Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 24, 1910, Image 6

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    TO GET
Plan to Have One Sermon on Sunday ,
April 24 , Devoted to Scourge
of Tuberculosis.
Following 'campaigns against con-
r.iimpllon that have been carried on in
Iho churches of hundreds of cities , and
tiormoiiB on tuberculosis that have
hcoii prearhcd before thousands of con.
Kregations during the past year , u
movement hin : he-en started by the Na ,
llonal Association for the Study ami
Prevention of Tuberculosis to estab
lish a permanent tuberculosis Sunday ,
tm which It Is hoped that every ono of
( ho 311,000,000 church-goors in the
United States will hear the gospel of
health , This year the Sunday selected
is April 24. It Is planned that on April
21 tuberculosis sermons shall bo
jiroachetl in all the churches of the
country. Literature will be distributed
1o members of the congregations , and
In every way an effort will bo made to
leach that tuberculosis Is a dangerous
disease and that It can bo prevented
nnd cured.
ClorKymen who desire to obtain ad
ditional information In regard to tu
berculosis will bo able to secure litera
ture from state and local antl-tubercu-
loshi associations nnd hoards of health ,
tis well as from the national asso
Wnys and Means.
During whist Is called an "observa
tion" lesson , a mistress was question
ing a class ot small boys on certain
points or things they had observed in
conduction with the habits of animals
In water.
"What do nshea swim with ? " tlm
lady asltcd ,
"Jrt'Hh thelr fins , " replied on
scholar. ! v
"Hlsht ? , And doga ? "
"Their paws , " answered the next.
"Very good. And , now , the nox
boy , what do llttlo boys swim with ? "
, , yUathlng-pants , mum ! "
An Easy Job.
"Do you thinl ; that you can make
my daughter happy ? " asked Mr. Cum-
rox."She ntl
"She has been happy with you ,
hasn't she ? " rejoined the confident [
V , " 1 think BO , sir. "
- - * "Well , if she's that easy to please
there ought to bo no dlfllcully. " .
He Was Immune.
An elderly gentleman , traveling In
a stagecoach , was amused by the con-
blunt lire of words kept up hetwcon
two ladles. One of them at last kind
ly inquired if their conversation did
not make his head ache , when he an
swered , with a great deal of naivete ,
"No , ma'am ; I have been marrlod 28
years. "
Kcform is a good thing when tvc-
piled to the other fellow.
Sticking to a Habit When It Means
Discomfort ?
Old King Cofl'eo knocks subjects
out tolerably flat at times , and there
jjls no possible doubt of what did it. A
' JMich. : woman gives her experience :
" "I used to have liver trouble nearly
sail of the time and toolr medicine
which relieved mo only for n little
while. Then every once In a while 1
would ho suddenly doubled up with
an awful agony In my stomach. It
doomed us though every time I took r
breath I would die. No one could
suffer any moro and live.
"Finally I got down so sick with
catarrh of the stomach that I could
not turn over in bed , and my stomach
did not digest even milk. The doctor
finally told me that if I did not give up
drinking coffee I would surely die , but
I felt I could not give it up.
"However , Husband brought homo a
package of Posturn and it was made
strictly according to directions. It
was the only thing that would stay
.on my stomach , and I soon got so I
liked it very much.
"Gradually I began to get better , and
week by week gained In strength and
health. Now I am In perfect condi
tion , and I am convinced that the whole
cause of my trouble was coffee drink
ing , and my getting bettor was duo to
leaving off coffee and drinking Postum.
"A .short time ngo I tasted some
coffee and found , to my astonishment ,
that I did not care anything about it. I
never have to take medicine any
moro. I hope you will use this letter
for the benefit of those suffering from
the poisonous effects of coffeo. "
Head the little book , "Tho Road to
Wcllvllle/'in pkgs. "Thoro's a Roason. "
' Ever renil ilie nbnve Idler ? A nor
one apprnrx from time < i > llmr. They
are Kcnulnr , ( rue , nnil full'tit luiiunu
Ex-President Again in Touch
with Civilization.
Wife nnd Daughter Among Thoeo Who
Journey to Egyptian Frontier City
to Welcome Distinguished Trav
eler and Hunter.
