Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 31, 1910, Image 3

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O\V that American
tourists , in search
of tho. novel and picturesque -
turesquo , liavo to
ken to Journeying
In great numbers to
all parts of the
West Indies and other islands off our Atlantic coast , beau
tiful Bermuda is rightfully coming .In for a greater share
of attention. The only wonder is that these dream islands ,
where frost and enow are unknown have not been the
mecca in the past of n greater proportion of Yankee pleasure -
" " " * uro lovers who each winter and spring seek more kindly
climes than are to bo found in the northern and western portions of the
United States. A hospitable domain , where the temperature never goes
below 60 degrees or above 75 degrees and which Is only 48 hours' sail from
Now York , may naturally bo expected to claim no meager share of attention
from travel loving Americans particularly that largo portion of us who
enjoy n complete change of scene and manners and customs , even though
wo cannot ( by reason of Umo and expense ) journey far to find them.
These coral Islands in mid-ocean may bo very delightful at almost any
season of the year , but the particularly auspicious sea'son In which to visit
Bermuda is in the lllj season , Just as Japan may be seen at Its best In
cherry blossom time. Bermuda's chief claims before the world are ns the
homo of the Easter Illy and the onion and right royally docs she merit pres
tige in both directions. However , the reader need conjure up no mind pic
ture of an atmosphere laden with the odors of the strong-scented vegetable.
In Bermuda , in lily time , at least , the delicious , pungent odor exhaled by
millions of the white , bell-shaped flowers dominates every nook nnd corner
of the land. The only rivals of the Hllcs in floral splendor are the olean
ders , which grow in hedges to twlco the height of a man , and while the
flaming tints of these latter flowers challenge the eye they have no fra
grance and so leave the lilies undisputed in their pre-eminence.
The lilies are not the only contributors to the spectacular features of
llfo in Bermuda. The island community Is a British colony nnd military
V post and the periodical parades of red-coated
soldiers add a touch of the bizarre to life In a
restricted little community. Likewise are the
dusky natives speaking a cockney dialect a
source of amusement and the quaint little
white houses attract every person with the
slightest trace of homo-love In his make-up ,
but , after all , it is the lilies which constitute
the omnipres
ent , ever-satis
fying attraction.
The lily Holds
are easily and
comfort ably
reached , thanks
to a network of
hard and per
fect shell roads.
In most Instances the Illy tracts are surround
ed by walls , but visitors are usually welcomed.
Some Idea of the beautiful spectacle af
forded by these vast masses of gleaming white
blossoms , gently swaying-in the breeze , maybe
bo formed from the fact that there are a num
ber of lily Holds in Bermuda each of which are
25 acres in extent and there are come lily
O OTHER American
industry has a heav
ier tax suddenly put
upon Its resources
than that imposed
upon the poultry In
dustry at Eastertide.
It cornea about large
ly , of course , through
the significance of
the egg as the emblem of the uni
versal currency of the spring holi
day. It is not , moreover , the actual
consumption of eggs on the Easter
breakfast table that Is solely re
sponsible for this heavy drain upon
an Important branch of our food
market. That Is an Important fac
tor , to bo sure , but It must be re
membered that tens of thousands of
eggs arc , In effect , suddenly "with
drawn from circulation" as eat
ables at Easter time. In this cate
gory are countless numbers of the
colored eggs which have been dyed
for the occasion and most of which
are never Intended to bo eaten.
Similarly there are the myriad eggs
which arc used for egg rolling and
other childish games on Easter and
Wnstor Mnnilnv nndvlifnli urn fnr
the'most part an actual as well as a theoreti
cal loss at the close of the day.
