Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 12, 1910, Image 7

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    \ Sarsaparilla
Leads all other medicines in
the cure of all spring ailments ,
humors , loss of appetite , that
tired feeling , paleness and
nervousness. Take it.
Get It today. In usual liquid form 01
tablets called Sarsatabs. 100 Doses Jt
NutijRTtmnK m n Imi rvnld
for Uls form In Cunxln frum
the flnt crop. You run do
the rainv. The opportunity
liTOtini If you ntll unl ; crupp
It. We hmo tlioiiMiidii of
terra of rich prairie Intiil In
Fniithcagtcrn Riukiitclmnnn ,
dose to market , ( or Mloat
918.00 r or aero anil up.
f > ORTEP LAND CO. Kour new line ; of rail.
CAHMI i i ooo ooo r ? rouilarnbclnir Irtillt tills
NBtCii.iowA. u t.otL 3.tAU 3 < r. All Weil arc turned
toward the Wr/btirn *
tfanordtMrlct. Write for our free l > onk"A Call to tlie
Wait. " telling all alKiut this wonrtcrfulwheat-cronlng
district HrnrtventntlTivi wanted In errrr locality.
I'OUTEU JUAJS1) CO. . Hex 1 , llolubock , la.
Conntlptitlnn , Ilontlnrlio.
Htoranoli Tronblns. TeetUlnjr
" IllhordorR , and DOB troy
Worms. TlnrlircaU tin t > nlil >
"V Trade Mark. In 34 hours. At all Iru jrUt , 5cU.
Don't accept Sample m llw1 KUKK. Addrom.
j any substitute. A. S. OLMSTED , Lo Roy. N. Ya
Under Friendly Cover Preacher Might
r Safely Proceed to Split His
"I tried to' get a chance to speak to
you at church Sunday , " said Mrs. Old-
castle , "but the crush waa so great
that I couldn't push through to where
you were. " "Yes , wasn't It awful ? " re
plied her hostess , as she flecked a bit
of dust from the Gobelin tapestry. "All
the common folks in town seem to
want to crowd Into our church lately.
It's too bad they ain't satisfied to stay
where they belong. How did you llko
the , sermon ? " "Well , as a sermon It
was fairly good , but I do wish Doctor
Goodman would quit spitting his In
finitives. I try not to let It make mo
nervous , but I can't keep from being
chocked every time he does it. " "I
cover let them kind of things bother
me , but that's where the Episcopals
have the advantage of us. If our
preacher would wear a long robe ho
could split them and wo would never
notice it. " Kansas City Star.
Twenty-four Carloads Purchased for
Lewis' Single Binder Cigar
What Is probably the biggest lot of
all fancy grade tobacco held by any
f , ctory in the United States has just
been purchased by Frank P. Lewis , of
Peorla , for the manufacture of Lewis'
Single Binder Cigars. The lot will
make twenty-four carloads , and Is se
lected from what is considered by ex
perts to 'be the finest crop raised In
many years. The purchase of tobacco
\ Is sufficient to last the factory moro
than two years. An extra price was
paid for the selection. Smokers of
Lewis' Single Binder Cigars will appre
ciate this tobacco.
.Pcoria Star , January 1C , 1909.
Explaining the Soul.
The following dialogue took place
between two very small boys on their
way homo from Sunday school :
Willie Where is my soul ?
Bobby It isn't any place ; It's Just
Willie How can it go to heaven
when it's just air ?
Bobby Why , your body goes , too.
Willie Bones and all ?
Bobby Yes , everything but your
clothes. /
A Statesman.
The Chinese wall was finished.
"I do all my fence mending at ono
lick , " announced the emperor.
Thus he proved himself a statesman
Instead of a politician.
All Tired Out.
Do you feel dull , occasionally out of
orts ? Headaches and Dizziness ? The
fault Is either with your stomach or your
liver. The safe. BUre and easy way to not
rid of either trouble Is to take NATURE'S
REMEDY. Take an NU Tablet to night-
It will sweeten the stomach and regulate
the liver , kidneys and bowels. Easy-sure
to act. Get a 25c Box. The A. II. Lewis
Uedlclno Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
To love abundantly , Is to live abun
dantly , and to love Itorever is to live
forever. Henry Drummond.
