Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 24, 1910, Image 8

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Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters
Old papers for sale at this
Drs. Farnsworth & Beck
Old papers for sale at this
Dr. Bass , dentist , old location ,
over Soudtr's drug1 store.
T. C. Zutavcrn of Dunning is
in the city today.
J. II. Henry of Halsey is a
city visitor today.
Charuisetlc gloves for spring the
Kaysc -Kiffin-LuckcCo ,
Give us a look on our rugs be
fore you buy. Ktffm Luckc Co.
More of our famoaua $1.00
shirts for Easter.KtffinLuckc
" WANTED Boarders at Hau-
mont residence. Mrs. S , E. Gra
ham. 42-3
George Orrasby has been on the
sick list this last week with ton-
The ladies of the Christain
Church will hold their annual
Easter Market , Saturday , March
26th in the Flick building , east
Bide of the square. Dinner and
supper 35cents each. The usual
fancy articles will be on silc.
Every body invited. 41-2
To my friends and the Public :
Having sold my office building
to Rasmus Anderson and bought
J. M. Fodge's business and build
ing1 , you will find me at thai
place doing business in the fu
ture. Would be glad to see all
my old friends and many new
ones. About onchalf block north
of postoffice.
39-tf Chas. W. Bowman.
NOTICE ; Having bought back
from Mr. C. W. Bowman , my.
City Property List , with the ]
House renting- desire to again
ask' the patronage of my old
customers , and * as many others ,
as may have City Property for
sale , or rent to call upon me. I
intend to make City Property ,
and Insurance , my sole business
business , having quit the Farm
Realestate business. I can now
\je \ found in west room , over the
Ilolcomb Book store. I shall be
jLflad to meet you at any time.
My Motto is Square dealing.
Respcctlully yours.
j J. M. Fodge.
t , , |
Union Meetings.
A series of Union Evangelistic
meetings will be held in Broken
How north side Opera house ,
beaming April 15th and continu
ing three weeks.
These meetings will be lead by
Evangelists Bromley and Myers
who are doing splendid work for
the master this winter , in Iowa
and South Dakato.
Six hundred reported as going
forward in their meeting at
Beresford S. D.
Let the Christian people be
looking up and praying that
God may come to Broken Bow in
lik'e gracious manner.
Muddy Mills.
Mr. Dickerson is teeling better
at this writing.
Albert and Cert Lang visited
at J , R. Lang's Sunday.
Helen De Bruler has been sick
but is better.
Mrs. Foster and Ella went to
Bo'w the middle of week to the
Owens-Chadoins trial.
Charley Mills , Henry Sholtz
and George DcBrulcr has been
helping each other haul hay this
'week ,
Henry Kiebartz and Hazel
: Dressmaking is something every
-jiolher and daughter should know
fet herself. So be sure when in
town and visit the TKRRV'S
JTodd's Millinery Store.
roken Bow , Nebraska
Flock were married at Seneca
Tuesday. They returned Thun-
Zumbrota Zephyrs.
Horace Lang and wife of
Spring Creek spent Saturday
nights at M D. Callen.
E. B. Barber bought some
calves or A. I. Houth and also
purchased some in the Bow.
Guy Rector has been helping
d. D , Gallon for a few days.
J. Koosccr shelled corn last
week. Geo. Sloggett of the
Dutchman Valley done the w > rk ,
Mrs. G. C. Rector and Miss
Lucy Spriijstube were callers in
the valley last Sunday P. M.
Misses Belle and Vcrna Sands
visited Mabel Tappau last Sun
Mr. Evans entertained com
pany last Sunday.
Frank Routh finished moving1
bis possessions from the Sharp
farm last week.
Mibs Bertha Koozer has return *
ud home after a absence of two
months , visiting relatives and
friends at different points in
southeastern Nebraska.
Mr. Huffman is suffering from
a tuuiorous growth. It is hoped
that he may soon find relief. He
recently moved on the Edwards
farm in the valley.
Manell brothers were in this
vicinity Monday getting seed
Many of the fanners think their
winter wheat is dead ,
Mr. Keneval and family visited
J , T. Cole's last Sunday.
Mr. Small's have the paper
hangers this week.