The largest poultry dealers declare that the
drain upon the egg market at the close of Lent
is only rivaled by the strain Imposed upon that
other branch of the Industry that covering
live and dressed fowls at Thanksgiving and
Christmas. With the steady Increase In the
'Easter egg requisitions of the American
people and the price advancing at times to
about 50 to 70 cents per dozen In many of our
most populous cities , it is small wonder that
the purveyors of Easter ammunition are grrvit-
ly concerned regarding the various projects
for Increasing the egg production of American
hens. Much has been accomplished In this
direction by the Introduction of scientific
breeding methods somewhat nlmllar In scope
to the methods followed in breeding horses
farms where from 30 to 40 acres of bloom may
be seen in a , single field. Many of the stalks
are literally laden down with the precious po
sies. Indeed Bermuda holds the record for the
production of the greatest number of HHes on
a stalk , ns high as 145 perfect flowers having
been in bloom on a single plant at onetlmo. .
A largo proportion of the sweeter rivals of the
Bermuda onion which overspread the Islands
In the spring are shipped to the United States
for Easter. The employment of fast steam
ships and the comparative nearness of Ber
muda makes It possible to get whole cargoes
of cut Easter lilies to the largo cities on the
Atlantic coast promptly and In perfect con
In thnoverage Bermuda landscape It seems
as though every detail had been arranged with
a vlow to maintaining harmony with the bil
lowy fields of white. The small , cottagc-llko
houses , built of coral , would appear almost
glaringly white wcro it not that in almost ov-
cry Instance n contrast Is afforded by clinging
rose bushes and sturdy vines which entwlno
the habitations. According to tradition ,
It was an American woman Mrs. George
Russell Hastings , nleco of the late ox-Presi
dent Hayes who llrst gave to the people of
Bermuda the Idea of growing Easter lilies on
a commercial basis. In 1878 Mrs. Hastings
planted some bulbs in Bermuda and , finding
that they took kindly to the thin , rich soil , she
urged the farmers of the islands to raise lilies
as well as vegetables. Soon It was found that
an acre of lilies would net three or four times
as much revenue as an aero of onions.
and dogs. Only with chickens the qualifica
tions of pedigree necessary to win places In
the breeding pens Include recoi'ds of having
laid at least 1GO eggs per year.
The source of supply for America's Easter
eggs Is no longer restricted to those farming
communities where the poultry and egg busi
ness Is in effect a "side lino" and supplemen
tary to grain growing or some other agrlcul-
turual activity. A tremendous aggregate of
eggs is obtained through such channels often
through the enterprise of the women folk of
the farms , who are allowed the "butter and
egg money" as a personal Income but heavy
dependency Is now placed upon the great
poultry farms which specialize In this par
ticular sphere.
To convey a moro vivid Idea of the magni
tude of these fountain heads of the annual
flood of Easter eggs It may bo noted that ono
of the largest American poultry farms Is 82
acres In extent and the buildings and poultry
yarda cover moro than 35 acres. This metrop
olis of the feathered aristocrats Is lighted by
electricity and heated by steam. The farm
has Us own water system , with a complete
system of piping leading to all parts of the in
stitution and in one of the buildings is a hugo
food cooker , with a capacity of 1,000 gallons.
In the layng | department of this particular
farm are more than 2,000 hens and this tre
mendous flock contributes from 1,000 to 1,200
eggs dally. For gathering these eggs prompt
ly a novel system has been perfected and ns
the eggs are collected the date is stamped
upon each ono. Each Individual egg Is neatly
wrapped in tissue paper ere It Is dispatched
to market.
Although no recent accurate statistics are
obtainable covering the entire country , It U
known that the consumption of eggs by the
people of the United States , oven under nor
mal conditions , Is such as to astound persons
who have never had occasion to become fa
miliar with the magnitudeof , this food indus
try. New York City alone receives about 30
carloads of eggs every working day In the
year and other cities have proportionate appe
Of course the current production oi
eggs is nowhere near sufllclent to meet the
demand at the Easter season. Great quanti
ties of cags are taken from cold storage for
the Easter trade and , incidentally , It may bo
mentioned that the cold storage system tuu
become one of the most important adjuncts ol
the poultry industry.
Stopo Pain In the Dladdcr , Kldneyo
nnd Back.
