Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 10, 1910, Image 2

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The Ouster County Republica
D. M. AMSBERRY. Editor
Embrr.cmj ! n Condensation of Events
In Which Renders Generally Arc
An attendant of the Koggcnau sani
tarium at lleiddherg , in charge ol
Dr. Freuhrercr. mild that Dr. F. A.
Cook had hoi n staying at that institu
tion for HOIIIC time under the name of
Clunther and that he left for Vienna.
This , HO fur as , has been Impossible
of continuation.
The American Red Cross society at
Washington , having boon notified by
Robert Itacon. American ambassador
In Paris , Hint contributions from this
country to aid the Hood sufferers In
France would be acceptable , Issued an
appeal to the American public , nuk
ing that they contribute with their
characteristic generosity.
The unionists gained another seat
In the Southport division of Lancaster.
Otherwise the few results before an
nounced do not change the party
Ktrongtli. The- newly elected members
nf parliament now stand : Unionists ,
221 ; llboralb. 202 ; laborltos , ! M ; na
tionalists. Oil.
President Madrlz of Nicaragua IF-
Kiiod a proclamation giving the details
nf the causes which have led to a re-
Hi-will of hostilities. He refers to the
offers ( il peace made to the revolution
ists through Hear Admiral Klmlmll
nnd their refusal to accept anything
but complete recognition of the pro
visional government , and says ques
tions must now be settled by arms.
According to a German consular re
port the Kobc-Aknshl Electric Hail
way company , with a capital of ? ! . -
500,000 , has been formed to build an
electric railway from Kobe , Japan , to
Askashi , The first five miles of the
load Is to lie double track.
Wealthy men of New York sat down
lo a dinner in which the menu was
limited to vegetables and fruit.
The testimony of Louis 11. Glavis in
the Dalllnger-Plnchot Inquiry was full
of interest.
Convicted members of the black
hand were sentenced at Toledo to
long terms of Imprisonment ,
The proposition to remove the
Kpeaker from the rules committee in
being seriously agitated.
Complaint was made In the house
that agriculture is being neglected In
the Interest of the army.
A senate committee decided to give
limited hearings to the administration
court of commerce bill.
Jackson Smith , vlco president of the
Oregon Trunk railway , died at Port
Mayor Gnynor of-Now York took his
strongest Htand yet against ofllcinl ex
travagance when he announced that
any head of a department who ex
ceeded his budget allowance without
Huinclent causa would be removed.
The court at Hesaya , Nicaragua , ac
quitted General Medina , Prosecuting
Attorney Salomon Selva and other
members of the court martial , of re
sponsibility for the lll'ugal conviction
and execution of the Americans Greco
and Cannon.
National Commlttocmnn Taggart ot
Indianapolis , Ind. , who was accident
ally shot by W. H. Morton , while
hunting , will lose the sight of the right
oye.That Harry Kendall Thaw IR a
bankrupt and that his estate Is sub
ject to the United Slates bankruptcy
laws is held by Referee William B.
If Ballinger is convicted it will be
a victory tor honesty and conserva
tism. If acquitted it will bo a vindi
cation for u. much abused man.
The management of the postofTlco
Baron Komura gave assurance in the
Japanese diet that relations with the
United States were excellent ,
department was criticised by the man
ugomont of the Uutterick company.
A letter from Guadalajara assorts
that Conductor Cook , who is In Jail
in Guadalajara , is falling rapidly un
der his close contincnient.
President Tan cabled to Emperor
William of Germany n birthday greet
Foodstuff exports last year fell oil
heavily as compared with the previous
General Pauline Go-loy has been
appointed im-jector general of the
Nlcaraguan army.
President Taft has decided to pay
visit to Albany and Rochester , N. Y. ,
some time in March and in both
towns will deliver addresses.
The senate committee on Irrigation
will report a bill providing for a ? UO-
000,000 bond issueto complete irriga
tion projects.
The United States Banking com
pany at Mexico City suspended fol
lowing its failure to make the clearIng -
Ing house settlement of the day's
Joseph A. Graham , a widely known
editor and author , died at his some in
Salisbury , Md. llo ( was wlduiy known
In the w& < r
The wisdom of an international
park on the United States-Canadian
line is Questioned in the senate.