Khartum , Egypt. Col. Theodore
Roosevelt arrived at this place on
Monday , and was received officially
by Gen. Sir Reginald Wlngato , gov
ernor general of the Sudan , on behalf -
half of both the Egyptian nnd English
governments. The ox-prcnldent was
met hero by Mrs. Roosevelt and Mlsa
Ethel and by a host of American and
European correspondents and numer
ous delegations of political and other
friends from the United States. In
fact this historic town Is literally
filled with visitors brought hero to
greet the returning traveler.
With his arrival at this place , Col. '
Roonovelt completed one of the most
notable Journeys through the wilder
ness of Africa that has been underta
ken since the dayo of Livingstone and
Sfnnley. Itwas a remarkable Jour
ney both in number of animals slain
and preserved as specimens , and bo-
ciuiHO of Its lack of accidents and
elcknoss of every kind. Ordinarily a
traveler , through the regions through
which Col. Roosevelt has passed 1 ,
comcn out of the Jungucs loaded with
riinlarla and fever germs. Up to the
present time , neither Col , Roosevelt
nor any of his party have shown any
symptoms of having contracted any
of the numerous contagious diseases.
Gen. Sir Reginald Wlngato pro-
Route of Col. Roosevelt's Journey
Down the Nile ,
vldcd countless ways for the enter
tainment of his distinguished guest.
Representatives of the many tribes of
the desert have been gathered hero
Into ono great encampment , and for
Col. Roosevelt's entertainment , have
Indulged In every possible form of
native amusement , giving dances ,
races , etc.
The town of Khartum Is a mass of
color. Flags of Egypt , England and
America are everywhere , nnd the ox-
president has probably appreciated
nothing moro than the opportunity of
visiting this historical spot.
Khartum Is virtually built around
the grave of "Chinese" Gordon. The
city itself is a gigantic monument to
that soldier's deeds and his heroic
death. In the center of it stands his
effigy In bronze , mounted on a camel ,
gazing with fixed eyes out toward
the desert which mocked him during
the terrible year that ho lay there
waiting for relief. Behind the statue
btands the British governor's palace ,
on Imposing structure In the Gothic
style , typical of British power and
Hrltlsh permanence ,
.Name Gordon Everywhere.
Not far away Is the Gordon Memori
al college , a school built with funds
raised by Gen. Kitchener by subscrip
tion throughout Great Britain , in
which the Sudanese newer generation
Is trained for service In the govern
ment which conquered its fathers.
Everywhere throughout the city the
name Gordon appears. There is the
Gordon hotel , the Gordon drive and
up the White Nile the Gordon tree.
Gordon's memory will live so long as
Khartum 'exists. The British have
Dead Perfection.
We beard it en Id of a certain man
lately that ho had no vices. Ho should
get some. Every man should have a
vice or two. Being n member of a
lodge and wearing plumes and badges
IB belter than perfection. Atchlson
( Kan. ) Globn
Growth of Various Trees.
A young oak grows three feet la
three years. In the ennui time nn elm
grows eight feet three inches , and a
.vlllow Mine feet three Inches.
transformed the city of hln death Into
\ memorial to his glory that can
augh at time ,
Reviewing the Trip.
A chronological history of Mr Hoose-
volt's wonderful journey , and a par-
la ! list of the animals killed Is as
ollown :
March 23 Sailed from New Yorker
or Naples , 4,170 miles ,
March 30 Arrived at the Azores.
April 2 Arrived at Gibraltar.
April C Arrived nt Naples.
April C After being received by
King Victor Kmmanuol , sailed for
Mombasa , British Kant Africa , 4,121
April 15 Arrived at Aden , Arabia.
April 21 Arrived nt Mombasa and
received with honors by the provincial
April 22 Left Mombasa by rail for
iCapltl plains and the ranch ot Sir
Alfred Pease on the Athl river for
short shooting expeditions. About 270
miles. Secured two wildebeests , two
; azello , five other antelope , six lions ,
three giraffe , ono zebra , ono rhino , a
warthog and a hartoheost.
May ID Ilodo to W. H. McMillan's
'Juja farm , " a full day's Journey , for
short expeditions. Secured two 1m-
pala , several antelope , a water buck ,
a leopard , a rhino and u hippopotamus.
