Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 31, 1910, Image 8

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    With Over 56 Years
Of successful experience
baclcof Hostetter's Stomach
ach Bitters , don't you
think it is the medicine
you need to set your stomach
ach right again ? It is only
natural for you to want th °
best , and the Bitters will
prove to be "it. " Try a
bottle today for Heart-
hum , Flatulency , Sour
Stomach , Indigestion ,
Costivencss , Grippe and
Malarial Fever. Get
An Ungallant Outlook ,
"Again , the ungallant outlook of
BOino husbands causes divorce , " said
ox-Qov. Pcniiypnckor , In a witty after-
dinner speech In Philadelphia.
"It Is amazing what an ungallaut
outlook BOino men have. I said one
day to a Bucks county farmer :
" 'Ilavo you got a wife , Hans1
" 'Why , yen , to tell the truth , I have , '
Hans replied. 'For the llttlo bit the
critters cat , It ain't worth a man's
while to bo without ono. ' "
Hod , Weak , "Weary , AViitory I3yc * .
lollnvcd Hy Murlno 1'yo liuiiiutly. Try
S .Itirlnc for Your Uyo Troubles , you "Will
JJUi ! MurliH ) . It KootlirH. HOe lit Your
DtUKglstM. Wrlto l''or llyo Hooks. Free.
Murlno iyo : Uomcdy Co. , ' '
The difference between Blender and
Bkinny wontun is a matter of dollars
rather than sonse.
TO cum : A coi.n IN ONI ? A Y
Talin JjAXATIVI ! JlltOMD Qiilnlnn Tublrtt
J > ni | 5lRtHritmil nionnjr If It f ifU ti > euro. K. W.
UUOvtt'H tlKiuluro la on each box. JSc.
A pessimist Is always calling your
attention to the unusual amount of
sickness there Is In the neighborhood.
Dr. Plorcn'd l'l"nsnnt I'ollcH regulate nrnt
ornlp Monmcli , llvi r and hnwelH. hiiuir-coUid.
tiny urunulo * . Kusy to tnko us c uuly.
Ever notice how easy It IB not to
save money ?
Nebraska Directory
I Wo fuinlHli complete priHtlnprH niul jiiiiU
luiuchttii-d or In the ioutfit fur UxJ motor. Will
de\ lop S linrHC-imwcr.
QERTSCHY MOTOR CO. , Council Dltills , Iowa.
The only Bniiltarluin tn tlio Rtnto nnliiR
Natural MIneriU Water ll.vtlia TJiihur-
jmsbod lu tlio treatment of Acute niul
Ulironla UlIKUMATIbM. Moder.Uu
DR. 0. W. EVERETT , Hlhand M. Sis.
Don't risk n crop failure by taking the
vrord of oomc one else ns to the reliability
.of your seed coi n. Test your own corn
every car of it and know , before the
planting Is begun , that the seed you use
will grow.
Gco. II. Lcc , of Omaha , has perfected
a corn tester Unit can be used anyw here
any corn corn tester is used , and besides ,
can be used in his incubator and the testIng -
Ing done at the same time a hatch of eggs
Is being conducted. It is made in the
following sizes and prices : soo-car , $3.50 j
jco-car , $5.00.
Write for descriptive circulars. You'll
save the cost of several testers in the
knowledge gained from \our first testing.
Write today to
WW k. Vbn tLf 6 B V3 tliis ptQCLSs all broken
parts of macmiirry made coed as new. Wuidi
cast Iron , cast ctecl. aluminum , copper , brais or
any other metal. Expert automobile repairing
BERT8CIIY MOTOR CO. , Council Bluffs.
"Before I began using Cascarets I had
a bad complexion , pimples on my face ,
and my food was not digested uo it should
have been. Now I am entirely well , and
the pimples have all disappeared from my
face. I can truthfully say that Cascarets
.ore just as advertised ; I have taken only
"two " boxes of them. "
Clnreuce R. Griffin , Sheridan , Ind.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent , Taste Good ,
no Good. Never Slcken.Wcakec or Gripe.
JOc , 25c. SOc. Never sold la bulk. Tlio genu-
Ins tablet BtarnrxxJ C C C. Uuacoateod to
cure or your inoooy boclc. 027
God hard oil makes an easy running
A portable forgo IB a time and
money savor.
