Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 19, 1910, Image 4

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    | p ( 'r- " "
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$1.00 Per Year.
All nabscrlbcrs .ire considered permanent
nna If they wlnh to discontinue arc expected
to pay all arrearages and notify publisher.
Entered at Ilroken Dow , Nebraska , for transmission -
mission la the United States mall *
at second class rates.
D. M. AMSBL-RRY , Editor and Publisher
Where matter Is Ret on woodbaso electrotype
a Hat price of twenty cents per Incb , simile col
umn , for each Insertion , two or mure Insertions
15 cents per Incli. Special position , Blnirle In ,
nertlmi 20 cents per Inch , Metal base , electros-
two or more times , IS cents per Inch , Payment
11 rut of each month ,
Local advertising five cents per line each In
< iertloii.
Notice of church cunrcu fairs , sociables and
entertainments whore money Is cliamed , one
Italf rates.
Death notices free , half crlc- for publishing1
Card of Thanks , 0 cenu.
Legal notices at rates provided statutes of
Nebraska ,
Society Motlcesaud resolutions , one-hall raxes
Wedding notices free , half price for list of
From present indications con
gress will not be able to adjourn
before the first of July , \i then.
Andrews for State. Senator.
Up in Custer county one H. H.
Andrews of Callaway is "men
tioned" as a senatorial possibility
The nomination ought to close
right there , Custer county re
publicans might travel ever so
far without finding another man
fit in every way. Kearney Hub.
The knockers who have tried
in many ways to catch President
Taft in a hole find him sate in
the open at every attempt. His
straight forward and unequivical
explanation of the preparation of
the letter cxhonorating Secretary
Ballingcr from Glavis charges
was in keeping with his well
known conclusions in matters of
law and equity.
C. W. Beal , editor of the Bea
con announces in his paper that
he has has an inclination to file
as candidate for county attorney.
Bro. Beal made the race two
years ago against the present in-
cumbant and because he did not
succeed is no reason why he
should not " " since
"try again" his
illustrious leader W. J. has estab
lished the president no one
should say , nay.
W. A. George , republican can
didate for the nomination for
state treasurer , is certainly re
ceiving much encouragement
from all over the state. There is
no better man for the place , and
no one better fitted to fill the
position , and it is with pleasure
we note the' favorable comment
he is getting , He is well ac
quainted over the state , and will
without a doubt receive the
nomination. If nominated , he
will surely be elected. Loup
Valley Queen.
Republicans of Custer county
who believe in the principles of
the republican party as anuouc-
cd by Abraham Lincoln endorsed
and maintained by every republi
can administration since , includ
ing present incumbant of the
white house should be a subscrib
er to Tint CusTim CNUNTY Riu > -
UBUCAN. Its republicanism is
the old line sort and will not
falter in the advocacy of its
principles of protection to home
industrious and general pros *
J. D. Ilaskcll for the Senate.
'The ' name of J. D , Haskell has
been suggested for republican
candidate from this senatorial
district for the state Senate.
Mr. Haskell is one of Custer
county's staunch citizens with
splendid ability. He is not as
sociated with political or division
factions and the REPUBLICAN re
gards him as ideal man for the
place that could easily be elected.
He is one of the men who was
here before the county was or
ganized and has built himself
up with the county in the esteem
of all who know him.
Charles H. Jeffords , one of the
early pioneers of Custer county
and an extensive farmer of Kilfoil
township has announced his can
didacy for the state legislature
from this district subject to the
demo-populist voters at the prl-
mary. Mr , Jeffords is a good
citizen and well capable of filling
the position to which he aspires ,
I he worst fault that he has is
that he is on the wrong side of
the fence politically and should
he be elected when it came to
electing a United States Senator
his vote would be for a free trade
democrat ,
Republican Principles and Party Policy ,
Should republican candidates
loose out in the fall campaign
they will have no one more to
blame than themselves. A house
divided against itself cannot
stand. The democratic party
has demonstrated that often.
There should be no yielding of
party principles or an attempt to
carry water on both shoulders.
If there is one thing more than
another thr. republican party
stands for , it is a protective tariff
A tariff that not only provides
sufficient revenue for the needs
of the government , but a tariff
that at the same time protects
American labor , American fact
ories and American products
against foreign importation.
The political history of the
United States is that under a
tariff law of free trade and rev
enuc only the home supply is
greater than the demand. Labor
becomes a drug upon the market ;
the price of labor , the products
of the farm and factories depre
ciate and business suiters as a
The present tariff law against
which the democrats have to saj
is proving by actual operation the
wisdom of those who framed it
and secured its enactment.
