STOMACH CENTER OF HUMAN LIFE- ALL ELSE SECONDARY The Immcnne Bttcccss which nan fol lowed L. T. Cooper during the past year with hla now prepnrntlon hno ex- cocdcd nnythlnR of the kind over be fore witnessed In most of tiio lending cltlea where the young man has Intro duced the medlclno. Cooper has n novel theory. Ho believes that the human stomach Is directly responsible for most disease. To quote his own words from nn Interview upon his ar rival In nn eastern city : "Tho average man or woman cannot bo elck If the atomnch la working properly. To ho Biire , there are diseases of n virulent nature , such ns cancer , tuberculosis , diabetes , etc. , which are organic , nnd are not traceable to the stomach , but even fevers can , In nine cases out of ten , bo traced to something taken Into the atomach. All of this half-lck , nervous exhaustion that la now no common , la caused by stomachic con ditions , and It Is because my rem edy will nnd does regulate the stomach ach that I am meeting with ouch nuc- CCKfl. "To sum the matter up a sound dl- costive apparatus that Is doing It * full duty , getting every particle of vi tality out of the food by transferring It to the bowels In a perfectly digest ed state this above all else brings health. " Mr. A. C. Brock , chef of the Brock Restaurant , Market District , Boston , Mass. , who is a staunch believer in Mr. Cooper's theory nnd medicine , has this to any : "I had chronic Indiges tion for over three years. I suffered terribly , and lost about thirty pounds. I was a physical wreck when I started this Cooper medicine , a month or so ngo. To-day I nm ns well ns I ever was In my life. I am no longer nerv ous , my food docs not distress mo In the lenat , nnd I have a splendid ap petite. I am'gninlng flesh very rapIdly - Idly In fact , at the rate of a pound a day. I would not believe any medi cine on earth could have done for mo what this lias done. It is a remark able preparation , and Mr. Cooper deserves - ' servos njl his success. " Cooper's Now Discovery la sold by nil druggists. If your druggist cannot oupply you , wo will forward you the name of a druggist In your city who will. Don't accept "Bomethlng , just as good. " The Cooper Medlclno Co. , Day ton , Ohio. TOO HIGH. I : The clrnffo had n wonderful plan- He would dress In the garments of manl But ns each of lilfl collars Would have cost him ten dollar * , Ho decided : "I don't think I caul" HOW A DOCTOR CURED SCALP DISEASE "When I was ten or twelve yoara old I had n scnlp disease , something like scald head , though It wasn't that I suffered for several months , and most of my hnlr came out Finally they had a doctor to BOO mo and he recommended the Cutlcura Remedies. They cured mo In n few weeks. 1 have used the Cutlcura remedies , also , for a breaking out on my hands nnd was benefited a great deal. I haven't had any more trouble with the scalp disease. Miss Jcsslo F. Buchanan , R. F. D. 3 , Hamilton , Ga. , Jan. 7,1909. " Kept with Darnum's Circus P. T. Barnum , the famous circus man , once wrote : "I have had the Cutlcura Remedies among the con tents of my medicine chest with my shows for the last three seasons , and I can cheerfully certify that they wore very effective In every case which called for their use. " Big Bugs. Dr. Cook was talking to a Washing ton correspondent "Tho man Is wrong In his attacks , " he eald. "Ho errs ns ludicrously In his Idea of polar conditions as the Brook lyn domestic , who said : " 'It must bo a fllthy place , thai north polo , ma'am. I hoar It's full ot Ice hugs ao big ns churches. ' " Wash Ington Star. Dr. Plerce' Plranant Pellets flrrt put op 40 years g5vT1"7 * ( nil to nnd InvlKomto stouaonllyer . and bowsli. bugar-contwl tiny granules. Every night watchman Is entitled to bis day drnnms. DEFBANGE STARCH 'u , Tlie Gtisier County Republican D. M. AV-SHERRY ( , Editor BROKEN HOW , . NEBRASKA NEWS EPITOME THAT CAN BOON DE COMPASSED. EVENTS ABE DTIOID Homo and Foreign Intelligence Con * dcnscd Into Two and Four Line Paragraphs. Vesuvius has suddenly become actIve - Ivo again. There htivo been eruptions for the past twenty-four hours of atones nnd ashes , tills being nccom- panlcd by Internal detonations. Sev eral