Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 24, 1910, Image 7

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With a theory that human health li
dependent on the stomach and with
a mcdlclno which ho snya proves
this theory , L. T. Cooper , a compara
tively young man , has built up nn 1m-
nionso following during the past year.
Cooper has visited most of the loadIng -
Ing cities of the country , nnd lu each
city has aroused n storm ot discussion
about his beliefs and his medicines.
Wherever ho has gone , people have
called upon him by tens of thousands ,
and his preparation has sold in lm <
monso quantities.
The sale of this mcdlclno has now
spread over the ontlro country , nnd la
growing enormously each day. In
view of this , the following statements
from two of the great number of fol
lowers which ho now has , nro of gen
eral interest.
N. V. Marsh , residing at 217 South
Daly street , Lee Angeles , Cal. , has the
following to say upon the subject of
-tho Cooper preparations :
"For more than a year I experi
enced the most intense suffering , duo
to a form of stomach trouble which
the doctors called catarrhal gastritis.
After eating I would fill up with gas ,
which caused frequent belching. The
abdominal area would expand until I
could scarcely breathe , causing great
distress. At such times I could not
keep still , hut paced the streets for
hours until the pain subsided.
"Frequently I went without eating
rather than endure the lovturo that
was sure to follow. Liquids were the
only kind of food I could partake of
with safety. I had spells of dizzi
ness , nnd became badly run down
through suffering and lack of proper
nourishment. I tried various reme
dies In search of relief , but they failed
to help mo.
"Some time ago n brother member
In n lodge to which I belong urged mete
to try the Cooper remedies , which
were then being demonstrated in Los
Angeles. Ho stated that to his per
sonal knowledge they had been of
great benefit to others in a like condi
tion , and on the strength of his recom
mendation I procured a treatment of
Cooper's New Discovery.
"It proved helpful from the first
dose , nnd in loss than -week I was
eating regularly and heartily , without
experiencing any bad effects after
ward. Since taking the full treatment
I am perfectly well and enjoy living
for the first time in many months.
Now I can eat a hearty supper , then
go to bed and sleep like a healthy boy.
I feel so w'ell that I can hardly realize
I am the same man. Cooper's New
Discovery has worked a marvelous
change in me It has done all that
was claimed for it. "
Another statement by Mr. W. B.
Stewart , 109 W. Madison street , Chicago -
* cage , is as follows : "I have had atom-
k rich trouble for years , and anyone who
Is afflicted this way knows what an
awful distressed feeling it causes.
Many a time I have felt that I would
give most any price to be cured. It
was by accident that I heard of this
man Cooper's remedies. I immediate
ly made up my mind to buy n treat
ment of him. I used it for about two
weeks , and it Is impossible to tell
how much good it 'has done me. I
feel altogether different. I have more
life and energy than I have had for
years. The medicine certainly does
( stimulate and strengthen the who.o
system. Tired feeling and weak condi
tion of the stomach has entirely
passed away. I feel well again. "
Ceoper'a New Discovery is sold by
all druggists. If your druggist can
not supply you , wo will forward you
the name of a druggist in your city
who will. Don't accept "something
just as good. " The Cooper Medicine
Co. , Dayton , Ohio.
When a man is at home and the
telephone bell rings his wife makes a
dash for it to see if it is some woman
who wants to talk to him.
Beautiful Post Cards Free.
6end 4e stamps for five samples of our
vrry bent Gold and Slllc Finish Birthday.
Flower nnd Motto Post Cards ; beautiful
colors and loveliest deslsns. Art Post
Card Club , 7P2 Jackson st. , Topeka , Kan.
An early cucumber la the hatid
beats two in the stomach.
r You miss a great deal of the 1
pleasures of life if your
stomach has "done
back on you" but don't
remain in that condition.
The Bitters will set things
right and prevent Indigestion ,
Gosiiveness & Headache.
jti and Lciinlficj th hill.
Prmrmtri B Iciiulint frromth.
I'nvor Falls to Bestoro Oray
Hair to It8 Youthful Color.
Cui mlp illiuui It rtlr uUui/r /
Roaches Nearest Approach to tlio Sun
April 20th , and Will Appear In
Mornlnc Sky a Few
Days Later
( By Eugene Slough. )
"Comets arc scattered through
the heavens with as much
profusion as fisheso In the
ocean. "
> Kepler ,
Probnbly not visible but a e\r
days ; too close to sun , and ex
actly behind it March 24.
Nearest approach to sun April
20 , comet will appear in morn-
Inn Bky a raw days Inter. Comet
and Earth will rapidly approach
preach each other until mkldlo
of May.
