Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 17, 1910, Image 5

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Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters
Good piauo for $25.00. II. A.
. Watts's Piano Houae.
Joe KellenV > erger , of Merna ,
was in Brokeu How a few days
last week.
Mike Foley , of Merna , was at
tending district court in Broken
Bow last week.
Kindling and Nigger Head
lump coal , etc. , at Dierks' Lum
ber & Coal Co.
S. A. Robinson , the Oconto
Banker , was doing business in
Broken Bow Saturday.
6 per cent money for Farm
i Loans no commission optional
, L payment. James Ledwich.
T" l " " ' Dr. Headrick will visit Broken
Bow Monday , February 21st.
Chronic diseases a specialty
Consultation free. It
J. J. and Mrs. Joyner were
visiting in the city , last week
with their sons D. V. and Grove ,
while attending court as wit
Con Flcshmnn , of Merna , was
in the city several days the latter
part of last week , as a witness in
Woods divorce case.
Mrs. W. A. Yates , of Whit
man , came down to Broken Bow
Thursday evening-for a few days
visit with her old neighbors.
Mrs. W. H. Cole , of Lincoln ,
who had been visiting in the city
for a week with relatives and
friends returned home last Satur
day morning.
G. Guyle , of Walworth , who
was in the city last week informs -
forms us that be has contracted
to sell his farm near Walworth.
The contract price will bring
him $7,000.
Samuel Thomas , formerly of
Broken Bow , who has for several
years been located at Sutherland
in the real estate business was
N in Broken Bow several days last
v weekrenewiog old acquaintances ,
besides looking after some busi
ness matters. We understand
Mr. Thomas is doing splendidly
Ira Bass , of Dunning , was in
the city Saturday. While here
he disposed of his Kinkaid home
stead neat Dunning to W. V.
Shackleford. Ira is engaged in
the hardware business at Dun
ning and found that the holding
down a claim and running a business -
ness in town was a bigger job
than he cared to continue.
W. H. Reeder was among a
number of Merna people who
were in the city Friday attend
ing1 court who improved the op
portunity to make the RKPUBU-
CAN a genial call. Mr. Reeder is
among the early pioneers of this
county who has made good fiaan
.dally as well as morally being
one of Custer county's best cit
Mrs. Ollic Fredericks of Calla-
way and her sister , Miss Pearl
Pershall who recently bought the
Moran stock of millenery at Cal-
laway were visiting in the city
the latter part of the week with
their parents , Mr. and Mrs. I. N.
Pershall. They left the first of
the week for Omaha to lay in
their spring stock of goods.
The M. B. A. lodge of this city
bad one of its old time meetings
last Friday night. There were
fourteen members , initiated by
the degree team putting on the
work. Besides the initiation
were several musical pjeces rend
ered , both vocal and instrumen
tal , drill work by the drill team
and a fine oyster supper at the
W. II. Carson who has \ield \
the position of associate editor
of the REPUBLICAN for the past
three months returned to Lincoln
Saturday night. He will ac
cept a position on the cases
at a more lucrative salary than he
was earning here. He is a
first class mechanic and the Rs-
wishes him the best of
Three city houses for sale. II.
A. Watts.
L. L. Huffman , of Gandy , was
a city visitor Monday.
J.macs Holcomb , of Milburn ,
was a city visitor Saturday.
Fred C. Wilson , of Anselmo ,
was a city visitor Saturday.
Editor Beale , of the Beacon ,
made k business trip to Callaway
Mrs. Anna Doolittle , of Ansel-
mo , was visiting friends in town
Mrs. Grace Wood , of Merna ,
was a Broken How visitor a few
days last week.
b per cent money for Farm
Loans no commission optional
payment. James Ledwich.
W. W. Minner who had sale
bills struck for Feb. 28 has called
the sale off. indefinitely.
W. P. Biggins , of Sargent ,
was circulating among his friends
in the city last Thursday.
Miss Edna Holcomb spent Sat
urday night and Sunday at An
selmo with Miss Bessie Johnson.
Frank E. Parks of Dunning
was in the city Monday making
proof on his Kinkaid home
John Welch , one of the old
timers of Westerville , was among
the social callers at the Kepubli-
can office Saturday.
sweep power in vicinity of Mason
City , Nebraska. For full partic
ulars address , No. 13 , care of
Editor of this paper. 36 21
FOK SALK My residence prop
erty , * room cottage and ground
96x120 feet- Well located nn the
north side , Broken Bow. Inquire
at L. C. Cross' barber shop , west
side of rquare. A. W. Horn.
