Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 10, 1910, Image 8

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    The Cosier County Republican
D. M. AMSBERRY , Editor
POLITIC ! ! ! , i
Other Matters of Interest Con- , J
dcnced From the Moro &
* ! Important Telegrams. w
It is unofficially reported In Nica
ragua that Capt. Godfrey Fowler , for
merly of the United States army , who
commanded General Chamerro's ar
tillery In the engagement at Tlsma on
Tuesday , has died from his wounds.
The reply of the French government
to Secretary Knox's proposal for the
neutralization of the Manchurlan rail
ways , which vms communicated to
Washington two weeks ago , followa
the lines already Indicated In the news
dispatches , namely , that Franco de
fers to the attitude of Russia and
Japan as the parties most interested
, in the matter.
A Llson ( Portugal ) dispatch , by way
of the Spanish frontier , says that
the government apparently Is greatly
perturbed by the discovery of a wide
spread revolutionary plot Arrests of
fiunpectK are being made dally. Con-
lldontlal Information has reached the
authorities that a cargo of arms and
ammunition for the revolutionists Is
being brought from Germany.
Dr. Cliarloa W. Wallace , who Is in
London on leave of absence from the
University of Nebraska , granted last
October to permit him to pursue
Shakespearean studies , will have the
Htorles of his research published In
the March number of ono of the
American magazines.
The English section of the Ameri
can Navy league celebrated Washing
ton's birthday by a dinner in London.
R. Newton Crane , former president of
the American society , presided , hav
ing on his right John L. Griffiths , the
American consul general , and on his
left William Phillips , secretary of the
American embassy.
The Central Labor Union of Phila
delphia voted to go out on sympa
thetic strike.
The burning of n cotton -warehouse
caused a lose of $385,000 at Now
| | Ucdford , Mass.
| A grandson of Ole Hull , the famous
Norwegian violinist , is said to bo lo
cated in Omaha.
Russian oflUialo say that China Is
arming against Russia and profess to
bollovo that wav is possible witliin a
The annual report of Secretary
Royso' of the Nebraska banking
hoard shown im average loss of only
1C cents on state and national bank
deposits of $1.600.
A duel with pistols was fought at
Vienna by two Austrian government
officials , Dr. Oscar Mayer and IJaron ,
Hermann Wldenofer. Mayer shot
Wldenofor ( load.
Secretary 'MacVeaghwas present
at a recent meeting of the cabinet ,
the llrst time in two weeks on ac
count of illness.
Secretary Nagol says $100,000 a
year in stamping out the whlto slave
traffic will bo money well spent.
The Cuban congress adjourned un
til April 4. No legislation of any Im
portance was accomplished , during
the late session.
A lit of snoozing saved Harry R ,
Sell , a well known Trenton man ,
from being electrocuted when a llvo
wire fell just above his head.
Massachusetts has been aroused to
the fact that greater safeguards are
needed for her treasuries.
The Nova ScoUa legislature as
sembled in regular session and was
opened with the customary cere
Count Anton Scgra , the Hungarian
nobleman , who is to marry Miss Harriet
riot Daly , daughter of Marcus Daly
of Montana , reached New York. The
wedding will take place after Easter.
The venerable Colonel Gordon of
Mississippi made his farowcll address
to the senate. Ills successor has been
The government Is preparing to In
struct the Indian In farming.
The grand jury at Jersey City re
turned indictments against men Iden
tified with the big packing houses.
Uattllng Nelson will take on "Cy
clone" Thompson for n forty-flvo round
light at Son Francisco.
A representative of the English antislavery
ti-slavery society states that the
glave trade still exists.
D. E. Thompson ot Nebraska is
pleased with the Industrial outlook
In Mexico whore ho to interested in
railway development.
Six people were killed in a snow
slide in the Hitter Root mountains ,
The now British government suc
cessfully overcame the initial attack
of opposition forces.
United Slates Marshall II. K. Love
of Alaska arrived in Seattle on his
way to Washington to testify before
the BalllngorPinchotornmlttco. .
Albert NIer of San Francisco joined
twenty churches in a week and swin
dled the pastors of each of them on
the plea that ho had just moved into
the city and was destitute.
Senator Lodge said the facts will
ho brought out in the Investigation
concerning high prices.
