Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 10, 1910, Image 2

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Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Chicago , 111. "I was troubled with
falling and inflammation , and the doc-
| torn said I could not
got well unless I
had an operation.
( I know I could not
Island the strain of
lone , oo I wrote to
lyou Bomotimo ago
Inbout my health
nnd yon told mo
, / to do. After
taking Lytlia 11
Plnkham'fl V' getable -
blo Compound and
Blood Turiflor I am
o-day a well woman. " Mrs. WILLIAM
AJIHENB , 988 W. 21st St. , Chicago , 111.
Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Com
pound , mndo from native roots and
herbs , contains no narcotics or harm
ful drumi , nnd to-day holds the record
for the largest number of actual curca
f feinalo diseases of any eimilar medi
cine in the country , and thousands of
voluntary testimonials are on illo in
the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn ,
Mass. , from women who have boon
cured from almost every form of
Female complaints , inflammation , uU
eorationdisplacements , fibroid tumors ,
Irregularities , periodic palna.backacho ,
Indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every nuoh suffering woman owes it to
herself to give Lydla E. Plnkham'a
h Vegetable Compound a trial.
If you would llko special advlco
ftboutyour case wrlto n confiden
tial letter to MTU. Plnklmin , at
Lynn , Moss. Her advlco Is tree ,
fend always liolpf uL
"T TrmrTr !
Financial Losa Through Tuberculosis.
Based on the census of 1900 , It la
potlinntcd by the National Association
Cor the Study and Prevention of Tu
berculosis that nearly 100,000 children
now In school will dlo of tuberculosis
before they are 18 yean of ago , or
that about 6,400 dlo annually from
this disease. Estimating that on an
average each child who dies of tuber
culosis has had six years of schooling ,
the aggregate lena to the country In
wasted education each year amounts
to $1,152,000. Acaordtng to investiga
tions made In New York , Boston and
.Stockholm , the percentage of children
who are afflicted with tuberculosis IB
much larger than the death rate would
Sunday School's Want Ad.
There Is a church in Brooklyn that
has adopted a novel achome for en
larging ito Sunday school. It odvor
tlscn for boys and girls to come to it
In the ehop windows In the neighbor
hood of the church one may see pla
cards , such as are used for advert- !
nine entortalnmento of various kinds ,
that bear the legend :
"Wanted Boys and girls to Join our
Eundfty school. " Below thin are set
forth the advantages that will come
to the young folk who attend the
Damage Dona by Smoke.
Herbert M. Wilson , of the United
States geological survey , places the
annual damage nnd waste by smoke
In the United Stateo at $500,000,000
In the large cities alone , or about $ C
to each man , woman and child of the
A scientist claims that hogs have
souls , but he probably doesn't moan
those who occupy two double seats In
a crowded railway car.
A Change of Food Works Wonders.
The wrong food and drink causes a
lot of trouble In thin world. To
change the food Is the first duty of
very person that Is 111 , particularly
from stomach and nervous troubles.
Aa an Illustration : A lady in Mo. has ,
with her husband , been brought around
Co health again by leaving off coffee
and come articles of food that did
not agree with them. They began us
ing Postum and Grape-Nuts food. She
ays :
"For a number of years I suffered
with stomach nnd bowel trouble
.which kept getting worse unutll I was
Tory 111 most of the time. About four
( rears ago I loft off coffee and began
taking Poatum. My stomach and
bowels Improved right along , but I waste
to reduced In flesh and so nervous that
the least thing would overcome mo.
"Thou I changed my food and bo-
Kan using Grape-Nuts in addition to
Postum. I lived on these two prin
cipally for about four months. Day
by day I gained In flesh and strength
until now the nervous trouble has en
tirely disappeared and I feel that I
ewe my life and health to Postum and
"Husband Is 73 years old and ho was
troubled for a long time with occa
sional cramps , and slept badly. Finally
E prevailed upon him to leave off coffee
and take Postum. He had stood out
for a long time , but after he tried
Postum for a few days he found thai
be could sleep and that his cramps
disappeared. He was satisfied and has
never gone back to coffee.
