Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 17, 1910, Image 2

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    Tlie Ouster County Republica
D. M , AMSBERRY , Editor
Embracing n Condensation of Event
In Which Readers Generally Are
The new prOHii bill designed to mil
press dissemination of anarchist !
literature In India , and which \vn
foreshadowed In the speech wit
which Lord Mlnto opened the In
portal council , was Introduced at
recent session of tbo council by Si
Herbert Hopo-Rlsloy , secretary of th
home department , llrltlsh govcrnmcn
of India. The measure does no
create a eenfiorshlp , but provides fo
the eontrol of all newspapers nnd Jol
Private coircspondence now in tin
jmHHo.HHlnn of thu government relate
that former President Clprlnno Cos
tro has loft Malaga , Spain , for Tcnc
rlffc , Canary Inlands , en route to Gen
I nil America. Ho alms to bo In a post
tlon to provoke a revolution agalns
President Gomez when the , Vonozuelai
eongress meets In April to elect a con
Htltuttonal president of the republic.
The German government has Issuct
a decree , which in effect permit :
American apples packed In barrels , Ir
the head of which excelsior or papei
is placed to prevent damage in ship
ping , to enter country without the
payment of the tariff rate provided.
After various conferences with the
political leaders , the king of Greccu
has consented to the convocation ol
the national assembly nnd has charged
that drngoumls with the formation ol
a cabinet.
A Iloldelburg ( Germany ) dispatch
says , Inquiries In various dlrcctlona
failed to elicit confirmation of the re
port that Dr. F. A. Cook had been
etaying at n sanitarium there.
Chicago gave generous help to Paris
on the occasion of the recent disas
trous floods.
The death of Representative Loring
of Massachusetts was duo to pneu
F. A. Rahdcrs , president of the
People's State bank of Lakota , N. D. ,
which wan recently closed by the
etate bank examiner , was arrested on
a charge of forgery. He was released
on $7,500 bond.
First Lieut , fiurton J. Mitchell ,
Twelfth infantry , aide d'camp on the
staff of Brig. General Frederick Funs-
ton , forwarded his resignation from
the army to President Taft.
At Reno , Nov. , suit for divorce on
Iho ground of desertion was filed by
James Gnyloy , second vice president
of the United States steel corpora
tion. The charge is desertion.
Secretary MacVcagh has announced
the members of the board of ten ex
ports , whose duty it is to establish n
standard of purity governing the Im
portations of that article of mer
chandise during the calendar year
An honest policeman on his rounds
through a dark alley in a West Vir
ginia town stumbled over the half-
conscious form of a man with $3,000
in real money in his pocket. The
officer took $ GO of it , but only after
protest , as a reward , '
Joseph A. Graham , n widely known
editor nnd author , died at his some in
Salisbury , Md. Ho was widely known
In tbo wast
President Taft prevailed upon John
Embry to withdraw his resignation as
United States attorney for Oklahoma
nnd to remain in the office.
President Tan cabled to Empsror
William of Germany a birthday greet
National Commlttcoman Taggart of
Indianapolis , Ind. , who was accident
ally shot by W. II. Morton , while
hunting , will lose the sight of the right
Tests of the methods of papermaking
ing are provided for by an appropria
tion made by the house.
The Indianapolis Sun has been sold
to Rudolph Leeds of Richmond , Ind. ,
fcon of the late W. D. Leeds.
Moro than half of the merchandise
Imported under the new tariff law en
ters the United States free of duty.
The education interests of Alaska
will soon bo in the hands of W. T.
Lopp , who has been selected by the
commissioner of education as chief of
j > the Alaskan division.
' " Foodstuff last fell
exports year oft
heavily as compared with the previous
General Pauline Go-loy has been
appointed ir ector general or the
Nicarnguan array.
Little headway has been made in
the two months congress has been In
session toward the enactment of im
portant legislation demanded by
President Taft.
} l Only twenty-six Beats are loft to bo
, contested for in the British elections.
