Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 28, 1910, Image 1

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    - . * County 1Rep
for that emblem of
success that the dollar
lar stands for is
permissible to nil
fair dealers in the
markets of the
world. Unfair
methods may pre
vail for a time , but
their life is short ,
We have a system ,
of reaching for
your trade that has
its worth proven
by its popularity ,
All buyers of
Jewel ry
make the greater
amount of their
purchases at this
store. Quality nud
prices are JUST
In the Tabernacle.
The Union meetings being held
in this city were held for the first
time in the tabernacle last night.
Owing to the windy weather last
Thursday and Friday work was
not commenced on the new
building until Monday morning
Then a large force of men was >
secured and work was rapidly
In order to accomadate the
workers prayer meetings will be
held in both the Christian and
Baptist churches each evening
at 7:30. : Afternoon and night
meetings will be held in thi
Good interest is being mani
fested-and-iindicatioaa'are favor
able .for good work.
Seeting capacity for ISO sing
ers has been provided. The
music is proving to be one of
the drawing features of the
meetings , which is in charge of
Prof. Myers.
A purse containing a sum of
money. The owner can have
same by calling at the U. S. land
office and identifying property.
D. ftl. Amsberry.
In the matter of tt.e
estate ot George
Adams , Deceabea , j
To all pers > . ns Interested In said estate
take'notlce : That a petition and duly certi
fied copy of the will of George Adams , ile-
ceased , together with the probate proceed
ing thereof In the Circuit Court of Cook
county. In the .state of Illinois , has been Hied
In the County Court of Custer County Ne
braska , by I. A. Keneau , agent , praying
said will be.admitted to probate as a foreign
will under the lawof the state ot Nebraska
and that bald cause has been set for hearing
before thecnurt at the otllce of the county
Judge of Custer county , Nebraska , on the
20th day of May 1910 , at which time all per
sons Interested In said cause may appear
and show cause If any why said will may
not be admitted to probate as a foreign willet
ot said deceased as pra > ed for by said pe
In witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my
hand and aillxed the seal of the county court
of Custer county. Nebraska , at Uroken How
in said county , this srth day of April. 1U10
17 50 County Judge.
In Debate for Championship at Ord Do
ing Pirst Class Work on Dotli Sides.
The debate for the chatnion-
ship of the West Central Nebras
ka Debating League was held in
Ord Saturday night.
The Broken How team went
to Ord Saturday in an automobile
and returned the same night.
The question for debate was "Re
solved that Labor Union are on
the whole , benificial" Broken Bow
upheld the negative of the
question and received the un-
aminons decision of the judges.
This gives Broken Bow thr
championship and one of the de
baters will be sent to Lincoln
May 6 to represent Broken Bo *
in the state contest.
The debaters were Clyde Walt
ers , Wayne Soper and Jaki
Stuckey. The boys were com
pelled to change sides of the
question in two weeks having
had the affirmatiive against
Kavenna and considering every
thing they made a remarkabh
36 inch linen suiting at 35c.
Kiffin-Lucke Co.
General Gage of Dunning wat
a city visitor yesterday.
George True of Cumro was a
business visitor yesterday.
Rex Foote of Dunning was ii
the city yesterday. He tool-
hack with him today a buncl
> f cattle.
H Latimer of Arnold was ii
he city yesterday making proem
m his homestead. Thomas Ha
* nd Charles Morrow were hi
Daniel and Hugh McMilloi
Michael Forney and Willian
jSibson ot Dunning were in tb
city yesterday making proof 01
their homestead.
At a meeting of the voters o
fourth ward held in the Cadwe
building on on Tuesday evening
W. B. Eastham and S. L. Can
non were chosen as councimer
I'Vie co mcil which met last nigb
confirmed their choice.
J. W' Scotfwho went with hi
family to 'I exas last fa
writes that he expects to be bac
to Broken Bow by May 1. H
also states his daughter-in-la
Mrs. Florence Kitnberling-Sci't
has a boy'that was born of r
gulation weight and that a
parties are getting along niceh
Notice to Water Patrons.
Pay your bills for water befor
May 1 as that closes the yen'
The water will be turned off i
bills are not piid by the abov
1 date. Bills are due at City hall
H. McBurnie
Water Com.
With Our
The Best On the Market
We also have
Fresli Strawberries Ripe Tomatoes
Green V egetaoles of all kinds
We have a fine line of Garden Plants that
"Kan t Be Beat"
. THE GROCER Phone iso
Agent for De Laval Separators Cream Station
C. U. Richardson , who went
to Kansas City for medical treat
ment is reported getting better.
