OUSTER COUNTY IfiDPUBLIOAN CUSl'liK $1.00 For Year. All subscribers arc considered permanent niul if they wish to Ulscoiuinno are expected to pay all arrearnucfcatui notify Kntr.red i Broken How , Nchrankn , ( or trann- ! In tlio UnltcJ Ht.iUfs inaiU at second clasH rnle * . D. AL AMSW.RRYr Editor and Publisher AUVEHTlSINt. KATES. Where matter IN net on wood base electrotype n Hat price of twenty ccittn pur Iticli.Hliitrlcool * oiiiii , foi each Intcrtlmi , two or more ItiHertlmiR IS cuiitft t > iT lucli. SS | ) l.il position , Millie In , kcrtltm iO cento per Hull , Metal bane , electron t o or more times , 15 cm in per Inch , Payment dint of each month. Local ailvertlHluir five CCIHB pur line caclilii Notice of clmrch clinrcli falrn , noclables anil fiilcrtalnitiL'iHH where money IH cliaruutl , one hnlf rates , Death noticed free , half > r > lor imblUliltiK ulmtiiirlus. Card of Tlianku , 0 ccn H. Legal notices at r.VCH provhlcd tatute of NrliraHka , Society uotlccHand t 'solution * , one-ha.'l r.ues Wedding notices flee , lialf price for HMt of Washington l.ct'cr. Washington , D. C. Until the membership of the new llules Committee of the House of Rep resentatives has been determined upon and that Committee acts in regard to some specific legisla tion , it will be impossible to de termine whether the "recent revolution" was worth while or not. There seems to be a dis position on all sides to let the matter rest now for the present session , and certainly no faction or party or individual has cause to be very jubilant over the out come. The Democrats simply played the game and do not seem to be criticised from any quarter ; the so-called regulars contended till the last for party solidarity while the action of the so-called insurgents is very hard to an- aljze. Sonic of these men un- doubtly thought they were work ing for and voting for a prin ciple ; some of them , undoubtlv ; as was the case of those who re fused to rejoin the party after the decisive test concerning the Gcmtnittee on Rules was over , simply showed their spiteful nature and that their action was provoked by animo-ity toward the Speaker himself. The fart that Mr. Cannon was rc-r lected Speaker by ten voles mnrc than he got at the beginn ing of the contest was certainly very significant. The uplift mag.izitus , for reasons best Itnown to themselves , which have been cryinjr out against so-called Cannonism , will get verv little comfort from the outcome ia facit , so many and diverse are the opinions , particularly of the honest and impartial newspaper men , that it shows that no de cisive victory was gained by any one. If it is true that the old Committee was dominated by the Speaker , it will be equally true that the new Committee will be dominated by him and by his friends , and Mr Can non will continue to wield the gavel until the end of the foist Congress. The fact of the matter is that the Comittee on Rules is only one of the 00-odd Cotnittces of the House , and has really less to do with legislation than is generally thought. While it has the power to be of considerable im portance , yet this power is rarely used. Most of the legislation of the House of Representatives is carried on without resort to any action whatever on the part of this Comittee It is only when a democratic filibuster is on , ot when it is necessary to put through an important bill with expedition that the power of the Cornijtee is brought into play. And while the majority of the new Comittee will be dominated as was the old by the so-called regular organization by thin Con gress , at least , there will be ap parently no difference as to the result of its actions. There may be developments during the session that will in crease or decrease the prospects of the Republican party , and there may be influences outside of either House of Congress that will also have their beatings upon the result of the campaign and elections for instance , the decisions of the Supreme Court , particularly upon the cor- slitutionality of the corporation t x and the legality of the .Stand ard Oil Company and the Ameri can Tobacco Company , may all have their effort upon the minds of the people and weaken cr strengthen the Republican pos itions , according to how the de cisions may strike the people. Instructions to Township Asscssoss