I jf'fl ' Do farmers eat the proper sort of food ? The farmer of today'buys a much larger proportion of the food that goes on the table than ho did ton years n o. tt'0 a good thine that this Is so because he has A great variety to select from. Ho chould , however , tiso great care In selecting for the best results In health and strength. The widespread tendency In the city to Increase the amount of Quaker Oats eaten Is duo very largely to the recent demonstrations by scientific men that the Quaker Oats fed man Is the man jwlth greatest physical endurance and greatest mental vigor. Farmera should glvo this subject careful thought and should Increase tha quantity of Quaker Oats eaten by themselves , their children and the farm hands. 57 GUOD IDEA. f Teddy Say , what makes ycr have a gun wld such n long barrel ? Jeddy 'Cause yor kin got closer to do rabbit Avoid the Cheap and "Big Can" Da- king Powdero , The cheap baking powders have but one recommendation : they certainly civo the purchaser plenty of powder for his mon ey but it's not all baking powder ; the bulk ( i made up of cheap materials that have no leavening power. These powdcra nre so carelessly made from inferior materials that they will not make light , wholesome food , further , these cheap baking now- den have . very imall percentage of leav ening gas ; therefore it takes from two to three times as much of such powder to taise the cake or biscuit ns it does of Calti- tnet Baking Powder. Therefore , in th6 long run. the actual cost to the consumer of the cheap powders is more than Calu- rnet would be. Cheap baking powders leave the bread sometimes bleached and Held , sometimca yellow and alkaline , and mlways unpalatable. They are never of uniform strength and qmlity. Why not buy a perfectly wholesome ba king powder hko Calumet , that , is at the arne time moderate in price and one vhich can be relied upon ? Culumet is nl- Ways the snmo. keeps indefinitely and tlves the cook the least trouble. Entitled to It. "How arc things lookln' over to Din- Eledoll ? " "They've been lookln' purty sQuenm- tab for a spell. Th' creek got so blame high It overflowed Peasloy'o dam , an' there's two foot o1 water In Wldder Brown's cellar. " "Well , well , I a'pose you folks over there will bo BO stuck up pretty soon thet you'll bo callln' yourselves th' Parisians of Ameriky. " WORTH KNOWING Simple But Powerful Prescription for rxheumatlsm and Lame Back. This was previously published here and cured hundreds , "Got one ounce of syrup of Sarsaparllla compound and ono ounce Torls Compound. Then got half a pint of good whiskey and put the other two Ingredients into It. Use a tablespoonfut of this mixture before each meal and at bed time. Shako the bottle each time. " Good effects are felt the flrat day. Any druggist has these Ingredients on hand or will quickly get them from hla wholesale houso. Called Her Bluff. "He'n a brute ! " "What boa ho been doing now ? " "I threatened to leave him and he told mo he would button my gown up the back IX I would hurry , " Houston Foot. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children , and see that It Bears the Signature In UBO For Over f JO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Don't kick when your wife asks if her hat Is on straight Rather feel proud that oho has the graclousness to liken you to a plumb. Beautiful Poet Card * Free. Bend 4c stamps for flvo samples of our very best Gold and Silk Finish Birthday. Flower and Motto Post Cards ; beautiful colors and loveliest designs. Art Post Card Club , 793 Jackson St. , Topeka , Kan , The diminutive chains of habit are eeldom heavy enough to bo felt till they are too strong to be broken. Samuel Johnson. "Pink Cre" la Kplilrmlc , Attacks the Eyes In the bpnnutlme. Is Contagious and Cnlla ( or Immediate Ac tion. Murlno Bye Remedy Affords Reli able Keller. It Soothes. Apply Murlno freely and Frequently. Doesn't Smart , No Deposits. "Do you think there's money In hens ? " "Well , If there Is they keep It wel iwured. " Exchange. PILES CDHED IN O TO 14 DATS. ZO plST llNTig-n | rant m to core nnr cast t Itehtof , HUnd. IU * tlnx or J'rotrudinif 