Deputy Holmes was down from
Anselmo Tuesday where he has
been working for the M. B. A ,
lodge , He reports he had writ
ten thirty three newvapphcations
there in ten days.
John Robertson who took the
Civil Service examination at
-ancoin received word yesterday
hat he had passed making a
tjood grade. He was offered a
position in Washington at $75 a
nonth to begin with , but 'will
not probably accept ,
Come and see our large assort-
uent of ladies Tailored Suits
ranging in price from $10 00 to
$30.00. Snyder Bros & Co ,
Beatrice Land Investors Think They're
Beatrice , Neb. , "April 23. Over
00 Beatrice citizens arc indi
gnant over the way Kinney
County Land company of Texas
Handed them a gold brick , and
hey now threaten to go into
: ourt and call for an accounting.
! t seems that many people here
) ought contracts which were $10
lown and § 10 per month until
5200 had been paid in , when a
< irge ranch would be cut up in-
0 small tracts and raffled off ,
3ach buyer was to receive not
ess than ten acres and one town
ot and given an equal chance at
ue big drawing when a number
f twenty , forty , eighty and 160-
cres tracts was to disposed of.
eatrice people beca4nesuspicious
h Id a meeting and sent Dr. B
1 Cubbage there to investigate. ,
te reported back that all the
oed land bad alredy been , deed-
d in advance and tha.t all that
ftnained was a lot of small tVacts i
\ land covered with brush. The
ical alleged "Mikes" have sc
ared the services of lawyers and
vrill carry the case into the
: ourt.
About Two Hundred Fed o
" " ' "
Burn Away ,
The fire alarm was sounded
last evening about 6 30 , for box
32 Third ward , business section.
However , the fire was about six
miles away. Sparks , undoubted
ly dropping from the fire box of
a passing engine , had set fire to
the Burlington bridge spanning
the Phtte river between this city
and Phillips.
Help was summoned from this
city. The department , as a mat
ter of course , could be of no as
sistance. However , section men
and other helpers were sent to
the scene on an engine and the
fire was checked by sawing off
the burning ends' and dropping
them into the water. Fortunat
ely the fire originated toward the
eastern terminus of the bridge.
A high wind would otherwise
have hastened the destruction
and made it more difficult to
check. Traffic over the Burling
ton is being detoured via Central
City and the Union Pacific , un
til the burned portion can be re
placed. Grand Island Indepen
Government Land Sale.
The U S. land office of Brok
en Bow sold 840 acres of isolatco
land Monday in Thomas , Hookci
and Logan counties to four dif
ferent parties. There being m
competition each tract offeree
sold for $1 25
The purchasers were William
A. Howell of Thcdford , Pay B
James and Alexander Kerns o
Mullen and James Philpot o !
> * i
The largest tract sold was 4Sl
acres and the smallest 40 acres
On the 21 John McMillan o' '
I hedford 400 acres at $1.25 ai
French Organdie 25c. Kiffin
Luckc Co
Stands Every Test
r : Q
- : - - : - - : -
* * * T < J a
TT > M
See usjor Millet Seed. = i
From T. L. V. RANCH'in Logan Co.
1 buckskin mule ,
1 yr. old
1 black mule ,
1 yr. old
1 buckskin mare ,
in foal
1 iron gray mare ,
3 yr. rid
I bay mare ,
4 yr. old , heart brand
on left shoulder
1 brown mare ,
* 7 yr. old in foal
Liberal reward for information leading to
the recovery of this property. JNotify
TIERNEY BROS. , Broken Bow or
T. L. V. RANCH , Wagner , Nebr.
Myers for County Attorney.
I announce uiy condidacy for
the RKruur.iCANii omitution as
county attornncy. i was born in
Custer county , educated in one
of her country schools'the Brok
en Bow high school , the State
University , and the Harvard Law
I have had three years of act
ive practice , ' two of which were
spent in partnership with our
former Governor and Chief Jus
tice , Silas A. Ilolcomb.
If elected I pledge myself to
use my utmost endeavor to en
force the laws to "bring to bar
the gutlty and never to jeopard
ise the innocent. In enforcing
the law I shall remember that
with one exception the munici-
paltics of our county have for
bidden the sale of intoxicating
liquor and promise to enforce
that prohibition rigidly. I am
in favor of county option as a
better method of giving express
ion to the will of the people.
