Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 19, 1910, Image 1

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    Hi'sto. r'cal . ' Society
tiueter tRqpublicari
will prove all the
more charming if
adorned with some
of our jewelry or
triuketi. Even if
she only adds a set
of our jeweled
In- ? combs to her" cos
I * . tume she will look
the prettier.
If Thcre'fl
Only One Girl
in this world for
you , as the song
says , show you ap-
preciatn her by
presenting her with
some of the charm
ing jewelry on ex
hibition here.
Dr. Sheridan is Dead.
The remains of Dr. Sheridan
were brought , back from from
Kansas City Tuesday morning1
and burried Tuesday afternoon
in the Broken Bow cemetery.
His funeral was conducted in the |
M. E. church Tuesday afternoon
at 3 o'clock , Rev. Thompson of
The Dr. and his'wife went to
Kansas City Saturday evening
when he was supposed to be in
his usual health. Sunday after
noon he went to see his sister
who had a little girl of his by his
former wife.
They ieturned''fo Kansas City
in the evening. It'"is reported
s - that before * retiring he took a
dose of morphine so he could
sleep as he frequently had done
before. Whether it was suicidal
intent or an over dose by accident
it will probably never be known.
Some time in the night his wife
tired to wake him and not being
able called a doctor but he could
not be aroused and he died about
h Notice.
Owing to the numerous com
plaints received about running
automobiles on Field Day , May
. 14 , we are going to arrest all
persons exceeding the speed limit.
D. li. ROCKWI&I , , Mayor.
Services will be held at the
Christian church as usual on
Sunday May 22nd. Bible school
at ten a. m. preaching both
morning and evening ; C. E. at
7 p. m.
A special treat in the way of
music as Miss Grace Trowbridge
of Lincoln promises to be present
Everybody welcome.
Jury Says Hyde Is Guilty.
Monday Dr. B. Clarke Hyde
was found guilty in the first de
He is now confined , convicted
of the murder of his wifo's father
Col. Thomas Swope whom he
murdered last October.
Mrs , Logan A. Swope , mother-
in-law of Swope , is near collapse.
She was glad to be endorsed by
the jury for her ceaseless prosecu
tion but the shock of the convic
tion made her nervous and weak.
The doctor will be sentenced late
this week to life imprisonment.
Hyde's attorney will ask for a
new trial and if refused he will
then appeal the case by law.
Dr. Wilson Arrested.
Dr. Wilson , the Chiropractic
Adjuster who has been located
in Broken Bow for several
months practicing his profession ,
was arrested last Friday on the
charge of violating the state
law , which prohibits the practice
of medicine by any one who does
not hold a certificate from the
State Board of. Examiners. It is
claimed that the complaint was
filed with County Attorney Gadd
by the State Medical Board who
issued the summons and caused
the arrest.
The case was filed before
County Judge Holcomb who put
the doctor under bonds of $200
and continued the case for a pre
liminary hearing to June 24.
The attorneys for the prose
cution are N. T. Gadd and'H. M.
Sullivan. Judge S. A. Holcomb
is for the defendant.
The first of the.week we under
stand a petition was -circulated
by a committee of women" pro
testing against the prosecution
of the case. The petition was
quite generally signed.
$25 Reward.
I will pay a reward of $25 for
information which will enable
me to find a cow which disap
peared from my pasture Wednes
day , May 11 , 1910. Description :
Weight about 10UO pounds , de
horned , red with a little white
on belly and on tip tail , been
fresh about one week and gives
milk from three teats only , brand
ed with two parallel oxyokes on
left thigh. Carl Jeffords , R. F.