1'Ileii In teUa Jiormo&rr riuided. jfla. Always hold In mind that even fall are can be the alphabet of success. Wlleon. FEHIIY DAVIS' PAINKH.T.EIC iikn eoTlable reputation of orer Mrrnty rcai i ni a U bl reunvly ( or Inmbayo , tclntlca. pleurUr Utetiilto. , dS ) aoauic. AtallilrutTKiiu. Borne men go to their graves with out discovering that they wore not at Important as they thought they wore Mrs. AVliultm's Southing Syrup. Forehlldreo t < H'ttilnif , Botti'n tlinguiii , reducfjln- BLMamailon.ttllajr ( M.lucuru wlnacolic.'i-ouUjltlu. The man who worships a woman will never develop Into n free thinker POULTRY NOTES. Gather the eggs several times a day. Clean out the nest boxes and burn the old straw. The heavy laying hen usually laya n. normal , mc'llum sized egg. Start right by getting better hens ; end right by keeping them bettor. Cull the surplus poultry. Keep only such fowls as you tire assured nro money-makers. Do not try to start n now breed. There are plenty now , and you would bo sure to get nothing but scrubs for your pains. Lime is a great cleanser. Hens must have lime or they cannot manufacture luggshells. Lime Is very useful about the poultry premises. If your Hock of hens does not pro- ( hiao a god average of fcrtilo eggs , better Introduce now blood. Secure jsomo healthy males from another Illoclc. Ono necessity for the turkey raiser .011 the avcrngo farm is n trco for iroostlng purposes. A turkey does netlike like a house , but much prefers an open place to roost. Many wno keep the poultry houses clean overcrowd their chickens and then wonder why they lese their ifowls. Let the chickens have plenty or rooms and fresh air. Keep your chicks tamo. It Is a nui sance to have to use u shotgun to catch ti chicken. Insubator chicks have this advantage , they nro accus tomed to being handled and are never rendered unmanageable through fright. PREPARE GEESE FOR MARKET First Object la to Make Them as Heavy as Ponslble and In Short est Possible Time. Gecso being prepared for the mar ket should bo grown to large slzo and then finished for the market In the shortest possible time. It Is a Toulouse Goose. good plan to shut thorn up in a lim ited Inclosuro and food them to the limit for about two weeks , selling thorn as soon ns possible after this. Jn many markets the heavier n geese weighs the more It brings per pound. So it Is an object to make thorn ns , henvy as possible. CONCRETE FOUNTAIN IS BEST Will Produce an Everlasting Article and One That Will Glvo Excel lent Satisfaction. While many similar fountains for the poultry have been made of tin cans , that soon rust and nro useless , yet this i-amo" principle applied to a concrete fountain will produce an ever lasting article nnd one that will give excellent satisfaction. A largo flat dish Is used to mold the bottom , into this lay a one-Inch course of concrete nnd have it como up on the sides , as Concrete Fountain. shown in sectional Illustration , about two Inches high. In the center sot a short section of stove pipe and Inside this place a smaller piece that has a less diameter BO that the wall of the tank will have a thlckncsn of at least three-quarters of an inch nil around the saint1 ; for the center core nn old tomato can or even n round piece of wood of the right size is excellent The holes for the water nre made b > Inserting a largo spike about one-half Inch from the bottom , through the outer core or section of stovoplpo nnd BO It will mold a small hole through the concrete ; four or six of these should liu made , but placed below the lop edge of iusldo dish. The concrete Is placed between the stovepipe and the core , thus molding the wall nnd bonding with the concrete bottom so the fountain Is all In ono piece. When dry the forms may bo easily removed and you have an article that will glvo good satisfaction , keeping the water clean , with Just enough In the lower basin for the poultry ; something they cannot tip o\cr and spill , the eunply for the day being placed In at the top of the tank CHEAP HOUSE FOR POULTRY ( lustration Shows Structure Intended for Chlckeno All the Year- Cost Is Small. A practical poultry house , 20x32 , IB Bhown In the llluBlrnUon herewith. The center part Is 12xUO feet , 9 feet o the square , having n solid floor 3 cot nbovo top of Bill ( dotted. line shows where iloor should bo ) . ThlH department IH used exclusively for aylng and roosting. Ground plan shown partition through length of made of plastering lath , and Practical Poultry House. flooring up nnd down in roosting room. The frame Is of studding 2x4 Inches , weather-boarded with worked barn boards , also lined with same , with smooth side out , having building paper ( or tar paper ) , tacked up to the studding under it. Hoosts hang from celling on Iron rods to within 14 or 1C Inches from the floor ; a board set in grooves in the walk divides floor space under roosts to keep droppings from mixing with litter on balance of floor. Feed troughs are placed around walls as shown In plan. Ladders lead up from scratching floor to each roostIng - Ing room. This roosting department is scaled up on tinder sides of rafters , which permits of n window In each gable above the square of the build- ng , giving splendid ventilation with out any patent arrangements. The vlngs are 3 foot high In front and 7 oet whcro they Join roost rooms. The space under floor of main biilldlnt ; Is a part of scratching floor with n lath partition extending through. It is cal culated as an all year poultry house , t can bo used for ono flock by omit- Ing the partition In the center of the louse and scratching floors. The ap proximate cost Is $90. POULTRY THRIVE ON ALFALFA Experiment Demonstrates That It Is Excellent as Green Feed for the Growing Chickens. ( DT MUS. U rtOBEKTSON. ) I have demonstrated to my satis faction during the past year , that nl- "alfn excels clover both as a green food for growing chicks , and a winter relish for adult fowls. Wo have a field of ten acres sown to alfalfa stretching Just below the colony coops nnd pens where I raise my chicks. A year ago last summer I noticed that as soon as I gave the chicks free range they would seek this field nnd spend hours in the growing alfalfa , particularly when it blossomed ready for cutting. Dy close observation I found that they ate the tender tops and purple buds ravenously and certainly seemed to thrive on the food. I tried sowing some seed In my nursery pen , and it was wonderful to see how the chicks enjoyed It wee , fluffy fellows just from the incubator. This sot mo to thinking. When last winter came on I housed 100 pure Buff Cochin pullets In a fair ly roomy nnd comfortable house. The large hay barn was stored to thereof roof with alfalfa nnd millet hay. Prom the former the leaves and dried blos soms , still green In hue. fell In masses of fine fragrant litter , useless to the cattle and horses which only ate the bulkier stems. All winter long I used this alfalfa chaff for litter in my houses , bedding the floor deep every day. The hena scratched In It for their grain nnd ate every available bit they could pick up. Dy night the floor would bo bnro and n fresh supply was thrown In ready for the morning meal. My hens have always done well as winter layers , but last season they outdid themselves and made a record which Is the wonder and envy of all my neighbors. 1 give the credit to alfalfa , especial ly ns some close neighbors with warm er houses ono of them heated who bought patent egg-making foods , pro tein and blood meal In largo quanti ties and who have bone mills and fed green bone all winter , with oyster shells , mica grit nnd cut clover got next to no eggs at all. In fact , the one who has the heat ed chicken house , did not average three eggs a week and the other bare ly got enough for family use. Ono has a fiock of 500 Brown Leghorns and the other 250 pure Barred Rocks In past winters eggs from my old hens have been few and far between. It was the pullets that laid the eggs , but not only did the hens lay last winter but want to set Just as If It was summer weather. I broke up ns many as n dozen broody hcnp last January. In the face of facts like those I naturally glvo the credit to alfalfa. J This was the sole addition to their I feed and the only grain they had was i com and an