Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 19, 1910, Image 7

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Rev. Laploy Suffered Twclva Years
From It How He Conquered It ;
You Also Can , Free.
Through an nnnouncemont that ho saw
In his local paper the Rev. J. D. Lapluy
of Avondale Station , Birmingham , Al.i. .
learned that he could obtain a tree trial
bottle of a remedy
( or the euro of Indl-
cestlon , and as ho
was Interested , because -
cause he suffered
that way , ho wrote
for it , The rcmo-
dy was Dr. Cald-
well's Syrup Pop-
In. Mr. kapley ,
who Is a minister of
the Methodist Epis
copal Church , and a
member of the Cen
tral Alabama Con
ference , took the
free- bottle with Iho
result that ho was . . . . . , _ , _
MrsA1100 Northrup
very speedily cured.Mrs -
You or any other sufferer from consti
pation , Indigestion and dyspepsia , sick
hendacho and such digestive troubles can
hnvo a free trial bottle sent to your homo
prepaid by forwarding your name find
address. It Is the gentlest , mildest , best
- * > tasting , most effective laxative tonic you
X-aprf ever tried. Drugfjfsts will sell you the
regular bottles ut 60 cents or $1 , and re
sults are guaranteed. A plcturo of Mrs.
Nortlirup. of Qu'ticv. 111. , a rurcd patient ,
l presented herewith. If there Is any-
thjng about vour case that < you .don't un
derstand wr'te the doctor and he will nrt-
vlse you. The addons la Dr. W. Ttf Cold-
wall , 201 Caldwcll Bldg. , Montlcello , 111.
Texas Bear ( to senator on a walk
ing trip In the mountains ) Uully geel
la the president after you , too ?
"Just about two years ago , some
form of humor appeared on my scalp.
The beginning was a slight itching but
It grew steadily worse until , when I
combed my hair , the scalp became
raw and the ends of the comb-teeth
would be wet with blood. Most of the
time there was an intolerable itching ,
In a painful , burning way , very much
aa a bad , raw burn , if deep , will Itch
and apart when first beginning to
heal , \jombing my hair was positive
torture. My hair was long and tan-
Sled terribly because of the blood and
V scabs. This continued growing worse
and over half my hair fell out. I was
in despair , really afraid of becoming
totally bald.
"Sometimes the pain was GO great
that , when partially awake , I would
scratch the worst places so that my
flnger-tips would be bloody. I could
not sleep well and , after being asleep
a short time , that awful stinging pain
would commence and then I would
wake up nearly wild with the torture.
A neighbor said it must bo salt rheum.
Having used Cuticura Soap merely aa
a toilet soap before , I now decided to
order a set of the Cuticura Remedies
Cuticura Soap , Ointment and Pills.
I used them according to directions
for perhaps six weeks , then left off ,
as the disease seemed to be eradi
cated , but loward spring , eighteen
months ago , there was a slight re
turn of the scalp humor. I com
menced the Cuticura treatment at
once , so had very little trouble. On
my scalp I used about one half a cake
of Cuticura Soap and half a box of
Cuticura Ointment in all. The first
time I took six or seven bottles of Cu-
Ucura Fills and the last time thrco
bottles neither an expensive or te
dious treatment Since then I have
had no scalp trouble of any kind.
Standing up , with my hair unbound , it
comes to my knees and had It not been
for Cuticura I should doubtless be
wholly bald.
"This is a voluntary , unsolicited tes
timonial and I take pleasure In writing
It , hoping my experience may help
eomcono else. Miss Lillian Drown ,
R. F. D. 1 , Liberty , Me. , Oct. 29 , 1909. "
Many a man tries to stand on his
rights when he hasn't any.
How is Your
Is it keen and normal or do you
have that "don't care" sort of feeling ?
