Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 03, 1910, Image 7

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Omaha , Nebraska , January 2G. Thl
city is at present in the midst of an
excitement beyond anything that It
has experienced In recent years.
Old and young , rich and poor , aH
seem to have become beside them
selves over an individual who was a
stranger to Omaha up to two weeks
The man who has created nil this
turmoil is L. T. Cooper , President of
the Cooper Medicine Co. , of Dayton ,
Ohio , who is at present introducing
his preparations in this city for the
first time.
Cooper Is a man about thirty years
of ago and has acquired a fortune
within the past two years by the sale
of Bomo preparations of which ho is
the owner.
Reports from eastern cities that pro
ceeded the young man hero were of
the most startling nature , many of
the leading dailies going so far as testate
state that ho had nightly cured in
public places rheumatism of years'
standing with one of his preparations.
The physicians of the East contradict
ed this statement , claiming the thing
to bo impossible , but the facts Boomed
to bear out the statement that Cooper
actually did so.
In consequence people flocked to
him by thousands and his prepara
tions sold like wildfiro.
1 Many of these stories were regard
ed as llctitious in Omaha and until
Cooper actually reached this city little
attention was paid to them. Hardly
had the young man arrived , however ,
when ho began giving demonstrations ,
as ho calls them , in public , and daily
met people afflicted with rheumatism ,
and with a single application of ono
of his preparations actually made
them wallc without the aid of either
canes or crutches.
In addition to this work Cooper ad
vanced the theory that stomach trou
ble is the foundation of nine out of
ten diseases and claimed to have a
preparation that would restore the
stomach to working order and thus
got rid of such troubles as catarrh and
affections of the kidneys and liver , In
about two weeks' time.
" This statement seems to have been
borne out by the remarkable results
obtained through the use of his prep
aration , nnd now all Omah ? . is ap-
parently irad over the young man.
How long the tremendous interest
in Cooper will last is hard to estimate.
At present there seems to be no sign
of n let-up. Reputable physicians
claim it tq be a fad that will die out
as soon as Cooper leaves.
In justice "to him , however , it must
be said that he seems to have accom
plished a great deal for the sick of
\this city with his preparations.
Childish Inference.
Little Julia wjts taking her after
noon walk with her mother. Her at
tention was attracted for the first time
to : i large church edifice on one of the
street corners.
"Oh , mother ! " she exclaimed ,
"whose nice big house is that ? "
"That , Julia , is God's house , " ex
plained the mother.
"Somq time later it happened that
the child was again taken by the
church , this time on Sunday evening
when services were in progress.
Julia , noticing the brilliantly lighted
windows , drew her own conclusions.
"Oh , look , mother , " she called out ,
"God must bo having a party. "
All'n'n iMtin llal'inn euros when all other remedies
fall. This old rnllatiln inrdlrlno has lionn sold forever
over 40 years. bottles. All dealers.
Cheap notoriety often turns out to
be an expensive luxury.
Nebraska Directory
Money Back if
Does not relieve you
of Constipation
Every package bears the
above guarantee and not
one has yet asked for their
Ask your grocer.
He Certainly Knows
Beatrice Creamery Go
Fay a the hlgheit price for
Mall nrclrrs Klvrn eni-clal attention. All hinds
amuicur sumilk'a btrlctly frutti. Hciul torc-ittlofuo.
Lincoln , Neb.
Lincoln Tannery FurCoals'Robes'RlIss
rte cuHUnii Work our
Specialty. Highest Prices imlcl for Uldea.
Solid fur prices niul tajn ,
HENRY HOLU. 134 60. Oth Street. , Lincoln , Neb.
Why docs Great Britain buy ltd
oatmeal of us ?
Certainly it seems llko carrying
coals to Newcastle to speak of exportIng -
Ing oatmeal to Scotland and yet , every
year the Quaker Oats Company sends
hundreds of thousands of cases of
Quaker Oats to Great Britain and
The reason is simple ; while the
English and Scotch have for centuries
eaten oatmeal in quantities and with a
regularity that has made them the
most rugged physically , and active
mentally of all people , the American
has been eating oatmeal and trying all
the time to improve the methods of
manufacture so that he might get that
desirable foreign trade.