occasional feed of boiled j outs for wo did not BOW wheat last I year. NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM , A VARIOUS SECTIONS. - - C.LL SUBJECTS TOUCHED UPON Religious , Social , Agricultural , Pollt leal and Othsr Matters Given Due Consideration. J. C. Stlllinger and wife of Boone county , celebrated their golden wed ding. ding.A A big Ice house near the Davis ele vation In Beatrice was burned to the ground , entailing a loss of $1,000 , ful ly covered by insurance. C. A. Mclslngcr of Springfield was taken Into custody and was adjudged u fit subject for treatment as a dip somaniac by the insanity board. Krnest Hahn , for twenty-four years Connected with the Nye-Schnelder- Fowler Grain company at Fremont , assumed the office of deputy cbunty treasurer succeeding Harry Ilimes , who went to Colorado Springs to ac cept a. position with a creamery com pany. As J. E. Gosncll and Mark Coffey were coming to Republican City from Woodruff , Kas. , the buggy was over turned. They got up and righted'It , Mr. Gosnell having thp lines In his hand. The team was a spirited one , and as the buggy was being turned the team Jumped and Mr. Gosncll was struck on the side of the head , his skull being badly .fractured. 111 ? chances for recovery are slim. General Munacer Mohler of the Union Pacific and several other of- Ilclals came to Norfolk and decided to build a sightly modern brick passenger - senger station. A dog at Wymore belonging to James Shelld acted strangely and bit u number of children , before it was killed. It is supposed the dog had rabies , and the head was cent to the Pasteur Institute in Chicago for ex amination. Omaha is fast getting to be a man ufacturing center. Paxton & Gal lagher have their big coffee mills at Omaha , the Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Co. have established their head quarters there , and now it is said the Hen Cracker Co. are to build one of the finest cracker factories in the world at Omaha. The great need , how ever , is cheaper power In Nebraska. A gentlemanly burglar perpetrated an immensely rich joke on himself at the residence 'of R. II. Watkins in Alliance. He entered Watkins' bed room , secured his pants , took them out through the sitting room Into the kitchen and removed .about ? 3 in silver and nickels , but entirely over looking ? GOO in large bills which Watkins - kins had put in the watch pocket of the pants. Death of Henry Bedford , one of the pioneers of Seward county occurred at Enid , Oklahoma , on February 27. Mr. Bedford had gone there only a weelc before to visit his daughter. Attorney H. B. FIchdrty of Omaha appeared before Governor Shallen- berger with a plea for n commuta tion of sentence in the case of Leon Angus , under sentence of life Impris onment in the Nebraska penitentiary. A Beatrice real estate dealer as sorts that over one hundred residents of Ga e county have disposed of their farms during the past few weeks and are now removing to other states A number have located in Canada. Three thousand dollars was paid on an old issue of school bonds by the county treasurer of Buffalo county last week. They were Issued in the amount of $00,000 seventeen years ago , and this is the first payment on them. The corner-stone of the magnificent now Presbyterian church in Aurora was laid with impressive ceremonies. The surveyors of the Kearney-Boloit railway are Hearing the end of their last journey over the route between Kearney and Beloit. The report of the surveyors has been favorable , low Grades being found moat of the way. William Brown died at his homo In Stranton as a result of injuries sustained by falling from the roof of a barn on the Zilmer farm. He was shingling the building and slipped , falling some twelve feet striking on his shoulders. The city" council of Fairbury has called a special election for April 2G to vote on the mutter of Issuing $135- 000 bonds to purchase or install a light and water plant. The franchise offered by the Fairbury Light and Water company will be voted on at the same time. Dawson county has been looking forward for some time to the erection of a much needed new court