The Ouster County Republican D. M. AMSBERRY , Editor BROKEN BOW , . NBHUASKA [ t NEWS EPITOME THAT CAN SOON BE COMPASSED. J EVENTS ARE MENTIONED Home nnd Foreign Intelligence Con * denced Into Two and Four Line Paragraphn. Genera/ . Law provides that census enumer ators may not even so much as guess nt figures. Wonton , the pedestrian , arrived In New York ahead of time in his ocean to ocean walk. John Qulncy Adams Ward , ono of America's greatest sculptors , died at 'hla homu In NVw York. A Nlrnraugun citizen has written tlm Ameilcan consul that cruelties are being practiced in Nicaragua. The directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad company declared the regu lar quarterly dividend of 1 % pci cent. i The Chicago Freight Handlers' un Ion , with a membership of 2,000 , has sent an ultimatum to eighteen rail roads entering the city. B. P. Waggenor has been made general - oral solicitor of the Missouri Paclllo Railroad company for Kansas , Ne braska nnd Colorado , with headquar ters at Atchlson , Kan. William II. Burret , ono of the big gest and heaviest men In the world , died at Locust Valley , N. Y. Ho weighed fi8 ( ! pounds. Six indictments were handed down by the special grand Jury of which John D. Rockefeller , Jr. , Is the fore man , which has been investigating the "white slave" traffic. Non-residents can maintain suits for divorce in the state of Kansas if the person against whom the action is brought can bo served In the state. Mr. Bryan says his poll of loglsla tors shown the Initiative and rcfcren duni would pass the Nebraska house without difficulty. The national party prohibition con vontlon may bo hold In Dos Molncs in 1012. 1012.Tho The election contests Involving the seats of Representatives Joseph F. O'Conuoll of Massachusetts and Al bert Estoplnal of Louisiana , both democrats , were concluded by house committees. Snator Chamberlain Introduced a resolution calling upon the attorney general to exorclso dispatch In prose- outing suits to recover lands in Oregon granted to railroads and dis posed of or offered for sale , in viola tion of the grant In a protest to congress the Iowa railroad commission asks that the provision of the Taft railroad bill , which exempts from operation of the bill state rates applying between points wholly within the state , be re tained. - . .Harry K. Thaw , who killed Stan ford White , must remain In the Mat- teawan Insane asylum. The appellate division of the supreme court in Brooklyn handed down a decision to the effect that Mattoawan is the proper place for Thaw. Freight tariffs showing considerable increases over the present rates from western territory to the Atlantic sea board will bo filed with the Interstate commerce commission to become ef fective on Juno 1. The supreme court of Missouri de nied a motion for a rehearing of R. J. House of the Kansas City Hoard of Trade , who was arrested on a charge of violating the law requiring grain to bo sold by actual weight John \V. Kern was endorsed for the senate by the Indiana state demo cratic convention. Much of the $100,000 left by the late Thomas F. Walsh to bo distributed bj his wife will go to the relatives and old-tiinu fiionda in Colorado. A Japanese spy , who was caught sketching a fort nt the entrance to Hongkong harbor , was sentenced ta imprisonment. No amendments of any charactot were placed on the postofflco appro priation bill by the KGimto committee which ordered the bills rpported. Thomas Bailey , said by the police to bo ono of the three safe blowers who robbed the National Bunk of Chatworth , 111. , of $0,000 on February 15 , was arrested In Chicago. Within three hours after the sub- Hcrlptlon books had been opened in San Francisco at the local stock ex change , $1,080,000 of the stock of the Panama-Pacific International exposi tion to be held In San Francisco In 1915 was subscribed. . , Steel , Miller & Co. , a spot cotton firm with headquarters at Corinth , Miss. , and branches at Columbus and other towns throughout East Missis slppl , went Into bankruptcy. Unqualified endorsement was ac corded the Taft administration by the republican jstate central committee ol Maryland. , Mr. Byran , it Is stated , will help In the Missouri prohibition campaign when it is fully on. San Antonio secret service atjents have In their possession a number 01 counterfeit United States $5 gold pieces believed to have been made in Mcxk-o. Dr. Elllni B. Thomas , 83 years old father of Augustus Thomas , the play > wright , died at his homo at St-Louin