C. A. Dawson , late "of U. S.
army , and a nephew of U. C. and
J. R. Street , has gone to Merna
this week to work in Turner's
Lumber Yards. He will work
in the Broken Bow yards after the
first of March.
Mr. and Mrs. Elton Palmer
went to Anselmo Saturday even
ing to visit the family of Wm.
Edmunds. Elton returned Sun *
day evening. Mrs. Palmer will
extend her stay a few days be
fore returning.
Mrs. J. H. Bair , of Canton ,
Ohio , was in the city Friday as a
witness in the Woods divorce
case. Mrs. Bair was among the
early teachers of Custer county
and one of ; the three girls who
the writer , in his six years as
county superintendent , granted a
certificate to teach at the age ot
fourteen years. Her first certifi
cate was a third grade one. In
the course of three years by at
tending the teachers' institute ,
which took a regular course each
year she secured a first gradp
certificate , as did each of the
other two girls who were grant
ed third grade certificates. Mrs
Bair will be remembered by
teachers of this county twenty-
five years agp as Miss Euroia
The Mytton sale of thorough
bred Uuroc Jersey hogs of Me *
Kinncy's barn , last Saturday
was quite successful , Something
over forty head of fine young
aows were gold , at prices rang
ing from about thirty dollars
and upwards per head. Engin
eer Mike Nolan , of Alliance
bought five head to be shipped
to his ranch near Alliance. He
paid over fifty dollars for one o
mo e of them , The average
price was in tte neighborhood
of thirty-five dollars per head
The balance of the offering wa
bid in by farmeroin this vicinity
It waa as fine a lot of hogs o
the kind as were ever sold here.
Ravenna News. The above ha
reference to Charles Mytton , o
Westerville , one of Custer county'
prominent hog breeders.
NO. 70
An Ordlrvanco granting to Edgar P.
Steen and Chas. C. Gibson , their
hclre , ( successors or assigns the
right and franchise to construct
maintain and operate a system
for the purpose of furnishing
Electric Light , Heat , and Power
for public and private use In
the city of Broken Bow and to
erect poles and string wires there
on , and to construct and main *
tain subways and conduits nnd
to lay wires therein , over , along
and across and through all the
streets and alleys In the city oT
Broken Bow In the state of
Section 1. There Is hereby gran I-
d to Ed"ir P Rteen and CluiH. C
Gibson , thalr . successors , 01
isalgns the right mid franchise I"
oiiatruct , maintain and operate a
ystem for the purpose of supplying
icctrlc light , heat and power for
ubllc and private use in tlio City ot
Jrokeu Bow , Nebraska for a term of
wenty (20) ( ) years from and after
lie approval and final passage ol
his ordinance. The said Edgar P
teen and Chas. C. Gibson , thelt
iclrs , successors or assigns shall
ave the right-of-way through , across
pou , under and along all the avenues
treeta and alleys ot the Cily of Biuk
n Bow as It now exists or as It may
e hereafter laid out or extended
or the purpose of erecting poloa and
trlnglng wires and hanging trang.
armors thereon , and of constructing
nd maintaining subways and con-
ults and laying wires therein ; and
he right to construct , maintain ami
perato In and upon the said avenues
troets and alloys a system of poles
vires , transformers , subways ant )
onduits for conducting and carry
ng on a system for furnish Ing
loctrlc light , heat and power to the
City of Broken Bow and Its Inlmb-
tants , to factories , farms and to the
jeople generally for any and all pur-
loses to which the same ran bo tip-
Section 2. Colncldunlly with the
approval and final passage of this
ordinance , tlio said Edgar P. Steoji
and Chas. C. Gibson , their heirs , suc
cessors or assigns -almll deposit , In
rust with the City Treasurer of
he City of Broken Bow , a certified
check In the sum of Five Hundred
( $500.00) ) Dollars to guarantee that
within a period of ninety (1)0) ) ) days
rom tlio granting of said ordinance
the work of constructing the said
electric light , heat and power sys
tem shall have begun. And In the
event that the said Edgar P , Steen
md Chas. C. Gibson , their heirs , suc
cessors or assigns Hlmll neglect 01
'all hi the faithful performance oi
this said guaranty , then and In that
event the said certified check In the
sum * of Five Hundred ( $5QQOir *
Dollars shall become forfeited to the
City of Broken Bow. Conversely
when to the good' and sufficient sat-
sfuctlon of the City Council It .shall
lave been demonstrated that an
aggregate sum of Two Thousand
( $2,000.00) ) Dollars has been expend
ed for machinery , material and laboi
already Installed In the City of Brok
en Bow on said electrical system
jy the said Edgar P. Steen and Chas
C. Gibson , their heirs , successors or
assigns and ( if cqnfqrmty | with ( he
provisions pf gald guaranty , theu
and Jn tjjat event , Uio sald certified
check In the sum Qf Flye Hunflrgi }
( $500,00) ) Dollars held in tfuqt by
sakj City Treasurer shall bo returned
od , without delay to the said EdgtU
' . Staen and Chas. C. Gibson , their
iclrs , successors or assigna. Further
thor the said Edgar P , Steen and
has. C. Gibson their holre
successors or assigns receive
and accept this franchise , togothei
with all rights and privileges here
in granted , subject to forfeiture In
: ho event that the said Edgar P.