Comet will pans between earth
and sun May 18th , nnd a few
flnys later will appear In even
ing sky. Will gradually vanish
from unaided vision , but will bo
seen telcscoplcnlly until late In
Edmund Halley was probably ono of
the most Industrious and sagacious
astronomers that ever lived. At New
ton's request ho made a thorough In
vestigation of the movements and the
laws governing the comet o 1CS2 , and
boldly declared its identity with those
of 1450 , 1531 and 1C07. He predicted
It would return In the year 17GS , and
true to its period , it did return , and
was "picked up" by an amateur as
tronomer on Christmas day , of that
year. And this is why It came to bo
known as Ilalley's comet.
Orbit of Halley's Comet.
"When this comet appeared In 1456
the belief was general , among all the
classes , that it would destroy the
world. Much has been said and writ
ten about Pope Calllxtus III , with reC-
erenco to that visitation. 1'latlna ,
who was archivist at the Vatican , says
that the astronomers a d mathematic
ians bad predicted pestilence and dlro
calamities and the Pope ordered sup
plications to avert these and to divert
them to the Turks , who at that time
threatened to overwhelm Christen
dom. The ringing of bells was ord
ered not to affright the comet but to
remind the faithful" to pray in behalf
of those who were In mortal combat
with the Turks.
There is nothing particularly extra
ordinary about their forebodings of
disaster. Nearly four hundred years
later , in 1S3B , the French government
called upon her ablest astronomers
and mathematicians to determine , on
mathematical principles ? , bow man >
chances of collision there would be
between tha earth and comat at the
return that year , and they reported
there was Just one chance in 281,000-
000. And now , today , the scientists
of the world profoundly learned In
physics and astrophysics are speculat
ing on what the consequences will be
If the earth shall pass through the
tall of this self-samo comet on tlui
critical day of May 18th , when it wll
pass between earth and sun.
A little three-sided bar of glass
the spectroscope has told them tha
the comets tall contains cyanogen ; i
deadly poison when mingled wit'
certain elements of our atmosphere
and this wonderful little piece -of glass
baa also told them there Is Ulnshli
between the meteorite and the comet
Thousand of meteorites , or aerolites
bombard our earth every year from
the outer regions of space. The >
Unite by friction with our atmospber
and fall to earth a semi-molten eeeth
Ing mass of mineral ; 90 per cent i > ur
Iron , eoine of them , and yet few fatal
ties are attributed to them. Peary , o
Arctic fame , brought three largo one
from Greenland ; one , the largest I
the world , weighing seventy-five tons
A pmall meteorite , broken open , taugli
science how to make diamonds , artific
ially ; Us Jieart was a diamond Pure
carbon there. It is a slR
nlflcant fact that a vaporized aerolite
gives the same spectrum as comctlo
materials. Schlaparclll , noted Italian
astronomer , believes that aerolites
are dlsburstd cometlo matter ; disin
tegrated comets.
Blela's comet In 1S4G , split In two.
from proximity to earth , and the twin
comets swept through space 10,000
miles npi.rt until tbtiy disappeared.
This comet hnd n period of seven
years. It failed to appear the three
following periods. On November 27 ,
1872 , them was an extraordinary
meteoric shower throughout Kuropo.
A Berlin astronomer noted the point
of radiation which was low and vanish
Ing. lie conjectured there was con
nection between the meteors and Bio-
la's comet , It being the year of its
period , and telegraphed an nstronom-
ro friend at Madron : "Blcla touched
earth November 27. Search for him
near Tbeta Centaur ! . " The Madras
astronomer found the comet In the
star group named and easily Identified
it but it was tailless.
llorscbell says that Lcxcll's comet ,
with a period of live years , got tangl
ed in the moons of Jupiter and was
never afterwards seen. Astronomers
today believe that Jupiter's eighth
moon is the lost Lcxcll comet.
Tennyson wrote of moonless Mars ,
but in 1S77 Prof. Asaph Hall of Wash
ington , through a 20-Inch telescope
discovered the planet bad two ; they
nro mere toy moons , ono ten nml the
other about fifteen miles in dlamotor.
Then there is Saturn with her nlno
moons and her double girth of gold ;
the most magnificent spectacle In
stardom. Has she , too , been catch
ing comets ? The rings of Saturn are
believed to bo myriads of mlnuto
Positions of Comet , Earth and Sun.
iiulley s cuinuc nas tn-on traced back
eflnltely to the year 12 , 11. C. Chinese
stronomera recorded that visitation
nd subsequent ones. Some autborl-
Ics trace It back to 600 years B. C.
