. I / THE 00uNT , , kindly reference to the 74th an niversary of the birth of the present speaker of the house of repicsentatives. It is a great body , 392 in number , represent ing in round numbers 90,000,000 people , with a great area from the 49th degree of north latitude down to the southern boundry and from the Atlantic to the Pacific , stretching across the continent almost 3,500 miles , with great natural resources , the greatest wealth , from the standpoint of nature , given by the Almighty to any similar area on the face of the earth , and we are especially blessed with a population that has been grow ing from one decade to another since the landing of our forebears in Virginia and on th6 Massa chusetts coast. We have been contributed to from the Caucasian race by the best that the world had to contribute , by individuals coming to the new continent the Old World , seeking to better their condition , and under the hand of necessity to earn their bread in the sweat of their faces they have developed , as we hope , as we believe , in the grand aver age the most virile , patriotic , and capable population on earth. Ours is a representatide govern ment , and as we gather from the various portions of the republic representing populations with different climates and with dif ferent resources , our constituents have different direct personal interests , end we voice our con stituents. "In consideration of legislation that will bring the greatest good to the greatest number , we nec essarily have different views. Theretore , being virile , to the best of our ability we seek to write the views of the constitu ents we represent upon the statute books for the common good. In the clash of interests we make compromises , and all legislation of a general nature i the result of compromise. v\"hile sometimes there is hot blood and virile partisanship , after all , want to say for the majority side K of the house and for the minority side of the house , that we are all Americans , under our oaths rep resenting , according to our best judgment , the respective con stituencies which have given us their power of attorney to act for them. " /jnd while there are hot words at times , I feel when , as you have done , you have halted the business of the house to reme'm ber my 74th birthday , which is away beyond the average of lift- to man , that you do it in tbe kindness of your hearts , and thai however much you may be mis taken us to my capacity , you would not do it unless you recog nized that I walk in the light i f my best judgment , as you walk in the light of your est judgmen : . I thank you " ( Loud applause. ) F Life in tne ( kmocratic party is jusi one dose ot Hryamstn after anoiher Spring fie cl Union. President is a good lawyer. and has no objec inn o submit ting Ins c.i'-eto ill * , pt nple at an } time. S' . L'uiG r > i-D mocrat , \ \ Mr Bryan will probdbly want to know what right Senator Rayner has tonviu - anybody in to tbe D riMcrdtic p-irt ) without the N brasUati's const nt. Louis ville Post " " " ent" and "Regular , "mt > ur democratic line were obliterated when G > v. Hughes' Appointment came before the MM ) ate. It was ( he most harmonious event ol the session. Boston Transcript The G.ty nor-Hearst contro versy m kes one thing clear There will not be room for both of them in thf dimocratic p t without uncomfortable crowding. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Just so , when the time comes for the voters of the Massachu- , setts district which elected Mr. Foss for those of the New York district Which elected Mr , Havens to elect representatives for the full term , the results arc likely to be what they ought to be , and not again what they happened tote to be at elections to fill uncxpired terms , Albany Journal. There is no reason why the republicans cannot get together , adjust their differences and go ahead to retain control of the country. As a party , they are more efficient than their adver saries and better fitted to carry on the government , and for these reasons the people have kept them in power for many years. Lowell Courier-Citizen. Hryan scores severly the ap pointment of Hughes. Two years ago the ablest speaker on the republican hustings , the one who most thoroughly analyzed Bryan and his speeches , was Hughes. More , even , than the speeches of Taft did those of flughes contribute to the dis comfiture of Bryan. Sioux City Tribune. Secretary Knox has made good in all the responsible offices he has held , and , judging by what he has already acomplishcd in the state department , his ad ministration ol that great field of governmental