Arrange BO the chips do not fly nil
over the yard when chopping wood.
"Do up the repair work , especially
the blacksmlthlng , before the opening
of spring's work.
An empty poat-holo la but ono dc-
; reo less dangerous to llfo and limb
.han an open , unprotected woll. Fill
It tip.
When the hoops como off barrels ,
loop them with wire. Cheaper than
buying now barrels , and anybody can
do It.
The man who puts a lot of elder In
Ills collar to get hard Is utylng up for
Ills boyu something that cannot bo
kept In barrels.
The windy days of spring are bore.
Rattle a log chain down the chimney
and get the noot out before It burns
out , and maybe burns the house , too
ISvon the much despised chicken
mlto has a use. According to the Ot
tawa ( Kan. ) Republic , they are
killing the English sparrows in Kan
Two good eyes to a hill of potatoes
are a-plenty. Wo make a mistake
many times In seeding too heavily.
Good stocky shoots are hotter than
spindling ones.
Simply pull up any weeds which suc
ceed In pushing through the straw
berry mulch. Generally speaking , It Is
best not to hoe or cultivate the ftult-
Ing bed In the spring.
Burn all the old brush heaps now
and got rid of a thousand and ono
pests that have their homo there
waiting for warm weather to bring
them Into activity again.
Cheaply Contrived Arrangement That
Will Capture Many of Small
Injurious Animals.
In making a rabbit trap ono will
need two boards for the sides ; one
board two feet six Inches long and
ten Inches wide for the top. This
board Is nailed on the edges of the
side boards , making the box eight
Inches wide and ono foot tall In the
There are no end pieces. The center -
tor board Is-8x12 Inches , to which the
aides and top are nailed.
A Is the side. B Is a barrel or deep
box sot In a hole or hollow Into which
A Rabbit Trap.
the rabbits fall when the bait Is
C Is Mio treadle or bottom of the
trap which works on a pivot. A nail
driven through each aldo Into C ,
which should work easily , forms the
pivot on which the trap door works
The end of C at the entrance of the
trap should bo just heavy enough to
balance up the other end , so as to
reset after a rabbit has been caught.
The square hole In board C fits
over the lower end of 13 and Is tripped
by the rabbit when ho touches the
ER the triggers are made of pieces
ono Inch sqtuuc and nine Inches long.
D is two Inches wide and six Inches
long which holds the triggers In posi
D and EE should bo attached to the
center barrel before the bottoms arc
fastened In place.
The pin through the lower end of
E keeps the bottom board from going
up too far when the trap is sot.
Apples as bait will catch a dozen
or moro rabbits as they do not have a
chance to eat a great deal. '
Handy Little Implement Useful In
Cutting Off Tops of All Kinds
of Vegetables.
This Is a handy device for remov
ing the leaves of tops of almost any
vegetable. It Is made from a common
Home-Made Onion-Topper.
corn knife , Is attached to the edge of
n board , as seen In the picture , and
things to bo cut are placed beneath
the kulfo. The board Is of hard wood.
Oldest Vegetables.
The onion , asparagus and cucumber
are thrco of the oldest vegetables
known. Like peas , the Kgyptlana grow
them 30 centuries ago. To the onion
belongs , probably , the honor of being
the Drat vtgotuble primeval man ever
made trlfJ of.
This Can De Done by Putting Into
Ground More Fertility 'Than
Taken Out by Crops.
( fly n. H. TAYLOR. )
A number of yearn ngu a young
Pennsylvania Dutchman bought n HOO-
acra fiirm In ono of tlio southern ,
counties of Indiana. Thin farm had
been run down until by Iho old inotln
\M\\i \ \
S jgg&r * *
Manure by Forkful.
ods employed , It wan not possible to
tnako a living on It , and the owner
had been compelled to sell because of
sheer poverty.
