TttlD OtfStfltt OOU'NTY ' REPUBLICAN coiwv REPUBLICAN $1.00 For Year. AH subscriber * are conildurod permanent ami If they wlatt to discontinue are expected to pay all arrearages and uutliy publUiier. Kntercd at lirokrn How , Nebraska , for transmission - mission In tlio United States maili at second clam rate * . I D. Al AA\SBLRRY \ , Editor and Publisher ADVliKTISING RATES. Where matter Is set nn wood liaso electrotype a flat prlcu of twenty ct-riin per InchHlitKlr col umn , fui eacli liisurilon , two or more Itmcrtloiis IS cents tier Inch. hJin'Cliii ixmUHm , klnidc In , Kcrtlon 20 cents per melt. Metal baHc , electron * two or moreUIIUM , IScuutH per Inch , Payment firnt of each month , J.ocal advertlnlnir flvo cents per line each In < ertlon. , Notice of chnrch chtircli lalrn , sociable * and eiitrrtalnmeuti where money IB cbarued , one half rates. , . , Death notices free , half t r < < ( or publlBulntf obltnjrles. Card of TuanVs , 0 cen n. Legal notices at rates provided statutes of Kebraika. Society dotlccantul i olntlouii , one-nail rjie Wedding notices fiee , half price for uttt of presents. ' 1 his hot weather they say -is caused by Haley's Comet or by Cannon's V\r th , Myers for County Attorney. Edwin L \ Myera is being men tioned as a candidate for the Republican nominal ! > n as County Attorney and , we understand , is conferring with his friends as to advisability of filng for the place. Mr. Myers is one of the rising generation of men who were born and raised in Custer county. He is a graduate of the Broken Bow High School , the State University and took his law work at the Harvard Law School. This position is one usually held by the younger members of the bar. Mr. Myers has prepared himself well for Huch work by his college train ing and by the partnership he fprmed with JEx-Governor Silas A. Holcomb. which was but re cently terminated. He is a man of strength and ability and should give the county efficient service if he decides to run and the people choose to elect him. There Will be no Dearth of Political Candidates. Last week when W. H. Hitch cock Publisher of the World Herald announced himself as candidate for United States Senator on the democratic tick et it was general supposed that as his announcuicnt would put a quietus on the possibilities of W. J.- Bryan and W. H. Thompson Mr. Hitchcock would have a clear field. But such docs not seem to In- his lot. W. B. Price of Lin coln who does not drink out of the same canter of the Omaha democrats announces himscl : democrat and populist candidate on the Bryan platform. The candidacy of Mayor Dahlman of Omaha for governor and congressman W. H Hitch cock of the World fjera f ° United States Senator has forced the county option issue to the front in the democratic ranks. W. H. Prices announcement that he will be , a democratic am populist candate for Unite < States Senator , subject , only to the possible candidacy of Wl J. Bryan is an indication if not a direct imitation that the Lin coin Bryanites will not submit to the Dahlman and Hitchcock plan of mixing their drinks for them this year. Speaker Cannon Deprived of Power. The fight that has been a matter of general discussion no only in the House of Congress Imt through out the land for the past two years met its culmina tion Saturday , succeeding a con tinuous session of twenty four hours Friday previous. The termination of the conten tion was effected upon the mo tion of Congressman Norris of Nebraska which provided for reorganization of the committee on rules of six republicans and four democrats , omitting the speaker from the committee. The motion carried by a vote of 182 to 160. Jt was only through the united support of the democrats that tiic insurgents were able to win. The prime object of the demo crats was to aid in widening the breech in the republican ranks , from which they.hoped to secure j political guin. In this they were disappointed in their first move. Oi a motion by Uurleson of'lVxisto declare the office of Speaker vacant with the view of placing Champ Clark in the chair , a signal defeat was scored. Although Sp.-akur Can non invited the motion the insur gent republicans fell in line with the regulars and defeated the mo tion with a greater m j irity then they had carried the motion for removing the Speaker from the committee on rules. Speaker Cannon is a man of recognized ability by both friends and opponents. In his position he wcilded a power so great that all legislation was largely con- troled by him. He is of the Stone Wall Jackson type and not disccte in wisdom in cleccrning the rights of others. He has no one to blame for his down fall more than himself. The auto- ctatic manner in which he cxer cised his power enganerdcd a eeling among the members that wad culminative with years of coercion , which he augmented ) y personal ostracism df those who dared oppose him It was only the loyalty to ? arty that held the majority of lis own party with him. As party pledges can only be enacted in law by the united vote of its members many feared the result of revolutionary measures. In this they were in a measure justified as no one is worthy of the support of his party unless he is true to the principles of his party that placed him in position yet this loyalty does not deprive one of maintaining his personal convictions or from taking cx- ception'to means and methods to accomplish political ends. Yet in this , one can go to far. The great danger now is ol the so called insurgents being able to realize