activity , when he has worked out his plans , will be worthy of comparison with the administrations of Secretary Hay and Secretary Root , both of which were exceptionally bril- iant and successlul Rochester Democrat and Qhronicle. I here is a pretty vigorous de mand on the part of people , re ; irdless of party , for the passage of the legislation mapped out by Presdent Taft If he bus bor rowed some of his ideas from the Democratic , so much the better for the party. I will give its orators something tangible to talk about on the hustings nex fall. But opposition to the measures , predicted on such as tonishing grounds as those' of Mr. Adamson , will make no friends for him or his party. Milwaukee Sentinel. The Villain Still Pursues U. Some weeks ago some lumber dealers met in a western city and said they regretfully must raise the price of common boards on account of the Payne tariff , says the Guthrie ( Okla. ) State Capi tal. Think of it ! They must raise the price from 50 cent * to $1 a thousand on ac count of the tariff When the same law reduced the tariff on common boards 75 cents a thousand. And chese men meet in con vention and attempt to deceive add bunko and hoodwink * the people. It was tbe s.itnc way in refer ence to hides Hides wtre put on the free list , but all kinds of shoes h ve gone uj on tbe wholesale market , and not a single reduction is given in Dun's Review " 1 hen the woolen dealeisgot together and said they must raise the price o1 wool on account nt Payne trnff , hut there is not in ttie Pan. nt one change m-ide in Hi' - eel or woolen schedule , exc p two minor ones , dud both oi these were reduc tions. These instances sound like the tricks that were attempted under the McKinla ) bill in the same way , and show how men who have pt cuniary self interests at stake are going to attempt to di cndit the Payne tariff law for selfish pecuniary gain , Norwalk ' ( Obi. . ) Rifi cto'r. What the Tariff Law is Doing. The volume of business through out the country as shown by the bank clearings to increase. The indications at the beginning of .March were fully borne out by the figures the entire mouth m which nearly every financial center of importance showed mat * crial improvement over March of a year ago , Total clearings for the United States according to the returns of the New York Chronicle , arc $15,017,000,000 , an increase of 19 pec cent. This is the highest March total yet re corded , and shows that all the ground lost during the panic has been made up. The total for March , 1909 was $12,621,000,000 ; for 1908 , $9,789,000,000 ; 1907 , the previous high record , $4,657- 000,000 ; 1906 , $13,007,000,000 ; 1905 , $12,918,000,000. Early returns - turns for April show continued activity. The increase for the first week amounted to 11 per cent. Totals for the three months of the year tell the same story ; the 1910 figures being $45- 267,000,000 , as compared in 1908 and $41,817,000,000 , the previous high record , in 1906. Not a Close Corporation' The republican party has been , is not , and never will be , a close corporation. It c me into existence with a general invita tion to all good citizens to unite u checking slavery. It has ever since practiced the policy ot the open door. In its own ranks it accents and approves wide differences of opinion , as long as they are honest , based on prin ciple and resting on a determi nation to support the broad pur poses of the party. This is not the policy of the Democratic line of action. Jeff erson began and Jackson con tinued the policy of treating the Democratic party as a close cor poration. Wherever it is in un challenged power it draws the party line sharply and refuses to permit dissent. The unit 'rule prevails in its National conven tions u der which a majority of a single vote in a State delega tion controls absolutely every vote from the State. The rep ublican party in , 1876 decided against this practice and in the conventions each man from every State is free to vote as be deems Democratic Senators at Wash ington under Democratic train ing are naturally challenging independent action in republican Senators In the democratic party there would be no room for "independents" or insurgents.