Monday. Diamonds , Jewelry and money to the vluo of $ C,000 wcro stolen in HCIKI , Nov. , from the apartments of Miss Fa Packer , formerly a Now York ictrcss. Commander Robert E. Ponry sailed from Now York for a lecture tour of England nnd Uio continent Ho Is accompanied by Mrs. Peary and their two children and by Captain Robert A. Bartlett. In the death of Bjornstjorno Bjorn- son Norway has lost her createst distinctive Norwegian writer. Mr Roosevelt was praised in the superlative by heads of the munici pality of Parls. , Senator Halo denied that fear of lufoat prompted his announcement of coming retirement from the senate. A question before the Nebraska supreme court Is , has a city or town the right to hay cut by a citizen fiom Its streets. Indiana democrats , In state conven tion , endorsed John W. Kern for United States senator The prohibition county convention in Nashville endorsed William J. Bryan of Nebraska for president , despite the fact that some of the dele gates wcro skeptical as to whether lie would consent to run under their banner. The stockholders of the Chesapeake & Ohio , In a special session at Richmond mend , Va. , authorized an Increase of capital stock to $100,000,000. Rev. Henry II. Jcssup , a widely known missionary nnd author , died at Beirut , Syria. The revenue cutter , Tahomn sailed from Seattle for Alaska carrying the Portland Mnzanrn expedition of four men who will attempt the ascent of Mount McKlnloy from the seaward Bide. Henry Wllllngton Smith , millionaire paper manufacturer of Leo , Mass. , was crushed to 'death In a folding bed. The Erie railway wage difficulties with its firemen has boon adjusted. The men get an advance of 8 per cent The president will na'mo a New York man for the supiomo bench to succeed Julius Brewer. Washington. A daughter was born to Senator nnd Mrs. Bovcrldge. This Is the second end birth In the senator's family since his second marriage. The first child Is a son , 20 months old. The rural delivery service nnd the itar route service of the postofflco de partment are to bo consolidated and the combined service is to bo known as the division of rural malls. The order will take effect on July first The new division will have immedi ate supervision over annual appro priations aggregating close to $50 , 000.000. Three young West Point cadets will have a fair chance to break Pe destrian Wcston's record , ao the pen alty for hazing fourth-class men , un der the terms of an order issued by the superintendent of the military academy. Had It not boon for the special act of congress , authorizing the secretary of war to dispose of their cases In accordance with the now regulations , they would have been expelled from the acad6my. Rear Admiral Philip Hlchborn. U. S. N. , retired , died at his homo hero at the ago of seventy-one. Tbo ad miral had been sick for the past two months , suffering from artorlal solor- osls. osls.Tho The Interests of forty-seven rail roads west of Chicago and of their engineers and firemen now hlngo up on the selection of a third arbitrator by Chairman Knapp of the Interstate commerce commission nnd Commis sioner Nelll of the bureau of labor , the mediators under the Erdman act In labor controversies involving inter state commerce. Through the medi ation of Messrs. Knapp and Nelll , the railroads and their employes were brought together on a number of points and have decided to arbitrate the question on which they wcro dead locked. Personal. An expert from Washington la to demonstrate a supposed hog cholera cure in Nebraska. Secretary Balllnger testified in his own defense before the congressional committee. Senator Brown 1ms asked the supreme premo court for a rehearing in the Nebraska elevator case. John W. Kern of Indiana said he will make the race for u seat in the United States senate./ / Two missionaries In the South sea Islands , with their converts , wcro killed and eaten by cannibals. House democrats will not assist the Insurgents in ousting Cannon. The Bryan boom Is , creating consid erable worry among other members of the democratic party. Senator Burkett celebrated Arbor day in the United States sonata by introducing a bill providing for the establishment at Nebraska City of a national school of forestry. Tom Taggart claims converts to Ills opposition to a convention nomi nation for senator In Indiana. In a speccli at St. Louis VIce Presi dent Sherman defended the tariff law. law.A A resolution favoring the election of United States senators by popu lar vote was passed by the house