Sonnlor Conger's exposing N'ov
York's state politics scandal IB lllcol ;
to win victory for direct primary ayt >
tern.The new comet IH travel ! i more
than 120 mlluB per second airdlnj !
to Prof Wlnalov Upton of mil
u > rslty
The army appropriation bill has
been completed by the senate commit
tee on military affairs and will lie re
ported at once. It will carry about
The demurrer interposed by Holier !
E. Penry. discoverer of the north pole ,
In the action for desecration of the
American Hag , growing out of the
display of the famous "north pole
" Hudson-Fulton celebration
ling" at the -
tion , was sustained by Justice l.yon at
Ulmlrn , N. Y.
Directors of the International Har
vester company at Anongo declared a
stock dividend of Ull'/fi ' per cent on
the stock to holders of record on Feb
ruary ; } .
The executive committee of the na
tional education association an
nounced that the forty-eighth annual
convention would lie hold In Boston
July 2 to 8. 1HO. !
The twentieth century limited on
the New York Central was wrecked
mid two trainmen killed.
There Is dissatisfaction among
house democrats wlih the leadership
of Champ Clark.
Chances favor the passage of the
tlilp subsidy bill this session.
Cnpt. Peary Is to bo put back at
liny In the army.
Congress Is holding back on all < > f
the president's Important recommen
dations for legislation.
Representative Klnkaid says he will
make statement concerning Ills Alas
ka coal lands claim.
A mine disaster in Colorado cost
150 lives , mostly foreigners.
Friends of rivers and liarborn say
some sort of a bill will pass this ses
sion tff congress.
Archbishop Ireland says the trouble
w 1 th the American people is that they
ire living lee high.
it Is said a bill Is lo be Introduced
suspending tlie taritf on meat for a
The gay city of Paris is now !
gloom , having something to think
ibout beyond a hilarious time all the
Some one says , pay loss for amuse
ments , less for fun. and then there'll
lie moro for the slaughter house mag
nets.Ezra Kendall , the famous comedian ,
lied of apoplexy In a sanitarium at
Mnrtlnsvlllo , Ind.
The price of extra fancy creamery
butter dropped lo ISO cents n pound on
the Elgin board ot trade. It was a
cut of six cents.
Liberal forces in Great Britain have
not abandoned hope of a substantial
Warner M. Van Nordcn , a rich Now
Yorker , was robbed on the street ot
$28,000 , supposedly by two women.
investigations by the Immigration
commission were denounced in the
house as a big junket.
Mrs. Hetty Green lias Joined the
anti-meat crusade because she says
tln > price Is too dear.
Senator Ponroso introduced a bill
10 amend the oleomargarine law in
iccordanco with recommendations by
issoclations of dairyman and grangers.
The measure Imposes on manu
facturers of oleomargarine a special
tax of $000 a year. The tax to be
paid by wholesale dealers In uncolored
oleomargarine is fixed at $200 and the
tax assessed against retailers in a
similar product Is fixed at $ G.
Reports which reached Washington
from foreign sources declared that
Whitelaw Reid , ambassador to Great
Britain , had been offered and had ac
cepted an extension of two years of
service as the representative of the
United States at the court of St.
Estimates made by ofllclals of the
/lostoillco department Indicate SOU-
000.000 one-cent pieces annually are
taken by the rural letter carriers from
letter boxes for the payment of postage -
ago on mail matter deposited. Com
plaints against the practice have be
come so widespread that the post-
ofllce department lias Issued instruc
tions to all postmasters at rural de
livery olllco that -after February 15 ,
the practice will bo discontinued.
Detailed statements of exports of
.ho United States during the calendar
year 1909 have just been completed
by the bureau of statistics of the de
partment of' commerce and labor.
They show a reduction in the value of
exports ot nearly all the Important
ugrlcultural products except cotton.
As a result of the agitation against
the Increased cost of living , Represen
tative Garner ( rep. Pa. ) introduced a
hill in the house to repeal the duty on
all cattle Intended to be used as food.
This is the first bill of the sort Introduced -
duced , but it Is expected that a flood
of similar measures will follow.
President Taft is determined to
push the suit against the Pacific
In a speech at Plttsburg Represen
tative Fordney of Michigan exalted
the now tariff law.