the seriousness o their newly attained prominence They can not expect the as sistance of their late allies , the democrats to enact into law the pledges of tne republican party neither can they decline to co operate with the majority ot their party and impell defeat of ad ministration measures. Their constituents will no condone sulking in camp. They must now prove them- seves true to the principles upon which they were elected and true to the anministration or make in their minds to bid adieu to the ! high positions they now hold. No creature is greater than his creator nor is it safe for an individual to assume to be great er than the party that promote him. County Board Proceedings ( Continued from last week , ) Friday , March llth. ATKKNOON SKSSION Board met at 1 p. ui. with a ] members present. The request of J. B. Dunn fo the appointment of two con stables for Delight township wa read , and the clerk instructed to refer the matter to the township board of said township. It was moved and carried tha that the section and townshi ; line , commencing at the quarte section corner on the south side of sec. 31 , twp. 16 , R. iy , run ning thence cast three-fourth miles , intersecting the W. R Tennantt road be declared a pub lie highway , and the clerk direct ed to advertise same , The committee made the fol lowing report. In the matter of the petition o Albert R. Knudsou et al. , for the establishment of a road in town ship iy R. 19. We , your committee , recoui mend that the petition be grant ed , and damages allowed as fol lows : C. w , chapman as stipulated r.A 00 O. Knglelard as stipulated 60 0 II , llnglelanl as stipulated 75 ex i : . A. lull M stipulated. . . 15 00 H. & K , Ktmdhon as stipulated 3000 ll.Kumlonforfence itX ) oo All to be levied on Road Distric No. 2 Lillian township. Road to be 40 feet wide. s We also recommend that the petition of C R Demirg et al for the establishment of a read in T. 14 R. 24 , be granted and allowed a" follows : Henry Sclirelbos for land fence . $139 00 11. U. liruga for land and fer.ce tit 12-14- si . . 125(0 ( Edwin Flock for land fence In l-H-24 . . US 00 Julia A. Steveus for land and fence In N\V 1-14-21 . 12500 All to be levied on Road Dibt- ict No 3 DHif/ht township. ' , K > Doming for land and fence . ICi CoTe To be icvird on 15. im township ? t > ad to beIQ feet wide. And that in the matter of the > etition ot John Zoerb , et al for he establishment and vacation f a road in T. 16 II. 24 we rec ommend that the establishment ) e granted and the vacation re- ected and damages waived by consent * of petitioner Wcdeking ) rescnt Also that the petition of Joe lautnont et al , for the establish ment and vacation of a road in T. 18 R 20 , be granted and lamagi'S allowed as follows ! Jules Smcts for land and fence . $160 (0 Same to be levied against Road District No. 2 GarfieUl , Also that the petition of John Schukar et al. , for the establish ment of a road in T. IS , R. 24 , be granted. Also that the petition of R. L. Hriggs et al. , for a change in a road in T. 15 , R. 21 , be granted and surveyor directed to survey and change. Edward Foley Sr. , L. Cushman , J. E. Grint , Committee. Moved and carried that the. report be accepted and adopted as read and that the roads be and hereby are established as recom mended by the committee. Board adjourned at 5:30 : till g a. in. Saturday. Saturday , March 12 , 1910. Board met at 8 a. m. with all members present. It the matter of the transfers in the funds of the various school districts , the board considered the fbllowing resolution : - Whereas , there are remaining in the hands of the county treas urer various amounts to the cred it of special , bond , judgment and high school funds of various school districts within Custer county , and Whereas , these districts are receiving no benefits from same , be it therefore Resolved , by the chairman and board of supervisors , that the county treasurer be and hereby s instructed to make such transfers to the general fund in districts entitled to same. Moved and carried that the motion be adopted as read , and that the clerk be directed to fur nish the treasurer with a copy of same. The following resolution was read : Whereas , there is in the treas urer's hands an amount of money belonging to a special road fund in district No.l Lillian township , and Whereas , all bills have been duly paid as belonging to said fund , be it therefore Resolved , that the treasurer be and hereby is directed tu trans fer said amount from said special fund to the general township fund , for the benefit of said road district No. I , in said township. Moved and carried that the resolution be accepted and adopt ed as read. The committee on erroneous and delinquent tax made the fol lowing report : . We your committee recommend that the following claims be granted : Stewart Lanterman , refund poll tax ( pensioner ) , f2 w U. K. Cos , refund erroneous assessment. 5 40 A. H Hhenard , poll tax refund , overSO yeai old. . , . , . . 