of representatives of Massachusetts by a vote of 109 to 98. W. J. Bryan criticised the appoint ment of Governor Hughes. The guests at the imperial garden party at ToUio Included 3G2 Ameri cans. The Bcnato confirmed the nomina tion of W. T. Dovlln ns district at torney In California- LAW REGULATING CENSUS EMU- MERATORS IS STRICT. KOT WEN GUESS Information Must Bo Held 'Till Proper Time Other Matters From the Capital of the Qtato. Tlio census onuinoratorn nro not ( supposed to open tholr mouths In so much ns even a guess na to the fig- tires that nny department of the cen sus will show In the end. The tak ing of the census Is supposed to bo n strictly confidential operation and Undo Sam Is going to see that the enumerators do not talk so much ns to botniy tlm ronfldunco tlmt Is placed in them when they take the oath for the work. In.other words , the census Is for a public record to be given out by the government In duo tlmo and not to bo gossiped about by Individual enumerators wlillo the work Is being done. Supervisor of Census Ilelvey of the First district says that the law Is very plain as well as severe on this point. The penalty the law has fixed on an enumerator who divulges any Information obtained while in the progress of his ofllclal duties Is $1OCO fine or not over live years of Im prisonment. The census enumerator Is constantly plied with questions con cerning his work and .what ho has found and especially is ho daily asked dozens of times for an opinion as to what the population will bo found to number at the final count. The law , asldo from restricting him from giv ing out definite- information , provides that ho shall not even make a guess at final figures of any kind connected with the taking of the census. This provision is made because it is pre sumed that If the enumerator gave out his guess he would bo basing that opinion on something that his ofllclal work so far had showed him. Since the law provides that the In- dlvfdual or the corporation accurately dlvulgo all required information to the enumerator , it at once provides for the absolute secrecy of the enu merator in order that no unfair ad vantages shall bo taken at any point , or in any way. The enumerator of manufacturers/ > census backed by the authority of Uncle Sam , probes Into the most secret books of all firms and corporations , and the gov ernment protects that manufacturer from having his business secrets gos siped about in the neighborhood at once by attaching the penalty to the sin of divulging the facts. All in duo time the director of. cen sus at Washington , D. C. , will give out the official reports , and ft Is pre sumed that until ho docs no ono per son shall know any more about the census than docs another. It is thought that the official statements will bo ready some time in July. Cash In State Treasury. The state treasurer's report for the month of April shows that there is still plenty of cash in the state treas ury. ury.The The balance the first of the month was $084,889.28. Saturday night the balance was $ C28-103.ia. The re ceipts during the month were $1G9- 819.77 and the disbursements were $220,305.02. The permanent funds Invested amount to $8,578,584.08 , di vided as follows : Perm , school $7,801,097.29 Perm , university 201,037.39 A. C. E 490,031.50 Normal endowment 77,817.21 Grlgware , the Train Robber. Several people in Lincoln are con vinced that Frank Grigware , the con victed train robber who escaped from the federal penitentiary April 21 , is hiding hero. Several persons , among them women , have called up the po lice and Insisted that a man answerIng - Ing the description of Grlgwaro had been seen in their nclghbuihood. Escaped Fugitive Overhauled. Axel Johnson , for over two years n fugitive from Justice under indict ment in the Lincoln division of fed eral court , has been captured at Twin Falls , Mont , and will bo brought back to this city for trial. Ho is charged with counterfeiting. Omaha Debaters Defeated. Taking the alllrmatlvo on the ques tion that labor unions are , on the whole beneficial , the Omaha high school debating squad was judged to bo defeated In the contest with the Lincoln high school trio. Cost of the Campaign. The published report of the com mittee of fifty which had charge ol the dry campaign lioro shows that the receipts wore $3,158.0:1 : and the expenditures amounted to $3,112.89. New School Location. Providing the park board will sub mlt a proposition for $50,000 for park purposes , the school board will agree to locate the