llssuros have opened , from which gases and lava are emerging In great quantities. A special committee oC scientists is making an Investigation to nscer- tnin the stability of the leaning tower nt Pisa , Italy , from the foundation of which water has been springing for a long time. Tula has resulted , it la salt ] , In weakening the understructure of the historic tower. Meetings of anti-clericals , who sock the reopening of the lay schools and rival meetings of Catholics In op position to the movement , wore hold in many parts of Spain. At Bilbao , rioting followed a Catholic meeting and the pollco charged the crowd , several persons being wounded. Many arrests were mado. The news of the resignation of the former Persian ministry because of Us Inability to bring about the with drawal of the Russian troops from Persia and because of Its objections to the terms of the Anglo-Russian loan , Is not believed in St. Petersburg. Information is to the effect that the Persian parliament proposed to raise funds through the sale of the crown Jewels. General. Trade of the country has its draw backs , but the spring outlook is good. President Taft's congressional pro gram Is by no means certain of being carried out. Motlvo power on "many railroad sys tems has been put In bad Blmpo by the severe winter. The postal savings hank bill is destined to slumber for n tlmo In a house committee. The homo of John P. Cudahy at Kansas City , was the scene of a son- eatlonal affray and arrests. Lands embraced In the Belle Fourcho Irrigation project of South Dakota nro BOOH to bo thrown open. Moat prices have advanced in all the principal consuming and pro ducing sections of the world , accord- lug to statistics. Railroads and the government have n different Inception of the twenty- eight hour Hvo stock shipment law. Enrico Caruso , the tenor , is quaking with something worse than Btago fright. The black hand has demand ed $15,000 or his llfo in two succes sive letters. The governor of Nebraska will par don no more persons who sell "near boor" now that n new Interpretation of the law has been made by the supreme promo court. Montgomery Ward of Chicago was norlously Injured in an automobile ac cldcnt at Los Angeles. His lofl nhoulder was broken when ho fel from the tonucau of the machine. Victims of the Wellington , Wash , avnlancha are now thought to num Lor a hundred. Senator Boverldgo introduced n bll providing for the permanent retention by the government of the Alaskan coa lands. President Tnft disclaims responsl blllty for the selection of Wade Ellis as republican chairman in Ohio. The Ncbrask : * plan of distributing seed to farmers from the experiment stations prevents monopoly prices. The German geographical society has decided to send out n South polar discovery expedition and so contest with the United States and Great Bri tain i'n the race through the Ant arctic. Massachusetts has been aroused to the fact that greater safeguards are needed for her treasuries. Decisions handed down by the United States supreme court show that substantial progrcs has been made In regulating rai.roads by state authority. The revolutionary cause In NIca ragua has about petered out. The burning ot n cotton warehouse caused a loss of $385,000 nt No\\ Bedford , Mass. A Dallas , Tex. , mob Invaded n court room and lynched a negro. It is not estimated that 22G men wcro killed In the Tislna and Pa- tapa ( Nicaragua ) battles. Portlsnd , Ore. , has been made the gateway of all the Harrlman Hues. The Morgun-Uutf.tiiiuuliu syndicate explained to n senuto committee Its activity In Alaska. By the terms of n bill .hat passed the state Henato railroads in Okla homa are required to pay a gross revenue tax. Fighting has been resumed between government forces and insurgents in Nicaragua. Omaha Indians In Thurston county , Nebraska , nro to bo placed on a now fooling. The court of commerce feature waa retained In the administration rail road bill. Rufus J. Lackland , president of the Boatman's bank , St. Loula , died , ngcd 90 years. Twenty-four are known to ho dead In the avnlanchu in the Conor d'Alcno lining region. Insurgents of the house Hope Rep- oscntatlvo Illnshaw of Nebraska will land for