newe. Mr. and Mrs. Del Jarmin of Arnold visited at Hurbert Leon ard's Jr. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Reed of Anselmo visited at Charley Leon ards last week. The dance given in John Leon ards new barn Saturday night was well attended all present report a good time. Miss Fannie .Powers of Dale spent Sunday at Will Powers' . Frank Wilaon of Anselmo put a well down for Chas Leonard last week. Mr. Gardener of Anselmo was driving a traveling salesmen around the valley Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Leonard and Miss Kate were Sunday visitors atC. ELeonards. . Milldale Items. H. K. Kruser who has been marketing cattle in Omaha re turned home Friday. I. S. Shaw visited Callaway Saturday. Ray Toland who is working for Martin Christcnsen , was thrown from a horse and hurt quite badly. Due to the cold weather some of the farmers in this locality are obliged to replant their corn. The ball game between Mill- dale and Eureka ended 0 to 19 la favor of Milldale. , -FOR SALE- Vet Sites for Homes , two if tiJockH , 6 full blocks welt out , Aroom house , flue brlckcil-up cavr. nliaile ami fruit , a beautiful site oil a M block , prlcofiW A moderns-room house , ulco barn , A carriage house.dost ! In , price right and. time on half nf It. Two new l-rooni Cottage * , cheap , and conveniently located , these are cheap cnouuh for anjr one. I nliow you HIT properties free no conto hi aud let uie. I cau write your INSURANCE an low ai DIP low est , fflve me a chance , VIKK aud TOR- NADO. Old Line Company * . YOUTH for Square DcMlua , J. M. FODGE. Office Phone 2 - Rtt.'Ptioiie 932 A number of Callaway people were seen in this vicinity Sun day. Zumbrota Zephyrs. Mr. J. O. Heaps made a busi ness triy to Lincoln last week. The hard wind of last Thurs day evening blew a chicken coop over , and Mrs. Williams lost nearly SO little chickens from being tossed about by the wind. Mr. Evans made a trip to Aurora , returning on last Thurs day night. He has been con templating buying a farm near Aurora. Misses Olive Cole and Nellie Keueval were visitors at the school last week. Miss Belle Sands stayed with Mrs. Evans during Mr. Evan's absence. Mr. Kousser has started a barn. Dimensions 34-40. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore visited at W. W. Bishop one d ay recently. The sheriff has been through this locality looking for a man who had stolen a horse from Seneca. He was seen riding the horse in the valley one day last week. [ Continued on last page ] When the new Live Stock Judging Coliseum , one-half o'f which will be completed in time for the 1910. State Pair , Sept. 5th to 9th , will be fully erected it will measure 209x350 feet out side measurement , and contain seats for nearly 5000 people and a judging ring , 120x270. This is the same size building bow own ed by Minnesota , Indiana , Ken tucky and several other states and is recognized as the most convenient for the purpose for which it is intended. Nebraska as a state is far superior in the greatness of its live stock in dustry than any of the states mentioned. All loyal citizens arc proud of the effort to credit ably keep up state prestige. EVER WATCHFUL A Little Care Will Save Alany Broken Bow Readers Future Trouble. Watch the kidney secretions. See that they have the amber hue of health ; The discharges not excessive or in frequent ; Contain no "brick-dust like" sedi- I11CUL. Doan's Kidney Pills will do this for you. - They watch the kidneys and cure them when they're sick. C. S. Boots , of Hroken Bow , Nebr. , Says : " I have tiken Doan's Kidney Pills with success and other members of my family have received great benefit from their use. About three years ago I was troubled by pains in my hack and kidneys and in the morning when I got tip , I was very lame and sore. Some times the kidney secretions passed too frequently , then again there was a dis tressing retention and the passages were accompanied by a burning sensation. Doan's Kidney Pills acted promptly and thoroughly and they effected has been permanent. My experience with this remedy as well as that of other members of my family leads me to give this public statement. " For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Poster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , New York , sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and tnke no other. An intelligent person can earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. No canvassing. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate , B4683 , Lockport , N , Y , 45-tf $100 Reward , $100. The readers of tills paper will be pleased to learn that there la at lenat one dreaded disease that science hu been able to euro In all ItsMuses , and that in Catarrh , llalll Catarrh Cure U the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity , caurra being it coaitltutlonal disease , require * a cotutltu- tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken In- teroalljr , acting directly upon the blood and mu.rou ( urfaeci ol tna system , thereby dratraylmi Ida foundation ot tht disease , and Rlvlnn the jutlfnl strength by building un the ( onttltutlan ftnd. nuUli Ing nature In doing Hi work , Tlio proprietor ! have BO much , faith In It * curative poweri that they oner One Hundred. Dollars for any case that It falla to. cure , Htnu for lut of tcstlmonlati Address P. J. CIIKNIiY & CO. , Toledo. O. Hold by all Urugguu. 75c. X)000000JOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ( I COAL No Dirt. No Cllnkors-All Coi\I--The Good Kind. FEED For Snlo. Both Wholesale nndRetnll. llljihost Market Price for All Kinds of Grnln West Elevator F. J. DAIIR , Prop. Phone 62 i PWILIC LAND SALE. Department of the Interior , U. S. Land Ofllcc at Lincoln. Nebraska , April 21 , MHO. Notice Is hereby given that , as directed by he Commissioner of the General hand Of- lice , uiulcr the provisions of the acts of Congress approved June 27 , 190 < i ( ill Stats. , 317. and March 2,1W7 ( ill stats. , 12'lvo will iftcr at public sale to the highest bidder , at Hi o'clock A. M. . on the 7th day of June. 1910 , icxt , at this onicc , the following tract of ; and : Serial No. U1397 ; The NKli of SWU sec U T. in n K. 20 W. Oth I1. M. Any persons claiming adversely the above- described lands are advised to tile their claims or objections on or before the time leslgnated for sale. ClIAH II SlIKDI ) , NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage , dated January 27th , 1910 , and executed by II. II. McUa.slIn to Hyerson Hros. comoany to secure the payment ot the sum of $ Z10.CO and upon which there IN now ' .he sum of $222.80 default having been made n the payments due March 1stand April 1st , . ( no , and the property upon which the moru gage was given having been neglected so as that It would depreciate In value the said " { yerson llrothers company have declared he whole sum due and payable and under and by virtue of said mortgage have taken possession ol the said property , hereinafter described no suit at law or other proceed ings have been Instituted to reco\er said .leut or any part thereof , therefore I P. M. Towsley agent for the sulilHycrsoii iirothcrs' Company , will sell the property therein de scribed , viz ONB II. I1. NELSON PIANO style ' 11 Walnut" number 17440 at public auction n front ot Itycrxon wrothcrs co. store In : lie city of iiroKcn Dow Nebraska on the 88th lay of May IU10 atone o'colck r. M. ol said lay.Dated Dated April 30th , 1910. P. M. Towm KV , Agent for Hyerson uros. co. N. T. UAIIU , Attorney. I8-1X ) N THE DISTRICT COUNT OK CUSTER COUNTY , NKIIUAgKA. n the matter of the 1 „ . . , , „ _ . . . ut , . . . . . . ( .Order to ' " e-stateol John u. Mohat , . Insane. \ L.IUSL. This cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Joseph It. Mohat. guardian of the estate of John U. Mohat , an Insane person , praying ior license to sell the NEU of Section 22 , T. IB , N , of II. 20 w. 6th P. M. or a sumclent amount thereof to pay the Indebtedness of said estate In the sum of $7uO , allowed agalnt said estate , and the costs of guardianship of said insane person and this action , there be ing no personal property to pay said debts and expenses. It In therefore ordered that all persons Interested In said estate appear before me at Llroken How. in custer county , Nebraska , at ten o'clock , A. M.ou the Uth day of June , 1010 , to show cause why a license should not be granted to said guardian to sell the above described real estate of said Insane person , or so much thcreot as may be nccessarv to pay said debts and expenses of guardian ship , uatcd this 30th day of April , 1910. HIIUNO O. IIOSTKTIiEll , 48-r > 2 Judge of the District court. IN THE COUNTY COUUT OF CUSTEU COUNTY , NUUKASICA. l Ucc of prelate Adams. Deceaed , f ° ' > * & " To all persons Interested In said estate take notice : That a petition and duly certi fied copy of the will of George Adams , de ceased , together with the probate proceed ing thereof In the Circuit Court of Cook county , In the state of Illinois , has been tiled In the County Court of Custer County Ne braska , by I. A. Itcucau , agent , praying that said will be admitted to probate as a foreign will under the laws of the state of Nebraska and that said cause has been set for hearing before the court at the olllce of the county Judge of Custer county , Nebraska , on the 20th day of May , 1910 , at which time all per sons Interested in said cause may appear and show cause If any why said will may not be admitted to probate as a foreign will of said deceased as prayed for by said pe titioner. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and aftlxcd the seal of the county court of Custer county , Nebraska , at Ilroken How In said county , this 27th day of April. 1010. IBKAI , ] c. II. HOI.COMII , 4750 County Judge. NOTICE OF SALE OF HEAL ESTATE 1JY KEFEHEE. Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska , duly made and entered on the 12th day ot April , 1010 In the cause wherein James M. Lowrv and Ilattic A. Lowry are plaintiffs , and George W. Lowry , Annie S. Nave an Incompetent person , Hattle A. Lowry , guardian o ( the estate of of the said Annie S. Nave , Mary E. Welch , Sidney Welch. Susie M. Lowry , widow of Henry Lewis Lowry deceased , Karl Lowry and Mae Lowry. minor heirs of Henry Lewis Lowry deceased , Susie M. -.owry. guardian of the estates of the said jJarl Lowry and Mae Lowry , Leander Lowry and Annie Lowry are defendants , and which said order of the court directed the undersigned , Hobert P. Starr , as sole referee , duly appointed by the court to make partition of the land hereinafter de scribed , to sell said premises to the highest bidder for cash In the manner provided by law , now , therefore pursuant to sale order and by virtue of the authority vested In me by law as such referee , I will , on Monday , the 13th day oi June , 1910 , at the hour of U o'clocklu * the afternoon ot said day , at the building in Hroken How , In Custer county. Nebraska , where the last term of the district courtofsaldCuslercounty was held , offer for saleand sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate , situate In ouster county Nebraska , to-wlt. the south half of tie ) boutfi east quarter of section one and the north halt of the north east quarter of sectlba- twelve , all In township llfteeii north of range seventeen , west of sUtl principal meridan. Given under my hand this second day ol May , 1910. ItOllKUT I' . STAUIl , 18-1 Sole Heferoe. The Custer County Abstrac Company books andbusiness for sale. Willis Cadwell 46-t Dra. Farnsworth & Beck Dentists. Dr. Bass , dentist , old location over Souder's drug store , WANTED 10GO acres of land , broke , in the vicinity of Anselmo Willis Cadwell , Broken Bow , Nebr. 47-tf FEW PEORLE THINK A Great Many Think They Think And A Very Great Many Only Think They Think They Think. : Most people that trade with us rcnlly think. Tlmt's why we sell Bo much Great Western Dip for lice and mites on poultry , it will absolutely keep your hen house and poultry free from Insects. It is put up in gallons , half gallons lens and quarts. Try a quart and be convinced. We also hand le spray pumps. S. R. LEE. The Busy Druggist. A New Clean Stack of LUMBER Fresh IOLA Portland Cement. Fresh Car of ACM A Plaster. A Splendid Line of Fence Posts , IT you contemplate using any of the rabovc tins Sprimg or if you need a nice load of COAL CALI/W SEE H. T. Bruce ( SL Co. Broken Bo\v , Ncbr. Phone 234. FRANK KELSEY ALL KINDS OF WELLS Consult Him If You Want Water. Urokcn llow , Nebraska. N. T. GADD TTORNEYTLAW Onicc over Holcomb'a book store. Ofllcc phone 208 Residence 30 , Ilroken llow , Nebraska. J. A. ARMOUR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , - - Practices In all the courts. Convayanclng and notorlal work. Olllce up stairs over State llank of uroken Uow. Ilroken now , Nebraska , A. VINCENT SHERIDAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls promptly answered day or night. Olllce and residence In the Mrs. Olclm building Just west of the Security State llank. i'hone 380 Ilrokeu How , Nebraska. BANGS' STUDIO WE MAKE GOOD PHOTOS East Side of Square Ilrokcu Uow , Nebraska. EARRY KIMBALL UNDERTAKER AND EM ALMER ( Licensed ) [ Justness phone , 301 Residence 30113 Urokcn Uow , Nebraska. L. E. COLE EMBALMER & FUNER'L DIRECTOR ( Licensed ) Union Ulock Unaluesg phone 85 , Residence 322 Uroken Bow , Nebraska. DRS. BARTHOLOMEW & SPIVEY PHYSICIANS , SURGEONS AND OCULISTS All calls promptly attended day or night. Phone 01. MRS. W. T. JONES DRESSMAKING Mrs. W. T. Jones has had 17 years exper ience In dressmaking , it Is useless to look further. Work guaranteed. Hooin 7 , Dierkb lilock , J. L. FERGUSON NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estate , Insurance , Ranches and Farms for Rent , Legal Papers Drawn , Sur veying and Platting. Hroken now , Nebraska. Anyone , anywhere , can start a mail order business at home. - , No canvassing. Be your own - \ boas. Send for free booklet. ' Tells how. Heacock , A4S82 , Lockport , N , Y. 45-tf