Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 24, 1910, Image 2

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    , J 9
Taking Lydia E.Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
SabattiiR , Maine. " Toil told mo to
tnko Lydia K. Mnkham's Vcuotnhlo
Compound and
Liver Pilla before
child-birth , and wo
nro all surprised to
BCO how much peed
it did. My physi
cian said ' Without
doubt it wna the
Compound that
helped you. ' I
thank you for your
kindness in adviBintr
raonndrivo you full
permission to UBO
my name in your testimonials. " Mrs.
H. W. ALrmiKTr , , Box 3 , Sabattus , Mo.
Another Woman Helped.
GranUovilleVt "Iwas passing
from nervousness and other annoying
cympt oms. Lydla E. Pinkham's Vcgo-
tabJoCouipoundrestorcdmy health and
strength , and proved worth mountains
of gold t < rme. Per Iho sake of other
euifering women I am willing you
should publish my letter. " Mrs.
CIIAW.IS UAJICLAY , ll.F.D. , Granite-
rillp. Vt . f
Women who arc passing through
this critical period or who are suffer.
ing from any of these distressing ilia
l ° ctiHar to their sex should not lese
flght of the fact that for thirty years
Lydia B Plnkharn's Vegetable Com
pound , which ia made from roots and
herbs , has been the standard remedy
for ffmnie ilia. In almost every com-
raiinity you will find women who
liavo been restored to health by Lydia
J3. ilnkham's Vegetable Compound ,
Trial Bottle ET * a By Mail
If yea eaffcr from KpIIepsy. Flte , Falling Blcfcncss ,
fipatrap , or hnvo children that do to , my Nevr Dla-
covcry will irllcvo tiicm , nml all you arc aikrd tc
do 1 t o ccnfl t or aFreo Trial 2 Bottle of Dr. Mny'i
It li&fi cured Uinneftndi vrhcro everything ci
Jnllfd. Gimrnntrtil by M y Medical Lauorato j
Under Pine Fond and Drue * Act , Juno tOih , 1000
Ouarnnly No. JRD71. Pleaio wrlto forBwclnll'rei
e Dcntlo ami plvo AGE nud complete nddrcis
DR.V , II. MAY , 548 Pearl Street , Now York.
1'Ieate location UiU piper. UniggliU fill onlen.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Cn quickly bo overcome by 7
Purely vegetable
act lurtly nml
cenlly on the
fiver. Quo
Bilioutnctj , .
Head ,
che ,
- jr * *
new , and Indigalion. They do iheir duly.
Smalt Pill. Smnll Doie. Small Price.
GENUINE murt bear lign&ture :
Wltnt Piof. Gliaw , the Wall-Known Agr !
culturlat , Soya About Iti ' i i
"I would oonor ratio cntllo In VTntorn
Ouoada thao In tlio corn bell of
the Dnltod Htnt < j . rood
we , ii cheaper and cllinnto
Iliottor for the purporo.
[ Your market nil ) 1m.
Iprore faiter than roar
farmer ! nlll produce the
inppllcf. Wheat ran be
grown up tothoGOthimr-
ullol IfiW ) inllci north of
I the Infos-national Iwiuid *
| arl. Your vacant land
lulll l > o taken at n into
| ll > cionil proKont couccp-
Btlon.o hnve onouuli
Bnoplo In the Unltod
Into * nlono who want
| liomcatotakoupthliland. " Hftrlj
70,000 Americans
n 111 i-ntrrnnd innlco tlirlr lioinci
In Uittorn CaniulutliU jrnr.
1UUU produced nnolhcr Inriro
crop ofvlivnt , enl nnd bur Icy ,
in mlilltlon tanlilch thot-ntlfo
vziKirla win nil IniniPiiM ) lH tn ,
Outtlo ral lnE , dalrjlnc. mtiad
fanning nnd crntn crowlnn In the
province ! of Alnnllouu , batluit-
cliowun nnd Alln-rtn.
. l-reo lioiuctUMul und pro-tinp-
lion nreivf. n Tioll n lanJi hold
! > ) railway and land oomt.nnlM.wUI
lirovldo hoinci for nillllonn.
Adnptablo anil , lindtliful cll-
inato. uplt-iiilld rchooli nud
rJiiirclieii. nnd eood rnllwnT .
for ( oulen1 lotrn. dencrlrUro
Jltoratnre "Itt ISoti Wo t. " how
to reach tnn country and other pnr.
