Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 10, 1910, Image 10

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Gleaned for Your Peruial by Our Ruitling Reporters
Old papers for sale at this
Drs. Farnsworth & Beck
Jim Smith went to Anselmo
Monday evening.
Dr. Bass , dentist , old location ,
over Soudcr's drug store.
New picture frames and mould
ings at Konkel's The Furniture
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Taylor
were west bound passengers
Rev. and Mrs , W. L. Gaston
were Bow visitors Friday driving
irom Merna.
Best and largest assortment of
rugs ever shown in Custer county
at Konkel's The Furniture Man-
The H. T. Bruce Lumber Co.
are having theirfcheds and build
ings treated to a coat of paint
this week.
The largest line of Mens shirts
at 1.00 in town. Come in and
Ibok them over before buying.
Kiffin-Lucke Co.
John Sanford was in Broken
Bow Monday helping his father ,
from Missouri , unload an imtni-
rgant car.
Clyde Carlos left the first of
the week for Oregon vrith the
view of locating permanently
some-where on the coast.
Walter Cole , who had his back
broken by a fall from a horse
.several months ago was taken to
ttt. Joseph the first of the week
for treatment.
J. S Squires and wife left Fri
day morning for the west. They
will visit lower California and
will go as far north as Seattle
Washington. They expect to be
gone about two months.
O. H. Conrad commenced the
excavation of the basement for a
new building on the corner of
\ the block recently vacated by the
mi ] Bruce Lumber Co. The structure
I in to be 60x66 ieet , , two stories.
The township clerk , J. S. McGraw -
Graw , has been in correspondence
with a government road man and
on Saturday. March 12 , when the
voters of Broken Bow townships
get together for their annual
meeting , he will speak to them in
in regard to roads. It is wished
that all the voters in the town
ship be present at that meeting.
A small blaze occured in the
rdar of the City Bakery , owned
and run by B. W. Blair on Mon
day afternoon about 1:45. : It
was the usual story of "a small
boy and a match. " Some paper
and a few small boxes were piled
in the corner where two sheds
caoie together and the fire as it
gained headway was noticed by
several who were near at the
time and an alarm was turned in ,
- hose cart was taken out
a'nd as a few buckets of water
soon quenched the greedy fire
demon it was not taken to the
scene of the fire.
The Ramos' Spansish Orches
tra will give their entertainment
'at | the opera house on March 21 ,
IptO. This is under the auspices
< | f the Young Peoples' Union and
< will be the best musical organi
, xatiou of its class ever given in
this city. The compay is com
] )0sed of six ladies and two
gentlemen. One of these gentle
men sings with the Orchestra
/accompaniment and his voice
rises above the instruments with
imposing effect. This company
has delighted all where ever they
havs appeared.
Two Specials for Saturday
March 12th 1910
: \ bars of lOc Toilet
Soap for 20.
18 pair of Misses
goodyear welt oxblood -
blood shoes. $2.00 to
S2.25 values. Satur
day only
We have hose to
Kiffin-Lucke Co.
Old papers for sale at Una
II. B. Andrews of Anselmo
was a city visitor Monday.
W. J. Kice of Merna was a
city visitor Monday.
Best shades at best prices at
Konkel's The Furniture Man.
New oxfords for men and wom
en. Sec them Kiffin-Lucke Co.
E. F. McClure spent Wednes
day in Grand Island , on bus-
ness ,
Win. Pfhreui of Sargent was
visiting in the city the first of
the week.
Philip Johnson , of Ortello ,
spent a few days in Broken Bow
last week.
Mr. and Mrs , D V. Joyncr
were passengers for Merna Mon
day evening.
New arrivals in suits , capes
and coats are coming in almost
every day. Kiffin-Lucke Co.
Ray Cadwell , who is in attend
ance at the Grand Island College ,
spent Sunday with his parents.
The Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.
are putting up a monster lumber
shed in their yards here this
Miss Katie Moore , who has
been in a Conservatory of Music
in Chicago for the past year re
turned to Broken Bow last week.
We have checked into stock
this week a swell line of new
spring skirts in all colors includ
ing white serges and mohairs.
Kiffin-Lucke Co.
Mrs , M. E , McPherron of
Kansas City , is in the city visit
ing her sisters , Mrs. A. E. And
erson , Mrs. Will Penn , Misses
Wilda and Dex Hurless.