ru-eluctlon. President Taft nnd Attorney Gen- nil Wlckcrslmm have decided to ush the anti-trust war. Representative Henry Introduced a illl to compel the extradition of the iccf hnroiis to stand trlul. J. G. BncBchlln holds that retailers re largely responsible for the higher est of living those days. The Hcnnto passed the bill author- zing the Issuance of $30,000,000 worth of'cortlllcatcs for Irrigation projects. A bill was Introduced In the senate o form n Rockefeller foundation with icadquarlors probably In Washington. Sons and daughters of Iowa and friends to the number of 300 gathered it the annual banquet of the Iowa society of Now York at the Hotel Astor. Without excitement or ceremony President Mendeza was formally in uiguratod president of Panama , suc ceeding President Obahlla , who died several days ago. The English army estimates for 1910-11 show a total for maintenance of $138,800,000. This is an increase over the estimates of the -preceding year of $1,025,000. Witnesses In the Chicago olcomar- . garlno hearing told how the tralllc was carried on in the west. At Chicago' Judge Luudis sentenced a perslHtont violator ot the oleomargarine - margarine law to six years in the penitentiary. Prof. Louis J. Moore , brothor-ln- law of President Taft , was elected ( loan of the college of liberal arts In the University of Cincinnati. Attorney General Thompson holds that Nebraska is not liable for ? 2IS- 000 damages said to have been Inflict ed by u home rule mob In South Omaha. All employes of the breweries in Buffalo , numbering about 700 men , will receive an average Increase in wages of $1 weekly by contracts just signed. The bill granting right of way to a pipe line across the public lands of Arkansas for oil and gau from the Holds of Oklahoma was favorably acted upon by the house committee on public lands. From the Lincoln asylum last week there was sold seventy hogs at $9.20 a hundred. The total amount re ceived for the bunch was $1.478.44. The freight , yardage , feed nnd com mission amounted to $35.37 , netting the state $1,443.07. The committee In charge of the county option convention to bo held In Lincoln March 14 and 15 has ar ranged with Governor Hanly of In diana to deliver the principal address on the night of the 14th. . Vvasnington. President Taft has sent to the sen ate the nomination of Howard C. Hoi- lister to bo United States Judge for the Seventh district of Ohio. Colpnel William II. Blxby , chair man of the Mississippi river com mission , was examined by the senate committee on commerce relative to the improvements proposed for the Missouri river from Sioux City to St. Louis or Kansas City to St. Louis. Declining to take advantage of the pardon given him by President Tnft , Thomas Taylor , sentenced In this city to fifteen years in the Atlanta peni tentiary for the murder of his wife , will remain as one of the "trustees" of the institution during his long in carceration. A now bill providing for the erec tion of American embassies abroad was reported by Representative Low- den from the foreign affairs commit tee. The bill , which takes the place of the ono defeated on the floor of the house last Wednesday , provides a limit of $150,000 for any ono build ing , Including grounds nnd furnish ings. Internal commerce movements for the month of January , 1910 , according to statistics of the department of com merce and labor showed heavy move ments of coal and coke in the cast. Two Chlppowa Indian chiefs who came to Washington the other day from Orr , Minn. , to ask congress for addi tional land for the Bols Forte Indian reservation , were asphyxiated by Il luminating gas In their lodging house. Personal ) Ex-Senator Platt of Now York died from diabetes. Louis Klopsch , editor of the Chris tian Herald , i. dead. Mrs. John Jacob Astor received a Ilnal decree of divorce. Sixty years of married llfo together without a harsh word is the record claimed by Oliver Ross and his wit'o of Spokane , Wash. Jose Domingo do Obaldln , preul. dent of Panama , Is dead. J. Plerpont Morgan has arrived at Naples In good health. Secretary Wilson and Mr. Plnchot clashed before the senate committee. An American tariff commission will try to settle differences