Loss of appetite is one of the surest
signs of inward weakness and if you
are wise you will heed the warning
promptly and take a few doses of Hos
teller's Stomach Bitters. The system
requires a certain amount of nourish
ment every day in order to keep up
health and strength and to replacu the
waste portions. This can only be ac
complished with a keen appetite and
and perfect digestion and assimilation
of the food. Then again Hosteller's
Stomach Bitters should be taken. It
will stimulate the flow of gastric juices ,
so essential to perfect digestion , and
nid in every way possible. For over
56 years it has been used with wonder
ful success in cases of Poor Appetite ,
Heartburn , Flatulency , Indigestion.
Dyspepsia , Costiveness , Biliousness
and Malaria.
The Popular Sovereign Victim of Pneumonia Following a Severe Attack of
Bronchitis to which Ho has boon a Subject for Years ,
Klnrj Edward's Death Came After a Memorable Reign of Less Than Ten
Years Dead Monarch Was a Statesman , Diplomat Sports
man and a Man of Co mmon Sense Nation
Dumb Wl.h Grief.
London , Ens. King Edward VII
died at 11:45 : o'clock last night in
Buckingham palace of broitcliltlal
pneumonia which developed from a
cold contracted a few days ago.
Prince George of Wales immediately
upon his father's death became king.
The initial act of the now ruler waste
to telegraph to the lord mayor of Lon
don the announcement of the kings
death. The telegram follows :
"Buckingham Palace , May 6.
' 'To the Lord Mayor ,
"Mansion House.
"I am deeply grieved to Inform you
The Late Edward'VII.
that my beloved father , the king ,
passed peacefully away at 11:45 : to
( Signed ) GEORGE. "
Then came the official bulletin is
sued by the king in his last moments.
In an instant the news that all Bug-
cd for all day was flashed throughout
the country.
Although the eminent physicians
who attended his majesty in his last
moments have made no ofllcial an
nouncement as to the cause of his
death , it is believed that bronchial
pneumonia was the cause. There is
no doubt that Edward worried greatly
over the political situation that con
fronted him and that aggravated the
land dreaded and which they had look-
King George V.
illness from which the king had been
suffering for more than a year. It is
only three days ago tnat his condition
became serious.
The first bulletin issued was of a
cheerful nature but those that followed
soon after gradually became alarming
until at 8:15 : it was announced that
Curtiss to Fly In Topeka.
Topeka , May C. A deal was closed
for a scries of aeroplane flights and
contests In which several Curtiss bi
planes will participate , to ho bold In
Topeka during the week , beginning
June 4.
Indiana Miners Back to Work. .
Terre Haute , Ind. , May C. Eleven
thousand Indiana bituminous coal min
ers returned to work this morning ,
thereby ending a strike which has
been on in the Indiana coal fields for
33 days.
his majesty was experiencing choking
spells which affected the heart nnu
that his symptoms were of the gravest
character. l < rom that time on the
great crowds that surrounded the
palace awaited what they knew to bo
the curtain end.
Newspapers Announced the End.
The announcement of the end which
came through the newspapers shortly
attcr midnight was quietly received
and as quietly discussed by the few
late theater-goers nnd waiting group In
front of the palace , which soon dis
persed and went home.
The body of the dead ruler lies in a
chamber In the northwest wing of the
palace , which Is brilliantly lighted.
The rest of the great building Ip en
tirely darkened.
A Political Less.
Fro in a political and business stand
point , the death of the king Is regard
ed as a calamity. One of the greatest
constitutional crises hangs over the
country , with every defall of which
King Edward was perfectly familiar.
Tlie king's death brings to an end
the many social activities planned for
the season and will entail a great loss
to the merchants of London who had
expected to profit greatly from the In
flux of American visitors.
It is probable that Mr. Jloosevelt's
visit to England will bo cancelled and
that he may sail directly from Ger
many for the United States.
King George V. Proclaimed.
King George V has neen proclaimed.
The proclamation was approved by the
privy council at 4 o'clock in the after
With this ceremony and In his 45th
year the second son born to King
Edward VII and Queen Alexandra be
comes ruler of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland and of the
British dominions beyond the seas ,
king , defender of the faith and em
peror of India.
Met in the Throneroom.
The council met in the throneroom
at St. James palace , under the presi
dency of the Earl of Crewo , who offici
ated In the absence of Viscount" Wol-
verhampton , the lord president of the
council. The now monarch was given
tho. title of King George V.