President Taft was the chief guest
and speaker at the Hoard ot Trade
banquet at Nowarlc , N. .T.
Senator Hovcrldgo Introduced a bill
providing for the permanent retention
by the government of the Alaskan coal
Mayor Shank announced that ho
will nialto an effort to have women
appointed to the pollco force of In
Senator Drown , chairman of the
senate committee on patents , made a
favorable report on the bill creating
a patent court of appeals.
A decision by the supreme court In
the cimo of the tobacco trust nmy bo
delayed and linked with that of the
Standard Oil company.
The bill granting right of way to a
pipe line across the public lands of
Arkansas for oil and gas from the
fields of Oklahoma wan favorably
acted upon by the house committee
on public lands.
The movement for a Masonic me
morial to George Washington has
taken definite form at Alexandria , Va.
Senator Brown of Nebraska , in a
speech delivered in the senate , dif
fered with Governor Hughes on the
income tax amendment.
Secretary Halllngcr has made a
temporary withdrawal of lands from
the public domain pending an investi
Anthracite coal-carrying roads were
declared to bo in a conspiracy to
stifle trade.
The Frencli steamer General Chanzy
was wrecked off the coast of Minorca
and one hundred and fifty-six lives
were lost.
The house concluded consideration
of the Indian appropriation bill , which
It passed practically In the form
recommended by the committee on In
dian affairs.
In the German rolchstag Dr.
Strcsomann , a member of the na
tional liberal party , referred with so-
solicitude to the American exhibition
of machinery to be made In Berlin
the coming summer.
Prophesies that the late meat boy
cott would bring higher and not lower
prices were realized in Now York ,
when beef sold at $11 a hundred
weight , wholesale ; mutton at 17
cents a pound retail , pork loins at 1G
cents and upwards and lambs at 22
TliO' McComhor bill to provide for
second homestead entries was ordered
favorably reported by the senate coin-
mlttco on public lands. If enacted it
would allow second entries under the
lomestcad laws to bo made by any
) crson whoso llrst entry had been
'orfeltcd or abandoned.
William J. Bryan arrived at Buenos
Ayres and was greeted by represent
atives of the government. Mr. Bryan
traveled in a special car from the
Chilean frontier.
Nicholas Longworth. representative
from Ohio and sou-ln-law of
- - ox-Presi
dent Roosevelt denied that ho had
any knowledge of the "hellish plot , "
as ho called it , between ex-President
Roosevelt , Former Senator Foraker
md himself to carry Ohio for the re
publican ticket , naming himself for
governor , and Forakor for senator.
Senators Brown and Burkctt intro
duced resolutions from the Knights
of Columbus of Grceloy and Lincoln
demanding proper postal facilities for
the official organs of fraternal so
cieties. The Knights of Columbus
lirint a fraternal paper and they fear
that under the postal regulations they
will not bo allowed to carry adver
tising in their columns.
Charles B. Brookor , republican na
tional commltteeman from Connecti
cut and millionaire brass manufac
turer , it was reported hero offered ,
on belmnl of great corparatlon of the
country , to take up the government
treasury deficit If the publicity feature
of the corporation tax law was eradi
A dinner In honor of President Taft
by Secretary Wilson of the depart
ment of agriculture was described by
the attendant guests as 'one of the
most beautiful dinners ever given In
Washington. "
The Omaha Commercial club Is anx
ious that the date on which certain
features of the corporation tax law
take effect bo cxtonded until such
tlmo as the supreme court passes on
the several cases row pending as to
the validity of the law. Resolutions
setting forth the appeal of the Omaha
organizations wcro introduced by
Senator Burkctt.
With the strict Injunction that ho
was not to bo represented as favoring
votes for women. President Taft ac
cepted an Invitation to address the
opening session of the annual conven
tion of the national American women's
suffrage association , to bo held in this
city April 14.
A warrant was Issued for the arrest
of Labor Leader Murphy of Phila
delphia , charging inciting to riot.
Representatives of grain exchanges
made their pica before a house com
Personal )
The Johnson-Jeffries prize fight \viji
take place In San Francisco July 4.
Uolouel Roosevelt , during his hunt
along the Nile , killed two bulls , and
ono cow of the giant kind.
Dr. L. F. Cain , formerly member of
the Ohio legislature , but now secre
tary to Representative Crcager of
Oklahoma , will probably bo appoint
ed deputy auditor of the navy depart
Leslie M. Shaw's war spectre is In
tended as an argument for the crea
tion of a merchant marine.