with Canada. War Is to be waged upon souvenir postcards which ridicule the Irish race THE GOVERNOR ISSUES PROCLA MATION RELATIVE TO SAME. 8UBJECTS TO BE TREATED Meeting Will Bo Known As First Nebraska Conservation and State Development Congress. It has been decided to hold a Ne braska Conservation and State Devel opment congress on Tuesday and Wednesday , March 20 , In this city. The subjects to bo treated arc : "Conservation of Natural Resources , " "Good lloads , " "Seed Corn. " "Prob lems of North western Nebraska , " "Public Health" and other kindred BUbjects. ' ' Governor Slmllonberger has Issued n call for the convention , during which ho says : "Tho benefits to be derived from improved methods of cultivation , the Improvement of our grasses nnd grains and of the Hvo stock upon the iarm are things which must bo brought homo to every farmer. Our dairy interests are over growing and should ho fostered and encouraged as one of the most Important sources of our material wealth. Good roads should bo built to enable the produc ers of our products to reach the rail road markets easily nnd quickly. Practical and intelligent work up cm our country roads can be made easily possible If careful attention Is given 'to ' this matter by those who make our laws and they who make nnd use the roads. A great deal is being said about the vnluo to be derived from the Improvement of our Inland water ways , but still greater benefit will follow n systematic and thorough Improvement of the roads over which the farmer must transport his raw material to market. "There are problems of develop ment and proper conservation of our natural resources which confront the people of western Nebraska that are to be considered along entirely dif ferent lines In the eastern portion of our state. The representatives of the different portions of our state should meet in n state conference once a year to consider these questions ant come to mutually understand the needs and requirements of each sec tion and discuss those matters that are essential to every portion of the state and necessary to a realization or all the possibilities of the future. It would bo of vast benefit to us. if for no other reason than it would open the eyes of our people and the coun try generally to the matchless oppor tunities for the development of mater ial prosperity and a representative citizenship In Nebraska. "With a firm belief that vital bene fits would come to the neonlo of the state by calling a convention of rep resentative men from every county In Nebraska , to meet at the capital city of the commonwealth , to consider the vast problems which I have brlelly touched upon as essential to our further advancement. I hereby pro claim and call a convention to DC hold at Lincoln , Neb. , March 29 and 30 , 1910 , to bo known as The First Nebraska Conservation and State De velopment congress , and earnestly re quest the entire citizenship of the state to co-operato In carrying out a plan for this gathering , so that It may result in making for the further de velopment of all the natural resources of our state and opportunities for manufacture and Improved agri culture as well. " Governor Appoints Delegates. Governor Shallcnberger has ap pointed Judge Lincoln FVost of Lin coln and Judge Leo S. Estelle of Oma ha delegates to the American academy of political and social science , which will meet In Philadelphia April 8 and 9. Among other subjects thn anadomy will consider Juvenile court methods. Call for State Convention. President II. M. Dushnell of Lincoln has issued n cnll for the state con vention of the Nebraska association of Commercial clubs to be held at Columbus April 27 and 28. The Industrial Exposition. Besides fixing dates for Uie great er Lincoln industrial exposition , May 24 to 28 , the committee arranging for that event has agreed on some of the details to be provided. Not only the auditorium building but also the out side space at Thirteenth nnd M will bo utilized for displays nnd the en tertainment of the crowds. The out doors department will probably Include - cludo n number of machinery ex hibits. The auditorium will bo pnr- tloned off for booths , and these will all be constructed In