Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 17, 1910, Image 3

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For sore throat , sharp pain
In lungs , tightness across the
chest , hoarseness or cough ,
lave the parts with Sloan's
Liniment You don't need to
rub , just lay it on lightly. It
penetrates instantly to the scat
of the trouble , relieves conges
tion and stops the pain.
Here's the Proof.
Mr. A.W. Price , Fredonla , Kans. ,
ays : "Wo have used Sloan's Lini
ment for a year , and find it an excel
lent thing for sore throat , chest pains ,
colds , and hay fever attacks. A few
drops taken on sugar stops cough ,
ing and sneazing initantly. "
is easier to use than porous
plasters , acts quicker and docs
not clog up the pores of the skin.
It is an excellent an
tiseptic remedy for
asthma , bronchitis ,
and all inflammatory
diseases of the
throat and chest ;
will break op the
deadly membrane in
an attack of croup ,
and will kill any kind
of neuralgia or rheu
matic pains.
All drncglBts keep
Sloan's Liniment.
Prices 25c.EOc. , & $1.00.
Dr. Earl S. Sloan.
If Sne Had Her Choice.
A gentleman who finds great amuse
ment In telling his wife which lady of
their acquaintance he will select as
< hur successor when she dies , and who ,
one day , had been teasing her with
r numberless mock-serious allusions to
Uio subject , suddenly called their lit'
tie daughter to him and asked her.
shaking-with laughter at his own wit :
"Madeline , how would you llko to
have a stepmother ? "
The child considered for a moment
and then , with great earnestness re
plied :
"I think I'd much rather have a
stepfather. "
Not Willing to Commit Himself.
The teacher had called upon Fred
die Drown to give an illustration of
the proper manner in which to com
pare the adjective "clean. "
"Mother is clean , " said he , falteringly -
ly , "father Is clenner " Here ho
"And , " prompted the teacher.
"Freddie was still silent and very
"Haven't you some other relative 7"
asked the teacher , smiling.
"Oh , yes , " replied Freddie , "there' *
auntie hut I ain't sure about her ! "
An Appreciated Distraction.
"So you think the automobile has
made life much pleasanter ? "
"It has for me , " answered the com
fortable citizen. "I drive a fast horse
and my son rides a bicycle. The au
tomobile has taken the minds of the
police off both of us. "
Breakers Ahead.
"What makes you so sure that suffragette
fragetto club is in for serious trou
ble ?
"Mywife has Just joined It , " replied
Mr. Meekly.
Home Training.
Teacher And what do we call those
things that men like to see flying in
the air ?
Little Claude Razzahal Denvey
Love is blind , but self love is the
only kind that is positively incurable
It Makes for Health.
A man tried leaving off meat , pota
toes , coffee , and etc. , and adopted a
breakfast of fruit , Grape-Nuts with
cream , some crisp toast and a cup of
His health began to Improve at once
for the reason that a meat eater will
reach a place once In a while where
his oystem seems to bpcomo clogged
and the machinery doesn't work
A change of this kind puts aside food
of low nutritive value and takes up
food and drink of the highest value ,
already partly digested and capable
of being quickly changed into good ,
rich blood and strong tissue.
A most valuable feature of Grape-
Nuts is the natural phosphate of pot
ash grown In the grains from which it
Is made. This Is the element which
transforms albumen in the body into
the soft gray substance which fills
brain and nerve centers.
A few days' use of Grape-Nuts will
give ono a degree of nervous strength
well worth the trial.
Look in pkgs for the little book , "The'
Road to Wellvllle. " "There's a Reason. "
Ever rentl the nbovo letter ? A nett
one nppenra trotu time tn lime. They
re Kenulnc , true , oud full of human
Odd News From Big Cities
Stories of Strange Happenings in the
Metropolitan 1 owns
Snores Worth Fifty Cents Each to Him
YOU IHH < I < \
. - - S
.WOVV--/-I J
NEW YORK. "These things you
hear about the fortunes the Pull
man porters muke. " said one of them ,
"are mostly foolish ; but you do once
in a while gather in tips enough on a
single trip to buy an overcoat with ,
a spring overcoat , anyway.
"I thluk the most profitable slngl"
customer I ever struck was a man
that rode with mo once when I was
running on a parlor car between Now
York , and the first thing ho says to
me was :
" 'Simeon' that's what ho called
me , Simeon 'Simeon , ' ho says to mo ,
'I haven't had any sleep for a week ,
and I'm liable to go to sleep the min
ute I sit down In this car. and when I
sleep I alw&ys snore , and when 1
snore 1 do snore , and if I should snore
hero I'd bo liable to blow the roof off
the car and I'd be sure to disturb all
the other passengers. What I want.