2 od We also recommend that the treasurer be instructed to write tax sale certificate in the name of the county on lot 12 block 18 in the village of Westerville and assign the same upon the pay ment of the sum of * 10. And upon the application of Win. D. Grant , we recommend that he be refunded the sum of 23 cents on receipt No. 7618 and that the snm of 54 cents be trans- Oor shipments of Sp ing Wallpaper arc now in , and our > inc Is most com plete , with patterns and prices to please. Before papering give our line an inspection--No trouble to show. J. G. KAEBERLE Druggist. Custer County Land Man If you have a snap in a iartn , or ranch for sale list with me. If you want to buy a snap in a farm or ranch , come and see me. Phones , office 42 , resi dence 129. CHAS. W BOWMAA' BROKEN Bow , NEB. ferred from the school district fund of district 258 to the school district fund of district 277. And in compliance with the certificate of Garland E Lewis , GJ. Supt. , we recommend that the county treasurer be instruct ed to transfer to the credit of general fund of school district No. 270 the following amounts to-wit : From District No. 2 $31 00 Krora Ulsttlct No , 18 4 Sit Prom District No. 120 2070 From Ulsirlct No. 12 < i 12637 And that the claims VV. M. Davis and Peter Peterson be re jected for various reasons. And that Wheeler & Stone be refunded the sttoi of $19.17 by reason ot erroneous assessment. And that F. C. Embree be re funded the stun of $2.50 on re ceipt No , 6133 , by reason of hav ing paid poll tax on receipt No. 6134. 6134.Moved Moved and carried that the re port of the committee be accept ed and adopted as read. The finance , poor farm , court house and jail committee made the following report : We , your committee , recom mend that the following claims be allowed : Dlcrks Lur. & coal Co. , material for vault $222 10 J.V. . Orucc & Son , labor 8350 I. H , Harcus , setting hvonuu for court " house , 095 w. o. 1'urcell I'tK ro supplies us 30 WO. . 1'urcell l > tir. C < > , printing for special election 01 40 Dan Keclln , labor 45 Oo We also recommend ttiat the following bonds be approved : Farmers & Merchants Bank , Comstock. Chas. A. Smith , contract and bond for cleaning court house grounds. Edward Foley Sr. , Ben P. Morrif , L. Cushman , Committee. Moved and carried that the re port of the committee be accept ed and adopted as read. Board adjturned at 12 m. till 1 p. m. APTllKNOON SHSSION Board met at 1 p. in. with a'l ' members present. Chairman Morris reported that the insurance troney due from the various companies on account of the burning pf the court house , has been turned over to the county treasurer , and said treasurer's receipt for thirteen thousand dollars * ' ( > 13,000.00) was duly filed with the county clerk. Supervisor Dewey offered the following resolution : Whereas , the destruction of the court house bv fire leaves the county records in a condition 75S MK82i1KK aiCKKKy XMXH X > li .KXSni DR. GEO , F. BARTHOLOMEW Physician , Surgeon and Occulist Prices AS reasonable as are consis tent with good work. Phone 61 Office at Hospital. x sjas KsrKsKsswR ! ; sKKS2s5 : Send Y.our Abstract Orders to J. CK Leonard , Bonded Atstracter Office in Security State Bank Building "MEM i. L. Turner Lbr. Co. Lumber , Posts , Shingles General Building Supplies Phone 79 RATE TOURS SPRING and SUMMER B9IO Plan now a 5,000 mile summer tour of the coast , ? ee the far west with its diversified sections broadening under scientific cultivation ; visit its incomparable cities with their environment of intensive land wealth. A Coast Tour is a broad education nnd thp wnrlfl'o ur ntpuf roil innrn * Eouncl trip , central Nebraska to California or Pu get Sound , via direct routes , June 1st to Sept 30 Round trip on special dates each month from Apr.J to July , inclusive. Higher one wav through California , Portland and Seattle. One way , eastern and Central Nebraska to San Francisco , Los Angeles , " San Diego , Portland , Tacoma , Seattle , Spokane , etc. , March 1 to April 15. > Proportional rates from your town. Consult nearest ticket ngent 1 or write me freely asking for publications , assistance , etc. , stating rather definitely your general plans. L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A. 1004 Farnam Street. Omaha Nebraska. HIT ? .If not , does it not cause you a certain feeling of envy toward your neighbor who always pays his bills by check ? Don't you think it a good time rijjht now , to start an account with a bank whose DEPOSITS AKE GUARANTEED ? Come in and let us talk it over and show you some of the ad vantages of doing business with us. W , A. anORQE , president JULES IIAUMONT , Vice President L. II. JBWETT , Cashier U. D. PICICETT , Asst. Cashier Always Something Left In your pocketbook when you buy your lumber and coal of us. We can save you money on your lumber bill. How do we know ? Because we save money for our customers every day. "We would like to save money for you. We can make you money by buying coal of us as we have the stock to choose from. Let us fill your coal bin next time. DIERKS LUMBER & COAL CO. Phone 23. J. S. Molyneux , Manager , likely to result in great damage and loss the county , and to the individual property owner resi dents of the county , and Whereas , the proposition sub mitted to the electors of the county at a special election held on the first day of March , ' 1910 , calling for an appropriation of a five mill levy to enlarge and re build the court house , so destroy ed , has been defeated by a ma jority of the qualified electors of of said county voting thereon , and Whereas , there is available at the sum of S13.000 fire insurance money paid into the treasury of the county as insurance on the court house so destroyed , and Whereap , the county attorney of thia county is in .an opinion filed with this board , concerning the powers and duties of said board of supervisors , holds that it is within the power of the board to repair and restore the building to its former condition , and