LEV/IS1 "SINGLE BINDER. " A hnnd-mndo cigar frcah from the table , -wrapped In foil , thus keeping fresh until smoked. A fresh clear made of good tobacco la the ideal omolto. The old , well cured tobaccos uecd nro oo rich In quality that rnnnjr who formerly smoked lOc cigars now eirioko Lewis' Single Binder Straight EC. Lowlo' Single Binder costs the dealer some more than other Co clgaro , but the higher prlco enables , tlilti fac tory to use extra quality tobacco. There are many Imitations ; don't be fooled. There is no substitute I Toll the dealer you want a Lowlo "SlngU Binder. " Silence. Very few men know how to keep Btlll. Tha Italians have a proverb. "Hear , see , and say nothing- you wish to live in peace. " The man who Is bent on telling nil ho knows , gen erally ends in tolling a good deal more than he knows. The tongue Is harder to bridle than the wildest horse that ever roamed the prairie. The Ger mans say truly that talking comes by nature , whllo silence comes of the un derstanding. All Tired Out. Do you feel dull , occasionally out of arts ? Headaches nnd Dizziness ! The fault Is cither with your stomach or your liver. The safe , sure and easy "way to pet rid of either trouble Is to talco NATURE'S REMEDY. Take an Nil Tablet to night- It will sweeten the stomach and rcgulato the liver , kidneys find bowels. Eosy-suro to act. Get a 25c Box. The A. II. Lowl Medicine Co. . St Louis , Mo. Always on Tap. Whllo there's Hfo there's dope Chicago Record-Herald. Constipation cansos and aerlonslr many dlsencci. Jt Is ttiorouKlilr our > r Of. I'Urco'i 1'oUeti. Tlnj lugar-cuatod gra Take a good watch to a pawnbroker and see how quickly the tlmo passes. Nebraska Directory ARE THE BEST \ ASK TOUIl LOCAL DHAI.IHl On JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. , OMAHA. NEB. You etui cut out any size Hue by hand with the MliLIJEH Cutter In eight hccouda. Unllroail3 UBC them. Write for sample. Hortm-hy Miitor Co. , Council lUulTn. In. * ALL } MAKES Bold and rented eTerjwhero. Write for bargain list II. F. SWAN8ON COMPANY , luo. Batabllihed 1904 143 So. 13th St. , Lincoln Paj tb blftbest price for Gouer.il Machinists , Model Makers , Auto Repairing , Brami Castings. llnbfocr Blamps. StPn- clls , Heals , Trade Choclt , Badges , Kto. 1028 M Street , Lincoln Keisters' Ladies Tailoring Pnllnn-n At 15480 St. , Lincoln. Neb. , bllllHUB Teaches Cutting Fitting , Ow Furnishing and Pressing of all garments thoroughly , at ridiculously low prices. Call or write for catalog. MRS. BARBARA E. HAYS , MGR. UiiOOLH The only Sanitarium In the state using Natural Mineral Water Ilatlis Unsur- pasm-il In the treatment of Acute and Chronic KHKUMATISM. Moderate Charged. Address : DR. 0. W. EVERETT , Uihand M. Sis. ( AUTO GENOUS ) Bj I tills process all brolien parts of machinery made good as new. Welds east Iron , cast steel , aluminum , copper , brass or any other metal , Expert automobile repairing BEF1TSCHY MOTOR CO. . Council Bluffs. Wants good , wide \\nke , hustling ncents to represent It In the snlo of one of the moat alluring land propositions that la being offered the world of land buyers of today. We have well Improved farms In noutliern Kansas for sale. These farms will compare In every particular with the Eastern Nebraska farm that la Belling today for (100 und up , per acre ; richness of soil , amount of rainfall , Improvements , distance to tnnrket , etc. . and we can sell these farms for less than ono-hiilf tHe Amount that can be obtained for Eastern Nebraska farms. From $30 to J50 per acre buys them. Most any kind of terms to suit the purchaser ; 250 mllen south of Lincoln , where the winters are milder and the growing season connlderable longer. Flno corn , alfalfa and small jrraln land. J10 pays nil the expenses of the trip from Lincoln and return. We leave Lincoln at C p. m. , Saturday , show the land and return at 11:25 : a. m. the following Monday. Good commissions to bo paid agents who will hustle. Write , wire or call and nee us. PATTON-PATTON LAND CO. Hrownell Block , Lincoln , Nebraska. Hell 845PHONES Auto 2897 By having a telephone that yon can depend upon. Let us tell you how to secure the very best of telephone service at the low est cost. SEND TODAY for Bulletin No. 11"How to build Rural Telephone Lines. " IT'S FREE. .WESTERN ELECTRIC COK/JPANY / Omaha , Nob. &ND OTHE 4s- CITIES This Elephant Has Odd Dinner Call SKI NEW YORK. Luna , the big elephant at the Bronx zoo , has found a now use for the big