Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 10, 1910, Image 1

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faster County IRepubltcan
, , , , , , . .
In Missionary Movements Registration
Must Be Made At Once. v
Reports already from twenty
five counties indicates a big re
gistration for the Convention of
Laymans' Missionary movement
to be held m Lincoln , March 15th
and 17th. Men who do not want
to miss such an opportunity of
participating in this world wide
movement should send in their
registration at once to Head
quarters at Lincoln Y. M. C. A.
Fifty or more registrations are
being received each day , and Mr.
E. R. Sizer , the chairman of the
Central Committee , of Lincoln
says that Lincoln will not be
satisfied with less than two thous
and delegates. There can be no
better opportunity for the busy
men of this state than to spend
three days of their time at this
big convention. Be on time at
the open session banquet , where
twelve hundred men will sit down
together , take .care of the inner
man , and then listen to addresses
by men who are doing "big
things" in this country of ours ,
to develoy a greater interest in
evangelization .of the World in
this generation. . .
The Laymens' Missionary
Movement is educational in its
scope , and Executive Secretary
Clatk wishes it understood , that
there will be no collections of
any kind taken at this Conven
tion. Layman must register at
once , if they wish seats at the
Opening Banquet , of the evening
of March 15th , $1.50 covers
both banpuet and registration
School Caucus.
A school caucus is called for
Saturday afternoon , March 12 ,
at 2. o'clock. > at the south side
schoolhouse. , This caucus is
called 'for the purpose of nomin
ating candidates for members of
the board of education.
Financial Statement of the Funds of
Broken Bow Township.
On hand Jan. 20,1909 J 02 50
liecelved from Co. Treasurer. 0224 25
Total JOUsb 75
Paid out during year 0368 03
Overdraft bl 88
on band Jan. 20,1909 $ 30 :
Received from co. Treasurer. 1599 25
Paid out during year $1430 42
ual. on band Jan. 18,1910 iou 34
On hand Jan. 20 , i909 $
Received from Co. Treasurer. 478
Hal. on hand Jan. 18,1910. . . .
Total amount received and on
hand In all funds " I8'394 89
paid out $8358 30
Leaving balance on band
Jan. 18. WO 13559
Outstanding registered war
rants , approximately $1200
C. T. OKU ,
Treasurer Broken BOW Township.
Old papers for sale at this
A Pleasant Sunprise.
On March 3rd. a successful
surprise was planned by the
friends and neighbors of Mr. and
Mrs. M. D. Callen , to remind this
worthy couple that they had been
married for fifteen years. The
needs of the "inner man" were
not forgotten , and when the nu
merous boxes and baskets had
given up their contents the re
sult was a repast ' 'fit for a king. "
The guests left a monetary ie-
membrance with Mrs. Callen ask
ing that she purchase for her
self a souvenir of the day.
The day was ideal , the com
pany a merry one , and the oc
casion one of real enjoyment.
I hose present and invited were :
Messrs. and Mesdames Routh ,
Sands , Koozer , Tappan , Stone ,
Johnson , Franklin , Bishop ,
White , Williams , Small , J. T.
Cole and Parker , Mrs. Williams
Sr. , Mrs. Stewartv Lanterman ,
Mrs. Blaine Lanterman , Mrs.
Jackson and Mrs. Parker Sr.
One Who Was There.
County Board In Session.
The county Board of Supervis
ors is in session this week. They
are busy with committee reports
and with committee work in gen
eral. They are meeting in the
council room.
Are Getting Busy.
Mr. Neptune , the man who
was awarded the contract for the
building of the new high school ,
and a Mr. Smith , both of Aurora
were in Broken Bow this week
laying out the site tor the build
ing. We understand that the
work of excavating will"be
started as soon as the weather
permits let the good work pro
For Sale.
One Bay Stallion , coming 4 ,
weight 1900. 31-35 Percheron ,
and a sure foal getter.
One Black Stallion , coming 2 ,
weight 1600 , about. 31-32 Per
Address , C. H. HARBAUGH ,
37 tf Broken Bow , Nebr.
Miss Wilda Hurless returned
Friday from Kansas City where
she had been visiting her mother.
She will teach the fourth and
fifth grade in the city shool.
WANTED. A young lady for
bookkeeper and cashier , one that
can run a typewriter. Inquire of
Kiffin-Lucke Co.
See our table of dress skirts
at . . . . $3.98
New York Store
Lenten Specialties
, Smoked Salmon.
, . Smoked Halibut.
; English Bloaters.
Scalled Herring.
Smoked White Fish.
Holland Herring.
Salt Salmon.
Salt White Pish ,
Salt Mackeral.
Phone 161 THE GROCER Phone 180
Agent for De Laval Separators Cream Station
NOTICE ; Having bought back
from Mr. C. W. Bowman , my
City Property List , with the
House renting , I desire to again
ask the patronage of my old
customers , and as many others ,
as may have City Property for
sale , or runt to call upon me. I
ntend to make City Property ,
and Insurance , my sole. business
business , having quit the Farm
taalcstate business. I can now
be found in west room , over the
Holcomb Book store. I shall be
glad to meet you at any time.
tfy Motto is Square dealing.