UcuUr * . nrlto to tjup't of linml.
Bratlon. Ottawa. Canada , or to the
Canadian Uorurnmuut Agent ,
Boom 4 Bei Bldz. Omihi.Kib.
( Ueo .udrnaneareitjron. ) ( ] )
! . tt. .
' ' " * u"n > " " Wuklilnxton
i.1. , >
. . , .
U.U. Kkt U r IJwt refi-rtacci
is the word to remember
\vfiea you need a remedy'
The Glister County Republican
D. M. AMSBERRYt Editor
Home and Foreign Intelligence Con
densed Into Two and f-'our
Line Parngrapha.
Premier Awiulth announced lu the
house of commons that the resolutions
conccrnlnu the IIOIIHO of lords which
nro to he suhmlttcd by the govern
ment on March 19 ! would Include a
proposal for shortening the durntiou
of parliament.
Dr. Doyden , the French. wclcnllBt ,
and Captain Van Liingcnilouck of the
Belgian army fought a duel at the Hip
podrome at Nice , France. At the
second attack Dr. Doyden pricked the
captain's right forearm , whereupon
the seconds otoppcd the comhal. The
duelists wore reconciled.
The department of justice will ac
I ccpt the offer mtulo hy Pierre Qiirvcn ,
prosecutor of HiiilHon county , Now
Jersey , to furnish the government
ovliloncc , ho lias on hnnil In the heel
trust case and has asked htm to fop
I ward to Washington copies of the
Indictments recently found there.
A new hill providing for the erec
tion of American embassies abroad
was reported hy Representative Low-
den from the foreign affairs commit
tee. The hill , which takes the place
of tlio ono defeated on the door of
the hoimo last Wednesday , provides
a limit of $ IGO,000 for any ono build
ing , including grounds and furnish
A company of distinguished Brit
ons , with many American residents ,
gave a Immiuot In London to Former
Vlco President Charles W. Fairbanks ,
under the auspices of the Pilgrim so
ciety. The Earl of Snlshiiry presided
despite his eighty-four years and
talked eloquently of Hunker Illll and
Anglo-American friendship of late
days. The speech of the uvonln ; ; wag
niado by Mr. Fairbanks.
, J ( j
TWe'stoiirtlitTpedcstrlaii , Is now iTlk-
lug through Kansas.
Roosevelt's arrival at Khartoum
was the occasion for much enthus
Congress will look Into butler
prices , hut that won't change the
Hogs established a new top record
In South Omaha Saturday , reaching
President Tail's congressional pro
gram is hy no means certain of being
can-led out.
President Tnft Is soon to sound the
party slogan for the next congression
al campaign.
Kx-PrcBldcnt Roosevelt positively
declines to discuss European or Am
erican politics.
Crude drugs , dyes and chemicals
comprise a large portion of the United
States Import trade.
The Standard Oil company Illed anew
now brief In reply to the suit against
St In the supreme court.
A run on a Cleveland savings bank
was mot by prompt payment of all
depositors who appeared.
Congressman 0. M. Hitchcock has
formally announced his candidacy for
the United States somite.
Weary of the long strife , the people
of Philadelphia have united In a de
mand that the strike end.
On account of railroad washouts ,
wagons arc being used for the trans
portation of malls In Nevada.
Convicts In the penitentiary at
Plttsburg , Pa. , maintained composure
while n 11 ro raged llfty feet away.
Pressure Is strong for uio passage
of the McCall bill providing for the
publicity of campaign contributions.
At Boxboro- . C. , John Wagstaff ,
his wlfo and eight children colored ,
wcro burned to death in a IIro which
destroyed their home.
The Manitoba government Satur
day Issued $2,000,000 In bonds for the
purpose of making a start at buying
out the present elevator systems In
the province.
More than 6,000 steerage passengers
have left Southampton for the United
Slaten within a fortnight , breaking
all records. Kvory steamer has taken
her full capacity.
Harney Oldileld , with his 200-horse
power 13enz , showed great form at
Dayton , 0. , by driving a mile In 27 2-G
seconds , which Is four-llftha of a second
end better than the world's record.
At Chicago United States Commis
sioner Mark A. Fete ordered the do-
portatlon of Uob Lcong , of El Paso
Texas , convicted last summer before
Judge Landla of smuggling Chinese
Into this country.
