State Historical Society i fc'i" Ulster IRqpublican VOL. xxvm BROKEN BOW , OUSTER COUNTY NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , APRIL , 1 , 1910 NO. 44. .1 MAPS , SHOWING CUSTER COUNTY AND THE WAY DIYISIONISTS WANT it. 1125 24 ' 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 if. ? 3 22 si 20 19 is 17 Tao Tao * - 4 . frV - \ > \ ? -T Arbor Co. Albany Co. Rose Co. V s V 'Ouster Co. containing1 042 square miles is in the northwest corner. t * Corn Co. containing 468 square miles is in the northeast corner. Rose Co. containing1 462 square miles is in the southeast corner. Albany Co. containing 459 square miles is in the south central. Arbor Co. containing 561 square miles is in the southwest corner. The Grand Island County Division Convention. The county division convention held at Grand Island last week accomplished no more in har mony than had they held their Covention some place in Cust-r county which would saved them from fifty to one hundred miles of extra travel. The lines drawn were not sat isfactory to the entire delegation present and less than half of the township in the county were re presented. It was another in which Dick BregB dominated the conven tion and had bis own way. The lines drown propose a fine county cut on practically the , same lines /adopted last year , ' except a pear shaped county is maped out that extends from Broken Bow south to the county line and is twelve miles wide a * north end ami thirty one miles at the south end and contains about 460 square miles with Oonto the prospective county seat. Broken now is left in the north west oortion of he county with Merna and Anselmo. The county proposed in the prososed in the north east with Sargent 3 BRFAKFAST FOOD SEASGN When your appetite is waning And you're feeling- far from gaining Just remember we are here With a BREAKFAST FOOD to cheer ! Uncle Sam's Bieakfaat Food , a a delicious cereal per pkg. . . .250 Grape Nut , fine for the time 2 pkg. for 250 Pufled Rice a pkg. for 250 Puffed Wheat , a bargain , for. . loc Cream of Wheat , an excellent ap petizer per pkg ijc bhredded Wheat Biscuit 2 pkg. i ) for 25c M I Quaker Oats per pkg. isc and 300 * Luxor Brand Oats 150 or 2 for 250 Pettijohn , try it and you will like it 2 pkg. for 25C 0 Post Toasties , a delicious salt and | sugar compound per pkg. . . . loc K WE BUY , TEST and PAY SPOT CASH for CREAM. . : The Eagle Grocery Store. The Square Deal Store Phone 58 the prospective county seat extends to the corporation lines of the city of Broken Bow as does also the proposed county in the northeast with Sargent the prospective county seat ex tends to the corporation lines o : the city of Broken Bow , as docs also the proposed county in the southeast with Ansley the pros pective county seat. The Ansley county would contain 642 Square miies while the southeast was cut down to 468 square miles. I'he proposed lines will not prove popular with the voters o the county in fact no lines can be drawn that will accomodate as great p number of the people of the county as are accomodatec by the present boundaries o Custer county while a few are a long distance from their county seat the majority of the people can reach Broken Bow withou much inconveuieucij and make the trip both ways in the day and most of them in half the ; ime are two portions of the county that are not so favorably sit uated owingto the geonp'i of the county but it is r " i to the whole peotjn. of tit . . 4y the territory should be cut into five parts merely to accomodate a very small minority that are most fortunately located relative to this county seat. The REPUB LICAN prebits the question will not come to a vote as we think that a majority of stngdrs can not be secured for the proposed division in more than one of the proposed counties. See those $1 00 shirts. Ktffin- Lucke Co. THE CITY ELECTION City Mall Bonds Carry \Yitli V.ood Majority. The city election Tuesday pas > sed off quietly there being no particular contention as far as far as we could learn over any the questions at issue. The vote recorded was bvt little more than half the voting strength of the ity and but for the friendly con- csts for councilmen it would carcely been known an election was being held. The question of bonding the ity for a city hall met with but ittle opposition and was carried with a good majority. The following arc the votes for ach of the candidates : Mayor. D. R Rockwell 393 City Clerk. R. D. Pickett 220 B. O. Button 125 Majority 95 City Treasurer. Kuns 236 S. C. House 115 Majority 121 City Engineer A. J. Van Antwerp 308 Police Judge. H. J. Shinn 300 Councilman 1st ward. E. McClure 68 J. M. Podge 67 Majority I Councilman 2nd ward. D. C. Konkel 76 J. S.Baisch 33 Majority"V 43 Councilman 3rd ward , Jas. Ledwich A. . . . . . 68. Dr. Bass..4 < . . . . > 44 Majority. . , . . . , 24 For bond and levy 368 Against bond and levy. . . . 