More Big Game Killed.
May 20" Rode from McMillan's to
the adjoining Iloatloy ranch for buf
falo hunting among the papyrus
swamps. Twelve miles. Secured four
buffalo , four hartcbeost , two zebra , two
gazelle and a warthog.
May 20 Rode from the Ileatley
ranch to McMillan's town house at
Nairobi. A day'ri Jaunt.
Juno 3 Left by rail for Kljabe , 11
Juno 4 Arrived at Kljabe.
Juno 5 Left Kljabo on march for
the Sotlk district. The route was over
a waterless tract , and although the
distance traversed was only CO miles ,
It entailed a throe-day trip. Secured
six rhinos , a hippopotamus , two eland ,
two wildebeest , several antelope , two
zebras , a hyena , a warthog and three
July 12Arrived at Lake Naivasha
on return trip. Secured two hippos
and some smaller game.
July 22 Arrived at Nalvaahu from
the lako.
July 24 Returned to Nairobi by rail ,
G5 miles.
Aug. 4 Left Nairobi for Naivasha.
Aug. 9 Left Naivasha on inarch to
Nyorl and the Konyu province , SO
miles. Secured ( Ive lions , three buf
falo , a hippo , a giraffe and his first
Oct. ItO Returned to Nulvasha.
At Cuaso Ngutsho Plateau.
Oct. 25 Loft by rail for Londinnl
for a three weeks' ahoot on the Gunso
Ngulsho plateau , about 90 miles. Se
cured live giraffe , three lions and sev
eral antelope and smaller game.
Doc. 7 Returned to Nairobi by rail.
Dec. 18 Left Nairobi by rail for
Port Klsuma , on Lake Victoria > Jy-
nnza , about 150 miles.
Dec. 20 Arrive at Entebbe , Uganda ,
from Klsuma , via lake steamer , about
125 miles. On this trip the American
Hag was flown for the first time on
Africa's inland sea.
Dec. 21 Left on 2ii-uiile auto trip to
Dec. 23 Loft Kampala for Kirigingo ,
70 miles. Secured two elephants. .
tvJnri. 3 Arrived at Ilolma , Uganda ,
after a 57-mllo trip from Kloiugo.
Jan. 4 Loft for Butlnlm , 27 miles.
Jan. 7 Left on steam launch for
Wadelal nnd Rhino cam it. Ilelclnn
Kongo , about 72 inllea. Secured several
eral- white rhinos and u buffalo.
Fob. 3 Left Wadolai for Nlmule ,
about 54 miles.
Feb. 4 Arrived at Nimulc , Uganda.
Fob. 7 Left Nliuulo for Gondokoro ,
a 108-mile march through almost un
broken jungle.
Fob. 17 Arrived at Gondokoro , Up
per Sudan.
Greeted by Mrs. Roosevelt.
Feb. 26 Expedition broke up and
porters returned to Uganda.
Feb. 28 Rooflovolt left Gondokoro
via steamboat for Khartum , moro
than 800 miles to the north.
March 11 Arrived at Renk , about
t\Vo days' Journey by boat , south of
March 14 Reached Khartum , the
end of his Journey on the Nile , nnd
was greeted by Mra. Roosevelt and
daughter , Miss Ethel.
Homeward Bound.
The arranged program of the re
mainder of Col. Roosovolt'u home
ward journey is as follows-
March 29 Arrives nt Alexandria.
April 2 Arrives at rtlbraltar.
April 10 Arrives at Naples ,
April 14 Arrives In Paris. Great
public reception planned.
April 17 Goes to Vienna to Interna
tional Sporting exhibition.
May 10 Guest of faculty of Univer
sity of Berlin. '
May 12 Visits Christianln.
May 15 Arrives in London nnd is
given freedom of city.
June 15 Arrives In New York ,
Homo at last.
Careful of Others' Feelings.
"Why don't you set the date for our
weddlnir ? "
"Because I have other fiances to
consider. "
Will Tattooed on Body.
A Mexican miser who died not long
ago was found to have his will tattooed
on his breast. It caused hla heirs no
end of bother , as the document had to
bo copied before the man could bo bur-
Nor of the Containers ,
A Chicago man says the love germ
Is located In the
center of the nervous
system. Recently somebody declared
the liver to bo the seat of affection.