D. No. 1 , Box 54 , Broken Bow ,
Nebr. 50-21
S. P. Great & Co. have bought
the Hardware , FurnitureQueens-
ware and Fencing etc. , formerly
belonging to James Stockhatn in
the opera house block. ' 1 hey
wish to say to the public that
they will retail this stock at
whole sale prices , This is no
bogus sale but every article will
be sold at its absolute cost. ,
With Our
The Best On the Market
We also have
Fresh Strawberries Ripe Tomatoes
Green Vegetables of all kinds
We have a fine line of Garden Plants that
"Kan't Be Beat"
Phone 161 THE GROCER Phone 180
Agent for De Laval Separators Cream Station
In which Drokcn Dow , Mason and Merna
Tflki Part.
Last Saturday was another vic
tory gained by Broken Bow high
school scholars.
Brbken Bow carried away the
honors by four points and we are
right there with the goods.
Autos of the city furuishe'd
free transportation to the fair
grounds for the visitors.
Hollis King will have charge
of the events of next year and it
is hoped he will make it a record
The events and their winners
are as follows.-
220 yard dash ,
Glen Williams , Mason , 1st ; Gaiua
Cad well , 2nd ; Hollis King , 3rd
High Juuip
John Cadwell , 1st : GaiusCadwell
2nd ; Paul Dean , 3rd.
100 yard dash
Guy Green , Mason , 1st ; Glenn
Williams , Mason , 2nd ; Hollis
King , 3rd.
Broad Jump
Guy Green , Mason , 1st ; Gaius
Cadwell , 2nd ; Glenn Williams ,
Mason , 3rd.
Half Mile Run
John Cadwell , 1st ; Morris Green ,
Mason , 2nd ; Jake Stuckey , 3rd ;
Shot Put
Glenn Williams , Mason , 1st ;
Glenn Heller , 2nd ; Hollis King
Pole'Vault '
Hollis King , 1st ; Harry Reed ,
Merna , = 2nd ; Chas Stuart , 3rd.
' * * *
Hammer ; T-hrow *
Hollis King , 1st ; Gaius Cadwell
2nd ; Clarence Armstrong , , 3rd.
Summing them up we have
Short Races
Glean Williams , Mason , 1st ; Guy
Green , Mason , 2nd.
Jumping and Vaulting
GaiusCadwell , 1st ; Hollis King ,
Hollis King , 1st ; Glenn Williams
Mason , ' 2nd.
Long Races
John Cadwell , 1st ; Gaius Cadwell
Broken Bow winning 49 points
Mason , 45 and Merna , 3.
In the evening the county De
clamatory contest was held in the
M. E. church , and the program
was" enjoyed by all.
Gladys Gaston. of Merna , won
first place in the oratorical divi
sion Her subjet ' ' American
Problems" was full of facts and
figures for both the politician and
plain citizen. Lyda Sennett , of
Mason , won second with "Citiz
. "
Vera Eddy , also of Merna , won
first pluoe in the dramatic divi
sion with "How the La Rue
Stakes'were Lost " Wilbur My-
lan , of Callaway , taking second
with "Sworn Off. "
Violet Larson , of this place ,
carried away first in the humor
ous by "Buvin' A Feller. " Mary
inter , of Lodi , received second
with "Daisy's Music Practice
Hour. "
While the judges were out the
audience was entertained by a
male quartette.
Gold medals were awarded
winners of first place and silver
to the seconds.
Persons desiring boarders or
having rooms to rent during the
8 weeks of teacheis * institute and
Junior Normal beginning June
6th please notify the County
Theo. Phillips , of Whitman ,
an old soldier and at one time
chaplain in the senate of Missou
ri will be speaker on Decoration
Ttnjjc Sunday Schools of Custcr County
'May ' 22. 1910 has been desig
nattdby the Worlds' Executive
Ccftbmittee has Worlds' Sunday
Sciipol Day and I wish to call
ydfir attention to it , that you
tna $ observe the day in your Sun-
da School. An order of service
misij be secured at the State office
ia'Lincoln , for SOcpcr hundred
copies. Let us all take advant-
agljof this opportunity to be in
touth with the Worlds' Sunday
School Convention wich will be
in Session in Washington , D. C.
at that time.
fi J M. Fodge ,
County Pres.
chool Commencement Week.