75 Carried by 293 Married. WK1..S1I CRAWPOKD. Weil nisi ay April 6 , 1910 , at high noon at the residence of the brid's parents at Westerville Fred Crawford and Miss Ena Welsh , Rev. Thompson of Brok en Bow officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. ? nd Mrs. John Welsh , who is among the highly respected pioneer ol the vicinity of Wester ville. ville.The The groom is the son of the late Nathan Crawford who was one of the early settlers in the Clear Creelc Valley who helped to subdue the wild nature of that luxurous valley. The REPUBLICAN joins in ex tending congratulations to the bride and groom in their new re lations. Broken Bow High School Won Declam atory Contest. In the declamatory contest of the Central Nebraska t ssociation held at Hastings last Friday night Broken Bow High School won first place in the humorous. The representative of the Broken Bow school was Miss Violet Lar son. There were five other schools rr presented in this di vision \i < 5 : Aurora , Grand Is- line' , Oid , Kearney and Lexing- t n. Miss Dorothy Kalman of Ltfaad Island won second place. The winner in the dramatic division was Miss Agnes Frank of Kearney and Hazel Parks of Hastings winning second place. Edwin Newbold of York wai the only contestant in the oratorical torical division and was awarded first honors. Gold medals were presented to the winners of first honors and silver medals to the second. Queen Quality Shoes for wo men. Harlow shoes for men. Kiffiu-Lucke Co. Roy Blanbelt of Thedford was operated on yesterday in the Broken Bow hospital for nasal obstruction. The Broken Bow M. B. A. lodge will celebrate the thirteenth au- nivcrsiary of the order next Fri day night. A literary program and refreshments will be provid ed besides special work by the drill team. Elected Officers. On Tuesday April 5th the O. E S. held their election of officers. They ate as follows : Wurthy Matron Mrs. Atic Purcell , Wor thy Patron I. A. Rcncau , Asso ciate Matron Mary E. Kay , Con ductress Mary Jeffords , Associate Condctrcss Lincolia Great , Sec. Mrs. Katie Mauk , Treas. Mrs. Rockwell. S. A. Porter of Lincoln who has been visiting with his parents a week returned to Lincoln Mon day morning , bain is working for a Promoting Company which has among its projects building on electric railraod from Bellingham - ham , Washington to Tacoma by the way of Spokane. The project fincarced for twenty five millions dollars. The company expect to raoAa its main office in July for actice operations to Tocoma. Stephen Kopp Dead On March 28th , occured the death of oue of the States great est workers for Christianity. Stephen Kopp was born irt Fianklin County Indiana Deo. 9 , at the age of 27 he married Flossie L Moon and to this union was born ten children , six girls and four boys three of whom prcceedcd him tMo in their in fancy and one a young man oi 23 years. The older children are all married leaving one daughter Winnie at home. He leave behind to loss his wife , Mrs. Flossie I. Kopp and daughters Wi.mic at home , Mrs. Sadie Galiard , Washbum , N. D. Mrs. D. A. Hall and Mrs. Lid die Blcfsing both of Sioux Cits Iowa , Mrs. Kittie Moore , Hastings , Neb. , Mrs. A. Jones , Magnet , Neb. and one son G. S. Kopp of Valley , Ned. also two sisters , Mrs. D. C. Franklin , Lenox , Iowa and Mrs. G. A' Lots Whit ney , California , He has been ailing for about eight months but for the last three months has been failing fast. lie has been preaching the gospel in Nebraska for 25 years. He was alotted hard fields but was successful with all. He joined the church when 20 years old. HP was forty eight years in the work. He was a man loved by all and a fearless preacher at all times. He started the organization at Lillian and was instrumental in the building of the Christian Church there. lie was prominent in State work and was always greeted with pleasure at the conventions. The funeral services were held Lillian and were largely at tended. Rev. & . O. Doward paster of the Ohristian churh of this city con ducted the services. He was assisted by Rev. Ubanks. CHURCH COLUMN. AL E. Church. R. II. Thompson , Pastor Sunday School 10:00 a. tu ; morning sermon 11:00 a. in ; Jun ior league 2:30 : p. in ; Epwortb league 6:30 : p. m ; evening sermon 7:30 : p. m ; E. L , Mission Study Class , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. m. Cou ? < ! aud worship with us you w1' ! ? > a K i.trz.nger in the church but once. Baptist Church. A. T. Norwood , Pastor Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ; preaching 11:00 a. m ; Junior union 3:00 p. mB ; , , Y. P. U , 7:00 p. m ; preaching 8:00 : p. m ; teachers' meeting Monday 7:30 : p. m ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 : p. m ; prayer , meeting Wedaesday 8:00 p mHAmoma ; class first and third Saturday of each month 7:30 : p. m. Christian Church 1. 0. Doward , Pastor. At the Christian church nest Sunday. Communion and preach ing services at 11:00 : a. m ; spec ial song service and sermon 8:00 p , m. ; Special music by the choir and others. There will several selections at both services. Bible school 10:00 : a. m. ; Christ ian Endeavor 7 p. m. U. B. Church S. ftl Zike. Pastor Sunday school 10:00 : a. m preaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior C. E. 3 p. m ; preaching at,8:00 : p. m. subject "The Constraint of Love. " Cordial invitation to ajl who de sire to worship with us. The 'funeral servivesof the late Mrs. Samuel Green will be observed at the M. E. church Sunday Aoril 10 , at 11 a. m. .fig , WE WILL GIVE Another chance to the public , on account of the big sales , to buy pickles on < Saturday , April 9th at 9 A , M , > < A fine assortment oE Pickles con sisting of the following varieties. First Called First Served. , ' . 12 Jars Sweet Gherkins 12 Jars Sweet Relish 6 Jars Sour AVhitc Onions 6 Jars Sour Gherkins 12 Jars Chow Chewy y 6 Jars Sweet Mix 6 yara Sour Mix All Go at One Price 40 cents These Pickle * are packed In full quart Mason Fruit Jars. Ouaremed by us to comply with all Pure Food Laws. ALL'GOODS WE SELL. We Guarantee that all Groceries we sell will comply with the National and Our State Pure Food Laws. < 3Tm d a Tr""t T1JL5J3J TRADE PURE OLD CIDER VINEGAR MARK