Steen and Chas. C. Gibson , their heir *
successors or assigns neglect 01
fall to have the electrical plant In
operation ready to furnish electrical
urrent for heat , light , or power on
qr befqre Soptembpr 1 , 1910. ' Be It
provided , however , thr\t \ { n casq ( i |
tlio grantjng qr the If uhiice qf any
injunction , rps.tralnlng the construct
ion of s.ald electrical system qr the
worU tq bo prosecuted | n the con
struction thereof , or | f work qn thp
said system be delayed by strikes qr
Inability of manufacturers tq dolivoi
machinery or material or unnvold
able accident over which the said
Edgar P. Steen and Chas. C. Gibson
their heirs , successors , or assigns
shall have no control , then and In
that event , the time during which
said Injunction shall bo in force or
for which said strikers , Inabilities
or accidents shall cause delay shall
bo excluded In computing said ninety
(90) ( ) day limit or said limit In which
to got said plant into operation as
heretofore mentioned and specified.
Section 3. The said Edgar P. Stcon
and Ghtui. C. Gibson , their heirs , sue
ceasora , qr assigns shall perform all
work necessary tq thp pqngtructlqi )
of Its said electrical system qnd tjje
laying out and stringing of Its wires
In workmanlike manner and shall
execute a bond in the sum of Three
Thousan4 ( jg.OOO.pO ) Rqllars condl
tloned to hold the City of Broken
Dow harmless from any and all damage -
ago which may result from said con
Section 4. The City of Broken Bow
hereby reserves to Itself the rlghi
to lay and maintain on the poles oi
the said Edgar P. Steen and Chas. C
Gibson , their heirs , successors oi
assigns , wires for the use of a Police
qn4 Flnj Alarm System for the , Cjtj
fit all tjmeg ana 'Mc < tf TY'l'M W
be deemed necessary.
Section 5. The said Edgar P. Steen
and Chas. C. Gibson , their heirs , sue
cessors or assigns are hereby grant
ed the right at any and all reason
able tlujeu { q pntqr Jntq jm < J uB < jn
any and all streets , qvenues qnd'al
leys of the City for the purpqse 6
erecting their poles , stringing their
wires , constructing an4 repairing
their salt } electrical system and ql
/ parts and appurtenances thereof ; ant
U excavate jmil dt > all other things
lucpssury to the protection nnd pro-
notion of their said system and thoh
work In connection therewith , provld
ud , however , that the said Edgar P
Stecn and Chas. C. Gibson , tholt
loirs , successors or anslgns arc re
quired at all times to leave , In nt
east us good condition as when on
to rod upon , any and alt streets av
enues or alleys which may bo ex.
cavated or otherwise Interfered with
n the erection , construction , ropali
and operation of their said system.
Section 0. Whenever It shall be
iccessary for any person or persona
0 move along or across any avenue
Jtreet or alley In said City , any ve-
ilole or structure of such height ot
size as to Interfere with any ot
> olet or wires of the said Edgar P.