high school building on the Davenport tract. This the schoo board finally decided , following a wrangle for many months. The Davenport onport tract contains eight acres aiu was bought by the school board some years ago. Some ono objected to the construction of the building on tlu ground because it was considered too low , BO the school board hold the matter tor up for discussion. A SPECIAL SE5SIOU. Mr. Bryan Sees Work for Nebraska Legislators , Jlon. W. J. llryan has mailed a let ter to all democratic members of the last legislature asking them If thcyi will support an initiative and refer endum resolution for the submission of a constitutional amendment to that effect at the general election this fall. Ho has also asked J. H. Mockctt , Jr. , president of the Nebraska Direct Legislation league to get a poll of the republican members. The letter foV most part follows : My Dear Sir : The failure of the legislature to submit the initiative and referendum at Its regular session has brought county option which is direct legislation Into the present campaign , and this question is draw ing attention from national Issues. It Is unfortunate that this should bo tjho case at this time when six congress men are to bo elected , and when n senator Is to bo chosen by the next legislature. Unless the mistake made by the legislature can be remedied , our par ty will bo confronted by a very seri ous situation. It might promise in its platform to submit the' initiative and referendum at the next session , but it could hardly expect to be trusted to submit the measure next imo if with a democratic governor , senate and house it is unable to do so now , un less it declares its independence of special Interests. In my opinion the best way to meet , the situation Is by the submission of the initiative and referendum by a called session of the legislature and I have 110 doubt that Governor Shal- lenberger will call such a special ses sion If assured that n majority of both houses will support the initia tive and referendum resolution , which will give to the people the legislative machinery through which they could legislate upon any ques tion In which they are interested. A called session would also doubtless ratify the income tax amendment. If it is not possible to submit the initiative and referendum for ratifica tion as a constitutional amendment at the election this fall , nothing is left for our party to do but to de clare for the Initiative and referen dum and county option in its state platform this summer. In order to ascertain whether an initiative and referendum resolution would pass In case of a special session being called , I take the liberty of submitting the question to you and to the other dem ocratic members of the senate and house. Please wire me at once , at my expense , whether you would be willing to support such a resolution at a special session. In a written statement regarding ils letter to democratic members , Mr. Biyan says : "I hope that the dem ocratic and republican papers that fa vor the initiative and loferendum vlll take the matter up and urge the passage of the initiative and referen dum resolution. It might be well foi ho committeemen and all others , both democrats and republicans , who are interested in the present cam- mlgn , to see these senators and mem- > ers who didn't support the meas ure at the last session and point out to them the importance of the special session. The Plattsmouth city council has ssucd six saloon licenses and has granted two drugstore permits to sell iquor during the coming year. Hughes Is Appreciative. In reply to its telegram of congrat. ulations over his appointment as a member of the United States supreme premo court , the State Railway com mission has received the following message from Governor Hughes : Albany , N. Y. , April 27. Nebraska State Hallway Commission , Lincoln , Nob. : "I cordially appreciate your telegram. "CHARLES E. HUGHES. " Ruling on Bleached Flour. State Food Commissioner S. L. Mains has returned from Portland , Ore. , and Boise City , Idaho , At the latter place western food commission ers met and asked for a sneedv hear ing of the suits in federal court to test the ruling of the national foot ! department against bleached flour. Must Quit Business. Clubs that do business merely to servo drinks to members were warned that they must quit business in Lincoln. The Phoenix club and the Eagles were raided , a few arrests made and the booze found on the premises was hauled to the station. University Summer