t t , . . . THE OUSTER OOUNTX REPUBLICAN CUSTER COUNTY REPUBLICAN $1.00 Per Your. i All subscribers arc considered permanent hnu If they wnn to Discontinue are expected lo pay all arrearages and notify publisher , Entered nt Broken Uow , Nebraska , lor trans- inlislon In the United Htaten malls at second clans rate * , D. AL AAISBIHRY , Editor and Publisher ADVERTISING HATES. Wlitro matter IH set on wood l > aso electrotype a Mat price of twenty cent * tier Iricli.sliiirlucol- nmti , tureacli insertion , t uoi niuiu liiHuiliuaii 15 cents tier inch. Special position , slnirlo In , ftortlou 20ctmu per inch. Metal liftse , electron- I to or mure tlmos , 15 cunts per Inch , 1'aymuut first of each month. five ccntt per Hue each In Notice of chnrch church fairs , noclnblrn and entcrtalitnicntH whore money Is chanced , one half rates , Death notices free , half t rlr for publlotiitiir obituaries. Canl of Thanks , M cctr.H. I < cgal notices at MICH provided statutes of Nebraska , Society notices nti < 1 resolutions , one-h.ilraics ! Wodtllutr noticed free , half price for nut of prcBcnln , N. T. Gadd's announcement as lull pledged candidate for county attorney appear in this issue of the Knrum.iCAN. No insurgent or regular who opposes the administration bills , that seek to redeem platform pledges regardless under what prctex will not find a bed of roses awaiting him when he gats home. From present indications it begins to look as though E. F. Myers and N. T. Gadd will be the only republican candidates for the office fo county attorney before the primaries. J. B. Dunn of Callaway who was mentioned favorably recent ly in the Loup Valley Queen for the office of county attorney came out last week in a card in the Courrier-Tribunc and declined to be a candidate. The Scotts BluJT Republican started on its eleventh volume last week. E. T. Wcsteryelt , the editor and publisher the founder of the paper has reason to feel proud of his success in the news paper field. "Gene" as lie is familiarity known in Custer county where he spent his boy hood days has many friends here who rejoice with him in his prosperity. The downfall of the demo cratic party in 1S96 should not fail to serve as a pointer to the present republican congress. President Cleveland and his con gress gained control upon plat form pledges they failed to carry out. In that instance congress was principally at fault. President Cleveland insisted upon the redemption of their platform pledges but his advice was not heeded. W. B. Eastham of Broken Bow who was defeated as democratic candidate for land commissioner by the disloyalty of the saloon clement of his party two years ago will make the race for the place again this fall. "Billy" as he is fauiilarily known is one of Brok en Bow's best citizens and is en titled to the united support of his party , but that will not be suffi cient this year for him to land * he prize. ' The work of the insurgents in congress may result in bringing about some needed legislation as viewed from the popular opinion but unelss they are able tcdo some thing to bring together the dis corded elements in the republican party , for which they are respon sible , the democrats will reap tbc political harvest and the in surijents will be left to hold the bag ; while \He \ busincssworld \ \ \ behold another financial crisis similar 1896 when Grover Clevc- landand a democratic congress were in control. Already the democratic mem- bersof congress are iu high glee over the prospects of securing a majority of the next congress. They base their hopes on the recent city elections that have gone democratic and the appar. ant division among the republi cans in the House and Senate. ' They who are nowso elatedin an ticipation should not forget that l i they who "laugh last laugh best. " In Nebraska the republicans will be together on election day and we predict that will be true in every republican state in the I union. Pries For Governor M L. Fries , of Arcadia ; one of the candidates for the republican nomination for governor of Nc- bruaka , is. n man-who has m do a success in his business affairs and we belcivc that he would carry his successful business methods into the affairs of the state. Mr. Fries is , a highly educated gentle man and stands right on the im portant questions now before the people of the state , and he can give his reasons lor the belief which he professes. It is yet rather early to come out for any candidate , as new men may yet enter the field , but we can truth fully say that anyone who sup ports M. L , Fries will not make a very serious mistake. Trenton Republican. Bryan's Suggestion Pleases Democrats. That was a capital idea pro- mulatcd by Col. Bryan and now since Jack says thumbs up we see them jumping up all over the state. Among the list appears a number from Broken Bow , in lasi Sundays Journal , following a vexy able lucidations of the ques tions by James R. Dean one of the democratic candidates from the six congressional district for congress. The ex-judge is very much pleased with Col. Bryan'sproposi- tian tocall an extra session of the legislature in order to give that august assembly another chance to do what it declined to do at the regular session. The KWUUUCAN is not opposed - posed to the question of initative and referendum propositionon the liquor question. But when we recall that at our last session of" the legislature , which was