Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 10, 1910, Image 7

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    For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female Ills
Minneapolis , Minn. "I was a great
Bufferer from female troubles which
caused a weakness
and broken down
condition of the
system. 1 read so
U. Pinkham's Vcr- (
ctablo Compound
liad done for other
suiTeriiiR women I
felt euro it would
help me , and I must
say it did help ino
wonderfully. My
pains all left mo , I
stronger , and within thrco montlia
I was a peifoctly well woman.
"I want this letter made public to
show the benefit women may derive
from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. " Mrs. JoiiuG. MOLDAN ;
2110 'Second St. , North , Minneapolis ,
Thousands of unsolicited and genu
ine testimonials like the ubovo provo
the cillciency of Lydia , 33. Pinlcham'a
Vegetable Compound , which is niado
exclusively from roots and herbs.
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ilia peculiar to their sex should
not lose sight of these facts or doubt ;
the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham'o
Vegetable Compound to rcstoro th'cir
If you -\vant special ndvicovrito
to Mrs. Piiilcli.'un. at Iiymi , Mass.
confidential. For O years she
lias l cn helping : sick women , in
this way , free of charge. Don't
lius.itu.toxvrito . at once.
Uncle Eph Had at Least One Idea of
How His Hogs Might Have
Got Away.
Uncle Ephraim had two hogs , which
ho kept hi a pen at the rear end of his
little lot. They were of the razor-
linck" variety , and although they were
led bountifully with kitchen waste ,
it seemed impossible to put and fat
on their attenuated frames. One morn
ing when he went out to feed them
they were not there. They hud dis
appeared , leaving no clew as to the
manned In which they had made their
"What's the matter , Undo Eph ? "
Inquired a neighbor , noticing the deep
dejection with which the old man was
looking down Into the empty pen.
"My hawgs Is done gone , sah , " he
"Stolen ? "
"No , sah. I don't see no bijjns dat
anybody tuclc 'em. "
"Did they climb out over the top ? "
"No , doy couldn't 'a done dat. "
"How do you think they got away ? "
"Well , sah , " said Uncle Ephraim ,
"my 'pinion Is dat ilem hawgs kind o'
raised deirselves up on aidgo an' oropo
through a crack. " Youth's Com
An Educational Problem.
Little Margery has just begun to go
to the kindergarten , and is tilled with
a duo sense of the importance of her
studies there and the solemn value ot
the attainments that have thus boon
put within her reach. The other aft
ernoon , after coming home from
hchool , she remained in a brown study
for a time , and then said : "Mamma ,
do I know as much now as 1 don't
know ? "
He who gives better homes , better
books , better tools , a fairer outlook
and a bettor hope , bim will wo crown
with laurels. Emerson.
But Many Drop It.
A young Calif , wife talks about coffee :
"It was hard to drop Mocha and
Java and give Postum a trial , but my
nerves were so shattered that I waa
a nervous wreck and of course that
means all kinds of alls.
"At first I thought bicycle riding
caused it and I gave it up , but my con
dition remained unchanged. I did not
want to acknowledge coffee caused the
trouble for I was very fond of It. At
that time a friend came to live with
us , and I noticed that after ho had
been with us a week he would not
drink his coffee any more. I asked him
the reason. He replied , 'I have not had
a headache since I left off drinking cof
fee , sorno mo/.ths ago , till last week ,
when I befyn again , hero at your table.
1 don't see how anyone can like coffee ,
anyway , after drinking Postum ! '
"I said nothing , but at once ordered
a package of Postum. That was five
months ago , and wo have drank no
coffee since , except on two occasions
when wo had company , and the result
each time was that my husband could
not sleep , but lay awake and tossed
and talked half the night. Wo were
convinced that coffee caused hla suffer
ing , so ho returned to Postum , con
vinced that coffee was an enemy , In
stead of a friend , and he is troubled
no more with Insomnia.
