Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 31, 1910, Image 1

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    / /s ,
faster County IRepubltcan
U. S. Census Supervisor Jos. Pigman
Names Enumerators.
Jos Pigman , Supervisor of the
United States census of the sixth
district , has had quite a hard
time to get his enumerators for
the census this year. He has
been rather fortunate in getting
them for this county and also
fortunate in securing a good set.
The trouble has mostly been
in'and around Kearney where the
census is to be taken in fifteen
days and the rest have up to
thirty days.
The enumerators are paid at
the rate of from two and one
half cents per head in the cities
to four and one-half cents in the
country districts. It is not un
derstood why the difference is
made. ,
The following are the counties
and the census districts in the
sixth districts. The districts in
Custer county are named so each
one in that district can know
who will be their enumerator.
Dist No. Name. P.O.
Euos P. Barfoot Harrisburg
Hope Brown "
Wm. S McKee it
Chas E. VanNeste Brewster
Ardella Crouch it
Annie L. Kenndy Alliance
Aaron Pool "
8 _ John Pilkington "
9 Aspury Whitaker "
10 Charles E. Ball Hemingford
11 Mrs. Blanche Ford Marsland
12 Cecil L. Johnssn Canton
13w Vacant
1 * Leo Lofferwell Naoer
15 Vacant
16 Vacant
17 Miss Maude Luber Butte
18 Vacant
19 Wm. F. Mahlendorf Anoka
20 Milton Stockwell Gross
21 Vacant
22 C. D. Mothorsead Spencer
23 Vacant
24 Miss Ruth Corey Long Pine
25 B. A. Furgerson "
( | 26 H. L. Enders Enders Lake
Arthur C. Brede Ainsworth
27 J. B. Gould Winfield
28 Mrs. M. A. Witt Johnstown
29 Ross Brown Miller
30 Irene Reynolds Pleasanton
31 John Pierce Gibbon
32 Herman G. Reiter Kearney
33 Lorenzo L. Hile St. Michael
' - 34 A. F. Cook Riverdale
35 Wilbur T. Gould Elm Creek
36 Albert V. Hlava Ravenna
37 Miss Annie Miller Kearney
38 Albert M. Holltnger Amherst
39 W. R. Jones Sartoria
40 Vacant
41 Vacant
42 Roscoe C. Sammons Kearney
43 Millard S. Foutch "
44 Miss Dott Black "
45 Vacant
46 Mrs. Nina V. Morey Kearney
47 Vacant
48 Frank Easter Shelton
49 Mrs. G. H. Price Pleasanton
50 Roy L. Williams Gibbon
51 Thomas W. James Fern
52 Chas. L. Bohuer Whitman
53 George E. O' Brien Brownlee
54 Albert E. Spall Simeon
55 William R. White Merriman
56 Thomas F. Kelly Crookston
5J.L. . Hollaudsworth Brownlee
58 Setb E. Smith Wood Lake
59 James F. Naylor Merriman
60 Gene H. Mossinan "
61 George L. Ayers Valentine
62' Sanford O. Spain "
63 Grant Anderson Sidney
64 J. K. Dykman Lodge Pole
65 Herbert Bettendorf Sidney
6b Thomas H. Clinton "
67 Algernon in cl ud in g
Mason City village
B. A. Darrow Mason City
68 Ansley including Ans-
ley village James M.
McCormack Ansley
69 Arnold including Ar
nold village L. M.
Pickett Loyal
70 Berwyn township Flav-
ious McRae Broken Bow
71 Broken Bow including
Broken Bow city Avelo
P. Vannice Broken Bow
72 Broken Bow city Grove
O. Joyner Broken Bow
73 Cli-fT and Triumph
W J. Rice Merna
Oral Beard , - Callaway
74 Comstock and Myrtle
includingCotrstock vil
lage F. E. Delane Westerville
Chas. O. Galloway Comstock
75 Custer and East Custer
Rosa Eubank Broken Bow
76 Delight including Cal
laway villege Harvey
S. Mahan Callaway
77 Douglas Grove and
Garfield Edmond C.
Spooner Comstock
78 Elim and Wayng A. C.
Johnson Gothenburg
79 Elk Creek township C.
B. Lauridson Mason City
80 Grant township E. A.
Nixon Callaway
81 Hayes township T. T.
Wincnester Anselmo
82 Kilfoil including Merna
village Frank Kelly Merna
83 Lillian township W.
S. Metcalf Walwortb
84 Loup township Claude
E. Smith Georgetown
85 argent including Sar-
r ooco
1 LOOK !
K VanCnmps Potk and Beans 3 Ib.
can . zoc
i Mogul Pork and Beans per can aoc
VanCamps Medium Pork and
Beans . 150
Mogul Pork and Beans 150 or 2
> for . 250
VanCamps Small Pork and Beans
per can . ioc
Chipped Beef in cans . 150
Sliced Beef in glasses Pure and
Sanitary each . 2oc
Potted Meals with Ham flavor X \ \
Ib. only 5c
Potted Meats with Ham flavor #
Ib , only ioc
Canned Milk Pet Brand ioc
Fresh Bottled Milk per quart. . .6c
IIeinz's Tomato Soup pint can 250
A. D. C. Tomato Soup per can ioc
A. B. C. Vegetable Soup can. . .ioc
Campbell's Tomato Soup
Honey Fresh From the Country fl
per Ib ioc \ J
_ _ _ _ _ i 7h !