On its return this year It was dls-
overed almost exactly \ \ \ the region
f space where eminent mathematlc-
ans bad computed Us position. At
hat time it was over 300,000,000 miles
rom the sun. That was in Septem
ber. At midnight on December 1 , it
was on the meridian , a few degrees
outh of exactly overhead. It approached
preached the earth to within 125,000-
100 miles , but comet and earth are
eparatlng now owing to contrary
orbital motions. It Is rapidly ap-
) rochlnR the sun and March 24th will
ic exactly on opposite sldo of the sun
from the earth , as you will note In
ho diagram showing positions and
dates April 20th it will swing out
n the morning sky , then appcarant-
y back toward the sun , but In reality
swinging in to pass between sun and
earth , about May 18th. It will bo In
visible for a short tlmo bcforo and
after this event , and then will appear
n the evening sky , and slowly vanlsh-
ng will return again to the point of
ts appellon , several bundled millions
of miles beyond the orbit of Neptune ,
whence our sun would be a glow
worm light In a cosmic night.
A little westward of directly over-
iiead about eight o'clock In the evenIng -
Ing , if you care to look , you will no
tice a little cluster of stars ; the
Pleiades. Only a few degreese west Is
'tho ruddy star , Mars , anj about half
way down the alcy is a star of yellow
ish hue , Saturn , these mark almost
exactly the comets path In January.
High in the northeast is the Big
Dipper. Everybody knows some
thing about ! the Dipper. Notlco
the star at the bend in the handle--
Mistar , and notice nestling closely to
it a comnanion of much lesser light ;
Alcor. You may have to look sharply
to see it , for the ancient Arabians ac
counted it a test of eyesight to dis
cover It. Richard A. Proctor says
that the distance separating those
stars Is so great that the orbit of the
great comet of 1811 would only span
one-fourth of It. The comet of 1811
had nn orbit six times as great as
Ilalley's comet. This means that you
could place twenty-four JIalley comet
orbits end to end and bavo a chain
barely long enough to connect these
two ntars. The orbit of Halley's
comet is betwvn thirty-five and forty
thousand millions of miles.
Divide R mile Into inches ; the Inch
would represent the distance of the
earth from the sun , and the mlln. the
distance It would take the sun's lu'it
to travel in a year ; a light voas ; li
Is termed technically. And yet , there
are stars so remote , It Is affirmed ,
their light would not reach us In a
thousand years.
"Wonderful , is It not ? But listen to
this from an astronomer who stands
among the first In this country today.
Prof. Edgar Parkin of Mount Lowe
observatory , says that tbn thousands
of stars we see by nnt-irnl vision maybe
bo cast aside us negligible In comput
ing the sun and world material in
the Universe.
Please don't worry about what Is
going to happen from this visitation
of llnlley's comrt. There is "directiv
ity In matter , " and all Is held
liy U-nsh of law.
Get In the attitude of mind Emer
son was when an enthusiastic re
ligionist declared the world would
spppdily end on a given date. The
ifroa transcendpntalpt | reflected a mo
ment and said : "Well , I puess I can
get along nltho'it it.
Simple Home-Made Remedy That IB
Free from Opiates and Harm
ful Drugs.
An effective remedy that will usu
ally brcnlc up n cold In twenty-four
hours , Is easily umdo by mixing to-
ROther In n largo bottle two ounces of
Glycerine , a Imlf-ounco of Virgin Oil
of Pine compound pure ami eight
ounces of pure Whisky. This mix
ture will cure nny cough that la cur-
nble , nml la not expensive as It mixlcca
enough to last the average family .an
entire year. Virgin Oil of IMno com
pound pure la prepared only in the
laboratories of Iho Leach Chemical
Co. , Cincinnati , 0.
Henderson Ever moot with any seri
ous accident while traveling ?
Ilenpcck Did I ? I met my wife
whllo traveling abroad.
"Our baby when two mouths old
was Buffering with terrible eczema
from head to foot , all over her body.
The baby looked just like a skinned
labbit. Wo wore uuablo to put clothes
on her. At first it seemed to bo a few
mattered pimples. They would break
the skin and peel off leaving the un
dcrncath skin red as though it were
scaldB. Then a few inoro pimples
would appear and spread all over the
body , leaving the baby all raw wlthou
skin from head to foot. On top of her
head there appeared a heavy scab a
quarter of an Inch thick. It was aw
ful to see so small a baby look as she
did. Imagine ! The doctor was afraid
to put his hands to the child. "VVo
tried several doctors' remedies but all
"Then wo decided to try Cutlcura.