"I have a brother in California who
baa been using Postum for several
years ; his whole family use it also because -
cause they have had cuch good results
from it. "
Look In pkgs. for the Httlo book , "Tho
Road to Wellvllle. " " ' "
. "There's a Reason.
Ever rend the nbore letter ? A nen
one nppenr * from time to time , They
are ccuulnc , true , ud full of tiuoiuo
Traction Company Still Rcfuseo to
Arbitrate Dualneso Men Urge
Settlement and Call Upon
Mayor Rcyburn.
Philadelphia. A universal strlko of
union workers nnd tliolr sympathizers
to begin at midnight Friday wns pro
claimed by the central labor union of
Philadelphia , and vicinity at a meeting
Wednesday night. The strlko leaders
declnro that 100,000 men will stop
work at thnt hour If the iapld ; transit
company shall not In the meantime
have consented to arbitrate its differ
ences with the striking car men.
The mooting at which the strike
order wno promulgated wns largo and
sentiment was apparently unanimous
In favor C , " the general strike.
Telegrams wore rend from the Chicago
cage and San Francisco federations
of labor , with 250,000 and 170 000 mem
bers respectively , pledging tholr mor
al and financial support to the cause
of their Philadelphia brethren.
Resolutions wore adopted condemn
ing the attitude of the traction com
pany by which , It wa.s stated , business
had boon affected to such un extent
that thoiiBands of porsoiiH not directly
Interested In the strike had been
thrown out of employment. Councils
were called upon to Insist that Mayor
Iloyburn use hla prerogative as chief
executive olllcor of the city nnd im
mediately servo notlco on the com
pany that it must submit to arbitra
tion , ns the police , whom he represents
demand that he return the police to
their regular posts of duty nnd ceaao
using them to man the trolley cars.
In a proclamation addressed to the
union of Philadelphia and their sym
pathizers the grievances of the car
men against the corporations were re
cited in detail.
"In the ranks of organized labor , "
the document proceeds "an injury to
ono is the concern of nil , nnd therefore-
nil , under labor nro directly affcctod
by the attitude of the Philadelphia
rapid transit company towards its
union employes.
"Tho capitalists and the small group
of self-seeking politicians In control
of the said company nro part of n
larger group of capitalists and trust
owners who hope to crush all organ
ized labor by attacking nnd defying it
ono group at a time.
"Therefore it 1ms practically pro
claimed that the time for action ban
nrrlvcd. All union workers and their
sympathizers for the assistance of
the union street car employes and to
force the ultimate protection of nil
union employes nnd the working c'ass ,
will cease work on Friday , March 4 ,
at 12 o'clock midnight , whether or
not that is tholr regular stopping time ,
and remain on strlko until further no
tlco. "
A committee wns appointed to wait
upon the- select nnd common councils
Thursday afternoon nnd present
copies of the resolution nnd proclaims
Rivers are Aaglng.
Seattle , Wash. Eighteen feet of
snow on tlio western slope of the Cas
cades nnd eight feet on the eastern
slope Is being changed Into water by
a warm wind from the south. The
rivers cannot carry nwny the deluge
nnd the country is overflowed. Rail
roads are compelled to suspend busi
ness and bridges are washed away by
the worst flood In years.
With railroad communication to
Portland cut off by washouts , Seat
tle hnd only one direct railroad out
let to the east , the Northern Pacific
main lino. That , however , may bo
closed at nny time by the turbulent
Green river , which is already threaten
ing the Northern Pacific tracks.
Thus far the financial loss by the
flood has been small nnd the discom
fort of the evicted dwellers nlong the
swollen streams is less than during
former overflows. There is no storm
in sight nnd continuance of the pres
ent mild , cloudy weather , with occa
sional showers nnd high temperature
in the mountains is predicted.
A change to freezing in the Cas
cades would end the flood.
The county engineer estimates tlio
dainnRO to roads In the country by
the recent storm nt $50,000. Lnk >
Washington la very high and all tan
shore lands nro covered by water. At
Atlantic City the people are going
about In boats.
Elected President of Brazil.
Rio Janeiro Marshall Hermes Fes-
soca , the former minister ofvnr , ht\s
boon elected president of Brazil over
the opposition control , Dr. Ruy Barbo-
sa , ox-presldont < of the somite.