Simeon , Is for you to look out for mo
and see that 1 don't snore. '
" 'Simeon , ' he says , 'keep an eye
on me , and for every time you keep
me from snoring I pay you CO cents.
You keep the score and I settle with
you when we get to Buffalo. But un
derstand , ' he says , 'for every tlmo ou
let me snore wo deduct $2 from the
total. '
"We hadn't much more'n rolled out
of New York before I saw his head
go back. I was alongside of him be
fore It went back the second time , but
from that on ho kept me on the Jump.
Drinks and Love Mixed by Frenchman
OS ANGELES. CAL. Peter Slvers.
Lt a French sheep herder , living on
Aliso street , accumulated a Jag re
cently and became amorous to such
an extent that his arrest and deten
tion on an insanity charge were
deemed necessary.
Slvers in turn made love to n
horse , a wagon and a hitching post ,
and when locked up In the city Jail
bestowed the most distracting ca
resses and salutations of love upon the
cold and unresponsive bars of his cell.
The sheep herder Is the living ex
ample of the little mustached type
who so often forms the chief fun
maker in French film moving picture
He Is short and slight , with a curlIng -
Ing mustache and all the ravings and
elaborate figures of speech used by
his countrymen. Early one afternoon
Slvers began to gather about him
strange-looking bottles. He drank from
each In turn , without fear or favor.
Any other man would have thought
a while before taking such chances ,
1 had to stir him up every five 01 *
( en or fifteen minutes , and 1 had to bo
quick about It. Once ho got away
from mo.
"I'd gene clean down to the other
end of the car , after we'd boon outj
about live hours , with n glass of water
for a lady , and Just as I was handing
It to her I heard n terrible noise down
at the other end of the car , and I
know what was the matter ; but the
other folks In the car didn't at first !
and half of 'cm Jumped up. The lady
I was handing the water to did , and
pretty near upset the tray , and everybody - ,
body was scared at first , and there
Ihoy wore standing up or looking
around from their chairs all over the
car , the whole lot of 'cm , all scowling
at my pnssengor.
"I made that run from Now York
to Buffalo many and many a time , but'
II Imd never seemed so long to mo be
fore. We got there finally , but when
ho stood up for mo to assist him off
1 was so tired and weak 1 could hardly
waggle the broom.
" 'Simmy , ' ho says , 'I think you did
well. What do you xmako the tally ? '
" 1 told him that he'd been asleep
71 times.
" 'Well , ' he says , 'Simmy , that would
make ? 3G.50 If It had been a perfect
Fcoro , but wo deduct two dollars for
the time you let me snore ; that brings
it down to $33.50. I suppose wo could
fairly enough knock off another dollar ,
half price for that half snore ; but wo
didn't make any special contract , ' ho
says , 'about half snores , and so wo
won't say anything about that. Just
let It go. '
"Then ho handed mo over $33.00 ;
and 1 got from the other passengers
$2.70 , making the grand total revenue
fo the trip $30.20.
but with Slvers it was do or die , and
he plunged in boldly.
After all the bottles had been emp
tied and wore lying upon the floor In
disconsolate attitudes , the Frenchman
arose and went forth In search of ad-
veuturcs. He thought he owned the
earth. He tossed his hat in the air in
an abandoned manner , and cried his
delight. He approached a horse at
tached to a baker's cart on Aliso
"Ah , zo gran' horse , zo big one , I
lof you , I lof you , " screamed the en
raptured Peter , with frantic attempts
to embrace the animal. The horse ,
being of common parentage and hav
ing no ambition to speak of , backed
away from the approaches of the little
man. Peter followed , hat in hand , mak-i
Ing the most elaborate bows In the
direction of the equine , and at the
same time casting the most beseech-1
Ing glances toward It.
The horse made a few attempts to
climb a telegraph pole , and Peter
transferred his affairs of love to a
picture of a fat damsel , painted on the
side panel of the wagon. Ho was try
ing to encircle the wagon with his
arms In his effort to embrace this
wooden affinity , when the driver came
forth from a nearby store , pried Peter
off with the too of his shoe , and , using
the same system of transmission de
livered him into hc gutter.