King Fdward and Queen Alexandria
each contributed $5,000 to the Man
sion house fund for the relief of the
flood sufferers in France.
The election of Glnord Plnchot to
succeed Dr. Charles W. Eliot as presi
dent of tlic National 'onservatlon as-
Koclntlon Is announced.
Only twenty-six seats are left to bo
contested for In the British elections ,
Indictments were returned at Chicago
cage against men accused of cam-
spiring to defraud the city.
Governor Sliallcnborgor of No <
hrnskn declines to call un extra sea-
uion of the legislature.
Aesolutlons Adopted on the Occasion
of Their Dlrth. Other Matters at
the State Capital.
The Omaha Bee correspondent In
this city says :
Miss Alice and Addis Walt , twin
daughters of Allison Walt , deputy
secretary of slate , were 15 years old
the other day and that fact recalled
that the legislature of which Mr. Wait
was a miMiiber just fifteen years ago
adopted a resolution because of the
birth of those girls the like of which
was never seen before. The resolu
tion which was introduced in the
house by Mr. Chapman of Saline
county , now city editor of the Chicago
Evening Post , Is as follows :
"Whereas , By the unanimous con
sent of this house , the Honorable Ad-
dlson Wait of Otoc county was yes
terday excused from attendance here
on account of sickness.
"Whereas , The telegraph this morn
ing announced the result of that sick
ness to bo lovely girl twin babies
therefore be It
"Resolved , That the house extend
its enthusiastic congratulations to the
distinguished gentleman from Otoc
and his excellent wife and wish for
the pair of very young ladies a happy
future , and be It further
"Resolved , That the freedom of the
house be extended to the proud gentle
man from Otoe for one full day upon
his return to duty in which to cele
brate this Important event In any
manner he deems fitting and which
may bo satisfactory to his follow mem
bers. "
For the benefit of those members
of the house , who remember that oc
casion , the little twins horn that day-
were promoted this day from tin-
grade school to the high school of Lin
coln and if there are two happier
children in Nebraska than those
twins , they have not been discovered
to this date.
Sent Back for Correction.
The application of the Alfalfa Ditch
and Power company of Thedford for
irrigation privileges of the Loup river
near Thedford has been sent back for
correction by Secretary Simmons of
the state board of irrigation. The ap
plication for the company is signed by
J. H. llvans as attorney , but does not
disclose the Identity of the applicant.
It may be a corporation or simply a
partnership. The person signing the
application does not show authority
to represent the applicant.
Says Voss Not Eligible.
Mary V. Quinn of Dakota county has
answered the petition of W. T3. Voss ,
who asked for a writ of mandamus to
compel her to turn over to him the
records of the ofllce of county super
intendent , to which ho claims ho was
elected. In her answer Miss Quinn
sets out that Voss did not have a first
grade certificate on the date of his
election and therefore he is not en
titled to the ofllce under the law.
Railroad to the Gulf.
The Mlsouri Valley & Mexican Gulf
railroad is a proposed road which will
have Its main office at Omaha and
which will start from there or near
there , traversing the following coun
ties in Nebraska : Douglas , Sarpy ,
Cass , Otoe , Johnson and Pawnee. Wal
ter G. Seaver of Collingdale , Pa. , sent
to Deputy Secretary of State Walt a
copy of the proposed articles of incor
poration to see If It would be accept
able under the state laws. Ho says
ho has promised financial backing for
the enterprise.
A Supplemental Contract.
Governor Simllenberger signed a
supplemental contract for the use of
the prison labor by Max Cohen , which
provides that the contractor shall fur
nish the Inmates of all state institu
tions shirts and clothing at the cost
of the material. It is also provided
In the supplemental contract that all
goods manufactured In the state pri
son shall bo shipped out of the state.
Money for Soldiers.
Out of the jiiO.OO received from the
government for the pay of Spanish-
American war veterans , there remains
in the hands of the governor mime
$7.000. Tills amount is credited to
some 000 or more veterans , who up
to this time have not been located by
the adjutant general.
Pleads Guilty to Robbery.
Cheyenne. Wyo. L. II. Sample ,
night express agent here , pleaded
guilty of robbery. He was sentenced
to two years' Imprisonment. Sample
was one of four railroad employes
arrested on a charge of wholesale rob
bery of mall , express and baggage.