While nil the returns have not been
received , the vote ns It stands nt pres
ent gives Marshall Fcsseca nn over
whelming majority. The ri tunm up
to Wednesday are Fessec * 102,000 ,
Bnrbosa 52,000.
Ellis Leaves Washington.
Washington. Wade H. Ellis assis
tant to the attorney general , who has
been chosen ns chairman of the Ohio
republican state central committee ,
left Washington for Cincinnati nnd Co
lumbus Wednesday. Ho expects to
return Saturday.
Attorney General Wlckerahnm ! B noi
yet ready to announce the name of
Mr. Ellis' successor. Nominally Mr.
Ellis' connection with
the ofllco ex
pired Wednesday , but ho will continue
to perform some of the purely neces
sary work until the appointment and
qualification of his successor.
What Comes in a Governor's Daily Mail
rVDIANAPOUS.-Lottors of all sorts
I arrive dally In the mails nt the gov
ornor'fl ofllco , some of them depress
ing , some of them mirth-provoking ,
nnd some of which for pure nerve
quite take awny the breath of the
chief oxecutlvo , whose experiences before -
fore becoming governor , ho Is wont
to explain frequently , wcro confined
Ingely to the business of a country
'aw ' office.
Ono of the "nervy" ones came re
cently from Monongnhela , Pa.
"Dear sir , " It ran. "I nm a Demo
crat and have seen hnrd service both
In the pnrty and In the war. Just now
I am in pretty hnrd lines and need
some money. Plenso send mo $100.
You can either let mo have it ns n
gift or I will pny It back when I got
able. "
"Tlmt fellow mny bo hard up. " said
the governor , "but ho doesn't know
what real financial hardship is. lie
ought to try to bo governor of Indi
ana in these strenuous high price
times on the salary tlio state pays. "
The $100 was not sent.
Since a Now York syndicate a short
tlnio ago published all over the coun
try a. feature story about the gov
ernor. in the course of which ho said
that ho cured a long-drawn-out ail
ment ( rheumatism ) ono time with a
60 cent bottle of medicine , the govern
or's mall bus contained n lanjo num
ber of Inquiries ns to the nnmn of the
medicine. Ono from Kentucky runs :
"Dear Sir I urn.a . Democrat , llko
you are , and have been sick a long
time. I think my ailment must be
like that you had that you cured with
n 50 cent bottle of medicine , and I
wish you would let me know the nnmo
of It. "
Ono from California said thnt the
writer hnd no idea what the disease
wns thnt was cured , but that if the
governor would send him the nnmo
the writer would try It on what ailed
him. "I have boon n Democrat for 50
years , and have hnd dyspepsia for al-
moHt that long , " ran the letter.
"Tho writers scorn to think , " said
the governor , "thnt what will euro ono
Democrat will cure another , and that
Democrats arc nllllcted with only ono
kind of disease , whatever thnt Is.
"What strikes me ns being queer ,
though , is that among nil the things
I was quoted as snylng in thnt inter
view , from riding on street cnrs to
the protective tariff , the only thing
I have heard from directly is that
50 cent bottle of medicine. "
After much cajoling , ono of the
governor's friends the other day final
ly got from him the name of the medi
cine nnd took a bottle homo to his
wife , who was suffering with rheuma
Foiled in a Plan to Bunco the Baby
1 } ITTSBURG. When a certain pair
Jl of Plttsburg Newtywecls wcro hon
ored by the arrival of their first baby
they decided to give the Httlo fellow
a substantial start in life by establish
ing a savings account for him right
from the day of his birth.
Accordingly a bank was obtained
from ono of the local savings insti
tutions ; ono of the combination af
fairs that can bo opened only by the
bank officials. Each day papa and
mamma dropped in their spare pen
nies and when various doting rela
tives of the little chap called at the
house their attention was invariably
directed to baby's financial operations
and they seldom failed to step up to
the mantel and contribute to the good
After a time the parents began to
speculate on how much baby might
bo worth , for it was regarded as quite
certain that grandpa , being so well
off , would not think of dropping In
less a dollar each time , and Uncle
Jeff , who was known as n great
spender , would surely deposit no lesa
than a half dollar , and both had been
frequent contributors. Th n look at
the numerous quarters , dimes and
nickels that the many uncles and
aunties of Suookums must have
dropped in , for none of them ever
failed to remember the bank when
they called. Must bo anywhere from
| 20 to $30 in it , figured the parents.