There is no end of opinions.
Religious , Social , Afjrlculturnl , Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Ftillcrlon has voted bonds for a
new high school building.
Ground has been broken for the
now high school at Hroken IJow.
A "clean-up crusade" Is on at Ne
braska City by order of the mayor.
Scarlet fever has again got n foot
hold nt Gothenburg , several new
cases having recently developed.
Calvin \ Stecle , at oiu1 time com-
imuulcr of the Grand Army of the
Republic , tiled In Jefferson county last
John Griff In. one of the oldest en
gineers on the Burlington railway , haa
resigned his position nnd 'will be
come a farmer.
The advertising committee of the
Commercial club at Kearney liaa de
cided to adopt the phrase : "Kearney
A Capital City. "
The new bank at Urldgeport will
soon be ready for business. In the
near future a building fit will he pro
vided for the bank.
IJoone county farmers are Hading
the .seed corn problem a hard one.
Those who are testing their seed are
llndlng ti great deal of It useless.
Emerson will decide the saloon
question this year by popular vote.
The village trustees will submit an
ordinance which , If carried , will shut
nut. .ciiliinnv
Kearney has paid ? 15,11)7.- ) : ! in
freight and passenger fares during
the last twelve months , and with only
two railroads , stands fifth In the state
exclusive of Omaha and Lincoln.
The business men of Palmyra are
pushing the good roads Idea , and sub
scriptions are being taken with a
view to dragging from thirty to forty
miles of roads leading to the village.
John Kennedy of Omaha , 26 years
of age , thought he wanted to drown
himself , but when he got out into
the Missouri river and found how
cold the water was he changed hin
mind and waded back to dry land.
\V. S. Wright , a retired farmer liv
ing at Valley , was shot in the leg by
John Story , a Union Pacific detective ,
who was on guard In the railway
yards on the trail of box car rob.
bers , The wound Is not serious.
For some time the seniors of the
McCook High school have been rem
onstrating against what they call the
"despotic rule" of the superintendent
uid principal and following the sus
pension of three of the class the
whole class quit school.
W. R Porter , a farm hand , Is in
the county jail at Fremont awaiting
the arrival of the sheriff from West
Virginia , having been arrested for the
crime of seduction at his old home.
Buffalo county will get through the
inheritance tax $11,871 from the George
Meisner estate , now being settled in
county court. The interest on this
amount will be added and will go to
the county. The entire value of the
estate was appraised at over ? f > 00-
A number of farmers in the vicin
ity of Holdrege have been conducting
some thorough Investigations as to
the probability of the wheat crop be
ing damaged. The unanimous opin
ion Is that the
crop Is entirely un
harmed , and that the winter Just ,
closing has left fields in most excel
lent condition.
Jacob Kliumell , who died at Kear
ney last week , was burled in a coffin
he made eleven years ago. He was
88 years of age.
J. F. . Rosenfield of West Point ,
famous as the largest grower of
peonies in the United States , is now
visiting at Honolulu , Hawaii Island ,
having crossed from San Francisco ,
lie has been sojourning on the coast
for some months preparatory to em
barking anew In the culture of peonies
on a twenty-five-acre tract near
Omaha , bought by him last summer
for the special purpose of propagat
ing this one plant.
About thirty members , heads of
families , in and around Hampton ,
have decided to start a German Lu
theran church In that town , and have
rented the Christian church building
for five years.
Hen F. Shults and Joss Cronk , both
of Curtis , had their preliminary hear
ing at Stockville before the count )
judge on a charge of "bootlegging1
whisky. Doth were bound over to the
district court. Shults , on two counts
was required to glvo a $100 bond , am :
Cronk , on five counts , was required
to give a S7GO bond.
Sherman Grubb , who.Is accused of
participating In the theft of three
horses from the John Reeves place
In Merrlck county , on September 9
Is now In the custody of Sheriff ; Her
after having escaped the hands o
the officers of the law for severa
Edward Russell , with many aliases
was arrested In Hastings on tele
graphic information from the wcstert
headquarters of the Scientific Amoi
lean by their manager , 11. L. Ha )
ward , and Is In the county jnll. II
has been defrauding the compauj
through fake contract * .