The Eagle Grocery Store
i 5
t I r 8 The S ( > uaro Deal Store Phone 58
gent village Mrs A. E.
Grint Philipsburg
86 Victoria including- -
scltno village W. L.
Gaston Anselmo
87 Westerville township
John Scott Ansley
88 West Union township
Gordon K Pike Gates
89 Wood River including
Oconto village Alfred
J. Watkins Oconto
( Continued next week. )
Boy Thrown and Badly Hurt.
Willard Preston , a lad twelve
years of age and a son of Mrs.
Mary Preston of this place , was
bkdly hurt last night by being
thrown from a horse and dragged
for a considerable distance. The
boy was returning from a friend's"
iiouse in the suburbs and had
nearly reached home , when the
animal , a fractious one , took
fright in some manner and com *
menccd making trouble. The
young rider was soon unseated ,
the halter rope becoming wrapp
ed about his leg in some way as
he fell. Before assistance ar
rived the boy had been hauled
over the ground for a distance
of several feet. The rope finally
untangled itself from his leg and
he was carried into the house.
Upon examination it was found
bis breast and limbs were severe
ly cut and lacerated , although no
fractures or internal injuries
were located.
Mrs. Hattie P. Black of Alli
ance was in the city Tuesdav.
While here she purchased an 80
acre tract of isolated land in the
Black ranch on-the.Dismal River.
As she had no competitior she
got the land for $1.25 an acre.
Broken Bow , Ravenna and Merna Have
a Little Fun With
Land Fakes.
Last week Broken Bow was
baying Spokane , Washington , at
the rate of $2 per lot , of the
South Waukesha Townsite Co.
of that place. Some of the pur
chasers were a little suspicious
and phoned Sheriff Kennedy who
tried to locate the agent or
agents as it might be.
They worked this place on
Wednesday going to Ravenna
Thursday morning where they
sold quite a few of their lots.
They worked Ravenna together
then one went to Alliance return
ing to Brukcn ' Bow Saturday
evening where he was met by his
pal , who had been arrested in
Ravenna and turned over to
Sheriff Kennedy of this place ,
who was also there to meet him
as , he got off of the night train.
They gave their names as
Hansen and Lester.
Sheriff Kennedy to make sure
telegraphed to the chief of Police
and Sheriff of Spokane Saturday
night and the answer from the
chief was received stating there
was a qompany of that name but
they have no authorised agents.
They were made to square
up with the people at Ravenna
and Broken Bow but the ones
at Merna are likely to be short
as the agents were both "dead
broke" * after squaring up here.
The people of Broken Bow
contributed about $200.00 , or
more..and it is .not known , just
how > uhuch Revenna coniributed
nor'Merna which is the heaviest
On Portiers. Couch Covers ,
Table Covers , Etc. , - : -
We have purchased the Entire Sample Line
of Smith & Sons , Philadelpha manufacturers of
Portiers , Couch Covers , Table Covers , etc. , at 45c
on the dollar. A very good selection of these
goods will be put on sale in Broken Bow Friday
and Saturday only. If are interested in the above
goods and don't want to miss an opportunity to
buy High Class Portiers at less than half of the
regular prices. Come Fridayor Saturday. What
is left after Saturday will be taken to Omaha.
Portiers and Couch Covers worth from $3.00 to
$12.00 a pair will be for $1.25 to $4,95 per pair.
Couch Covers sold from $4.00 to $12.50. Each
will be sold from $1.48 to $5.96.
Each Schenil Table Cover at 89c , $1.19 and
$1.29 each.
Remember Two Days only Friday and
Saturday , April 1st and 2nd ONLY.
Broken Bow - - Nebraska.
W. S. Wells camt down from
Merna in his auto Tuesday re
turning in the evening.
Mrs. Amsberry and daughter
Lillie entertained their Sunday
school classes Saturday after
noon with an egg hunt. Jessie
Apple found the most eggs of
any of her class won the first
prize. Etta Lewis won the booby
prize. Lester Holcomb having
found the most eggs won the
first prize in his class and Lester
Kelsey carried off the booby
prize of his class. After the
egg hunt light refreshments
were served.
Supt. G. E. Lewis who was
called to-Grand Island last week
by the serious illness of his
father returned home Monday
His father died last Saturday am
was buried Sunday.
J. Sheffield returned trom
Southerland Tuesday evening on
43 after a dehy of ten hours in
Revenna caused by the burning
of a bridge at Berwyn. He ac
compained his daughter , Mrs
Earl Hammond as far as Grand
Island. Mrs. Hammond closed a
very successful term of school
last Friday in the O. K. school
about 9 miles south.