The father of the young man who
bought the farm had become rich on a
farm most of which had been dug out
of the hillside. Ho began gradually
to Improve the condition of the soil
by plowing a llttlo deeper every time ,
lie started a throe-year's rotation of
crops plowing under the otubblo on
the corn land to add humus. Tie
sowed clover every year on new
When the Indiana farmer sold at
auction his belongings , when ho left
the , place , ho had less than a dozen
anl'mals all told The Pennsylvania
man went In debt for a half-dozen
cows , CO head of sheep and a dozen
brood sowo. In three years ho bad
Increased this number thrco or four
Ho made arrangements with the
livery stables In the country town
four miles' distant to keep the manure
Manure Spreader.
hauled away from their back door
and for live years all his spare time
both winter and tummer was devoted
to this task.
The manure spreader was not
known at that time , but he continued
to pile the manure upon his acres by
the forkful , until his neighbors began
to make fun of him. Some of them
declared that he would destroy his
farm by making It "manure-sick ; "
but the Pennsylvania man smiled and
kept his wagon going to the livery
stables and back to the farm with Us
heavy load.
Ilo wan among the first farmers In
the state to buy a manure spreader
when they came In stylo.
Insecticide Recommended That Will
Stand Considerable Wet Weather
and Do Good Work.
The potato beetle la such a com
mon pest that a description scarcely
seems necessary , but since other In-
hocts are often mistaken for it , it maybe
bo well to give a brief account of It.
The adult beetle In ova ] In form , about
three eights of an Inch In length , and
Jiint a little narrower than long. The
ground color is yellow. The upper
wings are marked by ton black lines
running Icngihwlno.
The adults live over winter In the
ground to the depth of six to ten
inches or moro.
In the spring the beetles appear
about the time that the potatoes
break from the ground , and In a few
days the egg laying begins. The eggs
are bright yellow in color and are
laid In patches on the under sides of
the leaves. They are very easily dls-
coveted by simply turning over the
vines with the hands so that the under
sides of the leaves are exposed. Ev
ery potato grower should make a sys
tematic examination of the vines by
passing through his fields and turning
over the loaves of two or thteo hills
in each row.
The eggs hatch In from four to
eight days , according to the tempera
ture. The larvae are dark red grubs
with black heads. For the first daj
or two they often eat the surface of
( ho leaf upon which they were
hatched. Then they migrate to the
top of the plant and food upon the
young tender leaves which are jttsi
The Ideal moment for the first
spray Is just when the eggs are beginning
ginning to hatch. Fortunately , wo
now have an Insecticide which wll
stand considerable wet weather am
still leave enough clinging to the
leaves to do very effective work. This
Is arsenate of lead.
This polfaon usually comes In the
form of a white paste , though eomo
manufacturers make n powdera
product. The arsenical Is applied to
the vines In water at the rate of six
or eight pounds of the poison to t
Inndrcd gallons of water , or abou
three or four pounds to the barrel
The best way to mix the poison 1
to weigh out the required amount In a
pall , pour In some water , and mix
thoroughly with a stick. Pour of : the
top of the mixture Into the barrel o
water through a screened funnel. Adt
more water to the remainder In th
pall , mix. and proceed us before untl
all the substance has boon dissolved
The beat method of application , es
peclally In largo fields , ' by moau
of a power sprayer.
Religious , Social , Agricultural , Pollt *
leal and Othsr Matters Given
Duo Consideration.
The Johnson Llvo Stock and Grain
company Is a new organization and la
composed of farmers , who propose to
do shipping for themselves.
The fanners near Lyons report that
there are good , Round apples In their
orchards which lay on the ground un
der the trees all winter.
Klsu Commissioner W. .1. O'Urlen
sent to M. M. Wulnea of Lyons , 15,000
brook trout and 15,000 rainbow trout
which were planted In Blackbird
creek , eight miles east of the town.
A G-year-okt son of Nicholas Schmidt
of Nebraska. City , was kicked In the
face by a horse and It Is feared fa
tally Injured , lie was playing about
the feed lot nt the time of Ihe acci
The Nebraska nutter and Egg Deal
ers' association elected tl.o following
omcers at Its annual meeting in Lin
coln : Louis Kirschbaum , Omaha ,
president ; 13. P. IIowo. Fremont , vice
president ; George Clarke , Omaha , sec-
William Spahn , who liad his leg
broken in two places and was otherwise
wise- severely injured in the Hurling-
ton wreck near Lincoln last summer ,
has made a satisfactory setttleinent
with the railroad company.