.The work of the graduating
exercises of the high schools has
grcwm to be quite a feature in
school life since the eighth grade
ha been included.
.Tjhe exercises including the
couftty eighth grade extended
frpin Thursday May 12 to Friday
M'ay 20.
(3n the 12th was the city eighth
grade commencement and Fri
day was commencement day for
the county eighth grade.
Saturday May 14th was field
day and Saturday evening was
the county declamatory contest.
Y SUnday the class sermon was
delivered by Rev. Thompson of
the M. E. church. The services
; were held in the opera house
where a large crowd gathered.
Wednesday was the class play
"The .Crisis. "
Thursday , to night' , is the
senior , commencement , at the
opera house. The address 'of
the evening will be delivered by
Hon. J. L. ' McBrien. The class
will be presented by City Supt.
R. I. Elliott.
The names of the graduates are
Claude Martiu Bell , Willa Vir
ginia Bean , Giius Cadwell , John
Cadwell. Paul Ellison Cavenee ,
Paul Dean , Adella House , Simon
Joseph Louergan , Hazel Gladys
Molyneaux , Charles Love Mul-
lins Jr. , Blanch Ethel Preston ,
Vaughn Walter Russom , Velma
Smith , Goldie Soper , Wayne
Wantz Soper , Millie Almyra
Smalley , Jake Joseph Stuckey ,
Harry Bernard Tierney , Clyde
Market Report.
South Omaha , May 18th 1910.
There has been a fair run of
cattle here this week , and while
the better classes have held up
pretty well , common and medium
classes have * been slow' sale at
prices today 15 @ 20c lower than
the close last week. Tops so
far this week have sold at $7.95 ,
but the quality generally has
been rather ordinary. Cows and
heifer where not of the best fat
quality have ruled a little lower.
Not much changes has taken
place in stockers and feeders , but
the receipts as well as the in
quiry have been rather light.
We look for fair receipts the
balance of this week , and not
much change. Good to choice
beeves are quotable at $7.50 @
$8 00 ; fair to good $6.75 @ t7.25 ;
good to choice cows and heifers
$6 40 @ $7.00 ; fair to good $5.50
( $ 16.25 ; veal calves $5.00 @
The hog market today is again
5 @ lOc higher. The bulk sold
at $9.40 @ $9.50 ; top $9.57 # ,
With lighi receipts of sheep
and lambs today the market is
strong , and the decline of earlier
in the week has been practically
regained , especially on lambs.
Good shorn lambs are quotable
at f 8.50 @ $8 90 ; yearlings $7.75
@ $8 25 ; wethers 16.25 ( ) $7.00 ;
ewes $5.25 @ $6.25.
Clay , Robinson & Co.
All Business Men and Citizens arc Urged
to be Present
A smoker will be given by the
Comtnerical Club of Broken Bowen
on Tuesday evening , May 2 , 1910 ,
at 8 o'clock , at which time the
following program will be given :
Report of Doings of Club
Secretary Cadwell
"Clean-up Day"
Rev. J. E. Aubrey
" "
Dr. G. E. Pennington
"Extensionof Water Mains" . .
Mayor Rockwell
"New Depot and Free Express
Delivery for Broken Bow"
Willis Cadwell
"Extension of Corporate Lim
N. T.Gadd
"Capitol Removal"
F. M. Curne
Refreshments of sandwiches
and coffee will be served.
An invitation is extended to all
citizens who are interested in the
advancement of Broken Bow ,
whether members of the Commer
cial Club or not. No charge.
The following committees have
been appointed for this smoker : ]
Invitations and Arrangements ,
A. IL Soudere , T. L. Farris-
worth , Claude Currie.
Program , E. R. Purcell , H. T.
Bruce , D. R. Rockwell.
Refreshments , j. K. Hermon ,
G. A. Kiffia , J. Brueggeman.
The Gypsies Got in Some Fine Work.