H. A. Watts and Rev. Z. O.
Dow&rd made an automobile trip
to Anselmo Monday. Rev Do-
ward went to preach a funeral
sermon at that place.
Rev. 7 . O. Doward of the
Christian churc was called to An
selmo last Monday to preach the
funeral of Thos. J. Plymale. He
was a man 75 years old And
leaves a wife and 7 children.
The Ladies' library association
desire to express their thanks to
those who assisted so kindly in
the afternoon and evening pro
gram Feb. 23 , also for the M. E.
church in the evening and the
club room in the afternoon.
C. H. Sanford , who unloaded a
car from northwestern Missouri ,
Monday , has rented the farm in
Holcomb Valley recently pur
chased by lias Anderson. Mr.
Sanford is one of those fanners
whom a community welcomes.
Mr. Sanford brings with him a
wife and two sons.
Julius Otton of Sargent was a
city visitor yesterday. He was
accompanied by Mr. Lam.
Heavy Vole.
The voters of Custer county ,
especially the divisionist know
how to vote for things they do
not want and they also know
how to vote against their own
interests. The following table
shows the way the vote went ,
also how the divisionists worked
on the misrepresentation of the
facts :
Algernon 181 72
Ansley 8 288
Arnold 48 93
Berwyu in 44
Urokeu How North Side. . 306 8
Broken How South Side. . 463 8
CHIT 66 25
Cu terNo. 1 38 16
Cnster No. 2 4 76
Custer No. 3 28
Delight 6 351
Douglas Grove 54 74
IJlim 3 121
Hlk Creek 86 26
GarGeld 86 17
Grunt 5 104
Hayes 39 b
Kilfoil 112 135
UllianNo. i 67 2 !
Lillian No. 2 , 9 37
I oup 9 ! 26
Myrtle 50 57
Sargent lj 2S8
Couistock 79 47
Triumph -2 87
Victoria 142 40
Wayne 2 ! 28
Westeiville 59 87
West Union , No. 1 U 23
West Union , No. 2 3 90
Wood River 42 212
Total 2233 2513
( Continued from fifth page. )
Will AlcCullottgh and wife
( Mrs. Sands sister ) arc visiting !
U. B Sands , at present.
Roy Routh and wife welcomed
a little daughter at their home
Sunday morning. Mother and
baby doing well.
II. C. Brown of Fremont Neb.
spent last Thursday night at
Ralph Johnsons. They were
old friends.
joe Cole found the horse he
lost last Oct. It had fallen in a
lorgc hole in his pasture and
Mr. Huffman's four children
started to school Monday.
Mr. Evans of Aurora moved
on the Sharp plae.
Prairie Center.
Born : To Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Oxford , a fine baby girl March 1.
All parties doidg well.
Lof Oxford , wife and daugh
ter , Theo. OxfordBert , Oxford ,
Medd Gleun , Grandma and
Grandpa Oxford , Mrs. Glenn and
daughter visited at Chas. Ox
ford's Sunday , they all came to
see the new girl.
Mrs. Beal is on the sick list
this week.
Mm. Rains and daughter ,
Neva and Dorothy , and Florence
Longfellow visited at Beals
Sunday ,
Rosa Deal , Nannie Rains , ana
Bert Oxford visited at Rhoades'
Sunday evening.
John Beal was in town Satur
day for the first time since he
was taken sick. He seems to be
getting better.
Several attended the dance
given at Frank Neth's in Union
Valley Saturday night.
Dolly Reed form Merna visited
at Beals' from Friday till Sun
Earnest Rains visited with
Wesley Hogaboom in Broken
Bow Saturday and Sunday.
Blanche Shurrspent Saturday
night and Sunday at home.
Ed Allbright from Missouri
spent Sunday night and Monday
at Rains.
Grace and Charley Beal visited
with the Weisner children Sat
Wonder what Ed Shepardson
was looking for in this neighbor
hood Sunday.
Intended for last week.
Elgin Beal went to the eastern
part of the state where he has an
aunt that is very sick.
Mrs. George Shoup is some
Ben Evans is out buying
cattle this week.
