! | ' * . . TRB PflUJMC * THE LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK Gleaaed for Yoor Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters Colgatfc'3 Talcum Powder 20c. I L Kiffin-Luckc Co. " Read the ' -Crisis" the school play 55c atA. H. Soudcrs. Ladies Union Suits35 , SO and' ' 75c , Kiffin-Lucke Co. Ladies 50c silk lace gloves for lOc. New York Store. Gift books for commencement on special display at A. H. Souders. Alpha Morgan made a business trip to Omaha Monday returning yesterday morning , FOR SAWS Some good prairie hay , six miles south cast of the city , C. O. Porter , 49-tf Ladies' $1.00 Shirt Waists for 39c. New York Store. Kayscr's Chamois Gloves SOc , Kiffin-Lucke Co. Jewelry for commencement. We will save you money. A. II. Souders. Sec our$12,00 and $15,00 Rugs , Kiffin-Lucke Co. Specials prices on Watches for commencement at A. H. Souders. New Couch Covers and Port- iers at Kiffin Lucke Co. Special for Saturday , May 14 250 pairs of Men and Ladies' black hose , I5c quality for lOc per pair. Kiffin-Lucke Co. Watches , Rings , - Bracelet , Broache , Chains , Fobs Cuff Links , Scarr Pins , Sterling Novelties. Make good gifts for comtrence- ment. A. H , Souders. FOR SAI.K A fine resident block one block south of ball ground. Will sell by quarters if preferred B. W. Blair. 42-tf Progressive. The work is progressing nicely at Lillian , Nebraska. We had two confessions at our Sunday eveningservice. . Three to be baptized at our next meeting. E , D. Eubank. Corset Covers 50c and 75c grades for 29c. New York Store. "The Crisis a thrilling drama of the Civil war at opera house , Wednesday May 18 , Union Meetings Closed. The union meetings that had been in progress in this city for the past three weeks closed Mon day night. Owing to the unfavorable weather the first two weeks the attendance did not reach the mag nitude hoped. The last week was more favorable and not only the attendance but the interest was considerably increased. Sun. day was the " best day of the BOOKS ! BOOKS ! ! BOOKS ! ! ! Make the best COMMENCEMENT GIFTS. We have the BEST WNE of * " -It'ooks in the city j- and the prices are RIGHT. Come In r * See Them J. G. HAEBERLE Druggist. Men's $4.50 Pants at $2.29. New York Store. series , The tabernacle was was crowded at both the morn ing and night sessions. The Sunday night session run until after midnight. The meetings will doubtless result in a number of accessions to the several churches. A free will offering was taken up Sunday night for the evange list which amounted to $315. We understand the regular collections met all incidental ex penses , including the building of the tabernacle , taring it down and return of the lumber. The latter was completed Tuesday. The New City Council Organized. On the adjournment of the old city council Tuesday night of last week the new' council was organised , Mayor D. R. Rockwell who succeeded himself called the meeting to order. Having formed anew ward the the council now consists of eight members instead of six. S. L. Cannon and W , B. Easthain being the new members by appoint ment in the Fourth ward. The retiring members of the council were C. E. Carlos , E Children's Rubberized Coats $5.00 value for $1.95. New York Store. Taylor and J. S. Baisch. The new members elected are Jas Ledwich , D. C. Konkle and E. F McClure. N. T , Gadd was ap pointed city attorney , in the place of A. P. Johnson and K. D Pickett succed E.f S. Holcomb as city clerk. A. J. VanAntwerp succeds himself as city engineer as does Ray Khuns succed him self as city treasurer. The following is the names oi of the councilmen by words First wrd. J.M Kimberliug S. F. McClure. Second ward. C. H. England , Jas Ledwich. Third ward. J. S. Squires , D. C. Konkel. Fourth ward. S. L. Cannon. W. B. Easthain. Elmer Draper was appointed city marshal. P. M. Towsley street commissioner and Hugh McBnrnie water commissioner. The following committies were appointed. Water Works.-Squires , Kimber- ing , Cannon. Street and bridges , Konkel , Ledwich , Eastham. Supplies. McClure , Cannon , Men's $10.00 fancy strip" suits for $4.95. New York Store. Konkel , Sidewalks and crossings. Led wich , Easthain , McClure. Finance , Kirnberlmg , Squires , England. Parks. Easthain , McClure , England. City Hall. Cannon , Squires , Ledwich. Electric Lights. England , Squries , Ledwich. TIME TABLE OF C. B. & 0R' Broken Bow Nebraska. East West 40-6:20 : a m 39-6:25 : p m 42-9:50 : am , 41-11:25 : pm 44-7:15 : p m 43-6:55 : a m 39 and 40 local between Seneca and Lincoln. H T. GADD'S ANNOUNCEMENT FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY. ' Having filed with the proper officer. I t now announce myself a candidate for the , office of county Attorney subject to the ap proval of the republican party at the Primary election to he held August 10th , 1910. It