Respectfully yours.
J. M. Fodge. V
Custer College Ndles.
Miss Zella Milligah quit school
he first of the week and will
begin teaching next week.
The Custer College base ball
earn played the high school boys
wo games of ball the past week.
The first game resulting 3 to 5 in ,
aver of the college , the second
4 to 6 in favor of the high school.
The college has an excellent
earn and all they need is
> ractice.
Misses Stella and Flossie Byers
spent Saturday and Sunday at
heir home , returning to College
on Monday.
Chester Adams of Clear Creek ,
who is attending < Custer College ,
spent Saturday and Sunday at
lis home.
Miss Carrie Hickenbottom b.4S
jeen absent from school this
on account of her eyes.
Sylvia Hogaboom , of Prairie
Center entered College last weekr ,
Mason Gaither spent Saturday
and Sunday at his home in Ma
son City.
A joint debate was given by
the literary societies , Feb. 28th.
The question for discussion was
resolved , that the world is noi
growing morally better. The
decision of the judges being in
favor of the negative. Those on
the affirmative were Onie Phelps
and Quy Olmstead ; negative ,
Carrie Deming and Elwood Pel-
fey. Those present report a
very interesting debate.
Misses Maggie and Leona
Heaps attended a surprise party
at the home of Mrs. A. Holcomb
last Tuesday evening.
Citizens Caucus *
A Citizens Mass Convention
is hereby called to meet at the
Opera House in Broken Bow
Monday evening at 7:30 : p. m
March 14 for. the purpose of
placing in nomination candidates
for Mayor , Clerk , Treasurer ,
Engineer , Police Judge and
Councilmen , for the city of
Broken Bow , and to transact
any other business that may pro.
perly come before the meeting.
E. R. Purcell ,
Alpha Morgan ,
Citizens Committee.
To my friends and the Public :
Having sold my office building
to Rasmus Anderson and bought
J. M. Fodge's business and build
ing , you will find me at that
place doing business in the fu
ture. Would be glad to see all
my old friends and many new
ones. About onehalf block north
of postoffice.
39-tf Chas. W. Bowman.
. A Jack , black ,
weight about 1150. Kept at the
Nelson Livery Barn , Broken Bow.
Owner , Ed Albright. 40-(1) ( )
Stock market reports still show
hogs and cattle on the upward
flight. Hogs going as high as
110.20 per cwt. , and cattle as
high as $7.50 , sheep at $8.75 to
$9.40 according to the grade.
Hunter Badly Hurt.
Shotgun Charge Tears Off Most Of Lad's
Hand And Rips Away Side
Of His Face.
Comstock , Neb. , While out
duck hunting along the Middle
Loup Sunday Floyd Lewin , 17
years of age , met with a serious
accident. Seating himself in the
brush to await the passage of
( lucks his gun was accidently
discharged , the charge passing
through the palm of his right
hand , which \vas over the muzzle
of the gun and up along the side
of his face and head.
4 , Doctors were immediately call
ed who found it necessary to am
putate all of the hand except the
thumb and index finger. The
-wound on the side of the head
and face was not considered dan
gerous although most of the
fight ear was blown away. His
companion , Frank McKee , nar
rowly escaped death from the
same charge Daily ( Lincoln )
"i Union Meetings.
M A scries of Union Evangelistic
Meetings will be held in Broken
Bow north side Opera house ,
Begining April 15th and continu
ing three weeks.
These meetings will be lead
by Evanglists Bromley and
Myers , who are doing splendid
work for the Master this .winter ,
in Iowa and South Dokata.
Six hundred reported as going
forward in their meeting at
Beresford.S. D.
Let the Christian people be
looking1 up and praying that
God 'niay coofe to' Broke'n ? ' Bow
in like gracious manner.
To my friends : Having sold
my office property , and Real-
Estate business'with list of same ,
together with my good wishes
to Mr. C. W. Bowman , I take
this method to thank you one
and all , for your friendship and
cordial support in the past. I
most heartily recommend my suc
cessor Mr. Bowman to * you as a
gentleman and an honorable
business man to whom you can
safely entrust your business. I
will be found at the old place for
a short time , until I catf close up
my business. J. M. Fodge 39-tf
Old papers for sale at this
Ernest Holcomb of Milburn
was here on business a few days
this week.
Jim Rose , who has been visit
ing relatives at Alliance for
some time , came home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Triplett ,
Jess Triplett , Verna'Jand Nella
Holcomb spent Sunday in
Miss Bessie Johnson left Fri
day evening tor Anselmo. She
will teach a spring term of school
near there.
Miss Ida Lee , who is attending
College here , spent spent Satur
day and Sunday at her home at
Mason City.
A man giving his name as D. J.
Telfair of Philadelphia was a vic
tim of a hypnotist in Washing
ton , D. C. to the tune of $35,000.
The Kensington met Tuesday
afternoon at the residence of
Mrs. J. S. McGraw in the north
west part of the city. About
thirty ladies were present and a
very pleasant time is reported.
.480 acre farm for rent. 220
acres in cultivation. 2CO acres
in pasture , small piece of alfalfa ,
hay canyons and good buildings ,
39-tf WIM.IS CADWSU , ,
Mens store aprons at 35c each.