( Ex-Governor Mickey of Nebraska
"j has suffered a relapse and is again
j very low.
j Operators and miners at Toledo
, are hopeful of reaching n peaceful un
derstanding as to a wage scale.
The nouso ways and means commit
tee will begin an Investigation of the
bight cost of living.
Thirty-five men are believed t
have been killed by a mlno oxplooloi
near Drakonboro , Ky.
Vico-Prcsldont Sherman Is urglni
the re-cloctlon of Senator Smooth o
West Virginia.
Edward Paynon Wcston left Pasn
dona , Cal , , on a walk acrons the con
tlrtcnt which ho expects to complet
within ninety days. He will follov
the route of the Santa Ko railroad t <
Some one says , pay less for nuninc
mont-j , less for fun , and then thero'l
bo more for the uluughtcr houoo mag
Senator Carter argued In favor o
his postal savings bank bill.
America In having a touch of tin
old vorld land question to which w <
have hitherto been Immune , and dc
not yet recognlzo the complaint.
In a pistol duel at Kdgowood , Ky.
Deputy Sheriff Gordon Glvonn ant
Uenjamln Gatllff , a miner , were eacl
mortally wounded.
Denial Is made In the report of the
Immigration commission of any great
over-crowding In the cities.
General John T. Wilder , who be
came famous as the head of Wlldcr't
brigade during the civil war , cclcbrnt
cd his eightieth birthday.
Special dispatches from Seoul reporl
a serious uprising of Insurgents at
South Phongan , Korea. TJwenty Japanese
nose settlers are said to have been
At Plttsburg n do/.on foreigners ,
save one , entered a meat boycott
agreement. The twelfth choked tc
death on his beefsteak.
The senate and house may conduct
rival investigations on the high cosl
of living.
A bill which would do away with
the employers' liability law attractt
attention In the house.
The bill providing for federal chart
ers for corporations will bo Intro
duced In congress.
It baa not yet been proved that the
high cost of living is a result of cold
Niagara Falls wan selected by n
young woman of UulTalo as a fit place
to end her life.
Newton W. Gilbert of Indiana wao
nominated by President Taft as vlce <
governor of the Philippines.
On the basis of an equal distribu
tion of the money In circulation in
the United States on February 1 a
lorson would have 18 cents less than
10 or she had a year ago. The cir
culation per capita on Fobrnury 1 was
(34.82 ( ; a year ago It was $3G.
In order to meet expedltiously the
needs of the Indian In the handling of
the individual account which the gov
ernment holds in trust for him , the
bureau of Indian affairs , in revising its
regulations , will Incorporate a provision -
vision enabling superintendents ot
ndlan schools and reservations to
Blvo to the Indians from their indi
vidual funds , without reference to
Washington , amounts not exceeding n
specified sum , which will probably bo
) laced at $100 , 1 ° " "y ono month for
he purpose of meeting their'actual
In a spirited attack on the postal
savings bank bill , Senator Jeff Davis
3f Arkansas told the senate that it
was a measure In the Interest of the
latlonal banks , "tho high-collared
roosters , the money sharks , and
money grabbers of Wall street. "
An Increase In round numbers , In
customs receipts of ? ; )3,000,000 ) nnd
n Internal revenue of $10,000,000 , but
i deficit In the ordinary receipts of
he government of $25,000,000 , against
; G4,000,000. show the results of the
Irst seven months' operations of the
reasury for the fiscal year 1910 , as
Compared with the corresponding
icriod of 1900.
The house passed the agricultural
ippropriatlon bill , carrying nearly
113,000,000 , a net Increase of $400,000
aver last year. This increase was
chiefly for the forest service , made
iccessary by the addition to the na <
lomil forests of 20,528,439 acres.
The Mississippi legislative caucus
came within ten votes of selecting a
successor to the .lato Senator Me-
The president will not insist on
early action by congress on the fed-
cral Incorporation bill.
Seven men In a motor car were
blown to atoms by an explosion of
lynnmlto near Phoenix , Ariz.