As a revenue measure it is
meeting the demands of the
country. In that particular we
have never had its equal. The
receipts from the beginning of
its operation have turned into
the tills of the government
six billions more dollars than
did any revenue law do before in
the same length of time.
At the same time our industries
of all classes and our products of
all kinds are demanding and
maintaining better prices than
ever before. Labor of all and in
all branches of industry is in
demand at increased and remun
erative wages. No able bodied
person who is willing to do an
honest day's labor need be with
out employment.
The only commodity of which
we have a surplus is money.
Money is not as in free trade
times in the hands of a few capi
talists and herded up by a hand
ful of money kings.
Everyday labor , mechanic , artist ,
manufacturer , farmer or profes
sional man or woman is not with
out the needful. Many a poor
man since the last democratic
administration has grown rich
and the people generally are in
comparatively easy circumstances
because of the general prosperity
that has prevailed under republi
can administration.
There is no occasion for any
republican to be ashamed of the
party or present administration.
The only effect that can result
in republican leaders or news
papers joining in the democratic
crusade is to help the democrat
party to gain ascendancy in leg
islative and congressional halls
withtai , iff reform downward and
the price of every thing down
with it.
* The republican editors and
party leaders who haven't the
backbone to face criticism should
take a chiropractic adjustment
for their * spinal column.
There is no occasion for any
republican showing the white
feather. If he will but care
fully study the tariff schedule , he
will find our present law , altho
it may not be in every item just
a s h e would have it , as
stated b y President T a f t
"the best tariff law we haVe
ever had" and better than
any who oppose it could frame.
Let every republican stand for
Dainties For Your Luncheon ,
Remember we have all the fancy delicacies
for your lunch basket or your/afternoon / tea ,
Peanut Butter , Imperial
brand iti bottles - 15 & 30
Olive , Mogul brand , per
bottle . . . ioc
Strawberric , fresh from
the market , always
fine and prices right
Baled Hay , Corn , Wheat , Oats , Corn Chops , Bran
and Shorts for sale at Market Prices.
The Eagle Grocery Store.
The Square Deal Store Phone 58
a united party and continued
Washington Letter.
Washington , D. C. Even if
congress should adjourn , tomor
row the record of the present
administration to date would
really be an extraordinary one.
Never has so much been accom
plished in a single year as has
been attained since the inaugur
ation of President Taft. The
tariff law enacted at the special
session last year was a stupend-
uous piece of work in itself , and
has proved so eminently success
ful that few can be found to
criticize it. It has brought an
unusual amount of revenue and
a wonderful amount of business
to the county. It has given every
man who is worthy of it a chance
to work , and wages are being
increased all over the country1 so
rapidly that it can easily be said
that never before in out history
have the people of tnis country
been receiving so great a reward
for their labor and toil.
As a result of this tariff legis
lation we have entered into pleas
ant relations with every country
gaining from them the most ad-
vantageoue terms for our exports
to them and giving in return the
benefits of our minimum rates.
Such arrangements with our
National competitors throughout
the globe do much more to make
peace and friendly relations than
anything else that could be done ,
and already the principle of a
maximum and minimum tariff
has been fully vindicated , aud
shown not to be a threatening
club , but means to bring advant
age to both sides in a peaceful
and friendly way.
Again the tariff commission ,
made possible by the law , while
we hear little of its workings , is
still a very busy body , and when
the apprppriation now pending
is made available there is no
doubt but a mass of information
collected that will be of benefit
to the executive and to both
houses of congress.
Next to the passage and suc
cessful working of the new tariff
law is the economy put : into
operation and the splendid re
sults therefrom which have ac
crued to the government. It
will not be possible to know just
how great saving has been made
in our expenditures until the end
of the fiscal year , but it is already
knowu that many millions of
dollars will have been saved to
the taxpayers of the country. In
the first place , the postoffice
deficit of $17,000,000 last year
will be reduced to some $5,000 , , "
000 this year , showing a saving
of at least $12,000,000. This is
due largely to the business meth
ods inaugurated by Postmaster-
General Hitchcock , aud to legis
lation that will enable him to put
into effect many reforms in the
service ,
Sweet , Sour and Dill
Pickles , per dozen - to , 10 & aoc
After Dinner Mints , per
box . . . . joe
i *
Hershey's Milk Choco
lates , per box 50
Alaska Red Salmon , a
fine seller-
- - - 150
Custer County
Land Man
If you have a snap in a
farm , or ranch for sale list
with me. If you want to
buy a snap in a farm or
ranch , come and see me.