Just before services the Christian
church at Heaver City caught fire fiom
the gasoline lighting system. An
alarm was turned In , but before the
arrival of the lire department the
Hames had been smothered.
Mrs. E. J. Cnlhertson of Peru lias re-
oently received $10,000 as her portion
of the estate of Charley Draper , a
nephew , who died In a hospital in
Shelbyvllle , 1ml. , about a year ago.
The estate was a large one , being val
ued at $500.000.
A letter from Mrs. C. A. Sweet of
Palmyra , who was taken to the Pasteur -
tour Institute at Chicago , for treat
ment of the rabies , caused by the bite
of n pqt squirrel , states that she is
doing nicely and hopes to be able to
bo home soon.
Farmers In the vicinity of Monroe
arc very much discouraged over the
conditions of the winter wheat crop.
The moat conservative estimates place
the percentage of loss at one-third ,
while many believe that not over 10
per cent Is nllve.
At a special election held in Kear
ney to vote on the license proposition
a total of 1,432 votes were cast , license
carrying by a majority of sixteen. Last
year 1,295 votes were cast on the
proposition and the town was voted
dry by a majority of fifty-nine.
Word was received at Beatrice that
William I. Shullenberger. a former
Beatrice resident and business man ,
was killed in a railroad accident at
Ellensburg , Wash. Ho was 50 years
of ago and was formerly engaged in
the implement business at Bortfrit'e.
The post offleo in Hloomlicld was
robbed , the robbers effecting an en
trance by breaking the glass in tlio
front window. The safe was bloun
all to pieces and the glass In the windows
dews and doors was badly shattered.
The loss is between $ GOO and $700
The board of directors of the Partn
ers' Grain and Live Stock company of
Oakland lot the contract for the con
struction of a , new elevator , to take
the place of the ono de&troyed by lire
several weeks ago , to E. II. Cramer
of Hampton , Neb. It will east 5o5.000.
The etato normal board will go to
Chadron , April 1 , to locate the new
$35,000 normal school , if the temporary
Injunction granted against this move
is dissolved when It comes up for
So great has been the discussion na
to damage done wheat the past winter
that newspapers made an investiga
tion In different fields In Phelps county
to determine as to what extent , if any.
harm had been done. A largo number
of Holds were visited , and the con
census of opinion beemod to bo that
much of the wheat Is not wearing a
healthy look.
The furniture store of Edward
Landing nt Havonna was entirely de
stroyed with contents. Building and
contents were Insured.
Washington dispatch : The Indian
appropriation bill , which was In eon-
fcrenc } , will carry two amendments
relating to the Genoa Indian school In
Nebraska. These two carry appropri
ntlons for the construction ol n new
workshop at the school and also the
enlargement of the quarters for em
ployes. A third amendment providing
an appropriation for the constructor
of a cottage for the superintendent
was stricken from the bll.
Nebraska butter and egg dealers he-
liovo that poultry raising should bo
taught at the state university. About
forty or fifty dealers were In Lincoln
ready for the annual mooting Some
of them said that they thought the uni
versity farm school should not dis >
criminate against the Nebraska hen.
The Union Pacific has lilcd a re
quest with the state railway commis
sion for permission to exclude nil lo
cal passengers from Its Los Angeles
trains. The road promises to put on
two additional local trains in th
Etato to accommodate local traffic.
Thry never speak as they pass by ,
Tlioy both Ucep mum ;
JCo nc < ' ( l to ask tlio reason why
Thcy'to Ueuf and dumb.
Because of Us delicate , emollient ,
sanative , antiseptic properties derived
prom Cutlcura Ointment , united with
the purest of cleansing Ingredients
and most refreshing of flower odors ,
Uutlcura Soap Is unrivaled for preserv
ing , purifying and beautifying the
skin , sculp , hair and hands , and , as
sisted by Cutlcura Ointment , for dis
pelling Itching , Irritation and In
flammation and preventing clogging
of the pores , the cause of many disfig
uring facial cnlptlons. All who de
light In a clear skin , sofv , white hands ,
n clean , wholesome scalp and live ,
glossy hair , will find that Cutlcura
Soap and Cutlcura Ointment realise
every expectation. Cutlcura Remedies -
dies are sold throughout the world.