How well ho has succeeded would
be seen nt a glance nt the export re
ports of Quaker Oats. This brand in
recognized as without a rival in clean
liness and delicious flavor. 51
"While we were on our honeymoon ,
I always spoke French to my husband ,
EO that no ono should understand us. "
"So you went to Franco , did you ? "
"In Dowlais , South Wales , about fif
teen years ago , families were strick
en wholesale by a disease known as
the itch. 15ellevo me , it is the most
terrible disease of its kind that I
know of , as it Itches ell through your
body and makes your life an inferno.
Sleep Is out of the question and you
feel as if n million mosquitoes were
attacking you at the same time. I
knew a dozen families that were so
"The doctors did their best , but
their remedies were of no avail what
ever. Then the families tried a drug
gist who was noted far and wide for
his remar.kablo cures. People came
to him from all parts of the country
for treatment , but his medicine made
matters still worse , as a last resort
they were advised by a friend to nso
the Cutlcura Remedies. I am glad to
tell you that after a few days' treat
ment with Cuticura Soap , Ointment
and Resolvent , the effect was wonder
ful nnd the result was a perfect euro
In all cases.
"I may add that my three brothers ,
three sisters , myself and all our fam
ilies have been users of the Cutlcnra
Remedies for fifteen years. Thomas
Hugh , 1650 West Huron St. , Chicago ,
111. , June 29. 1909. "
A Roman poet told of the pride one
of the late Caesars took in his great
whiskers. On some of the wildwood
Hill Billies I have seen beards some
feet long , a switch of the loose ends
hanging out from under the waistcoat.
Others braided the growth and tied It
around the neck , while still others
braided It around the waist , tying It
behind like apron strings. One told
me he combed and plaited his every
night , and put it away into a long
linen bag or nightgown , so as to keep
It from getting all tangled up with his
wife and his feet. New York Press.
Professional Conduct.
One of tlio best stories told about
Mr. Birrcll concerns a poor client ,
whose case ho took up for nothing.
When the case had been won , the cli
ent gratefully sent him the sum of 15s ,
which ho accepted in order not 10 give
offense. A colleague reproached him ,
however , for this "unprofessional con
duct" in taking less than gold. "But
I too kail the poor beggar had , " said
Mr. Birrell , "and I consider that is not
unprofessional. " M. A. P.
How It Struck Him.
"Behold the wondrous beauties of
yon sunset sky , " exclaimed the poet.
"How piodlgal nature is with Its re
splendent glories. "
"Yes , " answered the busy publisher ,
In an absent-minded tone , "it Is going
some to throw In a colored supple
ment every day. "
Leads to Madness , If not P.emedled In
"Experiments satisfied me , some 5
years ago , " writes a Topcka woman ,
"that coffee was the direct cause of the
Insomnia from which I suffered ter
ribly , as well as the extreme nervous
ness and acute dyspepsia which made
Jlfe a most painful thing for me.
"I had been a coffee drinker since
childhood , and did not like to think
that the beverage was doing me all this
harm. But it was , and the titno carne
when I had to face tlio fact , and pro
tect myself. I therefore gave up coffee
abruptly and absolutely , and adopted
Postum as my hot drink at meals.
"I began to note improvement in my
condition very soon after I took on
Postum. The change proceeded grad
ually , but. surely , and it was a matter of
only a few weeks before I found my
self entirely relieved the nervousness
passed nway , my digestive apparatus
was restored to normal efficiency , and
I began to sleep , restfully and peace
"These happy conditions have con
tinued during all of the 5 years , and I
am safe in saying that I ewe them en
tirely to Postum , for when I began to
drink it I ceased to use medicine. "
Read the little book , "Tho Road to
Wcllvllle"ln pkgs. "There's a Reason. "
Hior rrncl < lie nlinvo letter f A iii-rr
ono nprKMut < from time to timo. They
nrtKfiinlne , true , niid full of bullion
Hist ! Shirt Mvsterv Puzzles Police
ft HICAOO. The Woodlawn police
V/ have been working on a deep mys
tery to solve.
It concerns three woolen shirts.
Two of the garments are size IB and
the other is 1C , according to a message
sent to all police stations by Capt.
John McWecnoy.
