Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 10, 1910, Image 1

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    County IRepublican
Taken Up Under the New Law Regulating : Alaska Coal Lands.
Gravis Swears There Was Nothing Wrong in Transaction.
Washington , Jan. 30. Gifford'
Pinchot , it is expected , will take
sland loniorrow in Ihe Ballinger-
Ji Pinchol invesligaliou , The re
" ferences made by L. B. Gravis
TT" in his testimony to Representa
tives Kinkaid , of Nebraska , and
McLachlan , of California , as
coal claimants were' discussed in
Washington today. Kinkaid's
. claim is acknowledged to be valid ,
having been taken up under the
new law , while the Cunningham
claims are under Ihe old law.
Glavis swears Ihere was nothing -
ing wrong on the part of Con
gressman Kinkaid in the pur
chase of the Alaska Coal Claim.
In the Ballinger-Pinchot in-
vesligalion Ihe essenlial parl of
the testimony of Gravis as to the
purchase of a coal claim by Con
gressman Kinkaid is as follows :
"Mr. Denby. That was when
Mr. Ballinger was practicing law
,1 in Seattle ? " .
, "Mr. Glavis. Yes , sir. "
"Mr. Madison. What was the
characler of Ihe employmenl
that is , what was he employed to
do ? You stated it generally but
now state it more particularly. "
"Mr. Gavis. He ( Ballinger )
was employed to examine some
papers , I think , prepartory lo
buying oul a coal claim in Ihe
Green group of claims , and he
( Kinkaid ) was buying hia inler-
esl out in that claim , and was
then going to put his claim with
ofliers in a consolidation , under
the act of May 28 , 1908. "
A Farewell Parly.
Sunday hst at the pleasant
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ainos
Noble , in Dry Valley occured a
farewell surprise party which
will be long and pleasantly rem
embered by the participants. Mr.
Noble and wife , who have resided
on the old homestead since 1880 ,
have sold their home and will
soon remove to Palacios , Texas.
The neighbors who have known
them for years decided to pay
them a visit , and on Sunday ,
they came in on them bearing
well filled baskets and proceeded
to one of those kind of visits
that kept up the courage of Ihe
early setllers in Ihe trying times
of grasshoppers anddrouth. | O d
neighbors who had gone Ihrough
the trials of early seltlers with
Mr. and Mrs. Noble were there
with their children , numbering
over forty. Tables were spread
from the baskets and a merry
party sat down to do justice to
the finest feed that has ever
graced a Custer comity lable.
"Mr Madison. Well , now ,
was there anything in that
transaclion lhal waa wrong ? "
"Mr. Glavia. No , sir ; there
wasn'l anything wrong at all in
that transaction ; unless he ( Kin-
kaid ) had had some agreement
or interest prior to the passage
of that act of May 28 , 1908 there
would not be anything wrong
at.all. "
"Mr. Madison. In other wordp ,
Kinkaid would have had a right
to buy an assignment of a claim
thai had been legally entered ,
and would then have a right to
take advantage of the law of
Congress of May 28 , 1908.
"Mr. Glavis. Yes , sir ; and il
was afler the passage of that
act , I am quite sure ; 1 know it
was. "
"Mr. Madison. So that there
was not anything , either on the
part of Mr. Kinkaid or Mr. Ball-
inger in that particular instance ,
that was wrong in any way , thai
you know of. If there was , lell
it , because that is what we want
to know. "
"Mr. Glavis. That was part
of the work which he ( Ballinger )
did for the Green group during
the period he was out of office
and which he had knowledge of
while commissioner. "
"Mr. Brandeis. ( Attorney for
Pinchot and Glavis ) It has a
bearing on the slalement of 'Mr * .
Ballinger that he only acted in
the Cunningham cases in the
mailer of incorporation.
Old reminiscences were indulged
in and the old folks grew young
again , while the young folks re
gretted that the experience was
not for them. Among the neigh
bors of the early 80s were : John
Welch and wife , F. D. Miller and
wife , Tom Wilson and wife , Mrs.
Allen and family , John Scott and
wife , Mel Stinmau and daughters ,
Win. Burke , wife and daughters ,
all of Westerville , and Dr. C. H.
Shoemaker , of Broken Bow.