The king , who had driven over from
Marlborough House , waited In a room
adjoining the council chamber while
the lengthy forma/lilies / lending up to
the actual proclamation were proceed
King Edward's Career.
England's dead king , Edward VII. ,
whose full title was "king of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland , and of all the British domin
ions beyond the seas , emperor of In
dia , " was the eldest son and the second
end child of Queen Victoria and Al
bert , the prlnco consort. He was born
November 9 , 1841 , In Buckingham pal
ace and was christened Albert Ed
At his birth ho was created prlnco
of Wales and by virtue of that dig
nity he became also knight of the gar
ter. As heir apparent to the British
throne he succeeded to the title of
duke of Cornwall and Its emoluments ,
and as heir to the crown of Scotland
ho became great steward of Scotland ,
duke of Rolhesay , earl of CarncK ,
baron of Renfrew and lord of the Isles.
In I860 the prince made a tour of
the United States and Canada nnd the
next year he joined the British army
at Curragh camp , Ireland. In 18C2 he
set out on his travels again , this time
visiting Jerusalem and other places of
biblical Interest His companion on
Speaker Cannon Cancelled Dates.
Toledo. O. "Uncle Joe" Cannon has
cancelled all of his Chautauqua dates.
Losau county officials received a letter
from the speaker In which ho said that
ho would be unable to appear at the
Bcllefontaine Chautauqua on June 28.
Receipts Exceed Estimates.
Washington , D. U. Receipts from
the corporation tax will exceed by
nearly $1,000,000 Secretary Mac-
Veagh'fj estimate of J25.000.000 made
early In December , according to the
Internal revenue olllco.
the trip was Dean Stnuloy of West
Edward's public llfo began In Feb
ruary , 1SG3 , when , as heir to the
throne , ho took his seat In the house
of lords. On March 10 of tlio sntno
year he married I'rlncoss Alexandra
Caroline Mary Charlotte Loulso Julia ,
the eldest daughter of King Christian
IX. of Denmark. Her beauty , grace
and charming manners at once guvo
Her a popularity In Great Britain that
has continued nnlosscncd throughout
her llfo aa princess and queen. "In
1875-70 the prince made an extended
tour through the Indian empire and
was received everywhere with lavish
and magnificent hospitality , the native
rulers seeking to outdo one another
In the gorgcoiiBncss of the entertain *
monts'provided for the emperor.
Queen Alexandra.
On the death of Queen Victoria ,
January 22 , 11)01 ) , Edward succeeded to
the throne. The coronation was sot
for Juno 2G , 1902 , and all preparations
for the magnificent event had been
completed when disquieting rumors of
the king's 111 health , which had been
current for several days , were con
tinued by the postponement of the
ceremony. It was announced that the
king was suffering from perityphllltls ,
and on June 24 ho underwent an op
eration. After some woks of the
greatest anxiety , he recovered , and the
coronation took place August II.
The development of the king's char
acter in his later years was especially
gratifying to the nation. In addition
to the love of his people , which ho
Had always had , ho gained their ad
miration and respect. They had the
utmost conlldence In his good judg
ment , as was amply exemplified dur
ing the late crisis over the budget ,
and they were always sure he would
do the right thing at tlio right time.
New Queen of England.
To Edward and Alexandra were
born six children. The first , Prince
Albert , duke of Clarence , died In 18U2 ,
aged 28 years. The second , George
Frederick Ernest Albert , born on Juno
I ! , 1805 , succeeds to the throne. The
other children are : Princess Louisa
Victoria , married to the duke of Fife ;
Princess Victoria Alexandra ; Princess
Maude Charlotte , married to Prlnco
Charles of Denmark , and Prince Alex
ander John , who died the day after
his birth In 1S71.
Money tor Kansas City , Kan.
Washington , May 9. The sundry
civil bill which was reported to the
house provided for fGO.OOO for Improve
ments of the government building at
Kansas City , Kan. , and $00.000 for the
postofllce building at Sallna.
No Beef Trust Requisitions.
