THE QUS'JClpR COUNTY BEPOBLIOAl I THE LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK Gleaned for Yjour Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters Old papers cfor sale at this office. Dr. Bass , dentist , old location , over Bonder's drug store. New picture frames and mould ings at Konkel's The Furniture Man. Royal Underwear is dependable. We carry it for men , women and children. Kiffiu-Lucke Co. We carry the famous Kayser Silk gloves. None better. Colors to match your dress.Kiffin - Lucke Co. Rodger Lovelace and wife are the proud parents of a baby girl that arrived in their home Mon day morning , Some more new Itugs , Lace curtains , Porticrs and couch cov ers. Best assortment in town. Kiffin-LuckLCo , L , D. George went to Lincoln Tuesday morning to attend the interdenominational church con vention held there the 1546-17. Old papers for sale at this office. . Mrs. Maud Holcomb and Mrs. Nichols were passengers to Oma ha Tuesday evening , where they both go for operative work by a specialist of that place. Will Frey shipped eighty-two head of hogs to the Oimha mar- - ' 'ii- fir t i ) t k r 205 v i f % U. The l./dii's ol I be Chr iii i Church will hold tli > ir ; HH > UI , E later Market , Siiunliy , March 26th in I he Flick huildicg , fi-t ; side of the square. Dinner and supper 35cents each. The usual fancy articles will be on sile. Every body invited. 41-2 / Dr. Bartholomew was a pass enger for Omaha Tuesday even ing where he goes to attend the meeting of the Missouri Valley Medical Association which con venes there Wednesday , Thurs day and Friday. ' his is a so ciety with members from Ne- orasKa , ivansas , iowaiapd Missouri. To my friends and thp Public : Having sold my office building to litmus Anderson and 'bought J. M. Fodge's business and build ing , you will find me at that place doing business in the fu ture. Would be glad to see all my old friends and many new , ones. About onehalf block north , of pos'offu.1' , ? 9f < Chas W. Bowman , Tor Sale. OoH. . \ v-.ii v n , c minp 4 , and a sure loal getter. - One Black Staljiou , . coming 2 , weigh 1600 * abpu.t , . 31-32 Per- ( cherou , Address , Q ? H" HARBAUGH , 37-tf Broken Bow , Nebr. School Certificate. The last of a series of lour Teacher's meetings for the teach ers in the different quarters of Custer County , will be held at Callaway , Mar. 26th. The meet- ngs held at Broken Bow , Mason City , and Comstock have been a pronounced success. The aver age attendance at each meeting being about fifty. Interest is be ing aroused by these meetings in The Coming Junior Normal , and in the County Eighth Grade Ex amination and County Eighth Grade Commencement. The first Eighth Grade Examination will be held on Thursday and Friday March 24th and 25th. Arrangements have been made to hold them in a number of the rural districts as well as in all the graded schools of the county. All who successfully pass these examinations will be entitled tea a Free high school certificate as well as a county diploma. It is hoped that every eighth grade pupil in the county may secure a diploma. i Old papers for sale at this office. office.Drs. Drs. Farnsworth & Beck Dentists. See our 25 cent hat Window. Kiffin-Lucke Co. Best and largest assortment of rugs ever shown in Custer county at Konkel's The Furniture Man- WANTIJD , A young lady for bookkeeper and cashier , one that can run a typewriter. Inquire of Kiffin-Lucke Co 480 acre farm for rout 220 acres in cultivation. 2CO acres in pasture , small piece > f alfalfti , hay canyons and o d buildings , 39'tf VILUS CADWKU. Notice. Notice is hereby given that Joseph G. Alexander who has been with me and treated as a member of my family for ten years , has left my premises 14 miles south west of Broken Bow , been away since January 6th and refuses to return. I shall not stand good fori any debt he may contract. J. M' ' . WlMiM-KR Cliarldi PfcnnDeputy , Sheriff. . When.the county board cut the salarv of deputy , sherifli to $500 a \ ' f't Hiul K , \ r , . rvM'iiri.fl . , * HI ' i 11 i , 11 11 v. 11 . l' > n i' ' | i < i , , < i.i hi- * liotiit . .s ' , ( i | n v-1 IMI tin- cuuntj tio-ini ! a > i 11 k. Tintippnin m < nf'is-a ' goorjt onu and will meet the- general ap proved of his constituents. Custer. CollegeNotes > Mr. Fred-PurceJl has quit his work in Custer College is on his way to Clifton , Arizona where he expects to take a position in a large department store. Professor.Cpriiut1 was sick with the grjp ( last weuk. and was not abjeto be. intschouii the Ust three davs of the week * , Messrs. Charles , and