For 1910 , Items of credit may be offset by indebtedness of like character. Per sons claiming such offset must file itemized statement of deductions claimed. Enter all items of credit on credit side of deduction sheet and all items of indebtedness on debit side. If the credit side is the greatest the balance should be entered on the srhcdulcs. If the debit side is the greatest there will not be any thing to enter on schedule. Owners of notes claiming credit for part payment should state amount of offset and balance entered. Money on hand or on deposit is not an item of credit and no deductions can be allowed from it. Attach de duction sheet 10 schedule. Assess improvements on leased lands and lots , leased school lands and'on government land on line 38. Add all improvements that have been made on real estate since April I , 1909 describing the do ' acres on which buildings are located on blank furnished you. Assess local telephone lines and apportion the value between the different school and road districts. Every assessor will be expected to make a fair assessment out of every item in the list that can be found in r 3 Capes at $10.00 that were priced at Sn 50 to $12.50 5 Coats at $13.50 that were priced at 15 ooto 20.00 6 Suits at $22.50 that were priced at 25,00 to 30.00 5 Suits at $19.50 that were priced at" 22:50 : to 25.00 The colors arc Reseda , Gray , Manialt Mixture , Black and \VKitc Checks and \Vlnte Serge. These prices hold good for a few days only as these garments are all this springs styles and worth all we ask for them in the first place , hut you know our mofto is to close out all the goods hought for the season for which it is intended. Hence these special prices for a few days. We also call your attention to the following Sines : We have checked into stock another lot of Boys and Girls clothing. Our line is very complete and we ask that you come in and look it over. See our Kaysers Silk , Lisle and Chnmoisette Gloves in all colors and long and short. Also long White Aid Gloves for evening. IX1 ew Belts and Belting. 11 & G and i emo Corsets We now have a line of Hugs ranging in price from § 13.50 to § 42.50. See them. Watch for our Lace Curtain display. Motoring Coats that will please you. See our table of New Wash Goods at 10c , 15c and 20c. We are the exclusive agents for lloyal Underwear for Men , Women and Children. Queen Quality Oxfords for Ladies , Marlow for Men. Just received more Coronet Braids in all colors. See'our line of Satins , Embroidery , Lace and Trimmings for your party gown. Spring Hose in all colors to match your gown. L II Our shipments of Sp ing Wallpaper arc now in , and our line is most complete , with patterns and prices to please. Before papering give our line an inspection No trouble to show. / J. G. HAEBERLE Druggist. Custer County Land Man If you have a snap in a iarm , or ranch for sale list with me. If you want to buy a snap in a farm or ranch , come and see me. Phones , officeJ2 , resi dence 129. CHAS. W BOWM\X BROKEN Bow , NEB. n's precinct , such as household fur- liture , watchesclocksorgans pianos , sewing machines , etc. Assess every man who is of the. a c of twenty-one , and less thai [ ifty years , with a poll tax.Pdll tax in villages is $2.00 ; county $2.50 ; be earful not to include persons over that age. The law exempts from this tax only old soldiers who draw pensions , paupers , idiots , insane per sons , firemen , and militiamen. For the present year you will asses grain at its market value less the cos of getting same to market. The assessed value by law is based upon what the property is actually worth on April ist of each year , and any change in the market thereafter is not to be taken into consideration. Cattle and hogs being fattened should be assessed as soon after the first day of April as you can conven iently get-to them. In assessing personal property where the owner cannot be founder or reached , after making a reasonable effort to secure a' listing in proper form , it is your duty to assess such property from the best information you can get , stating briefly on sched ule , owner not found , assessed by precinct assessor- You arc required to list the names of all male persons between the ages of 18 to 'Is years , subject to military duty Executors , administrators , guard ians