Is perhapi needless for me to ftavi I am unalterably ArialnBt the Liquor Inter , outs , 1 am for county Option , for state anil nation wide prohibition. I am a republican , but am most emphat ically for the revision of tlieTarIff downward anil for the removal of tarltt upon thlriCH essentially necessary to the comfort , health , lapplncss and prosperity of the citizen , My present term of oltlcc does not expire ntll January 1911 , my time and ability there fore Is the property of the citizens of thu county , of all political complexion ; that be. Ing true 1 WlhL NOT MAKB A CANVASS. I havenol been abseut from any meeting of the board of supervisors have been on hand tall times when called upon by county Olcers from the least to the highest , Includ- ng Township ana Bchool district ameers ; Viien needed by the private citizen , either > vtr the Phone , or In person I have been on hand by day or night , and this I will have to ay at the end of my term of office regardless of the results of the primary election ; If you need the county attorney , you will find him > t his office , not out In campaign , using your line to further his personal Interests. If ibsciit , It will be because of business , and In hat event , there will be a competent lawyer ti charge of the office. I am human , and no doubt have made nlstakcs during my term of office , but I have 10 CXCUSCH to olfcr neither any appolngles to make ; I have sought to discharge duty to he best of my ability from inv view point , his I will continue to do ; I will thank vou 'or your consideration and will appreciate 'our support. Ilcspcctfully Yonrs , K. T. GADD. Boy's $1.25 Hats at 79c. New York Store. Cuff Buttons that are guaran teed for 3 years against breakage or tarnish. Kiffin-Lucke Co. NEWS OF THE COUNTY Nilsdale Items. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Coulter spent Sunday at Mr. Cason's. Miss Lizzie Bishop visited Mrs. Coulter Tuesday. Quite a few of our neighbors visited at Mr. A J. Cason's Sun day. Miss Mary Bishop is working for Mrs. Broyles this week. Mrs. Ed Brant spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Bishop. There was church at the school house Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Bishop and son jesse went to Anselmo Tuesday. Mr. Jim Stanley was at Dave Coulters Monday evenincr. n Mr. Broyles reports that he has a strange horse at his place and he hasnt found the owner yet. Miss Vina Templar is at home this week. Miss Lizzie Bishop -is with a bad cold. I Men's 35c Neckwear four in hand and tecks.for 16c New York Store * Weissert News. Intended for last week. Mell Stcintnan lost a valuable horse last week also did Chester Sains. Arthur Cooksley is plastering his house on the farm known as the old John Barnes farm. Elex Pirnie and wife were visiting their daughter Mrs. Roy Leek Sunday. Tice Case's little baby at this writing is some better. Chas Govier lust a yearling on Alfalafa last week , A fine rain and snow visited the neighborhood Sunday. Tice Case and George Hilton shipped hogs Tuesday. Mrs. Ruben Campbell was visiting her mother Mrs. Thorn ton Sunday. Will McClain of Washington was visiting L. Thomas and friends on his way back to Brok en Bow where he expects to take the train Tuesday for his home. E. A. Pirnie and sister Mina took an automobile for Broken Bow Tuesday. F. D. Mills of Westerville was through the neighbhood Mon- Ladies' Black Sateen Petticoats for 48c. New York Store. 1 Friday and § ti Hi Saturday of This Wook. We will have a special Varnish Expext with us for the purpose of an swering questions and showing amateurs how to test varnishes for quality and explaining how to make varnish save you money rather than cause you expense. Look for the Chi-Namel Lady. A. H. SOUDERS. it day trying to get people to take shares in the Rail Road between Loup City and Broken Bow. Mr. and Mrs. Evans of Sar nave ocen visiting tneir son Joe returning home Monday. Last Thursday about twenty- five of Mina and Johnnie Pirnie's friends gave them a surprise party. Zumbrota Zephyrs. F. A. Routh and family from Round valley visited a few days last week with A. I. Routh's. W. W. Bishop had a close call from being bitten by a rattle snake , the reptile struck at him , but fortunately did not get throught his clothing. > J. T. Cole has installed scales on his farm. Roy Routh's windmill had to be repaired this week , from dam * ages caused during some of the I * Big table of Men's Hats | all shapes and styles to close at $1.95. ' - -New York Store. recent high winds. Mr. Eggleston was in these parts Sunday looking after some stock in the Anderson pasture. Mr. and Mrs. Krager and family from south of the Bow , and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Deal of Snake Run were entertained at Mr. Evans Sunday. ' Ed Small and family visited at