What Is Shown by an Invcctlfjtlon
of Six Years. Other Matters at
the State Capital.
The Nebraska Kxporiinunt Stittlon
/ins / Junt Issued HiilluHti No. 118 , entitled -
titled "Outs. " It ulBciiHSos results of
variety tests , different rates of sowlni ;
and the cultivation of o.its.
During the pint ! x years some
twenty varieties have been lusted , and
about twelve of UIOHO varieties have
boon tested for a period of llvo years.
The varieties can be summarized Into
early types and late typos. The early
varieties , which have ripened on an
average July llth , 1mvo averaged 53. ! )
bushels per aero , while the late va
rieties have ripened on an. average
July 20th , and have given an average
yield of about 40.1 bushels , a differ
ence of about 11 busings per acre as
an average for flyo years. In favor of
the early varieties of oats. Sixty Day ,
Kherson and Texas lied , among the
early varieties , are the ones most
hlgholy recommended. Among the
late varieties , Lincoln Oats have
given best results.
Various rates of seeding Kherson
oats have been tested since 1903. Uc-
sults have shown in general that
about eight pecks per aero gives best
results when the Kherson oats are
drilled and about ten pecks per acre
when they arc sown broadcast. How
ever , the rate of seeding depends
somewhat upon the variety of oats
used. There Is a table showing the
relative size of gra.n in different
varieties of oats , which demonstrates
that with a small-grained variety of
oats , like Kherson , eight pecks will
furnish about as many plants per acre
as fourteen or .nineteen pocks of lar
ger-grained varieties. Hence , the rate
of seeding depends a great deal upon
the size of the grain. Counts have
boon made upon the different rates of
seeding for two years to determine
the number of plants and number of
suckers or tillers produced per acre.
Where the planting is-thin , the plants
tiller freely , and almost as many
heads per aero are produced whore
four pocks is used as where eight
pecks is used , duo to the .stoollng of
the oats under thin planting.
Cultivation of oats has been prac
ticed since 1898 , experiments being
conducted with plants sown In wide
rows , 12 to 24 inches apart , also ex
periments whpro the oats have been
sown with the regular drill and broad
cast and afterwards harrowed with
an ordinary smoothing harrow or
weodor. It has not been found advis
able to plant oats In drills wide apart
except In a very dry season , when
drilling twelve Inches apart gave fair
results. Where oats have been sown
the ordinary way with a drill and har
rowed from one to three times soon
after the oats came up , an average
Increase In yield of 4.8 bushels for a
period of seven years has resulted.
However , whore the oats were sown
broadcast , harrowing has given a
slight decrease In yield , duo to the
fact that many plants were destroyed
In harrowing. It Is recommended
that oats be drilled and harrowed.
Residents of Nebraska whose
names are not on the Station mailing
list may obtain tills bulletin free of
cost by applying to
13. A. BU11NKTT , Director ,
Agricultural Experiment Station ,
Lincoln , Nob.
Buffalo County Must Pay.
Buffalo county must pay the $370
premium on the bond of County Treas
urer Gilbert E. Haase. Tito supreme
court holds that after the county
board approved a bond that Its dis
cretion as to paying the premium
terminates and that it is up to the
board to pay. In this case the bond
was written and was afterwards ap
proved by the county board. The
board thought that the statute relat
ing to the payment of bonds was not
mandatory and that the board could
refuse to pay all or part or none of
the premium.
A further Indication that the unl
vorsity authorities are tightening up
the strings on scholarship was indi
cated by a mooting of the delinquency
committee. Three students In the
university were dismissed on account
of failure In their studies , whicl
makes a total of thirty-one since last
September. There is no doubt but
that the requirements are much more
rigid than they have been , and the
university authorities on the whole
are taking more direct interest iu the
welfare of the students.
Adjutant General Hartigan desires
very much that both regiments of the
Nebraska National Guard go to Fort
Wloy for the encampment , which has
boon changed from September to Au
gust 15. Ho has written the war de
partment to see just how many men
ho will bo permitted to bring along ,
but as yet has received no reply. No
company whoso men and officers
number loss than forty-three will bo
permitted to go , so companies with a
less number will bo forced to recruit
up to past that number or be loft at
Alt Corn for Planting Should De Properly - ,
erly Tested.