New York , May 9. Gov. J. Franklin
Fort of Now Jersey , at Trenton an
nounced that he had declined to Issue
a writ of requisition for the Indicted
licet trust corporations and its in
dicted director ? .
Jlmpson Is Watson a pleasant talk
ing man ?
Simpson Yes If you don't get him
started on religion , golf , automobiles
or politics.
A City Beautiful.
Is In the heart of the richest , best
profit making farm laud In the great
Southwest. From n brush pllo to a
city of 26,000 population In 14 years.
Wonder of the age in city building.
Now building Meat packing house
1GOO employes ; Cotton Fabric Mill
COO employes ; Uaptlst and Cathollo
Stnto Universities Will enroll 1000 stu
dents. Unprecedented profit making
Investments waiting for men of small
and largo means. The last opportunity
to get property in Shawnee nt n low
price. Got In on the ground floor.
Prices will ndvnnco rapidly. Nothing
can stop Shawnee now. For descrip
tive literature and further Information
COMPANY , Shawnee , Oklahoma , which
la not a real estate company.
Inside and Out.
Speaker Cannon , nt n dinner in
Washington , said , soothingly , to n
young suffragette :
"After all , you know , there is room
for both men and women In this world.
Men have their work to do and women
have theirs.
"It Is the woman's work to provide
for the Inner man , and It Is the man's
to provide for the outer woman. "
Proposed Partnership.
Father You want to marry my
daughter ? Why , air , you can't sup-
port her. I can hardly do it ray-
Suitor ( blandly ) C-can't wo chip in
together ? Plck-Mc-Up.
Kill the Fllea Now and Keep
dipcase nwny. A DAISY FLY KILLER
will do it. Kills tliouHnnds. Lasts nil ( .cnxnn.
Ank your denier , or rend 20c to II , SOM-
EllS. 1DO DcKalb Avc. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
It takes people who have no opin
ions of their own to make good Jurora
therefore women nro not eligible.
SORE EYES , weak , inflamed , red. wntcry
nnd swollen cyiw. use IM-riTIT'S liYE
SALVE. 25c. All druggists or Howard
Brod. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Poor indeed.
Ella My fncu la my fortune.
Stella You destitute thing !
Bnmnicir uoiiiiimlnt , itownl trouble.cruinim liavn no
terrors In Ilin Imiisnlmlil where this n > | u < niliiblo
aitkllclnu Is kept on tuntl. 26c , 3a anil 60a boUlon4
Saying and' doing uro two things.
Mm. Wltmlow'n SnotliliiR Syrup.
For child mi tin'imiiu. M > rtrnHliiitimiiii , rrcuicriln-
One can't always dl&gulso the breath
of suspicion by stilcy talk.
Mnny who used to pmnlco 10i cigars
now buy Lewis' Single Hinder straight Cc.
Never say die till you are dead and
then s It'n no use. Spurgcon.
Has made itself welcome in
the homes of the people the
world over , by its wonderful
cures of all blood diseases and
run-down conditions.
Got It today In usual liquid form
chocolated labials called Bariatabs.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine time * in ten when the Em b rigjbt ll
stomach and boweli are right.
gently but ( irmly corrwj
pel a lizy liver tot
do iti duty.
Cure * Con- . ,
tlpation ,
tion ,
Headache , and DUtreti after Eating ,
Small Pill Small Dot * . Small Prle *
GENUINE rouil btr lignaturei
$5 , $4 , S3.5O , $3 & S2.5O
Wtrhlngmen'i CJ tojt f E ? 45 Oout' fllo i
93.00 Shon O H W E.OW. h.tO A | 3
" \V. L. Douprlns
Bltocs jiro worn fj
any oilier make ,
W. I. . Doncliift 8US.OO
nnd8lnnHli < > o oiiiiil ,
In Htylo , III nnil
nthor iniikcii < to
.ail mill W3.IXI
Hlinoa itro tlio lowcit
| irlc , ciimllly cnnilil-
vruililnllio world.