. Vote on Liquor Question.
The freeholders of this city have
filed a petition witli the city dork and
and have made the necessary af
fidavits that the 3-lil signatures on
the petition were true and genuine
names of electors of this city. The
petition calls for a special election
upon the liquor question , and there being -
ing a sufliclcnt number of signatures
on the pnpor , some time within the
next sixty days Lincoln will have a
referendum vote whether It will con
tinue to bo a dry town or whether
liquor shall be soiil.
Governor Will Not Call Legislators
tov. ! Simllenberger has decided not
to call an extra session of the Nebras
ka legislature. He does not think the
situation at present such as contemp
lated by the constitution aa warrant
for so doing. Ho says the bank guar
anty bill has been enjoined by the
federal court , which denies to the
state the right to determine the terms
under which persons may engage In
the banking business , and the author
ity of the slate to levy a tax to pro
tect the depositor as an exercise oi'
the police power.
Until an opinion To rendered upon
these points by the supreme court of
the United States any action by the
legislature to carry out the people's
will for providing safer bank laws
must wait upon the action of the su
preme federal authority. The Okla
homa banking law Is now before the
supreme court of the United States
and n decision as to its constitution
ality will probably bo rendered in a
short time. A finding upon the vital
points In that case may also settle
the matter as to the validity of the
Nebraska statute , or so clarify the
situation as to enable the legislature
to frame a satisfactory guaranty law ,
founded upon the opinion of the high
est court. Should such a situation oc
cur and the conditions permit of the
framing of a law in conformity with
the court's decision and satisfactory
to the people of Nebraska , the gover
nor would not hesitate to call an ex
tra session to pass such a statute
and such other laws as deemed for
the best interests of the people of
the state.
The governor said he found a strong
sentim'ent In . . .ic east for a postal sav
ings bank law , and that the prospects
were that this congress would enact
such a measure. A postal savings
bank law will inevitably drain the
money of the western states to the
great financial centers of the east. He
was convinced that a guaranty of
deposits law that would keep the
money of Nebraska in our own state ,
provide equal security to that afford
ed by a postal bank law and keep Ne
braska money available for Nebraska
business men was a consummation
very much to be desired.
The Indorsement of the income tax
amendment by Nebraska and other
legislation of importance is not of
such vital interest at this time that it
cannot wait for action either by the
next regular session or at an extra
session to be convened should future
developments , as indicated above , war
rant the assembling of the legislature
In extra session.
To Increase Rates.
The Douglas County Telephone
company operating at Valley , Waterloo
lee and Elkhorn , has filed a modified
petition , asking the State Railway
commission to increase rates. The
proposed increases are as follows : In
dependent party line , from $1.50 to
$1.75 for business , and from ? l to
$1.25 for residence ; farm line , $1 to
$1.25 ? providing that if the charges
are not paid six months in advance an
additional charge of 25 cents shall
bo made. Hearing on this application
lias been set for February 15.
Wants Free Delivery.
Citizens of Nortli Platte have in
formally requested the State Railway
commission to issue an order to the
Pacific Express company to install a
free delivery for express packages in
that city.
Burlington Admits Liability.
Six thousand three hundred dollars ,
is the judgment which the Burlington
road confessed in the Lancaster dis
trict court in the case of Mrs. Elsie
Stafford , administratrix , against the
railway. Mrs. Stafford brought suit
against the Burlington for the death
of her husband , a switchman.
Railroad Hearing at Hastings.
The hearing of the complaint
against the Burlington for not giving
adequate train service between Red
Cloud and Hastings will be held at
Hastings February ! t. One of the
commissioners will go to Hastings to
take the testimony.
New N. N. G. Company.
Adjutant General Hartigan wont to
Blair to muster in a company of the
National Guard recently organized
there. The company numbers sixty
men and it was recruited by Postmas
ter Cook.
Bonds Payable in Gold.
Washington To make the principal
of Panama canal bonds payable in
gold and to exempt from taxation cer
tificates of indebtedness authorized by
the Paync-Aldrich tariff law , the house
on Tuesday passed n Joint resolution
reported from the committee' on ways
and means by Representative Payne.
Mistakes In the enactment of law , Mr.