"I , myself , have gained S pounds in
weight , and my nerves have ceased to
quivor. It seems so easy now to quit
coffee that caused our aches and ails
and take up Postum. "
Road the little book. "Tho Uortd to
Wc'llvillo. " in pkgs. "There's a Heafion. "
n\or roml iio ft ! ne Ii'tlor ? A now
line attnrnrN from tliiu * ( o time. 'I'lit-y
nr < > i < n u tni > , ( rut * , anil full of Iiuiuun
tuifr nt.
Frightful Explosion Occurs at Las Es
pcranzas , Mexico Location of
Dodics Indicate Hard
Fight for Life.
Laredo. Tox. One of I IIP greatest
mine- disasters in the history of Mexi
can coal mining which lias heretofore
experienced several crushing blows ,
resulting in a tremendous loss of life ,
took place Wednesday In the Palau
mine at Las ISsperannas , Mox. The
toll of human life which paid the pen
alty of negligence on the part of some
miner , according to latest reports ,
Is place at seventy. After an ofllcial
report showing fifty-three dead , twelve
additional bodies were recovered ,
bringing the total up to sixty-live ,
while three others liavo died in the
hospitals , making the grand total of
victims thus far sixty-eight.
The explosion occurred in N'o. ! !
shaft of the coal inino of the Efiperan-
baa Mining company , and Is attributed
to the ignition of the mine gas from
the cigarette of a miner who was
smoking contrary to nilcs. The min
ers , mostly Mexicans and Japanese ,
liad assumed their various places in
the different workings shortly after 7
o'clock. At 8:30 : o'clock those at
work above ground wcro startled by ti
loud explosion and almost instantlj a
vast cloud of dust and smoke issued
from the mouth of the shaft.
When the onlookers realized the
meaning of the disaster , assistance
was immediately forthcoming and as
ronn as the air in the shaft could be
purified siifilciently to permit rescuers
to descend many volunteers were
ready to risk their lives in an en
deavor to Miccor their stricken broth
ers below.
Cages were immediately sent down
loaded to their capacity with miners
bent on rescuing their comrades. On
the first and second levels , everything
was found to be Intact , and the men
working in these levels were safe.
The rescue party went down to the
Ihird level , and as hoon as the air
could bo pufliciently cleared , entered
the various shafts and began a hcarcli
for the dead.
Scattered about in various positions
in the workings they found the bodies
of the men , suffocated , their faces in
dicating in many instances the bitter
fight they had waged to reach puie
air and safety without the workings.
The rescuers worked in relays
searching for and carrying to the sur
face the bodies of their dead and
dying companions.
After a lapse of six hours' work ,
llity-three bodies were brought to the
surface , while nearly forty injured
men were removed to hospitals for
treatment. The injured owe their
miraculous escape to the fact that the >
were working at points whore they
were protected from the rush of foul
air. As the bodies were brought out
to the surface , screaming women nnd
children were congregated about the
mouth of the shaft , awaiting' with
hope the rescue of loved ones a hope
which was in almost every instance
turned to despair as corpse after
eorpbe wn- . brought t otlie surface.
Most of the killed were Mexicans ,
the Japanese miners being employed
in > the other parts of the niine.
Nebraska Appointments.
Washington , D. C. Postmasters ap
pointed Carter , Harlan county , John
O. Anderson , vice E. Johnson , re
signed ; Haven , LJrown county. An
drew Johnson , vice G. J. Steiner , rir
The First National bunk of Merrill ,
Neb. , was authorized to begin busi
ness. Capital , $25,000 ; II. S. Clark ,
jr. , president ; C. W.
president ; L. M. East mas. cashier.
Seek to Obtain Fortune.
New Castle , Pa. Members of the
Drake family In western Pennsylvania
have organized and on February 12
will meet Tn Niles , O. , where plans
will be formulated by prominent at
torneys to obtain a fortune said to
have been left by Sir Francis Drake
and now in litigation in the British
chancery courts.
The fortune is estimated at $200-
Typhoid Fever in Prison.
