I'flB ODSTffiR COUNT ! REPUBLICAN THE LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Riulling Reporter * Good piano for $25.00. II. A. Watta'a Piano House. C. A. Norcutt , Lather , con tract or yard work. Tel. 268. ' Look foi the program of the Choral Union concert on firat page. G T. Robinson went to Omaha ' the first of the week for a short visit. Wm Edmunds , of Merna , was in town Monday and made this office a pleasant call. 6 per cent money for Farm Loans no commission optional payment. James Ledwich , Imported linens and Tussah silks in all the rich colors for spring dresses. Kiffin-Lucke Co. Misses Mac Moore , C. E. Moran and Ida Browning , of Oconto , were Broken Bow visitors Mon day. From present indiciations this will be a boom year in Broken Bow for building. Let the good work go on. You will miss a rare treat if you miss the concert next Tues day evening by the People's Choral Union. Mra. 0. G Rosa , wife of the manager of the New York Store , arrived last Thursday to make her home in Broken Bow. We have a complete line of ( j boys' wash and woolen suits from J 2 to 15 years. Visit this de- p partment. Kiffin-Luckc Co. i Fifty voices from the best mu sical talent of the city will fur nish the program at the opera house next Tuesday evening , 'February 8lh. ' . FOR SALB 35 head of Poland China brood sows , choice indi viduals and'with pigs , eligible to register. Chas. Scholz , Broken liow. ' 35-tf If the ground hog saw his shadow yesterday he must have used arctic eyes. However , we will know he did , if we have six weeks of winter. From Feb. 7 to March 5th , 1910 , we will give with each pur- chafe of $5.00 worth of goods one chance on a $22 50 sewing machine free. Konkcl , The Fur niture Man. Judge R. Dean , who- has been Visiting in Iowa since the ex piration of his term as supreme judge , returned to Broken Bow the latter part of last week. He will resume the practice of law. Herwick Castle , Royal High landers of this city have planned to'celebrate the thirteenth anni versary of the castle at their next meeting February 15th. The meeting will be opened to invited guests. A literary pro gram and refreshments will be features of the evening. Drs. Farnsworth & Beck Dentists. Peter Beck , of Georgetown , was a Broken Bow visitor yester day. We have checked into stock sonic new ladies' neckwear. Kif fin-Luckc Co. All music lovers should attend the Concert by the People's Chor al Union , Feb. 8th. C. S. Francis left Thursday night of last week for an indefi- nate visit in Oregon. R. N. Norcutt went to Dunning Wednesday to do some carpenter work for A. II. Jewett. Ladies' Tailored waists for spring in a complete range of prices. Kiffin-Lucke Co. You will enjoy the instrument al as well as the vocal numbers in the concert by the Choral Union. Karl Neckudor and Fred Flan- cky , of Sargent , were here the first of the week attending dis trict court. Watch our window Thursday for ribbon display. An all silk ribbon , 3 , 3 # and 4 inches wide , on sale Saturday at lOc the yard. Kiffin-Lucke Co. The county board has had con structed a building for the vaults in the street in front of the temple theatre for the use of the county records. The building ia brick covered both on the outside and inside with iron. II. E. Chapel , a contractor and builder of Lincoln , was here the first of the week visiting his brother-in law , C , M. King. Mr. Chapel has decided to locate in Broken Bow and will remove here about the fi st of March , W. J. Quinn and Miss Mabe ] Huffman , both of Eclipse , were married at the Commercial hotel parlors Monday evening , Rev , J. E. Aubrey , pastor of the Pres byterian church , officiating , James Haney and wife , Marior Huffman and wife , Mrs. M , Quinn and Miss Anna Quinn , al of Eclipse , were members of the wedding party. FOR SALE My block of land containing about 3 acaes in Broken Bow , Nebraska , 7 blocks from south side school and public square , 6 room house , Hy draulic well , Duplex winndtuill and cistern on hill , water piped in house and to lawn , barn for six horses , haymow - mow for three or four tons of hay , new granary , buggy shed , hen house , coal house , hog house , frost proof cave , 22 bearing cherry trees , 8 bear ing plums and other trees , Price $2,300 , Can make terms , Special discount for all cash. U-C STREET Broken Bow , Nebraska. NEWS OF THE COUNTY Bell School District. VICIN1TV This snow was an un welcomed guest. We were all appreciating the beautiful sunshinny weather. Jno. Plymale sold a car load of cattle to Chas Smith and Pius Cristcn Friday. ' 1 he many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manuel spent an en- j > yable afternoon and eveniug with them Friday. Mrs , Jennie Siinms attended Rev. Haney's sale , south of Anseluio Friday. Miss Lillian Andrews spent Satday and Sunday with Cenuie Cristcn. Little David Forsytn , Mrs. Jno. Bell and Frank Maunel are on the sick list. Several of our young people attended the party given Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knoell. The evening was spent in various amusements. Taffy and fudge were served and all report a good time. Mrs. Will Doman had a rery narrow escape from fire Fri. While dusting off the cook stove , she knock a can of kerosene down on the red hot stove , the Ham s caught her dre s , burned her face. She was all alone at the time but she managed to put it out through skillful knownledge. Mr. and Mrs. Pius Cristen en tertained a goodly number ot their friends Sunday. SCHOOL William Loughran was absent three days last weik. The warm weather spoiled our skating but we found amuse ment otherwise. Our reading lessons for Wed nesday , Thursday and Friday were pieces to be memorized. We supplemented some choice selections on Washington's birth day.We We were very proud to know when Friday evening came that we had every name on our "Honor Roll. " If we only keep them there ! Teddy Forsy th visited us Tues day. Gladys Plymale was absent Thursday , to attend , home duties while Mr. and Mrs. Plymale at- ended to business in. Aaselm ) . 1 Miss Rains spent Wednesday with Theodore and Irene Cr.is.ten ; Frank Novotny with yFrank Manuel. We have organized our pen mauship class into A and B classes and dispensed with copy books , begun muscular movement and its essentials. Zumbrota Zephyrs. Misses Essie and Zuie Holcomb were visiting at B. B. Sands' Saturday nnd Sunday. In honor of Adeline Johnson's 12th birthday Jan. 28th , a num ber ot her friends spent the even ing at her home. A pleasant time was spent with games. Refreshments were served. W. W. Bishop is among the unfortunate ones who have lost cattle in corn stalks , having lost six the past week. Charles Koozer rode the M. B. A. goat at their last meeting. Oscar Tappau and B. B. Sands have new pianos in their homes. E. B. Barber lost a cow and calf last Saturday. Lela Koozer missed a number of days of school owing to the bad roads. B. B. Sands , O. Tappan and A. I. Routh baled hay this week. See our Trunks and Suit Cases. T Hrge size Trunks at $4.25 and up. Suit Cases at 980 , I 50 , 1.65,2.35 and up ot fS , Notions. Pins , Ic per package , A fine baby boy arrived at the pome of Frank Routh and wife a few dayo ago. Mother and child doing nicely. Miss Lulu Williams was visit ing her brother , W. W. Williams. Si. D. Stone and wife cele- aruled their fifth wedding anni versary last Monday by entertain ing Mr. and Mrs. O. Tappan , Mr. and Mrs- Ralph Johnson , Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Bigger- staff , A very pleasant time was iiad , but just after the guests had departed their little boy , three earsoldwcnt | into spasms. A doctor was summoned. The little one is now better. A sad ending for the day. B. B Sands will have a num ber of men in his field this week trying to get his corn out. Farm ers are petting desperate. Mrs. Koczer visited at Ralph Johson's Tuesday. Rev. Marks had had a cow in what is knows as the Peden pas ture. Evidently not pleased with her surroundings jumped out and was found a few days later by one of Mr. Koozer'a stacks , dead. Dry Valley Items. J. T. Arthus was in the Valley Sunday looking over his farms. Public sales are getting quite common these days , as each day in the week there's a sale in one's neighborhood. The stock market got quite a set back the past week and sever al had stock ready for market but were not ready to pet them to market. Now , they're wish ing they had sold them when the price was high. Glaus Worth returned from Hastings Saturday , where he