Uoen and Chas. C. Gibson , ( holt
loirs , successors or assigns , erected
or maintained under this ordinance
ho said Edgar P. Steen and Chan
' . Gibson , their heirs , successors ot
iflslgns shall upon receiving
wonty-four bourn notice there
if temporarily rromovo during
1 reasonable time , nol exceed
ng four hours , all poles and wires
o such nit extent as may he deemed
H'cossary to permit the pa-mi ; " of
such vehicles or structure ; provided
lowevur that the said Edgar 1 *
Jtcen and Chas. t\ Gibson , thoh
loirs , successors or assigns shall not
to required to remove such poles 01
vires within and during the time
lotween two hours before sunset and
ono hour after sunrise on the follow-
UK ( ia.and . provided further that
he expense Incurred by such removal
of said poles and wires shall he borne
equally between the snul Edgar P
Steen and Clms , C. Gibson , their helry
successors or assigns and the per
son or porsonH requiring such said
omoval ,
Section 7. Tlio said Edgar P. Steen
mil Clms. C. Gibson , their heirs
successors or assigns shall not be
oqulrod to make connection or do-
Ivor service to any wiring for light
icat or iiower purposes which , In
he judgment of .Edgar P. Steen
nnd Chas. C. Gibson , their heirs
successors or assigns , is dangerous
or unsafe to life , limb or properly oi
which has not boon oxcciited In cun
'orniity with the rules and rogulat
oils of the National Hoard of Fire
Bwtimi 8 , Any person or per
sons who .shall tap or con-
loci or otherwise interfere with
my electrical apparatus such
as' transformers , motors , motors
or other appliances or with any wlre
: } \o \ property of or in use by Edgar I1
Steen and Chas. ( J. Gibson , their helrt
successors or assigns for the purpose
of obtaining uloctrle current for light
heat , power or any other purpose what
soever , without the knowledge and con
sent of the said Edgar P. Stcon and
Chas. C. Gibson , their heirs , succes
sors or assigns or who shall mali
ciously tamper with or Injure any
apparatus , poles or wire , or place
signs or advertisements thereon , cul
mar or move appliances , poles or win
the property of or in use by Edgar P.
Stcon and Clms , C. Gibson , their
liolrs , successors or assigns Hlmll be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and
on conviction thereof , shall bo pun
ished for each offence by a fine of
not to exceed Ono Hundred ( $100.00) )
Dollars and shall stand committed
until such fine and costs are paid.
Section 9. The said Edgar P. Steer
and Chas. C. Gibson , their heirs suc
cessors or assigns before cqnstructne (
any of thp yoirk hereby Authorized
Hlmll file with the Pity plork. a plan
shoeing tbo , locatlqn and character ot
the prqposed work and such work , shall
bo performed m accordance \ylth said
[ dan antf thonmftor when the said
P. Steen anil Chas , C. Qihsau
their hpra | succosnors or assigns
shall dotornilno to conntvuct any
additional part of the work hereby
authorised , the aald Edgar P. Steen
and Chan. C. Gibson , their heirs , sue
cessors or assigns shall file addition
al plans with the said City Clerk ol
the City of Broken Bow showing the
location and character of such ad
ditional work.
Section 10. In pursuance of the ej
joymont of the rights herehi grant
ed the said Edger , P. S oan' and Chas
C. Gibson , th .lr hairs , .successors 01
shall be constrained In the
constructlqn , maintenance and roRNl *
of their said Electric Syslon tq the
use of frst | chius , materials and
\VQi'kmannlHn ; tq p.erma.nence , staUU
ity and , sightliness so t\r ( \ aa \a \
reasonably pqsslhlp , The poles
carrying \ylrps tq supply electric
current for any unrt. AH nurposoa
shall bo Class A , from 35 to 40 foot
in length with U Inch or larger top
except In the case of the 25 foot
sizes. The said poles shall bo roof-
ed. shaved and painted , set care
fully In line and plumb wherever pos
siblo. All poles and other appliances
shall be so placed as to Interfere as
little as possible with public travo
and so as not to Impede ttio free flow
of water or drainage In and upon the
avenues , streets and alleys over whlcl
this , franchise confers the right-of-way
The power house shall be of sulint\nt { \
ial and fire proof { iruiatruution i\n (
tliq m\cjijnpvy ( \ anp Y rlnB , system a
sijfflc.le.iH caphclty to , { juara.ntee und.e ?
normal conditions an unbroken a.iu
first class service.