Leavenworth. Kan. An epidemic of
typhoid fever has broken out in the
federal prison hero. Hichard Hrnno of
West Virginia is dead from the dis
ease : Eugene lloss of Oklahoma is
dying and several others are seriously
ill. There are nine patients in the
hospital with the malady.
The prifaon physician attributes the
disease to the impure water.
Washington , D. C. The govern
ment had adopted n new style postal
card which will be placed In post-
offices this week. Tills card is print
ed on a hotter quality and lighter pa
per , and is of a hluoish tinge it
hears the portrait of Pretldent Mc-
Thinks It Is $8 Too High.
Colunibiif , O.At the annual meet
ing of the associated Ohio dailies ,
comprising 1S-1 daily newspapers of
Ohio , hold Wednesday in this city , a
statement upon the price which pub
lishers bhould pay for print paper was
made by John Norrls , chairman of the
committee on paper of the American
Newbpaper Publlnhers' association.
Mr. Nortris said if free competition
and normal conditions should prevail
In the paper trade , uows print should
lie delivered in press rooms ; at $ ! ri a
i ton or * ! 7'p pei h'indred po , ( ! ,
Oiimhn , Neb. . Fob. 2. Probably the
most unusual feature of the excite
ment that has been crcnted by L. T.
Cooper's visit to this city Is the re
moval of imrnHltcs or tape worms by
his preparations.
During the early part of Cooper's
etay In Omaha Individuals who were
taldng "New Discovery , " as It Is called ,
brought ulther to himself or to physl-
slaiin throughout the city Immense
parasites that had left the system
uftcr using the medicine.
Many of these people were fright
ened , and cases of thlsi sort became so
numerous that Cooper llnully made
the following statement for publica
tion :
He said : "In every clly I visit
these things nre brought to mo within
a few days nfter my medicine Is sold
in the city. They are what Is known
as the tape-worm , and grow to an
enormous size.
"Few , Indeed , realize how prevalent
these creatures arc. I think I have
been the first to demonstrate what n
large factor they are In the poor health
of this generation. I bellevo that
fully one-half of the chronic stomach
trouble now so universal Is caused by
these parasites.
"Individuals may have them for
years and not bo aware of the reason
for their continued Ill-health , but at
tribute It to many different diseases ,
when In reality one of these creatures
is robbing them ol their vitality.
"These parasites nre taken into the
system in uncooked food or raw meat ,
in the form of an egg , which hatches
almost Immediately. People suffering
from them experience u feeling of
lassitude and are extremely nervous.
The action of Cooper's 'New Discov
ery' seems to be fatal to these great
worms , and in most cases n few doses
of the medicine drives the creatures
from the system. I will have hundreds
of them brought to mo before I leave
the city. "
This grewsomo prophecy has been
amply verified , for not only hundreds
but thousands of Omaha people have
been relieved of some of these fearful
parasites since taking Cooper's prep
aration , and the entire city has been
aroused by the fact.
Some of these parasites are of such
enormous size as to startle the im
agination. The statement of Father
John Baptist Arnolls. one of the best
known and best beloved priests in
this section of the country verifies
this. His statement , among others
given to a reporter , was as follows :
"For years I suffered from what I
thought was a general run-down con
dition of the system caused by stomach
ach trouble. I felt extremely tired all
the time , and it was a great effort to
attend to my duties. I would wako
up in the morning feeling as worn out
as when I went to bed. If I stood for
nny length of time I would have pain
In the lower part of my back , and
would have to sit down.
"I was very nervous and depressed
in spirits , and was troubled with dizzy
spells. I would see spots before my
eyes when I stooped over and raised
up quickly. I had a very irregular ap
petite , and would have palpitation of
the heart after ascending the stairs.
"The talk about Cooper's prepara
tions was so universal that I decided
to try some , although I do not take
patent medicines as a rule. I took
four doses of the 'New Discovery" as
it is called , and a tape-worm about
sixty feet in length left my system.