Wade H. Kills baa resigned as as
sistant of the attorney general to
naiiago the Ohio republican campaign.
Plttsburg. nKs. , officers made a vain
search for the bunch of train robbers
who held up passengers.
William J. llryan , accompanied by
ils wife and daughter , arrived at La
: 'az , Uolivhi. All of them are enjoy-
ug1 good health.
A delicate situation attended the
visit of Former VIco-PresIdeut Fair
banks to Rome.
The conversion of Samuel L. Shank ,
mayor of Indianapolis , to the model
Icenso doctrine from his theories of
ilgh license is announced.
The cross-examination of ningor
Hermann , on trial for alleged con-
Hplracy to defraud the government of
lubllc land , was concluded at Port-
and , Oregon , after lasting three days.
Congress adjourned promptly on
earning the death of Representative
Covering ot Massachusetts.
James A. Cook , the American con-
luctor , is to bo sentenced to twenty
years In a Mexican prison.
nalllnger , Schwartz and Dennett are
o bo represented by counsel at the
; iterlor department Inquiry.
Representative Dwlght of Now York
ays congress has made an excellent
ccord thus far this session.
The Irish-Americans of Chicago
vant President Tnft to attend a ban-
luot to bo given at that city by the
"ollowship club on St. Patrick's day.
Investigation Not to Stop With Fooc
Products House Plans a Present -
ent for Emperor William
of Germany.
Washington. An Investigation ol
the causes of the high prices of the
necessaries of life was provided or
Wednesday by the passage of a resolu
tlon for that purpose by the senate. .
The senate also passed a bill -provld
ing that the rank of rear admiral bt
conferred upon Commander Peary , and
retiring him with the highest salary
paid to a rear admiral.
This was calendar day In the house ,
and several bills were passed , includ
ing one for the creation of an art
commission to pass upon various
works of art erected by congress In
the District of Columbia. The senate
was in session about four hours and
the house about one hour longer.
As finally determined on the in
crease in prices of foods and other ne
cessities of life which the senate is
about to enter upon will cover a broad
field. The measure providing for such
Investigation provided with com
paratively little discussion.
It authorized an Inquiry by a spe
cial committee of seven senators in
to the general enhancement of values ,
covorng not only food and clothng , but
many other articles used In everyday
life. The Investigation also will cover
Lhc questions of salaries , earnings and
the tariff. Not only will prices In the
market bo included , but also those at
the farm and the factory.
At the instance of Senator Burton
the resolution was made to cover all
commodities while Senator Warren
procured the insertion of hides , leather
spd boots and shoes ; Senator John
ston obtained the insertion of beef ,
sheep and pigs , and Senator Bacon the
Insertion of steel.
The inquiry Is expected to begin
shortly and will be conducted with
the greatest dispatch.
Emperor William of Germany will
ie presented by the United States with
tx replica of the statue to be erected
by the government in Washington of
the revolutionary war hero General
iron Steuben , if a bill Introduced in
the house becomes a law. The gift is
to bo made In return for the statue of
Frederick the Great , which the kaiser
presented to the people of the United
States and which now stands in front
3f the United States army war college
lego here. Representative Bartholdt
if Missouri , author of the measure ,
jxprcssed confidence that the senate
ivould act promptly upon it so that
.he statue would be ready by May
vhen It is hoped that the presentation
nny be made by Former President
loosevelt on the occasion of his visit
o Germany.
Diptherla Now In Cherry.
Cherry , 111. With not a doctor or a
mrticle of antl-toxlno in town , every
widow and orphan of the St. Paul
nine fire is exposed to diphtheria
.hrough the professional nurses that
ire caring for the sick. Shortly after
leallng out free milk to nearly 200
vomen and children last night , Miss
Vances Wheeler of Chicago , one of
.he four nurses in Cherry was strlck-
HI with diphtheria In the nurses'
The other nurses made their regular
; alls Wednesday nnd measured out the
rce milk at the railroad staUon.
