Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 14, 1910, Image 5

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    - THJ3 ptlOtefi' QQttfltt :
their way to England for the
benefit of his physical condition
and took advantages of this pop
ular season to sec the national
M , V. Nichols of Beatrice was
another Nebraska pilgrim who
paid his respects to those who
represent his section of the
country in Congress ,
Clay county had two repre
sentatives here during the week
in the persons of C , H. Epperson
of Fairneld and S. W. Christy of
Edgar. These gentlemen had
been attending to some legal
business in Philadelphia , and
found it convenient to visit
Washington on their way home.
Wakefield , Nebraska , was also
represented by Mr. and Mrs.
Levi Kimball. Mr. Kimball is
cashier of the First National
Bank at Wakefield , and aaid he
had no other object in Washing
ton than to enjoy himself , and
he seemed to be doing it.
Hon. E. W. Brown of Lincoln ,
and one of { senator Burkett's law
partners , came in during the lat
ter part of the week and spent
some time with Senator Burkett
before leaving for points further
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Chapman ,
also of Lincoln , were other visit
ors in this city. * *
A unique bill is now pending
before congress which proposes
to establish a Bureau of Seis
mology , in other works an earth
quake bureau. Its sponsors are ,
among others , the director of
the Smithsonian Institution , and
the director of the Geologican
Survey. The bill was referred
to the committee on Geological
Survey and "a hearing was held
before the committee on the 6th ,
at which the views of these
government representatives were
set fourth to the committee.
One of the Nebraska Senators ,
Senator Burket ? , is a member of
the committee , but as Nebraska
is not very sorely troubled by
earthquakes , bis interest in the
bill is purely official.
Ortcllo News.
Dick Hemdstead and family
visited at J. A. Moores Sunday.
Chas. Bombarger and family
spent Sunday at C. Hostick's.
Miss Lena Taylor closed a very
successful term of school at Sun
shine last week. The patrons
gave Miss Taylor a dinner , there
being about fifteen visitors ore-
sent. Miss Taylor left Sunday
for Wagner where she will teach
a three months school.
Claude and Rex Cooley visited
with the Ingram boys Sunday
John E1 wards is quite sick at
Joe Moore's
Wm. Hyatt and family and
Mr. Kentrill's visited at Frank
Smith's Sunday.
Earl Myers was a caller at
J. lugram's Sunday.
Misses Milligan and Dutton
also John Dooley visited at Jas.
Milligans Saturday and Sunday.
Martin Smith and family spe t
several days last week at F.
M. Injrrams and wife , J Dyke
i and wife , B. F. Edwards and
wife also C Fritz and family
spent Sunday at M Knapp's in
Dale Valley.
Bert and Gail Waters spent
Tuesday at Merida Ingram's.
Bell School District.
We need the April showers
Mrs. Mary Knoell spent Friday
evening and Saturday at Chris-
ten's ,
Mace Forsyth finished sawing
Tuesday. He now has a nice
lot of good lumber.
Emma Vinnedge is staying
with Mrs. John Amack. And
Little Mary Amack has been
staying at Vinnedges but return
ed home Sunday.
Several from here attended the
dance at Milburn Friday evening
and report the usual goud time.
The Christen young people
accouipained by Ernest Spancl
aid Joe Rock went on a
pleasure trip Sunday. Fishing
was one of the pleasures.
Some took in the base ball
fame at New Helena between
heir boys and Merna. The score
stood 9 to 8 in favor of Merna.
Frank and Joe Kuoell went to
Hugh darks Friday and return
ed Saturday.
Mrs. Plymalc and children
spent Saturday evening at Frank
Mrs. Mike Loughran went to
Broken Bow on business.
Mrs. Dave Christen has gone
to Lincoln for a short visit.
Mrs. Jennie Simms , Pansy and
Fohnnie , Mr. and Mrs. Bert Coz-
ad and Helen and Herb Barcus
went to Milburn Sunday.
Frank Mannel begun sowing
oats Monday. In spite of the
old saying : "The early bird cat
ches the work , " we hope Mr.
Mannels don't catch a freeze.
Messrs Will and Abb Vinnedge
Sundayed with Lue Vinnedge's.
Mike Loughran hauled out a
oad of nice , new furniture Mon
day for himself.
Every name has been on our
loner roll for three weeks.
It seems as if our stars will
never get here.
Our seed corn tester is in op
eration. We have twenty-two
samples in it. We will open it
Tuesday April 19.
Miss Rains was sick Monday.
Our garden is up , that is , most
of it. We expect some interest
ing drawing lessons along with
nature study.
The children are more than
glad that the leaves are coming
out to shade their nice play
Prairie Hill.
Charley Lopd and family of
Callaway visited Sunday at Mr.
Prices' .
Lillie Longfellow returned to
her work in Broken Bow Monday
after a weeks illness.