L. B ; Cr'atnerT rietfr sixty years
of age who with his wife depend
upon the day's lobor for their
support , visited a Gipsey camp
Monday tnat had just arrived and
was induced to have his fortune
told. The price agreed upon was
ten cents which Mr. Cramer
readily paid : ' When he got
home he related his experience
and the small price it cost to
learn of the road of prosperity
thrt lay before him. Mr. Cramer
being of .rather suspicous turn of
mind knowing he had $45 in bills
with him suggested he had better
count his money and see what it
had really cost tiim. To his sur
prise he was $20 short of what
he had when he paid the Gipsy ,
He at once retraced his steps
and secured the assistance of- the
police andmade a search for the
missing currency but failed to
get it.
The orentals were instructed
to move on to other fields and
Mr. Cramer remains to meditate
upon how it was done.
Still They Conic.
B. C. Empficld of Aaselmo has
moved to Broken Bow. Hebought
the W. P. Rogers property in the
northeastern part of the city.
The RHPOBWCAN is pleased to
extend a welcome to Mr. Emp-
Gcld and family to the social and
business interests of Broken Bow.
Mr. Empfield will continue in
the real estate business of which
he had made a success irf An-
J. F. Brechbuhl has been ap
pointed posttuastcd at Anselmo
to succeed B. C. Empfield resign
Marshall Eddy , deputy county
treasurer moved into his new
house in the cast part of the city
the first of the week. The K ;
nuCAN extends a welcome to
his estimable family to Broken
Bow and hope they may feel at
home with us.
Real bargains in pianos for 30
days , iInvestigate H. A. Wats. 50
AL E. Church. R. II , Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 a. m ;
morning sermon 11:00 : a , m ; Jun
ior league 2:30 p. m ; Epworth
league 6:30 : p. m ; evening sermon
7:30 : p. m ; E. L. Mission Study
Class , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. m.
Conre and worship with us . you
w.'ty fee -.Jtrtnger in the church
but once.
BapiiirChurch. . A. T. Norwood , . Paslor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
preaching 11:00 a. m ; Junior
union 3:00 p. m ; B. Y. Pv U. 7:00 :
p. m ; preaching 8:00 : p. m ;
teachers' meeting Monday 7:30 :
p. m ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 :
p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday
8:00 : p. m ; Amoma class first and
third Saturday of each month
7:30 : p. m.
Christian Church Z. 0. Doward , Pastor
At the Christian church next
Sunday. Communion and preach
ing services at 11:00 a. m ; spec
ial song service and sermon 8:00
p. m. ; Special music by the choir
and others. There will several
selections at .both services.
Bible school 10:00 : a. m. ; Christ
ian Endeavor 7 p. m.
U. B. Church-S. M. Zike. Pastor
Sunday school 10:00 : a. m
preaching ' ,11:00 , : a. m ; Junior C.
E. 3 p. m ; Senior C. E. 7. p. m.
A bottle of Fancy
Olives for ioc
Fresh Strawberries
daily , Leave your
standing orders.
A full quart fruit jar
of sweet mix , sour
mix , plain sweet or
plain sour pickles
finest quality per jar
only 250
Feed delivered at your
Bran per cwt. . . . $1.25
Shorts per cwt. . $1.35
Corn Chops per cwt.
$ t.5S
Corn and Oat Chops
per cwt { 1.35
Hiy per bale 500
Rock Salt per cwt 950
Our Tea Leaf Japan
is a perfect blenp per
fectly wholesome. No
coloring matter of any
kind. A regular 6oc
Tea , our price always
per pound
Cream $1.60 I A i $1.70 King fl.6o
Myrtle { 1.55 f Cow Drand $1.55
10 cents a hundred discount in 500 pound lots.
All goods sold by us are Pure and protected
by the National and State Pure Food Laws.
HE ifcjLono IKTo. S