It Is feared that nearly every ono
n Cherry has been exposed. The
itreets are alive with panicky rumors
if an epidemic , but the nurses say
hero Is no danger. The nurses' homo
vas disinfected and Miss Wheeler will
id quarantined in a cottage.
A stampede was narrowly averted
n the St. Paul mine when several tons
if brick and concrete , a part of the
mrned fan house , fell 350 feet down
he esrnpo shaft , with a roar , shaking
he galleries of the mine like an earth
inake. Several men had just left the
.Irshaft In hnsto to avoid the i > o.sslbill-
y of Mich misadventure , nnd to their
nstlnctivo fear they owe ther lives ,
hey say.
Governments Make Agreement.
Poking. The governments of China
nd Japan Wednesday signed a postal
forking agreement on the basis of the
ostal union rules. The agreement
ffects Manchuria chloily. China , by
Is tprms , recovers Its monopoly of
nail carrying on its own railroad to
other with equal rights over the
apancso railroad.
China recognizes nil of the Japanese
rcnty port postolllces and also six ex-
hango offices In the treaty ports of
lanchuria. Provision is made for
clatlons with other Japanese post of-
cos in Manchuria in accordance with
jcal conditions. China considers the
greomont advantageous. It will bo-
omo effective April 1.
Pope Considers Incident.
Rome. The pope Wednesday per-
onally considered the recent incident
nvolvlng Former Vice President Fair-
lanks who was refused a private an-
lenco by the Vatican because ho In-
Istcd upon keeping an earlier engage-
icnt to address the Methodist society
ere. The pope said ho regretted head
ad boon unable to receive Mr. Fair-
anks , but could not depart from the
ollcy adopted , as to do so would an-
ear to give recognition to the "dis-
3yal Interference of certain protes-
int denominations. "
Ha § Proved a Great Success Thou
tanda Say It's the Best Thing
They Ever Grew.
The Wonderbcrry or Sunberry , the
marvelous garden fruit originated bj
Luther Burbanlt , nnd Introduced bj
John Lewis Childs , the well-knowr
Seedsman of Floral Park , N. Y. , hat
proved a great success all over th
country. Thousands of people say II
In the best thing they over grow.
Mr. John Burroughs , the well-known
author , Naturalist nnd bosom-friend ol
Theodore Roosevelt , says it is the
most dellclouo pie berry ho ever tasted ,
nnd a marvelous croppor.
A Director of the New York Agricul
tural Experiment Station says it fruits
abundantly oven in pure sand. In the
short season of North-western Canada
It is a godsend , and fruits long after
frost has killed most garden truck.
D. S. Hall , Wichita , Kan. , says thirty
people grew it there last season with
perfect satisfaction.
K. S. Enochs , Hammond , La. , says
It yields $250 worth of fruit per
tcro with him. Mrs. J. II. Powers ,
4732 Kenwood avenue , Chicago , raised
enough berries on a space 4x10 feet
to supply herself and friends.
J. P. Swallow , Kenton , Ohio , says Its
equal for all purposes does not exist.
Rev. II. B. Sheldon , Pacific Grove ,
Cal. , nays ho Jikes the berries served
In nny and every way.
W. T. Davis , Enon , Va. , says It is
true to description In every way , and
fruits In three months from seed.
Judge Morrow , of U. S. Circuit
Court , says the Woudcrberry is simply
delicious raw or cooked.
Mr. CTillds exhibited one plant five
months old bearing 10,375 berries
which measured about eight quarts.
Mrs. Hattlo Vincent , Hayden , New
Mexico , says it stands the long , hard
droughts of that climate and fruits
abundantly all summer.
It Is certainly the most satisfactory
garden fruit and the greatest Novalty
over Introduced.
AskTig Too Much.
The mother of little six-year-old
Mary had told her a number of times
not to hitch her sled to passing
sleighs , feeling that it was a danger
ous practice. It was such a fascinat
ing sport , however , that Mary could
not resist it and one day her mother
saw her go skimming past the house
behind a farmer's "bobs. "
When she came in from play she
was taken to task , her mother saying
severely : "Mary , haven't I told you
that you must not hitch onto bobs ?