Mr. Noble had one of the finest
homes in Custer county , which
he and his family had carved out
of the virgin prairie , but like a
number of other Custer county
pioneers , he decided thai he
wauled to gel away from the
Nebraska winds , and purchased
land in Texas. Ills quarter sec
tion , which he lately sold for
$8,000 , could not be purchased of
the present owner for $10,000.
While regretting lo see him
leave , his old neighbors , and
friends throughout the county ,
will follow him with their best
Tne Finest Line in tlie City.
Here areSome of Them in Fancy Packages
Veroniqe Delico Nabisco Festino
Social Teas Oswego Biscuits Fruit Cake
Cheese Sandwiches Cheese Sticks
Vanilla and Lemon Wafers
Also a complete line of Bulk Cookies fresh and nice.
Jonathans Bellflowers Black Twigs
Phone 161 THE GROCER Plume 180
Agent for De Laval Separatora Cream Station
Golden Wedding.
On Saturday , Febuary 5th. ,
1'JIO occurred the lifticlh anni
versary of Ihe marriage of Mr.
and Mrs. Joshua Cole al their
home in this city. A number of
relatives and friends assembled
to help them celebrate the occa
sion. A four course luncheon
was served by lour of their grand
daughters at two tables. The
decorations in the dining room
were gold and white. An appropriate -
priate program was rendeied con
sisting of choice readings and
favorite songs , after which E. G.
Cole in a few well chosen words
presented Mr. and Mrs. Cole , on
behalf of Ihe children , Iwo very
beautiful chairs , al Ihe same
time telling of their appreciation
of being permitted once more to
assemble under the parental roof ,
afterwards closing his remarks
with a short prayer.
Those present from oul of
lown were , Mrs. L. J. Cole , of
Greenfield , Ohio , E. G. Cole , of
"Garden Cily , Kansas , W. E. Cole ,
of Kansas Cily , Missouri , Dr.
and Mrs. W. H. Cole , of Lincoln ,
Nebraska , Mrs. W. J. Dullon and
grand ( laughter , Miss Clara Ne
ville , of Gravily , Iowa , and Mr.
and Mrs , L. Morris , of 'Pennant ,
Joshua Cole and wife were
married February 6th , 1860 , near
Weihersfield , Illinois. Mr. Cole
was born in Jefferson counly ,
Ohio , Oclober , 1837. Mrs. Cole
was born in March , 1837 , neaf
Clinlon , New York. Both came
with their parents to Illinois in
1851 , their enlire life being spent
near the home of their adoption ,
until four years ago when they
cameio'Broken'Bo'w' where
they have since resided. But
one death has occurred in Ihe
family , that of Mrs. Martha
Cole Kenival. All of the child
ren were present on this occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Cole , are mem
bers of long standing in Ihe M.
E- church and have made many
warm friends during Iheir res
idence in our cily.
Commercial Club's Standing Committees.
The execulive commillee of
the Commercial Club of Broken
Bow beg to report as follows :
The work outlined for 1910 will
be evidenced by the list of com
mittees appointed Saturday even
ing , lowil :
Alfalfa Cadwell , Bowman ,
Mullins , Eaalham and Bruce.
Photograph Taylor and Mc-
SewerMolyueaux , A. J. El
liott , C. L. Mullius , Penniug'tou
and Bowen.
City Hall Martin , Haeberlee ,
R. B. Mullins , Humphrey and
Andrew Snyder.
Literature Cadwell , House
and Turner.
Membership Hayes , Burke
and Cross.
Free Express George.
Federal Building George ,
Humphrey , Konkel , Rublee and
Railroad North and South
Circus Kern , Lucke and Lee.
Good Roads McG raw , Dilla-
vou , Weisenreder and Frey.
The commillee on alfalfa are
instructed to begin a systetnalic
canvasa among Ihe farmers to
double the acreage of alfalfa Ihia
Then if the committees on
sewerage and city hall make
good , wilh eleclric lights and a
few more things Ihere will be
something doingin Broken Bow
this year A. D. 1910.
Every citiaec wants to get in
and play the game this year ,
Wiujs CADWRI.I , , Sec'y ,
Miss Minnie Johnson , of Or-
tello , visited relatives in town a
few days thia week ,
Doings In District Court.