The shirts wore found by Patrolman
Hogan at Sixty-third street and Madi
son avenue. They wore strewn along
the sidewalk. Hogan called the patrol
wagon and the shirts were sent to the
Close examination of the garments
revealed their size. After the lien-
tenant and sergeant and "fly cops" dis
cussed the mystery for 15 minutes a
message was framed and telephoned
to the central station. Later it was
transmitted to each of the 44 stations
in the city. This was the message :
There is at this station three woolen
shirts. Two are size 15 and one 1C.
Capt. McWecney's name was signed
to it.
Patrolman Hogan modestly told of
the "find" as follows :
"I was traveling my post about
eight o'clock when my attention was
attracted by the shirts lying on the
sidewalk. As near as' I can judge ,
they wore about three feet apart. I
won't be positive , but I think the first
one that I picked up was Blue 1C. The
other two were one size smaller.
"I at once scented a mystery of
Kick on Rooster'
UFFALO , N. Y. Harry Wcntworth's
trained Brahma rooster crows lus
tily every morning before dawn and
struts proudly forth from the little
coop in which ho is "kept in a yard
opposite police station No. 3 in Pearl
street. The trained Brahma hen oc
casionally looks around , and , if she
sees no signs of the daylight over
which her lord so proudly crows , she
draws back into the snug coop again.
Now the hen goes to sleep ; but the
neighbors can't. Six months ago the
rooster whipped a cat on the steps of
the Asbury M. E. church. The neigh
bors admired the rooster for the feat ,
because cats have been n nightly nui
sance In the neighborhood. For a week
after the light with the cat the rooster
crowed every morning. It was summer
and folks did not mind it so much.
Then Wentworth took the rooster for
exhibition in a circus. They got back
some kind. Either the shirts were
part of the proceeds of n burglary or ,
they hnd boon lost was the theory
that first suggested itself. There was
no laundry marks on the shirts , prov
ing that they hnd never been worn.
"I cnllod the wagon nnd sent the
garments to the station. That is all
1 know about the mystery. "
Lieutenant nnd Detective Sullivan
was asked what ho thought about the
shirt mystery nnd replied :
"Not having seen the shirts I
wouldn't care to express an opinion
offhand. There certainly is some mys
tery thero. I am acquainted with Po
liceman Hogan , who found the shirts ,
nnd know him to bo an efficient , level
headed man. Something might de
velop In a few hours that will assist
In clearing up the mystery. "
When the finding of the shirts was
reported to Inspector Hunt ho or
dered the arrest of all suspicious per
sons In the Hyde Park nnd Woodlawn
police districts.
"It is the biggest mystery wo have
had in this pollco division for years , "
the Inspector said. "Tho question is ,
'who owned the shirts ? ' Until wo cs <
tabllsh the identity of the owner wq
will bo groping In the fiark. My do-
toctlvo reasoning tolls mo that the
shirts belong to two persons , an they
are of different sizes. The absence
of laundry marks prove nothing. For
all wo know the owners of the shirts
had them washed at home. "
Assistant Chief of Pollco Schuttler
doesn't believe the finding of the
shlrto had anything to do with gam
"I have heard the expression that
a gambler would take the shirt off his
back to raise money to play , " the as
sistant chief said , "but I think the gar
ments don't belong to a gambler. "
's ' Early Crowing
three weeks ago. The neighbors knew
that lirahma was back the very next
morning. They have known it every
morning since. A committee called
upon Capt. Gilligan iincl made com
"Wo might stand It If the blamed
bird crowed around sunrise , " said one
man to the captain. "But I'll bo
hanged if I'm going to put up with n
racket that began this morning at
3:45. : "
The captfiin recommended the board
of health. 1 he delegation 'wanted more
immediate action. Patrolman Conley
was detailed by the captain to see
"If he can't put something over the
rooster's bill , " said the captain , "ask
him if he'll keep it in the basement or
some other place unfil this thing is
straightened out. "
"Wentworth told mo , " said Conley ,
"that he could not understand what
had got into that roostqr. Ho never
crowed before ho whipped the cat. IIcj
did not crow all summer long ; but {
ho began to crow again Just as soon asi
ho got sight of the church stops , whore ;
the battle was fought. He's going to
board him in a livery stable for a few
days and see how that works. "
Would Let College Girls Have Beans
AMBRIDGE , Mass. "The amount of
attention a 'co-ed' should receive
from a young man , the time of his ar
rival and departure , nnd the necessity
of a chaperon , depend entirely on con
ditions , " said Dean Lebaron K. Brlggs ,
president of Harvard college and a
dean of Harvard university. Dean
Brlggs , who Is the most popular of the
Instructors at Harvard and beloved by
the college girls at Radcllffo , makes
this declaration in answer to the ques
tion , "How should a 'co-ed' bo court
ed ? "
Says Dean Brlggs , "Tho college girl
Is no different than any other of her
sex. She craves company and social
entertainments. To my mind it is per
fectly proper that the 'co-ed * should en
tertain gentlemen callers while at col
lege if they do not interfere with her
studies. A gentleman in the true sonsq
of the word always knows when it is ;
time to take his departure , so there 1
no need for the college girl to burn
the riiidnight oil in efforts to make up
for time lost In entertaining a friend
which should have been given over to
study. "
"The social world with all its bright
and dazzling lights flnds but little symi
pathy with studious pursuits and Is an
enemy to the college girl and her
studies. " continued Mr. Brlggs.