E' Saint- have recently stopp.d . .heir school work , in , tobegin spring work at home. Mr. McKac h8 quit work a so. He expects , to work in connection with , the taking of the United States census. ' The boys are planning to have some gaznes of base ball soon. ! The Charapson Literary Socie" ty rendered a good program Monday evening : . The paper by Miss Bush was especially iuter- Tuesday. Surprised. A pleasant surprise -was perpe trated Saturday evening- upon Mr. and Mrs. Flovd WWnticr nt the home of his parents , Drs. L. E. and Geo. F. Wagoner ; on New Yorifc Ave. The occasion was in the nature o ± a farewell party , planned and carried out by a large number of their friends incident- the.- removal of Mr. and Mrs. Wagoner to their new hotna in Broken Bow , Neb. where Mr. Wagouer has secured a position on the Cttste r County Republican. He a-nd his wife , Mrs. Molby-Wagoner , will be greatly missecl by their circle of friends , and especially by the Baptist church of which they are both prominent members. One of the most enjoyable feat urcs of the occasion in the spa cious Wagoner home was the spread serred at a seasonable hour , while Rev. B. E. Jackson by a few timely remarks present ed a slight token of remembrance in behalf of tnose present to the honored ones , In. many ways Mr , and Mrs. Wagoner were assured tlie best wishes of a'Jl their friends for future success an.d happiness. Advertiser ( < restc > n , lowir ) Old papers for sale at this office. Best shades at best prices at Konkel's ' The Furniture Man. Belts and belting , broaches and hairpins. Our novelties arc always new , Kiffin-Lucke Co. The greatest convention this county will have this year will be the County Convention of Sun day Schools to be held in the M > E. church at Broken Bow on March 31st and April 1st , 1910. There is no church problem that the Sunday School can not solve. There is no civic problem beyond its solution , and you can learn Ihow it is done at the above named meeting. Kring your hanl questions for the state work- Kirs to answer. Hear them dis cuss the child , the boy , the man .and the relation they bear to the "Sunday School , the church and tincooimunitv. . Mrs. E. Shep ardson , County Secretary. School Caucus. At the school caucus held last Saturday afternoon , March 12th. S , M. Derris and H. J. Shinn the the retiring members of the school board were renominated for anoeher term of three years. The meeting was a board meeting the different committees making their reports and giving a financial statement of their conditions. v The report will be given nex week. Chiropractic Lecture Alarch 26 C. l < \ Wllso.g , CU'r.'ir iCl if , f f 1 u B , - m , , ' ! . . .1. . v t , n v . { I I- ' ( ii r. l > . J , Ph. C . Pn-sul n- .1 IK- 1 - in r Si ( n l of GUI'VIC ic D vvipun , lo v t , to deliver a lCuriopraciic , lecture at the opera house on Siturdiy evening , March 26 Dr. Palmer will set forth the principles and demonstrate the science of Chiropractic , the tnocl- ern science of removiug the cause of disease. He will also Tiave something of vital import ance and interest to say about the tnrdical legal si'iutiori and their prosecution. Dr Palmer is recognized as the world's greatest Chiropractor .vi 1 is a fascinating lecturer and crayon artist Y iu will tnisa a rare treat by not hearing him. A special invita'inn is extended to the ladie . Ncl 7ii i' n { v\l \ ] be 25c and 35c S.-.ds . on sale at llolcomb'a. Notice. To my friends : Having sold my office property , and Real- Estate business with list of same , together with my good wishes to Mr. C.V. . Bowmm , I take this method to thank \ou one and all , for yjour fntndbtnp and cordial support it. i r past. I OS1 hVir i , "i , t , nv gentleman and an honorable business man to whom you can safely entrust your business. I will be found at the old place for a short time , until I cau close up my business. J. M. Fodge 39-tf Union Meetings. A scries of Union Evangelistic meetings will be held in Broken Bow north side Opera house , begining April 15th and continu ing three weeks. These meetings will be lead by Evangelists Bromley and Myers who are doing splendid work for the master this winter , in Iowa and South Dakato , Six hundred reported as going forward in their meeting at Beresford S. D. Let the Christian people be looking up and praying that God may come to Broken Bow in like gracious manner. Ramos Spanish Orchestra en tertainment will be given at the Opera house March 21 1910. This is the fifth number of the Young Peoples Union entertain ments and will be the best ever given in this