Wanted Pied Piper to Catch This Rat
BUFFALO , N. Y. If there's a Pled
Piper anywhere In the United
States ho Is wanted In Pouhkeepsle to
catch Gil Monahan's rat a big fat
fellow that is scampering through cel
lars , garrets and walls with a sleigh-
bell fast to his neck.
Gil Is "the limit" among practical
Jokers. When three rats were caught
In a trap In Welch's cafe recently he
thought It would be a merry jest to
tie n bell to the largest ono and give
him his liberty. The big rat , with his
bell tinkling merrily , scampered
across the floor and disappeared In
Pie Eater Loses When His Face Slips
NEWARK , N. J. Amid great enthusi
asm 35 young men , trained to the
minute , In Junior hall , nioomflold , en
tered the annual ple-eatlng contest for
the championship of Now Jersey. Flvo
of ttie contestants , as well as the state
record nf 2G pies In half an hour , fell
during the battle.
Walter W. Tappln , of Dloomfleld.
was the winner of the championship.
Ho managed to put himself on the
outside of 27 pies In the alloted time ,
while at least three more , consider
ably mussed up , clung about his tea-
the nearest hole. He was so proud of
his bell that ho sallied forth from the
building to arouse the envy of all the
less fortunate rodents In Pouhkeepsle.
Ho seems to bo a great traveler , for
his bell has been heard In widely sep
arated parts of the city.
At uncanny hours lonely men and
women have heard the strange sound
of a bell faintly tlnkly in the wall of
bedroom or parlor. Rest has been
broken ; sleep has been driven away
A young man who had been at a
stag party heard the tinkle-tinkle at
the head of his bed louder , then
fainter ; then louder again. It was
there , there , in the celling , up and
down the wall. Pulling on his clothes ,
the young man ran to the nearest doc
tor , exclaiming , "I've got them again ! "
When ho described the strange sounds
the doctor said , "Oh ! that's only Gil
Monah&n's rat Go back to bed. "
tures. Besides , the honors which go
with the title , ho won the first prize
of a $5 gold piece. Mr. Tapplu , after
the tilt , declared himself willing to
sign articles with any opponent on
three months' notice.
Second honors went to John Win-
throp Brewster of Newark , the favor
ite of the outsiders. Mr. Brewstcr re
duced the mountain of 200 pies by dis
posing of 22. For a long time at the
start of the race ho was In the lead
by three mouthfuls and ho blames his
defeat on the fact that when his face
slipped on No. 17 ho changed by mis
take from peach to mince
Sylvester "allltt , last year's winner ,
was third. He declared while being
led from the arena by friends , that
be was satisfied to have been able
even to enter the contest and not let
the title go by default.
Strikers Express Condemnation of the
Uncalled For Shooting , But No
Outbreaks Occur Walk
out Ic Belittled.
Philadelphia Promise of help from
without and development of strength
lu Its own fold , which appeared to
take oven Us most confident loaders
by surprise , Injected now life Into the
Philadelphia BvmpalhoUc strike move
ment Wednesday.
A labor campaign which gave every
sign of waning received Its strongest
Impetus from the action of the slate
federation of labor In convention In
Newcastle , in declaring that a state
wide and even nationwidetie up of
industry would not bo too great n
price to pay if necessary to insure
Jiuccess to the local cause.
Added to this came the revelation
that the union labor movement in
sympathy with the striking employes
of the Philadelphia Uipld Transit com
pany was strong enough to Invade
what was supposed to bo u secure de
tail of the opposing forces and open up
an admittedly wide broach.
The success of the strike lenders In
Inducing something over 1,000 em
ployes of the Baldwin locomotive
works to walk out following : the early
morning desertion of possibly as many
mote was the most striking develop
ment In the local situation.
To Ihe threat of the country wide
sl-riko if the local traction heads did
not agree to arbitration , the company
olllclals made ciut reply , anounclng
that they had said their last word on
arbitration and that If the widespread
strike depended on their yielding to
the arbitration Idea the strike would
liave to come.
Several linns announced that their
hands were returning to work. Pos
sible trouble was indicated by the an
nouncement of the strikers' commit
tee that It would hold an open air
mass meeting in the national league
baseball park Thursday noon. The
police authorities declared that the
meeting would not bo permitted but
the men reiterated their Intention of
holding it , claiming peaceful assem
blage at a meeting on private proper
ty as within their constitutional rights.
Results of the Indicated clash arc
awaited with some little trepidation.
The street car company slightly In
creased the number of cars In ser
vice and the lines in tie business and
residence districts were apparently
moro largely patronized than on any
day since the strike began.
May Come to America.