A few days ago Snookums attained
his first anniversary and it was de
cided to deposit the contents of the
little bank in the big one downtown.
Now Just at this time mamma
chanced to need a new hat and , papa
being a bit short , it was decided to
borrow some from Snookums till pay
day."I want tg deposit $10 of' it , " mam
ma told the bank teller , as she handed
him the nickel-plated treasure box ,
"Tho balance I will 'take with me ,
please. "
The teller turned the little knob
this way and that , then opening the
door , poured out the hoard on the
window shelf. Then he carefully re
pressed a smile , while mamma , after
the first gasp , devoted herself to sa\T
agely biting her lips while the con
tents were counted.
There were 347 pennies , four nick
els and one dime. I
Some Philosophy of a Manicure Girl
* \ YORK. The manicure girl hasher
her opinion of life and the people
who compose it. Sitting at her neat
table , beside a wide window covered
with Italian filet , she sizes up New
York with a cool , dispassionate eye.
"Oh , yes , " she said , in answer to an
inquiry , "somo of them get funny.
What do I do ? Well , at first I don't
see It I act thick , you know and if
that doesn't answer I look at 'em a
moment BO" with a shriveling eye
"and , well , they wilt Why , they're
nothing but boys grown up men , I
mean and you just use the same
"Tho women always talk. I don't
know what it Is , but the very sight
of my outfit and my little glass bowl
of warm water and mo , slttln' hero
quietly workln * and utterly at their ,
mercy well they talk. They nearly
always come to mo from the shampoo
pee room or the massage room , where
they can't talk , you see , and 1 sup
pose I get what's been bottled up.
"And , say do you know what
stumps me most of all this year ? No ?
Well the furs ! I never saw such furs
as this winter. Why , you'd think they
grew on trees ! Some women wear
three kinds at once. And another
thing is the artificial flowers. They
all wear 'em nestling among the furs ,
you couldn't ever tell they weren't
real and , say they're scented. They
even smell real.
"Tips ? Well , we don't call them
tips. You see , we aren't waiters. Oh ,
yes. We take 'em , of course when
we get 'em. The men always do ; the
women almost never do. I suppose
they think their entertaining talk
takes the place of coin.
"It's a big town , this , ain't it and
it's a hard town. Oh , yes , I suppose
there are some good people here Oh ,
yes , I'm ono to look on the bright side
but , say the women get the worst
of it , don't they oven In this free
country. Why , if I lived in England
I'd bo ono of them window smashln"
suffringors myself. "
Pastor Is Convinced Devil Is a Myth
LOUIS. The Rev. Albert H. Jordan
dan , pastor of the fashionable First
Congregational church and bridegroom
son-in-law of William II. Dlxby , has
been studying the biography of the
devil , from Typnon of Egypt and Ah-
rlman of Persia down to the witches
of Salem , and lias come to the conclu
sion that his satanlc majesty , under
all of his aliases , is more or less of a
Dr. Jordan made this confession at
n Now Year "experience mooting" at
tended by about a dozen ministers of
his denomination. Each pastor named
the most interesting book ho had read
during the last year or related his
xnost Important experience.
The young pastor , who recently re
turned from his honeymoon , excited
the merriment of his brethren when
ho announced with all gravity that
the most instructive book he had read
during 1909 was , by odds , "Tho His
tory of the Devil. " by Dr. Paul Carus.
"This book taught me , " persisted
Dr. Jordan , seriously , "that there are
not two principles in the world a
good and an evil one. There is only
ono , which is good.
"Dr. Carus treat of the dual worship
which has obtained In almost all of
the religions of the world , from the
garden of Eden to the present day.
Theology has had two phases , a wor
ship of God nnd rites to deprecate the
malice of the evil ono.
