Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 24, 1910, Image 1

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, < ueter County IRepublican
Hugh McMillan Goes to Chicago to
Consult Specialist
Sunday Atternoon , at his home
Hugh McMillan noticed some
thing wrong in the actions of his
pet dog , and was standing over
it when suddenly the beast bit
him on the hand. The dog dis
appeared and has not been seen
since. Hugh went to Broken
Bow Monday night and consult
ed with Dr. Mullins , whp advis
ed him to go to Chicago. He
left ior that city Tuesday night.
This is hardly the season for a
dog to go mad , but exceptions
might happen and Hugh wishes
to take every possible precaution.
( Dunning Booster )
S. A. Thomas Starts a Bank.
S. A. Thomas of Sutherland
was a city visitor Tuesday. He
informs us that he has secured
a charter for a bank at Suther
land , which he is planning to
have ready for business the mid
dle of April.
It is chartered with $10,000
paid up captial.
Mr. Chas. R. White of Suther
land cashier of the bank will
work in the Custer National bank
of this city in order to familiar
ize himself with , the banking
business until their bank is ready
to open .
Mr TJhomas is one of Broken
Bow's prosperous young men and
the REPUBLICAN predicts success
for him"in'his new enterprise.
more Capes , skirts and
waists for your inspection.
Kimin-Lucke Co *
David A. Snider of Anselmo
left last week for south eastern
Oregon with the view of looking
for a location. He is one of the
old timers ol Custer county.
Drop in at Konkel and inspect
those Sanitary Refrigerators they
are great ice savers as well.
A. M. Cook bought forty acres
of isolated land near bis ranch at
Linscott last week for $1.25 an
We are selling more shoes than
we ever hoped to. A fact that
means something. Kiffin-Lucke
George Miltonberger of Thed-
ford was in the city last week
transacting business at the U. S.
land office.
John Mutray of Des Moines ,
Iowa stopped in the city last
week on his way to Denver. He
stopped over here to visit with
relatives. He has been working
in the Iowa State Printery as
L. A , Smith went to Omaha
Saturday evening to enter a hos
pital for medical treatment.
Dr. Headrick will visit Broken
Row Tuesday March 28th.
Chronic diseases a specialty.
Consultation free
Just received another ship
ment of Rug's to add to our
already large assortment. Ken
kel the Furniture Man.
Mr. J. A. McMillan , county
clerk of Thomas County , accom
panied by his wife was down
from Thedford Monday.
Wm. Barrett has sold his fif
teen acre tract in the northeast
part of Broken Bow to Prof.
Elliott. The deed calls for $6000.
FOR SAI.B A fine resident
block one block south of ball
ground. Will sell by quarters
if preferred. B. W. Blair. 42-tf
Another invoice of Linoleum
are due to reach our store among
which will be some choice im
ported. Konkel the Furniture
Man ,
G. W. Wilde of Milburn arriv
ed in Broken Bov last Saturday
from Germany wbera he had
been several months visiting at
his old home.
See me about flour and all
kinds of feed. Bring me your
cream or anything you wish
to sell. Phone 409. Free de
livery. W. H. O'Rorke.
A. J. Elliott and wife of the
Grand Central hotel drove Uncle
Milo F. Young to Callaway Sat
urday in their auto Mrs. Stone
accompained Mrs. Elliott.
John Robertson went to Lin *
coin Thursday night to take ex
amination in fhe civil service.
He returned Saturday night well
pleased with his prospects.
Jas. A. Smith of Purdam was
in the city last week. He states
that Guisby who located in his
vicinity hailing from Broken Bow
left that part of the county with
family for Wisconsin ,
The Merna Postal Card reports
that electric lights are being
installed in nearly every store ,
office and home in Merna and
that the electric light plant is
expected to be in operation with
in a month.
Debate , "Resolved that Labor
Unions are on the Whole Bene
ficial. " Ravenna High School
vs. Broken Bow High School ,
First debate of the West Central
Nebraska Debating League ,
Friday April 8th.