Constipation cansea many terinns dlsMscs. < It
la thorouKliljr cured hy Doctor I'lerce's 1'lcasant
Pallet * . Una a laxative , thr < * for cathartic.
Some of our first Impressions wore
made by mother's slipper.
Just let Hostetter's Stomach
ach Bitters build you up
and renew the entire system ,
make the stomach strong and
healthy and keep the bowels
free from constipation. It
has done so in hundreds of
cases in the past 56 years
and most certainly will
not fail you. Try it today
for Indigestion , Dyspep
sia , Gostiveness , Bil
iousness , Headache &
Malarial Fever. Ask for
Woman Says Store Teeth Act as Gag
artf nf nvHftnlnl tnnfti nvnl tlirm tinr
YORK. For more than n week
Mrs. Helen Gray was unable to
open or close her mouth without re
moving her now store teeth , 'eho told
Justlco Hoffman in the Yorkvlllo mu
nicipal court during the trial of her
suit for $50 ngalust Doctor Scllm
Worster , a dentist
"Do you mean to say that you kept
your mouth shut for n week and
didn't talk ? " asked the court.
"I didn't keep the teeth in all the
time , " responded Mrs. Gray , who is
past middle age.
" 1 didn't think there was anything
that would close a woman's mouth for
that length of time , " remarked the
The plaintiff said she didn't mean
to say that she went a whole week
without talking. What uhe did mean
was that for spells nho couldn't talk ,
as the store teeth acted like a gag
and interfered with articulation. She
explained that last July she called on
Worster to see about substitutes for
her missing front teeth , and that the
dentist agreed to supply her with the
required-articles for $50.
The money was paid and she got a
Bachelor Collects
. Hairpins are the
special hobby of Luman K. Bab
cock , private secretary of Mayor
Shank. Mr. Babcock has hairpins oy
the hundreds and thousands froai
the ordinary llttlo wire affair that can
bo bought two dozen for five cents to
the moro elaborate tortoise shell ef
fects that can be bought at a price as
high as the buyer wishes to go. For
years Mr. Babcock , who Is a modest
young bachelor , has been collecting
hairpins until ho now has approxi
mately three thousand.
Canceled postage stamps , postcards ,
canes , pipes and other things that are
usually collected have never had any
particular fascination for Mr. Bab
cock. But let htm find a hairpin and
his interest is aroused , immediately.
"I always wanted to make a col
lection of some sort , " he says , "but
did not wish to collect something
every ono else was interested in. So
troubles began. They dldu't seem to
work right and she was unable to
eat meat or other articles of diet that
called for thorough grinding. She just
couldn't work her Jaws ono way or
the other. After vainly trying to
break them In ns ono would a pair of
shoes by wearing , she took them back
to the dentist for alterations.
IIo altered thorn , but still they
wouldn't fit , and she had to pass her
neighbors without spoaklng to them
when the gng was In her mouth. For
some tlrao she had to restrict herself
to soft articles of food because of the
awkward teoth.
"You talk very well now , madame , "
the court remarked. *
"Oh , I gave the teeth hack , " sold
the plaintiff. "I tried 'em until my
paticnco gave out ; then I took them
back to the dentist and gave them to
him and asked for my money. IIo re
fused to give it to me. I am not goIng -
Ing to bother any moro with false
teeth. I made up my mind to got
along without them. "
Dentist Worster testified that ho did
a first-class pleco of dental work.for
his client , but that she seemed un
usually hard to please.
Justlco Hoffman said there wcro
two things essential to a woman's
comfort , ability to talk , and eat
easily , and ho therefore felt obliged
to give judgment to the plaintiff for
the full amount sued for.
Women's. Hairpins
far as 1 know , there Is only one other
man In the country who collects hair
pins , and he lives In Grand Rapids.
My collection Is probably the largest
of Its kind In the United States. "
Included In the collection are 535
hairpins that ho found In the streets
during a tour of Europe In 1003. Every
pin is" labeled to show where and
when It was found. There Is ono that
was picked from the grave of George
Eliot , In London ; another that the
horse ridden by King Edward VII.
stepped on while the king was review
ing troops In St. James park ; still
another was found In St. Peter's ,
Rome. There are hairpins from Paris ,
Berlin and other capitals of Europe.