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. , solo pro
prietors , 13oston , Mass. Send to them
for the latest Cutlcura Book , an au
thority on the best care of the skin ,
scalp , hair and hands. It Is mailed
free on request
Desperate Remedy.
"Yes , " said the musician In a remi
niscent mood , "my wife fell In love
with me and married rne when I was
learning to play the cornet. "
"Arc you sure , " asked his friend ,
"that she married you because she
loved you , or to make you stop prac
ticing on the cornet ? "
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury ,
us mercury will enreljr destroy tlio rento of smell
niul completely dtrance tlio wliolo n > stem when
cntrrlni ; It through the mucoui Eiirl.iccs Such
articles slioult nc\cr bo twc l except on prescrip
tions from ni'Utalile plijslclanx , as the dam-ice they
\ \ \ \ \ do Is tci fold to the Rood jou can possibly do-
rhc from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured
l ) > 1" . J. Cluncy A. Co , 'lolpdo. O , contains no mer
cury , and li tiken Internally , actlna directly upon
the hlood and mucous surfaces of the sjstem. In
bujlns Hulls ntnrrli euro bo sure you pet the
genuine It li taken Internally anil undo In Toledo ,
Ohio , by r J Cheney A. Co. 'itstlmoniils free.
Sold hv nniBslsM. 1'ilce. K < - per bottle.
'laUc Hall's rurally I'llta for constipation.
Easily Explained.
"Strango , " murmured the editor ,
"that this nnocdoto of George Wash
ington has never been In print be
fore. "
"Not at all , " explained the occasion
al contributor. "I only thought of it
last night. "
AYegdable Preparation for As
similating llicFooaantlRegula
hug the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcstion.Checrful-
ness antl Rest Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
ftxhtttt Salts'
,1'iitt Suit
/\rptrmirtt \ *
ttor/n J'fttf
ClarSttd Suyar >
Hinttyrren fla\ erA
A perfect Remedy forConslipa-
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea ,
ncss nnel LOSS OF SLEEP
Facsimile Signature of
JjiiaranteeJ under the Foodani
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Need Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Tirookficld , Mo. "Two years ago I
was unable to do any kind of work and
only weighed 118 pouuda. My trouble
datea back to the
tiino that \vomon
may expect nature
lo bring on thorn
the Change of Life.
I got a bottle of
Lydia E. Finkham's
Vegetable Com
pound and it made
me feel much better ,
and I have contin
ued its use. I am
very grateful to you
for the Rood health
I am now enjoying. " Mrs.
LOUSIGNOOT , 414 S. Livingston Street ,
13rookfleld , i o.
The Change of Life Is the most crltl
cal period of a woman's existence , and
neglect of health at this time invites
disease and pain.
"Women everywhere should remem
ber that there Is no other remedy
known to mcdicino that will so suc
cessfully carry women through this
trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound , made from na
tive roots and herbs.
For 80 years it has been curing wo
men from the worst forms of fcmalo
ills inflammation , ulceration , dis
placements , fibroid tumors , irregulari
ties , periodic pains , backache , and
nervous prostration.
If you would like special advice
about your oaao write a , confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkliain , at
SJynn , Mass. Her ndvico is free ,
and always helpful.
The Army of
Is Growing Smaller Every Day.
responsible they
only give relief t
they permanently
euro Conitipa-y
tion. MJ- ,
lions use
them for
neii , Indigestion , Side Headache , Sallow Skin.
GENUINE must bear signature :
T y 1 of this paper de.
tucd in its columns should insiil upon
having what they ask for , refusing aU
tubilitutes or imitations.
For Infanta , . , and Children.
- " " - -
do&S U WlJ cBaAu
, .
is the turning-point to economy
in wear and tear of wagons. Try
a bo\ . Every dealer , everywhere
( Inrorimriitud )
A liniilci ) amount of Great Western Port
land Cement , pajing a dividend of 8 %
\Vi ; are obliged to enlarge our plant , duo to the int'rcuso in Imsiness '
and oll'ortliu above stock to tlioso sucking imeMnumts.
For imrtlt'Ulars , address