A LITTLE COLD. \ H cautbt a UtUo coldThat That WRS alL Bo the neighbors sadly said , AJI they gatkcrcd round his bed , When they hoard that ho vras dead. H caught a llttlo cold That was all. ( Puck. ) Neglect of a cough or cold often ttada to aorlotw trouble. To break up a cold In twenty-four hours and euro any cough that Is curable mix two unccs of Glycerine , a half-ounce of Virgin OH of Pine compound puroand Ight ounces of pure Whisky. Take a teaspoonful every four hours. You can buy thcso at any good drug store and mix them In a larco bottle. NATURAL MISTAKE. The Girl It Isn't fair for you to keep on your mask after I have taken off mine. The Boy I didn't wear any. \H \ AGONY WITH ECZEMA "No tongue can tell how I suffered for flvo years with itching and bleedIng - Ing eczema , nntil I was cured by the Cutlcura Remedies , and I am so grate ful I want the world to know , for what helped me will help others. My body nnd face were covered with sores. One day It would seem to ho better , and then break out again with the most terrible pain and Itching. I have been sick several times , but never In my Mfo did I experience such awful suffering as with this eczema. I had made up my mind that death was near at hand , and I longed for that time when I would be at rest. I had tried many different doctors and medi cines without success , and my mother brought me the Cutlcura Remedies , in sisting that I try them. I began to feel bettor after the first bath with T Cutlcura Soap , and ono application of Cutlcura Ointment "I continued with the Cutlcura Soap and Cuticura Ointment , and have taken four bottles of Cutlcura Resolv ent , and consider myself well. 'This was nine years ago and I have had no return of the trouble since. Any person having any doubt about thla wonderful cure by the Cutlcura Remedies - dies can write to my address. Mrs. Altle Etson , 93 Inn Road , Battle Creek , Mich. , Oct 18 , 1 09. " Clubwomen Plan Meet. Nineteen hundred and ten means much to club women , for another bi ennial convention of the General Fed eration of Women's Clubs , with a membership of 800,000 , will be held In Cincinnati , O. , in May , bringing to- tether women with a common pur pose from the four corners of the world. i How's This ? tT efler On * Hundred Dollars Reward fpr any KM o ( Catana ttat cannot be cured by Ball' * Q&tanh Cur * . F. J. CHENEY 4 CO. . Toledo. O. We. the undenifntd. have known F. J. Chener for we Utt II r an. and believe elm perfectly hon- trabls ta all builneas transactions and financially * ! to carry out any obligation * made by bU firm. WALDIHO , KINNAN A lUnvm. Wholesale DruftKUU. Toledo. O. Hall' * Catarrh Cur * la taken Internally acting tfetetly upon th blood and mucous surfacA of the system. Teatlmonlali aent fr < * . Price 71 cnU pr iwttls. Sold by all Dnurclita. Tax * Hall's family Pill * tor constipation. DolnQ Two Things at Once. A man hurried into a quick-lunch restaurant recently and called to the waiter : "Give me a ham sandwich ! " "Yes , sir , " ald the waiter , reaching for the sandwich. "Will you eat It or take It with you ? " "Both , " was the unexpected but ob- rlous reply. Ladles' Home Journal. CUT THIS OUT And mall to the A. H. Lewis Medicine Co. , Dt , Louis , Mo. , and they will send you free a. 10 day treatment of NATURE'S UEME- DT ( Nil tablets ) Guaranteed for Rheu matism , Constipation , Sick Headache. Llv- tr. Kidney n.nd Blood Diseases. Sold by all Druggists. Better than Pills for Liver Ilia. It'sj fre to you. Write today. His Status. "Well , my llttlo man , " Inquired a rloltor pleasantly , "who are you ? " "I'm the baby's brother ! " was the Ingenuous reply. The Truth Seeker. If It'e Your Eye Use Petttt's Eye Salve , for inflammation , etys , itching lids , eya achM , defects of vision and sensitivity to strong lighti. All druggists or Howard Broi. , Buffalo , N. Y. Aim at excellence and excellence will be attained. This is the greatest ecret of tuccess and eminence. Mor timer. NCW3 NOTES OF INTEREST FHOM VARIOUS SECTIONS. SLL SUBJECTS TOUCHED UPON Religious , Social , Agricultural , Polit ical and Othsr Matters Given Due Consideration. "Test your seed corn" Is now the slogan all nloug the Nebraska line. llural mall carriers of lied Willow county have formed an organization. The Presbyterians of Dunbar will soon erect a new church. Governor Shallonberger spoke nt Geneva on "Patriotic Citizenship" to a well-filled house. W. E. Morrison , a