"I am very thankful for this great
relief , and now I know what has been
the cause of all my suffering. "
The story of Father Arnolis is a
fair sample of the experience of an
astonishing number of Omaha people ,
and Cioper's preparations are selling
hero in Immense quantities. It is now
estimated that ho has sold one hun
dred thousand bottles to date in this
city alone , and the gale is still in
Certainly Not Present.
It was in one of the colored schools
of Baltimore , and the teacher was
an inexperienced one. There was talk
ing among the little negroes before
" 1 want absolute silence , " she said
Still the talking continued.
" 1 want absolute silence , " she re-
pcated again.
At the third demand one very small
girl spoke up boldly.
"Assalute Silence ain't hyar , " she
said. "She's got de toofachc. " Lip-
plncott's Magazine.
Renowned Doctor's Prescription for
Rheumatism and Backache.
"One ounce Syrup Sarsaparllla com
pound ; ono ounce Toris compound ;
Add thuso to a half pint of good whis
key : Take a tablcspoonful before each
meal and at bed time ; Shako the bottle
tle before using each time. " Any drug
gist has these ingredients in stock or
will quickly get them from his whole
sale house. This was published previ
ously and hundreds hero have been
cured by it. Good results show after
the first few doses. Thla also acts as
a aystem builder , eventually restoring
strength and vitality.
Probably a Female Doctor. "
" .My wife looks very poorly , you
think , doctor ? "
' Yes , 1 do. "
"What do you think she needs ? "
"A new but and a now dress ! "
Arriving in Canada in 1891 , just
eighteen years ago , E. A. Gulllomln
could epeak but his nntivo language ,
llo Is a Frenchman , llo had but
n little over two dollars In hta pocket ,
thus being short over HQVCII dollars ot
the ten dollars required to secure en
try for a homestead of ono hundred
and sixty acres. Ho eventually bor
rowed the money and near Forget ,
Saskatchewan , ho started llfo In Can
ada on the homestead in which to-day
he is the fortunate possessor of fifty
quarter sections of land , or 8,000 acres.
Now Mr. Gulllomin did not acquire
all these acres ns a result altogether of
his farming operations , which were
extensive. Ho looked with satisfac
tion upon what ho was doing on hia
limited area , ho was saving , careful ,
and had foresight. Surrounding land
could bo had for about ? 3.00 per aero ,
and ho continued buying as his sav
ings would permit , until now ho has
fifty quarter sections , some of which
ho can sell at $25.00 per acre.
Threshed Fifty Thousand Bushelo.
This year 1m was engaged In thresh
ing on his place for GP/ & days , llo
threshed out 00,000 bushels of wheat ,
of which ho sold 34,000 bushels , ono
train load , at a price varying from 81
to 87 cents per bushel. Ho has on
hand still 10,000 bushels. In addition
to wheat he raised 30,000 bushels of
oats , 7,000 bushels ot barley and fiOO
bushels of llax. Ho owns 101 horses
and a number ot cattle , but slnco the
construction of the railway ho has
been engaged chiefly in raising wheat.
This year ho bought his first thresh
ing machine , paying for it the sum
of $2,100. Ho estimates that the ma
chine earned for him this fall $3,000 ,
thus paying for Itself in ono season
and leaving $000 to the good. The
weather was very propitious for farm
threshing , not a filnglo day being lost
in the two months which wcro spent
in this work. The wheat averaged 23
bunhels to the ncro and graded No. 1
and No. 2 Northern. In the past nine
years seven good crops have been har
vested on this farm. For six succes
sive years the returns were excellent ,
that is in the years 1001 , 1902 , 1903 ,
1904 , 1905 and 190G. In the two fol
lowing yearn there was a partial fail
ure. As the years have passed the
quality of the buildings on the farm
have been steadily improved , and are
now as good as can bo found in the
district About $10,000 has been in
vested in this way by Mr. Ouillomin.
The farm consists of 6,880 acres , of
which about C.OOO acres were under
crop this season.