Southampton. Moro than 6,000
steerage passengers have left South-
Immpton for the United States within
a fortnight , breaking all records. Every
steamer has taken her full capacity ,
whllo the Occanicn , which sailed on
Thursday , was compelled to close her
bookings nearly a week ago. Emi
grants , unable to secure passage to
the continent are arriving hero in
great numbers in the hope of reaching
America by the British lines.
Platt Is Laid to Rest.
Owego , N. Y. On a hillside ovt'r-
looking the village of bis birth the
body of Thomas Collier Platt , former
United States senator and for many
years repulican leader of New York ,
was buried Wednesday. During the
ceremonies at the First Presbyterian
church the little church was filled to
the doors. Senator Platt's loyalty to
his friends was the keynote of the
eulogy delivered by Rev. George
Douglas Young.
Fairbanks Given Banquet.
London. Several distinguished Brit-
oiis , with many American residents ,
gave a banquet Wednesday night to
Former Vice-president Charles W.
Fairbanks , under the auspices of the
Pilgrim society. The Earl of Salsbury
prefaldod despite his eighty-four years
and talked eloquently of Bunker Hill
and Anglo-American friendship of late
days. The speech of the evening was
made by Mr. Fairbanks.
Bryan IB Now In Brazil.
Sao Paulo , Brazil. AVlllIam Jen
nings Bryan arrived hero Wednesday
and was given a cordial welcome. He
paid a visit to the civil authorities
and In the evening delivered a lecture
which was largely attended.
Senator Daniels Stricken.
Daytona. United States Senator
John W. Daniel of Virginia , was strick
en with paralysis hero Wednesday
night Ills physicians say ho will re
cover. The stroke was slight.
Hogs Jump Another Notch.
St Louis. Live hogs of ordinary
nui'llty were sold here Wednesday for
$1050 a hundred weight , an advance
of 17 1-2 cents since Tuesday.
To Add Bust of Roosevelt. ,
Washington. A marble bust of The
odore Roosevoit reached Washington
for Installation In a niche In the sen
ate chamber. The placing of the bust
In this conspicuous place will necessi
tate the removal to one o * the empty
niches In the corridors of the bust r/ ?
a former and long forgotten vice pres
The Roosevelt bust Is the work of
James Frazer of New York and shows
the subject with face in repoee and in
a dignified mood.
Lydia E. PS&iEdlam's Vegetable Compound
What is the use of procrastinating in the face of such
evidence as the following letters represent ? If you are 9
sick woman or know one who is , what sensible reason have
you for not giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound a trial ? For 30 years we have been publishing such
testimonial letters as these thousands of them they arc
genuine and honest , too , every one of them. vf
Mrs. S. J. Barber says :
Pinkham'a Vege
table Compound
ia the best metli-
clno in the world
for women and
1 fcol It my duty
to lot others
know the coed it
has done for mo.
Three yearsngo
I had ft tumor
which the doctor
oaid would have
to bo removed by an operation or I
could not live uioro than n year ,
or two , at moat. 1 wrote Mrs. rink-
ham , atLynn , Haas. , for advice , and
took 14 bottles of Lydia E. Pink-
Imm's Vegetable Compound , and to
day the tumor is gene and I am a
perfectly well woman. I hope my
testimonial will bo of benefit to oth
ers. " Mrs. S. J. 13AiujKn , Scott ,
N. Y.
Mrs. E3. F. Efoyes snys :
"I was under the
doctor's treat ,
inont for a fibroid
tumor. 1 suffered
with pain , sore
ness , bloating ,
and could not
walk or stand on
my foot any
length of time. I
wrote to Mrs.
Plnkluim for ad
vice , folio wed her
directions and
took Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound. To-day 1 am a well
woman , the tumor was oxpollud and
my whole system strengthened. I
mlviso all women who nro afllictcd
with tumors or female troubles to
try Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. " Mrs. 33. P. HAYKS ,
3800 Washington St. , Boston , Mass.
For 30 years IJydia J3. Pinklmm's Vegetable
Compound lins been the standard remedy for
fcmalo ills. No slclc woman does justice to
lierself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs , and
lias thousands of cures to its credit.
* Mrs. Phikham invites all sick women
_ _ to wrlto her for advice. She has
guided thousands to health free of charpro.
Mrs. Pinkhniii , Lynn , Mass.
Overland Cars
Our nycnts in Knnnn.i have ordered for
this season 1,000 Overland automobiles.