prominent mer chant of Broken Dow , lost a finger in a sausage cutter. The Laymen's1 Missionary Move ment work is uppermost in u number of Nebraska towns. It has been decreed that business men of Omaha must clean up their premises or go to Jail. Beatrice will handle the saloon question by submitting the matter to popular vote the first Tuesday in April. The tenant 'house on the farm of Edward lloworth , three miles south east of Tecuuisch , was burned to the ground. C. E. Madeen of Johnson county agrees that seed corn should be test ed , but ho is of the opinion that a large per cent of it will bo found in good condition. Soldiers of the Spanish-American war will hold their annual reunion nt Columbus , April 20 , and Major E. H. Phelps , department commander , is al ready busy acquainting the soldiers of the fact. A good program is being arranged. The spread of the scarlet fever epi demic in Buffalo county continues. Several schools have been closed in cloven parts of the county and a num ber of small towns are practlcallj- closed up with quarantine. The Fremont business college has closed its doors. Practically all of the pupils were transferred to the Omaha commercial college and Presi dent lloush himself has entered the employ of that Institution. The women of Kearney are to take a hand in the saloon fight In that city between now and March 1C , the date of the special election deciding the fate of Kearney. In response to a letter by Charles R. Weeks of the Peru normal a strong organization of poultry raisers with twenty charter members was organ ized with Prof. Weeks as president. At Button Harry Roger , Burlington round house boss , was about to refill an oil tank for use about the cars when the gas Ignited , severely burn ing his face and neck. M. D. Welch , a druggist nt Cort- land , pleaded guilty in the district court on two counts to the charge of selling liquor and was fined $200 and costs. The report of Treasurer Brian filed with the stnto auditor shows that during the month of February there has been paid into all funds $443- 250.09 , and there has been disbursed $238,001.93. The balances at this time are $907,101.53 , against $701- 913.37 the first of the month. There Is uninvested in the permanenl school fund a total of $288,027.18. The decision of the supreme court that the expense of a county treas urer's bond when legally executed by a qualified bonding company as surety and approved and accepted by the county board Is a binding obligation of the county releases ex-County Treasurer Lotlmlr Schultz from pay ing $700 to Seward county. County Treasurer Hovelono of Gage county is forcing the collection of delinquent personal taxes in Gage county and has sent out 4,000 notices. Over 200 taxpayers called at his of fice yesterday nnd liquidated. Henry Bedford , a pioneer resident of Seward county , died In Oklahoma recent and his body was taken to Bee , in that county. Ho was well-to-do and a few years ago distributed $150,000 among his children. It Is thought the winter wheat crop in some portions of Washington county lm been injured by winter weather. President Crabtreo of the Peru nor mal awarded to Miss Winifred Per kins the gold medal offered by Miss Julia Van Droll , a prominent debater of last year , for the young lady mak Ing the highest standing In debates. J. O. Darnell , brakeman on tha Burlington railroad , was killed near the Burlington depot In Kearney. It is thought ho slipped and fell under the wheels. At Nebraska City a move Is on foot nnd a good sum has been raised for the purpose of erecting a menu mcnt over the grave of Charles W. Pierce , who was perhaps one of the earliest settlers In this state. Ho came to Nebraska in 1818. The calls for teachers are still nu merous. Many country schools are offering high wages In order to sccuro teachers. Several counties In central and western Nebraska have been short of teachers all the year. School authorities are becoming anxious nnd are sending in requests for teacher ? for next year BURDENS LIFTED FROM BAD BACKS M Weary is the back that bears the burden of kidney ills. There's no rest nor peace for the man or A woman who has a bad back. The distress begins in early morning. You feel lame and not refreshed. It's hard to get out of bed. It hurts to stoop to tie your shoes. All day the ache keeps up. Any sudden movement sends sharp twinges through the back. It is torture to stoop or straighten. At night the suf ferer retir'es tb toss and twist and groan. Backache is kidney ache a throbbing , dull aching in the kid neys. Plasters or liniments won't do. You must get at the cause , inside. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURE SICK KIDNEYS TWICE-TOLD TESTIMONY A Cure of STcre Kidney Disease Verified By Test ofTimo William II. Soars , U9 W. Cherry Street , Nevada , Mo. , says : " 1 was convinced of the great value of Doan's Kidney Pills through per sonal expci lenco. Four or flvo months ace I Buffered a great deal from a pain across the small of my back , extending at times Into my limbs and shoulders. "When I stooped or did any work that brought a strain on the muscles of my back , my trouble was agprA- vated. I tried a number of reme dies but without success. After a short tlino I could see that they were benefiting me , and the con tents of two nnd one-half boxcu cured me. " ( Statement ulven in May , 1009. ) RE-ENDORSEMENT On Dec. 3rd , 1908 , Mr. Sears said : "I still have great faith In Doan's Kidney Pills. I feel Justified In re- endorsing this remedy as it has done so much for inc. " A TRIAL FREE Cut out this coupon , mail it to Fostor-Milbum Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. A free trial package of Doan's Kidney Pills will ho mailed you . . . promptly. W.N.U. KIDNEY PILLS JPicoI5or5Gnfsu FosiEif-HrLiMflnf Co. urYafoT'N Y } Proprietors A STRIKING PORTRAIT. "Thi Is a portrait of Hir , the deaf- mute. " "A very striking picture. Ho looks as if he were just going to speak. " THIS TELLS THE STORY. Uncle Sam's Breakfast Food Co. , Omaha , Neb. Gentlemen : After using "Uncle Sam's Breakfast Food" for the past three weeks .1 felt like I must write and tell you what a mistake you make in not advertising your excellent food. It ought to he advertised In every newspaper in the country. I can not praise it too highly for the great benefit I have derived from the use of It. Have had stomach and bowel trou ble for years , but feel now this food Is going to cure me. I recommend It to all my friends who have any stomach trouble , hut some of them tell mo they are not able to procure it from their grocers , say they never heard of it. Wishing you all the success possible , I am yours respectfully , VIRGINIA IIELWIG , Middlotown , 0. We certify that the above is a true copy of the original and was not so licited. U. S. BF. F. CO. Ineligible. So you wouldn't let Bombazine Bill sit on the jury that tried the horse thief ? " "No , " answered Three Fingered Sam. "we do things fair and square in Crimson Gulch. Bill's a good man , but the fact that he runs the only undertakln * business in the county couldn't help prejudlcln' him some agin the defendant. " Thla Will Interest Mothers. Mother Graj'u Sweet Powders for Children , cure Jfeverluhnesa , Headache , Dad Btomacb , Teething Disorder * , Uegulate the UowelB and DetUror Worm * . They break tip colds in 2 < hours. Pleasant to take , and harmless as milk. Tliey nerer fall. At all Druggists , 2Sc. Bumple mailed FREE. Adilrem , Alien S. Olmated , Le Roy , N. Y. Nothing New. "Congratulations ! I hear ono of your daughters is engaged. Which one it Is ? " "Get out ! It's only Bessie again ! " Megsendorfer Blaottcr. How To Tell When The Kidneys Are Disordered PAINFUL SYMPTOMS Backache , sldeacho , pains when ctooplng or lifting , sud den sharp twlnKes , rheumatic pains , neuralgia , painful , ccanty or too frequent urination , dizzy spcllu , Uropay , URINARY SYMPTOMS Discolored or cloudy urine. TJrlno that contains sedi ment. Urine that stains the linen. Painful passages. Blood or shreds In the urine. L.ot a bnttleful of the morning urlno stand for 24 hours. If it shows a cloudy or tleecy settling , or a layer of flno grains , lllto brick- dust , the kidneys uro disordered. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color mora aoedi brlohler and faster colon than ny other d e. Ona lOe package colon all fiber * . They dre In cold water bctttr than antthcr tff * Yin M ifce UVDumenrwiUiout ilpplnoapart. Wflie lor U abooUH-llo loOir , Ble ohand M Color * . MOHROE DRUO OO. , Qulmoy , llllnt > tm. Neglected. "That child gets everything It wants. " "And still it never gets what It real ly needs. " "You surprise me ! " "It needs a spanking. " 1)0 NOT ACCKPT A BUIIHTITUTK when you want 1'trrv l > < nit' IVjInUI/rr / , an nothing Is as rood for rheumatism , neuralgia and similar troubles. 