Nil Despcrandum.
Percy Parklngton rose and brushed
the dust from his knees. Then , draw
ing himself up to his full height , ho
gazed resentfully upon the form of
Miss Muriel Muggins , who nonchalant
ly fanned herself the while.
"Very well , Miss Muggins , " came In
bitter tones from Percy. "Oh , very
well ! You have spurned me , It Is
true ! Indeed , you have spurned mo
twice ! But , though despair eats my
heart , I shall not die ! I mean to go
Into the busy world. I will light ! I
will win ! My name shall become
known , and my riches shall become
envied "
"Pardon mo for Interrupting you ,
Mr. Parkiugton , " interjected Miss
Muggins , "but when you shall have
accomplished all that , you may try me
again. " Lipplncolt's.
How's This ?
We ctffr Ono Hundred Dollars Ilcw.itrt for nny
cam of Catarrh llml cannot bo cunt ] by Hair *
Catarrh Cure.
r. j. cnnjjnv A co. . TOMO. o.
We , the undersigned , have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 15 yenrB , and hcllevo him perfectly lion-
ornblo In nil business trarMeUons and flmnct.iIy !
Bllo to carry nut nny obligations nuulo by his firm.
WlioICNilo UriiitKlsts. Toledo. O.
Hull's Catnrrh Giro ti taken Internally , acting
llrectly upon the Wood and mucom nurtureof the
fyptcra. Testimonials Rent tree. 1'rlco 75 ctnU per
bottle. Fold by all Drucclstx.
Take llaU'B I'amlly 1'llls for constipation.
Not the Proper Atmosphere.
Overheard outside St. Ann's church
yesterday :
First City Man Arc you going In
to hear the archdeacon to-day ?
Second City Man No , I think not.
It puts mo in the wrong frame of
mind for business for the rest of the
day. Manchester Guardian.
rnitui ) IN n TO 11 PATS.
PA7.O Q1NTMKNT In guaranteed to euro any cam
uf llrliltiif , llllnd. II.i piling or I'rnlrudliiK 1'lloa In
tlolldojvormoijcjr icJumled. Wo.
To learn to work and , work cheer
fully Is the central lesson of life.
Wo would all write our names on
the scroll of fame but for the Innum
erable tribe of elbow joggers.
WTTY Buffer with rye troubles , quick re
lief by IIMIIB I'K'ITlt'S KYIS HALVE. 25c.
All druggists or I lo ward Hi oa. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Ho loves his country best who
strives to make It best. Ingcrsoll.
DOCTOR voimsria'
when yon f col .1 rcild JUIIIK | < I by UKIIIK n few < 1n ( "t
of I'trrv liitrli' 1'ttttikl Hr. It Iblicttrr thliigulnluu
anduftr. The lnrKoWo bottlut. uro thu cheapest.
Time cannot remove kindly acts
from a grateful heart. Uoyston.
Mm. WiiinloxVH StKithlncr Ryrnp.
For chlldrcm tccthl'in , fofi < n the KHITK , reduces In-
Oumuutlonallujuialni.uruu | wladcuUo iUcu bottle.
It might improve the pound cake to
hit Itvith nn nx
Syrup of Kigs and Elixir of
Senna appeals to the cultured
and the well-informed and the
healthy because its component
parts arc simple and whole
some and because it acts with
out disturbing the natural func
tions , as it is wholly free from
every objectionable quality or
substance. In its production a
pleasant and refreshing syrup
of the figs of California is unit
ed with the laxitive and car
minative properties of certain
plants known to act most bene
ficially , on the human system ,
when its gentle cleansing is de
sired. To get its beneficial ef
fects , always buy the genuine ,
for sale by all reputable drug
gists ; one size only , price
fifty cents a bottle. The name
of the company California
Pig Syrup Co. is always plain
ly printed upon the front of ev
ery package of the genuine.
The RAYO LAMP is a Iiigli-grntle lamp , sold nt a low price.