Mr. Blackinore from Paynes-
ville , Ohio , spent Sunday and
Monday with Kalph Johnson's.
He was on his way to the Fiat-
head Reservation.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Routh have
rented the Peden farm and will
move this week.
Mr. and Mrs , J. O. Heaps were
entertained at Carl Holcouib's in
Snake Run last Sunday.
Word recently received from
Walter Cole informing his many
friends that he was feeling tine.
A. I. Routh has rented what is
known as the Rockwell farm
Henry Johnson who returned
from New York state was ac
companied by Geo. Johnson from
Green , N. Y. They visited at
Ralph Johnson's Friday and
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Rector ex
pect to get moved and commence
housekeeping in the Bow the lat
ter part of this week.
M. D. Gallon's spent Sunday
afternoon with Lincoln's in the
Oren Cole is able to be at work
Verna Sands has been having
a bad cold. '
O. L. Cole and wife Sundayed
in Snake Hun with the latter's
Ruben Cmipbell shelled corn
Jobn Holmes bought a team
and harness from Ilarve Troui-
ley lor four hundred dollars.
Powell Bros , started to plowing
Henry Holmes rented a farm of
Lewy Thomas.Ve all here he
does not expect to move without
a cook.
CharlcsGovier , wife , daughter ,
and youngest son returned home
from their visit at Wisconsin.
John Frischkorn went to Penn
sylvania on business Wednesday.
Charles Bishop of Brown ex
pects to move down west of
Berwyu ,
Charles Goviert and Moll ]
Steinmau went to Broken BoW
Ou business Monday.
* Arthur Cookslcy bought the
John Barnes place.
Elcx Pirnie and family was
visiting Chas. Govicr'a Sunday.
Bell School District.
The ladies gath red with Mrs.
R. Jestrabek Monday and with
Mrs. P Christen Tuesday.
They were paying their respects
to Mrs. Novotny who will soon
Pius Christen returned from
Otnaha Thursday , lie and Mrs.
Christen went to Broken Bow
Friday and returned with the
fine horse formerly owned by
Charley Smith.
Miss Jennie Simms closed her
school Friday. They gave a
short program. Several ladies
from here visited her.
' Bell's and '
Manuel's. Spanel's
had shelters this week.
Messrs. Sheff Olscn and Hu
bert Cox passed through this
vicinity Friday and Saturday.
L , Vinnedge went to Taylor to
get a telephone.
Our little women and men
came in softly Friday evening
and gave Miss Cennie Christen a
gentle surprise and scare.
Eighteen of her younger friends ,
dressed as old folks were pres
ent. The evening was spent in
social indoor games and "Hide
and go Seek" out of doors.
Taffy served for past tinus and
cherries and cake for midnight
lunch. The best time of the
season is reported. The little
friends left early Saturday morn
ing wishing Miss Cennie many
happy returns.
Ed Ross , Bert Cozad and E.
Knoell each shipped a load of
hogs and cattle this week.
Wm , Williams from Broken
Bow spent Saturday and Sunday
in this vicinity.
Some people can be proud
over a very little thing. Miss
Rains was very proud to hear ot
the nice little baby boy who came
to bless the home of her young
sister , Mrs. E. L. Hogabooni on
St. Patrick's day.
Sunday was a pleasant day at
Christen's , Mr. and Mrs. S. Ba-
der , Messrs Wm. Williams and
Jack Frost , Joe , Eddie ami , Caroline
line Knoell , Frank Lux and Joe
Hock , Pansy and Johnnie Simms ,
Emma and Lyla Vinnedge , Anna
and Emma Novotny , Anna Man-
nel and Anna Spancl and Will
iam Loughran spent the day
with them.
Several of us attended church
at New Helena Sunday evening ,
The Ladies' Surprise gathered
with Mrs. 1. P. Bell Saturday.
We haven't heard particulars
but we know they had a nice1
Johnny Plytnale Jr. spent Sat-
iirday with friends near Gates.
scuoor ,
Supt. G. E. Lewis gave us a
short call Monday.
Miss Rains spent Tuesday
evening with the Spanel children
and Thursday evening with
Ernest Spanel was absent
Thursday and Friday. , We are
so sorry to lose him from our Star
Miss Cennie Christen visited us
Tuesday and recited our classes
for us. We wish her good suc
cess when she has taken a school
entirely on her own shoulders.