lignum vltuo bowling ball the keeper has given her. Gundn , hei husband , has a big cagd in the other corner of the building , but Luna can never catch sight of him. So to nmuso her and keep her from making too many eyes at Pete , the fat hippopotamus - popotamus , whoso cngo is across the room , the keeper got her a bowling ball bigger than a man's head. Luna never learned to bowl , and the round , hard , inedible thing was a curi osity to her. When they put an empty beer barrel in her cage for her to piny with she solved the mystery by finding that if she blew into the bung hole it made a whistling nolso that attracted the at tention of Pete and sometimes woke him out of an afternoon nap , but this hard , round polished ball was no good as far as she could see. First she put it in her mouth and tried to blto It , but it wouldn't masti cate and only hurt her tongue. Then she put it on the floor and tried to stand on it with all four feet , but it wouldn't be still long enough and her feet wore too big. Then she put It in a corner and sat down and talked to It , but the mysterious thing was mute. It was continuity under her feet , and when she lay down at night it was al ways under her and necessitated her moving to some other corner. Now Luna Is particular about her meals. If her liny Isn't brought atitho precise moment she toots and trum pets and makes n fuss , and us the vis itors like to hear her toot and the keepers don't care , it doesn't hurry her dinner any. The other day when she got hun gry and ordered her dinner and it didn't como she ilew into a passion and walked rapidly about sputtering and tooting. Suddenly her feet touched the big bowling ball. She picked it up and fairly hurled it against the wall with all her force. "Bangety-bang-whung ! " it wont , bounding from side to side and tilling the elephant house with clamor. She stopped , amazed , and picked it up again. "Bang-whang-bangety-bang ! " went the ball , and the kepers , thinking that she was tearing down the pen , came on the run. Seeing that at last she had attracted attention she kept throwing the ball with energy till the keper brought her dinner. Now , when she. wants to cat she throws the ball against the wall until her order Is brought , and It al ways comes In a hurry. Story of Gotham Peddler's Revenge EW YORK. Original comedians and humorists who are funnier oft the stage than on have put over a great many things along Broadway this season. As the result everybody along the thoroughfare is perpetually on guard for tricks. Jokes and hilari ous quips. The thing has gone so far that a Comanche Indian , raving drunk from a Wild West show , would proba bly be taken for a joking actor made up for a bit of fun , and you couldn't convince the mob that the savage was a real one. An instance of this belief was shown in front of the Cadillac , where a num ber of players and their friends had gathered for harmless discussion. Up to the group came a typical peddler. Ills derby hat came down over his ears and rested on the bridge of his nose , his coat and trousers fitted him , not exactly as they do upon the stage , a scrubby black beard jutted from his chin and a little tray full of collar buttons hung from his shoul ders. "Gentlemens , " said he , "vouldn't you buy Boraedlngs ? " A wild shout of laughter came from the crowd and several of them whacked the peddler on the back. "Great stuff , old man , great stuff , " they whooped. "Best make-up we over saw. Pretty near stung us , but wo are wise to that crepe beard , old boy ! " The peddler stood bewildered. "Gontlemens , " said ho , "you all been schickor , I thinks. Vat funny business fas dls you makes it mil me ? " Another shout of gleo. "Make-up is so good , " cried Joe Humphreys , "that I can't spot him. Take it off , old pal. " And Joe , seizing the straggly black beard , gave it a hearty haul. The peddler emitted a howl of surprise , agony and rage. Dropping his head , ho butted goat-like and drove his derby into Mr. Hum phreys' features. "Loafers , loafers , " ho squalled , n- ragcd beyond endurance. "You been fresh too much , and I go get it a po liceman for you ! " lie broke away , followed by enthu siastic cheers , and not even when ho returned with Officer Ilughcy Jones could the crowd bo convinced that It wasn't some joyous actor playing the best impersonated joke that has been seen in years on Broadway. It was no joke , however the pedcllcr was as real as Essex street , and the crowd