Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 17, 1910, Image 4

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L $1.00 For Year.
AH subscribers are considered permanent
and If they wish to discontinue are expected
to pay all arrearages and notify publisher.1
Entered at Broken Bow. Nebraska , for trans
mission In thi United KtattH malls
at second class rates.
D. ' M. AMSBLRRY , Editor and Publisher
Where matter Is net on wood base electrotype
* flat price of twenty cents per Incli.slnifle col
umn , ( orvacU Insertion , twBormore Insertions
15 cent * ptrluch. Special position , Blnirle In ,
hcrllou 2 cent * per inch. Metal base , electron-
two or more times , 15 cents per Inch. Payment
t first of each moutli ,
\ Local adTertlslnB flye cents per line each In
} "Notice 6f dtinrch church fairs , sociables and
t entrrtalnmp im wbcre money I * charged , one
! Death notices ttfe , half crle- for publishing
f obituaries.
. Card of Thanks , JO cent * .
Legal uotlcei at rales prorlded statutes ol
Society HOtlccsnnrt
Wedding nutlets free , half price for uui of
preaints. *
Kinkaid Expecis Rc-Eleciion.
'Washington , March 7 , ( Spe
cial. ) Representative Kinkaid
of Nebraska today declared that
be has every reason to beleive
that'hewill , be renominated and
re-elected. His belief , he said ,
is baded on the numerous lettcrb
he re'ceives dailyfrom , the voters
in his district urging him to run
again and' pledging him their
support. Speakitfg of reports
that his interest in Alaska coal
lands are proving harmful , Mr
Kmkaid 'said that his transac
tions in connection with .the-
acquisition of land in the Green
group were ' open and above
board. ' ' ' '
„ "I have never felt it necessary
to defend myself in this connect
ion , " , said.MMr. Kinkaid. " 1
point with pride tto the sworn
testimony of Louis R. Glavis ,
the witness' who brought the
charges against Secretary Ball-
iriger. He has , s'worn , that m )
cpnnection with the Alaska coul
lands was in no way improper ,
and Mr. Brandeis has expressed
a > similar opinion. I have nothing
ing'Id 'be ashamed of in regard
to my purchase of Alaska coal
land. "
tMr. . Kinkaid ridiculed the sug
gestions which are being made
in. Nebraska * that his health is
poor and for that reason he
. , should retire. . <
"I am , better \n health today
* than at any time since I have
been a member of congress , "
' said. Mr , Kinkaid. MMy friends
' in' Nebraska need not worry on
' that score. "
In support -of his statement
that his constituents uare pre-
1 pared to send him back to con
gress , Mr. Kinkaid gaveout | .the
> fallowing statement :
"Hon. M. P. Kinkaid , Wash
ington , "B.C. Dear Sir : Repos
' ' ing 'specialKConfidence in your
ability' and integrityand being
' ? / / further prompted by the general
* * favorably expressed sentiment of
/ the voters in this congressional
' " district commending your pre
vious services.andjrecord 'as ' , con
, gressman , and realizing the' fact
* that you are the logical stand
ard bearer.that.can'with a de
" \ grccj of ) certainty , bejsuccessful
' at the polls next November , as
YOU were two yeara ago in the
f " ' face of the strongest political
opposition'caused largely by the
so-called 'Bryan campaign , ' we
beg leave.teaiibjnit that aside
from the loss the people would
sustain in the matter.of legislat-
tioai and , their varied 'manifold
interests by your retirement
from , congress , it would also be
detrimental to party interests.
1 "We further submit that it
will give-us great pleasure as
representatives of the republican
party of this district to carry out
thedetails , necessary for the pro
per placing of your name before
the people as a candidate for con-
gres at thejcoming primaries
"Wave the kindness to advise
at your ettYlieSt"convenience i :
this will b&accept'abie io'you. "
This is signed by central com-
mitfjse of one county.
Ajx extract from a letter writ
ten tjy a prominent Sixth district
republican to * another inquiring
of hin ] whether Mr , Kinkaid * will
be a/candidate for congress again
"But it is my judgment he will
be. As to conditions in this
county , all the republicans are , ,
fur Kinkaid. Every leader , every . ,
worker of the p.irty and the rank
and file are with and for him.
Kinkaid can be re.elcclcdjf Dom
inated and Ib , HJve ( that'if he is
a candidate that he will secure
the nomination. I think it uu-
wise to talk anv other candidate
than Mr. Kinkaid this year. "
Washington News l.ct'er
' Washington , NHirch 16,1910
Judge W. F- Norris , formerly
of 'McCobkNcbr. . , ' Who For a
number of years' 'represented the
United Statts"ih a judicial ca
pacity in the bench in the Philip
pine Islands , was the principal
speaker at the monthly meeting
of the Nebraska Ass'n held ut
"Neighborhood House" in this
city last week.