had been calf by the serious ill ness of his daughter Some of the doctors there insisted upon operating on her but Claus de sisted till a specialist was con sulted and after his diagnosis an operation was entirely unneces- say. Another snow visited the Val ley Friday night. While it stop ped corn gathering at the same time its good for the ground and fall wheat. Don't buy another thing till you've installed in your leeding yards one of "the only Hog Waterers" for sale by J. L. Fer guson , Comstock. Put out on 30 days free trial. Wont freeze , no tiouble , no attention and plenty of good fresh water al ways in the trough. Doc. Worley dropped into Com stock from Missouri last Wednes day evening after a three months sojourn in the puke state. Now , Do'c. says Custer is good enough for him. It's the same old story , they'll tell us there's a whole lot better places elsewhere but in variably they'll come back with the remark , Custer county is plenty good enough for me. Prairie Center. A nice little snow fell Friday night. John and Mr. Beal are some better. Mrs. Rhoades and daughter , Ona visited at Kirkp itrick's Wednesday. Ernest Rains and Charley Beal visited at Farmers' Thursday night. Frances Shurr and Grace Beal stayed with Helen Predmore Wednesday night. Medd Glenn and Earl Reed husked corn for Elvin Hoga- boom Thursday and Friday. They finished Friday night. Cleaiing Sale of Ladies , Misses and Child ren's Coats , at less than one half of actual cost , Ladles Coats at $3.99 to 8.76. Misses Coats at $3 99 to1 76. Children's Coats at $1.99 to 3 96. Infants Coats at f 1.36 to 2.79. Pearl Buttons , 2c a dozen. Silk Thread , 2 for 50. Many others to numerous to mention Ladies White Embroidered Front and Tailored - ed Shirt Waists , icgular $1.50 and 2.oovalues at ALENTINES Our itock of Valcntinei are open for your inspection , consisting of Large Celluloid and Fancy Mounted Creations Also a Full Line of Valentine Cards and Postals J. G. HAEBERLE DRUGGIST AND STATIONER Lester Kirkpatrick and wife visited at Elvin Hogaboom's Thursday. Elvin and Lester went to Yoeman's sale. Mrs. M. V. Rains took dinner with Mrs. Ryerson in Broken Bow Saturday. Mrs Purcpll visited at L. D. Kirkpatrick's last week. Opal Predmore and Prudence Beal visited at Reyner's Weduts- day night. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hogaboom visited at John Price's Sunday. The corn sheller was at Hoga- boom's Monday. McKinley Alurmurings. Several from here attended literary at Custer last Friday night. They report literary progressing nicely. Roy Russell departed Thurs day for Lovelaceville , Kentucky , where he was called by the ill ness of his wife who is there visiting relatives. John Reinhard slipped and fell last Tuesday and sprained his right ankle and has been unable to be about since. Lizzie Haefele has been on the sick list the last few days. Anna Reinhard , Violet Wim- mer , Dan Sickler and Jake Kock spent Sunday evening at Joseph Haefele's. Walter and Leonard Haefele were Broken Bow visitors Mon day. day.The The dance At E. LShoup's was not well attended owing to bad weather. J. E. Neth and family visited a few days last week with rela tives and friends at Broken Bow. Anna Tietjens went to her homestead fifteen miles west ol Callaway Monday. Walter and Leonard Haefele attended Joe Yoeman's sale last Wednesday. Alerna News. The entertainment given by the Catholic ladies last Thursday evening was well attended. A fine program was rendered and all were well pleased. The lecture at the Baptist church last Friday night by the pastor , Rev. Gaston , was largely attended and well received. On Tuesday evening at the home of the bride , occured the marriage of Miss Minnie Taylor and Mr. Oscar Hostic. Rev. Gaston was the officiating min ister. Only relatives were pres ent. On the evening previous to the wedding a shower was piven to the bride by lady friends Both parties are well and favor- bly known in Merna , which will be their future home. There is just now a good deal of exitement over reported diph theria. Last week the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Ladies and Gents Furnishings , Fine Line of Hosiery at ? c , 8c , , ioc , and .l6c. Handkerchiefs at ic , ac , 50 , yc , .150 and .290. Fine Suspenders at .loc , .10 and .380. New line of Hats for Men and Boys at .98 , $1.45 anl 2 25. 