TOTAL OF $48,000.
W. H. McGrath of St. Paul Tells of
Losing $10,000 T. E. George of
San Antonio Easily Part
ed With $18,000.
Council Uluffs. Wednesday's ses
sions of the trial of John C. Mnybray
and the eighty-six other defendants
charged with swindling operations by
alleged fraudulent use of the mails ,
irotluced a kaleidoscope of testimony
not yet equalled during the trial. The
estlmony of victims placed on the
taud , while rehearsing experiences In
imny respects not dissimilar from
hose already recited was given by
lersoiiH whose personality completely
hanged the complexion of the system
jy which they were Induced to make
contributions to the collection alleged
to have been taken up by the defen-
William II. McGrath , aged twenty-
eight , a graduate of the University of
Minnesota and of the St. Paul law
Bchool , was as easily duped out of his
< 10,0no as was James G. Kile of Cis
co , 111. , aged seventy-four years , who
testified to the loss of a similar
T. E. George of San Antonio , Tex. ,
est $ 18,000 ; James Webber of Sham-
okin , Pa. . $11,000 , and J. B. Scliurmau ,
i German farmer and stockman of
Leota , Kas. , ? 5,000 , totalling $48,000 as
he amount of which witnesses told of
Dies of a Broken Heart.
Lincoln , Neb. Heartbroken because
the walls of ( he Nebraska penitentiary
separated him from his sweetheart , J.
H. McCarthy , who embezzled trust
funds from the Horn estate , died at
the prison hospital Wednesday morn
ing alter a six days' illness from ty
phoid fever. That his love for the
girl , Miss Ethel Mollne , with whom he
ran away from Lincoln , did much to
cause his physical decline and death
Is the firm conviction of the prison
authorities and officials who prose
cuted the embezzler.
Trainmen Get Increase.
Louisville. An agreement reached
between a committee from the Louis
ville & Nashville bianch of the order
of railroad conductors and the com
pany , for the next two years , secures
to , these trainmen a substantial in
crease in wages. The short-run pas
senger men and the local freight men
get between S.onrt 32 per cent , increase
over their' oldTates. The conductors
better working schedules and an
increase In overtime rates.
Will Result In Police Shakeup.
St. Louis. The suspension of Chief
of Police Edmoud P. Creccy and of
Lieutenant Thos. McCormack by the
board of police commissioners , after
a two months' Investigation of a
bhortaj > e of several thousand dollars
in the funds of the police relief asso
ciation , will result , it is expected , In
a complete ahakeup In the department
as well as sensational developments
when the two oflicers are tried by the
Caruso Appears In Court ,
.New York.
Nervous and with ro\
Ing eye , Enricho Caruso , the teror ,
appeared in a Brooklyn police couri
Wednesday as a witness against An
toulo Mlsiano and Antonio Cincotti ,
who are- accused of trying to extoit
$15,000 from him by threatening let
ters signed "Black Hand. "
Two body guards accompanied Ca. '
use on the Mibway and lute court.
Defends Cold Storage , .
Washington. Defending cold stor
age methods , James F. Oyster , a
Washington merchant , testified before
the senate high cost of living commit
tee that they kept the price moro uni
form the > ear round. Ho declared
that if it had not been for cold stor-
! > "H , I'jtud might have sold as high as
75 cents and $1 a do/on last fall.
Tillman Leaves For Home.
Washington. Senator Tillman , will
his wife and two daughters , left Wash
iiiKton for his homo In Trenton , S. C" .
Wednesday. The benator , who a lc\\
weeks ago was at death's door and
rallied by | IK ! wonderful vitality , in
well enough to walk and his physl
clans declared there was no danger In
his traveling.
Rockefeller Ticket Wins.
New York. The citizens' ticket
which had the backing of John n
Rockefeller , whoso numerous em
ployet , are \oters , won by 4 to 1 at the
village election 'In North Tarrytowu
John Wirth was chosen president.
Senator Daniel Approaching the End
Daytona , I-'la. United States Senu
tor John W. Uanlel of Virginia is
sinking rapidly and the end Is expect
cd soon , The senator has been In .
state of coma for the past forty-clgh
Given Until Wednesday.