By using the Cuticura Ointment wo
softened the scab and it came off. Un
der this , where the real matter was ,
by washing with the Cuticura Soap
nnd applying the Cuticura Ointment ,
a new skin soon appeared. Wo also
gave baby four drops of the Cuticura
Resolvent three times dally. After
three days you could ECO the baby
gaining a little skin which would peel
oft and heal underneath. Now the
baby is four months old. She is a flno
picture of a fat little baby and nil io
well. Wo only used ono cake of Cuti
cura Soap , two boxes of Cuticura Oint
ment and ono bottle of Cuticura Re
solvent. If people would know what
Cuticura is there would bo few suffer
ing with eczema. Mrs. Joseph Kosu-
mann , 7 St. John's Place , RJdgcwood
Heights , N. Y. . Apr. 30 and May -1 , ' 09. "
No Joke.
"If nn old maid says 'No' when ho
proposes , Is she playing the coquette ? "
"No , she's playing the fool ! " Cleve
land Leader.
CUKEI ) jfo 0 TO 14 DAYS.
I'AXO OlNTMUNTlRKimrantofHl tn euro any casa
n ( lU'lilnu , llllml. lllccilInK or J'rotruUlriirl'Ilos la
C loll days or mom-y refunded. 60u
Never depend on a stuttering man.
he'll break his word.
. WliiHlow'K Soothing Syrnp.
Korrlillrtren Uiotlilni' . bnftcns HIMunms , rrducniln-
larnuiaUouaUiyt ! > i > ulntiircswldc < iIlc. 25ciHtoltlu.
It's never too late to mend until it
Is too late.
Lc\vi8' Single Hinder , the famous
ttraight 5c cigar annual Bale 9,600,000.
To enjoy love or sausages one must
have a lot of confidence.
More Economical
the Cheap and Big Can Kind
Wnfif ? Because Calumet Baking Powder is mow
certain in its results the baking is always lighter ,
more delicious and more evenly raised. You never
have a spoiled batch of baking by its use.
It requires less hence goes further.
IS the "full valuo" baking powder tha highest quality
baking powder at a medium price. And wo cuaranteu that
it will RWO you moro real satisfaction than any baking pow
der you have over used ask your grocer.
Free largo handsome reclpo book , illustrated m colors.
Send 4c and slip found in pound can.
Cilumot Rocetvod IHnhost Award Worid'o Pure Food Expoiltlon
TtilsIOOOOBlC ( KKSTUOMriANOlf jou solid us the liett aiuitnr to Ihe following
robuR. Also lll iuUJUtilii'jllii < ro.iiti vnltiu nrlroi lu aitrortlt * our laclnrr aiul ID *
luMcst utowlni. Ji.nno nmuutaolutlng UuMncka In tti United gutoi , ai fuftuwil
FlltST 1'KIZK ONK 840O.OOSiGEimTUCV : 1'IANO to tLoono who lomliln the b rt c woi >
* . . I r * . S "
THEN JUmOQ will tiodlvldrillnamomitBfrom B3.W ) to $11,0.00 according to merit. The * * w r4 K
SooajmUlio tuitions to much mouoy towards UiopuruluiMSotuny now plnno In our ctorn.
IMt'OKTATS'T No ono wlio lias bnnn a wunlinl a prl o In nny of our forruor content * will b lllnglbla to
ooinpctolii UilsnmloM. Only emu nnsworvtlll bo received frum nay ono family , olhonrl * ! Uia oonUnt IsV
Irco itna open to uujono In Urn United Hlatos.
WniiroBpoiidlnKnfortunorachyoarlnmlTortl&lnijtrtoSItflnUST OM PIANO < llr ot from the hem
of satlsfUxlcuMoniorsnlilcli.nttornll.lsthoviiry lioHlndrnrtlBouiontiiiiaioIntend to aaoomylUh Inon *
nunufncUirltiL' concern In Urn country n ml our plan iitiponls to tha tlilnklnKliuyrrionaccounlof au *
( TMniniif nellliiKpliinonrtlrnct fmm factory to Iiomawhlunmliulrmttjnall iiild'llcmnn i prntlti.