- There is in the republican party. Honest differences as to details and honest agreement as to es sentials is its principle and practice Every man in the republican party can vote for the /'dtuinisown conscience. No i \i. can drivi him or boss him The republican party is united as to the general policy of Presi dent Tafl on legislation now before Congress. Every repub lican can vote for the Adminis tration measures and every rep ublican is free to make every effort to perfect these measures they are on passage. This com bination of criticism within th party and action with the party may be strange to Democratic Senators at Washington but it is , and always has been good republican doctrine. Philadel phia Press. Democrats Reasons. Verily it is a hard task to fathom the processes of the Dem ocratic mind. The only safe theory seems to be that if there is a wrong way of going about anything that is the way the Democrat is going to adopt. Witness the performances of representative Adamson , of Georgia. Mr. Adamson , anu arc- est Democrat , is a member of the House Committee on Interstate Commerce and in such capacity he is opposing the President's commerce hill. As near as can be discovered , Mr. Adamson's objections are based chiefly on the ground that the bill is an execution of certain Democratic principles and poli cies -JTQR SALE- , for Sites for Homes , two U block * . 6 fall blocks well put. A J-room haute , fine brlckcd-up cave , shade aud Irjlt. & boautlfnl site on a K block , nrlcotf&O A modern 8-room bouse , nice barn , A carrlaire home , close In , price rlslit and time on half uflt , Two new 4-room Cottntron , cheap , and conveniently located , these are Cheap enoutth for any one. . . I want.to show you my properties free so come In and let me , I can write your INSURANCE as low as the low * At , crlve me a chance , flRE and TOR * NADO. Old Itlue Compatiys. Yours for Square Dealing1 , J. M. FODGE. Offiii Pkont 142 RM. Phoit 23J "The provision as to initiating an inquiry into the rates and practices the President borrowed from the Democratic leaders , " asserted Mr , Adamson. He also says ; "The President has bor rowed froni the Democratic plat form the suggestion that the commission may arrest a rate be fore it goes into effect. " Naturally the average citizen , unversed in Democratic ratioci nation , will inquire why these facts should embitter a Democrat against the bill. It would seem , rather , that they should inspire him to advocate it and and to lend his influence to its early adoption. For , surely , measures urged by the revered Democratic platform and advocated by the estimable Mr. Bryan must be good for the country , even though an unkind fate has de creed that they should be ad vanced by a Republican Presi dent. EVER WATCHFUL A'Little Care Will Save Many Broken Bow Readers Future Trouble. Watch the kidney secretions. See that they have tbe amber hue of health ; Tbe discharges not excessive or in frequent ; Contain no "brick-dust like" sedi ment. Doan's Kidney Pills will do tbis for you. you.Tbey watcb tbe kidneys and cure tbeui when they're sick. C. S. Uoots , of Broken Bow , Nebr. , Says : " I have tikeii Doan's Kidney Pills witb success and other members of my fatuity have received great benefit from their use. About three years ago I was troubled by pains in my back and kidneys and in tbe morning wben \ getup up , I was very lame and sore. Some times tbe kidney secretious passed too frequently , tben again tbere was a dis tressing retention and tbe passages were accompanied by a burning sensation. Doan's Kidney Pills acted promptly am' tborougbly and tbey effected hns beer permanent. My experience witb tbis remedy as well as that of other members of my family leads me to give tbis public statement " For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , New York , sole agents for the United States. Remember tbe name Doan's and take no other. Prairie Hill. Mrs. L. T. Martin is on the sick list J. J. Philipsen of Dunning visited from Friday until Mon day with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster and mother and sisters Clara and Min nie of Ormsby visited Sunday at Mr. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs , Elliott and Mr and Mrs. House of Broken Bow visited Sunday at L. T. Martin Perny Morford is down from the sand hills. Mrs. John Hanna and children of Loyal visited Sunday and Mon day in this vicinity. Ralph Miller who has been working for IT. . Martin has lett the ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Al Browm en tertained at dinner Sunday in honor J. J. Philipsous 73 birth day , Joe Dagan , J. R. Longfellow and families Mrs , Hanna and children and J. J. Philipson a plasant time was had by all , An intelligent person can earn % $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. No canvassing. Send for 'particulars , Press Syndicate , B4683 , Lockport , N. Y , 45-tf How's This ? We otter One Hundred Dollar * Reward ( or uy MM ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by