Just received 50 mats in 1 yd.
length for sunbonnet and hearth
purposes. On sale Saturday at
ISc. One to a customer. Kiffin-
Lucke Co.
Old papers for sale at this
Azalea A beautiful plant full of rich red bloom.
Call and see it - only $5.00
Caster Lilies While they last , per bud only 20c
Ferns An excellent assortment , - 35-60
* i ! Dutch Hyacinth In full bloom , each - 35c
Rex Begonias Bargains for - 36c
Spireas A dwarf shrub with white , fragant
bloom 76c
, - - only
The Eagle Grocery Store , j
The Square Deal Store Phone 58 J
Sunday School Convention.
The County Sunday School
Convention will be held at Brok
en Bow on March 31st and April
1st , The Sessions will be held
in the Methodist church , and we
arc all given a hearty welcome ,
and the interest shown at this
date promises the best conven
tion we have ever had. Every
Sunday School in the county
.should have at least one dele
gate in attendance. Rev. Chaa.
I , Lewis , the State General
Secretary , is well posted on the
Adult Department of the school
and will be ready to answer all
your questions. His "His Better
Engines and Hotter Fires" will
stir you to do bigger and better
things. You will want a dele-
rate from the Adult Department'
n your school to hear him. His
Heart of a Boy" will be helpful
to solution of the boy problem.
Miss Margaret E. Brown , the
State Elementry Superintendent ,
presents the work with the child
ren in her own charming and con
vincing way. Her "Little Peo-
> le , Big Plans , and Proven Possi-
) ilities" will make you want to
be a teacher of Little People.
You must have a delegate from
the teachers of children ,
Wm. Pursell of Mason City
was transacting business in the
city today. He returned recent-
y from a trip to Texas and
Our lining department is com-
jlete in every detail , including
Vere de Vere and Heatherbloom
at 35c. Why pay more. Kiffin-
L uckQ.Co. " \ * *
W. H. Russell formerly of
Broken Bow is visiting in the
city with old acquaintances.- .
Russell informs us that he has
been in Sioux Falls S , D. - the
past seven years.
More dress trimmings by cx-
> ress which makes our line more
complete then ever. We beleive
we can furnish trimmgs for any
yown from wash goods to the
inest satin. Kiffin-Lucke Co.
David A. Snider of Anselmo
ast week purchased 80 acres of
government land for which he
laid 16.00 an acre , the highest
mce an isolated tract has solder
or at the Broken Bow land of-
: ice for some time.
Mr. Swan proprietor of the
Star Theater went to Excelsior
Springs Mo. , for treatment , last
Wednesday night. Mrs. Swan
accompanied him as far as Lin
coln but when she got home ; , a
telegram requesting her to come
at once was waiting her.
A surprise was given at tbe
Chas. Braman home last Wed
nesday evening when about
twenty-five friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Towsley gathered
to bid them farewell as they soon
leave for Broken Bow. A fine
time was enjoyed by all. Merna
Postal Card.
W. P. Rogers and wife return
ed the latter part of last week
from Texas and Oklahoma where
they spent the winter. Mr
Rogers reports having had a fine
trip .They returned by the way
of Alma , Nebraska to visit their
daughter Mrs. Sam Clayton.
Mr , Clayton has charge of a store
there that belongs to C. O. Lind
formerly of this city.
Sarah Wathena Brown and her
Chicago Boy Choir will give their
concert at the Opera house Fri
day Apr. 1 1910. This will be
the last number of the lecture
course. Mrs , Brown is a bar-
piste of national fame and the
boys give a novelty concert.
Seats will be on sale March 30 ,
31 and Apr. 1 at Holcombs Book
store and at Stockhams Furni
ture store ,
Elton News.
Peter Govcarts lost a valuable
horse one day last week ,
Jules Haumout of Broken Bow
visited with relatives Saturday
and Sunday.
Wm. Mclntosh and wife were
Broken Bow visitors'Saturday.
Paul Hautnont and Albert
Kleeb shipped their cauUi to
Qmaha the first of the week.
'The infant son of Lex Govcarts
has been very sick with pneu
Arthur Cookaley , Sr. , has pur-
chasd the John Barnes farm.