Payne explained , made this legisla
tion necessary. The agricultural ap
propriation bill was before the house
during nearly all the session Monday.
Mooted Criminal Point.
A legal question shortly to bo tried
out in Adams county is of consider
able interest to Attorney General
Thompson , who recommended the liti
gation. It is whether a boy paroled
from the Industrial school at Kearney
and arrested for a crime may bo sent
to the penitentiary under the new
change or must ho bo returned to the
Industrial school to complete the sen
tence there. Attorney General Thomp
son Is of the opinion the industrial
school should be able to take the boy
back on tha original sentence.
Religious , Social , Agricultural , Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
In UJOl ) the Midwest Life made a not
gain of MS policies ! for $559,000 of in
surance. The greatest gain was In
20 Payment Life Policies. The in-
crcuso here amounted to 13G policies
aggregating ? li2GOO ! of insurance. The
next greatest Increase was In Ordinary
Life Policies. The gain In this form
was 101 policies carrying $184,500 of
Insurance. The remaining gain was
distributed over a number of different
forms. Few companies operating in
this state made as good a net gain in
insurance In force in Nebraska as did
The Midwest Life. Write the company
at Lincoln for an agency or a sample
Plans are under way for the or
ganization of a Chautanqun for Su
Henry Gibson was overhauled In
aGlloway for stealing a horse , shotgun ,
etc. , at or near North Platte.
James W. White , a wife deserter ,
will bo brought back to Gage county to
give an account for his transgression.
The application to organize the First
National bank of Bridgeport has been
approved by the comptroller of the
The directors of the Hoone county
agricultural association met and de
cided upon the dates for the next an
nual fair , September 20 , 21 , 22 and 23
Lee Slusser , who died in Chicago ,
was buried at Minden. Mr. Slusser
was an old soldier , having enlisted
from Indiana and came to Nebraska
and Kearney county in 1870.
The body 01 William Koll , who died
in Salt Lake City , Utah , accompanied
by his wife and daughter and John
Koll , brother of the deceased , arrived
In llepubllcan City for interment.
The chair of mathematics of Has
tings college , made vacant by the re
cent resignation of Miss Esther Alex
ander , has been Jllled by the appoint
ment of Professor Wells of Olivette ,
R. S. Brauer , a postofllce Inspector
of Kansas City , was In Wymore. Ho
stated that Wymore has the dirtiest
postomce room and most antiquated
fixtures of any place he has ever
Senator C. H. Aldrlch departed from
David City on an extended lecture tour
In Nebraska. He will deliver thirty
lectures and travel about 3,200 miles ,
speaking for the University of Ne
Ray Hester has returned to Peru
from Denver , where he attended the
apple show. lie took on his exhibi
tion there the first prize on the best
barrel of apples and first on a plate of
Frank Carncs , 27 years old , a paint
er , suicided in Crete by taking car
bolic acid. His troubles were of fam
ily character. The young man's father
suicided by the same drug several
years ago.
Because of the meat boycott and the
unsettled condition of the meat mar
ket a packing company In Nebraska
City have given notice it will discon
tinue buying hogs until matters be
come moro settled.
Superior's now cement plant it
bringing now enterprises to town and
several business institutions are makIng -
Ing arrangement to locate there. The
latest to complete arrangement is the
Henningsen Produce Co.
Mrs. L. A. Prue of Nebraska City
received notice of the accidental death
of Link Holbrook in California. No
particulars were given. He was born
and reared in Nebraska City and re
ccntly went to California.
Arrangements have been made for
the meetings of the Nebraska. Federal'
ud Women's clubs in the six congres
sional districts this upring. The First
district meeting will bo held In Paw
nee City on April 20 and 27.
The loaning of too much money and
the maintaining of too small a sur
plus Is given as the cause of the fail
ure of the Farmers and Merchants
banks of Alexandria , which was closed
up by the State Banking board.
W. L. Bcachamp , well known in
Falls City , was killed on his way to
work by a Missouri Pacific pnssengei
train. No one appears to have wit
nessed the accident , but evidence
showed that the body hail boeu
dragged some 000 feet.