"Neighborhood House" is in
all essentials a settlement House ,
and is under the charge of former
Nebraskans , Mr. and Mrs. Neligh
Mr. Neligh being for many years
a resident of West Point , They
have been settlement workers for
many years. It has been but
recently that "Neighborhood
House , " which , is located in
southw.est Washington , amid
squalor .and want , has came to
the front as an institution which
has changed conditions inmuas-
utably in a neighborhood bound
ed on one side by the. Potomac
river , , on another side , by stables ,
and still on another side by a
garbage plant , the fourth side
open to dumping grounds ,
government storage places and
the like.
Judge Norris faced a hundred
or more Nebraskans , and he was
accorded close attention in his
heart to heart talk about con
ditions i" the Philippines. While
the address , seemingly was ex
temporaneous , it showed careful
preparation , close analysis and a
statesmanlikci arraignment of
conditions as he found them dur
ing his seven years on the-Philip-
pine bench.
Summed up , it was a complete
endorsement of the policies of
resident Taft , whom he regard
ed as one of the greatest-mission
aries who had ever carried , nbt
only religion , but the flag , to a
people who seemed ready to re
ceive enlighttnent , and who he
believed regarded the Stars and
Stripes as the beason standing
for Square dealing tn the Orient ;
and that around the emblem of
the states the nations of the
world would foregather at the
close of the present century.
Almost every county in Ne
braska was represented at the
meeting , and it looked like "Old
Settlers' Day" in Nebraska to see
the number of well known and
familiar people present.
Senator Isidor Raynor , of
Maryland , in his answer to the
speech of Senator Burkett , has
taken occasion to use such
thoughts presented'by the senior
senator from Nebraska on the
Poatal Savings Bank 'bill , by
heafing his speech in the Con
gress Record as follows : "A
Few Obituary Observations Up
on the Constitution. " It will be
recalled that > Senator-Burkct <
paid his compliments to the
senior senator from Maryland ,
who is a strict obstructionist of
the constitution , by stating.that
Senator Haynor , if he had been a
great musician would have al
ways insisted upon singing--re-
queims ; that if he had been a
preacher he would always have
been found delivering homilies
for the departed. Rayuor came
back the other day with a vitri
olic attack upon Senator Burkett ,
forgetful of his. position , as , con
stitutional lawyer ( self-appoi.nt-
ed ) and really .rijade , a Jaughing
stock of himself in his answer to
Burkett's closely prepared speech.
Raynor w s'undoubtedly mad all
" '
"the way through'when he made
his reply to Burkett ; and while
it pqnvul.s d the senators and
interested the galleries , the con
census of opinion is that Burkett
not only had the best ofit , but
thatjiis refusal to reply to Sena
itor JRaynor showed
farther renchinR1 knowledge of
the situation than Ranor ; for
the Postal Bank bill was passed
by every republican voting for it ,
and . . .every democrat voting
against it , save , one. Tha was .
Burkett's triumph. * )
County Board Proceedings * How , March 8 , 1910.
The county board of- commis
sioners met in the city council
chamber , and the roll . being , cal-
' 1 t P
led the following members were
present : Morris , Foley , Gush-
man , Dewey , Headley and Gil-
Supervisor Grint was absent.
The minutes of the January
meeting were read and approved.
The forenoon was spent in
committee work , and. at. 12 m.
the board adjourned , until 1
o'clock p. m.
Board met at 1 p. m. with all
members present except Grint.
The committee on Official
Bonds made the following report :
We , yourcommittee.recommend
tbat the following official bonds
be approved : '
Var Hoiil Overseer.
.T. M. Hates Dlsi NO. I Hcrwyn E.
. . . , . , twp ; . r.
Spooncr Uist NO. 1. Douglas orove twpJolni ;
Marion Uist No I , Algernon twp. ; Jos. G'l- '
more Uist. No. I , Grant twp. : Geo. nlmpley
Uist No 1 , Arnold twp. ; Ji H. Thorn. Uint.
No. 2 Algernon twp ; John sprlngmun Uist.
No ' . ' . Ansley twp ; Gco. Samp Utst No 1 ,
ElkCree twp. ; K H GUI Uist No/4 , Alger1-
i.ui ) twp ; J M. Kussell Uist No. I , Lillian
tp. ; U. N. unson Uist. No. 3 , Comstock
For Treasurer.
F. K Delano , Myrtlf twp. ; H. L. .McAllist
er Algernon twp. ; K. it. lirlggs East cuiter
twp.Chas pcnn Deputy Sheriff , Custer county ,
for Constable.
Herman Peterson itk creek twpf. ; frqd
Olson w yne twp ; M W. Cleveland Com
stock twp , ; Lester lily comstock twp.
For Township clerk.