"Devil worship is a relic of past
ages. Ministers are no longer preach
ing of hell fire and damnation , but of
the blessedness of life. Wo do not
put stress on evil as wo used to , but
emphasize the good. Our theology Is
no longer negative , but positive. Wo
take the view that the world is get
ting bettor. "
The new theory advanced by L. T.
Cooper relullvu to the human stomach
has attracted such widespread atten
tion that the public in cities visited by
the young man has been joined by
many physicians In a discussion of his
beliefs nnd medicines.
Mr. Cooper says human health is
dependent almost entirely upon the
stomach. lie says that no disease can
bo conquered without first alleviating
all stomach disorders. Ho further says
tin' , most men and women of this generation -
oration arc half-sick owing to degen
erate stomachs. And lastly , he claims
that his New Discovery medicine will
rejuvenate the human stomach In 90
Cooper has been traveling from ono
city to another , conducting In each
what bo calls a campaign of educa
tion. For the past year ho has met
the public in the larger cities of the
country , and his success has been
phenomenal. Thousands of people have
flocked to his headquarters wherever
ho has gone , and the sale of his medi
cine has been beyond anything of the
kind ever before witnessed.
Possibly the most Interesting fea
ture of the attention this young man
has attracted is what his army of
followers , whom he has converted to
his beliefs through his medicines , have
to say on the subject. The following
statements are from two well-known
residents of Chicago and Boston , re
spectively , and the enthusiasm of
these is characteristic of Cooper's ad
mirers generally.
Mrs. IL B. Mack , of 3201 State
street , Chicago , says : "I have been
suffering for 12 years from a combina
tion of stomach , trouble , catarrh and
constipation. I'had a gnawing pain
in the pit of my stomach , a sort of a
dull pain that I could not quite under
stand. Then there was a dull head
ache , and my mind seemed to be wan
dering continually. I could not cat ,
and what little solid food I did cat I
could not retain on my stomach. I
tried every remedy I could think of ,
and also tried out a number of patent
medicines , but without any apparent
result. It was through one of my
friends that I heard of Cooper's prep
aration , and I immediately decided to
try some of it It is two weeks since
I took my first dose of it , and I feel
like a now woman. The headache
seems , to have disappeared , and the
pain in my stomach , along with it
The medicine is worth its weight In
gold , and I want to thank Mr. Cooper
for what he has done for me. "
Mr. Edwin P. Morse , of 20 Oakley
street , Dorchester , a suburb oi Boston ,
says : "For three yoais I had not a
we'll day. My stomach was In fright
ful shape ; the inero thought of food
would nauseate me , and I really had a
horror of anything to cat All solid
food would cause mo extreme indiges
tion , bloating and gas on my stomach ,
and nothing tasted right. Some time
ago I got some of this Cooper's medi
cine , about which there Is so much
talk. I actually feel as well and strong
as n boy ever since the first bottle.
Every sign of stomach trouble has dis
appeared , and I have a hearty appe
tite nnd eat three square meals ; every
thing seems to taste good. Anyone
who knows what chronic indigestion
is can appreciate what this means to
me. I consider this the most remark
able medicine I ever heard of. "
Cooper's Now Discovery is sold by
all druggists. If your druggist cannot
supply you , we will forward "you the
name of a druggist In your city who
will. Don't accept "something just as
good. " The Cooper Medicine Co. , Day
ton , Ohio.
Many a saint would have lesi trou
ble wrestling with the devil if ho
would get out and wrestle with a ball
for an hour or two.
Beautiful Post Cards Free.
Send 4e stamps for flvo samples of our
very best Gold and Silk Finish Birthday.
Flower nnd Motto Post Cards ; beautiful
colors nnd loveliest designs. Art Post
Card Club , 792 Jackson St. , Topeka , Kan.
Crosses are of no use to us , but In
as much as wo yield ourselves up to
them nnd forget ourselves. Fcnclon
What She Oujjht to Say.
She Speaking correctly , Jens ,
should I say "I will have a now bon
net , " or "I shall bare a now bonnet ? "
He Speaking correctly , absolutely
correctly , my love , you should say , "I
won't have a now bonnet" Illustrated
- *
PAZO 01NTMBNT irn rant e < l to cflr * nr MM
oi Itching , illlnd. Ulcrdlnc or l > retnidlni rOw la
OtolidkTioriDonerreniiuled. Ma.
