THE LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK Cleaned for Your Penml by Our Rustling Reporter * Dr. Bass , dentist , old location , over Souder's drug store. B. L. Niche a < 5 of Mason City was a How visitor last week. See our window for Btylcs , Kifliin-Lucke Co. Henry Kelley of Auselmo was a city visitor Saturday. Every hat we sell has an abso lute guarcntue. Kiffm-Lucke Co. Wall Tochcts , Coat and Hat Kacks just received at Konkcl's. ' Black Cat Hosiery for every body none better Kifliu-I uckc Co. See those Dressing Chairs and Princess Dressers at Konkel's. We have the goods for your spring and summer dresses. Kiffiiu-Lucke Co. Havclock is among the many towns of the state that went dry in the election Tuesday. Girls dresses. Ready to wear , why worry about sewing Kiflin Lucke Co. Another invoice of Rugs just added to our already large as sortment at Konkcl's. Ready made party gowns re reived this week $13.50 to 22 50. Kiffin-Lucke Co. J. G , W. Lewis returned to Ravenna the first of xhc week after spending a few days with Broken Bow friends. Mrs. G , w. Apple went to west- yille yesterday to attend the wedd ing of her cousin Fred Crawford to Miss welsh. A ball game Friday afternoon between the high schools of Ravenna and Broken Bow and a debate iti the eveninc ? has been arranged. In this lecture , with rhetoric for granite and words for paint , Mr. Gaston rebuilds on the plat form before his audience the grandest scenery on earth and gives each listener a mental panorama to carry away. It was repeated three times by special request in the lecturer's home town , Santa Rosa , California. Uxtrn special on men's dress pants worth up to 3.56 tit $ 1.98 NEW YORK STORE Old papers for sale at this office , Miss Lillie Amsbcrry spent Sunday in Mason City with rela tives. Miss Esther Edmunds visited with Mrs Nels Peterson of Ma son City Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lewis were passengers to Ravenna Sunday morning. We have several rolls of 164 Linoleums just arrived and bought before the raise it price at Konkcl'a The Furniture Man. Will CouUer'fl new house in the south cast part of the city is enclosed and bo rapidly nearing - ing completion. The telephone company is putting in concrete wall for the basement of their new building at the west of theCusttr Nation al Bank building. While the cool nights and dry weather retard the growth of winter wheat ami grass there is the consolation that while the weather is dry and the dark of the moon stays with the frost is not liable to kill the early truit that is now in full bloom. The lecture delivered last Tuesday by W. L. Gaston , on "Yosemite , " was one of thejnost eloquent , instructive and enter taining we ever heard. Owing to the inclemency of the weather the hall was not as well filled as it should have been , but the best judges our city affords were there and everyona was well pleased. Silverton Appeal , Silverton , Ore. ALWAYS Good Cream on hand at WILLIS & SON South Side of the Square. A number of people fron' Merna were in the city Saturday to wit ness the ball game between the Mcruz high school and Custer College. The College won out by several scores. J. G. Ilogue of Meina arrived in the city this morning from Oklohoma where went the middle of last December. lie came back by way of Corydon , Iowa where he visited with relatives. ' Greatest reduction ever , all f week NEW , on all YORK goods. STORE I SIIKIUFF'S SAM : . Notice Is licrchy given , That by vlrturc of an order of sale , Issued to me from the District Court of rustcr County , Nebraska , upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In sal.i court at the November 1910 term thereof - of , to wU' on the llth day November 190:1 : , in favor Dlrrks Lumber and Coal Company , Lot C. M"rrls and L , A. Wlgbt anc against Martha P. Oicr and Stephen I ) . Oler I have levied upon the following described real estate : TheSWMof section 4 and the E" of the Ety of the KH of section ! , township 6 , range 19 In Custer county. Nubraska , and i will on the th day of May. 1910 ai 2 o'clock p. inat the south door ot the Cadwell Uulld- Ing where last term of district court waa heal In the city of Hroken How , Nebraska , In saldcnunty , to Hell said real rstate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to H.itlsfy said decree , Interest and cost" , thu amount due thereon amounting to the sum of J4 0. 6 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from Nov. nth 100S ami court costH amounting to 104.19 and ac cruing costH. said above described real estate will be sold HUbject to all prior liens and Incumbraucus an per certificate on Die In the District Clerk's oHlee. Dated the nth day of April , A I ) 1910. II. P. KKSNKUr , Sheriff. J. S. KlIlKPATIUCK , Attorney , II Dent Fail to see Men's Suits nil week at $5.95. NEW YORK STORE Mrs. Lydia Perkins of Mul len purchased 160 acres of iso lated land of the government Monday while in the city for which she paid $1.25 an acre. Mrs. Nc George of Cumro was visiting in the city the first of the week with her son L. D. George. She went to Dunning Monday evening to visit Mrs. Curtis , her daughter. ' Mrs. M. . J. B Coffmau and son Paul of Mason Citv were visit ing in Broken Bow Friday night. They were on their way to Hen- ningford to visit relatives near there. Next to visiting a place your self is to have some one tell you about it in such at manner that you can see it and feel that you are there. Thats what Rev. W. L. Gaston did at the opera house last night. He made his hear ers see the pikes and domes and hear the roar of the'falling ' water in the Yosemite valley , he was eloquent graphic. Amusing in cidents were scattered through out the lecture. Oregon Mining News. Have you seen those beautiful white petticoats worth up to 3.00 on sale nil this week nt 950 NEW YORK STORE Y ITE THE GRANDEST SCENERY ON EARTH If you never saw it , HEAR ev W Gaston You Hear You Climb You See You Laugh - V Tuesday Evening , April 12 , " 10 BAPTIST CHURCH. 