Mr. Babcock has seventy-two hair
pins that ho found In the streets of
Queenstown , and forty that he found
In the streets of. Cork , and he saya
the women of Ireland , ao far as his
experlonce has been , lost moro hair
pins than the women of any other
"I was 'in Queenstown four hours , "
ho said , "and during that time found
seventy-two hairpins. "
When Mr. Babcock arrived In New
York from Europe , his hairpins
caused considerable interest among
the custom house officers.
Sleep With an Umbrella in Reach Now
. When Mrs. A. C. 3rcen-
baum of 451G Calumet avenue re
tires at night she takes pains to have
handy at her sldo a large family um
brella opened and ready for use In her
bedroom , despite the time-honored
prophecy of bad fortune which may fol
low such a precaution.
This was her decision following a
strange experience sever ? ! nights ago
when she and her husband were awa
kened at about midnight by a deluge
of water dripping on them from the
ceiling. They occupy the second floor
of on apartment building and were un
able to account for the mysterious mid
night drenching. Mr. Greenbaum , who
is a bookkeeper , made many futile at
tempts to find the janitor of the build
ing. The people in the flat above were
j aroused , but could not explain the sud
den shower. Still the water continued
to seep through the colling. Something
had to be done !
"Call the police , " suggested Mrs.
"We are being drowned out hero In
our flat ! " yelled Greenbaum through
the telephone to the night desk ser
geant of the Hyde Park police station ,
when at last he got the connection.
"And there is no rain anywhere on the
South side except In our Lat. What
shall we do ? "
The police and the Janitor went to
the rescue. In a few minutes the
dripping ceased and
the Janitor ex
plained that the water carao from a
tank on the roof of the house , which
is used during the summer when the ]
water pressure is not so strong as
usual. It had been filled for the first ;
time that day and it leaked. The
Greenbaum flat got the benefit of all
the water , which mysteriously shunned
other flats.
Greenbaum declares ho will have
cork soles put on his shoes so that If
It happens again he will not bo obllgi-n
to go shoeless to his work. Baby
Greenbaum is crying for
a duck for a
pot instead of the canary bird which
his mother has promised him.
Murder Victim an Indian Cigar Sign
CHICAGO. The clock In the Chicago -
cage nvenuo police Btfition was
just striking the hour of midnight
when the telephone bell on the ser
geant's desk rang.
A woman's trembling volco an
swered the sergeant's "Hollo. "
"Send policemen , quick ! " shrieked
the woman. "There has been a mur
der down here at Clark and the river
A woman was killed. I saw two men
carry her to the bridge and dump her
Into the river. "
"Whero are you ? " asked the ser
"In trfo Geneva hotel , 1 North Clark
street , " was the breathless answer. " 1
eaw the two men drag the woman's
body along the sidewalk and then cas1.
her Into the river at the northwest corner
nor ot the bridge. Then they ran away.
It just happened a moment ago. I saw
it from my window and I ran straight
to the phono. It was awful , awful ! "
The sergeant slammed
down the re-
celver , shouted his
orders , and a race
down North Clark street In a patrol
wagon was on. Clark street was deserted -
sorted and looked tranquil and peace
ful. The bridge tender was the only
person 'n sight. He said ho had been
walking about the bridge for an hour
or so and had seen no signs of murder
The police could ilnd no trace of the
woman who had
telephoned and the
officers returned to the
station. It was
evidently a false alarm.
The policemen spent a retrospective
hour discussing the days eomo fifteen
or twenty years ago when midnight
murders were common occurrences
In the saloons along the river.
The next mcrnljg Erhstein
owner of a cigar stand at 322 North
Clark street , entered the Chicago ave
nue station bristling in
wrath , and reported -
ported that some "drunken fools" had
stolen his Indian squaw , a cigar sign
which had stood in front of his store
for many years.