L. T. Martin enjoyed a visit
from Saturday until Tuesday
from his father and mother Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Martin and
friends Mr. and Mrs. Churchill
of Minneapolis , Minn , on their
return'from Cal.
Clayton Brown is working for
L. T. Martin.
Mrs. Burdick and Miss Orfa
Burdick and Marvin Vannice
spent Saturday and Sunday at
Mr. Thomas'
Mr. and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Hanke attended church at
Cliff Sunday.
Florence Lonufellow's hand
whir.h she burnt badly two weeks
ago is improving.
Zumbrota Zephyrs.
George Barber has been hunt
ing for a horse that has strayed
from home.
Ralph Johnson and family
have gone to Fremont to be there
a week on business.
Mrs. Ed Small is visiting in
Pawnee City , her old home.
Mrs Evans has returned from
her trip to Aurora.
Mr. Huffman's daughter spent
Friday with them ,
Chas. Sands went to Mason
City Saturday to witness the
match game between the boys o :
that place and Cusler College
nine. I he C C. Boys came home
with their faces wreathed in
smileo all because they won the
W. W. Williams went to An *
selmo the first of the week to
visit relatives.
J. T. Cole sold a farm , last
week near Templar's ranch.
Mr. Pedcn has traded his place
o Ras Anderson. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Routh have
moved on the place known as
he Pcdcn farm.
Frank , Sands is on the sick list
at this writing.
Chas. Koozcr spent Sunday
near Anselino with friends.
Mr. and Mrs , Butler Sands and
baby Sundayed with D. W. Prcd-
more's near Ortnsby.
Walter Cole writes very en
couraging letters home about his
condition. He was to undergo
an operation the latter part of
ast week which the doctors
think will bring about results
that will permanently cure him.
Previous to this operation , he
lad been walking several blocks
with only the aid of a cane.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith from
Vlitchel , are visiting Oscar Tap-
pan's. The latter is a sister of
Vfr. Tappan.
Mr. Biggerstaff's Suudayed at
Vlr. Stone's.
Several from this community
attended the M. B. A. lodge Fri
day evening. The event was
the thirteenth anniversary of the
M. D. Gallon's were entertain
ed at W. W. Bishop's last Sun
Mrs. John Turner and Miss
Katherme Moore spent Sunday
afternoon with Mrs. J. O. Heaps.
Oscar Tappan's family Sun
dayed at Clarence Franklin's.
Milldale Items.
Mrs. Brown and son Earl were
in Arnold Sunday.
J. J. Seaney was in Graudy
Thursday and Friday of last
James Wilcher and son 'Wm.
also Bodle were in Arnold Mon
day night for lodge meeting.
Kiley Haskell started for his
home in McPherson county on
Robt Shaw and son Orren were
in Callaway on Saturday . Orren
returned with an ele'gant new
It is plannd to have one of the
season at literary next Saturday
night. The question for debate
is : Resoved that education should
be cultivated. Miisscs Haskell
and fctupp'ebeen ' have the affir
mative and negative sides res
pectively. It is to be regretted
that an instuitation which has
come to be so largely a center of
intellectual culture and social
enjoyment can not be maintained
during the summer months.
Mr Forrest Brown went to
Omaha last week to consult a
speacialist. He is now in tbc
Methodist Hospital. Sympathy
is extended to the family who
have the entire responsibility of
the farm during the absence of
Mr. Brown. Several of the
neighbors are kindly assisting
with the farm work.
Old papers for sale at this
office ,
WANTED. Horses to pasture.
About 50 bead of colts and
horses this summr , plenty o ]
water in pasture. Call phone
2730. 44 47
We have Vacuin House Clean
ers for sale or rent. Konkel The
Furniture Alan.
480 acre farm for rent. 2" " *
acres in cultivation.2rO . cr -
in pasture , small piece ol diiuiia ,
hay canyons and good buildings.
39-tf Wiujs CADWUW , .
To my friends and the Public :
Having sold my office building
to Rasmus Anderson and bought
J. M. Fodge's business and build
ing , you will find me at that
place doing business in the fu
ture. Would be glad to see all
my old friends and many new
ones. About onehalf block north
of postoffice ,
39-tf Chas. W. Bowman.
erolc Endeavor of Mule Trader to
Squirm Out of Tight Hole.
Mr. Justice IJrowor of the United
Slates supreme court , in lecturing bo-
'oro IIH | law class at the George
Washington university some years ago ,
md occasion to Illustrate an Argument
regarding the Slight ot Unto , and the
tory ho told In illustration was
rather hotter than the usual "darky"
" 1 knew of n case once , ' said the
lustlce , "whero two darkles swapped
mules. Ono ot them was an old hand
it the business , and In making the
Irado he represented his mule to ho
seven years old. This was In Febru
ary , and the now possessor of the mule
hud not had It long when lie dlscov-
jrod that ho had boon .materially
cheated , on the point of the mule's
age , at least. Dut the victim , did not
manage to find tl\e \ man who had vic
timized him until .veil along Into
t\io month of Juno. Having found
iilm , however , ho ut once accused hla
opponent of making rascally misrep
resentations to htm regarding the irau
age of the mule in question.