J K Neth Custer twp. : vf. M. Speer , Doug
las Grove twp ; .las. U. McAllister Algernon
twp : Jerome Kasi Ouster t p. t
for Justice of the I'cace.
Fred Peters West Union twp ; A J. Pickc )
Douglas Grove twp. ; 12. U'.Schtvind , Uniken
Bow twp. ; A. AVolf Kast Cusler twp. ; D. Ki
Mills Myrtle twp. ; Hans Nellson Klk Creek
J. T , Kadcllffe Superintendent of poor
\irni. >
Oco. W. Hcadlcy ,
J H. Gllmqrc ,
Kdward Fo'ley , Sr ,
. , committee.
Moved and carried tbp.t the re
port of the committee be accept
ed and adopted .as read.
The balance of the afternoon
was spentJmCQmrttitt.eee
and at 5:30 : p. ; m. the board ad
journed until 8 a. m. March \9tlr.
Wednesday , March 9 , 1910.
Board met at 8 o'clock a. , , m. '
with all members present , and
the forenoon was spent .in com
mittee work. At noon the board
adjourned till 1 p. mJl )
Board met at 1 p. nr.
The finance' committee made
the following report upon the
treasurer's statement for" the half
year ending January 5th 1910 :
( See treasurer's statement else
where in this issue. )
We , the finance committee , ap
pointed to check up the office ol
the County Treasurer for the last
half of the year 1909 , hereby
certify that we have carefully
checked up the within statement
with tlie records of the office ant
find tke same fo be correct in
every particular , except , that the
treasurer had reported $2072.28
as excess fees for the-year 1909
when he should have rcportec
* 3072 28 ; and we therefore recom
mend that a demand be made on
him for balance between the above
amounts , to-wiir ' $1000. We
also lind that there is due that
office from the stale the - following
ing amounts :
General Fund . . . . . , . . . . ? .
School rund 17
University Fund , . . 7 ,
Redemption Fund ; 49
Total i. " . 1st t )
And we recommend that the
clerk be instructed" to * report
same to the state Auditor.
Edward Foley "Sr. ,
L. Cushmanj '
Ben P. Morris ,
Move'd and carried that' the re
port of the committee accept
ed and adopted as read.
A motion was duly made am
carned that the following notice
be served on J. E. Cavenee- :
To J. E. Cavenee , County Treas
urer of Custer County , Nebras
ka :
We , the County Board of Su
pervisorsol Cutter. County.-Ne
braska , by its committee , hereby
demand of you the sum Qf $1000
wrongfully withheld by , you-said
sum being due , the county for the
Our shipments of Sp ing
WaUp.apcr in , and
our inclo most complete ,
with patterns and prices to
Before papering give
our line an ! nspection--No
trouble to show.
Custer County
Land Man
If you have a snap in a
larm , or ranch for sale list
with me If you want to
buy a snap in' a farm or
ranch , come and see me.
Phones , office 42 , resi
dence 129.
year 1909. We di-mand that this
be turned over into the proper
: und at once. In case you fail to
do this , such action will be taken
ayainst you ' as is deemed best ,
and your bondsmen will also be
tnade parties to the action , and
they will be notified of this de
Edward Foley Sr. ,
L. Cushman ,
. Bt'tf P. 'Morris.
I hereby accept service on tbe
within notice this 14lh day of
March. 19:0. :
LT * : } *
J. E Cavenee ,
County Treasurer.
" At 6 p m. the board adjourned
tillS.a. . m. Thursday , March 10.
Thursday , March 10 , 1910.
Board met at S a. ui. with all
members present.
A vote was taken on the style
of adding machine to be pur
chased by the county , and tbe
Burroughs machine was given
the preference.
It was moved and carried that
the county purchase two Bur
roughs Adding Machines 1910
The finance committee made
the following report on transfers :
The finance committee recom-
tnen.ds that the following trans
fers be made :
From General Tund 19'8 to General
Fund IWI . , . . . . . . . , . - . . $1896 03
Krotu Fund Ivor anil prior
X.ears.10 1HW . 21800
Trom HrUlge 1'unU 19u8 to General
Fund 100) . 215000
From Hrtdge Fund VJfl and prior
years to General mnd l' 0 > . set oo
'Prortf Cbunty Koad Fund l'W8 to Gen-
. cral Fund iwn . 13500
From county Road rund i'W7 auj
prior years to General Fund 1009. . . . 113 10
From county Judgment Fund to General -
eral Fund 1' > W . 10103
Interest OK County oepositi to Gener
al Fund 190il . 97400
From Advertising rund to General
Fund 1909 . 37000
From Well Tax to General Fund lOOii. lu 00
Total .
Kdward Foley Sr. ,
It Cushraan.
lien I' . Morris ,
Moved and carried that the
report of the committee be ac
cepted and adopted as read.