Kiffin-Lucke Co.
We note from the Hyannis
Tribune that the editor Chas. K.
Bassett was kindly remembered
on the event of his birthday ,
Feb. 21at. A surprise was per-
pretrated by his friends , about
twenty five in number , who had
invaded his home while he had
been enticed away to take supper
with a visitor , S. S. Scar. The
guests presented Mr. Bassett
with a leather upholstered rocker
The evening was spent in a
social.and a pleasant time is re
Philander C. KnoxJr. , was ex
pelled from school for trying to
marry Miss May Boler of Provi
dence , R. I. after spending three
days in New York state and
Montreal hunting for a minister
who would marry them. Miss
Boler is twenty-one , one year
older than young Kuox. She re
turned to Providence with Kuox
and is in hiding. It is later con
firmed by Rev. E. G , Guthrie of
Burlington , Vt. , who performed
the ceremony on last Sunday
evening with the filing of the
marriage certificate at that place
Raplh Cox , son of C. B. Cox
and who is dispatcher for the
Burlington at DaadwoodS.D. left
this morning on 43 for Denver.
He is taking his vacation and is
spending it in travel starting
from .Deadwood he spent a few
days in Lincoln then coming to
Broken Bow , spending a few
days with his parents then to
Denver going to Galveston by
that.way. . He then goes by water
to Key west , going back to Deadwood -
wood by Broken B.ow. He , , w\il
spend a few days here1 with his
parents and renewing old acqain-
tances before returning1 to Dead-
The new field club collar and
small ties for men. See them
Kiffin-Lucke Co.
Prairie Center.
Wesley Thomas and J. R.
Longfellow each bought a man
ure spreader at Merna this week.
Charley Weesner has another
hired man. Mr. Weesner is
going < to farm on a large scale
this year having two hired men.
Several from here attended the
dance a Frank Neths last Satur
day night fine time was reported.
John Beal is able to be out
some after a long spell of sick
Just received our ladies spring
suits , that you have been wait
ing for.
New York Store.
tl cans Turtle To-
inatoes , extra fancy
Roods , 20 ounces sol
id meats 84
liaby Hood lied
Meets , an appltlzer ,
two cans for 3 *
Ilegal oat Meal Toilet Soap , good
for complexion 13 calces for . 95
Windsor Peaches 6 cans . 1.02
" Apricots " . 1.02
' White cherries 6 cans . .1.88
Geo. R. Chatburn of the Uni
versity will be here on Saturday
to talk on the road question that
will come before the Broken Bpw
town-ship meeting to be held at
town-ship office. He comes with
some good things for all who will
attend. The date is March 12
and it is desired that all be pre
On page four will be found an
article headed M. L , Fries For
Governor. This article was
printed last week but through
neglect was not corrected , there
by not giving a clear meaning ,
this week it is printed again and-
we hope that it will convey to
the readers the meaning tor it
that was intended for last week.
Christian Church Z. 0. DowarJ , Pastor.
Bible School 10:00 : a. ni ; com
munion and preaching service
11:00a. : m. ; Subject "The Church
of Christ. " This is the second
series or Sunday morning dis
courses on this subject. 7:30 : p.
m. song service with sermon ;
10:00 : Bible school ; 6:30 : p. m.
Christian Endeavor services.
M. E. Church. R. II. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 a , m ;
morning sermon 11:00 : a. m ; Jun
ior league 2:30 : p. m ; Epwortb
league 6:30 : p. m ; evening sermon
7:30 : p. m ; E. L. Mission Study
Class , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. m.
Come and worship with us you
will be a stranger in the church
but once ,
Baptist Church. A. T. Nor wood1 Past w ? *
Sunday School 10:00 a. m ;
preaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior
union 3:00 : p. m ; B. Y. P. U. 6:30 :
p. m ; preaching 7:30 : p. m ;
teachers' meeting Monday 7:30
p. m ; Agogaclass , Tuesday 7:30 :
p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday
7:30 p m ; Amoma class first"and
third Saturday of each month'
7:30 : p. m.
Beginning next Sunday even
ing the pastor of the Baptist
Church will give a series of ser
mons on the "Life and Times of
Moses. " These addresses will be
especially for young people.
Special music at each Sunday
evening service. All are cordially
Big lot of * men's dress shirts
at - 48 cents.
New York Store ;
Old papers for sale at this
N tj
Pure old Cider Vlnlgcr
J - 5F. O.
/ Pure Food Products
Phone No. 5
A Dainty Stuffed
Olive , assorteo , per
bottle 15&.35
Karao Golden can
Pumpkin In 3 lb cans
lust delicious , U cans
for 2
11 rau
a H unit red
> ! <
Spanish Red Pepper , Its hot , per
can , 3\
llluo Berries , cans chock full of
fruit , line for pies , 2 cans for 38
Chick Food for little Chickens 30 cents a sack.
Oyster Shell $1.25 a hundred.
Poultry Panacea , keeps poultry healthy .25 A .00
j Texas Stock Dip Oil only .20 a gallon.
i Great For Hog's.