The best way to toot seed corn IB In ,
a germination box. This Is a simple
affair and can bo made by anyone in ]
an hour's time.
Tano a box six inches deep antL
about two by three feet in size. Fill )
tlic box about half full of moist dirt , .
Hand or sawdust. Press It well dowuj
BO It will have a smooth , oven sur
face. Now take a white cloth about ,
the size of the box , rule it off checkerboard - ;
board fashion , making squares one |
and a half inches each way. Mum-
jcr the checks 1 , 2 , 3 , and BO on.
Place this over the sand , dirt or saw- <
Take the ears to be tested and
either lay them out on the iloor and
mark a number In front of each or
attach a numbered tag. Now lake off
about six kernels from each car ( not
all from the same place , but at sev
eral points on all sides. ) Put these
cornels on the squares corresponding
n number to those placed on the ears
of corn. Bo careful not to get them
nixed. Keep the cars numbered to
correspond EXACTLY with the num-
jera on the squares of cloth.
After the kernels have been placed
carefully on the cloth which covers
.ho moist sand , dirt or sawdust , cover
hem with another cloth , considerably
arger than the box ; cover this cloth
with about two Inches of the same
moist sand and keep the box in a
warm place. It must not get cold.
The kernels will germinate In four
o six days.
Remove the cover carefully to avoid
misplacing the kernels. Examine
them carefully. Some will have long
sprouts , but almost no roots ; others
will not have grown at all , but the
cornels from ears which will produce
corn if planted will have both sprouts
and good root systems.
Compare the numbers on the
squares with those on the ears. Put.
back into the feeding corn bin the
ears which correspond In number to
: ho numbers on the squares where' '
: he kernels did not grow or where ,
ihcy showed only weak roots.
The cars numbered corresponding' '
to those on the cloth which showed ,
strong signs of life arc the ones to <
preserve for seed. Every kernel from
: heso ears should produce a stalk , ev
ery stalk an ear.
Suppose one dead car Is planted.
The planter falls to got one thousand ;
stalks of corn almost twelve bushels
of corn lost.
A number of seed corn testers are
manufactured for sale. They are all ,
; oed any Implement dealer or seed
liouso will know where to get them.
Word was received at Gothenburg
ofthe death of O. Bergstrom In Ten
nessee. Mr. Bergstrcm was the
[ ounder of Gothenburg and took an
active interest in Its growth ,
talned too much moisture. It has
been my opinion that corn which re
mained in the field would be In the
best condition , but I may be mistaken
In this and wo are going to test every
ear of corn before we plant it. "
Chancellor Cancels Dates.
A severe attack of throat trouble
hius forced Chancellor Samuel Avery
of the State university to cancel a ;
large number of engagements for ad
dresses over the state. He was ]
booked to deliver fifteen speeches durIng - .
Ing the next two weeks , but will not
be able to deliver any of these. During - '
ing the last three months the chan
cellor has boon on several speaking
tours and the strain of speaking
every day has proved too great a
strain on his endurance. Ills physi
cian has advised him to cancel all
speaking engagements.
Boy "Flunkers" Predominate.
A list of failures In the various dq-
partmonts of the state university for
the last semester shows that of the
total number of "Hunkers" 80 per cent
are boys and only 20 per cent girls.
Five boys failed to pass in ono or
more studies during the semester for
every co-ed that could make a per
cent of CO the passing grade in her
clascs. In other years the failures
among the boys have always outnum
bered those of the co-eds , but the vari
ance has never been so startling as
that revealed by figures for the llrst
semester of the present school year.
State Oil Inspector Mullen turned
into the state treasury $2,001.02 , the
receipts of his office for the mouth of ,
January above the expenditures. Col
lections that month topped that of
any previous month of this adminis
Jenks for Commencement Orator.
Prof. Jeremiah W. JenKs of Cornell
university will bo the commencement
orator at Uio University of Nebraska
next spring. Prof. Jenks has already
accepted the Invitation of the univer
sity authorities to deliver the address.
Hill to Be at Lincoln.
James J. Hill , empire builder , will
address the Commercial club at its
annual banquet this spring. A tele
gram to this effect was received by
Secretary Whitten.
Claims of Foreigners.