Tlie bridge committee made
the following report :
We" , your cotnmitte recommend
that the following bridge peti
tions be granted :
One 31-foot pile lridBe , petl ionei for by S.
A ; Carr et .n. . lo--ated on the section line
aliout 70 rods wesi or the NF. corner of sec.
Une3J-foot pile bridge , petitioned for by A.
hlllsoneiai. , located about 00 rods south of
tlie NE corner ol section 3I-H-3I.
Oiur-l-foot puc liridKe. petitioned for by A.
C Grtlnth et al , 4'-i mfies north and I , miles
east of UalUway. on nee l--lo-n
one aj.foot pile bridge , petitioned for hv
A. P. r-crk et al across canyon uear the Nfc
corner of sec 3MX-I9.
Oni > 20-foot pile bri ige , petitioned for by J.
R Neth et al. , on wen line of sec. 38-18 22/
° "Vr4foutiIu : } ! irI < | S - petltionoa f < , r by J
Wliltt et al and located on the south fine
of section .
onetU-foot pile brtilRv , petitioned for by
J. M C'aseetai , and io a'od about is rods
southof ( the southwest corner of the NWk
OnuSj foot pile bridge , petitioned tor by
R. L IJrlKKs et ni , and I icated In sec. 3J-15-21 ,
on the tirokeu How Oconto road
One 41-foot pile bridge , petitioned for by
Qeo.c , Marsh et al and located IJU rods north
of theSK corner of sec. 21-M-i ) .
. . .Physician , , Burgeon. .
and Occulist
Prices AS reasonable as are consis
tent with good work. Phone 01.
Office at Hospital.
Send Your Abstract Orders to
J. (1 ( Leonard , Bonded Abstractor
Office in Security State Bank Building
G. L. Turner Lbr. Co.
Lumber , Posts , Shingles
General Building Supplies
Phone 79
Plan now a 5,000 mile summer tour of the coast.
See the far west with its diversified sections broadening under scientific cultivation ;
visit its incomparable cities with their environment of intensive land wealth. A
east Tour is a broad education and the world's greatest rail journey.
Round trip , central Nebraska to California or Pu
get Sound , via direct routes , June 1st to Sept 30
Round trip on special dates each month from
Apr.l to July , inclusive.
Higher one wav through California,1 Portland and
One way , eastern and Central Nebraska to San
Francisco , Los Angeles , San Diego , Portland.
Tacoma , Seattle , Spokane , etc. , March 1 to April 15.
Proportional rates from yourtown. Consult nearest ticket agent
or write uie freely asking for publications , assistance , etc. , stating
rather definitely your general plans.
L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A.
IO04 Farnam Street. Omaha Nebraska.
If not , does it not cause you a certain feeling of envy toward
your neighbor who always pays his bills by check ? Don't you
think it a good time right now , to start an account with a
bank whose
Come in and let us talk it over and show you some of the ad
vantages of doing business with us.
W. A. GEORGE , President JULES HAUMONT , Vice President
L. II. JBWETT , Cashier H. D. PICICETT , Asst. Cashier
Always Something Left
In your pockefcbook when you buy your lumber and coal
of us. We can save you money on your lumber bill.
How do we know ? Because we save money for our
customers every day. We would like to save money
for you.
We can make you money by buying coal of us as we
have the stock to choose from. Let us fill your coal
bin next time : ,
Phone 23. J. S. Alolyneux , Manager.
One pile bridge , 2foot , petitioned for by
Jno. H Leake et al. , and located near the
center of > , outli line of sec 22-16-17
One l-foot ! pile bridge petitioned for by A. , and located about 3J rods west
of the ciuarter corner on the south hide of
We also recommend that the
following bridge claims be al
lowed :
Alien oewey. haullne piling and lumber
iromSarKdit to Lillian- , . , i 0 00
John O. ulsW hauling pile driver from
nrouen Uow to Gates and work on
Lillian bridge . . .2200
Ulerks Lumber * coal Co. . bridge lum'
ber furnished 0375
nierlcs Dumber & Coal Co. , luinberYir-
nlshed by Merna yard et : 85
P. H , Gtlcrest Lumber Co. . bridge turn'
bcr turnUhed 3150
Alva Walber hauling lumber and floor
ing bridge at OCOMIO i oo
G.v Rancler hauling lumber and lay.
Ing floor on Arnold bridge. . . . , 9 55
J. 1) . Gllmore ,
Oeo. W. Ileadley.
Oeo.W. Dewey.
Moved and carried that the re
port of the committee be accept
ed and adopted as read.
Board met at I p. m. with all
members present.
J. E. Grint reported that he
had sold old bridge lumber to the
amount of $3 60 , and had turned
the same over to the c unty
treasurer , whose receipt he had
filed with the county clerk.
Moved and carried that the
petition praying for the appoint
tnent of W. F. Dunbar to fill va
cancy as. assessor for Comstock