advance. Six Calves In Year. H. Huff of Spaldlng has reported tote to Secretary Mellor of the state fair board that he has a cow which has given birth to six calves during the last fifteen months. The cow is a registered red Polled-Angus. Death of University Athlete. Q. O. Hammond of Pawnee City , n prominent University of Nebraska athlete , died a few days ago from a stroke of paralysis. Ho was a junior In the engineering college of the uni versity. ANNUAL G. A. R. MEET. Will Take Place at Falrbury May 17 , 18 and 19. Department Commander LD. . Richards has Issued an order giving the following In formation In regard to the annual stnto meeting of the G. A. R. , to be held nt Falrbury May 17 to 19 : The thirty-fourth annual encamp ment , department of Nebraska , Grand Army of the Republic , will beheld held in Falrbury , Nob. , May 17 , 18 nnd 19 , 1910. The council of administration will meet at headquarters on Tuesday , May 17 , at 3 o'clock p. in. A public reception for the people of Falrbury will bo held on Tuesday evening , May 17 , at the Christian church. A splendid program will bo provided by their .local committee. Mrs. C. P. Steele of Falrbury will pre side. side.Tho The parade will take place Wednes day morning , starting promptly at 10 o'clock , under the direction of the Clilcf-of-Staff , S. B. Jones , of post No. 110 , Omaha. Following this parade all 'State associations will assemble at Grand Army hall nt 11:30 : , where presidents of their respctlve associa tions will immediately call the com rades together for the transaction of business. A camp-lire will bo put on loathe opera house Wednesday evening , May 18. Ample accommodations will be pro vided for all and at reasonable rates , in hotels , boarding houses and pri vate homes , and all comrades who desire to make arrangements in advance - vance will address Comrade O. II. Durand , commander post No. 77 , r'alrbury , chairman of the local com mittee. Tell him what you want and you will be provided for. Good speakers have been Invited for the evening entertainments through the week to bring good cheer and hip to revive Interest la the noble order. A complete program of all of these exercises , together with a list of all their local committees , , will be an nounced later by the committee of Falrbury , through the press. Unique Test of Seed Corn. Besides testing corn to see If it will grow and warning farmers of the poor condition of seed corn this year , the Commercial club of Omaha has made a test which shows the re sult of freezing corn which contains a good deal of moisture. The result shows that even some of the corn standing in the fields , supposed to bo the best seed corn Nebraska has this year , may be worthless for seed. Ten ears of corn were selected which were shown by tests to be strong. Every kernel tested had good sprouts and u strong root sys tem. A government expert at the Omaha grain exchange tested them to learn the moisture. It was less than 1C per cent. Then these ten good ears were soaked for various lengths of tlmo and after the water dried into the corn they were again tested to find out how much moisture they con tained. Those soaked five horus had 22 per cent ; six hours 27 per cent , and eight hours 30 per cent. All were put In a refrigerating plant whor'o the nlr was 12 degres nbovo zero. zero.After After 70 hours' exposure the corn was again tested. The ears of one hundred kernels from which had 22 per cent moisture , only 28 germin ated ; while hut 20 kernels in one hundred from the ears with 27 per cent moisture showed signs of life and but 21 grains In one hundred taken from the oars containing 31 per cent moisture sprouted. This test shows that corn contain ing more than 22 per cent moisture cannot stand freezing for even a short time without killing a largo percentage of the kernels and mak ing the ears worthless for seed. Additional Vacation Granted. Jack Best , the veteran trainer of state university athletes , for whom a fund is being raised to send him to his old homo in England , has been grant ed two additional months' vacation by Chancellor Avery. According to the custom of former years , Jack's vaca tion consisted of but ono month dur ing the