When the proper time arrives ,
I will in the regular formal manner
ner announce _ yselfa candidate
for renomination for , the office of
bounty Attorney ; I do this at
his time so as my silence may
not be misconstrued nor my
ricnds mislead. It is a long
inic between now and the date
if filing.
Hespicltully yours ,
On Sunday the 24th Rev.
Thompson pronounced the words
hat made Miss Carrie Simonson
ind Amos Cantrall of Lincoln
nau and wife. The ceremony
vas at the home of the bride's
jareuts. Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
iimonson. The relatives and
i few close friends were present.
The Rjfi'unucAN joins in wish
hem many years of happy
narricd life.
Harold Eubank and wife were
/isiting at E. D. Eubanks last
veek. Harold it clerk in the
flice of B. & M. Cheif Engineer
it Lincoln.
) cpartmcnt of the Interior , U. S. fcancl Olllce
at Lincoln , Nebraska , April ! ! , lino.
Notice Is hereby given that , as directed by
he Commissioner ot the ( Jenural Land of-
ice , under the provlHlon.s ot the acts of
ongrchs approved June B7 , I'jflii ( : il Stats. ,
-17. .mil March 2 , l ( )7(3l ) ( Stats. , Uiij , we will
Ifer at public oale to the highest bidder , at
0 o clock A M. , on the 7th day of June , 1'MU ,
iext , at this olllcc , the following tract ot
and. burial No U13'jr. The NK'i of S\VU Bee
1 T id n It. 20 w. < Hh P. M.
Any per.soiiH claiming adversely the above-
IcHcrlbud lands are advised to llle their
; lulms or objections on or before the time
les gnated lor sale.
Dr. and Mrs. Ward were down
from Anselmo Tuesday on"busi
Elijah Kettlcborough of Mcrna
went to Lincoln last week for
medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Purccll
went to Central City Sunday
morning returning to Grand Is
land Monday where they at
tended the Odd Fellows and Re-
bekahs convention.
Miss Martha Fodge has been
selected as one of the State Dele
gates of Nebraska to go to the
World's Sunday School conven
tion at Washington D. C , from
May 19 to 24 ,
Dr. Christcusen begs to an
nounce to the public that he has
returned to Broken Bow after a
year's absence in Europe , where
he has completed his courses on
Eye , Ear , Nose and Throat at
the Medical University of Vienna
M. E , Ciiurch. R. II. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
morning sermon 11:00 : a. in * , Jun
ior league 2:30 : p. in ; Epworth
league 6:30 : p. in ; evening sermon
7:30 : p. m ; E. L. Mission Study
Class , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. m.
Coicc cji worship with us you
w'M ? ' " , -t .rt rs.nger in the church'
but once. >
Baptist Lliurcli. A. T. Norwood , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
preaching 11:00 a. m ; Junior
'union 3:00 , p , m ; B. Y. P , U.J-.OO
p. m ; preaching 8:00 : p. m ;
teachers' meeting Monday 7:30
p. m ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 :
p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday
3:00 : p , ui ; Amotna class first and
third Saturday of each month
7:30 : p. m.
Christian Church 'L 0. Doward , Pastor.
At the Christian church next
Sunday. Communion and preach
ing services at 11:00 : a. m ; spec
ial song service and sermon 8:00 :
p. m. ; Special music by the choir
and others. There will several
selections at both services.
Bible school 10:00 : a. m. ; Christ
ian Endeavor 7 p. ra.
U. . B. Church-S. Al. Zikc. Pastor
Sunday school 10-00 a. m
preaching 11:00 : a. in ; Junicr C.
E. 3 p. m ; special invitation to
all. Be sure and go to the union
services Sunday evening north
side opera house at 8 o'cock.
. .
. O.
The Universal Bread Mixer-Nothing better
can be produced. Price - $2.50
Fancy Kamo Horse Radish 2 bottles for 25c
Angelus Marshmalluws. They are delicious \
price per pound
Liquid Verier , line for polishing furniture I
price per bottle - - - - - 50c
The Celebrated 20th Centuary Automatic il
Cream Separator price - $3.95 ilb
Durkees Salad Dressing the best quality b
price per bottle 35c I
We buy and pay cash for Cream , daily. Rr [
The well known dip , The Texas Oil for * r
Stock per gallon - - - - - 20c
All goods sold by us are Pure and protected ib
by the National and State Pure Food Laws.