W. W. Williams'Sunday. Mrs. M. D. Callen is on the sick list at this writing. Misses Olive Cole and Madge Bishop who attended school in the Bow the past year , are taking part in the eighth grade exercises tonight. ( Thursday ) Mr. Huffman and faintly visit ed Mr. Neths in another vicinity last Sunday. Ralph Johnsons1 and Oscar Tappans' attended church at the tabernacle Sunday morning. J. T , Cole and wife spent Sun day in the Bow. Frank Huffman went to the Loup Friday returning on Sun day. Ladies' Muslin Petticoats $1.50 and $2.00 in pret tiest embroideries and all designs for 89c. New York Store. AlcKinley Murmurni ! s. Intended for last week , Winter is still lingering in the lap of spring we had a rain and snow storm May 1. George M , Booth and wife of Berwyn where visiting in Custer Canyon at McKinley from Friday till Monday of this week Miss Lizzie Haefele accompained them home for a week's visit with them and her grandparents. There was a surprise party at Mrs , Fred Steeton on May ,2nd , it being her 36 birthday ; theose present spent an enjoyable even ing. Anna Reinhard was visiting PIIBUC SALE / WEDNESDAY. MAY 18 , 1910. As Administratrix of the estate of W : F ; Jenk ins , I will oifer at Public Sale at his late resi dence , known as the Arcadia Fruit and Stock Farm , 2 1-2 west of Arcadia , Nebraska , the following described property : 8 Head of Horses , 1 MareJS years old 1 Mare 4 years old 1 Horse ( Jolt 3 years old 3 Horse Colts 2 years old 1 Horse Colt 1 year old 1 Mare Colt 3 years old \ The above stock is well bred and will weighfrom 1200 to 1500 pounds each. They will all make excellent farm animals. 23 Head of Thorough tret Registered Poltret lereford Gatfie Consisting of 1 Bull 3 years old 11 cows 3 to 4 years old 2 long yearling Heifers 3 short yearling Heifers 5 Heifer Calves 1 Bull Calf These cattle are from the herds of Geo. E. Bicker , Ashland , Nebraska ; H. J. F , Ricker , Ashland , Nebras ka ; J. W. Yant and Warren Gamond & Sons of Des Moines , Iowa. Farm Machinery , 2 Wagons almost new , I new Hay Rake , I Spring Wagon , 1 Corn Shelter , 1 2-row Cultivator , 1 set heavy Work Harness , I single Harness 1 Cider Press , 1 McCormick - Cormick Mowing Machine , 1 McCormick Hay Rake , about 500 bushels of Corn in the crib , 100 bushels of good Oats. Some household goods and other things too numerous to mention. TERM § > A credit of 8 months time will be given on approved , notes , bearing 10 per cent interest. ' 7 MRS. W. F. JENKINS P. W. ROUNDS , Auctioneer. G. H. KINSEY , Clerk. Cortficlato of Publication. STATE OP NEBRASKA , Ofllce of Auditor of public Accounts. Lincoln , Feb. 1st 1010. It Is Hereby Certified , That the i < a Payette Life Insurance Company of La Fayette , in the State of Indiana , has complied with the Insurance Laws of this State , applicable to such companies , and Is therefore authorized to continue the business of Life Insurance In this State for the current year ending Janu- aary. 31st , 1911. Summary of Report Piled for the Year Ending December 3lst , 1909. Income. premiums $ 230 275 44 All other sources 2551975 Total $25379519 Disbursements , Paid policy holders t 03 SSO BO All other payments 83 459 21 Total $ 170 045 81 Admitted Assets. . . . $ 362 662 41 Liabilities Net reserve $ 300 408 30 I et policy claims 500000 All other liabilities 30 792 10 $342 300 40 Surplus beyond capital Stock and other liabil ities 20 462 01 $ 20 462 01 Total MS 603 41 Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of public Accounts the day and year tlrst above written. ( Seal ) SILAS H. KARTON , Auditor of public Accounts. C. E. PIERCE , Deputy. home folks last Sunday week ago. Leonard Haefele and sister Maude where visiting at Joseph Haefele Sunday. L. S. Empfield , J. H. Walburn , Joseph Haefele and families were at the surprise party Monday night. Ice Tuesday morning % inch thick. Mrs , Maggie Smith is very sick. Her husband died during the winter. Men's $15.00 Cravenettes at the closing out sale for $7.95. New York Store. DEMONSTRATOR Who will be at our store on May 13 & 14 will show every visitor how they can put a Dull-Stained-Hard-Wood Effect on soft wood , old painted or varnished wood , furniture , etc. , without the expense and trouble of removing the oldfiuish. This Process gives-an entirely new surface like veneer. Completely hides all blemishes underneath. Any one can apply it. Produces the grain as well as color of real wood. Entire cost of material not over 2c per square foot. Come , even if you do not wish to use it yourself. It is something you will be glad to tell your friends. A , H. SQUDER , Mr. Walter Haefele and Miss Flo Fodge visited at McKinley Sunday. Ladies hand tailored Suits in a variety of shades and latest styles. Regular $15.00 values for $7.85. $22.50 values for $10.95. $25.00 and up to $45.00 values for $13.95. New York Store.