or trustees must make separate schcdules'of personal property belong ing to the estate , and if there is no such property it should be so stated. Administer-the oath to every per son you assess. Signing the sched ule is not sufficient without administ ering the oath , When you assess HORSES be sure to put down in the spaces provided on schedule as shown below , the number and value , then add the number column and put total in prop er on righthand side of blank , also add the Actual Value column and put total on right-hand side of blank , also add the actual value column and put total on righthand side of blank. EXAMPLE : BO Horses No. Act viuo Under 1 yr. , i $ 2 DO Over l ynarifc under 'J ao a mi Over 2 vrs. & under 3 n a oo Over 3 yrs. & uudor 12 1 to Ovoriayrs. JJ 1 Total a s > J2 WO Assess mules , jacks and jennies in the same way. Assess cattle in the same way. He sure and give the average weight of hogs on item 5 < l. M. R , FOSTER , County Assessor. TOWNSHIP ASSESSORS IQIO. Twps- Name Residnce Loup Sam Swanson , Burr Oak. DR. GCO , F. BARTIIOLOAinW Physician , Surgeon and Occulist Prices AS reasonable as are consis tent with good work. Phone 01. I Oflice at Hospital. SX y.X > lX SX5KS5iaK'J ! KSK3 : SKS:5K : K3 iKK1 Send Your Abstract Orders to J. GL Leonard , Bonded Abstracter Office in Security State Bank Building KtXkUvtai e Lo Turner Lfor * i Lumber , Posts , Shingles Genera ! Building Supplies Phone 79 SPRING and SURMER 3930 Plan now a 5,000 mile summer tour of the coast. See thf fnr west with it * diversified sections broadening under scientific cultivation ; visit its incnriparul > lc cities with 'heir environment of intensive land wealth. A east Tour is a broad education and the world's greatest rail journey. Round trip , central Nebraska to California or Pu get "Sound , via direct routes , June 1st to Sept 30 Pound trip on special dates each month from Apr. ] to July , inclusive. Higher one way through California , Portland and Seattle. One way , eastern and Central Nebraska to San Franciscr , Los Angeles , San Diego , Portland , Tacoma , Seattle , Spokane , etc. , March 1 to April 15. Proportional rates from your town. Consult nearest ticket agent or write me freely asking for publications , assistance , etc. , hinting rather definitely your general plans. L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A. IO04 Farnam Street. Omaha Nebraska. rjgsaggBggm i r a ; J A If not , does it not cause you a certain feeling of envy toward your neighbor who always pays his bills by check ? Don't you think it a good time ri ht now , to start an account with a bank whose DEPOSITS AliE GUARANTEED ? Come in and let us talk it over tnd show you some of the ad vantages of doing business with us. W. A. GP.OIMn , president .U'LES HAUMONT , Vice President U II. JKVET1Cashier H. D. PICKET'1 , Asst. Cashier Lis iSii ; Always Something Left In your pockelbook when you buy your lumber and coal of us. We can save you money on your lumber bill. Plow do we know ? Because we save money for our customers every day. We would like to save money for you. We can make you money by buying coal of us as we have the stock to choose from. Let us fill your coal bin next time. DIERKS LUMBER & COAL CO. H ' Phone 23. J. s. Molyneux , Manager. Duster , E. K- ' . Lichtcnberger.Call'y D. Grove , J. J3. Fuller , Comstock. W. River , J. H. Phillips , Anaclmo. SargentV. . D. Hall , Sargent. West'le , W. D. Gardner , West'lc. Myrtle , J. W. Bryan , Anslcy , Algernon , H. Geise , Mason City. Kilfoil , Win. Walsh , Merna. Hrokcn H. , G T. Robinson , U. 15. Delight , H. I > . Schncringcr , ' Call'y. Arnold , L. Kimbcrling , Arnold. Lillian , Frank Lovejoy , W. Union. Elk Creek , R. Mortenson , M. City. W , Union , J. Abcrnathy , Wahvorth. Triumph , M. A. Butler , Callaway. Cliff , M. Hill , Anselmo. Grant , C. E. Benckescr , Cozad. Anslcy , Frank Jennings , Anslcy. Bcrwyn , Roy Worden , Bcrwyn. Elim , S. A. Carr , Callaway. Garfield , S. J. Thompson , R. Valley. Hays , C. W. Bohart , Ansclmo. B. H. City , C. R. Luce , B. Bow. Wayne , F. Johnson , Gothenburg. Comsrock , W. Dunbar , Comstock. E. Custer , J. Huffakcr , B. Bow. A meeting- the township as sessors of Custer county was held in the court room in Broken Bow on March 2Jrd , 1910. Meet ing called to order by county as sessor.