"A chaperon Is , of course , a neces
sary evil , and while I approve of them
In the house when a young lady re
ceives callers , I can hardly imagine ono
seated in a room when a young man
calls to see n lady friend with serious
intent. At Radcllffo wo try to make
the girls as happy as Wo can. They
have their fraternities , athletic associa
tions and little social affairs , which
make them there withal better during
their alloted study work.
"A young lady herself is the best
chooser of her friends of the opposite
sex , and his habits should suit her ; '
and If BO no ono else should Inter
fere. "
Lost Appetite Cause of Bank Merger
CINCINNATI. A tired man , and a
lost appetite are responsible for
the formation in Cincinnati of the last
bank in the Ohio valley and ono of the
12 greatest financial institutions in
the United States , a bank which will
have a capitalization of $0,000,000 and
deposits of $26,000,000.
M. E. Ingalls , for years at the head
of the Big Four railroad ; once head
of the Cincinnati Ohio ; organizer ,
president and managing head of the
Merchants National bank , worn out by
his long years of service , slowly
walked into the Queen City club din
ing room recently. Ho had boon
there but a few minutes when W. S.
Howe , president of the First National ,
caught sight of Ingalls dining alone. '
and walked over and took a seat
across from him. Both chatted pleas
antly until Ingulls' luncheon was
placed upon the table.
"What's the matter ? Don't seem to
ue eating very much to-day , " said
President Rowe.
"Oh , I don't know. Seems as if my
appetite has failed me. "
"Why don't you tuko n trip ? What
Is keeping you ? " suggested Mr. Ho wo.
"The bank at the corner of Fourth
and Vine streets , " was the direct an
"Sell u to mo , " said Rowe , without
a moment's hesitation , looking directly
Into Ingal'a' eyes as ho spoko.
" .Make us a proposition , " said In
galls , finally.
This conversation led to tha big con
Tno Rulltifj Passion ,
An old Irishwoman , in describing n
"gone but not forgotten , " said : "Mlho
was th < J folno man entolrely nnd he'd
bo living now , If It wasn't for the
dhrlnk. Ho hnd n dog nnd sure that
baste would bring him homo from the
saloon whin ho was so blind wld
liquor ho couldn't see n shtep before
him. And whin ho died 'tis Jho truth
I'm shpaklng his ghost walked at
night , both back and foorth , boluno
the saloon nnd his house and bedad
'twas oo dhrunk his dog know him ! "
A Modest Doctor.
Whllo on his vacation , a city doctor
attended the Sunday morning service
nt n llttlo country church. When the
congregation wtis dismissed several
of the mcmborn shook hands with
htm , and one , wishing to learn if ho
were n Methodist , inquired : "Aro
you a professor , brother ? "
"Oh , no , Indeed , " answered the
physician , modestly ; "Just an ordinary
doctor. " Llpplncott's.
, Free to Our Readers.
Wrlto Murlno Kyo Ur-medy Co. , Clitcn-
ro , for 4S-pnno Illustrated Bjo Book Kree.