Sadie and Anna Cooksley visited -
ed with Joaie and Blanche Harold
Orfello News.
Ida Ingrain visited friends at
Msrna and Broken Bow last
Mr. Morgan's and Chas. Hos-
tick's visited at Mr , Borabarger's
H. R. Ashbaush and wife and
J. K Kellenbaiker visited at A.
D. Hunt's Sunday.
, Will and Ben Becklcr and Bert
Waters visited with Purly
Jugram Sunday.
There will be a party at Mr ,
Hyatt's tonfght ( Tuesday ) in
honor of Miss Fannie bmith.
Blanche Milligan and Addie
Outton visited at James Milli-
gan's Sunday.
N. Jacquot has been quite sick.
"Eft. "Purcetf ' ana * Arle Grant
were callers at M. Ingram's Mon
day evening.
A. T. Hillman and E. Gift of
Linscott were in the valley the
first of the week.
Miss Lena Taylor visited at
Mr. Ingrain's Wednesday evening.
Jennie Ed wards spent Saturday
and Sunday with home folks.
Mrs. T. McDerraott is visiting
at James Milligan's.
Dick Heinpstead has moved on
his farm in the valley.
Fern Kentrill has started to
Prairie IlilL
Mr. Martin sold seven loads of
hogs Monday.
Mr. Howard and family visited
Sunday with Bert Reed's at
Fred Weesner and wife of
Dunning visited relatives in this
vicinity last week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
Uogaboom , a boy , on last Thurs
Esther Johnson of Broken Bow
visited Saturday and Sunday at
Mr. Longfellow's ,
A few from here attended the
dance at Ernest Shoup's Satur
day night.
A Musical will be given under
the auspices of the Ladies Aid
Society of the M. E. church , by
the faculty of the Nebraska
Weslyan University at the M E.
church Tuesday evening March
29 , 1910 , at which time the fol.
lowing program will be rendered :
a. T urllne H. Seeling
b. Polonaise A Plat op. & 3 F , Chopin
Johannes Magendanz
a. If Laws Severe from "The Jewess"
B. Halvey
b. Snowballs H. Dorn
c. Koine Rub Ilel Tag and Nacth from
"Dou Jaun"V. . A.uozar
Clemens Movlus
a. Three pieces by old Masters arranged
for Violin Willy Burraaster.
a. Aria C. P. Palestrlna
b. Gavotte j. PH. Ramcau
Mtnuetto W. A. Mozart
Ulrdon the Tree M. Hauser
Anton Stechele
Spinning Song H. Lltolff
Eu courant ( Running ) II. Qodard
Sextette from "Lucia dl Lammermoor"
( left hand alone ) Theo. Leschctltzy
Johannes Magendanz
Torreador song from Carmen G. Duct
a. RomanzalnQ L- Van ijeethoven
b. IlejreKatl J. Hubay
Anton Stechele
a. Lore Dream No. 3 F. Liszt
b. Hungarian Rhapsody NO. 14 F. Liszt
Johannes Magendanz
Admission , adults 25 cents ,
children under 15 , 15 cents ,
MARRIED Saturday March 19th
at 8 p , ui. Garland E. Lewis and
Miss Grace E. Lindley , at the
home of the brides parents , Mr.
and Mrs. Jameu Lindley of An-
sclmo Ncbr.
The bride is a lad > of culture
and refinement and a school
teacher by profession. For the
past three years she has been one
of the teachers of the city schools
of Broken Bow and enjoys the
high esteem of a large acquain
tance ,
The groom is a young man of
sterling qualities , a man of fine
education , natural ability and
holds the honored position of
county superintendent of schools
of Custer county. Both he and
his bride arc natives of Custer
county. He through his educa
tional work has a large acquain
tance in the county , and is held
in high esteem by those who
know him.
The wedding was a quiet affair ,
only immediate relatives were
present to witness the ceremony
which was solomizcd by Rev , A.
T. Norwood of Broken Bow.
A surnp'.ous supper was pro
vided by Mrs. Lindley which was
very much appreciated by those
Among the number of gifts re
ceived by the couple was a sub
stantial gift in cash prcsen ted to
the bride by her father.