Wouldn't It bo nlco within a v/cek erne
no to begin to say goodbye forever to
the scalding , dribbling , straining , or too
frequent passage of urlno ; the fore
head and the bock-of-tho-hcad aches ;
the stitches and pains in tho"buck ; the
growing muscle wcakncns ; spoilt be
fore the eyes ; yellow nkln ; sluggish
bowels ; swollen eyelids or ankles ; Ipff
cramps ; unnatural short breath ; sleep
lessness nnd the despondency ?
I have a rcclpo for thcso troubles
that you can depend on , and if you
want to make a quick recovery , you
ought to wrlto and got u copy of It.
Many n doctor would charge you $11.50
just for writing this proscription , but
I have It and will bo glnd to Bond It
to you entirely free. Just drop mo a
line like this : Dr. A. 10. Robinson.
lv-2r.n Luck Building , Detroit , Mich. ,
and I will Bond It by return mail In u
plain envelope. Aa you will coo wjien
you get It , thla reclpo contains only
pure , harmless remedies , but It has
great healing and pain-conquering
It will quickly show you its power
once you use It , so I think you had bet
tor HOO what It Is without delay. I will
send you a copy free you can use it
nnd euro yourself at homo.
Prospective Tenant ( noticing BOV-
eral Inches of water in the collar )
My , thin cellar leaks.
Landlord It don't leak n. drop. That
water has been In hero for two
mouths and not u Blnglo drop has es
"How Sharper Than Serpent's Tooth. "
An irritable old fnrmor and Ills un-i
gainly , slouching son wcro busy grub
bing sprouts one hot , nultry day , when
the old man suddenly stumbled over
a small stump.
"Gosh durn that everlasting ntump ! "
ho exclaimed. "I wish It was In boll ! "
The son slowly straightened up
from his work and gazed reproachfully
at his father. '
"Why , you oughtn't to suy that ,
pnp , " ho drawled. "Yon might stumble
over that stump ag'ln seine day. "
Everybody1 ! ) .
The Right Spirit.
Apropos of Valentino's day , a pas
senger on the Bermudlnn said :
"Mark Twain ouco told us , In allUlo
Valentino day npeech on this boat , of
an Irish wooer who had the right
Valentino spirit. Acceptance or re-
jecllon ho could take with equal
" 'Will ye bo my valentine ? ' ho said ,
on February 14 , to the girl ho loved.
" 'No , ' she replied ; ' 1 am another's. '
"Ho heaved n High and said :
" 'Sure , thin , darlln' , I wish yo wan
twins , BO that I could huvo at las to
the half of yo. ' "
Cold Meat.
Mrs. Bacon. They Bay thcso cold-
storage houses are responsible for the
high prlco of meat.
Mr. Bacon. IB that KO ? Well , 1
hope we'll have no moro cold meat for
lunch , then. Yonkers Statesman.
Hope IB a fine thing , but it doesn't
always enable a man to deliver the
Changes the Home Feeling.
Coffee biota out the Hunshino from
many a homo by making the mother ,
or some other member of the house
hold , dyspeptic , nervous and Irritable.
There are thousands of cases where
the proof is absolutely undeniable.
Hero is one.
A Wis. mother writes :
"I was taught to drink coffee at an
early ago , and also at an early ago became -
came a victim to headaches , and as I
grow to womanhood thcso hoadachou
became a part of mo , as I was scarcely
over free from them.
"About five years ago a friend urged
mo to try Postum. I made the trial
and the result was so satisfactory that
we have used it ever since.
"My husband and little daughter
wcro subject to bilious attacks , but
they have both been entirely free from
them since wo began using Postum in
stead of coffee. I no longer have
headaches and my health Is perfect. "
If some of these tired , nervous , ir
ritable women would only leave off
coffee absolutely nnd try Postum they
would find a wonderful change In their
life. It would then bo filled with sun
shine and happiness rather than weari
ness and discontent. And think what
an effect it would have on the family ,
for the mood of the mother is 'largely
responsible for the temper of the chil
Read "Tho Iload \Vollvlllo , " in
pkgs. "There's n Reason. "
Kver rend the above letter ? A new
one itpiifiirH from time to time. They
arc Keiiiilno , true , unil full of human