690 and Sgc. ned Spreads large Sizes at 690 i 1.79 and 2 48 Smart New Princess Dresses at $6.95 , 8 95 and 9 98. Gordon died with the dreaded disease , while away from home with its parents visiting Mrs. Gordon's parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rash , who live eight miles north of Anselrao. The death was very sudden and a very sad one. The remains were'brought to Merna and intered with out public funeral. The Gordon iiome is now under quarantine. At this writing it is reported that Mr. Jay Graham's child is at the point of death and the doctors pronounce it another case of diphtheria. Mr. David Beatle , of Anselmo , stopped over in Merna one night this week. He is on his way to Waterloo , Iowa. Prairie Hill. Mr. Evins is on the sick list. Ora Morford was home from school a few days last week on account of sickness , Lillie Longfellow 13 on the sick list. Mr. Gibbsand family of Ormby visited at Mr. Longfellow's Sun day.Chas. Chas. Bay and Chas. Long fellow are shelling corn on Ryno table. Mrs. Myers is working for Mrs. L. T. Martin instead af Maud Haefele. , A few of the boys attended the dance at Emmet ' Shoup's Satur day night. The Ladies Aid Society will have a sale at Mrs. Thomas' Friday Feb llth. They will also serve supper. ' ? . Ortello News. Lena Taylor visited Thurs day at J. M. Ingram's. There is no school at Sunshine , tills WGClc * * Albert Hill shelled corn for Chas. Brandt Monday. G. A. Cooley and wife , of Mar vin , visited at J. M. Ingram's Sunday night. M. F. Blankship was in the valley last Thursday. Eddie and Otis Smith spent Sunday with the Ingram boys. J. S. Dyke and wife spent Sun day at J. M. Ingram's. Bessie Pinckney spent Sunday with home folks , returning Mon day morning to her school. Lena Taylor is taking a rest this week. TAX NOTICE. Certificate No. A4098. To Julius Wlcicham : You are hereby notlUed that on April llth , 1908 , c M. Kellcy purchashed at public sale for taxes for the years 1894 and li i to 1900 Inclusive , and have paid all subsequent taxes on real estate described as follows : A parcel In tli < northwest corner Blocw S , Ueyn r's addition to Broken BOW , Nebraska , commencing itxi feet south of northwest corner.south 50 feel , cast 112 feet , north 50 feet , west 11 i feet. That said land was assessed In the name of Julius Wic < hatn. and that after the esptr : atlon of three months from the third > pub- licatlou of this notice tax deed will be applied Dated January 0,1910. C. M. KKLLBY. Saturday Afternoon Saturday Afternoon ONLY GREAT CLEARING SALE ONLY Men's Underwear Men's Dress Shirts 25o Each TO START SATURDAY , FEB 1910 25c Each Orders received from Headquarters to MAKE A CLEAN SWEAP OF ODDS AND ENDS accumulated during our stay in Broken Bow. Also every Dollars Worth of Winter Goods on hand. This must be done at once , before Spring : Stock begins to arrive. The orders say SELL the roods no matter what sacr-iice we have to make to do it. I am certainly goingto follow instructions to a T. This Company has come to stay and you can look for GOOD Bargains from us at all times , especially for this Clearing Sale. Clearing Sale of Men's Suits , Pants and Cray- anettes. Men's Suits $7.95 , 9,95 , 12.50 and 14.95 Men's Cravanettes at $7.95 and 10 50. Men's Pants .85 , .98 , ( .25 , 2.69 , mid 1.79 Hoy's Suits $1.98 and 2.48 Clearing sale of Skirts , all Sizes , and Colors at $2 95 , 3-95 and 4 95 Black Voiles $5.95 , 6 95 , and 7 95. While and Black Petticoats at .480 75 , .89 .980 , i 25 , I 48 and i 98. Gloves , Mittens and Sweaters for All at and up. Great Sale of Embroidery 'from I to 18 inches wide at Prices that will surprise you all. Widths' i to 4 inches , 40 per yd ; 4to 8inches , 6c per yd , 8 to 18 inches , I2c , 15 and 190. s/t IPiriooss IJxtra good Quality of 11-4 Blankets at 890 , 980 and I.39C per pair. All Wool Blankets at 3.95. Comforts at less cost than Material to make them nt $1.59 , 1.89 , a.49 and 2.69. I < ace Curtains finest to be had at per pair 390 , ° 9c , fi 39. 2.98 and 3,98. We have many other bargains in our large line of which space forbids mention. " ; : ; : ; : ; : NEW YORK STORE BROKEN BOW * * * ' v * - - . . . i . _ . t