summer , for which time he did not receive pay. Next summer he will receive three months' vacation , two of which will be with full pay. The fund to date has Increased to $184.40. In the opinion of Attorney General Thompson the Greeks whoso property was destroyed by n mob u year ago have no claim against the state of Nebraska , Douglas county or South Omaha. Their recourse , ho said , is in n suit against members of the mob who are responsible for the damage done. This opinion was given to the governor by Ar. Thompson. Some tlmo ago Governor Shallenberger re ceived a communication from the government , asking about the claims and If the state would pay them. Is 96 , but Works Every Day. James G. Russell , familiarly known as "Dad" Russell , gallery doorkeeper of the Oliver theater In this city , has reached his ninety-sixth birthday. Ho Is still halo and hearty nnd works every time the gallery Is open. Man ager Zchrung has looked over the records for some tlmo and announces that ho believes that without ques tion Mr. Russell Is the oldest man engaged actively In the theatrical business In any part of the United States. Mr. Russell was born at Bangor - gor , Maine , on March 1 , 1814. TRIED REMEDY- FOR THE GRIPi Nebraska Directory ARE THE BEST ASK TOUK LOOATj DHAI-KR Oil JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. , OMAHA , NEB. > ( AUTO GENOUS ) By _ - _ . „ . - J this proccu all brokeo parts of machinery maclo good ai now. WeliU : ast iron , cast steel , nliinilnum , cooper , brass or any other tnctal. Expert autcrnoblin repairing. BERTSCHV MOTOR CO. , Council Bluffo. r y the hlgneat prlae for AIR COOLED ENGINE CASTINGS Wo furnish complete castings anil pnrt * machined or In the rough for 3x3 motor. W1U develop 2 horf.e-power. DERTSCIIY MOTOR CO. , Council Bluffo. low * . What Governor Denaon , of Illlnola , Says About It : QorcrnorDonsen.of Illlnolj , owoi o wo ol land In Haskatchowun. Canada. Uo baa sold lit an Interrien : "As tn American I nm dollRhtod to tea the re. mnrKablo progress of Wcitern Camilla. Oar pooplonroilocklncacroM the boandnrr In thou sands , and I have not yet met ono nho admitted he bad mn < lo a mlitnkn. Thejr are all Joins noil. There 1 senrcnljr B com- raanttr In the Middle or Western Stntes thnt hns not a repretontatlve In Manitoba , Saskatchewan or Alborio. " 125 Million Bushels of Wheat in 1909 Western G/intda field crops for 19UO will rnitlr yield to the farm er * 17n.OOO.OOO.OO In cnsh. Free Homesteads of 1 HO ncrea , nud pre-emptions of 100 acres nt 93.OO an aero. Rnllnnj and Land Companies hare land f or mitt ntronionnblo nrlcei. Mnnr fnrni- cru liuve paid for their Innd out of the proceeds of ono crop. Splendid cllmnto. peed school * , excellent railway facilitiesImv freight rates , wood , water and lumber easily obtained. For pamphlet "L f t Be t Went , " particulars as to suitable location and low rattlers' rate , apply to Hap't of Immigration. Ottawa , Can. , or to Canadian Qor't Agent. W. V. BENNETT Room 4 B Bd ! ( . Omaha , tleb , ( Uso&ddressnearestyon. ) (1) ) I TIMBER GROVES . . „ ASSUREDTOMAHENT-IHCOF1E SEND FOB tlTEKATOUE Government Ileports and Vlcwn of thlti profitable Hardwood timber grown In Southern California by a responsible corporation on Irrlsnte Lends near Los Angeles. Groves Bold on easy term * . SYNDICATE " \dniLtt 1 f fin1 GIVE THEM Martin's Roup Remedy AND KEEP HENS WELL AND HAKE THEM GOOD LAYERS. Chicken Roup anil kindred dUeaar.n are prevalent the yenr round , nnd In many cases tha entlr * nock becomes diseased and worthless. Tills condition cannot exist where MARTIN'S UOUP REMEDY Is glv- en In thu drinking water , the remedy THAT IS GUARANTEKfa TO CUKE .u"r- OR MONEY REFUNDED..u"r Just the thing to give the young chicks. It almost Instantly cure * the sick nnd prevents the well ones from disease , and makes It unnecessary to separate the flock. If your druggist cannot supply you. a full Hlzod package will bo sent to vour nddresa , prepaid , upon receipt of BO cents nnd your drufTRlsfs name. E. MARTIN C0..518S.40thS . , OniHiNeb. Inventors' book * free. Heeler ? , IA'i.b ! > , , V.t' Aitjrs , 1M-1ST McUIll . Illdg. , Wana. , I ) , a is the word to remember 'when you need arenied/