C. F. Cramer , a special agent for
the government at Washington , has
been in Plattsmouth examining the
site for the new government building
In this report IIP recommended that
no work be commenced on the loun-
dation until the streets on tl.e cast
and north be paved. The Commercial
club officers got busy very shortly
and the streets will bo paved
The body of William Stettrrlio
died In New Orleans from the result
of a fall ho sustained at Laurel , Mis .
arrived In Tccumsea and was buried
at that place.
Two would-bo citizens , Abraham
Kuplnsky and Eric Anderson , had al
together too hazy ideas as to Amer
ican ffalra and wore declined citizen
ship papers in the district court at
Fremont. Herman Stolk successfully
answered the questions asked by the
special attorney for the govi rniueut
and waa admitted. Kumnsky in
formed the court that Bryan WUPuu
president of the United Statf"
Nelly They say he has turned over
a new leaf.
Ned He's so economical Tm afraid
he'll use the same one over again.
For Remarkably Quick Action on Colds
and Coughs.
This prescription will frequently cure
Lho worst cold In a day's time and it is
i sure cure for any cough that can bo
cured. "Two ounces Glycerine ; half
Dunce Conccntratec. Pine ; Put these
Into half a pint of good v/nlskey and
use In doses of teaspoonful to a tablespoonful -
spoonful every four hours. Shake bottle
tle well each time. " Any druggist lias
hose ingredients in stock or will quick
ly get them1 from his wholesale house ,
rho Concentrated Pine Is a special
pine product and comes only in hall
Dunce vials each enclosed In an air
tight case ; But be sure It Is labeled
'Concentrated. " This formula cured
hundreds hero last winter.
Fog-Eye's Plaintive Protest.
Fog-Eye Smith of northwest Wy-
Dmlng bore an appalling facade. His
style of beauty was a blight. Depend
ing upon his horrific exterior , he was
in the habit of trying to awe newcom
ers. On one occasion , affecting some
llspleasuro at the manner In which n ,
imllid stranger watered his liquor , Mr.
Smith announced , frowning , that un
less he detected Immediate amend
ment he would send the neophyte
Home in a market basket. "Which I'll
? uro tear you up a whole lot/1 said
Fog-Eye. Half an hour later Mr. Smith
ivas found groping about on the floor
under the poker table , hunting for his
; lass eye , and muttering to himself
The stranger asked with some ovi-
lenco of impatience what new line of
sentiments Air. Smith was now hnr-
joring. That injured resident , glaring
Malevolently from beneath the furni-
.ure , replied : "Which I sure donate a
man with no sense of humor. "
His Face Was Turning Yellow
Bomcono told him that sallownoss was
caused by un Inactive liver , llo bcuar-
taklriK NATUniS'S REMEDY , life natural
: olor returned , his brnln cleared. His llv < r
ivas njfnln active. Nil tablets nuvi-r fail
to correct the liver , they retnovo the bin
lid digestion and tone tlio s-atem. Ii * > tti < r
: han 1'lllH for Liver Ills. TaUo ono tonight
ind you'll fool hotter In the morning Ot
i 2&c Box. All DrUKKlsts. The A. II. IMB
Medicine Co. , St. Louts. Mo.
"Does you believe it's lucky to SPO
[ lo new moon over you right shoul-
ler ? "
"Sho I does , " replied Mr. Erastu *
Pinkney. "Dese hero stormy days
you's lucky to see any kind of a moon
anyway. " Washington Star.
Children Who Are Sickly.
Mothers nliouhl never be without 11 1-ox rl
ilothcr Gruy'H Bweot Powilora for ChlMi < > ti
I'hcy break uj > colds In SI lionrtscureKt'voiihh-
IOHH , ConUipatlon , IlPndaclie , Teething 1)1--
mlcrs inul stomach Troubles , Over luiui
CHtluionlnlrt. At nil Druggists , X-c. Avk ti-
! ? , y < , Samlle , , "inlled FIU5E. AJilretf. ,
Vlltn S. Olmsted , Le Hey , N Y.
Health may bo wealth , but that \n \ t
what makes the doctors ricli
Olf.-.rvj R , J licjut ivj t IK hiir
1 r in tct A mxurmiil err * v IS
ver J > ain ! to B.' Oniy
Hair to I'll V3Uthri > Ol r.
dun ir lp it * n i a ' , u > - i us.