city by a musical organization of this class. The gentleman who sings with the Orchestra has a voice of unusual strength and shows great cultiva tion and beautiful quality , Seats on sale March 18 , 19 and 20 at Holcombs Book store and Steckhams Furniture store. NOTICB ; Having bought back rom Mr. C , W Bowman , my Mty Property List , with the House renting , I desire to again isk the patronage of my old customers , and as many others , as may have City Property for sale , or rent to call upon me. I intend to make City Property , and Insurance , my sole business business , having quit the Farm Realestate ( business. I can now be found in west room , over the Holcomb Book store. I shall be glad to meet you at any time. My Motto is Square dealing. Respectfully yours. J. M. Fodgc. NOTICE TO DELINQUENTS. Notice Is hereby given that the rental upon sale contract on school land described below and let opposite the name of the holder thereof , Is delinquent for a period of 13 months or more and If the amount now duels not paid within 00 days from the date of this notice said contract Trill be declared forfctturcd by the Hoard of Educational Lands and funds , and the said forfeiture ent red of record as provided by law. Sale NEK , KK SKW Sec. 10 T. 18 K. 17 W. S. Wcscott , Ouster County. Dated March 14 , MO , 4143 K. B. COWI.KS , Commissioner Public Lands and Building * . New spring waistings in a fine assortment. Kiffin-Lucke Co. NEWS OF THE COUNTY Prairie Hill ( Continued from fifth page. ) Mr. Gibbs , Mr. Longfellow and daughter Daisy returned Monday night from Overton. Misses Nina Wilson , Lillie and Alice Longfellow visited Sunday at Mr. Laughlin's near Berwyn. Mr. Med Glem and Miss Ona Hhoades were united in marriage in Broken Bow Monday | Mrs Thrtnas and ( l.tugHi r IK 'i' S. > 'rt v * i M < < > p - . U . . Vtiiev" Georgetown Items. E. W. Pieico is on the sick list. Lena Waldo bad the mis * fortune to get'hit on the side of her head with a peice of iron while playing with her little nephews. But she is reported much improved. E. W. Pierce and son Hirman returned from Colorada Friday. They report the country fine and Mr. Pierce took land and will move in the near future. Mr. Beck and family and P. Overgard and familv left Thurs day evening for Eureka Mon- tana where they will locate. Mr. and Mrs. Trodle of Omaha are working at the Myers ranch. Ed Stuckey has built a new large barn on his ranch. Morris Myers called at the J. Huffaker home Thursday even ing. Johnie Devine a dentist at O'Neil Nebr. came home Tues day to spend a week with home folks Nellie Spurgiu called at the Woodruff home Sunday. Beatrice Patterson went home Saturday to spend a few days. Mrs , Jim Overguard and children called on Mrs , Spry Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lear called at H. Pierces Sunday , Joe Devine , Wm. Spry and Jim Overguard were at Broken Bow Thursday and Friday. P. F. Campell is hauling lum ber to build another house on his ranch fcr Mr. Waldo , Mr. Hemphill and family call ed at the Pilcher home Sunday. Mr. Currie of Broken Bow came down the last of the week to look after his ranch affaits , Mr. Rickel of Broken Bow spent last week at the E. W. Pierce home. Bell School District. VICINITY We have noticed that nature is putting forth her beautiful green spring garments. Mrs. E , Spanel and Mrs. P. Christen were transacting busi ness in Anselmo Wednesday. Friday being Mrs , Jas. Lough- rana birthday , the good neighbors - bors gathered with her and en joyed one of the best parties of the season. Miss.Katc was down from the ranch , and Miss Lizzie had just arrived from Omaha to help their mother celebrate. There were thirty ladies present also. The dinner was a dainty and delicious repast. In the afternoon the younger folks in dulged in social games and all report a swell time. Mrs Laugh- ran received many beautiful pres ents in the china line. Our LittleFolks gathered at Vi- nncdgcs Friday evening and gave Miss Lylathe greatest surprise on their caurse. The childran took oysters along and after hours of irerriment the boys took their wo ladies in to the dining room to an elegant table where was served their midnight lunch. The children remarked , "The old folks can take school days for their parties and we'll take ours of evenings. " Mrs. Christen , Cennie Irene and Miss Rains were Milburn callers Saturday. Miss Lizzie Loughran has been nursing the mumps since she re turned home. She is much bet ter at this writing. Pius Christen shipped a car o : hogs and a car of cattle to Omaha Sunday. Miss Rains , Cennie and