During the funeral of Senator Platt
lu Now York from 10 to 12 o'clock the
United States Express olllco waa
St. lAiils was selected for the next
bowling tournament.
Huddled down In their abandoned
eloigh , two women nnd a little child
wcro found frozen to death lu South
Dakota ,
W. L. Parks of Iho Union Pacific
has been elected vice president of the
Illinois Contra.
The department oC Justice has ac
cepted Prosecutor Oarvcn'H offer to
f fnd evidence on the beet Irnnt.
Senator Burkott nays ho Is confi
dent of re-election and will depend
upon the rank Illo of the party.
Nicholas Tschalkovsky was acquit
ted and Madame BrcHhkovfikaya sen
tenced to exile , In St. Potersbmg.
Three of the defendants with Ma-
bray in Council Bluffs pleaded guilty
and tow may turn state's evidence.
The taking of toHtiinony was con
cluded in the trial of Tschalkovsky
and Madame Brcshkovshuya In St. Pe
All railroads In Nebraska received
a total revenue of over $50.000,000 for
freight and passenger service during
the year ] 00i. !
Champ Clark , the leader of the
minority In the house of representa
tives , received congratulations on his
sixtieth bVthday.
General Estrada , the head of the
NIcaraguan revolutionary faction , Is
now ready to accept any reasonable
terms as a basis for peace.
Two hundred Kansas editors and
their wives wcro humiliated at Wichita
as the closing event oC the Kansas
state editorial association.
Announcement was made that the
American league baseball park at
Broadway and 108th tUreot will he
offered at once for private sale. It
IH intended to cut It up into 1&0 city
lots. The ground is valued at abou' '
Only ono of the large rltlcs of the
country , Chicago , showed so large an
Increase in the postal receipts at the
postofflcoH as did Kansas City , ao
cording to the figures for February.
Pat Crowe is In jail at Clinton , lu. ,
charged with an offoiiKo of Intoxica
tion. Crowe Is widely known as the
alleged kidnaper of young Cudahy.
Mrs. "Jack" Cudahy. whoso hus
band attacked Banker Jero Llllls at
Kansas City , said that she had re
ceived scores of offers to go on the
stage , but had declined them all.
Federal JudKO K. M. Landis oC Chicago
cage , sentenced violators of the feder
al laws regulating the manufacture
and Halo of oleomargarine. The court
Ilxcd the punishment of sAimucl Dries-
bach , who pleaded guilty , at a line
of $15,000 and six years imprisonment
in the Fort Loavonworth , Kas. , pen
Throe men wore killed and seven
wcro seriously injured In the collapse
of a brick wall , left standing as the
ruins of a lire which destroyed the
bolt works of M. Lun/ & Sons on the
south sldo at Plttsburg , Pa. , early
Tuesday morning. Twenty workmen
wore hurled In the debris , most of
whom wcro foreigners.
Robbers dynamited the nafo of the
Bank of Ednn , Kansas , securing an
nmouut estimated at $ : ! ,000 , and
escaped on a handcar after exclmng
Ing shots with a number of citizens.
Ono of the oltl/.cns waa nhot , but II
Is believed not scrloucly wounded.
Senator luirkett had added to the
Indian hill an amendment permitting
the claims of Omaha Indians to bo
submitted to the court of claims. He
also had added to the bill authoriza
tion for the construction of three new
buildings at the Genoa Indian school.
The cost will be between $15,000 and
The sum of $237.00 , spent by the
stale department last year In shoe
ing horses , was characterized as ex
travagance by Representatives Ham-
lln and Clark ( Mo. ) in the house.
They failed , however , to have the ap
propriation cut. "What should bo
said If wo undertook to curtail Iho
horseshoeing bill of the secretary of
state , whom we intrust with even the
great Question of whether wo shall
go to war ? " inquired Mr. Mann (111. ( )
Three ofllcorslio were attached to
the Twenty-tifth infantry at the time
of the shooting at Brownsville , Texas ,
hnvo been ordered before the military
court of Inquiry Investigating the af
fair here. Captain Edgar A. Macklln ,
Captain Samuel P. hyon and Second
Lieutenant George T. Lawson are thee
o Ulcers.
The postoffico appropriation ulll ,
jarrylng nppropriutlom ; aggregating
$211.000,000 passed in the house , while
the senate disposed of the agricultural
bill with total appropriations of $3-
f.00,000. The .senate was In session
three hours , the house about five.