Frank Day , charged wilh sleal-
ing a horse and saddle from his
uncle , living near Anscluio ,
plead guilty lo the charge Tues
day and was sentenced leone ] year
in Ihe penitentiary.
Dick Shute , charged wilh Ihe
same offence , plead not guilly
and was bound over to the jury
term of court. His brother-in-
law and Attorneys Sullivan and
Johnson are his bondsmen.
Will Edwards , the man who is
charged wilh stealing sonic cat
tle over near Arnold , and who
was under arrest and jumped his
bond , and was only recently rc-
arresled , and plead guilly as
charged. His altorney , Gov.
Ilolconib , plead for a shorl sen-
lance , referring lo lhe fact lhat
Ihe prisoner was not gifted with
the average amount of brains ,
and the judge , taking this fact
into consideration , gave him one
year in the penitentiary.
As we go to press Ihe lime of
the court is taken up with the
Woods divorce case , which will
probably require several days in
Ihe hearing. A large number of
witnesses are in attendance and
it is said some "upper ten" lesti-
mouy will be presented.
Patriotic Citizens.
pTo the palriolic citizens , and
business men , of Broken Bow , I
wish to call your allenlion lo Ihe
facl lhal February Ihe 12lh is
the anniversary of Ihe birlh of
"Our Marlyrd Lincoln , " and I
hereby requesl lhal the residen
ces and business houses , be dec
orated on that day with the flags
and bunting , thai Ihe young and
rising'generation be taught to
revere his name and lo love a ,
United Country.
Very Truly Yours ,
Palriolic Inslructor.
County Sup't Lewis has made
arrangements for a series of
Teacher's Meetings in Ihe differ
ent corners of the counly lo dis
cuss some questions of inipor-
lance lo all teachers , and also lo
consider some plans for Ihe
Eighth Grade Commencement to
be held here this spring and the
coming Junior Normal. The
first meeting will be held al
Broken Bow Feb. 26th , al the
College building. All schools in
the vicinity of this place as well
as those in the vicinity of Merna
and Anselmo are asked to take
part in Ihis meeling. An invi-
lalion is also extended lo all
patrons of those schools to come.
The questions lo be discussed are
such as will interest all.
Rev. N. T. Harmon , a former
pastor of the Christian church in
this city , now a resident of Jules-
burg , Colorado , arrived last Fri
day for a visit. He filled the
pulpit at the Christian church
Sunday evening. Kev. Harmon
is well pleased with his new
home- About two years ago he
purchased 160 acres of land for
$8.00 per acre which he lately
sold for $27.00.
Sheriff Kennedy took the
prisoners , Day and Edwasds , to
Grand Island jail Tuesday , where
they will be confined until court
adjourns , when he will take them
to Lincoln and turn them over to
the stal ° penitentiary authorities.
Abraham Edrainisten , of Eddy-
ville , waa in the city Tuesday
the guesl of H. Lotnax. Mr ,
Edministen filed on a Kinkaid
homestead while here ia the
vicinily of Thedford
Col. Laaerve haa recently lo
cated at Dublin , Colorado , and ia
in the city thia week arranging
to ship hia household gooda to
hia new home ,
Electric Light Franchise Granted and Contract Let for New \l\s\\ \ \ \ \
School Building Let. Now a Sewer System ,
The city council Saturday eve
ning granted an electric light
franchise to Edgar P. Steen and
Charles C , Gibson. The fran
chise is to run twenty years , and
the interests of the people arc
amply safeguarded in the fran *
chise. A certified check is on
deposit guaranteeing that the
work will be commenced within
ninety days and completed by
September 1 , 1910. After $2,000
has been expended in construc
tion the check reverts to its ma
kers. A * 15OCO bond is also held
by the council to indemnify Bro
ken Bow for any damages that
might accrue from construction ,
A minimum charge for lights
of $1.25 per month , . or fifteen
cents per kilowatt hour is exac
ted , Meters will be installed fo.r
which a cash deposit of * 5 will
be : required. The charge for
lights above the minimum
amount will be thirteen cents per
kilowatt hour.
A New Slate Law.
A law went into effect in the
state of Nebraska August 10 ,
1901) ) , which will be of interest
to parties having public sales
or those interested in buying
stock at sales. The law is rela
tive to the Rules and Ltcgulations
covering public sales in Nebraska.