The Broken Bow and Western
Railway Company have been
successful in securing a contract
with W. A. George and F. M.
Currie by the terras of which
they are to push the promotion
of the railway from Loup City
to Broken Bow. They will
place sufficient stock in our com
pany on the market to pay the
promotibtj expends.
S. P Great , Pres.
Notice i hereby given that wo will srll at
puNlc nuctlon. to thu highest bidder for
cash , one frame building , situated on lot 10 ,
bloc * S , original town of iirokcn now Nebr.
onthcid'iaT of April. 1910. at 2oVlnp. p m
Said building lunown as township office ,
'oard reserves rBht ! to reject any or ali
H. j. Shlnn ,
J S McUraw ,
( J. T. Robinson.
Twp. noatU.
Notice Is hereby given that the rental upon
sale contract on school land described
bel , ° .w and set opposite the name of the
homer thereof , Is delinquent for a period of
12 months or more and II the amount now
due Is not paid within CO days from the date
of this notice said contract will be declared
forfclturcd .by the Hoard of Educational
Lands and funds , and the said forfeiture
ent red of record as prov'dpd bylaw.
aaleNEW , K',4 HEM Sec. 10 T. 18 H. 17 W. S.
Wescott , Ouster County.
Dated March 14 , l"io ,
, , * 113 , E. ii COWI.KS ,
Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings.
James L. and Jane King will take notice
that on the 15th day of March , 1910 , E.
O'Schwlnd a Justlse of the Peace of CuBtcr
ctunty , Nebraska , Issued an order of at
tachment and garnlshee notice for the sum
of $109.00 In an action pending before him ,
wherein Sterling P Smith is plaintiff and
James L. and Jane King are defendants , that
money of said defendants on deposit In
Urokennow StatelUnk has been garnlshccd
under said oidur of attachment and
garnlshee proceedings.
said cause was contl'.ued to the 2d day ol
May. 1910 , at 10 o'clock a. m.
March 2lst 1910.
. . S. P. SMITH ,
„ -45 Plaintiff.
We carry the following oxfords ,
Queen Quality and Green-Wheel
er for ladies ; Harlow and Wat
son for men ; Red Schoolhouse
and Bubbs for children. Kiffin-
Lucke Co.
480 acre farm for rent. 220
acres in cultivation. 2CO acres
in pasture , small piece of alfalfa ,
hay canyons and good buildings.
To my friends : Having sold
my offie property , and Real-
Estate business with list of same ,
together with my good wishes
to Mr. C. W. Bowman , I take
this method to thank you one
and all , for your friendship and
cordial support in the past. I
most heartily recommend my suc
cessor Mr. Bowman to you as a
gentleman and an honorable
business man to whom you can
safely entrust your business. I
will be found at the old place for
a short time , until I can close up
my business. J. M. Fodge 39-tf
A Sunday School Climax.
Custer County Sunday School
Convention will be the climax of
a year's work in our County Sun
day School Associotion. At the
County Officers' Conference at
the State Convention it was
decided that a county year should
begin and end with the County
Convention. Will your school be
a Banner ? Here is the Standard :
EVEF GREEN. ( Open all year. )
GRADED. ( Having classes in
the following groups : Begin
ners' , Primary , Junior , Inter
mediate , Adult , Home Depart
ment. )
meeting for the discussion of
plans and for the development"
of the lesson. )
TRAINING CLASS ( A class study
ing some recognized Teacher
Training course. )
DELEGATES to District and Coun
ty Conventions.
ty and state work through the
county treasurer.
Stand it up alongside of your
school and see how near you
come to it. The Banner Sunday
School will be discussed at the
County Convention.
Mrs. E. Shepardson ,
County Secretary.
Your Last Call
The great denominational
leaders are urging their people
through their own magazines to
attend these interdenominational
meetings and to aid in the finan
cial part of the same. These
great leaders know what the
International Association of
Sunday Schools is doing for the
churches is all denominations.
The Nebraska Association is a
branch of the International Asso
ciation and our County Associ
ation is a branch of the State
Association. It is the greatest
missionary movement of the
world today.