The proidcnt told a delegation of
Spanish war veterans that ho was
heartily In favor of the proposition to
raise the wreck of the Maine
Personal )
Mrs. "Jack" Cudahy bays If It wore
not for her children she would go on
the stage.
Victims of the Mahray swindle told
their stories in the federal court at
Council Bluffs.
James A. Patten was given a hostile
reception In the cotton exchange at
Manchester , England.
Former United States Senator
Thurston , while In Omaha , said he
would take part In the Nebraska cam
paign next fall.
Representative Hiushaw of Nebras
ka declines ( o commit himself ns to
his candidacy for re-election to con
gress ,
In a brief lllcd In Iho supreme court
Former Senator Forakor attacks the
constitutionality of the corporation
tat law.
1'ho president may use his inrtuenco
with the house to enact Into the sen
ate postal savings bank bill a feature
ho naked for ,
The Enactment Cutting Them Is Not
Invalid Other Matters at the
Capital of the State.
In hie answer to the complaint of
the Chicago , MlnneunollB , St. Paul & .
Omuhu railroad , which alleged In the
federal court that the rates provided
In the legislation enacted In 11)07 )
were conllscatory , Attorney General
Thompson HIO\VH In llguren a compar
ison of the earnings In 190- and 190 ! )
and also a eoniimrlson of the rates
now charged In Nnhrnakn and In other
The milt hua tt > do with the 2-cent
faro law nud tlio Altlrleh freight rate
law , which decreased frolght rates 15
per cent.
Discussing frolght rates , UIP an
swer says :
"The rates provided for the trans
portation of lumber in carloads in
Nebraska IH 11.9 cents per 100 poundy
per 100 miles ; in Iowa the rate is
0.3 cents per 100 pounds per 100
miles. The rate on wheat In Nebras
ka la 11.4ft cents ; In Iowa it is 8.1
cents. The rate on corn In Nebras
ka Is 10.2 cents , while In Iowa it is
0.8 cents. On cattle the rate In Ne
braska is 13.11 cents , while in Iowa it
Is 10 cents. The rate on hogs In Ne
braska Is 17 cents , while in Iowa the
rate Is 11 cents. The rate on apples
In Nebraska Is lil.t ; cents , while In
Iowa the rate Is S.-l cents. The rate
on potatoes In Nebraska Is 11. ! ) cents ,
while in Iowa the rate Is 7.1 ! cents.
The rate on coal In Nebraska Is $1.0 : !
per ton , while in Iowa the rate Is 71
cents. "
The answer sots out that while the
revenue from iutrastate freight ship
ments has been Increased since the
law wont into cfl'ect , the expense of
operation has not boon increased. The
revenue from Intrastate shipments
for the year ending June 30 , 190S ,
was $430,359.75 and for 190 ! the reve
nue was $057,149.2 : : .
The earnings of the freight depart
ment for the year ending Juno 30 ,
1907 , amounted to $1,202,353.79 , while
for the year 1900 the revenue was
The freight earnings in Nebraska
for tho. year ending June 30 , 1007 ,
amounted to $1.79 1-10 per train mile ,
while for the year 1909 the earnings
per train mile amounted to $1.827.
The earnings per ton of freight han
dled in Nebraska in 1907 amounted
to $1.23 ; in 1909 the earnings per ton
of freight amounted to $1.47. The
freight earnings per ton mile in 1907
amounted to 1(5.5 ( mills , while in 1909
the , earnings amounted to 17.03 mills.
This amount , the answer says , was
almost double the average earnings
of the entire line , 9.03 mills.
The operating revenue of the rail
road for Nebraska In 1907 was $1-
725,298.1(1 ( , while for 1909 the operat
ing revenue was $1,807.738.42. The
expenses for 1907 were $1,199,581.1)5 )
and for 1909 the expenses were ? ! , -
231,933.21. The net income for the
business done in Nebraska in 1907
was $525,710.51 and for 1909 It was
$585,803.21. The net income from
operation for 1907 per mile was $1-
854.91 , and for 1909 the net income
was $1,899.5(1. (
Governor Folk to Talk.
Ex-Governor Joseph \V. Folk of
Missouri will speak In Lincoln in
August during the 15pworth assembly.
Want Governor to Investigate.