From the assistant secretary of
state Governor Shallonborger a few
days ago received a copy of the
claims filed by the foreign citizens
of South Omaha for damages sus
tained by the riot there In 1909. The
government official asked the gover
nor what he believed would bo the at
titude of the state In the matter. The
claims are as follows : Austria-Hun
gary , $3,134 ; Turkey , $454 ; Greece ,
$15,900 , personal Injuries ; $11,368.20
personal property and $220,502.01 busi
ness property , a total of $248,418.84.
Cheap and
Big Can Baking
Powder Is Only Big in Size -
in Satisfaction Not in Economy
A largo can and a small cost does not mnlto baking powder cheap
er even less expensive than Calnmet the hfgh-quality , tnodcrato-prico
kind. It certainly cannot make it as good. Don't judge baking powder in
this way the real test the proof of raising power , of evenness , uniformity ,
wholesomcness and dcliciousness will bo lonnd only in the baking.
is a better baking powder than you have over used be
fore. And wo will leave it to yonr good judgment for
proof. Buy a can today. Try it for any baking pur
pose. If the results are not better if the baking is not
lighter , more delicious , take it back and get your money.
Calumet is medium in price but great in satisfaction.
Free largo handsome recipe book , illustrated in colors.
4c and slip found in pound can.
Calumet Received Highest Award-
World's Pure Food Exposition
Chaplain Tommy , I was very sorry
to see you In a state of Inebriety last
Tommy Sorry , sir. In future I
won't go out when I'm drunk.
Prescription That Breaks Up the Worst
Cold in a Day.
Every winter this prescription is pub
lished here and thousands have been
benefited 'by ' It. "Get two ounces of
Glycerine and half an ounce of Con
centrated Pine compound. Then got
half a pint of good whiskey and put
the other two ingredients Into It. Take
a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful of this
mixture after each meal and at bed
time. Shake the bottle well each time. "
But bo sure to get only the genuine
Concentrated Pine. Each half ounce
bottle comes In a tin screw-top case.
Any druggist has It on hand or will
quickly get It from the wholesale
house. Many other pine extracts are
impure and cause nausea.
Talkative Woman.
Hewitt Some men talk and don't
say anything ,
Jewett Yes , my wife Is just that
kind of a man.
Mrs. Wlnslcrnr's Soothing Syrnp.
[ Torchildren teething , tottonstlio gums , rrducriIn.
Bainrnatiouallajm aln.cures > Tlnd colic. 25cabolUe.
Two-thirds of all u man's troubles
wear petticoats.
the Klirnnluru of 13. W. UKOV15. Used the World
cvertoCuroaCoMlnOaoDuy. SSc.
Many people want assistance and a
few really need It.
of the most
and its
by the
Baby Smiles
When He Takes
- 'r" " "
, atsi namcwt YOK
ple&unt ihtl he GVe * It ted ontunt now-
ale * . There U nothing like il ( or Dtonchiti * ,
ISo nd all bouble * of the throat md lungt.
A SuncUiJ Remedy ( ot h U century.
All Drun < t ( as Cents
The more you eat
Quaker Oats
* WS
the better your health
will be.
Practical experi
ments with athletes
show Quaker Oats
to be the greatest
strength maker. BG
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief--Permanent Cure
fail. Purely veget
able act iurel
but gently on
_ Stop after
diitrcM i
cureindi-f _ „
gtution improve the complolon brighten
the eyci. Small Pill , Small Dote , Small Fries
GENUINE must bear signature :
An absolutely Harmfcu remedy for Sore Thrat * .
Hoarseness and Coughs. Give immediate reliclta
Bronchia ! and Lung Affections.
Fifty years' reputation.
Price , 25 cents , 50 centi and $1.00 per tor.
Sample tent on request.
other itarclws only 12 ounces same prlco nnlt
BoofcttDdAdYlcoFIVEE. Jtito.
frnnlfkAliwrener . . , . , Wnilllrmton.
1).C. KM 43 jri * Ucst rotereucea
npanon -
Nearly Every One Gets ft
The bowels show first sign
of things going wrong. A
Cascarst taken every night
as needed keeps the bowels
working naturally without
grip , gripe and that upset
sick feeling. y t
Ten cent box , week'i treatment.
All drugstores , lllsrtest seller In
tbe world million boxes a caontb.