70 years In constant use. 2io , B5o and Wo. One should take care not to grow too wise for so great a pleasure of life as laughter. Addison. Lewis' Single Binder cives a mnn what he wants , a rich , mellow-tasting cigar. Take from niy mouth the wish of happy years. Shakespeare. ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVcgefablc Preparation for As similating iheFoodaiulRegula- ling the S tomachs and Bowels of Promotes DigcslionCheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral NOT MARC OTIC Kmpt tfOlHDrSANVEl/m/fE/l Pumfkin Slid i StiJ Ctar nd Siijuf WinkryrttnYavan A perfect Remedy forConsllpa lion , Sour Slomach.Diorrhoea , Worms .Convulsions .Fever i sh ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of Tire CENTAUR COMPANY , NEW YORK. jMJuaranteed under the Footlanfl Exact Copy of Wrapper. COLT DISTEMPER iO n be handled T rr eaalrr. Th * le * amtabienornaiCer , howMzr Y using tiljpllli < tt A..1 WAA * * * 4 * * * * * " * * SW . JfCi < . or In foed. AcU on tb * blood aad ai _ llforui of dlit nip r. BMtnnMdr Terknowa foc I , Oue ruarant dtocuraooeaM. IOaaa " ( tab tU il 11110doienof clroBitliUand barntMd * lr.erseat * * / nianufacturenu Cut shows bow to poultlo * 3Tir r. 1 Ilonklet Hires ertrrthlnir. Local * RnU imal fgarKVi liorao reined/lo ezlsteno twelT * jraara. . SPOHM MEDICAL CO.CautIsUaDatri I | bls , GOBh > n * tltin U8. A * DEFIANCE other starches only 13 ounces ssmo price and 'DEFIANCE" IS 8UPERIOF1 OUAUITY. ' DATCUT VODRIDKAR. They may bring yon fA I Cn I wealth. &l-iau | Hook Free. Kst. IKO. o. . l'at.Altjs..lox U. Wsbln8tonO > .U Thompson's Eye Water W. N. U.r LINCOLN , NO. 10-1910. For Infants and Children. ind You Have Bears the Signature of . VMS eiHTaun OOUMHT > mwTomnorrr. NEVER ANY RETURN A Complete Cure of Kidney Trouble and Dropir Mrs. L. 11. Baber * , 1615 Terry St , Houston , Texas , says : "I hold a very high opinion of Doan'a Kid ney Pills and with good reason , for three years ngo they cured ma of kidney trouble that had chine tome mo for several yearn. There vr n. dropsical swelling of my feet and limbs In addition to other symp toms of kidney complaint , nnd al though I Used various remedies , I y was not helped until I procured yt ( , Uoan's Kidney Pills. Two boxes of this preparation cured mo and I have never had the nllghtest return of my trouble. I Imva recom mended Doan's Kidney Pllla to many pcopla who have questioned mo about them , and I know of sev eral cases In which they have dona the name good work. " WESTERN CANADA What 1.1. Hill , the Qrort RaRread Magnate ] Sayo About Its Wi ! at-Pr4uolnK Power Tb * DnlUdbUttifliof Oil M < u7 [ DnlUdbUttifli > aaotatr c < Bra * . Uon or two will b * U * pr - ot LoMlor 1U "pl and producing Biol ttorth . Xh * dan ot our gromlntno * aa a k at ipoHlag coMtry at * ion * . Oaa. ada li to b * } K * crtat This treat railroad Bat' Bt * Is tsklBsj adraatai * of th * situation br * tuulr * rail war build- lag to the wheat field * at Western Canada. Upward * of 125 Million Bushels of Wheat were harresteJ Its 1100. Ai > * rc * ot th * tbr * prorlnoes of Urta. BaskatoliensB aad Manitoba will b * upwards ot Kli bushUp r sujr * . Free homestead * of 100 acres , nurl adjolnlnc pre-emptions of lUOacrenti3 ( p ritcr.Brto ) be bad In tb * choicest district * . School * oonranUat. climate eirellciit , toll th * vrjr best , rnllwaj * cloe nt banil , butld- liiff lumber cheap , fuel easy to Kvl nnd reasonable In price , water eatlly procured ! Ealxvti farnilnr n suoccis. Writ * as to best plac * ( or * ttUmat. sttler * Ion rnl.lway rates. d.uarJpUTjljas. tratoJ "Lait DM * W * > t" ( nt frs * on application ) , and othsr Inform * . tlon. to fiup't of ItanUntlpa. Ottawa , Can. , or to th * Oaaadlui A ยง l. ' > ' 3e Oorsninient Xa nt. W. V. DENNETT Room 4 Eti Bids. Oniht , bk. ( U < * addrata mar * t yea ) . ( I ) Cured by Electropodes New Electric Treatment. M * rtlaiol s w ni Inild * ihoet. Btklr becomtt Duneta re * tb * eonntrtlnir wlrel. Petitlvt cut * Jet UniulUa , NeunlgU , lUcktclie , Kld r * ad UTM c r - pUI&U. Ontr f 1.00 itlt. Ciurutts lli 4 UI uch tale. II Eltct/tpotirt Itll t * * , lawcr n- turned. II not st your DnfrUfs * 4 * ( LM. W * will tee thit yim u * luvpued. VESTEnN ELECTROPODK CO , Lo * Xmffsl * * , CL A Miracle of Comfort and Convenience NO STROPPING NO HONING KNOWN THE WORLD OYIK PARKER'S HAIR DAL8AM btuttJT Uxt bate. nuUnt trorftL Never rail * to Utdr * Orty Hair to it * TootaAt ) CVnor. Cuiu scalp dUwM * IL our < * " 'Ttt