had to buy 90 cents' worth of his col lar buttons before ho would bo paci- tied. Women Are Not "People" Now 'tis Said ' . Woman An adult female C'llGAGO. male of the human race. Century Dictionary. People The whole body of persons who compose a community , a tribe , race or nation. Century Dictionary. But behold Women are not people. Prof. Charles Zucblin of the University of Chicago. Whatever may be the feminine status , politically or otherwise , the declaration of Prof. Zueblln In a lec ture at Music hall , that women , under present governmental ideals are not people , has served to precipitate an unprecedented commotion In the ranks of the fair sex. "If wo are disfranchised to the ex tent that wo may not even be num bered among the people , then what are we ? " was the cry that went up from club women , suffragettes , pretty women , plain women , old women and young women alike. And Prof. Zueblln's answer , in trenched behind a bulwark of logic , smashing traditions and upsetting definitions compiled by the lexicog raphers , is this : "When we unalyzo the political platitudes that wo make almost a part of our being wo discover that women are not people. Our great platitude , Lincoln's definition of democracy , 'a government of the people ple , by the people and for the people , ' serves , without further ado to put women entirely out of the people class. " "From Prof. Xneblin's interpretation of the situation it would appear that wo nro likp the Indians , " said Mrs. Ella Flagg Young , superintendent of schools. "The Indians don't vote and neither do we but , personally l am more interested in the study of chil dren than In the status of my sex. " Two Poor Girls Palmed Off as Rich YORK. Mrs. Alma Webster- NEW Powell , wife of A. Judson Powell , a rich piano manufacturer of Brook lyn , was the chief speaker at a suf fragette mass meeting and told this story : "I brought two young women poor girls from the east aide to my resi dence last week , and after dressing them In my most beautiful gowns , In troduced them into a select , aristo cratic assemblage that had como tu my homo for the evening. Although members of a poor , self-supporting class , these two young women , gen teel aud nicely educated , deported themselves during the reception so charmingly that two gentlemen pres ent who , like the other guests , pos sessed no knowledge of the true social position of the girls were much smit ten with them and requested permis sion to call on them In their liomcs. Ono of these men was a count , the other was possessed of riches to the extent of $2,000,000. "All of this strengthens my claim that wealth and false pride alone make the social barrier. The wearer of a shirtwaist is good enough for me. " Mrs. Powell said it was not the first time she had fooled her friends by introducing among them persons not affluent like themselves. "Once , " she said , "I dressed up my cook Mary In ono of my gowns nnd she mingled with my guests. Her figure is beautiful , and she made a stunning appearance. Uut she did not leol at ease in the strange company and stayed only u short time. Hack to the kitchen she wont. " Mrs. Powell then entered into a tirade against bad government and the Idle rich , whom she characterized ao bolng the archenemies o the suf- frageltos , MOST PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW CAUSE OF THEIR SICKNESS Docs human health depend on ono organ alone ? This question is becom ing widely discussed since L. T. Coop er first advanced his theory that the stomach is the true scat of Ufa and nil health dependent upon it. Mr. Cooper , who has met with re markable success in the sale of his now medicine , believes that the stomach ach Is responsible for most sickness , and that this organ is weak in the present generation. While discussing this theory recently , ho said : "I am asked time and again to toll why my medicine has made such a record wherever I have introduced it. My an- ewer always Is , 'because It restores the stomach to a normal condition. ' No ono will deny that today there nro more half-sick men and women than ever before. Nothing critical seems to bo the matter with them. They are just half-sick most of the time. They don't know really what is the matter with them. I hnvo talked with thousands during the past two years , and few know indeed what their trou ble was. Ono said nervousness , another said kidney trouble , another liver com plaint , EOUIO constipation , or heart trouble , or lung trouble. Many had treated , as they nailed it , for most of these diseases at different times. A very common complaint is 'all run down , ' or 'tired all the time , ' or 'no appetite. ' "I know positively that every bit of this chronic ill health is caused by etonlach trouble and nothing else. My Now Discovery puts the stomach In sound condition in about six weeks. Mighty few people can bo sick with a Bound digestion. That is why my medi cine is selling at such a tremendous rate. I have convinced many thou sands of people that thcso things nro so , and the number is growing by leaps and bounds. " Among more recent converts to Mr. Cooper's beliefs is Mrs. Lottlo L. Miner , living on Rural Route No. 2 , Hennlkcr , N. H. , who says : "I was in poor health for six years , from stomach ach trouble and indigestion. Quito frequently my stomach was so weak that it would not retain solid food. I had vomiting spells every morning , and was subject to frequent attacks of diz ziness. Llfo bccamosuch a burden that I often felt It was not worth the living. I tried everything I could hear of , but found nothing that would af ford relief. "For some time I had been reading of the Cooper remedies , and finally de cided to give the Now Discovery preparation a trial. After taking the first bottle , I noticed a marked im provement. Five bottles made mo en tirely well. I can eat anything I wish , and have not been troubled with my stomach since. The dizzy spells dis appeared long ago. "My mother , Mrs. Susan Parkins , Is a nurse of long experience. Both she and my father have used the Cooper remedies with splendid results. I will , bo glad to answer any i/orsonal corre spondence in regard to my case. " Cooper's Now Discovery is sold by nil druggists. If your druggist cannot supply you , wo will forward you the name of a druggist In your city who will. Don't accept "something just as good. " The Cooper Medicine Co. , Day ton , Ohio. Absolute Equality. The Woman The tax office is ono place which I simply love to go to. The Man Very few people do. Why do you like it ? The Woman Because it is absolute ly the only place where no discrimina tion is made against me because 1 am a woman. They let mo there pay just as much as If I were a man. Progress. Knlcker Now wo have children taught how to play. Booker Fine ; next wo shall have animal trainers to show lambs how to gambol. What a man says about his ene mies should be taken with a pound of salt. Takers of the United States Census will use Waterman's ' Ideal Fountain Pen because it is always ready and sure. If the fool and his money were In- fioparablo there would bo no get-rich- quick schemes. Bin. AVlnnlow's Soothing flyrnp. ForcbllcJrrn tccttilnif , 6of.t < 'nsthuKnms , n-Uucesln- ( Uuimatloiiallays pain , cureu wind colic. 20oitUiUlo. It's easier to break away than it is to get back. GLADNESS COMES With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many physi cal ills which vanish before proper efforts contlo efforts pleasant efforts riehtly directed. There is comfort In the knowledge that BO many forma of illness are not duo to any actual disease , but simply to a consti pated condition of the system , which the pleasant family laxative , Syrup of Fics and Elixir of Sonna , promptly removes. That is why it la the only remedy with millions of families , and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value peed health. Its beneficial effects are duo to the fact that it is the only remedy which promotes internal cleanliness , without debilitating the organs oft which It acts. It is , therefore , all-im portant , in crtlor to cot its beneficial effects , to purchase and note that you have the c ° miina article , which is manufactured by the California Fie Syrup Co. only. It is pleasant and refreshing to the taoto , and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys , liver and bowels , cleanses the system effectually , dispels colds , headaches and favors and assists in overcoming habitual constipa tion permanently , also biliousness and the many ills resulting therefrom. The great trouble with all other purgatives and aperients is not that they fail to act when a single dose is taken , but that they act too violently and Invariably tend to produce a. habit of body requiring constantly augmented dosos. Children enjoy the pleasant taste and gentle action of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Sanna , the ladies find it delightful and beneficial