And the latest
mystery WRB ex
Thomns C. Shotwoll , ono of the
ETcatcat market reporters In Auierlcn ,
writes from Now York , under tlato of
March 20th , anil says'
"The Tariff tangle with Canada
which President Tnft has taken In
hand Is of Importance chiefly hccauso
of the multltiulo of American farmers
that nro crossing Into the Canadian
northwest. Most conservative esti
mates of their numhor place It at
150,000 for 1910. Some say as many
as 2 ! > 0,000 will cross. Thcso nro all
export farmers and their places In the
United States are being filled by un
trained men from Europe and from
the cities. Canada Is gaining rapidly
In agricultural Importance and with
in n few years the United States will
bava to call on the Dominion for
wheat. Production of wheat In the
United States Is not keeping pace
with the population. A tariff war
would complicate the problem of get
ting food. Even now Canadian farm
ers are getting higher prices for their
cattle on the hoof and Canadian house
wives are paying less for meat In the
butcher shops than farmers and house
wives are receiving and paying In Uio
United States. The tariff on cattle
and wheat must ho removed ns bo-
twocn the two countries before long. "
- The Umpire Say , Chlmmlo , I want
cr resign. '
No Kidney Trouble In Three Yearn
Mrs. Catharine Kautz , 322 Center
St , Flndlay , O. , says : "Four years ago
I became afflicted
with kldnoy trouble
and rapidly ran
down in health. I
Buffered from back
ache and other kid
uey disorders am
was languid and
weak. I doctored
and used different
remedies but became no better. Doan's
Kidney Pills cured mo and for tbreo
years I have been free from kldnoy
trouble. "
Remember the name Doan'a. For
sale by nil dealers. CO cents a box.
Foser-Mllburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Where It Was.
"What are you crying about ? "
"He throwcd a Btono an' hit me
lunch ! "
"Did ho knock It out of your hands ? "
"It wasn't in mo hand , it was iu mo
Hlo Face Was Turning Yellow
Someone told him thai tmllowneua was
caueed by an Inactive liver. Ho begun
tuning ; iirt A u ivin a ivi iui ir i , 1113 uuiurui
color returned , his brain cleared. Ills liver
was again active. Nil tablets never fall
to correct the liver , they remove the bllo.
aid digestion and tone the system. Better
than Pills for Uver Ills. Take one tonight
and you'll feel bettor In the morning , Got
a 25c Box. All Druggists. The A. U. Lowls
Mcdlclno Co. , St. Louis , 61 o.
There's nothing In It for the under
taker when a man is buried in ob
> AXfeCctoblc Preparation for As *
a iimilollng ihcFoodnniincgula-
ling ihc Slomnchs and Dowels of
jr Promotes DigcslionChccrful-
ncssamlRcst.Conlnins neither
Opium.Morpliinc nor Mineral
l\unpttn \ ?
iftxJriin *
HCvw StU
A perfect Remedy forConsllpa-
ion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhocn ,
1 Worms .Convulsions , Fever i sh-
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Foe Simile Signature of
Guarnntecd under the Food. in
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
as cool and white as a dairy. No smell , no smokej
no heat , no dust. No old-fashioned contrivances. The
Is the latest practical , scientific cook-stove. It will cook the most
elaborate dinner without heating the kitchen.
Boils , bakes , or roasts better than any range. Ready in a second.
Extinguished in a second. Fitted with Cabinet Top , with collapsible
reatn , towel rack , and every up-to-data
feature imaginable. You want it , bc-
cauoe it will cook any dinner and not
beat the room. No heat , no smell ,
no omokeno coal to bring in , no ashes
to carry out. It does away with the
drudgery of cooking , and makes it ft
pleasure. Women with the light touch
for pastry especially appreciate it , be
cause they can immediately have
quick fire , Dimply by turning a handlo.
No half-hour preparation. It not only
is less trouble than coal , but it coste
less. Absolutely no nmcll , no smoka }
and it doesn't heat the kitchen.
1 The nickel finish , with the turquolso
blue of the enameled chimneys , makes
the stove ornamental and attractive.
Made with 1 , 2 and 3 burners ; the 3
and 3-burner cloven can be had wither
or without Cabinet.
Every dealer everywhere ; If not t yonriy
"New Perfection. " write ( or Descriptive Circular to the nearest
agency of the
Standard ! Oil Company
( Incorporated )
of thi paper do
ming to buy
anything adver
tised in it * column * thoula ttuifl upon
Laving whftl they aik ( or , refusing aU
tubfiitute * or imitation * .