Tlicre are lamps that cost more , but thcreis no better lamp at nny
price. The Burner , the Wick , the Chimncy-Molder all are
vital tilings in n lamp ; thew parts of the RA.YO LAMP are
perfectly conttructcd and there is nothing known in the art of
lamp-making that could odd to the value of the RAYO o >
ITHE1 a light-giving de\icc. Suitable for any loom in nny house.
Hvrrjr oVnli-r nverswhcro. If not nt yonnvwrlto
STEAL , for dcturlpllvo circular tit tlm ni-nroat , AKHUC/ I tin
JUCHT UnmriiumUsD
"My hair's exactly lllco a turban ,
isn't It ? "
"Exactly. You can even take It off. "
How Relief from Distressing Kidney
Trouble Was Found.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wolf , 3S8 W. Morgan
St. , Tlpton , Mo. , says : "Inflammation |
of the b 1 a l d o r i
reached ita climax '
last spring and I mif- ,
fcred terribly. My '
back ached and
pained so I could
hardly got around
and the secretions i
were scanty , frequent -
quont of passage i
and painful. I was
tired all the time and very nervous. I
began using Dean's Kidney Pills , and
after taking a few boxes was cured
and have been well over since. "
Remember the name Doan's. Sold
by all dealers. CO cents a box. Foster-
Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
"Potter's Field" for
Why Beggars.
It is not because the beggar fails to
make money that he dually lands in
the potter's field. "Any good , indus
trious beggar , " says Mr. Forbes , "can
and does make a great deal more
money than the average worklngman. "
But the trend of the beggar is down
ward , and in the end he is pretty sure
to become a hopeless wreck and a
Associate with men of good Judg
ment , for judgment Is found in con
versation. And wo make another
man's judgment ours by frequenting
his company. Fuller.
.HI ) enrn not only a. fri'Bh ruM. ijutomiuf ilinso stnl > -
IximcoiiKliHtliiit.uMKilly Imriumilor mnnihn UIVH
it u trial anil pruvo Us nurtli. iic.tUoiu il fl DO.
Some cemetery janitors , unless
closely watched , raise vegetables in
the rich gravnyard mold.
Many who nerd to finol.e lOc cigars anmm
smoUiiii I.cwit. ' Single Hinder etinight. Ot.
A man can always ( latter his wife
by being jealous
w , F
Nebraska Directory
A California fUIan
writes to the
Breakfast Food Co.
"I find your food the best
ns well as the most palatable
Breakfast Food on the market ,
and recommend same to my
friends. " ( Signed )
E. Moran , Los Angeles.
What more could be said.
Fujn the lilRlieat price for
Keisters' ' Ladies Tailoring
Ortlln/vn At iS SO St .Lincoln.Xcb. ,
UUll BUB Caches CuttinR. Fitting.
O Furnishing and 1'reasitig of
nil garments tliorouglily , at ridiculously
low prices. Call or write for catalog.
General MnrhlnlsU ,
Auto llei
Mumps Hid. s < ; iilBTru < ln
Clicck. JladKcs , KU-
Grain , Provisions , Stocks , Cotton
Main Office , 204-20S Frntrrnlly Bldg.
Lincoln , NeLrnnkn.
Hell Pliono 012 Auto Phone 2019
. House In Suite
agaataafrrapMTTCCT ffTOtmja aBsai
liooltnndActvlroFKKIS D. . ,
( cDKlrk. % | ji iT rr , 'A n.ihlDiltOI ) .
! ) ( . IShV-Wyrs. Ueil references.
H -JS ; Thompson's Eye Water
W. N U. LINCOLN , NO. 6-1910.
Cow ! more coodj bnc'itw and ( astor colon thin an other die. OnelGr nil fiberi. Ticr d > ain cold water better than any other die. Youcsndj *
Idraarmenf vniliuat nppin j oyztl Writs tor r.'to t-uoUat How to Die , LMvach and Mix Colors. fAQfJKQE OKUCi CO. . Qulticy , Illinois.