The mysterious disappearance of
O. P. Hamilton from the town of
Mullen has caused a number of cit
izens of that place to illo affidavits
indicating foul play with Governor
Shallenhorger. The affidavits very
evidently suspect that Hamilton has
been murdered , because ho assisted
secret service agents of the govern
ment who were Investigating charges
of land frauds.
A mob burned Hamilton's team and
barn and wrecked his place of busi
Bishop Has Returned.
State Superintendent Hlshop has
returned from Indianapolis , where ho
attended the national meeting of su
perintendents and principals , and re
ported a most beneHclal mooting. Ne
braska was represented by about
thirty Instructors , and Superintend
ent Davidson of Omaha was elected
president. Mr. Bishop believes Omaha
will get the meeting for the year
after the coming meectlng. Mobile
gets the coming meeting.
State Institutions' Expense.
Land Commissioner Cowlcs has
prepared a quite lengthy tnble show-
lug the expenses of state Institution's
which arc under control of the state
board of public lands and buildings
for December , January and Febru
Deputy Warden Resigns.
.1 ami's Delahanty , for the last nine
years deputy warden at the state
penitentiary , has resigned , to take up
his residence on bin farm near Clay
Statistics Showing Revenues They
Have Received.
Statistics showing the revenue re
ceived by the railroads from the Halo
of tickets , freight forwarded and
freight received for the last year
shows the ambitious smaller cities ol
the state line up In this position :
Grand Island , llrst , $924,839.79 ; Fre
mont , second , $038,813.90 ; Beatrice *
third , $021,070.62 ; Hastings , fourth ,
$008,430.99 ; Kearney , llfth , $445,597.
22 ; Nebraska City , sixth , $424,939.12
In the above croup Nebraska City
shows a decrease of about $20,000
compared with the year before , while
Fremont shows a decrease of about
$30,000. The other towns mentioned
all show an Increase.
Compared with last year Omaha
and Lincoln show increases , whileSo
Omaha shows a decrease. For 1908
Omaha paid out to the railroads $10-
108,917.29 , compared with $10,392-
994.34 for the last year ; Lincoln paid
to the railroads In 1908 $3,030,930.08.
compared with $3.079,093.48. In 1908
South Omaha contributed $0,010,449-
99 , compared with $5,875,971.18.
Of the smaller cities Schuyler made
the greatest Increase of any town in
the state , Its Increase being $224,000.
In the amount of the increase Schuy
ler ranks next to Omaha , which In
creased Its expenditures with the
railroads some $284,000.
The total revenue for the entire
state received by all the railroads for
190S was $48,112,241.00. For 1909 the
total revenue amounted to $50,040-
187.75. Omaha and South Omaha con
tributed almost one-third of the rev
Alfalfa Rate Stays Down.
The Burlington railroad has been
refused permission to Increase the
rate on alfalfa hay from Scott's Bluff
to Omaha from 20 to 23 cents. The
order refusing this permission was
issued by the railway commission
a few days ago , after having received
protests from the Omaha Commercial
club and the Omaha Alfalfa Meal
It was set out by the company thai
when the Peters company's plant at
Omaha burned some time ago the
rate on alfalfa hay was reduced from
23 to 20 cents per 100 for the benefit
of that company. Now that the com
pany has got on its feet again the
railroad desires to restore the old rate ,
and with its application was filed a
statement from the Peters company
waiving objection to the Increase.
Those who protested , however , set
out that the Peters company had
established mills out In the state and
was now shipping to Omaha the fin
ished product and no longer was it
interested in the rate on alfalfa hay.
Missouri Pacific to Fight.
The Missouri Pacific railroad will
fight the Hartos act , which provides
that railroads shall maintain at de
pots a telephone for the convenience
of the public. That IH if the railway
commission insists upon * the installa
tion ot a telephone at Burr.
Night Races at Fair.
The state fair board Is figuring on
having races at the state fair this
year. The plan is to have the races
and a display of llroworks each even-
Ing. Heretofore the board has been
having the fireworks put on by n
company , but it has discovered that
It can put on the show itself and thin
will be done this year.
Conservatiop Congress.
The state conservation congress ,
called by Governor Shallonberger to
be held in Lincoln the last of March ,
promises to he a big meeting. The
committee chosen to arrange the de
tails have issued notice regarding the
number of delegates to be chosen by
the different political divisions and
elected officers.
Many Autos Registered.
Pleasant weather has turned the
minds of many people to automobiles.