Delicately formed and gently reared , women
will find , in all the seasons of their lives , as
maidens , wives or mothers , that the one simple ,
wholesome remedy which acts gently and
pleasantly and naturally , and which may bo
used with truly beneficial effects , under any
conditions , when the system needs a laxative ,
is Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It is
well known to be a simple combination of the
laxative and carminative principles of plant ?
with pleasant aromatic liquids , which are
agreeable and refreshing to the taste and
acceptable to the system when its gentle
cleansing is desired.
Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna can hope to got its
beneficial effects , and as a guarantee of the
excellence of the remedy , the full name of the
company California Fig Syrup Co. is printed
on the front of every package , and without it
any preparation offered as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is fraudulent and should bo
declined. To those who know the quality of
this excellent laxative , the offer of any substi
tute , when Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna
is called for , is always resented by a transfer
of patronage to some first-class drug establish
ment , whore they do not recommend , nor sell
false brands , nor imitation remedies. Thegenu-
ino article may be bought of all reliable druggists -
gists everywhere ; one size only. Regular
price 50 cents per bottle. Get a bottle today
to have in the house when needed. { '
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Thirty Years
What Governor Doneen , off Illlnoli ,
Says About It *
. Oorernor Denucn , of Illlnola , own * a eo-
Hon ot land In Haikatcbewin.
- Canada. IIo ha * eatd in
| aa Intorrlewi
"A * an Ameloaa I am
delmhted to tha r-
JrrmrKuble proarei * of
Wintom Oanada. Oar
rwoplo are llooklna aeroM
the boundnrr In thou-
Band * , and I hare not ret
not one wlio admlttM
no bad mail * a mlntaka.
They are all Joint IL
There U Kmroolr a com *
munlty In tbe Middle or
Wmlcrn StntM tlini bit
not a rnproiontutlye In Manitoba ,
Uukatchuvian or Alboita. "
125 Million Bushels of
Wheat in 1909
Weotorn Canada fleld crop * for
9J9 will oiwtljrjrleld tolljeUro-
or ftlTO.OOO.OOO.OO In cn h.
rreullomofltpudeor 100 acre * ,
nncl nrn-euiptlone of 100 acre *
- nil ncro. Kallwaj and
pante * bare land for tale
at rofionnaliltt nrlooa. SI liny fnna *
era Imvo Dalit for thrlr Innil out
of tlio iinirrx-ile of ono crop.
BplenclliI clliuato , rood achooli.
> r llcut riilhvujr fncllltlrilow
frplitlit rnti > , wood , water and
lumber foully olilnlnotl.
forpnmphlet"L t limt Wort. "
particular * an to nultnblu locatloa
and low xttlen' rate , aoplj U
Hnp't of Immigration. Ottawa ,
Can. , or to Uaaudlan Oort Aieut ,
Boon 4 DM Bldf. Onihi , RII.
( TT aillrrmnoirB t you. ) ( U
"For over nine years I suffered with chronla
constipation ami duriug this time I had to take
an Injection of warm water once every 14 hour *
before I could have an action on tny boirela.
Happily I tried Cascareta , and today I am a vrcll
man. During the nine year * before I u nl
Cascarets I suffered untold misery with internal
piles. Thanks to you , I am free from all tint
this morning , You can use this in behalf c.f
suflerlng humanity. U. P. FUher , Roauoke , 11L
Pleasant. Palatable , Potent , Taste Good.
Do Good. Never Sicken.Weaken or Gripe.
10c.25o.50c. Never sold In bulk. The gen
uine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
cure or your money back. 93)
or Morphine tlablt Treated ,
OPIUM r'tte irul Ci c where oihcr
remetle ! > hare ( ailed , i. -
detirrd , ( .ire piniculin.
Dr.E O. COnniELL. BtlU ell , < OOW. aidBt..B.wT k
jxwomotor Atazlt
, Conquered at Ljjt
Coau'i Wood A
'Vfrve TnhU-u don It. Write ( or Proof. Advice Klre.
Jr. CUAtli : . 224 Mort * I Win Ui , fbiUdtlpola. Va.