8p.m. II was this lecture that saved the entire Star Course nml kept the Bureau from losing money.-Field Mgr. Oregon Lecture Bureau Buy Tickets Early - Admission , 16 and 25 Elsie Kcllcy of North Plattcl who has been teaching at that place for the past six months spent' lew days in Broken Bow while on her way to teach a spring term at West Union. ' the crowd to the 1 NEW YORK STORE I Surprise Party. There was a nice'birthday sur prise in our neighborhood near Ansley at the W. E Iliggins home Saturday night April 2nd. The neighbors gathered there about nine o'clock with full baskets of delicious food and marched in and were given pos session of the home. It was Mr. Iliggins twentyfifth birthday. The evening was spent in social chat and good music. At twelve o'clock the table was spread and all partook of the best of * hc land. All went home fk'uliiifr glad they were there. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames J. H. H. Cross , J. S. Allen , J. L. Mutchic , A. E. Pittaway , Messrs. E. D. Cross , Harold Points , Carl and Floyd Wait , Vernie Dewey , Mesdames lietta Heathmau , Ira Allen and Miss Nettie Cole. There were several nice pres ents and some birthday cards given. One who was there. A new lot of Men's Ji oo Dress Shirts for Saturday only at 550 each at the NEW YORK STORE W. F. Greenlee , H. P. Cope- la'nd , H. H. Bristal , A. H. Hast ings and C. C. Hawthorne of Arcadia were Broken Bow visit ors Tuesday. They made the trip in their auto in two hours and ten ruin. Mr , Greenlee was formerly a printer by trade but is now associated with the Arcadia Band as cashier. The REPUBLICAN acknowledges a social call. The Custer College ball team will go to Mason City Saturday to cross bats with Mason Citv high school. The Central telephone company is removing their old telephone poles from the streets and setting new and large poles in the alleys all except the main line will be put in the alleys. The ball game between the Broken Bow and Mason City high schools at Mason resulted in a victory for Broken Bow. J. G. Brenizer. , wife and Mrs. Haney returned last week from their trip in the south where they spent the winter They re port having enjoyed a pleasant trip. For Saturday we will have au- ยง other lot of sample lace curtains - tains , better than the first lot you were all anxious about. Sat urday only at 250 each. New York Store The concluding lecture of the Star Lecture course was delivered last evening in the M. E. church under the auspices of the M. E. Sunday School , by Win. L. Gaston upon the subject , "Yose mite. " Mr. Gaston is a very able and interesting speaker and his eloquent and vivid descrip tions of a trip from San Fran cisco to the Yosemite valley was very amusing and entertaining throughout , while his descrip tion of the wonders and beauties of this most beautiful of nature's creation , was extremely fasci nating . S alem Statesman , Salem , Ore Just received a new shipment of beautiful veil skirts , on which we will make special prices all this. week. New York Store in Central Nebraska is now on. 10,000 Acres located within half a mile of Ansclmo , Custer County , Nebraska. Finest Alfalfa Land , Good Corn | Wkeat-Land Terms , one-fourth cash , balance in Ten equal annual payments. - : - Broken Bow , Nebraska. Horses , Mares and Mules I WILL BE AT AT MILLER & NELSON'S LIVERY BARN BROKEN BOW SATURDAY , APRIL 9 o buy Mules from 4 to 8 years old , weighing from 1000 pounds up. Worses and Mares from 4 to IS years old , weighing from 1100 icmnds up. Bring in your big draft horses and mares , chunks and express horses as I ship tn three different markets and can pay he highest market price. No thin , bad haired , skittish hor&e or mules are wanted. They mist be fat. Bring them in , its your fault if you take them home. REMEMBER THE DAY , THE PLACE , THE MAN. ONE DAY ONLY-RAIN OR SHINE. m ALE To be held at Commencing Promptly at 10:00 : O'clock A. Al. on On the above date I will sell 31 HEAD OF CHOICE REGISTERED HEREFORD BULLS From 16 to 24 months old , richly bred fellows with good bone , good back , good Hereford head and horns , in good ilesh but not pampered. All heathly. They were tested for tuberculosis March 21 , 1910 , by one of the Iowa Sfnff Vf > fori'nnrir e nn/1 nil frmnrl fn IF O TT nnrl n from him showing same will go with each bull. Now is the time to buy good Hereford bulls , they are lower now than the ) ' will be again in years. Right at grass , with stockers and feeders , the highest on record and all other stock the same. Now is the time , the best show up. Come to Valen tine April 20 and we will show you a better lot of bulls than you ever saw in one bunch from one man's herd and breed ing. Write at once for catalogue. GEO. J. ANSTEYProp. FAIRVIEW HEREFORDS MASSENA. IOWA IOWAJ Georgetown Items. Murl Spergin and Earl Smith returned to Kearney Monday after spending a week vacation at home. Mrs. Downey went to Broken Bow Thursday. Miss Grace Brown who has been visiting Mabel Smith for a few days returned to Kearney Friday. Mr. welsh is now post master and Huby Clousc is mail carrier. Miss Stella Horn closed Her school Friday evening with a programe and a pie social for the purpose of library books. A large crowd attended and the pro ceeds were over $26 , Anything you need in trim ming for your new dress. Kiflin- Lucke Co. Mrs. H. Campbell went to Broken Bow last week to visit. Anna Lund went to Ansley last week to visit relatives. Mrs. Frank Brown of Eddy- ville is visiting Mrs. John Loar. Mr. waldos have about complet ed their new house. Clyde Marquiss who spent winter at Gillette , Wyo. , return ed home last Friday evening. Remember the big sale con tinues all week at the New York Store