Trenton , N. J , Justices Reed , Tren
chard and Mlnturn , sitting as a brand
of the state supreme court on the up
plication of counsel for the Westen
Packing companies , granted a rule fo
cause to be shown why a writ of cert
lorarl should not Issue to carry u |
for review Justice Swayze's order Is
sued directing the companies to bring
their books Into New Jersey for in
spectlon by the Hudson county grant
jury. The rule was made returnable
next Wednesday and Justice Reud an
nounced that , argument on that day <
ehould BO Into the merits of the case
A big bowl of Jj
Quaker Oats/
is the best dish you
can serve.
Delicious and
- Good for all ages
and all conditions.
Economical and
strengthening. ss
Technically Discussed.
"So there Is to bo a divorce , " said
the woman who discusses everybody.
'It seems but a llttlo while since he
tsked for her hand. "
"Yes , " repl ? ° d the rude man. "He
cot the hand all right. But it turned
out to bo a misdeal. "
FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that ho Is eenlor
partner ot HIP flrm ot F. J. CIIENEY & Co. . doing
business In ' tbi Cltjr ot Toledo , County and Hlats
ttorra.ild , 'and tnat 6-ilJ firm will pay the turn ot
ONE IIUNDRKl ) IJOLLAUS for each and cvfry
tin of CATAKRII that cannot bo cure' by the use ot
Ewom to before mo anil subscribed in ray prcwnca ,
this Cth day ct December , A. D. , I8Sd.
Ila'll'i Catarrh Cure Is Ukcn Internalljr and acts
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot ttm
Ijritem. Send ( or teatlmoulala. tree.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo , O.
( old by all Drusgists. 7Sc
take Uall'f Family 1'llls { or constipation.
Fear not lest thy llfo come to an
end ; but rather lest It never had a be
ginning. Newman.
All Old Folks
tablets ) tonicht will feel better in the
morning : . It sweetens tlio stomach , cor
rects the liver , bowels and kidneys , pre
vents biliousness and eliminates the rheu
matism. Better than Pills for Liver Ills ,
Decause It's different it's thorough , easy
sure to act. Get a 25c Box , All Druggists.
The A. H. Lewis Medicine Co. , St. Louis.
Many of our cares are but a morbid
way of looking at our privileges. Sir
Walter Scott.
fan bo broken quickly by Alltn't Luna lljltam.
1'hlsold , reliable roniedy lias been told for over 40
rear * . Ask jour druggist about It.
Every man has theories about rais
ing a family heforo he marries.
Nebraska Directory
this process all broken
parts of machinery made good as now. Welds
catt Iron , cast steel , aluminum , copper , brass or
my other metal. Expert automobile repairing ,
BERTBCHV MOTOR CO. , Council Bluffs.
lotd nd reoUid ororywrmre.Vrlto for bargain Hit
BitabUshpi 1BCM. 143 So. lUth St. , Lincoln
Pny the h ( cheat price for
Grain , Proviiloni , Stocks , Cotton
M ln Office , 204-205 Fraternity Bids.
Lincoln , Nebraika.
Bell Phone Bit Auto Phone 2C59
Lurge t House In State.
We furnloh complete castings and pnrtn
unchlned or In the rough for 3x3 motor. Will
ierelop 2 horse-power.
tERTSCHY MOTOR CO. , Council Blullt. Iowa.
Consider the
By having a telephone that you
can depend upon. Let U3 tell
you how to secure the very best
of telephone service at the low
est cost. SEND TODAY for
Bulletin No. u"How to build
Rural Telephone Lines. "
Omaha , Nob.
Test Your Corn
Don't risk n crop failure by taking the
word of Rome one else us to the reliability
of your seed corn. Test your own corn
every car of It nnd know , before the
planting is begun , that the seed you use
will grow.
Gco. II. Lee , of Omaha , has perfected
a com tester that can be used anywhere
my corn corn tester is used , and besides ,
can be used in his incubator and the test
ing done nt the same time a hatch of eggs
Is being conducted. It is made in the
following sizes nnd prices : soo-ear , $3.50
500-ear , $5.00.
Write for descriptive circulais. You'll
save the cost of tevcral tester * In the
knowledge gained from your firi > t testing.
Wrhc today to