Session. The summer session of the Univer sity of Nebraska for 1910 , Juno 17 to August 12 , will be the first summer session in the history of this institu tion under the direct management of the chancellor. Academic instruction in the university proper will bo of the highest order with the head pro- fossorii in charge of their respective departments. Can Increase Stock. The railway commission gave per mission to the Grand Island Telephone - phone company to increase Its capital stock from $75,000 to $100,000. The proceeds from the sale of the stock will bo used for improvements and extensions. Lincoln , Neb. Ernest M. Pollard of Nehawka will not bo a candidate for congress In the First district. Ho will issue a statement to this effect and will thank his friends for the fa vois shown him in the past Religious , Social , Agricultural , Polit ical and Other Matters Given Due Consideration. ill SUBJECTS TOUCHED UPON NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS. A great deal of * building is being done in Alnsworth. . Seward will spend $1,400 in getting a new supply of city water. A number of Omaha saloon men have been arrested for selling liquor to Indians. The several road supervisors of Johnson county held a meeting In Tecumseh - cumsoh for the purpose ( if getting to gether on a general plan of road building and maintenance. Robert L. Love , the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Love , who reside three miles southeast of Valparaiso was Instantly killed by being rut over by a heavy wagon. The county board of supervisors of Dawson county have decided to sell the county poor farm and invest part of the proceeds in a county hospital for the poor. This decision was made after nn Investigation. The present farm represents property valued at $25,000 and $1,800 yearly expense for maintenance and there are only two inmates. Saying that it would not hurt any- 6ody , Martin Larson , of Hall county , aged 15 years , placed a revolver at his temple , pulled the trigger and instantly killed himself. It is believed the boy thought the pistol was not loaded. Word has been received in Ne braska City of the sudden death of Maty Howell , a son of Roy Howell and for years a resident of that city. His death occurred in Oklahoma. Sheriff J. N. Gustus of Phelps coun ty is back home after a week or more spent with his daughter on her new homestead near Willard , Colo. Mr. Gustus reports that an unusually large number of Nebraskans have lo cated in that section. Mrs. Estella E. Warden has filed suit against the Burlington , asking $10,000 damages for injuries for be ing ejected from a passenger train by a brakesman , at Hamburg , la. , February 18. She also sues to re cover forty-two cents overcharge for a ticket from Nebraska City to Ham burg , a distance of less than fourteen miles. The new German Lutheran church , eight miles southwest of Tecumseh , will be dedicated on .Sunday , May 8. Many barn fires have recently oc curred in Nuckolls county , near Su perior. They are believed to be of incendiary origin , and it is likely that some arrests will be made. S. B. Wolbach , son of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Wolbach of Grand Island , and who was born and reared in that place , has been elected to the posi tion of assistant professor of bacte riology of Harvard college for a term of five years. He has been an in structor at Harvard for a number of years. The town board of Valentino had a special meeting and decided to call a special election in regard to the request of the state to give forty acres of land on which to build per manent buildings for the state expe rimental farm , as the state only has a lease from the government for the land , and it does not want to erect permanent building on leased ground. James Hummell , a veterinary sur geon and old-time resident of Gothen burg , dropped dead from heart trou ble twenty-eight miles northeast of that place. He had just finished op erating on some horses and sat down to rest Death came very suddenly with no warning whatever. After deliberating all day the jury at Central City brought In a decision in the case against Sherman Grubb on a charge of horse stealing , finding him not guilty. Grubb was charged with being a member of a gang which stole three horses from the Reeves farm , a few miles south of town , last September. Irvln Cross , n real estate agent of ( JHca , met with a serious accident three miles southast of Waco. He was riding a motor-cyclo at a rate of about sixty miles