' "You say , ' said the former pro
prietor of the mule , 'dat when you got
de mule In February dat he was soben
year old huh ? Au' now It's Juno an'
you 'low he's twelb year old ? '
" 'I dol' was the angry response.
"Tho trickster rolled his eyes and
shook hla kinky head. 'Ma. soul , man I'
he groaned , 'Time she do fly ! ' "
Quite the Contrary.
"Gentlemen , " said the campaign
spellbinder , as ho began his speech ,
"In the words of our Illustrious chief
at Washington , who said : 'Speak ' "
"Louder ! " yelfod a score of voices
In the back part of the hall.
"Not at all , gentlemen , " said the
orator , visibly irritated. "Ho said , as
every well-informed person knows :
'Speak softly , ' even while carrying the
big stick. If I am , Interrupted again"
hero ho waved the chairman's gavel
aloft "I shall use the big stick un
sparingly ! "
Having thus asserted himself , and
silenced the rude .persons who had
been guilty of the unseemly Interrup
tion , he resumed his speech.
Successful Hypocrite.
Gnilgaoll , the son of a fisherman ,
& priest in a rich abb'oy In Florence ,
had a net spread every day. on the ta
ble of his apartment to put him , as
ho said , In mind of his origin , .The
abbot dying , this dissembled humility
procured Gruignoli , to bo his successor
ser , and the net waa used no more
A friend who came to see him the day
afterwards , on entering his apart
ment , said :
"Where is the net/
"Thero Is no further occasion for
the net , " replied Oruignoll , "when the
CUb. Is caught"
Find of Coral.
, Now that coral la , becoming fash
ionable nguln , It IB Interesting to learn
that a diver of Algiers had recently
discovered off the coasfof Mansourah
rich banks at coral , situated J a depth
of about 1UO feot.
The Hailing lor this curious polyp la
considered one of the moat difficult in
dustries which exists. Since coral has
ceased to be lOKhlunablo It has not
been ut all remunerative , and Is little -
tlo practiced by the Maltese
and Sicilians.
Up to the present tlmo the annual
allowance of1,000 francs decreed by
the Algol tun government In 1904 for
distribution as prizes among the coral
Ushers has not been used. 'J his diver
will , without doubt , be the first bene
Woman's Great Compensation.
Dress Is one of the great compen
sations , or should be , to women for
the many disadvantages of their sex
There is nothing that enables us to
defy the natural consequences of
Time so successfully , provided wo
give enough attention to the poten
tialities of , and to the individuality In
dress. It Is a duty that women ewe
to society to make the best of them
selves. But a great deal of the sue
cess of a gown depends on the degree
to which it Is In harmony with its sur
roundings. To bo overdressed Is
worse than being shabbily dressed
However beautiful a frock may bo , 1
it strikes a discordant note with its
surroundings much of its beauty wll
be lost. The Ladles' Friend.
Was the Last Chance.
Dorando Piotrl , defending at an Ita
lian banquet his canny course in wear
ing a clgiiiette. advertisement In tha
race wlth Hayes , told an apposlU
story of an Italian grave digger. "
nius * accumulate all I can while I am
Koi e , " he said , "for over Iheie In Italy
idcnry is scarce. It IB with mo , li
tacl , us it was with the grave digger
This grave digger , after digging a cep.
tain grave , put in a bill that waa ex
orbltant. When complaint of the over
charge was made to him ho said : 'Well
the corpse and I had a row flvo yean
ago over a cart I sold him , and I couh
never make him pay mo what he
owed. So seeing this was my las
chance I thouthU'd better take it. ' "
Heal Mean , *
Pearl And ho stole a kiss ?
Ruby ( pouting ) Ho did and I shal
never forglvo him.
Pearl Do you really feel BO bai
about it as all that ?
Ruby I should say BO. Ho aal <
It waa petty larceny , while any othti
young man would hat * aaid it wu
rand. _
Mrs. W.T. Jones has hail 17 years cxpcr-
ciicc In dressmaking , it It useless to look
urthcr. work Rimrantccil , itoom 7 , Dlcrki
Hlock. ,
Heal l < > tatc , Insurance , Kanchev and
Farms for Kent , Legal 1'apcrs Drawn , Sur
veying and Platting.
Comstock , Nebraska.
No Dirt. No Clinkers All
! Conl The Good Kind.