Besides , you know , It Is against the
law. "
Mary tossed her head. "Oh , " she
said , "don't talk to me about the law.
It's all I can do to keep the ten com
mandments ! " Woman's Homo Com
. An Exploded Theory.
"Do you believe there is anything
: n mental suggestion ? "
"Not a thing. "
"Don't you think It ia possible If
mo person keeps his mind steadily
Ixed on a certain thing which ho
wishes another to do that the other
will ue Influenced so that ho will
jventually do U ? "
"No , I don't believe In the theory
it all. I've been wishing for a week
: hat you'd pay mo what , you owe mo
vlthout making it ncces'sary for me
.o ask you for it , " Sunday Magazine
) f the Cleveland Leader.
Loved to Death.
"Did yon over know a girl to die for
eve ? "
"Yes. "
"Did she just fade away and die
> ecauso some man deserted her ? "
"Nor Bho just took in washing and
vorkcd herself to death because the
nan she loved married her. "
When the Trouble Started.
"John , 1 have decided to have Mrs.
Sewswell cut out by dresses after
his. "
"I have decided to cut out about
lalf oT them myself , dear. "
The Supply Comes From Food.
If wo get power from food , why not
itrive to get all the power wo can.
Hmt Is , only possible by use of skill-
ully selected food that exactly fits
ho requirements of the body.
Poor fuel makes a poor fire , nnd n
leer flro is not a good steam producer.
"From not knowing : how to select the
Ight food to fit my needs , I suffered
; riovously for a long time from stom-
ich troubles , " writes a lady from a
Ittlo town in Missouri.
"It seemed as 1C I would never bo
.bio to-find out the sort of food that
ras best for mo. Hardly anything
hat I could cat would stay on my stom-
, ch. Every attempt gave me heart-
mrn and filled my stomach with gas.
got thinner and thinner until I lit-
rally became a living skeleton and in
Ime was compelled to keep to my bed.
"A few months ago I was persuaded
o try Grapo-Nuts food , and it had such
; oed effect from the very beginning
hat I have kept up its use ever since ,
was surprised at the case with which
digested It. It proved to be just what
"All my unpleasant symptoms , the
.cart-burn . , the Inflated feeling which
ave mo such pain disappeared. My
, -eight gradually Increased from 98
o 116 Ibs. , my figure rounded out , my
trength came back , and I am now
bio to do my housework and enjoy It
! rnpe-Nuts did It. "
A ten days' trial will show anyone
orao facts about food.
Look in pkgs. for the little book , "Tho
; oad to Wollvlllo. " "Thoro's a Reason. "
i : er rent ! HIP nttotp loHerf A nrv
ue nppfiirx frniu ( Inin to time. They
re Krnulue , true , imil full of Uuiuuii
Items of Interest Around the Stai
Favors Local Inspection.
State Veterinarian JucklnesH , on a <
count of ii recent experience , Is i :
favor of local Infection of meat. II
docs not care for tlio much praise
homo killed pork since ho stopped 1 ;
a little town In Nebraska and vlslte
a butcher shop whore home klllc
meat was sold. He found two cai
CUSBCH of hogs hanging up hack o
the shop. Both carcasses showed th
effect of tuhorculosls generalized. Th
dlHcaso was apparent throughout th
carcacecs , It not being confined to
few of the organs. He wont Into th
shop and there found another tuboi
culosls carcass on the block. Ho doe
not believe butchers kill tuberculosl
animals purposely but Is of the opir
Ion that they do not always know ai
affected animal. He thinks local ir
spectlon by trained veterinarian
ought to be established. The stat
food commissioner's employes are no
supposed to bo experts In testing ca :
cassis for disease , but are suppose *
to know merely whether or not fooi
Is decomposed.
Attorney General Refuses.