John Koch has moved up on
the table on the Lambert place
where Alva Shaw has lived for
several years. Mr. Shaw moved
on his own place on the Ryno
C. W. Gibbs , Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Gibbs and J. R. Long
fellow and daughter Daisy went
to Overton last Tuesday to visit
U. Jones and family.
Several from hear attended the
Burton sale last Monday reported
a large crowd.
Charley Longfellow had one
of his horses badly cut m the
wire fence last Sunday. Some
one from Merna went though the
pasture in an auto running the
horse into the fence. I thought
we had roads to travel on ? yes
We would have good roads i
they would put our share of the
money on roads that arc travelec
instead of trying to lay out new
roads that will never be traveled
Merna News.
On Friday evening of thi
week the graded school will give
a program in the Opera house
The proceeds go for the new lab
The revival in the M. E. church
closed Sunday evening.
The Baptist Literary Society
have accepted the challenge o
three High school'boys for a de
bate to be held on Monday eve
Mr. Jensen , of Aurora , is in
town this week superintending
the wiring of the business houses
for electric lights.
Mr. and Mrs. F A. Wagoner ,
of Broken Bow , spent Sunday at
the home of Rev. and Mrs. W.
L. Gaston of this city.
Bell School District.
We are enjoying March's Lamb
and preparing for her Lion.
Mrs. Swan from Broken Bow ,
spent the week with her daugh-
er , Mrs. Pearl Forsyth.
Mr. and Mrs. John Plyrnale
were called west of Anselmo by
he death of his father Friday
evening. The old gentleman was
fitst attacked by a paralytic
stroke from which resulted death.
He was buried in Anselmo Mon
Mrs. Bert Cozad has been very
ill the past week.
Mr. and Mrs I. P. Bell had a
ittle tipover while coming from
town. The buggy was smashed ,
being the worst damage reported.
Messrs. Pius Christen and
Frank Knoell went to Broken
Bow Sunday to attend to bus
Miss Nettie White was hostess
of a sociil and oyster supper giv
en in honor of her birthday at
John Bells Saturday evening. A
large crowd gathered to help her
enjoy the evening , which was
spent in playing Flinch and so
cial entertainments. The early
departing hours indicate their
good times. We don't believe
Miss Nettie is a Missourian but
it is reported , she greased her
nose to slip through next year
Miss Cennie Christen is spend
ing the week with Mrs. Mary
Kneel during her husbands ab
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bell and
family , Claude from Broken Bow
and Anna from Anselmo spent
Saturday and Sunday with home
Miss Mae Rains and Cennie
Christen were Custer County
sight inspectors Sunday.
Edmund McGuire from Arnold
visited at Vinnedge's Saturday
and Sunday.
All have good reports from ex
Minnie Mannel missed Thurs
day and Friday not for examin
ations , we hope.
William Loughran ws absent
all week.
Anna Spaunel won the prize
n our Memory Gem Contest.
She twenty-two for us.
We wonder if there will be any
more bad storms yet. We're
auxious to mike our school gar
We would like to enforce the
law that "all school grounds
should be fenced animal proof. "
Elton News.
This fine weather reminds the
farmer of spring.
Paul Haumont is moving on
his farm near Berywn.
Frank Anderson shelled corn
last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Cooksley are
rejoicing over the arrival of a
fine baby boy. Art is wearing a
broad smile these days.
Clarence Govier and family of
Oconto are visiting relatives
near Elton this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shafer
and Grandma Shafer and Mr.
Monlanye and family Sundayed
at Joe Spencer's. '
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Govier a boy.
Miss White of Lincoln is
spending a few days with Mrs.
Louis Hauuiont this week.
Mr. Hollenbeck has purchased
a fine driving team from Mr.
Maggie and Ben Pirnie of
Merna are visiting friends and
relatives near Elton and Weisaert
this week.
Mrs. Davis who has been liv
ing in Broken Bow for some
time has moved out on the A. H.
Luther farm near Weissert.
Pete Towns and his new bride
will leave for Aurora the first
of the week where he will work
at the carpenter trade. People
of this vicinity wish them suc
cess in their new home.
McKinlcy Murmurings.
Joseph Province is crrying he
mail from Tuckerville to McKinley -
ley now.v
Mesdames Reinhard and Kirk-
patrick visited Tuesday after
noon at Joseph Haefcle.