democratic , that W. J. Bryan was presentJudge J. R. Dean ws a member of the su preme court the records donotshow that either of these men turned a hand or raised their voice to in- llnencc the state legislature to pass a law submitting the ques tion of inititive and referendum on the liquor question the Peerless statesman , Mr. Bryan , was urged by the temperence workers to come out in favor of temperance legislation , but every effort in that direction failed. Governor ShaHcnberger another one of the leading democrats of the state was out spoken against it and maintained to the last that personally he favored saloon license. The great interest these men as well a& their followers are iiow ( manifesting in calling a special session of the legislature has more the appearance of play ing politics than it does of sin cerity. Metcalf's argument that a spec ial session of the legislature would enable us to vote upon the ques tion two years earlier than we otherwise could sounds very well but why did not Mr. Bryau and his man Friday , Metoalf act upon that thought when the leg islature was in session if they were sincere in wanting the law of submission passed. The truth of the matter seems to be that Mayor fyahlman , has got both Bryan and. Governor Shallenbcrger in a tight box and the only way they see to get'out of it , with any hopes of saving the democratic candidates from defeat is to get the question of county option out ot the-way of the campaign. The whole matter has grown out of factional rows .among the leaders of the democrat party. It is a matter whether the Dahl- manitics or the Bryanites shall dictate the policy of the demo crats in Nebraska. If the Bryanites succeed in getting an extra session of the legislature and secure the passage of aconstutional amendment sub * milting the question of saloon NOTICE Phone your orders in early at , "Tlie Square Deal Store"'and you will not only receive prompt and courteous attention but'you will be able to buy fresh vegetables such -"as Lettuce , 'Radishes , Asparayue , Tomatoes and Onions at the lowest market prices. The following is well worth your notice. Piiienpplc.4 , frc.sli luscious each only j 250 Strawberries , the best we can get at market price. Oranges , the fatuous navnl kind , always sweet per do35 , 40 , 500 Baled Hay , Corn , Wheat , Oats , Corn Chops , Bran and Shorts lor sale at Market Prices. WE BUY , TEST and PAY SPOT CASH for CREAM. The Eagle Grocery Store. The Sqimro Dotvl Store Phone 58 license to the state it will remove the issue of county option from the campaign this fall. If they fail in this tuqn every candidate that comes bfcfore the primaries will have to declare himself on the question of county option. There are some demo crats as well as republicans whodo | not want to do thatyet , it is just what Dahlmau wants , He de mands the issue be made fairly and above board. The leaders of these two factions are lining up the rank and file in every locality for the affray. The leadership of the Bryanites seems to have fallen upon the shoulders of Judge Dean in this community. It appears from the communi cation from here appearing in the Sunday Journal that the Judge has been successful in lining up most of the democrats of this locality for Bryau and an extra session of the legislatrue at the states expanse. The following is the list whose names are published as having signed the declaration of princi ples being sent out brood cast in the state for democrat endorse ment. Silas A. Holcomb , J. R. Dean , A. P. Johnson , E. R. Purcell , Ed McComas , W. B. Eistham , H. J. Shinn , P. W.1 Mullen'I. H. Bar- cus , D. R. Rockwell , J. II , Pretty- man , Willii n B . Schaefer , J. G. Leonard , M. S. Eddy , Clyde D. Wilson , J. N. Peale , S. M. Derris , H. G. King , C. W. Beal , C. J. McCormick , Ed McCoruaick. A. P. Johnson is ex-county at- toney , E/R. Purcell'editor Cus- ter County Chief ; Ed McCouias , retired , merchant ; W. B. East- ham , ex-deputy revenue collector ; H. J , Shinn , ex-county iudge , and present police judge ; P. W. Mull en real estate dealer ; I. II. Barcus farmer ; D. R. Rockwell , mayor of Broken Bow ; J. ll. PreUyuian , stockman ; William B' Sc&aefer , cigar manufacturer ; J. G. Leonard ard- abstractor ; M. S. Eddy ; dep uty county treasurer ; Clyde D. Wilsoti , bookecpar treasurer's office ; J. N , Poale , grocer , S. M.- Derris , ex-clerk district court ; H. C. King associacte editor Ouster Cheif C" W. Beal ; , ex-state sena tor and editor of Custer Countv Beacon ; C. J.McCormick machine agent , and Ed McCormick , in- surence. Washington News Lstler. Following 'the suggestion of Senator Burkett the Department of Agriculture will conduct a test experiment-as to the effici ency of their preventative serum for hog cholera. The Depart ment has selected July as the time , and favors South Omaha Stock'Yards as thes place to make the test. Thirty shoats of about sixty pounds weight will be in cluded in tne test , and the offi cials are confident of successful results. They , are much grati fied at Senator-Burkett's interest Dried I'ears fresh and fine per Ib. aoc or 2 Ibs. for 300 Dried Prunes jutt the si/e Ib. . . loc Dried Poaches , especially popular per Ib I2 c Dried Raspberries per Ib 350 Custer County Land Man If you have a snap in a iarni , or ranch for sale list withme. _ I ? you want to buy"a snap in a farm or ranch , come and see me. Phones , office 42 , resi dence 129. CHAS. W. BOWMAN BROKEN Bow , NEB. co-operation and feel that Nebraska farmers will derive tre- inendious benefit by taking ad vantage of their discovery. Senator .Burkett is preparing an argument which he will pre sent in the senate in favor of forc ing the railroads to charge less for a short than for a long haul. The Senator believes in giving the greatest good to the greatest number , which is not accomplish ed , in his opinion , by the long and short haul rates now in oper ation. There is no doubt that the country west of the Missouri River and Nebraska towns in particular feel keenly the effects of the present long and short haul rates , and it is to correct this dis crimination that Senator Burkett will offer his argument. Washington teller. Washington , D. C. It is very evident that the pretended demo cratic glee over the outlook for the year's elections must very soon change to doubt from the democratic standpoint and to great confidence and hope on the republican side. The change has come about not through one , but many causes. In the first place the general grumbling against President Taft , which after all has been very similar to all first year experiences , is changing to hearty commend ations and indorsements of the president personally and his ad ministration. Lincoln and Grant and Harrison , and McKinlcy , and iu fact every republican presi dent were found fault with dur ing a portion of their term ? , but this eventually gave way to merited applause which came when the people found out the truth. The people are now find ing out the truth about President Taft. They are learning in the drat place in spite of democratic misrepresentation that the tariff law is most successful. No honest man , be he democrat or republican , can say that the re sult of the operation of that law has not been most beneficial in every way , both from a revenue standpoint and from that of em ployment and wages , and it is very evident that Mr. Taft knew what he was talking about when he said that "It is the best tariff law we have ever had. " But this by no means the only credit that can be accorded to the Send Your Abstract Orders to J. GL Leonard , Bonded Atstracter Office in Security State Bank Building G. L. Turner Lbr. .Co. Lumber , Posts , Shingles General Building Supplies Phone 79 HI mm KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE iurlingtoii's ' New Main Line Through Central.Wyoming r1 the richest undeveloped country iu the west. Farmers here have no fear of drouth , wind storms or bail storms. THE BIG HORN BASIN is uuw so well suuicu cm uo icui wcmiu [ Jiuuuiuiy era luui IL uui uuijr up- punls to farmers looking for new land upon which to establish new homes under most favorable conditions , but appeals as well to the investor , who wants to turn his money quickly , and to the Business Man , Professional Man , Mine Operator and Manufacturer in towns that are springing np like magic and where raw material in plenty can be handled at u profit. The new line will reach Thermopolis about July I , connecting the outside world with one of the greatest health resorts in America. CHEAP EXCURSION TICKETS first an Third Tues- days. Send right away for our'new booklet justoff the press , then go with me on one of our personally conducted excursions./ D. CLEM DEAVER , General Agt. Land Seekers Information Bureau B004 Farnum St. , Omaha Nebr. How to Get Rid of The Flies ! i If you will call upon us in Broken Bow we will show you how this is done. We have the largest stock of SCREEN DOORS AND SCREEN WINDOWS \ in Broken Bow. We can furnish you in any standard size screen door or screen window. DIERKS LUMBER & COAL CD. Phone 23. J. S. Molyneux , Manager. Have You Deeds Insurance Policies , or other valuable papers ? If so you need a Safe Place to keep them. One of our SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES is an Ideal place for suck , and cost is only nominal. Come in and let'us show f them to you. . . . * * yafm B ( Strictly a Homo Institution ) W. .A. OUOJIGH. president JULES HAUMONT , Vice President L. II.'JUWETT , Cashier 11. D. PICKETTA-Mt. Cashier present administration In every department of the government good business management has been practiced to such an extent that expenditures have been cut down in every direction and mil lions of dollars saved to the government. .This has not been done with a great .flourish of trumpets , but in a quiet business like way , and is only being found out as public statement are made in the usual course of events. At the end of the fiscal year all these results will be very apparent in the annul statements , and then the people will give to this ad ministration credit for a degree of economy that has not been seen for many years. With all fair-minded men President Taft has been one of ALWAYS Good Cream on band at s WILLIS & SON South Side of the Square. the most popular presidents we have ever had and this popularity is going to extend to many of those who have seen fit to criti cise him. As regards the legis lation ye't to be enacted during the present session of congress , it will depend upon the course taken by some of the so-called insurgents. Undoubtedly they have the power to delay or pre vent the so-called administration program , and it is to seen whether they will exercise this power , or will work and vote with the regular party majority