Attorney General W. T. Thompsoi
las refused to approve a bond glvei
by the American Surety company o
New York. The bond was given b ;
the company to guarantee the saf <
keeping of public funds. The attorne ;
Is one < > f three state officers whosi
duty it is to approve the bonds estate
state depositories. * He has refused Ii
the rase of the American Surety coin
pany on the ground that the compan ;
has no license to do business in thli
state. This is the result of a dlsput <
which originated when the attorno ;
general sued the surety company fo
the purpose of ousting it from bus !
ness in this stato. To lost his case ir
the district court of L ancaster count :
and bus appealed to the suprenv
court of the state. The company Ii
the meantime began suit in the federa
court to restrain the attorney genera
from ousting it from the state.
Right of Women to Vote.
In the supreme court Monday there
was argued the case of Olive agalns
school district No. 1 , Dawson county
ii suit involving the right of women tc
vote at n school bond election. W. D
Oldham argued that the constltutior
fixed the right of electors and that the
ligislatnre had no power to change 01
alter the qualification of voters. He
admitted that women who pay real
3state or personal tax or have children
af school age can now vote at school
Meetings nnd school elections , but he
ienied the right of anyone but males
: o add to the constitutional taxes upon
property. B. A. Clark argued that
women have a right to vote not only
at school meetings but at school bond
3lectlons. Mr. Oldham said the su
iremo court had never decided the
Flour Rate an Issue.
The complaint of Kendall & Smith
) f Woodlawn against the Burlington
.vas . heard Tuesday by the railway
commission. The complainants oper-
ite a flouring mill at Woodlawn , near
Lincoln , and the complaint alleges
.hat a rate of $ . " a car on flour and
; raln4 products , which was cancelled
) ofore the commission came into ex-
stence , should be restored or some
ither reasonable rate established. The
ailroad company alleges that the
; raln rate to Lincoln was 5 cents a
lundred and is now 4Vi cents a bun-
Ired , which would enable Kenadll &
Smith to ship a finished product
iieaper than Lincoln millers could get
aw material. It was alleged that the
nill was not built on the strength of
ho uer car load rate , but was built in
872 , many years before the car rate
vas established.
Railway Commission Appointees.
Manager J. II. Humpo of the Lin-
oln Traction company has been sum-
noned by the state railway commls-
Ion to appear before It on Wednesday
or a consultation on miscellaneous
loniplaintH received from patrons of
ho street railway regarding the reg-
ilatlons lately put into effect as to
ranpfers. The railway commission
las appointed William Arthur of Om-
ha , a valuator of railroad buildings ,
its salary fo bo $200 per month and
ils duties to begin March 1. W. P.
Icster of Lincoln will bo assistant to
irthur at a salary of $150 per month ,
icglnnlng Februrny 15. v
New Bank at Peru.
The state banking board Monday
pproved a charter for the Porn State
ank at the town of Peru. The iusti-
ution has a capital stock of $15,000
aid up. Another bank exists In tha
own. The Incorpoiators are William
'ynon , B. 0. Hedd Graves , David
ack , W. N. Dolzoll , Mattie Cook. El-
s , Fay Watfleld. Grace D. Culbort-
on , Katherlne L. Wfoods. C. R. Wei-
en nnd W. W. Wilson.
The Railway Commission.
William C. Brooks of Beatrice , a
raveling man , has Hied nomination
apers with the secretary of state as
democratic candidate for otat rail-
ray commissioner. Ho was formerly
republican in politics.
State Experiment Stations.
Dlreqtor K. A. Burnett of thos state
xperlment station has filed a report
1th Governor Shallenberger in which
o states that the sub-experlmont sta-
on provided for in northwest No-
raska has been located at a point
ve miles from Mitchell nnd erven
nd one-half miles from Scotts Bluff
ho regents favor Valentino for the
[ her station , but this has not yet
con determined. The work of the
: ate experiment station has been pub-
shod from time to time in bulletin
Omaha , Nob. , Feb. 9. The moit
interesting feature of the enormous
ealo of the Cooper preparations , now
going on in this city , is what the med
icines are actually accomplishing
among the people of Omaha.