Nebrixnlca talcei 750 Iowa 1,000 Texas
1,5(70. ( Thus liaa the Overland after ono
ycars's oxpcrlonco captured tlio farming
It has captured the cities , too. New
York City takes 1,000 Overlands thla ycnr.
Boston takes COO San Franelaco COO
Washington COO Philadelphia 0.
Our UBCiita have contracted for 10,000
Ovcrlanda for $24,000,000 worth of Over-
lunda to supply the demand for thla
year. That's a Inrcer sale than any oth
er car commando.
Yet , two years nso few had ever heart !
of nti Ovcrlund. Thin scnsaUomil BUUCCBU
Is duo to the creation of a remarkable
The Simple Car
The BUCCC81 of the Overland Is 'mainly '
duo to Its amazing ( simplicity , A lu-ycar-
old child can master the car In flvo min
utes. I'ush a pedal forward to go nheiul ,
and backward to joverao. Push another
pedal for liljjli npocd. There Is nothing
elfio to do but steer.
Any man with the simplest Instruction
tion- ) , can run an Overland a thousand
miles and back.
There was never a car no rasy to care
for so easy to keep In order.
Mrs. Gcorgo M y My * I /I
'No ono know *
what I bars iu >
from female >
male trouble * ,
neuralgia pains ,
and backache ,
My doctor gala
ho could not ffiva
mo anything to
cure it Throufh
the advice of A
friend I begaa
to use Lydia EL
tnblo Compound , and the pain loon
disappeared. I continued iti ua
nnd ivm now In perfect health.
Lydia E. Pinkhanro Vegetable Compound -
pound has been a Gou-aond to me
na I believe I should bare been in
my crave if it Imd not been for Mr * .
Pinkham's ad vie o nnd Lydia B.
Hnkham'a Vegetable Compound. "
Airs. Gconoos MAT , 80 4th Are ,
Tatorson , N. J.
Mrs. TV. 1C. Honah lays I
"I bare boon
completely cured
of a Bovcro female
male trouble by
Lydia 33. PinK.
Imin'a Vcgetabla
Compound , and
want to recom
mend it to all 8uf >
foriiifj women. "
Mrs. W. K.
ITousn , 7 East.
view Aye. , Cln
cinnati , Ohio.
Because your case ia a difficult
ono , doctors having done you no
good , do not continue to suffer with
out piving Lydia E. Plukham's Vcff-
ct.'vblo Compound a trial. It aurely
hay cured many cases of f emalo ills ,
Buchasinllammation.ulcorationdia <
placements , fibroid tumors , Irrejm.
20 Per Cent Reduction
The Ovcrland's succosi Is also du * t *
Its price. No other maker v r cav * BOAT *
ly so much for the monty.
Yet wo have cut our coita thli y *
about 20 per cent through enormou * IB *
crrnso In production.
The Overland wo sell for ROW this ystf
It better than the $1,280 Overland lul
year. It Is a 25 II. P. car with & ip * 4
of GO miles an hour. ,
So with the $1,250 , fl.400 and $1,600 Over1
lands. Each offers a tlfth more than wr *
before for the money.
All prices Include Macnelo and MA
lamp equipment.
Ask for the Story /
The Overland story Is ono of the et * t1
cst business stories over told. It tell *
how this car the creation of a mochanl- '
cal Rcnlus has In two yoara reached thai
topmost place In thin Hold. And It tert *
all about the car. Bond us this coupe *
to-day for this book.
The Willys-Overland Co. , ToUdo. Ohio
Licensed uuclorHeldon Patent.
Please Bend me the book
Price $1,000. 25 h. p. 102 Inch wh.J
b e. One or two rumble ! or Toy
Tonoeau t tmall additional pric * .
> Jrlome
should bo her pride. Your homo should
reflect your own individuality. You
cannot tiavo special wall papers de
signed by you for each room you can
carry out ft special Alabastlne decora
tive echcmo for those roams you cnn bo
a leader in your community and have
your home the talk of your friend * .
The Stylish Wall Tint
\ >
li the rnntcrial that will rccompllsh this result. Wo can
show Innumerable color effect ! , classic btcncil deslgui , and
our Art Department Is at > our service.
Send for the Alabuttno book explaining what we do
for you , and how we furnith free itencil * where AlabaiUno
U tiled.
Alabnitlne I * a powder ramie from Alnbocter , ready for
me by nilxlnc with cold water , and Is applied with an or *
dluory wall bru h. Full directions on each package.
Alabaetino Company
New York City.N.Y. Grand Rapid * , MIci