Many a man's good reputation !
duo to what isn't found out about
hnntie n nwd successfully Tor jearaf
couehs. cold a and bronchitis. HyerTlxMl/
know aboil tlu It U simple , sate amliar * .
It is easy to see the silver lining ol
other people's clouds.
There arc imitations , don't be fooled.
Ask for Lewis' Single Binder cigar for 5 * .
Many a man has kicked himself out
of a good job.
To know how good the
Bitters is in cases of Sick
Headache , Heartburn *
Indigestion , Costive
ness , Gelds , Grippeand
Malaria , it is only neces
sary to try one bottle. The ,
results speak for themselves.
Nebraska Directory
tills prooet * all broken
parts of machinury made coed a * nw. Weld *
cast iron , cast steel , aluminum , copper , bras ? of
any other metal. Expert automobile repalrjnf ,
BERTGCHY MOTOR CO. , Council Bluffs.
Bold and rented eTerjwhere. Writ for bargain 11M
ttablUhnd 1W4. 143 80.13th 81.Lincoln
Grain , Provision * , Stock * , Cotton
Main Office , 204-208 PraUraUr Bids.
Lincoln , Ncbratk * .
Bell Phone CIS Auto Pfeoo * Kit
Largest Hems * In St t .
th bliThtit prUa Jar
Keisters' ' Ladies Tailoring
At 1548 O St. , Lincoln , Neb. ,
Teaches Cutting. Fitting.
Furnishing and Pressing ol
all garments thoroughly , at ridiculously
low prices. Call or write for catalog.
General Machinists ,
Model Makers ,
Stamps , Sten
cils , Heals , Trade
Check , UadKcs , Kto.
1020 M Street , Unooln
We furnish complete castings and part *
machined or In the rough for 3x3 motor. Wni
develop 2 horse-power.
OERTSCHY MOTOR CO. , Council Blurb , Iowa.
Common Sense
Leads the most intelligent people to tise only medi
cines of known composition. Therefore it is that
Dr. Picrce's medicines , the makers of which print
every ingredient entering into them upon the bottle-
wrappers and attest its correctness under oath , are
daily growing in favor. No SECRETS. No DIICBPTION.
The composition of Dr. Plercc's medi
cines is open to everybody , Dr. Pierce
being desirous of bavins the search
light of Investigation turned fully upon
his formula : , being confident that the better the composition ol
these medicines is known the more will their great curative
merits bo recognized.
Being wholly made of the active medicinal principles extracted from native ? '
forest roots , by exact processes original with Dr. Pierce , and without the user
of a drop of alcohol , triple-refined and chemically pure glycerine being used in
stead in extracting and preserving the curative virtues residing in the root *
employed , these medicines are entirely free from the objection of doing ham
by creating an appetite for either alcoholic beverages or habit-forming dnigt.
Examine the formula on their bottle-wrappers the same as morn to by
Dr. Pierce , and you will find that his "Golden Medical Discovery , " the great
blood-purifier , stomach tonio and bowel regulator the medicine which , while
not recommended to cure consumption in its advanced stages ( no medicine will
do that ) yet does curt all those catarrhal conditions of head nnd throat , weak
etomach , torpid liver and bronchial troubles , weak lungs and bang-on-coughs ,
which , if neglected or badly treated lead up to and finally terminate in con
sumption. ,
Take the "Golden Nfedicat Discovery" { n time and it is not likely to dis
appoint you if only you give it n thorough nod fair trial. Don't expect miracles.
It won't do supernatural things. You must exercise your patience and per
severe in its use for a reasonable length of time to get its full benefits. The
ingredients of which Dr. Picrce's medicines are composed have the unqualified
endorsement of scores of medical leaders better than any amount of lay , of
non-professional , testimonials although the latter are received by thousands.
Don't accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this time-proven remedy
OP KNOWN COMPOSITION. ASK YOUR NmciiBQRS. They must know of many cures
made by it during past 40 years , right in your own neighborhood.
World's Dispensary Medical Association , Dr. R.V. Pierce , Prcs. , Buffalo , N.Y.