Willie Christen spent afternoon with the Loughran young people Mrs Loughran is at the ranch now. Jim came down Sunda to ht-ip bt ind critic this we k. Sv , , ' , - ' , ' - K / : > --v ; -l - . . " . (1 ( j ' H UJljiv ; 'It > 'i ' Tul11K.t - urday evernjj Mrs. Novntny and children arf staying at Mannds' until the ) leave for their new home. scuooi. Little Rudolph Jesirabek en- tered the second grade Monday. This little fellow couldn't speak a word of English , but he is a very intelligent student and Miss Rains has had much experience with such children and he has made an extra good start for one weeks time. Drawing of high light and water painting were interesting features this week. I "Alittle child shall lead them " When Friday afternoon came , the children asked for a change in the program , Miss Rains sug gested a studin German. So , as Little Rudolph as instructor we learned to write and pro * nounce the German alphabet. St. Patrick and the beautiful Shamrock are among our lists of 'Look ups. " We are preparing to accomp any Miss Rains home April 2nd where we will'give a short en tertainment. Two of our students will try the 8th grade examination next week at New Helena. Atuley Scribe. W. Baker of Eddyville was a husky visitor this week. Contractor Knowles made a business trip to Broken Bow Monday. W. W. Warren of Callaway was renewing acquaintances this week. William is the fellow who put the roads in shape last year. r Claude Currie of Broken Bow was in town last week removing the telephonic apparatus of the Central Telephone Company. He was assisted by N A. Boyd. Two new and attractive stores opened to the public last week. Varney and Cooper have a gen eral store and Hermon and Kern a gents furnishing store under supervision of Mr. Record of Ravinna. N Dwight Ford was attend ing to business in the District Court Monday and Tuesday of this week. D. Hanna was a county scat visitor Monday. O. B. Foster is taking an ex tended trip through Texas and other southern states. James Harson has closed up his business and left Nebraska and will probably locate in Missouri. Alerna News. The program given by the Urammer School list Friday evening was well rendered and all well pleased. E. M. Dodge is critically ill at his home on East Table. There is but small hope for his recovery. Last Thursday evening Mr. Claude J. Hall , editor of the Merna Postal Card was united in marriage to Miss Chloe Brother- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Hall are spend ing a few days at Nelson , Nebr. l The ladies of the Catholic church are preparing to serve a chicken pie dinner Thursday March 17th. In the evening they * have a program and basket supper. The regular quarterly exam ination will be given in the high school next week. Rev. Gaston is holding meet ings in Arnold this week. L. L. Rash and family of the Sand Hills , are visiting Merna relatives and friends this week. Elton News. Mrs. Arthur Case of George town is visiting her parents Mr , Mrs Leek. U'Emm i Kleeb ol' R mud oy spent Sunday al Alhi-rt A , G. Spencer marketed hogs in Broken Bow Thursday. Albert Kleeb made a business in trip to Broken Bow Saturday. Chub Spencer , Charley Luce and Mr. Montanye are baling hay this week. The Telephone man was out repairing telephones on line .21. Gad Spencer and family spent Sunday at Joe Spencers , Miss Sadie Caoksley is assist ing her sister Mrs. Albert Powell with her household duties this vteek Chubbpencer and family Sun- dayed at Mr. Bishops. A. Crowtherleft for Oklahoma the first of the week t visit rela tives and see about selling his property. Charley Bishop and family of Brown county arrived here the fint of the week. They will move on Mr. Barnes farm. Mr. St. Clair and family are moving on Ed Haumonts place near Elton. Ortello News. James Milligan and family visited at Wm. McDermott's Sunday. Miss Ida Ingram closed a very successful term of school in dis trict No 193 and returned home last week. Mrs. Ada Smitz visited at S , Waddington's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dyke visited at M. Ingram's Sunday * H. G. Clark of Eureka was a caller in the valley Monday. Miss Bessie Pinckney spent .Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Broken Bow. Maude Moore spent Sunday with home folks. Purly and Robert Ingram visited friends near Arnold Wed nesday. N. Jacquot's sale Friday was well attended Protracted meetings closed Sun day evening. T. McCance of Anselmo was a caller in the valley Monday. Oliva and Maude Roby spent Monday evening at Charley Hosticks. Mrs. Ingram is on the sick list.