Fast Color EyeMt. . _
Thr tr.fiin1ii ( lii\TO\V. I. DonctM name and Mica ,
ilainnril on iho bottom , TiiU * JV Miti < * lllMtr
Aik v < lnnlcpfor\V.I loimli > ( i hof . IMh
arc not for nixln In your town write for Mnll Untf i Cat.
aloir. Hlilnit full lUrertloni liow In orrtw hT mill. flliucl
orilenM direct from fariory OellYf rwl to tlie wf ar r all
cluuuca prepaid. W. L. UOUULAB , Urockton , AWa.
? If jrou will uaA atnl larap loriUtC
p > ; mailing exp D aaa4 ( In ujrnr into1 * i
1 he FiramM FIT Catcher DM twlmtba
nrtara of a ibmi n > Bfptvvr aad h
no oi > letlonabla odor. It will lull
loonlb and won t run on tb hot *
k t d j. B 1d j inttn u truuuu
tiau u < h
Loula Delonio A Co.
73 DuiMSUlewIwkCitj.
Shnltc Into Yonr Shoca
Allen'a Foot-Cti * , the nutlioptlo
powder for Ilin feet. It ourci
painful , iwollen , martlniiCTTOuir * t.
and ln Untlj ( ak a Iho itlng ont ol
conunml bunlonf. Il'n tlio ffrrnt *
Clt comlnrl dlNrovory of ttiiB
. , - . Allnn'e Foot E * makaitlbt *
_ ttiiiir or Dew thoua fuel CUT. 11 U a
certain cnro forlnsrowlnj n ll , irraU
Ing , c4lUiue anil tired , aohln * ftnL
\VohaTOOf rSO.OOOte lmonl li. Til Y
1T TO-DA Y. Holdef rj htre , 84o.
fistByjafr-p-w.R2- ] ' .
Innnlnrli rO\VI > UU.S. the l > tmedloln * lo
\cSl.i J > roverlih , eloklr Ohlldren. Huld b >
LlrUfclit cturrw hor0
Foo.Ea c'\ Trlnll'.cknf. I'ltKn. Addreia , I
ALI.liN U. OL.MHTUl ) , Lolloj , NVV. '
other itarclmi only 12 ounce * m price and
W. N. U. , LINCOLN , NO. 20-1910.
'Each of the chic ! or
gans of the body ! a
link la the Chain ol
Life. A chain is no
stronger than its
weakest link , the body
no stronger than its
weakest organ. If there Is weakness of stomach , liver or lungs , there is
vrealc link in the chain of life which may snap at any time. Often this so-called
"weakness , " is caused by lack of nutrition , the result of weakness or diietio
of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Diseases nd
weaknesses of the stomach and its allied organs are cured by the use bl Dr.
Picrce's Golden Medical Discovery. When the weak or diseased stomach {
cured , diseases of other organs which teem remote from the stomach but which
Lave their origin in a diseased condition of the stomach and
Other organs of digestion and nutrition , are cured also.
The atron& man has a atrond stomach.
Take the obovo recommended "Dlacov
cry. " and you may have a strong atom *
acb and a etrond body ,
GIVBN AWAY. Dr. Piercc's Common Sense Medical Adviser ,
new revised Edition , is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay
: expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the
book in paper covers , or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound voU
ume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce , BuQ"alo , N. Y.
A Woman's Home
should be her pride. Your homo should
reflect your own Individuality. You
cannot have special wall papers de
signed by you tor each room you can
carry out a special Alabastlno decora *
tlve scheme for those rooms you can be
a leader in your community and have
your homo the talk of your friends.
The Stylish Wall Tint
I * the material that wfll nccompllnti this result. We can
iliovr Innuinrrnhle color effect * , cliisalc sleucil designs , and
our Art Department \ > vour Ncrvice.
Send for the AUbMtin * book explaining what we defer
for you , and bow we furauh fr e itencili where Alabutlno
U mod.
AlnbnMlne U a powder made from AlahaMer , ready fore
o e by mixing with rcml wtei nd U applied with an or-
diuury wall brush. Full directions on each package.
Alabastine Company
New York City , N.Y. Grand Rapid * , Mich.