house. The county commissioners have set March 19 for the voting of bonds to the amount of $100,000 for this ele gantly planned structure. Rev. Frank W. Dell , pastor of the Friends' church at Central City , has departed for Oskaloosa , la. , whqro ho will hold a two weeks' series of meet ings among the students of Penn col lege , the Quaker institution of learn ing at that place. County Judge Wray 1ms bound Geo. Stryker , who Is charged with embez zlement of funds of the York Alfalfa Meal company , over to the next term of district court , evidence showed that during Stryker's short term of olllco na treasurer of the company ho received $3,800 , and when ho resigned there was only $ C3 In the treasury. The State Board of Public Land A TRAIN LOAD OF TOBACCO. Twenty-four Carloads Purchased for Lewis' Single Binder Cigar Factory. What la probably the biggest lot of all fancy grade tobacco held by any factory In the United States has just been purchased by Frank P. Lewis , of Peorla , for the manufacture of Lewis' Single Binder Cigars. The lot will mnko twenty-four carloads , and la se lected from what Is considered by ex perts to be the finest crop raised In many years. The purchase of tobacco 1 ? sufficient to last the factory more than two years. An extra price was paid for the selection. Smokera of Lewis' Single Binder Cigars will appre ciate this tobacco. Poor/a Btar , January 16 , 1909. DESERT MELODY. "I can sing , " said one Toucan , "you bat , " "I , too , can , " said ono that ho root. "So If I can , and you can , "We two can , we Toucans. " So the two Toucans sang a duet. THIS TELLS THE STORY. Los Angeles , Cal. , Jan. 2 , 1910. 1427 West 28th St. Undo Saui's Breakfast Food Co. , Omaha , Neb. Gents : My mother has used your food for over ono year , and It has done her so much good that she feels she can't get along without It , and as no ono has It out hero , I want to know what a case of 1 or 2 dozen packages will cost me , F. O. B. Omaha or Los Angeles , by freight. Yours Truly , J. L. WOODSON. We certify that the above letter Is a true copy of the original and was not solicited. * U. S. BF. F. CO. Thinking of Garden Time. Bacon I think much of the man who can make two blades of grass grow where ono grew before. Egbert I've not got my eye on him. f admire more the man who can make only ono weed grow where a dozen grew before. $100 Reward , $100. The readers o ! this piper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least cue dteaucd disease that wienco has been able to cure la all Its Blades , and that Is Catarrh , llall'a Catarrh Cure Is the only jxjsithe cure now Known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh bclns a constitutional disease , requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure to taken In ternally acting directly upon the blond nnd mucous surfaces of the system , thereby destroying the foundation of the disease , and chins the patient strcnsth by bulldtm ; up the constitution and n-sK- Ing nature In ( loins Its work. The proprietors hue BO much faith In Its curative powers that they otter Ono Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials Address F. J. CIIRNCY & CO. Toledo , O. Bold by all Drutrclsts " 5c. Take Hall's Family 1'liu for constipation. Excellent Connection. "Is his family well connected ? " "Extremely so. They have an ex clusive private 'phone , " BREAK OP THAT COUGH irttbAVen'i l.ung Itiilvim , the popular family rem edy. It cures where other remedies fall. All deal ers. 25c , We , H CO bottles. The decollete-gowned woman is sel dom deceitful ; at least , she doesn't try to conceal much. TO rnnrc A COLD IN ONE DAY Pain J.A.VATU'H 1IUUMO Quinine Tablet * lniL"lntsrctiiiiJ ( money If It falli to cur * . E. W tillOvli'S slsB.ilureltoneacb.box. Sc. It doesn't take one long to become an expert fault finder. A Worthy Remedy , If you suffer from any Stomach ach , Liver , Kidney or Bowel trouble , you will find Hostetter's Stomach Bitters a thoroughly reli able remedy and worthy of your utmost confidence. Give it a fair trial and see for yourself how good it is in cases of Poor Appetite , Belching , Sick Head ache , Indigestion , Cost- ivenessColdsGrippe& General Weakness. Get OSTETTER' CELEBRATED STOMACH Your Liver is Clogged up That's Why You're Tired On ! * 8 Sorta Hare No Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS will put you right in a lew day * . They do their duty. Cure Comtipa- tioB , Dil- iouineit , Indigtition , Bad Side SMALL POL , SMALL DOSE. SSALL NUCB GENUINE mutt bear ngn&ture : Cured Right at Home by ELUCrnOPODES. Ne Eltctrfc Treatment. G lTanlc Inloles coppr and rifle worn IniMo ihoes. Imrltrorate entire body. Nerre * b come "lira wlrn. " Positive cure lor Rheumatism , Neurilel * . Backache. Kidney and Llrer cotnpUlcts. Frlco only SICOYour money returned II net latliUctory. Guarantee lzned with ch taJe. Klectropode ir mallable. II not it your Drurrltf. Mod us Jl.00. State irhether lor ma _ or woman. WESTERN ELECTKOPODE CO. 215 Lea Angcle * SU If * Aascle * . Ctl. "I used Cascorets and feel like a new man. I have been a sufferer from dye- pepsia and sour stomach for the last two years. I have been taking medicine and other drugs , but could find no relief only for a short time. I will recommend A Cascarets to my friends as the only thing for indigestion and sour stomach ana to keep the bowels in good condition. They are very nice to eat. " Harry Stuckley , Mauch Chunk , Pa. Pleasant , Palatable , Potent , TastoGood. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. JOc. 25c , 50c. Never sold in built. The gen uine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money bade. 929 P1TLESS SCALES. For Steel ana Wood Frames , 125 an * up WrlU ) usbeforo joulnij. , Wo save you money. Alto 'I'umps and Wind illlls. . HUMS rrntiltk A Liwr n , Washington. U a lilt , to si * . B t ref ertacM. W. N. U. , LINCOLN , NO. 11-1910. The Tenderfoot Farmer Itvas one of these experimental farmers , who put green spectacles on his cow and fed her shavings. His theory rras that it didn't matter what the cow ate so long as the rras fed. The questions of digestion and nourishment had not entered into his calculations. It's only a "tenderfoot" farmer that would try tuch nn experiment with a cow. But many a farmer feeds him * self regardless of digestion and nutrition. He might almost as well eat shav ings for nil the good ho gets out of his food. The result is that the stomach grows "weak" the action of the organs of digestion and nutrition are impaired and the man Buffers the miseries of dyspepsia and the agonies o ( nervousness. To strengthen the stomach , restore the activity of the or * tfans of digestion and nutrition and brace up the nerrcs , use Dr. P/ercc'a Golden Medical Discovery. It Is an an * falling remedy , and has the confidence of physicians a veil as the pralso of thousands healed by its use. _ In the strictest sense "Golden Medical Discovery" is a temperance medi cine. It contains neither intoxicants nor narcotics , and is as free from alcohol os from opium , cocaine and other dangerous drugs. All ingredients printed on its outside wrapper. Don't let a dealer delude you for his own profit. There is no medicine for stomach , liver and blood "just as good" as "Golden Medical Discovery. " DISTEMPER CATARRI1AL FEVER AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES Oureo the sick and acts as a preventive for others. Liquid given OB the tongue. Safe for brood mares and nil others. Best kidney remedy : M cents and II 00 a bottle ; 5 00 and 110 00 the dozen. Bold by all druVcUw end horse goods houses , or Bent express paid , by the manufacturers ! SPOHN MEDICAL CO , Chemi.u , GOSHEN , INDIANA rtl JRF < C5CONSTIPATION'BILIOUSNESS. ' . RHEUM- \fU ITt C.O * ATISMSTOMACH AND LIVER COMPLAINT GET A 25c BOX ALL DRUGGISTS SURE TO ACT BETTER THAN PILLS FOR LIVER ILLS A. H. LEWIS MIDICINC CO. , T. LOUI , MO. A limited amount of Great Western Port land tVraonl , paying a dividend of 8 # Wo nro oltllcwl to enlarge our plant , duo to the Increase In buslnesn. and oiler the above stock to those seeking investment * . For particulars , address GREAT WESTERN PORTLAND CEMENT CO. \ is the turning-point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Every dealer , everywhere STANDARD OIL CO.