The county Convention meets
March Slat -and . AprilM. . at
BrokenBow' and' e'very school
should have a delegate in attend-
> ln
in Central Nebraska is now on.
10,000 Acres located within half a mile
of Ansolmo , Ouster County , Nebraska.
Finest Alfalfa Land , Good Corn \VKeat Land
Terms , one-fourth cash , balance in'
Ten equal annual payments.
Broken Bow ,
, Nebraska.
F. A
Just received our Silk Dresses in beautiful new v'
styles and quality at $16.50 , $15 95 and - . ' $14.85
See our line of Ladies Capes at the following prices
$11.95 and
Latest styles and colors in Ladies Suits at$14.95 , .
$12.95 and
Ladies and Children's Rubberized Coats. Ladies at
$4.95. Children's at
Ladies French Veil Skirts very beautifully trimmed
Ladies and Misses Panama and Novelty Skirts at -
New line Ladies Silk Waists in the new shades
and styles at - - - - -
One nice line of Ladies Corsets at - - - -
Men's Fancy and Staple Suits for spring at $15.00 ,
$12.85 , $10.95 and
Men's $1.00 Dress Shirts at 48c ; Work Shirts at
All our 50c Neck Ties at 38c : 35c Ties at
Large line Lace Curtains at different prices. One
extra special large size per pair . . . .
Wevill be pleased to have you call an'd
Inspect our goods and prices.
Broken Bow - - Nebraska ,
ance if possible. Here we will
discuss all phases of the Sunday
School work. Note the program
below. Mrs. E. Shepardson ,
County Secretary.
. . .Program. . .
Thursday Afternoon , March 31 st.
2:30 : Praise Service ,
Rev. Schwab , Mason City
2:45 : Address of Welcome
D. M. Aiusberry , Broken Bow
\V. W. Barnes , Lillian
3-00 Appointment of Committees
Miss Margaret Brown
State Elementary Supt.
3:45 : Some of Our Difficulties
Mr. E. G. Burrows , Mason City
By Workers
Assigning of Delegates
Rev. A. T. Norwood
11:00 : Address
Rev , Chas. II. Lewis
11-50 Adjournment.
Friday Afternnoou , April 1st.
2 30 Song Service
Led by Morrice Ryerson ,
Broken Bow
2:45 : Reports of Officers , Nominating
Committee and Election of
Officers. .
3:15 : Adult Department
Rev. Chas. H. Lewis , presiding
(1) ( ) Opportunity of the Organ-
j/ed Class in Country Schools ,
B. F. Hanley
(2) ( ) Opportunity of the Organ
ized Class for Soul Wiinirp.
Rev. W. E. Matthews , Sargent
(3) ( ) Benefits of Organized Class
to Church Membership ,
3:45 : Address ; "Call to Christian
Leadership , "
J. R. Dean , Broken Bow
4:15 : Benediction
BenedictionRev. . S. E. Rasey , Merua
Thursday Evening Session , March 3ist
745 Devotional Service
Rev. N. W. Howkings , Comstock
8.00 Addreess
Rev. Chas. II. Lewis
State Field Secretary
loo4Music " Male Chorus
i _ John Turner , Broken Bow ,
" "
in charge
made a contract with -P. M.
Currie and W. A. George to
push the promotion of their
proposed railway from
* *
These gentlemen will offer
for sale sufficient of the
stock of this company to
defray the necessary ex-
perises of promotion.
They believe there is a
good chance to secure this
railway in- which case' the
stock willjbe a good invest
ment. If they fail they
do not represent the stock
as valuable.
Enrollment and Assignment of
Rev. S. M , Zike , Broken Bow
Friday Morning , April ist.
8:30 : Conference , County and District
Officers , Field Secretary pre
siding ;
Conference , Elementary Workers
Miss Margaret Brown , Presiding
9:45 : Trayer Service
Rev. W. L. Gas ton , Merna
10:00 : Eleuieuaary Department
Miss Brown
10:45 : Special Music
Friday Evening , April ist.
7-45 Special Music
Rev. J. E. Aubrey , Broken Bow
in charge
8:15 : Address
Rev. Chas. H. Lewis , t Lincoln
9r ? r'Offerlng-and Benediction
Rev. R , H. Thompson ,
Broken Bow