Wrtto nil about Your Kyo Trouble und
they will ndvlSo rtH to tlio Proper Appli
cation of tlio Murlno Jiyo Ucmrdlca In
Your Special CUBO. Your DriiKirlst will
Scaly ISycllda and Grnmilutlon.
Uses of Oddity.
"Isn't your hat rather curious In
shape ? " asked the uninformed man.
"Certainly , " answered his wife. "It
has to bo. Any hat that wasn't curious
In shape would look queer. "
rirns cimii > in o TO 14 DATS.
PA7O QlNTMHNTUmmmnteeil ti > euro HUT run *
lit KrlmiR. Ullnrt , lllccillm. or rnitrudlnu l'lle In
ttoUUajsormoncr rofuiiUcU. Uo ) ,
Men who have tulvlco to glvo are
never stingy with it.
Your Liver
is Clogged up
That' * Why You're Tired Out of
SorU Have No Appetite.
vrill put you right
in a leydayi. .
They do ITTLE
their duty. IVER
Contlipa. me ®
tloa , Oil.
Uuineu , lodigeitlon , and Sick I
GENUINE must bear signsturc :
"You Pay 10o
JJot oo Good. !
FlCfCIBMft5 ! C"flDOUu < " "
uclrBftiaba oBMrlbn tha p oktK *
other ttarclmi onlf 12 oimcos imo prlca mnd
Book nnil AilvlcoKHKHJ. ,
trnitlrk A l.inreprr , WnshlnKton.
D.U. Iftt. j r . lc t roiimicni.
InYontora' book ftee. Itnaltt
,1 ItobU , L'HU Attya , IM-ltt
JlCHIH llUir. , Wash , , II. U
W. N. U. , LINCOLN , NO. 5-1910.
Strong Healthy Women
II a woman is strong and healthy in a womanly way , moth *
crhood means to her but little suffering. The trouble lies
in the { act that the many women hiiflbr from weakness and
disease of the distinctly feminine organism und are unfitted
lor motherhood. This can bo remedied ,
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription- ,
Cures the wcnlsncsscs and disorders of women.
It acts directly tin the delicate and important
organs concerned in motherhood , mailing then *
Iicalthy , strong , vigorous , virile and clastic.
" ( FavoritePrescription" banishes the indispositions of the
period of expectancy nnd makes 1 why's advent easy and
almost painless. It quickens and vitalizes the feminine
organs , and insures n healthy and robust baby. Thousands of women h vo
testified to its marvelous merits.
ft Makes Weak Women Strong. It Makes Sick Women Well.
Honest druggists do not offer substitutes , and urge them upon you as "Just
as good. " Accept no secret nostrum in place of this non-secret remedy. _ It
contains not a drop of alcohol and not a grain of habit-forming of injurioui
/ drugs. Is u pure glyocrio extract of healing , native American roots.
The shooting , tearing pains of neuralgia are caused
by excitement of the nerves. Sciatica is also a nerve
Sloan's Liniment , a soothing external application ,
stops neuralgia pains at once , quiets the nerves , relieves
that feeling of numbness which is often a warning of
paralysis , and by its tonic effect on the nervous and
muscular tissues , gives permanent as well as immedi
ate relief.
One Application Relieved the Pain.
Mr. J. C. Lr.K , of nee Ninth St. , S. E. , Washington , D. C. , writes :
111 advised a lady who was a great sufferer from neuralgia to try Sloan's Lini
ment. After one application the pain kit her and she has not been troubled
with it since. "
is the best remedy for Rheumatism , Stiff
Joints and Sprains and all Pains.
At All Druggists. Prlco 25c. , GOc. cuid. $1.0O.
Sloan' * Treutlso on tlio Horse lent Frco. Address
Now or I
Never ! "
If ereryou wished for nhomolnCa'l/ornln HOIK ! for free Information alx > ut the greatest Irriga
tion , colonizing nnd home-malting ciitcrprlno ever undertaken. In addition la tlielr irreal
micccsalri Irrigating 400,000 iicren in tlio Twin Kails Country , Jdiiho , tlio Huhnt ) are lrriatlntf |
SSO.OOO ncre In tlio Kucrumento Valley. Send nauiuu of f rlcnilu , Kauy terms to uottlera. We wunl
H. L. HolHstcr. Dcpt. K , 205 LaSallo St. , Chicago , 111.
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