Mrs. I. H. Russell of Kearney
visited her son Roy a lew days
last week.
Joseph Martin of O'Neill was
visiting a few days in this vicin
ity last week.
Maude Hacfele is assisting
Mrs. J. C. Henederson with her
house work this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Haefelc
spent Sunday at A. J. Booth's.
A few of our young people a t
tended the party atT. G. Thorn-
burg's last Tuesday night. They
report a line time.
The party at Edgar * Pierce's
Saturday night was well attend
ed. All report a fine time.
Mr. and Mrs , Jos. Haefele at
tended Sunday School on Spring
Creek Sunday and visited with
Mr. Mrs J. H. W alburn in the
Our school will close March
18th. The teacher and pupils
are prearing a fiae program for
the last day.
Charley Mosley and family was
visiting Joe Evins Sunday.
Leonard Hilton moved onrhis
farm Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthus Cooksley
are the proud parents of a bounc
ing baby..b0y ,
Mell Steinman attended the
funeral of Mr. Moody at Wester-
ville Saturday.
John and Maggie Pirnie of
Merna are visiting relatives fore
a few days.
Mr. and Mrs JohnGovier * were
visiting his father 'and. mother
Ross Campbell returned home
from Omaha Thursday reporting
of topping the market for sixty-
for head of stock and the re
mainder five cents lower.
Mell Steinman and Fred
Govier went to Broken Bow on
business Wednesday.
Leek boys expect to move on
ther farm soon but Carl is wait
ing on his brother Roy as he says
he expects to furnish a cook.
Mr. Burke expects to move
next week down on a farm be
tween Ansley and Berwyn.
Jim Davis * mother and sister
of Broken Bow moved on Al
Luther's farm Friday.
- .
Intended for last week. , /
The sale at D. Hilton was well /
attended and the stock sold well.
Albert Govier has some fine
white seed corn for sale call and
sec or write and will send sample
seed from Iowa raised last sea
Arthur Cooksley sold Bose two
loads of hogs and hauled them
to Berwyn Saturday.
ThcaFreichson and his brother
John went to Omaha Thursday.
Mell Sherman Steinman , Henry
Holmes and See Scott was visit
ing Grovier Bros. Thursday
Arthur Cooksley marketed
corn at Tice Case Thursday.
John Scott was visiting James
Govier's Sunday.
Mrs. John Govier of Elton was . *
visting her daughter Mrs. Milt fi
Peterson Thursday.
Bose Campell shiped two car
loads of hogs to Omabo Monday.
Joe Evens was breaking down
stalks Wednesday.
Henry Holme ? , Stella Carlisle ,
Will Scott and Bernice Pipper
I made a flying trip to Broken Bow
Prairie IlilL
March has come in nice though
we would rather it would have
been , stormy and the last of
March nice. We must hope for
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas spent
Sunday at Mr. Perry's near Mer
Ralph Miller is on the sick list
but we glad to say he is better
at this writing.
Jesse Price went with the corn
shelter the latter part of last
week as Charley Bay was home
on account of sickness , but we
are glad to say Charley was able
to go this week.
Mrs. Cushman of Broken Bow
is visiting1 her sister , Mrs. Qeo.
Shoup , who is on the sick list.
J. Philipsen of Dunning is ±
visiting with his daughter , Mrs. Jr
J. R. Longfellow. s
B. G. Eivins and son took a
car load of cattle to Omaha Mon
day. ,
The friends of Miss Ella
Laughlin are sorry to hear of her
sickness and hope she will soon
Miss Alice Longfellow had to
quit school Thursday on account
of sickness but we hope she may
be able to 'go * back before long.
i <
School was out last Saturday.
In the afternoon they had a good
program , after the program they
were dismissed wishing their
teacher a long and happy vaca
As Mrs. Martin , her two
children and Miss Myers were
going home from the sewing
last Thursday the horses became
frightened and started to run.
Mrs. Martin turned them into
Shoup's where they ran up
against the hen house breaking
the buggy tongue. Mr. bhoup
caught them before they got
away. Nobody was hurt though
all were badly freigbteced.
We take pleasure in announcing that we = 3
will have on display §
MARCH 15th and 16th. | §
A most complete line of everything that is new , = 2
novel and chic in
* = 3
y * V
Remember the Dates.
-West Side of Square.