After the festivitcs were over
they returned to Broken Bow in
an auto'aad commenced house
Their card announces they will
be at home to their friends in
Broken Bow after April l , 1910.
The RKPITULICAN joins their
many friends in extending con
Miss Florence Keller of Dun
ning was in the city last week
on a contest which she had
against Paul Larson. Mrs.
Frederick .Hcmmingsmeir of
Wagner accompiined her as one
of the witnesses.
Easter Sunday at 11:00 : a. in.
The Knights Templar will wor
ship with us. The program for
this occassiou will be suitable in
every particular. At 7:00 p. in.
The Cantata "Easter Evangel"
will be rendered. The arrange
ments is by E. S' . Lrenz , and
consists of both music and song
sters. The readings will be by
Mrs. J. E. Wilson , and a larger
chorus choir , drilled by Mrs.
Kern and Prof. Williams , with
MissBernice McCotnas. as organ
ist will sing. You are most cor
dially invited to attend these
( HtlfljJ IHlllfij Mfltlfllttl . < fJt
City Scales to be Sod. |
Scaled bids for the saleof the
City Scales , now in front of O.
H. Conrads * storcwill be received
up to April 9th. 1910 , by the
City Clerk. The right reserved
to reject any and all bids.
E. S. Holcomb ,
City Clerk ,
A big prairire fire is reported
in the sandhills that extended
from Whitman to Halscy yester
day and last night. A big loss
in stock , hay and buildings is re
Christian Church Z. 0. Dowartl , Pastor.
There will be special Easter
services at the Christian church
next Sunday morning and even
ing. At 11:00 : the Juniors will
will render an appropriate pro
gram , and at 7:30 there will be a
sermon on "Easter Thoughts , "
the second discourse of a scries
on this subject. In the evening
there will be a number of special
selections of music. Sand ay
School 10:00 : a. in ; Christian En
deavor services at 6.30 p. in.
M. E. Church. R. H. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
morning sermon 11:00 a , nr Jun
ior league 2:30 p. m ; Epworth
league 6:30 p. m ; evening sermon
7:30 : p. m ; E. L. Mission Study
Class , Wednesday 7:30 prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. m.
Come am\ worship 'withus you
will be a stranger in" theT'church
but once.
Baptist Church. A. T. Norwood , Pastor
E > ster services at the Baptist
church Sunday both morning and
evening , The morning service
will be in charge of the. young
people. Good music at both
services. Ladies come prepared
to remove your hats.
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
preaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior
union 3:00 : p. m.5 B. Y. P , U. 6:30
p. m ; preaching 7:30 : p. in ;
teachers' meeting Monday 7:30
p. m ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30
p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday
7:30 : p m ; Amoma class first and
third Saturday of each month
7:30 : p. m.
U. B Church S. M. Zike. Pastor
Sunday 'school 10:00 a. m ;
preaching 11:00 : a. m. subject
"Present Trials and Future
Glory. " Junior C. E. 3 p. in ;
preaching at 7:30 p. m. special
music. Cordial invitation to all.
0 cans Tin tie Tomatoes , extra
fancy goods. 20 oz. solid meat 81
Baby , blood red beets , an ap-
pltlzcr , two cans for 38
Regal oat Meal Toilet Soap , good
for complexion 13 calces for 95
Windsor Peaches 0 cans 1.03
" Apricots " 1.03
White cherries fl cans . .1.20
A Dainty stuffed olive , assort
ed , per bottle 15 * 33
Kamo Golden can Pumpkin
In 3 Ib cans just delicious , 3 cant
for - „ . 42
Spanish lied Pepper , Us hot , per
can 30
Blue Metrics , cans chock full of
fruit , tine for pies , 2 cans for ! W
Chick Food for little Chickens 33 cents a sick.
Oyster Shell $1.25 a hundred.
Poultry Panacea , keeps poultry healthy .25 & .00
Texas Stock Dip Oil only .20 a gallon.
Great For Hogs.
Shorts TBADE