On page four of section seven of
the said Rules and Regulation
il is "stated 'that all dairy or
breeding cattle offered for sale
at public action should be tested
for tuberculosis before being- ' re
moved from the premises. This
covers farm sales as they are ad
vertised to the public and stock
sold at public auction and there *
fore come under the regulations.
Any registered veterinarian can
test the cattle and it would be
well for all persons to attend to
this before having their sale as
there is a heavy fine attached to
the disobeyance of the rules and
Commercial Club Gels Busy. '
The Commercial Club met Sat
urday night and appointed com
mittees with a view to taking up
the question of public sewerage
and a city hall. This is certainly
a step in the right direction , and
with proper energy behind the
move we see no reason why Brok
en Bow should not have both of
these before the close of the
present year. The columns of
the Republican are open to the
club for any matter of publicity
it may desire to present to the
public. Keep the wheel rollinq.
Bids for the construction of
the new high school building
were opened by the school hoard
Tuesday. , Ten bids were on file
ranging in amount from some
thing over $36,000 down to $29-
885. ' The 'latter bid was sub-
milled by John Neplune , of Aur
ora. The conlracl was signed
up al ihe office of the supervising
architect in Omaha yesterday ,
Mr. .Neptune agrees to complete
the building ready for occupancy'
by November 1st , , 1910. ,
Mr. * Ncplunc is a prominent
contractor and builder and bus
several fine , buildings throughout
the state to his credil. He makes
a praclice of employing all Ihe
home labor he can use and will
no doubt do so here.
The Republican will endeavor
to get a photograph of the build
ing as it will appear when com
pleted for publication in the near
future. It will be an elegant
slruclure and a credil to thecily.
At. ! : . Church. K. II. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
morning sermon 11:00 : a. in ; Jun
ior league 2:30 : p. in ; Epworlh
league 0:30 : p. in ; evening sermon
7:30 : p. m ; E. L. Mission Study
Class , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. in.
Come and worship with us you
will be a stranger in Ihe church
but once. . . . , . , „ . .
Uaplist Umrcli ; A. T. Norwood , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
preaching 11:00 : a. tn ; Junior
union 3:00 : p. m ; B. Y. P , U. 6:30 :
p. in ; preaching 7:30 : p. m ;
leachers' uieeling Monday 7:30 :
p. ui ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 :
p. m ; prayer meeling Wednesday
7:30 : p ui ; Auiotna class first and
third Saturday of each month
7:30 : p. m. * '
Christian Church / . 0. Do ward , Pastor.
Bible school 10:00 : a. m. Preach
ing and Communion services U :
00 a. m. Special services at the
morning hour for the old folks.
Special song service and sermon
7:30 : p m. Christian Kndeavor
hour 7:30 : p. in.
U. II Church S. M. 7ike. Pastor
Quarterly meeting Saturday at
3UO : p , in ; preaching Sunday a
11:00 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m ; Sun
day School'at 10:00'a. : m ; Junior
C. E. at 3:00 : p. in ,
Cordial invitation .to all who
desire to woaship with us.
Joseph Slegel , Prank and
Albert Krol , of Sargent , had
business in district court Mon
A full gallon cau of Apricts only
40 a pouud price 400 , "or Teaches
mid Apples. Just stop and won
The finest SHur Kinut , The Sil
ver Thread , loc t quurt
Weinerwirst ami Lamrhrnn Iouf
the finest 150 a pound.
Our While leather Syrup at 6oc a
puil is a high grade syrup at u
moderate price , so the people suy.
The finest Pepper Sauce made
and in the prettiest bottlea the
hot stuff 2oc.
Cubter County Haled Hay 500 H
hale delivered.
Broken Bow , Mason City and
Aurora Flour
Oranges , the genuine Sun Kist
navels A silver orange spoon
given away by the growers for
only 12 wrappers , 250 , 301 , 351 : ,
400 , and 450 u drum ,
Sealahipt Oysters , Fresh I'Uh
and Suit Pish during lent
I'lg Souse , good eating 2 pounds
Luscious new Mackerel , J for
Full Cream vork State Cheese ,
250 a pound
6 cans Utah White Cherries $ i ; &
6 cans Utah Table Peaches ji 02
6 cans Utah Table Apricots 6c
This is very cheap for Ihe quality
of the fruit All in 2 # pound cans