an hour when his wheel broke , throwing him forcibly to the ground , rendering him uncon scious , badly mutilating his face and otherwise bruslng his head. Some time since W. A. Schapers , who had been conducting a saloon at Syracuse , died and several wholesale liquor houses brought suit against his widow , in whoso name the husband conducted the business. The suit dragged in the courts for some tlmo and finally Judge Wilson , afteY hear ing the evidence , decided that a woman could not have a license or conduct a saloon under the Slocumb law and dismissed the suits. Clark Townseud was found dead in bed at Siratton. The day before ho had boon in the country taking cen sus , and it is thought that overexer- tlon of going from place to place on his motorcycle was the direct cause of his death. Henry Holtol of Kansas City , Kan. , proprietor of a moving picture show , was probably fatally injured at Stella by an explosion of gas ho was gen erating to operate the machine. A 13-year-old daughter who was assist | Ing him was badly burned , but recover. CuredbyLydiaRPinkham's Vegetable Compound Galena , ITans. "A year ago last March I foil , and a few days after there was soreness In my right side. In a short time a bunch came and It bothered mo so much at night I could not Bleep. It kept growing larger and by fall it was 03 largo as'a hen's egg. I could not go to bed without a hot water bo ttlo applied to that side. I had ono of the best doc tors in Kansas and bo told my husband that I would have to bo operated on as it was something Ilka a tumor caused by a rupture. I wrote J to you for advice and you told mo not to got discouraged but to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 did take it and soon the lump in my cide broke and passed away. " lira. R. B. HUIY , 713 Mineral Avo. , Galena , Kans. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound , made from roots and herbs , has proved to be the most successful remedy for curing the worst forms of female ills , including displacements , inflammation , fibroid tumors , irregu larities , periodic pains , backache , bear ing-down fooling , flatulency , indiges tion , and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it , and the result has been worth millions to many Buffering women. If you vrant special ndvlcowrite forittoBIrs.PinkhamLynnMass. It is free and always helpful. PAPA'S POSITION SET FORTH Explanation of Youthful Suitor That Doubtless Satisfied Father of His Adored One. "Yes , sir , " said the palo youthful suitor ; "I've come to ask you for your daughter's hand. She is fair as lil ies , sweet as honeysuckle , tender as violet , charming " "Is that Mary you are talking about ? " asked papa. "Yes , sir. It Is a mere formality , I know , this asking for your daughter's hand ; but we thought it "would be pleasant to you if it were observed. " Mary's papa stiffened. "And may I Inquire , " he asked , "who suggested that asking my con sent to Mary's marriage was a mere formality ? " "You may , sir , " replied the young man , simply. "It was Mary'o mother. " Philadelphia Inquirer. Obviously. A Denver man who visited the mu seum at City park recently tells of a farmer he saw there. The ruraliat stepped in front of a portrait which showed a man sitting in a high-backed chair. There was a small white card on the picture reading : "A portrait of E. H. Smith , by him self. " The farmer read the card and then chuckled to himself. "Regular fools these city fellers are , " he said. "Anybody who looks at that picture 'd know Smith's by him self. They ain't no one in the paLatin' with him. " Cincinnati Post A Reprimand. Mrs. Brown was on her -way to prayer meeting , and as she passed tin ? Jones' homo she saw Bobby Bitting on the porch. "Aren't you afraid out h'ero alone , Bobby ? " "I'm not alone- was Bobby's an swer. "Who is with you ? " asked Mrs. Brown. ' "Now , Mrs. Brown , " said Bobby , Im pressively , "If you was a good woman , you would know who was with me. " A girl blushes the first time a young man kisses her because it embar rasses her to think that he might not have done It Comfort and New Strength Await the person who discovers that a long train of coffee ails can be thrown off by using in place of Coffee The comfort and strength come from a rebuilding of new nerve cells by the food elements in the roasted wheat used in making Postum. And the relief from coffee ails come from the absence of cajfeitu the natural drug in coffee. Ten days trial will show any one "There's a Reason" lor TUM