Section 11. This franchise Is grant
ed subject to O.U police regulations
and restrictions now In force in the
City of Broken Bow and the City ol
Broken Bow reserves to Itself the
right to enact such other reasonable
and proper ordinances and police reg
illations as It may deem proper pro
vlded that It shall not Interfere wither
or attempt to abridge or lessen
of the rights and privileges lierob'
granted ,
12. The oald Edgar P
Steen and Clms. C. Gibson , thel
heirs , successors or assigns shal
have the right to furnish electric
light , heat and power to tba , inhabl
tanta of the City Qf Broken Bow
and to Q0lcl City Itself when so au
thorlzed by the City Council an.d. tc
Impqse and collect reasonable charges
therefor , but In no , case shall such
charge exceed th.e follqwlqE rates
which sho.ll be tfte iqaxbiium prices
Which may be collected by Edgar P.
Eteeq tyid Chas. C. Gibson , tholi
Residene , First House East
. of Grand Central Hotel.
HOURS : i TO 4 P. M.
If paid in advance I will give tlie
first bi.x Chiropractic Adjustments for
; f to.oo , ntitl thereafter ten adjustments
for $5.00 nt any of my offices. Atinli-
zution and examination free nt office.
Postoffice Store
jis a full line of Postal Cards , variety
and quality to suit. Stationary , School
Supplies , Picture and Postal Albums ,
Sheet Music , Toilet Powders , soap and
Notions. A Rood assortment of caudles ,
Cigars , Tobaccoa and pipes. Call and In
Npcct I or bargains price * right.
G. T. ROBINSON , Propr.
lopartliicitt of the Interior , U. S , Land Onlci ?
at lirokcu How , Nebraska , VYb.O , iqio.
Notice Is hereby given that , as directed liy
Commissioner of the General Land Of
Ice , under provisions of Act of Congress aii-
noved June S7,1IHMU ( : Slats. . si7) , we wfll
iffcr at public sale , to the highest bidder , at
o'clock p. M. . on the iHth. day of March ,
nio. at tills oillce , the follow liu-il ; escribed
and : SKtfot S\VH of Section Jl Twp. 10
< auie 3)esl ) of the Dili principal MerliV
: iu Serial OHIO.
Any pet nous claiming adversely the aliovc-
lescrllied land are advised to lllo their
latins , or objections , on or before the time
leslKuati'd for sale.
JOHN RKURB , Resistor ,
u. luimiH M. AMSUKIIUT , Receiver.
In pumunnce of : i rommitlon uinuil-
nuiiHly luloptocl by tlio Hoard of Super
visors of ( Junior county , Nebraska , on
lic nd lay of January , 1010 , the voters
if mvicl county tire Hereby notllluil that
i special election will bo nelu In Uustur
county , NobriiHku , at ouch of tlio several
uiil various polllntr plnciiti in tmid county
on TuesUay. the ilrst day of March , 1910.
or tlio purpose of votinir upon the in op-
osltlon to levy a Hiioclal tax of live mills
on the dollar valuation of tlio taxable
property ol Ouster county , Nebraska , for
: ho term ot ono year , to-wlt : For tlio
year IUIO for the purpose ot oreotlnir a
court house and Jail for said county at
tlio county Hout ot said county to be
constructed upon the block owned by
Mild county , bolntr the tdtn commonly
known as tlio Court HOUHU Bauaru in
tlio City of Hrokon Uo\v , Nohraska.
Tbn tiunstlon to bn Hubmitted at saki
election will bo in tlio following form :
"Shall the Hoard of Supervisors ot
Custor county , Nebraska , levy a tax of
five ml I la on tlio dollar valuation of tlio
taxable property in Cuntor county.
Nebraska , for ono year , to-wlt : For the
year 1910 , for the purpose of oroctlnir u
now court house and jail for said county
at the county snatol ( Junior county , Nebraska -
braska , upon tin propert' * owned by saict
county. belni * the alto of tormor cqv\it
liouse bulldinir and known as Court
HOUHO Square in the City a { ilrukon
HOW ? "
Yes , . , , , . , . , . , . . , . , ,
No , . . . . . . . . . . . . .
At which election tlio pulls will l > o
open al , uicl\t Q clock in the moriuiiL'
Qon.tir\UQUity ) until six o'clock in tliu
jvonlni ; of Hald day.