whenever a laxative remedy is needed , and business men pronounce it invaluable , as it may bo taken without interfering with business and dooa not gripe nor nauseate. When buying note the name , California Fiff Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package. Price , 50 cents a bottle. -Roasfs-Broils-Toasfs - - - BAKES bread , pie and cake * bakea them perfectly all through , and browns them appetizlngly. ROASTS beef , poultry and game with a Bteody heat , which pre- oerves the rich natural flavor. , BROILS oteaks and chops makes them tender and inviting. TOASTS bread , muffins , crack * era and cheese * No drudgery of coal and ashes ; no stooping to get at the oven ; no smoke , no dust , no odor just good cooking with greater fuel economy. Irons and water in wasn- boiler always hot. The has a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates and food hot Drop shelves for the coffee pot or saucepans , and nickeled towel racks. It has long turquoise-blue enamel chimneys. The nickel finish , with the bright blue of the chimneys , makes the stove very attrac tive and invites cleanliness. Made with 1 , 2 and 3 burners ; the 2 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. CAUTIONARY NOTE : De cure you get this ilove ite lhat the narae-plale reads " MtW PEIUFECTIOH. Every dealer everywhere : Ifnot at youm , write for Descriptive Circular to the nearest agency oft ha Standard Oil Company ( Incorporated ) msmmzissssSi We have just issued a book about house decoration. May wo send you a copy free ? | It tells how to produce those beautiful walls , now seen in all ( ho finest of homes and hotels. j It suggests color schemes offers A wealth of ideas. And.it tells what has brought alabastine into universal vogue. The Sanitary Wall Coating Alabastine is the only wall coating that Please know the reason. Know ( ho doesn't breed germs. It has been so for endless color schemes you can get from iu 30 years. Know how easily you can apply it , evea In the past few years it has become the on papered walls. , rage. Fashion now demands it. People You will never use wall paper neve * of taste both rich and poor now liavo use kalsomine after you know th alabastined walls. facts. Alabastine Co. Grand Mich. . , Rapids , . The stonr.nch it a larger factor in "life , liberty nn-1 the pur suit of happiness" than most people are aware. Patriotism can withstand hunger but not dyspepsia. The confirmed dys peptic "is fit for treason , stratagems and spoils. " Tlio man who goes to the front for his country with a weak stomach will be a weak soldier and a fault finder. A eound stomach makes for good citizensmp as well as fa" health and happiness. Diseases of the stomach nnd other organs of digestion und nutrition are promptly and permanently cured by the use of Dr. MERGE1S GOLDEN MEDICAL V."I It Itullita up the body viltu. suuad flcau and solid muscle. The dealer who offers a substitute for the "Discovery" U only seeking to make the little more profit realized on the bale of less meritorious preparations. Dr. Picrcc's Common Sense Medical Adviser is aeotfree on receipt a ! stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Semi 21 one-cent stamps ( or the paper covered book , or 31 stamps for the cloth bound. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association , R. V , Pierce , M. D. , President , liuOalo , N. V. "I find Cascarcto so good that I would not be without them. I was troubled a great deal with torpid liver and headache. Now since taking Cnscarets Candy Cathar tic I feel "cry much better. I shall cer tainly re aiuieud them to my frienda tut the best medicine I have ever seen. " Anna Bazinct , Osborn Mill No. 2 , Fall River , Mnu , Pleasant. Palatable , Potent , Taste Good , Do Good. Never Sicken.Weaken orGrlpe. 10c.25c.SOc. Never sold la bulk. Tlieeenu. Ino tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. 923 Ixxjomotor At ; UonqueifiUU-ail Otuue'a Wood * Nerr Tablet ! don It. Write ( or Proof. Advice Irr . Dr. CHAbC. l ! i North lOtb bt. , I'hllaUelpWs , J'x ItoukandAdTlccFRna. > . . . PATENT t ltk * . U t..i , WaiblB r . . U.U Ksl. < Jta. . U t f * rcr u > .i W N U , , LINCOLN , NO. 15-1910. Color more goodi brighter and luster colon Uan in ) other die. On lOc package colors all f.bert. They d > e In cold Mater better thintnj other dr * . Vow Cin tfa in ; garment without ripping apart. Writ * lar Irit beoklit- Kg * to Die , Bleach and MUCotsu. f.lQHRQE DRUG OO , , Qulnoy , Ililaafa