! :
Q For Sale. Doth Wholesale
and Retail. Highest Market
Price for All Kinds of Grain
| West Elevator
) P. J. BA1IR , Prop. , Phone t
Notice is hereby Riven that the rental upon
ale contract on school land described
below anil set opposite the name of the
lohler thereof , Is ilellmiuenl for a period of
S months or more anil II the amount now
lue Is not patil within 00 days from the date
of this notice said contract will tic declared
orfcltured by the Hoard of Educational
janils and fundH , and the aUI forfeiture
ntercd of record as provided by law.
Sale NEW , US 8BM Sec. 10 T. 18 K. 17 W. S.
Vcscott , Custer County ,
D.itcd March H , l lo ,
nt : E. n. COWI.KS ,
Commissioner Public Lands and
Certificate No. 4151.
To Htchard llammcll :
You arc hereby notified that on Nov. 0 ,
007 , i . A. Wight purchased at public sale for
axes for the year 1900 the following describ
ed land , to-wlt : The northeast H of north-
cast \t of section IK township 10 range 32 In
Custer county , state of Nebraska.
The said land wax assessed In the name of
It A. Wight and that , after the expiration of
hrcc months from the third publication of
his notice , tax deed will be applied for.
Dated March 34,1910.
ANNIE I. Wloirr ,
| | 2U Owner and holder of certificate.
Dressmaking is something every
mother and daughter should know
for herself. So he sure when in
town and visit the TKRRY'S
Todd'H Millinery Store.
Broken Bow , Nebraska
Union Meetings.
A series of Union Evangelistic
meetings will be held in Broken
Bow north side Opera house ,
begining April ISth ( and continu
ing three weeks.
These meetings will be lead by
Evangelists Bromley and Myers
who arc doing splendid work for
the master this winter , in Iowa
and South Dakato.
Six hundred reported as going
forward in their meeting at
Beresford S. D. '
Let the Christian people be
looking up and praying that
God may come to Broken Bow in
like gracious manner.
McKinley Murmuriiigs
The Ancient Order of Tree-
Planters are busy these days.
John Reinhard went to Calla-
way Saturday for his fruit trees.
Joseph Haefele went to Calla-
way after his fruit trees Saturday.
E. R. Booth and went to Calla *
way Saturday after their fruit
* Mrs. Reinhardt and Mrs. L.
D. Kirkpatrick visit Monday a
Mrs. J. M. Wimmers.
Farmers are busy these days
disking , plowing and planting
Jake Tietjens sale was well at
tended and a good price receiv
ed for his horses , cattle and hogs
and other articles sold.
E. L. Shoup is on the sick list
this week.
The canyons are white and yell
ow with plum and currant bless
We hope Jack Frost will go to
the north pole for the remainder
of the spring and summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haetele
visited at E , C. Booth Sunday.
Ole Syerson and wife of Mill
dale spent Sunday at John Rein-
Mrs. Winchester and Grandma
Add To The Value
Of Your Property ,
By painting it. A coat of new paint
odds greatly to the attractiveness niul
BiilcaullUyof n property , nntl whether
you paint outside or in , house or bam
It will pay you to use
They wear longer , cover more sur
face , niul cost less than any other
first class paint. Get our free circular
explaining why and color card. See
our window display of Paint and Wall
S. R. LEE.
The Busy Druggist.
A. New Glean Stack
"roan IOLA Portland Cement.
Frcsli Car of A.CMA Plaatcr.
A Splendid Line .of Fence Posts ,
.f you contemplate using any of
the above this Sprimgor if
you need a nice load of
H. T. Bruce
ea Co.
Broken Bow , Ncbr. Phone 234.
Consult Htm If You Want Water.
Uroken Uow. Nebraska.
Onice over Holcomb's book store.
Office phone 208 Residence 20
Uroken Dow , Nebraska.
'radices In all the courts. Convayanclng
and notarial work. Oiilce up stairs over
State Bank of urokcu Dow.
Uroken Jjow , Nebraska.
Calls promptly answered day or night.
Onice and residence In the Mrs. Olelm
building just west of the Security State
Uank. I'uone 390
Uroken Uow , Nebraska ,
Fitting of glasses.
Office In Dlerks ulta Phone 260
Urokeu Dow , Nebraska.
East Side of Square
Urokca Dow. Nebraska.
( Licensed )
Uuslncss phone , 301 Residence 301 U
Drokeu Uow , Nebraska.
Union Illock Uusuins phone 85 ,
_ Broken Vojt , "Nebraska. _
AH calls promptly attended day or night.
Winchester of Prairte center
spent Sunday at John Reinhard.
Jake and Anna Teitjen bid
farewell to McKinlkey Monday.
Anna going on her claim and
Jake to his fathers.
Another lot ] I of Dress Trim
mings just 1" received , including
all colors in Wash Braids. Some
thing new. Kiffin-Lucke Co.