UaU's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY 4 CO. . Toledo. O. We , tbe underlined , have known F. J. Chtney ( or the last 15 yean , and believe him perfectly hoot orable In all bualneaa transactions and financial ! * able to carry out any obligations mada by hu firm. WALMNO , KINNAN & MARVIN. ' Wholesale pruaalJW. Toledo. OL Ilall'i Catarrh Cure la taken Internally. , acting directly upon the blood and mucoua surface * ot tha iritem. Tettlmonlali tent tree. 1'rlce 71 cint * p r bottle. Sold by all UruKKUU. Take llall'i Family I'lil * lor eonitlpatloq. I COAL No Dirt. , No Cllnkem-All Cotil--Th Good Kind. FEED For Sale. Both Wholesale and Retail. Highest Markat Price for All Kinds of Grain ] West Elevator F. J , BAIIR , Prop. Phone (2 PUBLIC LAND SALK. Department of the Interior , U. S. Land onicc at Lincoln , NebrasVa , April 31,11)10 ) , Notice Is hereby given that , as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Of fice , under the provisions of the acts of congress approved June 27 , 1W > ( : il SlatN. . S17anaMarch2 , l tffSI ( Stats. , ui ) , we will oflcr at public Male to the highest bidder , nt 10 o'clock A. M. , on the 7th day of June , 1910 , next , at this onicc , the following tract of land : Serial No. 01397 ; The NK54 of SW.U sec 31 T. lb n K. ! W W. Oth p. M. Any persons claiming adversely the above- described lands are advised to tile their claims or objections on 6r before the time designated for sale. OIIAS U SltKUl ) , 47-51 HcRlstcr. NOTICE OF S.VLH UNDKK CHATTKL MOllTQAQi : . Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage , dated January 27th , 11)10 ) , and executed by K. 1) . McOaslln to Kycrson Ilros. company to secure the payment ot the sum of $230.60 And upon which there Is now the sum of $222.80 default having been made In the payments due March ist.and April 1st , 1910 , and the property upon which the moru gage was given having been neglected HO as that It would depreciate In value the said Itycrson Urothcrs company have declared the whole nil in due and payable and under and by virtue of said mortgage have taken possession ot the said property , hereinafter described no suit at law or other proceed' Ings have been Instituted to recover said deot or any part thereof , therefore I 1' . M. Towsley agent for the saldltycrson urothers Company , > wlll sell the property therein de scribed , vl/.ONB 11. V. NHLSON PIANO style " 11 Walnut" number 17410 at public auction In front of Kycrson urothers co. store In the city of ilrokcn Itow Nebraska on the 28tH day of May 1910 atone o'colck i' . M. of aald day. day.Dated Dated April 30th , 1910. P. M. TOW.SI.KV , Agent for Itycrson Ilros. co. N. T. OADD , Attorney. 48-fio IN TUB DISTIUCT COURT OP CUSTEU COUNTY , NKIiKASKA. In the matter of the 1 _ , , Lordcr to show of . estate John it. Mohat , insane , f cause. This cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Joseph It. Mohat , guardian of the estate of John li. Mohat , an Insane person , praying lor license to sell the NEW of section 2-J. T. 18 , N , of U. 20v. . oth P. M. or a sumclent amount thereof to pay the Indebtedness of said estate In the sum of 9700 , allowed agalnt said estate , and the costs of guardianship of said insane person and this action , there be ing no personal property to pay said debts and expenses. It Is therefore ordered that all persons Interested In Haiti estate appear betorc me at liroken Uow , In custer county , Nebraska , at ten o-'clock , A. M.on the Oth day of June , 1010 , to show cause why a license should not be granted to said guardian to ttell the above described real estate of said Insane person , or so much thereof as may be ucccssary to pay said debts and expenses of guardian ship. Dated this 30th day of April , 1910. HltUNO O. IIOSTBTLKR , 48-52 Judge of the District court. IN THE COUNTY COUIIT OP CUSTEK COUNTY , NEBRASKA. Uotlce of probate f ' * > ' * * " 111. To all persons interested in said estate take notice : That a petition and duly certl- lied copy of the will of George Adams , de ceased , together with the probate proceed' Ing thereof In the Circuit Court of Cook county , In the state of Illinois , has been tiled In the County Court of Custer County Ne braska. by I. A. Itcueau , agent , praying that said will be admitted to probate as a foreign will under the lawa of the state of Nebraska and that said cause has been set for hearing before the court at tlicolllcc of the county Judge of Cus er county , Nebraska , on the 20th day of. May , 1010 , at which time all per sons Interested In said cause may appear and show cause If any why said will may not be admitted to probate as a foreign will of said deceased as prayed for by said pe titioner. In witness whereof 1 have hereunto set iny hand and atllxed the seal of the county court of Custer county , Nebraska , at liroken How In said county , this 27th day of April , loio. [ HKAL ] 0. II , Hor.coMii , 4750 County Judge. NOTICE OP SALE OP HEAL ESTATE 11Y UEPEIIEE. Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Sherman county , Nebraska , duly made and entered on the 12th day ot April , 1010 in the cause wherein James M. Lowry and Hattie A. Lowry are plaintiffs , arm Oeorge W. Lowry , Annie 5. Nave an Incompetent , person , Ilatttc A. Lowry , iriiardlan of the estate of of the said Annie S. Nave , Mary E. Welch , Sidney Welch , susle M. Lowry , widow of Henry Lewis Lowry deceased , Earl Lowry and Mae Lowry. minor heirs of Henry Lewis jvowry deceased. Susie M. Lowry , guardian of the estates ot the said Earl Lowry and Mae Lowry , Leander Lowry and Annie Lowry arc defendants , and which said order of the court directed the undersigned , Itobert I' . Starr , as sole referee , duly unpointed by the court to make partition ot the land hereinafter de scribed , to sell said promises to the highest bidder for cash In the manner provided by laws now , therefore pursuant to satu order and by virtue of the authority vested In me by law as such referee , I will , on Monday , the 13th day of June , 1010 , at the hour of a o'clock In the afternoon of said day , at the building In uroken Uow. in Custer county , Nebraska , where the last term of thcdlstrlct court of saldCustercounty was held , offer for salcand sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate , situate In custer county Nebraska , to-wlt , the soutli half of the south east ciuarter of section one and the north halt ot the north cast iiuarter of section twelve , all In township llfteen north of range seventeen , west of sixth principal mcrulan. Given under iny hand this second day of May , 1910. UOIIKUT p. STAHH , 18-1 Sole Uofereo. The Custer County Abstract Company books andbusiness for sale. Willis Cadwell 46-tf Drs , Farnsworth & Beck Dentists. Dr. Bass , dentist , old location , over Souder's drug store. WANTED 1000 acres of land , broke , in the vicinity of Anseltno Willis Cadwell , Broken Bow , | Nebr , 47-tf Disinfect The House. The house in wiutei in winter is ftcldom or never thoroughly aired out nml oft times poorly ventilated. Dirt will accumulate and diicase germs flourish , When warm weather cornea it should bo thoroughly disinfected. Ao'ft'coneral disinfectant , whether there has been coutageoua disease in the house or'not , we hve the following - ing , Sulphcr Candle * , Formaldehyde and Potassium Permanganate which are all good , We wllllbe pleased to supply your wants for thcse'articles. S. R. LEE. The Busy Druggist. A New Glean Staclc of LUMBER Freak IOLA Portland Cement. Fresh Car of A.CMA Plaster. A Splendid Line of Fence Posts , If you contemplate using any of the above this Sprung or if you need a nice load of COAL CALL and SEE H. T. Bruce ( ยง L Co. Broken Bow , Nebr. Phone 234. FRANK KELSElY ALL KINDS OF WELLS consult Him If You Want Water. / Uroken now , Nebraska , N. T. GADD vATTORNEY-AT-LAW Onicc over Holcomb'a book store. Office phone 208 Residence 20 Ilrokcn now , Nebraska. J. ' A. ARMOUR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practices In all the courts , Convayanclnc and notorlal work. Otllce up stairs over State uank of uroken How. Ilrokcn now , Nebraska. A. VINCENT SHERIDAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls promptly answered day or night. Ofllce and residence In the Mrs. Olelm building Just west of the Security State Hank. 1'hone 300 Uroken Uow , Nebraska. BANGS' STUDIO WE MAKE GOOD PHOTOS East Side of Square Urokea Uow , Nebraska. HARRY KIMBALL UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ( Licensed ) Business phone , 301 Residence 301U Uroken Dow , Nebraska. L , E. COLE EMBALMER & FUNER'I/DIRECTOR ( Licensed ) Union Block Uuslnesa pboue 85 , Residence,323 Uroken Uow , Nebraska. DRS. BARTHOLOMEW . cStSPIVEY PHYSICIANS , SURGEONS AND OCULISTS All calls promptly attended day or night. Phone 61. MRS. W. T. JONES DRESSMAKING Mrs. W. T. Jones has had 17 years exper ience In dressmaking. It IB usclebs to look further , work guaranteed. Uootn 7 , Dlerks Ulock. J. L. FERGUSON NOTARY PUBLIC Real Kstate , Insurance , Ranches and Farms for Rent. Legal Papers Drawn , Sur veying and Platting. Coinstock , Nebraska. Anyone , anywhere , can start a mail order business at home. No canvassing. Be your own boss , Send for free booklet. Tells how. Heacock , 'A4582 , Lockport , N , Y. 45-tf