Kvory contoslniU will bo unwornl liy mull , but bo euro and ciiolo&uu self adiliotiM ar leD * t
acsnru toil your Awnnl will not bo mltsotitor lost In the mall ,
The Right Way
In all Casco of
Of all Horses , Brood MareB , Colts ,
Stallions , ia to
On thclrtonpticsorln the feed put Snohn's Liquid
Compound. Give tlio remedy lo nil ol UiiMn. It
nets on tlio blood nnd glands. It routi tlio disease
by expelling ( tic disease gcinis. It wards off tlio
trouble no matter bow they nre "exposed. " Abso
lutely itco from nny'.liini : Injiirlotii. A child can
cafcly take It. GOcenlu nnd If 1.00 ; ffl.OO nml 810 00
the dozen. Sold by drtiKRistt ) . bnrnccs dealers , or
ecut , express paid , by the manufacture .
Special Afjcnta Wanted
Chemists and Bacteriologists , GoshcnliuU.S.A. )
il limited amount pfGrcat Western Port *
land Cement , paying n dividend of 8 ?
We arc obliged to enlarge our plant , duo to tlio in business *
and offer the ubovo ( stock to those Booking InveKtmonts.
For imrticulnrts ,
is the turning-point to economy
in wear and tear of wagons. Try
a box. 1C very dealer , everywhere
( liirorninitml )
Words of Praise
For the several ingredients of which Dr. Picrcc's medi
cines nro composed , as given by leaders in all the ccvcral
schools of medicine , should have far more weight than any
amount of non-professional testimonials. A Booklet made
up of these sent free. Address as below. Dr. Piercc's
Favorite Prescription has TUB DADOO OP HONESTY on every
bottle-wrapper , in a full list cf all its ingredients printed
in plain English and sworn to as correct.
If you are an invalid woman and suffer from frequent
headache , backache ! " gnawing distress in stomach , period
ical pains , disagreeable dragging-down distress , perhaps
dark spots or specks dancing before the eyes , faint spells
and kindred symptoms caused by female weakness , or
other derangement of the feminine organs , you can not
do better then take
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
The hospital , surgeon's knife and operating table may be avoided by the
timely use ofV'Pavorit ; Prescription" in such cases. Thereby the obnox
ious examinations and local treatments of the family physician can be avoided
ntid a thorough course of successful treatment carried out in the privacy of
the home.
"Favorite Prescription" is composed of the very best
native medicinal roots known to medical science for the
euro of woman's peculiar ailments , and contains no al
cobol and no harmful or habit-forming druga.
Do not expect too much from "Favorite Prescription ; " It will not perform
miracles ; it will not dissolve or cure tumors. No medicine will. It will do
ps much to establish vigorous health in most weaknesses and ailments pecul
iarly incident to women as any medicine can. It must bo given a fair chance
by perseverance in its use for a reasonable length of time.
You can t afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this
remedy of known composition.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce , by letter , free. All cor
respondence is guarded as sacred/ ! secret and womanly confidences nre pro
tected by professional privacy. Address World's Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation , Dr. It. V. Pierce , President , Iluffalo , N. Y.
Dr. Picrce'o Pleasant Pellets the best laxative and regulator of the bowels.
Color more goodt brighter and ( aster colors than an ; other dye. Ono lOc packaga colon all liters.
You csn ( Jjt any garment without rlppirs apart. Wille lor lrt bocJtlsl- How to Oje , Dle ch and MJ Colon.
Cured by Electropodea
IJcw Clettilc Trcitrotat. M ail laule * pn
Uilde ho i. Bodr Ixcomti m p > rt ntrrci IU
ronnrolntf wli" , roslllre ec lot Rh un mi ,
Neuralgia , lUckictir , KWn r wJ Uftf end-
plilnti. Only Jl.CO p lr. Guanata ilzn t
each Ills. II EUrtlopoik ! lall to cm. moaer '
lurncil. II not > t youc Diozilif t rod ui Jl.M.
We will ice thtt you arc lupplleJ.
217 Lo Ancde * Bt. Lot Aartlw , Cl.
Your Liver's ,
Your Life '
A dead liver means awful sick *
nessdon't let it come when
it can be prevented. Cascarets
keep the liver lively and bowels
regular and ward off serious ,
fatal illness.
. M
CASCARBT3-IOC boi'-wwk'i treit-
meut. All druggists , Blgget seller
lu the world. Million boxw ciouth.
PATEHT nealtb. 6l-pagn'llook ° 7VrV Bttff l
Hturoraia &Co. . l > at.Attri..Uax K.Yi > hlogUinU.O >
" " ' ' *
to tbi IruB ,
W. N. U. , LINCOLN , NO. 12-1910.
They dye in cold water better than any other dyj.
MONROE onUO CO. . Qninoy , Illinoia.