Phones , office 42 , resi
dence 129.
In the treasury department
too , throughout the various
bureaus economies "have been put
nto practice , and many thous
ands of dollars saved to the
government. This has been
made possible through the busi
ness judgment shown , by the var
ious secretaries and the desire to
carry out Mr.Taft'swishes , that
not a dollar should be wasted in
any department of the govern
ment. ( The same economy has
been practiced in the various
other departments , and all this
outside'of the savings shown in
the appropriations.
When the appropriation bills
are finally made up for the year ,
it will be seen that a great saving
lias been made in almost every
bill , amounting in. the total to
many millions of ' dollars. All
this is hardly noticed by the
general public , but will be a
jreat feature to be credited to
Mr. Taft and his administration
as the figures are finally made up.
It is being proved that a presi
dent and his cabinet officials may
save the government in many
ways quietly and 'without osten
tation and without giving out
daily bulletins to show what has
been done. JWhile'this may not
at the' time gain .for them the
creditthat is their due , yet when
the pebple realize al the end of
the year , whea the , figures have
been made up , what has been
accomplished , they will not fail
to give the proper credit and to
sustain an administration that
is working so earnestly in their
As has been stated , even where
there were no further legislation
this session , the result already
attained would be extraordi aary
but there is no doubt that there
will be most important laws en
acted during the closing -weeks of
the present session. It is impos
sible to anticipate just what
these laws will be , or in how far
they will carry out the promises
of the platform or the recom
mendations of the president. It
must be remembered that we are
a nation of 90,000,000 people
covering a vast extent of terri
tory , with most diversified in
dustries , and that the senators
and representatives -who are
working for the best good of all
these people must have very
diversified views upon these great
public questions , Tb.eseviews
cannot be enacted into law in a
Send Your Abstract Orders to
J. GL Leonard , Bonded Abstractor
Office in Security State Bank Building
For Screens.
If you don't get the Screens
now , the Flies will you.
"We have what you want.
ZZI Phone 79 Z
G. L. Turner Lbr. Co *
Burlington's ' New Main Line
Through Central Wyoming
the richest undeveloped country in the west. Farmers here have no fear of
drouth , wind storms or hail storms.
is now so well started on its great wealth producing era that it not only ap
peals to farmers looking for new land upon which to establish new homes
under most favorable conditions , but appeals as well to the investor , who
wants to turn his money quickly , and to the
Business Man , Professional Man ,
Mine Operator and Manufacturer
in towns that are springing np like magic and where raw material in plenty
can be handled at a profit.
The new line will reach Thermopolis about July I ,
connecting the outside world with one of the greatest
health resorts in America.
days. Send right away for our new booklet just off the press , then go with
me on one of our personally conducted excursions.
D. CLEM DEAVER , General Agt.
Land Seekers Information Bureau
E004 Farnum St. , Omaha Nebr.
How to Get Rid of The Flies !
If you will call upon us in Broken Bow
we will show you how this is done.
, "We have the largest stock of SCREEN
in Broken Bow.
We can furnish you in , any standard
size screen door or screen window.
Phone 23. J. S. Alolyneux , Manager.
Have You Deeds
Insurance Policies , or otter valuable papers ?
If so you need a Safe Place to keep them.
One of our
is an Ideal
place for suck , and cost is only nominal.
t >
Come in and let us show them to you.
( Strictly a Home Institution )
W. A. GEORGE , president JULES HAUMONT , Vice President
L , . II. JEWETT , Cashier n. D. PIOKETT , Asst. Cashier
single day it takes many days
of long debates te reach the best
results and to arrive at the com
promises that will be acceptable
to the majority.
In view , then , of the record
that has already been made , and
ot ihe legislation sure to be en
acted , and in view of the splendid
administaation that President
Taft is giving to the country , it
seems impossible that the people
will fail to return a republican ,
house of representatives , and by
so doing give a hearty endorse
ment to Mr. Taft and his efforts.
He should have a republican
house of representatives during
the last two years of his term to
enable him and his party to carry
out to the full as much as possi
ble of the legislation needed to
bring about the best results to
our civil and social and industrial
Good Cream on band at
South Side of the Square.
Speaker Cannon Honored.
On the 7th of this mouth
Speaker Cannon attained his
74th birthday. From morning
till night he was the recipient of
congratulations and gifts , but
perhaps the pleasantest incident
was a brief address by Champ
Clark , the democratic leader , to
whom the speaker responded as
follows :
"The gentleman from Mis
souri and members of the house
of representatives : I thank the
gentleman from Missouri for the