In Testimony , whereof. I liorounto But
my band and atux tbo seal of said county
this 27thty \ ot January , 1910 ,
W. U. Osborno Jr.
( B AL | County Clerk ,
lion P. Morris , Dh'n Uoard Sup's
, Hiipcossora or
Arc lamps ol2000 nominal candlo-
[ > owur to bo erected , nmlntnlnud , and
trimmed by the company.
pev mo
All night , every night , $0.75
Moonlight Huhudulo JG.5C
Midnight , every vilnht , ? G.lC
TmiKHten Inmpu , 100 wiittH , 8ft
candki power , erected , malntalnw ]
and renewed bj * the company.
All night , , oyery night ? 3.25
Moonlight HChodnlu $2.00
Midnight every night $1.90
Incandescent Hunting , Motoi
Rates Only ,
Monthly Consumption.
Kilowatt Hours Hate per K. W. Hi
0 to 2fi 15o
80 tu 50 l-lo
51 to 100 13e
101 to 200 12c
201 to 400 lie
401 and over lOc ov less
depending on the number of hourp
of service.
The explanation of the above
scale Is that the consumer paya pel
kilowatt Hr. for his total conaump
tlon but one rate wh'ch , ' Is Indlcatei
by the rate , Hhown opposite tin
limits between which hla total con
sumption occurH. Thus the user o
any number of kilowatt lira , fron
51 to 100 puya 13c for the entire num
her of kilowatt hours consumed. A
minimum charge of $1.25 per montl
will be made against all consuraere
connected and a discount o
10 per cent will be allowec
on all meter bills In excess
of the minimum if paid on or
before the 10th of the month sue
coodlng that In which service was
rendered. In summing blUs o
making discounts no account wll
bo taken of amounts leas than five
cents ; three contn will bo charged
as five and two as nothing. A nom
Inal deposit of , $5.00 will bo required
from the consumer for each mete
'Installed on his premises and , th
said $5.00 w.Ul bo refunded to th
consumer when all service bills hav
been paid , and the rooter returnee
to the company undamaged , excep
such as is duo to , ordinary usage
wear , flro , lightning or tornado
All ordinances , or parts of ordinance
in conflict herewith are hereby re
Passed. , approved and ordered , pub
llshod February 7 , 1910
D. R. Rockwell , Mayor.
B. S. Holcomb , City Clerk
It is not from a boastful spirit that we
give this reason for pollciting your
prescription work , I ml because we be
lieve these two things nre absolutely
This store has two registered drug
gists wild college diplomas , and with
our years of experience in the drug
business has fitted us for the work of
filling prescriptions accurately and
correctly. J et us fiill yours. Mail
order patronage receives careful at
S. R. LEE.
The Busy Druggist.
Lumber , a large assortment
and complete atock for Builderu
o choose from , ket us estimate
on your contracts. We always
ry to please.
Lumber & Coal
South side.
llual imtate , insurance , Ilanchea and
Farms 1 or Uent. Lena ! IMprni Drawn , Sur
veying and Platting.
Comstouk , Nebraska.
consult Him If You Want Water ,
liroken Dow , Nebraska.
Onice over Holcomb'a book store.
Oftlce plione 20 $ Hcaldence 80
llroken How , Nebraska.
Practices In nil the courts. Convayanctne
nut riotorlal work. Oillce up stairs over
State uank of uroken How.
Hrokcn now , Nebraska.
Calls promptly answered day or night.
Otllce and ( evidence In the Mrs , Olelm
building Just west of tliu Sccuilty Stata
Hank. Ptionc 300
llrokeii lluw , Nebranka.
Fitting of glasses.
Offlcc In Dlcrks ulk. Phone 280
Uroken How , Nebraska.
East Side of Square
Hroboa HOW , NebrasVa.
( Incensed )
Business phone , SOI Residence 33IB
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
( Licensed )
Union Block Bualnee * phone 85 , Residence 323
Broken Bow. Nebraska.
Notice Is hereby given to the public and to
the patrons of the American percti Com
pany that the undersigned , Samuel R. Lee x ,
and w. H. Cole , the partners who composed
saldilrm , have this day dissolved said part-
nershlp , Samuel R. Lee retiring from the . , , ,
company. > a
Dated this 8th day of February , 1910.
The law says we shall begin to Issue Dis
tress warrants February 1st. We re delay
ing this as long as possible In order to save
you expense.
We can only wait a few days longer , so you
must get your money la here at once If you
wish to avoid a call from the Tax collector
v.-Hha heavy additional expense added la
the way of uulhage fees and other Item * .
C. MACKer , co. Treasurer ,