Tl-o secretary of state Is 'reglpterintj
twenty and fifteen a day.
Telephone Company Request.
The Lincoln Telephone company
has asked permission of the railway
commission to sell stock to the
amount of $355,800. Of this amount
$20,000 will bo spent In Gage county
and the remainder will be spent Ir
and around Lincoln.
Express Rates on Ponies.
It Is just ns cheap now to ship an
undersized pony by express as It ID
to express an oversized colt. The
railway commission Issued an ordetf
that hereafter Iho express companies
should charge $5 fet shipping a 700-
pound pony or a colt not crated , and
where crated and the weight Is 900
pounds the charge shall be the same.
If the express companies handle the
shipment each shall receive $2,50. If
the animal weighs more than 700
pounds It Is to ho expressed as a
horse and given the horse rate.
Insurance Rates Differ.
State Auditor Barton la making an
effort to prevent discrimination In
rates charged for fire Insurance by
companies In Nebraska. He has re
ceived evidence that many companies
charge less for a policy In some local
Itles than In others on the same class
of risks and even in the same local
ities ho has evidence that there IB
discrimination. It has been reported
that while there Is a rate war on at
Hastings Insurance Is being wrlttea
for 10 cents a hundred , while in Lin-
i oln the rate is $1 20 a hundred
"Who wrote Iho dictionary ? "
"I don't know , but I bet he couldn't
explain things to his wife when ho got
home at 3 a. m. any better than any.
body else. "
Famous Cough and Cold Prescription
Has Cured Hundreds Here.
"Get two ounces of Glycerine and
half an ounce of Concentrated Phie
compound. Then get half a pint of
good whiskey and put the other two in
gredients into it. Take a teaspoonful
to a tablespoonful of this mixture after
each meal and at bed time. Shake the
bottle well each time. " This la said to
be the quickest cold and cough remedy-
known. It frequently cures the worst
colds In twenty-four hours. But be-
sure to get only the genuine Concen
trated Pine. Each half ounce bottle
comes put up in a tin screw-top case.
Don't use the weaker pine prepara
tions. Any druggist has it on hand or
will quickly get it from his wholesale
Fldo'o Portion.
"DIdyou give the scraps of meat to
the dog , Norah ? "
"You forgot , mum , that we'd quit
eatin' meat , mum , but Ol glvo th1 haste
th' carrot tops an * pertaty parin's. "
Los Angeles Express.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle ol
CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy-for
Infants and children , and see that it
Dears the
Signature of (
In Use For Over 3O Years7
The Kind You Have Alv/ays Bought.
"It seems to mo that your husband
Is not of a very even temper. "
"Oh , he certainly is. Ho growls the
whole time. " Hire.
If You Are a Trifle Sensitive
About the Blze of your uhoc , umny people
wear smaller shoes by uslnu Allen's Foot-Eahp ,
the Antiseptic Powder to uhakc Into the Hliot-p.
It cures Tired , Swollen , Aching Feet and
plven rest anil comfort. Just the thing for
breakfnf ; In new nhocs. Sold everynupre , S5c.
Sample sent FKEE. AUdrctts , Allen S. Olnibte < 3 ,
Le Roy , N. Y.
Endurance is the crowning quality ,
and patience all the passion of great
hearts. Lowell.
Pettlt's Eye Salve 100 Years Old ,
relieves tired eyes , quickly cures eye ache * ,
inflamed , tore , watery or ulcerated PVCH.
All druggists or Howard Broa.BulTalOjN.Y.
It Is almost as easy to do good work
as poor work after you once
how , and much more profitable.
Acbft nil over ? Tliroat sere , wltUcliUlKY TInulM.i
Urlppc. 1'trry Dav'f I'.ilnUlIrr will break It nnir
ukcn I'roinptlr. ' All dealers , > o , SJo and 60c boUlrp
There is no wrong a man can debut
but Is a thwarting of the living right.
Thlt Ir LAXATIV15 1IHOMO QUiNINU. llw , ! , f. , ,
tlio Blgnatnrn of K. W. UUOWC. Uwd 1 tto Wet id
When the worst comes to the worst
one may as well try to make the best
of It.
Many -who used to smolce 10c ciearp
cow buy Lewis' Single Binder strai'cbt Oc.
The decay of poetry may ho Uuo lethe
the fact that RO much of It Is rotten.
If nEIctod with '
aulu erug , SSI Thompson's Eye Water