Old Pioneer Passes Away.
Moses Lewis one of the early
pioneers of Custer county who
settled near Broken Bow in 1879 ,
passed away in the hospital at
Grand Island last week , He had
been in very poor health for the
past year as a result of a
severe sickness a year ago , from
which he never rallied.
Moses Lewis was born in West-
chestcr county , New York ,
March llth. 1839. In 1855 he
moved to Ottowa , La Salic
County 111. and in April 1861 en-
istcd as a volunteer in the U. S.
ervicc. At Cario 111. he was in
ured by sunstroke and was later
ischargcd for disability , but
again enlisted m 1873 and re
mained in the service till the
lose of the war.
In 1868 he married Martha E.
Shaw of La Salle County 111.
who still survives him. Of eight
hildren born to them , five still
urvive ; John G. W. of Ravenna ,
Amos B. of Anselmo , George M.
f Seattle , Garland E. of Broken
Sow and Lclaod J. of Anselmo ,
Comrade Lewis will be well
cmetnbercd by early settlers of
his vicinity having had the
first blacksmith shop in town and
atcr a general merchandise
tore on the north side of town.
He homesteaded one mile cast
of Broken Bow , where with his
amily he endured all hardships
of an early pioneer.
Since his last illness he has
been at the hospital in Grand Is-
and wherewith the family at
his bedside he passed away at
7:30 : p. m. Saturday March 26th.
and ia accordance with his wishes
was laid to rest beside his com *
rades in the Soldiers' Home
Cemetary , The funeral services
were conducted by Rev. O. B.
barbar of the First Baptist
Church of Grand Island.
The REPUBLICAN extends to the
relatives the sympathy of the
community in their bereavment.
Old papers for sale at this
Drop in at Konkel and inspect
those Sanitary Refrigerators they
arc great ice savers as well.
At the High School Declama
tory contest held Tuesday March
22 , it was understood by some
that there was to be one coniest-
ant from each of the subjects ,
Oratorical , Dramatic and Humor
ous , but it was a misunderstand
ing as Violet Larson , with her
"Buying a Feller" and won first
place on the Humorous will be
the only one to go to Hastings
tomorrow evening.
M. E. CJiurch. R , II. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 a. tu ;
morning sermon 11:00 : a. m ; Jun
ior league 2:30 : p. m ; Epworth
league 6:30 : p. m ; evening sermon
7:30 : p. m ; E. L , Mission Study
Class , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. m.
Come and worship with us you
will be a stranger in the 'church
but once. ;
Baptist Lliurch.A. . T. Norwood , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
preaching 11:00 : a. in ; Junior
union 3:00 : p. in ; B. Y. P , U. 7:00 :
p. m ; preaching 8:00 : p. m ;
teachers' meeting Monday 7:30 :
p. m ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30
p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday
7:30 : p m ; Amoraa class first and
third Saturday of each month
7:30 : p. m.
Christian Cl rcli Z. 0. Doward , Pastor.
At the Christian church next
Sunday. Communion and preaching -
ing services at 11:00 : a. in ; spec
ial song service and sermon 8:00
p. m. ; Bible school 10:00 : a. m. ;
Christian Endeavor 7 p. m.
U. B. Church S. M. Zike. Pastor .
Sunday school 10:00 : a. m
preaching 111:00 a. m ; Junior C.
E. 3 p. m ; preaching at 8:00 p. m.
Cordial invitation to all who de
sire to worship with us.
Another invoice of Linoleum
are due to reach our store among ,
which- will -bc'aome choiceFim-
ported. Konkel the Furniture
H. B. Andrews and Elmer
Bass of Anselmo were visiting in
Broken Bow Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Leo Duffield and
children were Broken Bow visit
ors last week from Merna.
H. L. Ormsby who has been in
Hot Springs , Ark. , for his health
returned last week very much
J. Abernathy of Walworth at
tended the assessors meeting
last week. This office acknow
ledges a friendly call.
Mr. Pred , secretary and treas
urer of the New York Store Co. ,
of Omaha , is in town for the Ten
Days New Goods Sale that is
now going on at the New York
Store of this place. The Man
agers of the Company beleive in
pushing their business. Look
for their ad in their issue and
see for yourself.
We Will Put on Sale
Saturday , April 2nd at 9 A , M ,
A. fine assortment of Pickles con
sisting of the following varieties.
First Called First Served.
12 Jars Sweet Gherkins
12 J r Sweet Reliah '
x 6 Jars Sour Vhitc Onions
6 Jmrs Sour Gherkins
12 Jars Chow Chow . < V
6 Jars Sweet Mix - '
6 , /ars Sour Mix
All Go at One Price
40 cents
These Pickles arc packed In full quart Mason Fruit Jars. GuarentcU by us to
comply with all Pure Food Lairs ,
4 We Guarantee that all G ceries we sell
will comply with the National and Our
State Pure Food Laws.