At the commencement of his visit
hero Mr. Cooper prophesied that dur
ing the later part of his stay he would
receive hundreds of callers dally who
came simply to thank him for what
the preparations had done. He also
stated that stomach trouble is the
foundation for a great many diseases
and that his New Discovery , as It is
called , would prove very effective in
all cases of rheumatism simply by
getting the stomach in working order.
That this prophecy has been fulfilled
cannot be doubted after a half-hour
spent at the young man's headquar
ters listening to what his callers have - "iff *
to say. y
A reporter , who watched to ascer
tain , if possible , some light on the
reasons for the immensity of Coop
er's success , interviewed about twenty
of his callers yesterday afternoon. Thw
statements made by those seen indi
cate that physicians who claim that
Cooper is merely a passing fad , have
not looked Into the facts.
Some of these statements were as
follows : '
W. J. Grant , a popular cigar dealer
at COS South Sixteenth street , upon
being questioned , said : "After a most
remarkable experience with the Cooper
remedies , I cannot refrain from saying
that anyone who is suffering in any
way from stomach trouble , and who ,
does not give this Cooper medicine a
trial , is passing up a golden opportu
nity for restoration to good health.
"For three years Ivaa troubled
with my stomach , and what little 1
did eat gave mo distress. Nothing
tasted right. I felt weak and bad near
ly all the time. I was nervous and
allowed matters of small importance
to worry me. I treated with two differ
ent physicians , but received no benefit.
I had about reached the conclusion
that medical science had not yet pro
duced anything that would help me. v
"However , a number of friende
urged mo to try Cooper's New Dis
covery , and they were so persistent
that I finally took now hope and got a
bottle of the Cooper medicine. After 1
iiad begun to take it I wondered why I
iad not taken it long ago. Its effect
was marvelous brought mo right
sut I regained my appetite , took OB
new strength in fact , began to feel
like a different man altogether. I
ivould not have believed there was a
medicine on earth that could do so
nuch in BO short a time. I have good
eason to be grateful for what Coop-
; r's New Discovery has done for me ,
ind cannot praise it too highly. "
The statement of Mr. William Ken-
icdy , advertising manager of the Ben-
ictt Company , at Sixteenth and
Barney streets , was as follows :
"Long and tedious hours of hard
York , and continuous confinement in
i stuffy office tended to put my stom-
ich in a condition that has for many
nonths made my life miserable. There
s no need of my going into detail , for
myone who has ever had stomach
rouble knows the suffering to be en-
lured. I became weakened and run
lown , and life began to be a drag. v
"A personal friend persuaded ino to }
; lvo the Cooper mcdlclno a trial. I
irocured a bottle of the New Discovery
ireparatlon and began taking it Re-
let came quickly , and in a short time
was feeling like a now man. I do-
reloped a splendid appetite , could eat
inythlng I wanted with no ill effects ,
ind it all tasted good. My strength
'Oturned and once moro work became
L pleasure.
"I have taken four bottles , and
ihall continue its use until I am fully
ecovcrcd , which I am confident will s--
mt take long. This is a remarkable ' '
reparation for any ouo who is 'all
n' as a result of close confinement
> nd overwork. I earnestly rccom-
nend it to anyone in tills condition. "
Other statements taken from those
rtio had previously used the medl-
inos seem to prove that Cooper's
uccess throughout the country is gen-
Owns Up.
"Young man , 1 began Ufo on a bal-
.ry of four dollars n week. "
"And lived with your father a while
"Um well , yes , I did. "
. . . . . . , . * . -iti-tn , DIUIIII. pnfniTMXrnlOn to . < ly. mul it
ns.c- regulate Invlnotato w
verand bowula. lionotu'riuo.t
The face that lights up In convcrsa-
Ion is not necessarily lantern-jawed.
AgcnlB to soli
ItfANTED In central Koutl.
Dakota. WritUb
fur Information.
, CURK / . CO. Gcltj-iuru , So. UaL